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A word to the students reading for the Post-Graduate Diploma in

We welcome you to the Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Programme
2021/2022. As this Programme is conducted in the distance mode, you will be meeting or
contacting members of the academic staff only during dayschools and tutorial classes.
Contacts with you via telephone and mail will also be limited. Therefore, it is essential that
you study this handbook thoroughly and understand the procedures to be followed during
the course of this programme. So that overcome the difficulties you may face while following
the programme.

Especially, it will be entirely your responsibility to attend the scheduled dayschools,

complete and submit assignments and complete the teaching practicum by due dates,
according to the instructions given in this book. Apart from this handbook, please note that
you will receive other notices from the Open University only if the relevant schedules are
changed. Also note that such information can be communicated verbally during dayschools.

Our heartfelt wishes for your success in the PGDE programme!

Post-graduate Diploma in Education Programme 2021/2022

This Handbook contains the following information:

1.0 General Information

2.0 Evaluation

3.0 Awarding of Credits

4.0 Inquiries on the Programme

5.0 Commencement of the Programme

6.0 Programme Team

7.0 Information and Instructions on Teaching Practice

8.0 Change of Address

Post-graduate Diploma in Education
(Level 08)

1. General Information

1.1 Goal of the Programme

The principal goal of this programme is to provide quality professional training
graduate teachers, principals and officials in the educational administrative
service who serve the field of education.

1.2 Objectives of the Programme

• demonstrate a substantial level of knowledge and understanding in a variety of
areas in education
• apply techniques related to their professional practice efficiently and effectively
• manage diverse issues in education systematically and creatively by making
sound/professional judgments and communicating decisions clearly
• perform with self- direction and originality in solving problems in a professional

1.3 Duration of the Programme

This is a 15 month programme.

1.4. The Medium of Instruction

The programme is conducted in the media of Sinhala, Tamil & English.

1.5 Centres
English medium dayschools and practical sessions related to this Programme
will be conducted only at the Colombo Regional Centre & Gampaha Study



However, dayschools will be conducted in a particular centre only if a sufficient number of

students register for the relevant courses at that centre.

1.6 Courses in the Programme of Study

You need to study eleven (11) courses including nine (09) compulsory courses, two (02)
optional courses and one (01) continuing education course.

You can collect the modules relevant to the Post-graduate Diploma in Education
Programme from the Regional or Study Centre where you register. You need to produce
your Student Record Book for this purpose.

Name of the Course Course

Compulsory Courses
01 Educational Psychology STP8301

02 Foundations of Education STP8302

03 Educational Measurement STP8403

and Evaluation
04 Educational Technology Foundations STP8404

05 Comparative Education and STP8305

Educational Problems
06 Guidance and Counseling in Education STP8306

07 Curriculum Theory and Practice STP8207

08 Inclusive Education SNP8208
09 Teaching Practice STE8808
Optional Courses
10 Educational Management STP8209

11 Child Rights STP8210
12 Primary Education STP8211
13 Multi-grade Teaching STP8212

Carefully check whether, out of the above courses, all the courses for which you applied
have been entered in the Student Record Book. Please note that the courses mentioned
therein cannot be changed later. If you wish to change any of the courses after the initial
registration, you are allowed to do so only on the dates mentioned below at the Centre where
you registered for the Programme.

Add or drop a course 11th & 12th January, 2022

Please remember that it is not possible to accommodate any request to add or drop a
course for which you have registered after the above dates.

Also note that you should participate in the dayschools and submit assignments only of
the courses, the course codes of which are mentioned in your Student Record Book.

* The above dates are relevant to all the courses including Teaching Practice.

1.7 Study System

The main method of instruction is the distance education mode. You will be provided with
printed modules with relevant learning activities, exercises and tutoring. This includes a
recommended reading list. Students are necessarily expected to engage in self-studies. It
is the students’ responsibility to complete the activities and exercises in the print modules
and to study additional readings related to the units and sessions in the modules. This will
be complemented through discussions, workshops and seminars which are conducted from
time to time.
1.7.1 Dayschools
The aim of conducting dayschools is to provide an opportunity to solve the problems that
arise through distance education mode and to provide an opportunity to acquire more
knowledge regarding relevant lesson units. These dayschools will be held either during
weekdays or during the weekends. Your attendance in these dayschools will help you
to study the course materials and also gives you an opportunity to forward your study
problems to the staff.
There will be thirteen (13) dayschools in this programme. In addition, there will be a series
of special seminars only for the course STP8403 at Colombo Regional Centre.
Please note that, at these dayschools, important information about the programme will also
be communicated to you.
All dayschool sessions are organized as interactive sessions. This provides opportunities
for the students to learn by engaging in a variety of activities. Therefore, students will be
able to actively participate and to share experiences during these dayschools.
Further, it is very important to note that the evaluation of one Activity- based Assignment
of each course will be done during a dayschool; therefore, participation in such dayschools
is compulsory.

1.7.2 Tutorial Sessions

In this programme, in addition to the providing of printed

materials and conducting of dayschools, tutorial sessions
will also be held to support the students. Problems
arising from the printed course materials will be
discussed and instructions required by the students about
the programme will be provided during these sessions as
indicated in the following table:
Course Number of

STP8301 (Educational Psychology) 05

STP8302 (Foundations of Education) 05

STP8403 (Educational Measurement and Evaluation) 06

STP8404 (Educational Technology Foundations) 03

STP8305 (Comparative Education and Educational 05


STP8306 (Guidance and Counseling in Education) 03

STP8207 (Curriculum Theory and Practice) 03

STP8208) (Inclusive Education) 03

STP8209 (Educational Management 02

STP8210) (Child Rights) 02

STP8211 (Primary Education) 02

STP8212 (Multi-grade Teaching) 02

The lecturer who will be conducting these sessions will decide the dates when they will
be held and inform the students. The Department of

Secondary and Tertiary Education will decide the Centres at which the tutorial sessions will
be conducted.

Your attendance and the preparation for the sessions expected of you is necessary for
successfully conducting the tutorial sessions and to obtain a higher grade at the Final

1.7.3 Audio – Video Learning Materials

In addition to the above mentioned strategies of instruction, the Department of Secondary

and Tertiary Education has produced a number of audio- video materials. These materials
will help you to understand the difficult areas in the modules. You will be able to listen to
and watch these audio- video materials individually or in groups in the Audio – Video
Resource Centre of the Open University Library and at the Regional/Study Centres where
dayschools are held. It is expected to show selected videos during some dayschools as

2 Evaluation

2.1 Evaluation consists of three components as

mentioned below. All these components are compulsory.

(a) Continuous Assessment through assignments

(b) Evaluation through written Examination conducted at the
end of the academic year
(c) Evaluation of Teaching Practice

2.2. Assignments for Continuous Assessment

Two (02) types of assignments are included in this Programme under continuous
1) Written Assignments completed at Home
You will be assigned Take Home Written Assignments for a l l the courses. You are
expected to refer to additional reading materials other than the course materials to
produce answers to these assignments.

2) Activity Based Assignments conducted at the Dayschool (AB)

All courses consist of an Activity Based Assignment, which are conducted at
dayschools. Activity Based dayschools consist of two parts, namely an individual
activity and a group activity. You are expected to prepare for these activities by
reading the sessions as indicated in the Assignment Book and by referring to additional
material. At times, you may need to bring to the dayschools any materials which
are necessary to complete the assignments. You are not allowed to participate in
activity based dayschools at Centres where you have not registered for the

The number of Assignments for each course is mentioned in Table No. 01 (page 12).
Completion of all assignments is compulsory.

Please pay your attention to the instructions mentioned below in this regard:
• Assignment marks will be included in calculating the final marks of each course.
• The average of all assignment marks in each course will be considered when
calculating the final marks of the course.
• In order to include your assignment marks when calculating the final mark, you
should obtain a minimum of “C” grade for each assignment.
• In order to calculate the final mark, you should obtain a minimum of “C” grade as
the overall continues assessment mark (OCAM).

Average of the Assignment Marks = Total marks of the Assignments

(OCAM) Number of Assignments of
the Specific Course

Note: If you submit two assignments for a course with three assignments, your
marks will be divided by three in order to calculate your average mark (OCAM).

2.3 All assignments and instructions will be provided at the inauguration.

2.4 Calculating the Final Marks

You should obtain a minimum of 40 marks at the Final Examination of each course to include
your assignment marks in the final mark.
Otherwise, only the marks obtained by you at the Final Examination will be considered for
calculating your final result.

Your final mark in each course will be calculated as 40% of the assignment marks (OCAM0
and 60% of the Final Examination marks.

The following equation shows how this is done indicating OCAM as X, the Final
Examination mark as Y and the final mark as Z.

