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Minimize (costs) Z = 30A + 45B

            Subject to                    5A + 2B > 100
                                                4A + 8B > 240
                                                          B > 20
                                                A and B > 0
What is the proper name of the last constraint shown in the model?
What is the optimal value of the objective function?
What are the optimal values of the two decision variables?
If the cost of B could be reduced to $42 per unit, how many units of B would be optimal?
If the cost of B could be reduced to $42 per unit, what would the minimum total cost be?
What is the dual value?
Solution By Excel Solver:
Decision Variable,

Data LHS RHS Minimize 30A + 45B

Constr1 5 2 100 st
Constr2 4 8 240 5A + 2B>100
Constr3 0 1 20 4A +8b >240
B >20
c1 c2 A, and B>0
obj. fn. Coeff 30 45 Range of optimality

Decision Variable 10.00 25.00 Optimal Solution

obj. Fn 1,425.00 30A + 45B Optimal obj. fn value

Constrain1 100 > 100 5A + 2B>100 B6*$B$16+C6*$C$16
Constrain2 240 > 240 4A +8b >240 B7*$B$16+C7*$C$16
Constrain3 25 > 20 B >20 B8*$B$16+C8*$C$16

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