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Go Getter 2

Skill Revision
Unit 1-2

Exercise 1
Listen and match people 2–6 with places a–f. There is one extra place.
Exercise 2
Listen and complete the notes with food products. Write one word in each gap.

Breakfast: orange juice, toast, butter and _______________,_______________.

Lunch: _______________ with tomatoes and cheese, _______________
Dinner: chicken and a_______________, _______________with strawberries

Exercise 3

1. Էլենան նախաճաշում է դպրոցում։

2. Մենք ունենք ֆիզկ․ և կերպարվեստ երեքշաբտի օրը։
3. Նա դպրոցից հետո անում է իր տնայինները։
4. Նա երբեմն կարդում է գրադարանում։
5. Թոմը միշտ հեռուստացույց է նայում դասերց հետո։
6. Քո քույրիկը նվագու՞մ է կիթառ։
7. Ես նախաճաշին կաթ եմ խմում։
8. Իմ քույրիկը երբեք նրբերշիկ չի
9. Ես ունեմ քանոն, մատիտ և ռետին իմ պայուսակում։


Exercise 1
Correct the underlined words. Then write the correct sentences.

1 I loses things all the time. I lose things all the time.

2 He get up at 7 o’clock. ______________________

3 Anna have Maths on Tuesday morning. ______________________

4 They walks home from school. ______________________

5 She do her homework in the evening. ______________________

6 We watches TV at the weekend. ______________________

Exercise 2

Use the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Mark ___________ (do) karate on Fridays.

2. The children ___________ (play) football in the yard now.
3. My brother ___________ (do) his homework now.
4. My grandma always ___________ (lose) her eyeglasses.
5. Bill and Katy ___________ (play) tennis together.
6. My mum ___________ (sing) in the shower.
7. Look! She ___________ (do) ballet.
8. The cat ___________ (eat) fish for lunch.
9. Our friends ___________ (love) Adele songs.
10. I ___________ (play) chess now.
11. The children ___________ (go) to school by car.

Exercise 3

Match 1-5 to a-e. Draw a line.

1 He often b) rides his bike.

2 I’m c) eat your peas!

3 We usually d) do our homework.

4 She e) always happy.

5 You never a) sometimes makes cakes.

Exercise 4

Circle the correct answer.

1. I don’t / doesn’t have a hobby.

2. She don’t / doesn’t play chess.
3. We / He doesn’t like basketball.
4. They / She don’t do ballet.
5. Dad doesn’t play / plays the guitar.
6. I am not/don’t like cheese.
7. My brother / brothers are playing baseball.
8. Do / are you like Spanish?
9. Are / do they playing chess now?
10. Does she get / gets up early in the morning.
11. He doesn’t ride / rides his bike every day.

4. Make up 5 true sentences.

1. ___________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________.
5. ___________________________________________.
Total mark _________________

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