Z = X x 40% + Y x 60%

Table 01: The Number of Assignments for Each Course and How the Final Mark is
No. of
Minimum Marks to be obtained to
Course Assignment
Include in the Final Mark
s to be

STP8301 – Educational Psychology 3

STP8302 – Foundations of Education 3

STP8403 –– Educational Measurement 3 Should obtain a minimum of “C”

and Evaluation pass for each assignment and the
average of assignment marks
(OCAM) should also be a minimum
STP8404- Educational Technology 3 of “C” grade
STP8305 Comparative Education and 3
Educational Problems

STP8306 - Guidance and 3

Counseling in Education

STP8207 – Curriculum Theory and 2

STP8208- Inclusive Education
STP8209 – Educational Management
STP8210 - Child Rights OR
or Primary Education OR

STP8212 - Multi-grade Teaching

A continuing To obtain eligibility for Teaching
STP8808 = Teaching Practice education Practice Stage II, you should obtain
course of a an average of marks 40% or above
duration of 10 for the five lessons supervised
weeks during Teaching Practice Stage I

2.5 (Please pay your attention to Table 1.) You should submit the duly completed
assignments only to the Regional/Study Centre where you registered for the
Programme. The last date for submitting assignments is mentioned in the Assignment
Book which will be given to you later. Complete the assignments on or before the
due date and hand over only to the Regional/Study Centre where you registered.
Please note that you cannot hand over your assignment to other Regional/Study
Centres and assignments cannot be submitted by post. The Regional/Study Centre

where you registered for the study programme is indicated in your student record book. If
you have any doubts/clarifications in this regard, you should enquire the student counsellor
and clarify those issues. At the Colombo Regional Centre, assignments are received at
the Assignment Counter in the Faculty of Education. Assignments are not accepted on
Sundays and Mondays at Regional/ Study Centres except Colombo.
You should not hand over or post any assignment to the Department of Secondary
and Tertiary Education. Assignments will not be accepted after the last date of
submission. Please note that the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
accepts for marking only the submissions which are sent by the Regional/Study Centres
after having been listed appropriately.
2.6 When submitting assignments to the Regional/Study Centre where you are
registered, you should use the folder, which you will be provided with. Do not
forget to obtain a receipt as proof of your submission. It is important to keep the receipts
secure in your possession until the final results are released.
You will be provided with the folders needed for each assignment on the day of the
inaugural session. If, by any chance, you do not receive the folders on that day, collect
them by visiting the Centre of your registration or the Department.
The Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education, in collaboration with the
Regional/Study Centres, will take action to return the marked assignments to the students
at the dayschools.
2.7 If you have any issues with respect to the assignments, contact the Department of
Secondary and Tertiary Education without delay. In case you do not receive an
Assignment Book, please note that it is your responsibility to collect it from your
Regional/Study Centre or the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education, Faculty
of Education, Nawala.
2.8 As the assignment marks you obtain are part of the continuous assessment component,
all assignment marks will be handed over to the data Processing Unit immediately after
marking. Therefore please note that the Department is not in a position to act on any
appeals made regarding the marked assignments.
2.9 Mention the following details on the first page (the folder) of your assignments:
1. Your name:-
2. Registration number :-
(Enter the registration number on every page)
3 Centre:-
4 Postal address:-
5 Course code and the assignment number:-
(E.g. STP8301/ Assignment No. 01)
6 Your Group Number

How to fill in the assignment folder can be further clarified through the following figure:

2.10 Present your assignments typed or in clear handwriting on only one side of paper.

If you type them, it is important to correct any typographical errors.

2.11 Leave a margin of 1.5 inches on the left of the paper for the examiner to write
comments on the assignment.
2.12 Answers to all questions of a single assignment should be written and submitted
together. Refrain from submitting answers to questions of a single assignment
2.13 Check whether the answer sheets of the assignment are attached properly before
submitting. Also check whether the answers have been attached in the correct
order. Make sure that the correct assignment folder is attached.
2.14 Refrain from attaching other letters to the assignment.

2.15 Please refer to the Assignment Book for more details and instructions. It is
necessary to follow those instructions as well, when submitting the assignments.
2.16 Grades for assignments are awarded as mentioned below:

Complete and submit assignments on or before the due date only
to the Regional/Study Centre where you are registered. If you do not
complete the assignments according to the instructions given to you,
you will not be able to obtain a pass in the relevant courses. Such
courses, which you will not be able to complete, will have to be
completed in a subsequent academic year.
You will be required to pay additional tuition fees for courses that you
fail to complete, in the subsequent academic year.
Range of Marks Grade
85 - 100 A+

70 - 84 A
65 - 69 A-
60 - 64 B+
55 - 59 B

50 - 54 B-
45 - 49 C+
40 - 44 C (minimum range of pass marks)
35 - 39 C-
30 - 34 D+
20 - 29 D
00 - 19 E

Assignments are an integral part of the evaluation process & hence they must be original
work done of the student. A student will be awarded an “E” Grade (Fail) if she/he has
committed any act of dishonesty in the process of preparing and submitting the

3.0 Written Examination

3.1 Students should sit the written examination at the end of the academic year.
This consists of ten (10) compulsory question papers, each of them of three hours duration
(one paper per course). All these ten (10) papers are compulsory.
The question paper for the course Educational Technology F o u n d a t i o n s (STP8404)
consists of two parts as General Methods and Special Methods.
Under Special Teaching Methods, you may select one subject from the list of

subjects given below:

1. Religion (Buddhism/ Hinduism/ Islam/ Christianity)

2. Language (Sinhala/ Tamil/ English)

3. History/ Geography/ Citizenship Education (one subject from among these)

4. Science

5. Mathematics

6. Commerce

7. Home Economics

8. Primary Education

9. Aesthetic Education

10. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

It is recommended that you select the same subject of your selection from among the above
for Teaching Practice (STE8808) as well.

Please note that answer scripts of this programme will not be re-scrutinized for any

3.2 Final Examination

Final Examination will be held under two phases during the academic year.
Final examination of Phase expected to conduct in August 2022. Final examination of Phase II
expected to conduct in March 2023.

4. Teaching Practice (STE8808)

It is compulsory to attend 3rd, 4th & 5th dayschools if you wish to complete Teaching
Practice. You will not be allowed to continue with the course Teaching Practice if you
are absent for any one of these three dayschools. Further, it is compulsory to register
for the courses STP8301 and STP8404 if you wish to complete Teaching Practice.

Teaching Practice will be conducted in two stages.

(i) supervision and evaluation done by a Master Teacher in the school where
the student is employed as a teacher
(ii) supervision and evaluation done by a university Lecturer selected by the Open
University of Sri Lanka

5.0 Award
In awarding each student a pass in this study programme, marks obtained in
the components of assignments, Teaching Practice and the Final Written
Examinations will be taken into consideration. The passes in this Diploma
programme belong to three levels, i.e. General Pass, Merit Pass and Distinction
Pass.A candidate who does not complete Teaching Practice and the Final
Written Examinations at the first possible occasion (i.e. in the academic year
you register) will not be considered for award of Merit or Distinction passes.
6.0 Inquiries on the Programme
Any inquiry or document should be directed to the responsible person as
mentioned below:
Issues related to Head,
studies and Dept. of Secondary & Tertiary
Teaching Practice Education, Faculty of Education,
The Open University of Sri
Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Tel: 0112881231/390/389/398/425

Student Registration Senior Assistant

Registrar, Student Affairs
The Open University of Sri
Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Tel: 0112881205/374

Examinations Senior Assistant

Registrar, Examinations
The Open University of Sri
Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
0112881203/ 350

Include your registration number, name, contact telephone number and Centre in each letter
you send. Write “PGDE 2021/2022” on the top left hand corner of the envelope.

For obtaining solutions to issues that you have regarding the PGDE Programme, rather
than writing letters, it is more advisable to get them solved by visiting the Department. You
can meet the Co-ordinating Lecturers between 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on Mondays.
It is expected that you will proceed with the Programme having read and understood the
instructions in this Handbook.

7.0 Programme Inauguration

The Inauguration Sessions will be held at Regional/Study Centres from 9.00 a.m.
to 3.00 p.m. on the dates mentioned below.
Your participation in these sessions is a compulsory. At the inauguration, you will
be provided with special instructions related to the Programme, the Assignment Book
and the assignment folders. Those who do not participate on that day might not be
able to receive the Assignment Book, the assignment folders and the instructions
on a later date. You will also be made aware of the group to which you belong at
these sessions.

