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Home Assignment

1. Use the verbs in Present Continuous, Present Simple and Past simple tenses.

Every day Now Yesterday

2. I / wash my car
3. My mom / cook dinner
4. They visit / London
5. She / have dinner
6. We / play computer games
7. Ann / listen to music
8. My parents / watch TV
9. The children / play in the yard
10. I / cook pancakes
11. My sister / walk in the park

2. Make the words into past.


1. Stay
2. Cry
3. Stop
4. Visit
5. Try
6. Play
7. Live
8. Pray
9. Like
10. Drop
3. Use the correct option

1. She (read / is reading ) the book two years ago.

2. Ben and Chloe (are reading / read ) a book at the library now.
3. I usually (am getting up / get up) early in the morning.
4. She (gets / got ) up at 7:20 yesterday.
5. I (don’t/didn’t) meet my friends at the café yesterday,
6. She (doesn’t/don’t/didn’t) go to work by bus every day.
7. My mom (speaks / spoke / is speaking) on the phone now.
8. My dad (is washing / washes / washed ) the car 2 hours ago.
9. We (go/went / are going ) to the seaside yesterday.
10. The teacher usually (speak / speaks / is speaking ) English in the Classroom.
11. She (don’t / doesn’t / isn’t) listening to you now.
12. John (isn’t / doesn’t / didn’t / don’t) have a shower in the mornings.
13. My mom sometimes (is cooking / cooked / cooks) fish for dinner at on Sundays.
14. He (isn’t / doesn’t / didn’t) driving to work now.
15. I (am / are / is ) speaking on the phone now.
16. We (don’t / aren’t / didn’t) take many photos last summer.
17. (Do/Does/Did) you see the film last Sunday?
18. (Do/Does/Did) your mom work a lot?
19. (Do/Does/Did) she stay in a hotel last summer?
20. (Do/Does/Did) you go to Italy in2010?
21. (Do/Does/Did) your dad speak English well?
22. (Is / does / are / do) you live in Yerevan?
23. (Is / does / are / do) your dad have a brother?
24. (Is / does / are / do) your friends visit you every week?
25. (Is / did / are / do) you get home late yesterday?
26. (Is / does / are / do) she having lunch at the café now?
27. (Is / did / are / do) you buy your car last year?
28. (Is / does / are / do) Mr. Morris going to the market?
29. (Is / does / are / do) the baby sleeping?
30. (Is / did / are / do) you sleep well last night?
31. (Is / does / are / do) you usually go to bed at midnight?
4. Use the correct verb tense. Make questions and negatives.

1. My grandma often (visit) us on Sundays.

2. The teacher (give) a lot of homework last week,
3. I (chat) with my friend at the moment.
4. Helen and Luke (play) video games after classes every day.
5. She (not finish) her work at 6:00 yesterday.
6. I (not like) football.
7. We (travel) to Egypt last summer.
8. I (look) out of the window at the moment.
9. She (not have) a brother.
10. She (not drink) coffee in the evenings.

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