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Data RHS

Constr 1 1 0 100
Constr 2 0 1 80
Constr 3 2 4 400

C1 C2
Coef 5 5

DV X1 X2
40 80

max 600 5X1+5X2

subject to LHS RHS

40 <= 100 X1<=100
80 <= 80 X2<=80
400 <= 400 2X1+4X2<=400
40 >= 0 X1>=0
80 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 2 4 12
Constr 2 6 4 24

C1 C2
Coef 3 3

DV X1 X2
3 2

max 14 3X1+3X2

subject to LHS RHS

12 <= 12 2X1+4X2<=12
24 <= 24 6X1+4X2<=24
3 >= 0 X1>=0
2 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 1 0 5
Constr 2 0 1 4
Constr 3 2 2 12

C1 C2
Coef 1 2

DV X1 X2
2 4

max 10 1X1+2X2

subject to LHS RHS

2 <= 5 X1<=5
4 <= 4 X2<=4
12 = 12 2X1+2X2=12
2 >= 0 X1>=0
4 >= 0 X2>=0
Fuel additive Solvent base Available
Material 1 0.4 0.5 20
Material 2 0 0.2 5
Material 3 0.6 0.3 21
Profit per
unit $40 $30

DV X1 X2
25 20

max $ 1,600.00 $40X1+$30X2

subject to LHS RHS

20 <= 20 0.4X1+0.5<=20
4 <= 5 0.2X2<=5
21 <= 21 0.6X1+0.3X2=21
25 >= 0 X1>=0
20 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 1 2 420
Constr 2 2 3 610
Constr 3 6 1 125

C1 C2
Coef 5 2

DV X1 X2
49.25 171

max 587 5X1+2X2

subject to LHS RHS

-292 <= 420 1X1-2X2<=420
610 <= 610 2X1+3X2<=610
125 = 125 6X1-1X2<=125
49 >= 0 X1>=0
171 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 10 2 30
Constr 2 3 2 12
Constr 3 2 2 10

C1 C2
Coef 4 1

DV X1 X2
2.57 2

max 12 4X1+1X2

subject toLHS RHS

30 <= 30 10X1+2X2<=30
12 <= 12 3X1+2X2<=12
9 = 10 2X1+2X2<=10
3 >= 0 X1>=0
2 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 1 2 8
Constr 2 1 2 12
Constr 3 2 1 16

C1 C2
Coef 3 4

DV X1 X2
6.67 3

max 31 3X1+4X2

subject toLHS RHS

-1 <= 8 (-)1X1+2X2<=8
12 <= 12 1X1+2X2<=12
16 = 16 2X1+1X2<=16
7 >= 0 X1>=0
3 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 1 1 4
Constr 2 3 4 24
Constr 3 1 0 2
Constr 3 1 1 0

C1 C2
Coef 3 2

DV X1 X2
1.14 5

max 14 3X1+2X2

subject toLHS RHS

6 >= 4 1X1+1X2>=4
24 <= 24 3X1+4X2<=24
1 >= 2 1X1>=2
-4 <= 0 1X1-1X2<=0
1 >= 0 X1>=0
5 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 5 5 400
Constr 2 -1 1 10
Constr 3 1 3 90

C1 C2
Coef 2 3

DV X1 X2
15 25

max 105 2X1+3X2

subject toLHS RHS

200 <= 400 5X1+5X2<=400
10 <= 10 (-)1X1+1X2<=10
90 >= 90 1X1+3X2>=90
15 >= 0 X1>=0
25 >= 0 X2>=0
Data RHS
Constr 1 12 6 20400
Constr 2 9 15 25200
Constr 3 6 6 12000

C1 C2
Coef 5 4

DV X1 X2
2000 0

max 10000 5X1+4X2

subject toLHS RHS

24000 <= 20400 12X1+6X2<=20400
18000 <= 25200 9X1+15X2<=25200
12000 <= 12000 6X1+6X2<=12000
2000 >= 0 X1>=0
0 >= 0 X2>=0
Data ZEZ Rider Lady Sport RHS
Manu time 6 3 2100
Frame supply 0 1 280
Assem+test 2 2.5 1000

ZEZ Rider Lady Sport

Profit contri $2,400 $1,800

DV X1 X2
250 200

max $ 960,000.00 $2400X1+$11800X2

subject to LHS RHS

2100 <= 2100 6X1+3X2<=2100
200 <= 280 1X2<=280
1000 <= 1000 2X1+2.5X2<=1000
250 >= 0 X1>=0
200 >= 0 X2>=0
Data Regular model Catcher's model RHS
Cutting+sewing 1 1.5 900
Finishing 0.5 0.33 300
Pack+shipping 0.125 0.25 100

ZEZ Rider Lady Sport

Profit per golve $5 $8

DV Regular model Catcher's model
501 149

max $ 3,701.49 $5X1+$8X2

subject to LHS RHS

725 <= 900 1X1+1.5X2<=900
300 <= 300 0.5X1+0.33X2<=300
100 <= 100 0.125X1+0.25X2<=100
501 >= 0 X1>=0
149 >= 0 X2>=0
Bond fund Stock fund
Profit per golve 6% 10%

DV Bond fund Stock fund
31% 72%

Target 7.5% 9.00% 6%X1+10%X2

subject to LHS RHS

31% >= 0 X1>=0.3*(X1+X2)
9% >= 9% X1+X2>=7.5%
31% >= 0 X1>=0
72% >= 0 X2>=0
Local Radio
Index 50 80

DV Local Radio
250 750

max 72500 50X1+80X2

subject to LHS RHS

1000 <= 1000 X1+X2<=1000
250 >= 250 X1>=250
750 >= 250 X1>=250
250 >= 0 X1>=0
750 >= 0 X2>=0
Internet fund Blue chip fund
Index 12% 9%

DV Internet fund Blue chip fund
0 60

max 5.4 50X1+80X2

subject to LHS RHS

60 <= 50000 X1+X2<=50000
0 <= 35000 X1<=35000
240 <= 240 6X1+4X2<=240
0 >= 0 X1>=0
60 >= 0 X2>=0
Data Western food salsa Mexican city salsa RHS
Whole tomato 0.3125 0.4375 280
Tomato sauce 0.1875 0.0625 130
Tomato paste 0.125 0.125 100
Revenue/jar $1.64 $1.93
Cost/jar $0.02 $0.02
labelling cost/jar $0.03 $0.03
Spice cost/jar $0.10 $0.10
Tomato cost/jar $0.49 $0.53

Whole tomato Tomato sauce Tomato paste

$0.96 $0.64 $0.56

Western food salsa Mexican city salsa

Profit contri/jar $1.00 $1.25

DV Western food salsa Mexican city salsa
560 240

max $ 860.00 $1X1+$1.25X2

subject to LHS RHS

280 <= 280 0.3125X1+0.4325X2<=280
120 <= 130 0.1875X1+0.0625X2<=130
100 <= 100 0.125X1+0.125X2<=100
560 >= 0 X1>=0
240 >= 0 X2>=0
Data Eastern cable ComSwitch RHS
Present share value $40 $25
Expected share value $55 $43
Expected gain/share $15 $18

Eastern cable ComSwitch

Profit contri/jar $15.00 $18.00

DV Eastern cable ComSwitch
625 1000

max $ 27,375.00 $15X1+$18X2

subject to LHS RHS

50000 <= $50,000 $40X1+$25X2<=50000
25000 >= $15,000 $40X1>=$15000
25000 >= $10,000 $25X2>=$10000
25000 <= $25,000 $25X2<=$25000
625 >= 0 X1>=0
1000 >= 0 X2>=0

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