8.0 Team of Academic Staff of the Programme

The academic responsibilities of this Programme lies with the Dept. of Secondary
and Tertiary Education, Faculty of Education, the Open University of Sri Lanka.
Information on the faculty members of the Department who are responsible for
different components of the programme are given below. This will help you to have a
comprehensive idea as to whom to direct your enquiries as and when required:

Academic Team of the Programme

The Dean Prof.(Mrs) S.Kugamoorthy

Head of Department Professor. W.M. Shaminda Wanasinghe

Lecturers Co-ordinating the Programme

Lecturer (Sinhala Mr.M.N.C.Fernando

Lecturer (Tamil Mr. P. Ramathass

Lecturer Dr.K.G.C.Kandangama

Lecturers Co-ordinating the Courses


Foundations of

Ms. K.A.D. Sandamali
Measurement &
STP8212- Multi
Grade Teaching
Dr. D.V.M. De Silva

Ms. P.A. Ruwani Gunawardana
Education &
Ms. S.A.S.K. Perera
Guidance &
Counselling in

STP8207- Mr. M.D.B.P. Weerasinghe

Theory &

Mr. K. Ketheeswaran

Mr. Sunil Weerakoon

STP8210- Child
Mr. R. Vivekanantharasa

Teaching Practice (STP8808)
Sinhala & English Ms. N.M.R.K. Nawarathna
Media Stage II

Stage I Ms. P.A. Ruwani


Tamil Mr. P. Ramathass

Stage I & II

Sinhala & English Mr. M.D.B.P. Weerasinghe

Tamil Medium Mr. R. Vivekanantharasa

School Mentoring
Sinhala & English Mr. M.L. Sudarshana

Tamil Medium Mr. P. Ramathass

9.Details and Instructions on Teaching Practice (STE8808)
9.1 Duration
Teaching Practice consists of two stages. Out of these, the first stage should be completed
within ten (10) weeks at the school where you teach and the second stage should be
completed at another recommended school by teaching two lessons.
The time period allocated for Teaching Practice is mentioned in the following table:

Teaching Practice 20 April 2022 – 20 July 2022

Stage I
Teaching Practice 05 September 2022 – 04 November 2022
Stage II

It is compulsory to complete Teaching Practice only during the prescribed time allocated
for each stage. You will not be allowed, for any reason, to complete any of the two stages
before or after the relevant period of time. Also note that only those who successfully
complete Teaching Practice Stage I will be asked to complete Teaching Practice Stage II.

Please note that the final mark awarded for Teaching Practice depends on the marks
obtained at both the stages.

9.2 Pass
A pass above a ‘C’ grade will be awarded for Teaching Practice only if the course Teaching
Practice is completed within the first academic year during which you registered for it. If
you complete it during a later academic year, a maximum of ‘C’ grade will be awarded. Please
note that, in order to obtain a Merit or Distinction Pass for the PGDE Programme, while
fulfilling other requirements, it is compulsory to obtain at least a ‘B+’ grade for Teaching

9.3 Postponement of Teaching Practice
If you do not wish to complete Teaching Practice during this academic year for any reason,
do not register for the Course STP8808. Especially if you are planning to take maternity leave
during this period, refrain from registering for the Course STP8808. If you register for
Teaching Practice and thereafter do not complete it, you will have to complete it after
registering for the same course again in a subsequent year. You will then be considered
as a repeat student.
If you are not completing Teaching Practice and decide not to engage in it during t his
academic year for any reason, please inform the same to the Teaching Practice Co-
ordinator from the Department and the Student Affairs Division within one month of
registration. Thereafter register for this course when students are being registered for the
next academic year, and do the needful to complete Teaching Practice as a first attempt
during that academic year. When registering for the second time, it is necessary to re-submit
the two Teaching Practice Information Forms.

9.4 Detail Form

At the time of registration for the course, you are required to fill in two copies of the
Teaching Practice Information Form and hand them over to the Teaching Practice
Co-ordinator of the Dept. of Secondary and Tertiary Education.
After completion of each stage of Teaching Practice, you should obtain a letter of completion
from your Supervisor and keep in safe custody. No Teaching Practice Supervisors will be
appointed for student teachers who do not submit two copies of duly filled Teaching practice
Information Forms. After registering for Teaching Practice during a particular academic
year, check whether it is entered in your Student Record Book.

9.5 Teaching Practice Stage I

9.5.1 For Teachers

If you are already serving in a school as a teacher, you should engage in teaching in your
school subject to the conditions specified by the Department of Secondary and Tertiary
Education during the period of ten weeks allocated for Teaching Practice Stage I. You
should teach ten periods per week during this Stage. Please note that you should
not change your school during this period. Changing your school will result in inability
to complete Teaching Practice.

9.5.2 For Non-teaching Students

If you are currently not teaching in a school, you should select a school and, on your
own, make arrangements to teach there during the specified ten weeks in order to
complete Teaching Practice Stage I. The University bears no responsibility in this regard.
You will not be allowed to engage in Teaching Practice at institutions such as Technical
Colleges and Universities. You should engage in teaching ten periods per week for
ten weeks at a recognized school for Teaching Practice Stage I.

9.5.3 Selecting Subjects

You are required to select one school subject or two subjects and teach ten periods of the
subject/s per week. If you select one subject, it has to be taught in two grades. If you select two
subjects, it is possible to allow you to select two parallel classes from the same grade.
Classes for Teaching Practice can be selected from grades 1 to 13. However it is more
suitable to select classes from grade 1 to 10.
Subjects for Teaching Practice should be selected only from among those in the list of
subjects given in this Handbook under 3.1.

9.5.4 Lesson Plans and Timetables

For Stage I, you should proceed to write 10 lesson plans per week for the subject/ subjects
selected throughout the specified 10 weeks’ period. Typesetting the lessons is not permitted.
For this purpose, only C.R. books should be used. A separate book should be used for each
grade and each subject. The pages of the books and the lesson notes should be numbered. It
is not permitted to remove pages from the lesson note books; such removal of pages will be
considered as an offence. A content page should give the sequence of lesson plans.
You will be informed in due course, the name and address of the Master Teacher who will
supervise Teaching Practice – Stage I. As soon as you receive the information, send the Master
Teacher a copy of the approved complete timetable (along with the time duration of the
periods) highlighting the periods relevant for Teaching Practice.

If you happen to take leave during the Teaching Practice period, inform the Master Teacher well
ahead of time.

9.5.5 Nature of Supervision

During Stage I, the Master Teacher will supervise and evaluate five of your lessons. You
should obtain his/her signature indicating that the lessons were supervised. For your Stage I
to be completed, your marks for five lessons need to be sent to the Dept. If less than five
lessons have been evaluated, you are not eligible to proceed to Teaching Practice Stage II.
If the Master Teacher does not visit your school for supervision of lessons within two weeks

of the commencement of Stage I, inform the relevant Co-ordinator in the Department at the end
of the two weeks.

9.6 Teaching Practice Stage II

You will be asked to visit a school specified by a University Lecturer to complete

Teaching Practice Stage II. You should teach two periods at that school within one day
according to the instructions given by him/her. You are required to teach on the date
given having prepared for the lessons in advance. You should also submit your Project
Report on that day.
You are required to submit the Lesson Note Books – duly signed and commented
on by the Master Teacher – used in Stage I to the Lecturer who evaluates Stage
On that day, you will be awarded marks allocated for the lesson plans of Stage II. If you
fail to submit the lesson plans on that day, you will lose the allocated marks.
Students who have not completed 100 lesson plans will not be supervised during
Stage II. Keep the lesson plans written for Stage I after completing Teaching Practice
Stage II. If required, you will be asked to hand them over to the Dept. If you do not
participate in the Teaching Practice during the specified date, you will be considered
as an absentee of the relevant examination.

9.7 Calculation of Final Marks

Your final mark for Teaching Practice (STP8808) will be calculated as follows:
i. 40% of the average marks of the five lessons evaluated by the Master Teacher
during Stage I (considered as the Continuous Assessment)
ii. 60% of the average marks of the two lessons evaluated by the Lecturer during
Stage II I (considered as the Final Examination marks)

9.8 Problems
If you have any problems or clarifications to make on Teaching Practice, it is
recommended that you meet the relevant Teaching Practice Coordinator and clarify
your problem by visiting the Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education on
Mondays from
10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

It is your responsibility to complete Teaching Practice on time. Please note that, in all
matters relating to this, the rules and regulations mentioned in this Handbook will be

10. Change of Address

If you want to change the personal or official address you mentioned in the
documents at the time of registration, the following documents should be forwarded
to the Student Affairs Division of the Open University of Sri Lanka or to the
Regional/Study Centre where you registered for the Programme:

1. In the case of changing the official address: a letter from the Principal of the
School/ Head of the Institution

2. In the case of changing the personal address: a certificate with details from
the relevant Grama Niladhari


You can log into Open University Student Portal, MyOUSL, using the following URL:

For this, use the following information:

User Name: [Student ID] as found on the Personal Information page of your Student
Record Book
Password: [National ID number], including the letter at the end.

There is also a link to MyOUSL from OUSL webpage at:

Do not forget to change your Password at first login to protect your information.
We hope that you will follow the information and instructions given in this Handbook and
successfully complete the Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme.

Important Information for Your Attention

Registration for the Study Programme CRC-20, 21, 22, 23 December 2021
Other RCs/SCs-21, 22, 23
December 2021
Dropping courses for which you 11 and 12 January 2022
registered and adding new courses

Dropping courses only 19 January 2022

Programme Inauguration January 2022

Study period of Phase I January 2022- June 2022

Teaching Practice Stage I 20 April 2022 – 20 July 2022

Eligibility from continuous assessment 30 June 2022

(Phase I)

Eligibility: Teaching Practice Stage I 31 July 2022

Period for tutorial sessions- Phase I July 2022

Phase I- Final Examination August 2022

Releasing examination results of 20 February 2023

Phase I

Study period of Phase II September 2022- February 2023

Teaching Practice Stage II 05 September 2022- 04

November 2022

Eligibility: Teaching Practice Stage II 30 November 2022

Eligibility from continuous assessment 28 February 2023

(Phase II)

Period for tutorial sessions- Phase II February 2023

Phase II- Final Examination March 2023

Releasing examination results of September 2023
Phase II

Post Graduate Diploma
in Education Programme 2021/ 2022
Student Manual on Teaching Practice


Dept. of Secondary & Tertiary Education

Faculty of Education
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda

Course Team


Mr. S.S. Zarookdeen Ms.

