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General Instruction:
1. All questions are compulsory 2. Figure to the right indicate full marks3. Calculator is
not allowed
1. Calculate the radius of curvature of an equi-concave lens of refractive index 1.5,
when it is kept in medium of refractive index 1.4, to have a power of -5D.
2. Draw the ray diagram of astronomical telescope showing image formation in
normal adjustment position. Write the expression for its magnifying power.
3. Out of the two optical instrument a microscope and a telescope which one play
the role in magnifying the object and in resolving the two objects kept close to
each other?
4. Using Huygen’s wave theory, verify law of reflection.
5. When light travel from a rarer to denser medium, the speed decreases. Does this
decrease in speed imply the reduction in the energy carried by the wave?
6. What do you understand by coherent sources? Can two individual identical
sources be coherent?


7. In the following ray diagram, calculate the speed of light in a liquid of unknown
refractive index.

8. Deduce an expression by drawing a suitable ray diagram, for refractive index of a

triangular glass prism in terms of angle of minimum deviation and angle of prism.

9. Figure shows a ray of light falling normally on face AB of the equilateral glass prism
having refractive index 3/2 , placed in water of refractive index 4/3. Will this ray face
internal reflection on striking the face AC? Justify your answer.
10. State with reason , how the linear width of central maximum will be affected if (i)
monochromatic yellow light is replaced with red light , and (ii) Distance between slit
and screen is increased.
11. In the diffraction due to single slit experiment, the aperture of the slit is 3mm. If
monochromatic light of wavelength 620 nm is incident normally in the slit. Calculate
the separation between first order minima and the third order maxima on one side of
the screen. The distance between the slit and the screen is 1.5 m.
12. How are X- rays, infrared rays and microwaves produced? Write one important
use of each.


13. (a)Draw the labelled diagram of compound microscope, when final image is at
least distance of distinct vision
(b) Derive an expression for magnifying power of compound microscope.
(c) Why objective of compound microscope is having short focal length than its
eyepiece? OR
13. Three lenses L1 , L2 and L3 each of focal length 30cm are placed co-axially as
shown in the figure . An object is held at 60 cm from the optic centre of lens L 1. The
real final image is formed at the focus of L3. Calculate the separation between (i) L1
and L2 and (ii) L2 and L3.

14. (a)Two monochromatic waves emanating from two coherent sources have the
displacement representated by y1 = acosωt and y2 = a cos (ωt + φ) , where φ is phase
difference between the two displacements. Show that the resultant intensity at a
point due to their superposition is given by I = 4I0 cos2 φ/2 , where I0 = a2
(b) Hence obtain the condition for constructive and destructive interference.


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