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1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise Poin total 11/15

After discussing the materials, please DO this exercise and SUBMIT it.

Full Name *

Alexandra Audrey Aurelia

Student Number *


TEXT 1 : Read the text and answer the questions.… 1/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

What is the main purpose of the passage? * 1/1

To discuss a physical handicap.

To report on a new invention.

To describe the structure of the ear.

To warn about a growing danger.

The passage compares sound to … * 1/1

a flag waving in the air.

the crests and valleys of mountain ranges.

the rising and falling of water in the ocean.

a machine for gauging air pressure.

The passage discusses a way to deal with an offensive noise by … * 1/1

canceling it out electronically.

masking it with a louder noise.

removing its source.

diverting people’s attention from it.… 2/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

One of the functions of the microprocessor described in the passage is 0/1

to … *

produce musical sounds.

record different kinds of noise.

increase the volume of leftover sounds.

monitor sound patterns.

Jawaban yang benar

monitor sound patterns.


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

The microprocessor described in the passage will probably be used for … 1/1

eliminating engine noises.

repairing alarm systems.

composing music.

intensifying for warning sounds.… 3/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

The researcher mentioned in the passage concerns unwanted noise 1/1

because it can … *

influence ocean waves.

damage loudspeakers and sound equipment.

cause deafness.

create hazardous working conditions.

According to the passage, what group of people will probably be first 1/1
from the use of the microprocessor? *

Ship’s crews

Engine repair teams

Research engineers

People with insomnia… 4/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

A paragraph following the passage would most probably discuss … * 0/1

other uses for the microprocessor.

a way to improve alarm systems.

the nature of fog.

other causes of fatigue.

Jawaban yang benar

other uses for the microprocessor.


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

TEXT 2 : Read the text and answer the questions.… 5/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

In the artistic sense, a print is a work of art created by … * 1/1

making a painting from an original drawing.

drawing or painting similar images many times.

transferring an original image from one surface to another.

copying an original image made on paper onto a hard surface.

The word ‘That’ in line 3 refers to … * 0/1





Jawaban yang benar


Which of the following is mentioned as an example of a master surface? 1/1


A drawing or painting

A block of stone

A sheet of paper… 6/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise

A printing press

The word ‘versions’ in line 8 has the closest meaning to … * 1/1





A metal plate is compared favorably with linoleum as a master surface 0/1

because it … *

lasts longer.

is less expensive.

makes prints more quickly.

produces a greater variety of prints.

Jawaban yang benar

lasts longer.

The word ‘customary’ in line 13 has the closest meaning to … * 1/1



legal.… 7/8
1/16/22, 2:21 PM CHAPTER III : Reading Exercise


The phrase ‘according to’ in line 16 has the closest meaning to … * 1/1

in addition to.

in order to.

regardless of.

depending on.

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