H.M.S. Dharmasena Ms.
K.D.R.L.J. Perera Mr.
M.L.Sudarshana Ms.
D.V.M. De Silva
Mr. M.N.C. Frenando


Prof. G.D. Lekamge Dr.

S.P. Karunanayake Mr.
L.R. Gonsalkorale

Faculty of Education
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda.


This manual provides information and guidance to all student teachers who are completing
teaching practice as a part of the Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme. It is
expected that the student teachers would be able to enhance their knowledge, develop
positive attitudes and improve teaching skills by completing the Teaching Practice (TP)
component satisfactorily. It is important to remember that those who are involved in supporting
teaching practice (University Academics, Master Teachers, School mentors,) are working
towards a common goal that emphasize effective teaching. This manual is developed to
support student teachers to get a clear understanding about the teaching practice Stage I &
It includes three sections. First section presents an introduction to Teaching Practice Stage I
and II. Second section presents an introduction to the school-based project and the third
Section describes the mentoring.

Section- I

Teaching Practice – Stage I and II

1.0. Introduction

Teaching Practice (TP) is a vital part of the Post Graduate Diploma in Education
programme (PGDE). It is a eight-credit course and the course code is STP8808 from the
academic year 2021/2022. order to get a distinction or a merit pass at the PGDE
programme it is essential that you should obtain either A+, A, A-, or B+ grade for the TP

1) Objectives of Teaching Practice component

Satisfactory completion of TP component of the PGDE Programme would enable you to:

(i) Develop skills and competencies required to facilitate the teaching-learning process
in primary and secondary classrooms
(ii) Apply the principles you have learnt from the courses to facilitate a meaningful
change among learners in the teaching learning process
(iii) Write schemes of work and lesson notes using appropriate formats and conceptual
frameworks that will facilitate the teaching-learning process.
(iv) Select and use a variety of teaching strategies and instructional resources that are
appropriate to achieve the objectives stated in the lesson plan;
(v) Study and diagnose learning difficulties of pupils and provide guidance and
take remedial action those who need them;
(vi) Apply the principles of evaluation in assessing the effectiveness of your teaching as
well as the progress of your pupils
(vii) Participate actively and effectively in various instructional and other programmes
and activities of the school.
(viii) Establish good human relations with the students, staff, parents and other members
of the school community.
(ix) Expand opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities in the school

2.0 How to prepare yourself for Teaching Practice
2.1 Preliminary requirements
• You must be registered in the courses titled Educational Psychology (STP8301) &
Educational Technology Foundation (STP8404).
• Teachers should submit a letter from their Principal indicating that the required facilities can
be provided to engage in ten (10) weeks’ teaching practice.
• Other categories of students specified in the advertisement/ brochure, should bring a letter
from a school principal granting facility to engage in ten (10) weeks of teaching practice
and a letter from the employer to the effect that leave can be granted for 10 weeks.

2.2 Postponement of Teaching Practice

If you are unable to complete teaching practice during the current academic year, it is advisable not
to register for teaching practice course, STP8808.

If you have registered for Teaching Practice and not completed the requirement within the same
academic year, you will be considered as a repeat student when you re-register for TP in the
following year. In such instance you will not be able to get a merit or a distinction pass. Once
registered for TP, if required, you can withdraw only during the add – drop period after registration,
and register for TP in a subsequent academic year. The add –drop period of the courses will be
11th and 12th January 2022 and dropping can be done on 19th January 2022 as well.

Registration for teaching practice

At the time of registration, you are required to complete two copies of the Teaching Practice
Information Form and hand over them to the registration center.
After registration, check your student record book to verify whether the course code for teaching
practice (STP8808) is entered there.

3.0 Teaching Practice - Stage I

This should be completed under the supervision of a Master Teacher appointed by the

3.1 Selecting Schools for TP-Stage I

For Teachers - Teachers can complete TP Stage I, in their own schools.
For Non-Teachers - Non-teachers are required to select a school and make arrangements with the
principal of that school to complete Stage I. The University bears no responsibility in this regard.
Institutions such as Technical Colleges, Universities, and Pirivena are not accepted for completing
teaching practice.

3.2 Selecting subjects

You are required to select relevant subject/s and teach at least ten periods per week. If you select
one subject, it has to be taught in two grades. If you select two subjects, they can be taught

either in two grades or in the same grade, but in two parallel classes.

You are allowed to select classes for Teaching Practice from Grades 1 to 13. However it is more
advantageous to select classes from Grades 1 to 11 as you will get opportunities to use a variety of
methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Select the subject/subjects out of the following subjects for your teaching practice (It will help the
Department to make necessary arrangements in scheduling the Teaching Practice)

Sinhala Language / Tamil Language / English Language, Citizenship Education, History,

Geography, Buddhism / Hinduism / Christianity, Mathematics, Science, Commerce, Home
Economics, Integrated subjects of Primary Grades, Aesthetic Education and Information and
Communication Technology.

Please note that subjects other than the subjects mentioned above cannot be selected for Teaching
Note: These subjects are mentioned in page no 14 of the PGDE student handbook.

3.3 Duration-10 weeks in your own school –

Teaching Practice stage I (10 weeks period – 50 working days) should be completed between, 20th
April 2022 – 20th July 2022

3.4 Number of lessons to be completed and lessons plans

You should write at least 100 lesson plans & teach them during the ten weeks period. The following
steps are recommended.

(1) Prepare the Term Plan in order to teach at least 100 lessons during the relevant time period.
This will enable you to write your lesson plans without much difficulty. Avoid public holidays
and dates of important events in the school when you are preparing lesson plans. It is your
responsibility to prepare lesson plans prior to the actual teaching.
(2) How to write lesson plans will be discussed at a workshop. You must follow the guidelines
and formats given at this workshop for writing lesson notes. The guidance and supervision
of the Master Teacher is necessary to complete this task. Those who are not teachers are
expected to develop their teaching skills by writing more than 100 lessons and completing
them in a satisfactory manner.

The following guidelines will facilitate you in planning TP.

▪ You should write lesson plans according to one of the specimen lesson plans provided by
OUSL. list of verbs (LP1), Specimen lesson plans (LP 2, LP 3), the Form of weekly plan (LP
4), and Particulars of Units / Lessons Completed (LP5)
▪ You have to prepare at least 10 lesson plans per week in the teaching practice stage 1, for
the subject/s selected until the completion of 10 weeks (50 working days).
▪ Use a C.R. book/s for writing lesson plans. A separate book should be used for each grade
and for each subject. The pages of the books and the lesson notes should be numbered.
▪ Consecutive two periods covering 60-80 minutes are considered as two separate periods.
Should complete the form LP 5 and get it certified at the end of 10 weeks by the Principal
and the Master teacher.

3.5 Evaluation of Teaching Practice - Stage I.

3.5.1 The procedures adopted for evaluation of Teaching Practice - Stage I are as follows:
I). Supervision by a School Mentor- a qualified and an experienced member from your school
will be identified and trained to complete this task. School mentor will submit Evaluation Form
I and II to the Faculty at two different instances. You can discuss the problems you face during
this period and get workable solutions from your School Mentor (The duties and responsibilities
of a School Mentor will be given separately.)

II). Evaluation by Master Teachers- A Master Teacher will observe your teaching at least five
times during the ten weeks period and maintain continuous discussions for improvement of
your teaching with you and your School Mentor.
Any failure on the part of the Master Teacher regarding supervision of eaching practice
should be informed to the coordinator or the Head of the Department of Secondary and
Tertiary Education immediately. It is your responsibility to complete the TP component within
the stipulated time period.

1st meeting with the Master Teacher

You will be called for the 1st meeting by your Master Teacher. He/She will inform you how to complete
your teaching practice, and you can also discuss any problems and issues related to TP with your
Master Teacher.
After evaluating each lesson by the Master Teacher, it is important to obtain his/her signature and
comments in your lesson plans to prove that your lesson has been evaluated.

• For the completion of TP Stage I, your master teacher should evaluate five lessons, write
his/her comments on the lesson plans and send the marks to the Faculty. If not, the
University will not consider you are as a student who has completed TP-Stage I.
• Master teacher will issue a letter confirming that you have completed TP-Stage I. Keep this
letter safely with you and show it to the TP-Stage II examiner.

The Master Teacher appointed to you cannot be changed without the permission of the Head of
the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education. Request for such changes will be considered
only if there is a genuine reason.

