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“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday”

When was the last time you have created something for fun? Stepping into the
adulthood a dull routine, based on work, is introduced in our lives. Although,
everyday might be same for us, there is a way of “washing this dust away from our
soul”, called art, which encourages our creative thinking, enhances our problem-
solving skills, boosts self-esteem and provides a sense of accomplishment.
I would like to start with the fact that creating something with pleasure, even as
a hobby, can make us more confident and give us a “feel of good and
achievement”, due to the fact that we give our imagination its own freedom and
that the dopamine “the motivation neurotransmitter” is boosted in our body.
Moreover, it also increases our concentration and focus on what we are doing,
creating a relaxing place around us. From my own experience, whenever I try to
digitally model something, I feel like I am surrounded by a quiet environment,
being focused only on piece of art, which I am working on, continuously getting
motivation to carry on and once I’m done, I am pleased with the time spent on it
and confident for what’s going to happen in the future.
Furthermore, creating art it’s a great way of training and upgrading your creative
thinking and problem-solving skills, by letting ourselves to see the problem from
different perspectives and searching for different paths to achieve the solution,
making us more flexible in different kinds of situations. In addition, beside the
traditional routes of doing something, we can come up with the most creative
ways, which can make our life easier and our days brighter. For instance,
whenever I try create a piece of art, I always try to find the most innovative and
efficient ways of materializing my thoughts, which also helps me in other domains
such as math, making it more entertaining and easier to understand.
To wrap things up, the best way of getting rid of a boring life, it’s by trying to get
involved in a creative activity, which will intensify your creative and logical
thinking, making you more confident and give you a feel of realization. As Pablo
Picasso once said “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”,
suggesting to all of us to involve the creativeness in our days.
Alexei Maxim 11 R1

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