3D Printer Version 2.0

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3D Printer Version 2.

Submitted by:
Syed Rohail Iftikhar BSET-01173051

Syed Daniyal Hussain BSET-01173039

Muhammad Awais Khan BSET-01163054

Supervisor Adeel Ahmed

Designing and Implementation of Customized 3D Printer version 2.0


Syed Rohail Iftikhar BSET-01173051

Syed Daniyal Hussain BSET-01173039

Muhammad Awais Khan BSET-01163054

A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of

Bachelors of Science in Electrical Technology

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Name: Name:
Signature: Signature:

Head of Department


Department of Technology, University of Lahore,


We clarify that our Project title 3D Printer version 2.0 is our own Work and it is
not presented elsewhere for the Degree requirement of BS Engineering
Technology. All source used and any help received in the preparation of this
dissertation have been acknowledged. We hereby declare that we have not
submitted this Material, either in whole or in part, for another Institute.

All praise gratitude to ALLAH Almighty who created man in His own image and
enjoyed upon him to travel on the earth and enter into a profound and analytical study of
universe for spiritual application of ALLAH, sanity and his attribute as well as for
harnessing the material manifestation of the world to the mankind’s profitable
utilization. We wish to express my deepest and sincerest gratitude to everyone who
contributed to make my work a reality. During this year long project several people have
provided many forms of help and support. Firstly I would like to thank Sir Adeel
Ahmed (University of Lahore) for selecting us to do this project and for continuous
guidance throughout the project. Secondly we would like to thank the other team
members who have provided ideas, been cooperative and made the team work so well.
There have been no occasions where a conflict of opinion has not been resolved
successfully. Finally, I would like to thank all teachers who helped me develop the skills
necessary to tackle this project. Without them it is likely I would not be on this project
and even if I were the chances are I would be struggling.

We dedicate this project to beloved parents for all their love and attention which has
made it possible for us to make it up to this point and to those who raise the voice to
take up Islam. Our all successes gained and achieved are totally due to our beloved
parent’s benediction and a lot of love.

3D printing has become a big boom. This technology is not only used in industries but
also used at those places where the prototyping is an important constraint. Many 3D
printers utilize a Cartesian (XYZ) printing process. This 3D printer applies a heating
printer head (extruder) moving radials and vertically. A processor accepts pre-processed
polar data points and transposes the appropriate programmed printing commands to the
motor’s units. The extruder also has a control loop, keeping the temperature inside the
desired range. This prototype prints using poly Lactic acid (PLA) filament.
Additionally, a display screen (in the software i.e. Slic3r) updates every second the:
printing time, extruder temperature, and status notifications.Slic3r is an extremely
powerful premium slicing tool that helps you drastically improve the quality of 3D
prints. Not only does Slic3r slice your CAD into layers, it also corrects any problems
with your models and allows you to preview the end result, helping to further identify
any other issues. In this research we finds that different parameters are effecting on the
printing time, material flow rate, speed of printing. Nozzle diameter & filament wire
diameter also effecting on 3D printing. We find that if the speed is fast than we need to
use the maximum diameter nozzle for the easy and accurate and fine printing. If the
speed of printing is slow than we need to use the minimum diameter nozzle for easy and
accurate and fine printing.
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................1
Description 1
Problem Statement.....................................................................................................................................2
Objectives 3
CHAPTER 2....................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................4
Feasibility 5
Technical Feasibility............................................................................................................................6
Schedule Feasibility.............................................................................................................................6
Economic Feasibility............................................................................................................................6
Cultural Feasibility...............................................................................................................................6
Legal/Ethical Feasibility.......................................................................................................................6
Resource Feasibility............................................................................................................................6
Operational Feasibility........................................................................................................................7
Extrusion processes...................................................................................................................................7
Fused deposition modeling (FDM)......................................................................................................7
Material jetting...................................................................................................................................8
Electron Beam.....................................................................................................................................9
Functional Requirements..................................................................................................................10
Non- Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................11
Hardware Requirements...................................................................................................................12
Software Requirements....................................................................................................................18
Installation and working Procedure of Software.....................................................................................18
Slic3r 18
Thesis Overview:

The Chapter wise thesis overview is summarized below:

Chapter-1 covers the “INTRODUCTION” which deals with the basic

introduction of moisture content, objectives and thesis organization.