3.5.2. Grading system

You will be given a grade for the TP according to the Grading System mentioned below. You should
get a minimum “C” grade for the TP-Stage I, to get the eligibility for TP-Stage II.
Range of Marks Grade
85 - 100 A+
70 - 84 A
65 - 69 A-

60 - 64 B+

Pass Marks 55 - 59 B
50 - 54 B-
45 - 49 C+

40 - 44 C
35 - 39 C-
30 - 34 D+
20 -29 D
3.5.3. Teaching Aids 00 - 19 E

You are encouraged to use innovative teaching aids during your TP period. It will be an additional
advantage for you to get a better mark for TP. Further your innovative teaching aids (used within
the TP-Stage I) will be evaluated by your Master Teacher and recommended for an award for Best
Teaching Aids, awarded by the Faculty of Education. These teaching aids would be again evaluated
by the University to select the best 10 teaching aids to be awarded certificates and the 2 best
teaching aids out of these 10 will also be awarded cash prizes.
3.5.4. Project

You are given more information about the completion of the project in the Section II of this manual.
Your projects will be evaluated and recommended by the TP-Stage II examiner for presenting
“Awards for Best ten Projects”
Please note that the Department has the authority to make the final decisions about the awards

3.5.5. Evaluation criteria and other documents relevant to TP-
Stage I Evaluation criteria (for Teaching Practice -Stage I & II)
Standards to be evaluated
1.Formulates suitable learning objectives in behavioral form in relation to
domains of learning
a) The objectives are specific and formulated in behavioral form
b) The objectives are measurable
c) The objectives are achievable
d) The objectives are related to domains of learning
2.Sets learning objectives to provide achievable challenges for students of
varying levels of abilities and different learning styles
a) Objectives provide varied levels (simple to complex) of challenges to
b) Challenges match with varying levels of abilities of students (low, average
A. Planning the lesson

and high) in the class

c) Challenges match with different learning styles of students (auditory, visual
& kinesthetic)
d) Challenges match with developmental level
3. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of concepts and the
structure of the lesson content.
a) Demonstrates Clear and precise understanding of the concepts
b) Considers the nature of the subject matter in planning the lesson
c) Plans presentation of the lesson content in a logical sequence
d) Plans to relate content with real life experiences
4.Consider the nature of the subject when selecting appropriate teaching
a) Organizes learning environment considering the nature of the subject
b) Selects teaching methods and techniques to facilitate the logical
sequence of the lesson
c) Selects teaching-learning aids to facilitate the correct understanding of the

d) Selects assessment strategies considering the nature of the subject matter.

5.Designs the learning experience in line with the diverse learning needs
(developmental level ) of students
a) Formulates objectives to suit the diverse learning needs of students
b) Selects teaching methods and techniques to suit the diverse learning needs of
c) Selects teaching-learning aids to suit the diverse learning needs of students
d) Selects assessment strategies to suit the diverse learning needs of students
6.Designs the learning experience considering diversities in student learning
a) Selects teaching methods & techniques considering diversities in student
b) Designs teaching-leaning activities to suit diversities in student learning
c) Organizes the classroom environment considering diversities in student

d) Designs assessment activities considering diversities in student learning
7.Designs various assessment strategies (including formative and summative
approaches) to assess student learning outcomes of different domains

a) Designs assessment strategies to asses students’ prior knowledge

b) Designs formative assessment strategies to assess student progress
c) Designs summative assessment strategies to assess achievement of learning
d) Designs Assessment strategies to cover different domains of learning
8.Presents the lesson content clearly and accurately in a logical and meaningful
a) Content is presented clearly, with appropriate examples.
b) Content is presented in a logical sequence (e.g. simple to complex / known to
unknown/concrete to abstract)
c) The flow of the content is meaningful
d) Content is accurate and a broad understanding of the subject is exhibited
9.Applies a range of teaching strategies that facilitate student learning
a) Applies teaching strategies considering the student’s developmental stage.
b) Adopts teaching strategies considering varied characteristics of students
c) Adapts teaching strategies according to specific learning situations.
d) Facilitates active participation of the students through the teaching strategies
B. Implementation of the lesson

10.Applies a range of effective (verbal and non-verbal) communication strategies

to support student engagement in learning
a) Uses appropriate language for oral communication
b) Uses vocal qualities for effective communication (i.e. audible volume and
appropriate tone)
c) Uses effective non-verbal communication strategies (body language, eye
contact, facial expressions etc.)
d) Uses various verbal/non-verbal cues to support student engagement in learning
11.Uses appropriate teaching-learning aids to create meaningful learning
a) Teaching-learning aids are used to support the achievement of learning
b) Teaching-learning aids are used innovatively
c) Teaching-learning aids facilitate active participation of students
d) Teaching-learning aids create learning opportunities linked with real life situations
12.Creates and maintains a conducive learning environment
a) The physical environment is organized to support the teaching-learning
b) A cooperative social environment is maintained throughout the lesson
c) A challenging learning environment is created to promote active participation of
d) The learning environment addresses diverse learning needs of students
13.Uses a variety of motivational strategies to establish and extend student
a) A variety of motivational strategies (stimuli, reinforcements…etc.) are used

b) The motivational strategies help to gain and maintain the attention of the whole

c) The motivational strategies promote learning of diverse student groups
d) The motivational strategies encourage further learning in students
14.Promotes student-teacher and student-student interactions in a productive
a) Teacher-initiated interactions are managed appropriately
b) Situations are created to promote student-initiated interactions in the lesson
c) Situations are created to promote student-student interactions in the lesson
d) The interactions lead to the achievement of the learning outcomes
15. Applies innovative approaches to engage students in higher order thinking

a) The approaches facilitate critical thinking

b) The approaches facilitate creative thinking
c) The approaches facilitate development of problem-solving skills
d) The approaches facilitate transfer of learning
16.Applies assessment strategies to support evaluation of student learning
a) Uses a variety of assessment strategies to assess student learning
b) The assessment strategies lead to reliable judgments about student learning
C. Assessment and

c) The assessment strategies lead to comparable judgments about student


d) The assessment outcomes are used to promote student learning

17. Provides constructive feedback to help students in their progress, and to
take follow-up action
a) Uses different ways and means to provide feedback to students
b) Constructive feedback is provided to support student learning
c) Provides directions for follow-up-action (homework, additional work etc.)
d) The directions for follow-up-action are appropriate for diverse learners
18. Manages content, methods, strategies, and teaching-learning aids to create
effective learning situations
a) Manages content to create effective learning situations
b) Manages methods and strategies to create effective learning situations
c) Manages teaching-learning aids to create effective learning situations
d) Manages time effectively, integrating content, methods, strategies and
D. Management of the lesson

19.Promotes inclusive classroom practices to accommodate all students in the

teaching-learning process
a) Adapts content to accommodate diverse learners in the teaching- learning
b) Adapts teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learners in the teaching-
learning process
c) Adapts the classroom environment (physical and social) to accommodate
diverse learners in the teaching- learning process
d) Adapts assessment strategies to accommodate diverse learners in the
teaching-learning process
20. Constructs an overall view of the lesson and links it to future learning.
a) Constructs an overall view of the lesson
b) Supports the students to reflect on their learning experience
c) Links the lesson to the next lessons/future learning
d) Facilitates application of learning to similar situations

Overall Assessment Form (Stage I)
There are two copies and in one copy you should attach evidence and in the other copy
marks will be given for the evidence by the master teacher and it will be sent to the
Faculty of Education.

Total marks 2 x 10 = 20
0 = Poor (No evidence), 1 = Average (with substantial evidence) 2 = Good

Aspects to be considered Evidence to be highlighted

1. Subject mastery: The teacher shows strong working lesson notes, Use information
knowledge of subject matter and issues related to the from any other resources other
subject, and seeks to deepen his/her understanding of than textbooks, records on
the subject area. mentoring, demonstrations to
other teachers etc

2. Reflective Practice: The teacher adopts a critical Reflective notes in the lesson
reflection towards his/her own professional practice in a plans, projects, and classroom
developmental point of view practice of the
teachers, mentor’s
3. Initiation: Teacher initiate the development of his/her Records certified by the
own practice and school/Institutional/Provincial/ Principal/Sectional Head/Head of
National/International level practices. the institute/Mentor

4. Analytical and creative thinking: The teacher analyses Project, day-to-day problem-
and synthesizes information in order to solve problems solving activities, evidences from
and provide solutions (related t subject, students, school Mentor/Principal
etc) .

5. Social justice: The teacher is committed to Evidences from school records,

environmental sustainability, pay equal attention to all certificates
student categories (i.e., gender, religion, ethnicity, , letters from principal, sectional
disadvantage students, special needs) Use of head, mentor etc
environmental friendly teaching learning aids, engage in
environment conservation projects etc.

6. Team work: working with colleagues and school Project, school records, evidence
community and respecting each other with pride from mentor, principal

7. Commitment to teaching profession: The teacher is Evidences from principal,

aware of the need for professionalism in all aspects of Sectional Head, Mentor
his/her conduct, consider teaching as a service -Dress Observations of master teachers
code, professional behavior, ethical conduct, punctuality etc
& attendance, overall personality etc.

8. Empathy driven practice: Activities done for the School records, certificates,
general good of the school community, sensitivity letters from school management
towards other’s needs, compassion

9. Participation in co – curricular activities sports, clubs, School records, certificates,
student guides, exhibitions, societies etc. letters form school management

10. Contribution to school administration and Records, letters etc. on

management activities preparation of annual plan, time
tables, membership of

Stage II (For evaluating examiner)

21. Develops / produces and uses teaching learning aids to achieve the
E. Marks for the

expected outcomes of the lesson. (per lesson 5x 2= 10 marks)

aids. (5 x 2=10x2-

a. Low cost and environmental-friendly teaching- learning aids are


b.Attractive and innovative teaching -learning aids are created.

c. User friendly and practicable teaching learning aids are created.

d.Teaching aids are developed and used in line with the subject content
and considering needs of the student group.
e. Overall Evaluation for Teaching Learning Aids
Total marks (Out of 10)
Total Marks L 1 & L2
No. of lesson notes
0 – 20 - No marks (0)
21-35 - 01 marks
36 – 50 – 02 marks
F. Lessons completed

51 – 70 – 03 marks
71 – 80 – 04 marks
81 – 100 –05 marks
Total 05 marks
Nature of lessons
Followed OUSL guidelines - 01 marks
Conducted all lessons - 01 marks
Reflections are meaningful - 01 marks
Positive comments from Master zTeacher - 01 marks
Show good progress - 01 marks
Total 0 5 marks
Marks for the Project (10 marks)
a. Poor 0 marks
b. Average 1–3
c. Good marks

d. Very 4 – 6 marks

good 7–8
e. Excellent marks
9 -10
Total Marks (Out of 200)

3.5.6 Self-Evaluation Reports-

• You should complete Self Evaluation Report I after the completing the first supervised
lesson by your Master Teacher and send it to the given address in the report.
• Self-Evaluation Report II should be completed by you after completing all five lessons under
the supervision of the Master Teacher and it should be handed over to the TP-Stage II

examiner (Annexture No.7 & 8)
• The following documents related to the Teaching Practice are attached at the
end of this student manual
Annexture 1. Behavioral Terms & Domain/ LP1
Annexture 2. Specimen Lesson Plan – (Primary Section/Grade I to 5)/ LP2
Annexture 3. Specimen Lesson Plan – (Grade 6 - 13)/ LP3
Annexture 4. A specimen Weekly Plan – (Scheme of work)/ LP4 Annexture 4.
Particulars of Units / Lessons Completed / LP5
Annexture 6. Self-Evaluation Report I / SE-1
Annexture 7. Self-Evaluation Report II/ SE-II

Further information on the above documents will be given at day schools.

3.5.7. What you should not do?

• You should not forget to check your student record book and make sure that teaching
practice course code STP8808 is mentioned properly in your record book.
• You should not ignore the procedures adopted by the University for Teaching
• You should not change your Master Teacher for any reason.
• You should not change the subjects during TP Stage I or after TPI
• You should not adopt any format other than formats prescribed by OUSL, when writing
lesson plans.
• You should not write less than 100 lesson plans
• You should not write required number of lesson plans without implementing them
• You should not take leave during TP I without informing the your
Master Teacher
• You should not copy lesson notes, project report etc. from anybody else.
• You should not wait till the end of TP Stage I to inform the Department that Your
School Mentor or Master Teacher has not supervised you
• You should not think that TP I is something different from your normal teaching-
learning activities
• You should not criticize your Master Teacher with your School Mentor or vice - versa
• You should not be hesitant to get the support from other colleagues in your school

If you do not receive a call for the 1st meeting form your master teacher on or before 10.05.2022
you are expected to immediately contact the Department on, 0112 – 881 - 302, 0112 – 881 - 398,
0112 – 881 - 231, 0112 – 881 – 389 in this regard.

4.0 Teaching Practice Stage II.

TP-Stage II will be informed in due course. Please remember that you need to submit your
Stage I Lesson plans, the Reflective Journal, the School-based Project Report, and Self
Evaluation Report II to the University lecturer who will be supervising your teaching practice
stage II. All the above reports would be evaluated and marks will be allocated accordingly.

4.1. Subject and schools

Teaching Practice Stage II will be held at a school nominated by the University lecturer. In TP-
Stage II you should teach the same subject/s which you have taught in TP-Stage I (Mentioned
in 3.2)
4.2.1. Requirements
Please note that you will be called for TP-Stage II only if you have successfully completed TP-
Stage I. It is your responsibility to complete the TP-Stage I in a satisfactory manner. Show your
TP-Stage I Completion Certificate (given by your master teacher) with your student record
book to the examiner who will evaluate your TP- Stage II.

4.2.2. Procedure to be adopted

• You should fulfill the requirements mentioned in 4.2.1
• You will be informed of a date and a place (School) by your stage II examiner to conduct
the 1st meeting. In this 1st meeting you will be given necessary information. If you have any
problem you can discuss it with your examiner.
• A date will be fixed to do your teaching practice and at least two periods will be allocated in
the school time table
• You should provide the documents mention above (Stage I Lesson plans, the Reflective
Journal etc.) in 4.0, before you complete the TP-Stage II.
• You should teach the same subject/s which you have taught in TP-
Stage I
• You should teach the lessons/topics which are planned in the scheme of work in the
particular school on that day (You cannot decide the lessons/topics to be taught.)
• You are not allowed to complete TP-Stage II in the same school which you have done TP-
Stage I
• You should prepare two lesson plans in two copies (One for you and the other one for the
examiner) according to the university specimen used for in TP-Stage I
• The Stage II examiner will evaluate two lessons and at the end of the evaluation you will be
given a certificate stating that you have completed TP-Stage II. Keep it with you safely.

4.2.3. Evaluation forms and other documents.

In Teaching Practice Stage II, you will be given marks according to the following criteria
For the TP-Stage II, use specimen and other documents which you used in teaching practice

stage I.
4.2.4. Scheme of marking
Final mark for Teaching Practice will be Calculated as follows:
Teaching Practice Stage I = 40% Teaching Practice Stage II = 60%
Final mark =Z, Teaching Practice Stage I mark = X, Teaching Practice Stage II marks = Y Z = X x
40% + Y x 60%

4.2.5. What you should not do?

• You should not forget to bring your lesson notes of TP-Stage I, Project Report and the letter
issued by the Master Teacher to confirm that you have completed TP-Stage I
• You should not change the subjects selected for TP-Stage I
• You should not be late for the briefing session and teaching sessions.
• You should not conduct lessons without any teaching aid
• You should not violate the rules & regulations of the school.
• You should not postpone your teaching sessions without a justifiable reason
If you are not called for TP-Stage II, you are expected to immediately contact the
Department on, 0112 - 881 - 302, 0112 - 881 - 398, 0112 - 881 - 231, 0112 - 881 - 389 in this

5.0 Problems and issues

For any clarification regarding Teaching Practice, you may contact the coordinator of Teaching
Practice at the Department during daily working hours preferably between 9.00a.m. and 4.00 p.m.
on, 0112 - 881 - 302, 0112 - 881 - 398, 0112 - 881 - 231, 0112 – 881-389

• You are encouraged to successfully complete teaching practice in the respective academic
year itself. You should keep in mind to strictly follow the conditions and regulations stated
in this document.

Section - II

School-based Project

1.1 Introduction

All student teachers enrolled in the PGDE Programme are required to implement and
complete a school – based project during the period of their Teaching Practice Stage I.
This component is introduced with a view to enhance student teachers’ participation in co-
curricular activities of the school, while developing their competencies in implementing a
small-scale project.

This section provides you with instructions and guidelines to plan and implement the
school- based project.

1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Project

The overall aim of the Project is to provide opportunities for student teachers to improve
and practice the competencies they acquire through the Programme, and to become self-
reliant in planning, organizing and implementing co-curricular activities to suit the demands
arising in their schools.

Specific Objectives

The completion of the project will enable student teachers to

• plan, organize and conduct a short-term project successfully addressing an urgent

need in the school
• participate in co-curricular activities.
• improve and practice their leadership skills with self confidence
• increase creativity and innovativeness.
• identify and utilize the available resources maximum and look for alternative ways
to find resources wherever necessary.
• get the practical experiences related to theoretical knowledge and understand
concepts more precisely.
• maintain a harmonious relationship with the school community
• deal with problems related to school activities in an effective manner
• attend to school-related activities with dedication and commitment
• develop positive attitudes towards teaching profession

1.3 Procedures involved in conducting and completing the project

1.3.1 Step 1- Preparation of the Project Proposal

1. Each student teacher should identify a significant problem/issue faced by the school, upon which
the project could be based, and discuss its relevance and usefulness to the school community
with the School Mentor/ Master Teacher

Examples of problems suitable for the Project

i. A current problem related to the school environment/ improvement of the appearance of the
school/ improvement of other facilities in the school in relation to maintaining the school

ii. A problem related to reading /writing/speaking abilities of the students or poor student
performance in a specific subject (Science/ Mathematics/ English etc)

iii. A problem faced by students with regard to their leadership skills/ presentation skills/
motivation / commitment etc

iv. How student participation in co - curricular activities could be improved

v. How a student - community issue can be resolved

vi. How health facilities/ nutrition of school children / welfare facilities of teachers could be

vii. Establishing a mini library, counseling unit, mini - herbal garden, or a play ground etc

viii. Organizing a parental/community awareness programme with regard to a school – related


ix. A problem related to developing aesthetic skills of students.

x. How to develop positive attitudes among students

2. Next, the Project Proposal need to be prepared, and the approval of the School Mentor/ Master
Teacher/ School Principal should be sought before commencing the project.