Chapter-2 contains the “LITERATURE REVIEW" regarding

geotechnical properties of each sand and background of the project.
Chapter 1
Printing technology has been around for many years and it has been useful in different
industries. For centuries, 2D printing has been the technology that has been relied on for
printing and this has made printing accessible to everyone. But 3D printers have come as a new
form of printing that has found use in manufacturing industries.3D Printing can produce
different objects without creating specific tooling or even using several tools. This is how 3D
Printing helps increasing flexibility in the production flow and helps reducing industrial
expenses. Since there’s no need to build dedicated production line, it helps also significance to
save time.3D Printing enables to innovate faster and mechanize faster. The invention of 3D
printing target 2 things: reduce time to get the first version of a product and emancipate many
constraints that are not possible with traditional production methods. For example, with 3D
printing, it is possible to print complex geometric shapes and interlocking parts that require no
assembly. It is also possible to produce single objects, in small quantities, at low cost and fast

The project will address the fundamentals applied to rapid prototyping through its electrical and
mechanical subsystems. The final product will be a combination of a separate electronic control
and a mechanical subsystem used in 3D rapid prototyping. The mechanical structure will consist
of a Acrilic sheet base with a minimum printing area of approximately 254 x 254 x 275 mm with
various sensors and motor mounts. The electronic hardware will consist of an Arduino and
Ramps based control board communicating with freeware 3D rendering software controlling
stepper motors and an ABS filament extruder. A 3D printer allows product development teams
too easily, rapidly and cost effectively produces models, prototypes, and patterns. The product
will be the desired product which you would wish to print. The 3D printer aims to facilitate
learning by developing a technological advantage in various subject matter.

The fundamental advantage of 3D printing is that it allows product development teams too
easily, rapidly and cost effectively produces models, prototypes, and patterns. Independent of
Design complexity, parts can be produced in hours or days rather than weeks. That advantage
yields the benefits of expediting the product development process and expanding the scope of
prototyping work. 3D printing allows product development teams too easily, rapidly and cost
effectively produce models, prototypes, and patterns. In this scenario our 3D printer is capable of
making household products that are damaged or are broken. The benefits are quite clear cut we
do not have to buy or purchase the broken items as it may be designed by 3D printer. As some
products are quite rare and cannot be easily found in the market can be easily build using a 3D
printer. It takes quite less time and is cheap productivity at home.

 Market demand: The global 3D printing market was assessed to be USD 10.01
billion in 2019. Aggressive research and development in three-dimensional
printing and growing demand for prototyping from healthcare, automotive, and
aerospace and defense among other industry verticals are expected to drive the
market growth.
 Business need: The invention of 3D printing has revolutionized the way that
many looks at the world of manufacturing, and it has created many new avenues
of opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs. With additive manufacturing
technology, objects can be produced with a high level of customization and
complexity while also bringing down costs. Businesses and individuals often
want objects produced through 3D printing, but don’t have the equipment.
 Customer request: It is quite difficult to process the costumer request once the
design is fed to the 3D printer. Costumer has to be precise in his design from the
very start interaction because once the design is passed to the printer none is able
to edit the design.
 Technological advance: The technological advancements include faster prints,
multicolored printing and more printing [1].
Problem Statement:
The present 3D printing technology is very time consuming with a high
manufacturing cost. The project aims not only to reduce the cost of the 3D printer
but also working upon its accuracy and time constraints.
Today’s classrooms should be places of practical application and hands-on
discovery is nurtured. Due to its versatile nature, 3D printers can be a facilitator
of imparting real-world application and knowledge in domains of Science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Emotional Intelligence and Design
It is because of 3D printing today we are able to print and shape and size of any
material with most complex design which was unimaginable before [2].
This project is conducted to achieve the following objectives:
1. The goal of the 3D printer is to create a visual model to enhance the learning
experience of the content being delivered.
2. Rapid prototyping, simply enough, is any process that can be used to quickly
create a prototype of a part.
3. Enhance old version V(1.0) to modern feature and increase its reliability.
4. The 3D printer aims to facilitate learning by developing a technological advantage
in various subject matter.
5 To create high precision and realistic objects.
6. The system interacts with hardware using G-Code.
7. Large size, more accurate objects, bigger in infrastructure.

8. It is less time taking production and cost effectiveness.

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