Project Proposal should include the following sections

i. Introduction

In this section, the nature and the basic information of the project need to be

Eg: what type of project it is and in which context it is being conducted

ii. Significance of the project to the school/ school community

Why you have selected this project and how it becomes important to
various stakeholders in the school and school community should be explained.

iii. Objectives of the project

Specific targets are to be stated clearly so that they can be interpreted as activities
to be implemented in the project.

1. Objectives should be specific, very clear and relevant.

b) Objectives should be achievable during the given time period

iv. Activities planned in line with the project objectives and the time frame Activities
should be planned to be implemented in order to achieve the stated objectives,
within realistic time targets.

Eg : the following is a gnatt chart prepared by a student related to a project

on planting herbal plants








06. 05 .2022

07. 05 .2022
Identification of the problem x

Preparation of Project x

Getting the approval for the x


Conducting awareness x
programme for parents and
getting the resources

x x
Preparation of garden

x x
Planting of plants

x x
Naming of plants

Preparation of the report

v. Approval for the proposal

The project proposal needs to get approved by the Principal of the school and school
mentor/master teacher.

Note: The Approved Project Proposal should be attached to your final Project Report.

1.3.2 Step II - Implementation of the Project

1. The activities planned for the project need to be implemented successfully in line
with the objectives of the project.

2. A reflective journal (reflecting on the problems arisen, strengths/weaknesses and

successes/failure of activities including dates) should be maintained by the student
teacher about the completed activities (Please see 1.3.4)

3. Each and every activity should be monitored by the School Mentor/ Master
Teachers and sufficient evidence should be provided.

Important Information

1. Activities planned for the project should be completed within 7 – 10 days.

2. Student teachers are supposed to share their views and experiences with other staff
members in the school, and work cooperatively with others.
3. Student teachers must attempt to use the resources available in the school as well
as outside and alternative resources as much as possible
4. Sufficient evidence should be provided (to be attached to the Project) by the student
teacher to prove that she/he was fully involved in planning, organization and
implementation of the project. (Eg: An appreciation letter from School Principal or
Divisional Office, Parent Association, Past Pupils Association, Community
Organization etc and some other evidence like photographs and records etc)

1.3.3 Step III - Writing the Project Report

Once you have completed project activities, a detailed report should be prepared. The Project
Report should strictly follow the following format and should not exceed 2500 words (10 pages).
1. Introduction to the Project – Background information, Target group …etc. (250 words)
2. Significance of the project to the school /school community (300 words)

3. Objectives of the Project (in point form)

4. Methodology - Activities planned in line with the objectives of the project and how they have
been implemented– To be explained in detail. (1000 words)
5. Outcomes of the project (700 words)

6. Reflections - Your reflections about the activities completed and outcomes achieved

(A summary should be provided along with your Reflective Journal –maintained) (250 words)
7. Evidence (appreciation letters, records and photographs etc.)

8. Comments made by the School Mentor/ Master Teacher

Note: - Your Project Report should be submitted initially at Teaching Practice-Stage I to your School
Mentor/Master Teacher and later, to the Lecturer who will evaluate your Teaching Practice -Stage

1.3.4. Maintaining a Reflective Journal

You are required to maintain a reflective journal for the project activities carried out during your
Teaching Practice - Stage 1. There, you need to mention the details about the activities related to
each step of your project, and reflections on your activities. Following is the format to be used for
your reflective journal.

Date Relevant Details about the Persons who were Reflections about the
Step completed activities involved with this activity

When maintaining your reflective journal,

• Take your time and write your real experiences clearly and in detail. Write what you feel
important, like your feelings, ideas, problems in each activity in your own words.

• Try to have a clear self-awareness about you and your activities

• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of your activities, and understand areas to
be improved in the future. Always think of other possible interventions and approaches
which could have followed for a successful completion.

• Maintain your reflective journal regularly

1.3.5 Evaluation of the Project

Project will be evaluated in two stages

1. At the end of TP Stage I - by the School Mentor or Master Teacher by producing an

evaluation report (to be attached to the Report for final submission)

2. At the end of TP Stage II - by the University Lecturer (10 marks have been allocated)

1.4 Best practices in the process of planning and implementing the project

• Student teachers should select projects relevant to in consultation with the principal and the
• Students should select projects in line with the school work plan.

• Students should have clear objectives and a feasible work plan with realistic time frame.

• Students should follow the initially set time targets and mentioned action steps.

• Students should believe that doing a project is highly beneficial for their professional

• Student teachers should get the mentors’ support wherever necessary.

Section III

1.1 Introduction

The PGDE Programme of the Faculty of Education has a strong focus on teaching practice as means
of developing teaching skills of student teachers. Teaching Practice is conducted in two stages;
Stage I and Stage II. In Stage I, student teachers complete teaching practice in their own school
under the supervision of a Master Teacher. Master Teachers visit and supervise these teachers five
times during the ten weeks period allocated for this purpose. In addition, the Faculty has taken steps
to appoint a school mentor for each student teacher within the school itself for a period of ten weeks
to provide the close supervision, guidance and support needed for them.

1.2. Mentoring

1.2.1 The Mentor’s role

The Mentor’s role has been described as follows:
“A process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches,
sponsors, encourages, counsels and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the
purpose of promoting the latter’s professional and/or personal development. Mentoring functions are
carried out within the context of an ongoing, supportive relationship between the Mentor and
Mentee”. (Garvey and Smith, 1998 p11).
The mentee is a person who is being mentored by another person or persons; and who makes an
effort to assess, internalize and use effectively the knowledge, skills, insights, perspective or wisdom
offered by the Mentor. Further, mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own
learning and become the person they want to be.

In line with those ideas, the Faculty of Education has introduced the concept of School Mentors to
facilitate the development of professional competencies of student teachers during Teaching
Practice Stage I.

Student teachers are entitled to get the following services from their School Mentors.
1. Provide continuous guidance and advice for development of professional competencies
related to teaching-learning process and classroom management.
2. Monitor the short-term project to be completed on a current problem in the school and
facilitate the development of required skills through the project
3. Assist student teachers to obtain required facilities at the school level for teaching and
learning and for completion of the project
4. Monitor student teachers’ participation in co-curricular activities of the school

5. Provide emotional support to complete the project and teaching practice component
6. Facilitate the development of positive attitudes towards the teaching-learning process,
other school related activities and teaching profession
7. Facilitate coordination between the principal, master teacher and student teacher
1.3. Qualifications of School Mentors
The teachers who have the following qualifications should be nominated by the school principals as
School Mentors. After getting nominations, the Faculty will issue a formal appointment letter.

• Satisfactory completion of Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme and five

(5) years of experience as a teacher
• A strong commitment to teaching and maintains a good relationship with teachers’ in the
• Direct involvement in co-curricular activities of the school
• As far as possible, School Mentors should teach at the same level and same subject as the
student teacher.
It is very important that the School Mentor s should be able to spend a sufficient time on the
development of professional competencies of student teachers.

1.4. Reports to be completed in line with School Mentor’s role

School Mentors are expected to complete the following reports/forms/ documents and submit
them to Faculty of Education on the given dates.
In relation to the student teacher’s activities, mentors should submit three documents:
• School Mentor’s evaluation report 1- at the beginning of TP I
• School Mentor’s evaluation report 2- after completing TP I
• Project evaluation report - after completing the project
In relation to the School Mentor’s activities, they should submit two documents:
▪ School Mentor’s action plan- at the beginning of TP I
▪ School Mentor’s reflective journal- after completing TP I

1.5. Mentoring Process

Mentoring process should be taken place throughout the ten weeks period of Teaching Practice
Stage 1. School Mentors are requested to play a number of roles namely an advisor (1), a
counselor (5), a facilitator (3, 6 & 7), and an evaluator (2 & 4) in relation to their duties and
responsibilities mentioned in the Section 1.2.

Mentors are expected to follow the procedures mentioned below, in order to fulfill their role as a
School Mentor.

(1) Mentors should participate in the first supervision session conducted by the Master Teacher
in the student teacher’s school with the Student Teacher (in the first or second week). Both
the Master Teacher and School Mentor should observe the first lesson and discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of the student teacher and how each should support to make
him/her a quality teacher.

(2) School Mentor’s Evaluation Report I should be completed and sent to the Co-
coordinator (Mentoring), PGDE -Teaching Practice, Department of Secondary and
Tertiary Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.

(3) School Mentors should prepare an action plan in line with the needs of their student
teachers and necessary guidance and support should be provided throughout the TP
period. The action plan should be sent along with School Mentor’s Evaluation Report I.

(4) School Mentors should provide necessary advice and guidance for student teachers to
identify a current problem in the school to develop as the school project. The guidelines for
the School based Project are provided in Section II of this manual.

(5) During Teaching Practice Stage I (10 weeks) student teachers should be encouraged and
directed to take up administrative responsibilities in the school. Further, they should be
guided to participate in co-curricular activities in the school.

(6) School Mentors should facilitate the co-ordination between student teacher, school principal
and other teachers in the school. Their support should be extended to solve any problem
faced by student teachers with regard to TP and School Project.

(7) School Mentor should spend at least two sessions (two periods) per week (total 20
sessions) with the student teacher and complete the following tasks:

• Monitor the completion of 100 lessons in the school

• Solve student teacher’s school related problems
• Provide advice and guidance to identify and complete a School-based
• Provide opportunities to take up administrative responsibilities and to be
engaged in co-curricular activities

(8) School Mentors’ reflections on each and every interaction (as explained in 8) maintain with
the student teacher with regard to Teaching-learning process and School Based Project
would be recorded in the Reflective Journal.
(9) At the end of TP Stage I (after 10 weeks), School Mentors will evaluate the School Based
Project using the relevant Evaluation Form. Evaluation Report 2 also will be completed in
line with the progress made by the student teachers.

LP 1 – Annexture 1

Blooms Taxonomy – Observation Verbs for Cognitive Domain Instructional Objectives

Objectives Verb forms

1.0 Knowledge Define

List Pair

2.0 Comprehension Restate

Simplify / express in own words Rewrite

3.0 Application Calculate

find Manage

4.0 Analysis Analyze


5.0 Synthesis Assemble

Create / build

6.0 Evaluation Appraise

Criticize Confirm

Some Verb forms which can be used in writing Behavioral objectives in the Cognitive, Affective
and Psychomotor domain

Cognitive domain Affective domain Psychomotor domain

Define Listen / Search Find
Calculate Follow Discriminate
Discover Select / Point out Divide
Prepare Help Exhibit
Build Name Point out
Solve Discuss Build
Apply Accomplish Assemble
Divide Train Crete
See relationships Read Produce
(Between parts) Recite Organize
Sub divide Write Operate
Amalgamate Encourage Change
Assemble Suggest Rearrange
Categorize Create Participate Prepare
Write Uphold Link
Revise Complete Draw
Design Integrate Mark
Evaluate Express willingness
Balance Express joy

Specimen Lesson Plan (Primary Section) LP2 – Annexure 2
1. Basic Information
1.1 Date : ……………………………… 1.2 Grade : ……………………………………..
1.3 Subject : ……………………………… 1.4 Period & Time : ……………………………………..
1.5 Unit : ……………………………… 1.6 Lesson : ……………………………………..
1.7 Competency : ……………………………… 1.8 Competency Level: ……………………………………..
2. Learning outcome/ Behavioral Objective: (Student centered, specific)
2.1 ……………………………….
2.2 ……………………………….
2.3 ……………………………….
3. Lesson Introduction (………..minutes) (Describe the approach selected by you in relation to attention, motivation, topic, introduction or link to the previous
Lesson, Developing the student-teachers’ relationship)
4. Lesson Development:
i (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
Steps Competency/ Summary of Teaching Teaching Teacher Student Reinforcement Time Final
Competency subject Method/ aids/ Activities Activities activities Evaluation
Level matter Technique Quality questions end of the
relevant to Input Lesson
1 1.
2 2.
3 3.
4 4.
i (The no of steps is optional)
5. Overall Learning Summary
❖ (J) Evaluation of the whole lesson incorporating evaluation marks and questions. This part should be completed after presenting the overall lesson
6. Feedback
7. Directions for self-learning and post activities
8. Reflections about the lesson: (The success or failure of the lesson, reasons if the lesson terminated early, how it is to be linked to the next lesson etc.
Should be written here. This has to be completed after the completion of the lesson.)
9. Student teacher’s signature: ……………………………………
10. Principal’s Signature: ……………………………………………
11. Supervisor’s Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Specimen Lesson Plan (Grade 6-13) LP3 – Annexure 3
1. Basic Information
1.1 Date : ……………………………… 1.2 Grade : ……………………………………..
1.3 Subject : ……………………………… 1.4 Period & Time : ……………………………………..
1.5 Unit : ……………………………… 1.6 Lesson : ……………………………………..
1.7 Competency : ……………………………… 1.8 Competency Level: ……………………………………..
2. Learning outcome/ Behavioral Objective: (Student centered, specific)
2.1 ……………………………….
2.2 ……………………………….
2.3 ……………………………….
3. Lesson Introduction (………..minutes) (Describe the approach selected by you in relation to attention, motivation, topic, introduction or link to the previous
Lesson, Developing the student-teachers’ relationship)
4. Lesson Development:
❖ (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
Steps Objectives Summary of Teaching Teaching Teacher Student Reinforcement Time Final
subject Method/s aids/ Activities Activities activities Evaluation
matter Technique/s Quality questions end of the
relevant to Input Lesson
1 1.
2 2.
3 3.
4 4.
i (The no of steps is optional)
5. Overall Learning Summary
❖ (J) Evaluation of the whole lesson incorporating evaluation marks and questions. This part should be completed after presenting the overall lesson
6. Feedback
7. Directions for self-learning and post activities
8. Reflections about the lesson: (The success or failure of the lesson, reasons if the lesson terminated early, how it is to be linked to the next lesson etc.
Should be written here. This has to be completed after the completion of the lesson.)
9. Student teacher’s signature: ……………………………………
10. Principal’s Signature: ……………………………………………
11. Supervisor’s Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

A Specimen Term Plan – (Scheme of work)
LP4 – Annexure 4
Class: ……………………………….. Subject: ………………………………… Time: from ………………… to …………………………

Week Date No. of Competence Competence Unit Lesson Summary Completed Comments
periods Level of the date
(single or Lesson
1st week

• State the reasons for not completing the lesson on scheduled date or any other comments.

LP5 – Annexure 5
Post Graduate Diploma in Education Degree Programme 2021/2022
Teaching Practice Stage I Particulars of
Units/ Lessons Completed
This form should be completed by the student and handed over to the Master Teacher at the end of Teaching Practice Stage I. The Master Teacher should forward the marks of
each student with the completed form. Without this form the marks will not be considered for evaluation.

Students should get the signature of the principal at the end of each day in the appropriate columns. Master Teacher should sigh after monitoring the work completed by the
student during his / her visits to supervise the students.

Name of the Student: ................................................ Student Registration No.: ................................................

Name of the School: ................................................. Subject/s: ....................................................................

Topics Signature of Signature of the

the Principal Master Teacher
Lesson Grade Lesson Grade
1st Week
2nd Week

Topics Signature of Signature of
Date the Principal
Lesson Grade Lesso Grade Master
n Teacher
3rd Week
4th Week
5th Week

Topics Signature of Signature of the
Date Lesson Grade Lesson Grade the Principal Master Teacher

6th Week
7th Week
8th Week

Topics Signature of Signature of the
Date Lesson Grade Lesson Grade the Principal Master Teacher
9th Week
10th Week
11th Week

Topics Signature of Signature of the
Date Lesson Grade Lesson Grade the Principal Master Teacher
12th Week

I certify that the above particulars are correct.

Date : ............................. Signature of the Mentor: ............................................................

Date : ............................. Signature of the Principal: .........................................................
Date : ................................ Signature of the Master Teacher: ...............................................


I certify that the above particulars are correct.

Date : ............................. Signature of the Mentor: ............................................................

Date : ............................. Signature of the Principal: ..........................................................

Date : .............................. Signature of the Master Teacher: ................................................

SE I – Annexure 6
Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme
Teaching Practice Stage I
Self-Evaluation Report - 1

This report should be completed by the Student Teacher after the completion of 1st
lesson supervised by the Master Teacher and it should be sent to the following address.

Coordinator - Teaching Practice

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme
Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education Faculty of
The Open University of Sri Lanka Nawala,

í Name of the Student Teacher: ……………………………………..………………….…

í Registration Number : …………………………………..
í Centre: …………………………………..
í Name of the School & Address: …………………..…………..………..…………….………
í Name of the Master Teacher: ………………………..………………….……………………

A Please indicate your present status in relating to the following aspects.

Satisfactory Average

1 Writing Lesson Plans

2 Creating Learning Situations

3 Organizing appropriate learning

4 Starting the lessons in an interesting
5 Using appropriate teaching aids/
quality inputs

6 Applying suitable methods/

techniques for teaching
7 Maintaining a good rapport with
8 Using effective verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies
9 Using effective classroom
management strategies

10 Using suitable assessment/ evaluation
11 Managing time effectively
12 Attending to daily school activities on
13 Participating in co-curricula activities
14 Supporting the school administration
15 Participating in community - related

B 1.) What are your observations on your Master Teacher?

Satisfactory Average Need


1 Friendly

2 Facilitating

3 Reliable

4 Co-operative

5 Understanding

6 Critical

Give reasons for your Answers


………………………… …………………………………
Date Signature of the Student

SE 2 – Annexure 7
Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme
Teaching Practice Stage I
Self-Evaluation Report - 2

After the completion of Teaching Practice Stage 1, this report should be handed over to the
examiner’s of Teaching Practice Stage II.
í Name of the Student Teacher: …………………………………..…………….…………..
í Registration Number : …………………………………..
í Centre: …………………………………..
í Name of the School & Address:
í Name of the Master Teacher: ……………………..………………….………………

A Please indicate your present status in relating to the following aspects.

Satisfactory Average
1 Writing Lesson Plans

2 Creating Learning Situations

3 Organizing appropriate learning
4 Starting the lessons in an interesting
5 Using appropriate teaching aids/
quality inputs
6 Applying suitable methods/ techniques
for teaching
7 Maintaining a good rapport with
8 Using effective verbal and non verbal
communication strategies
9 Using effective classroom
management strategies
10 Using suitable assessment/ evaluation
11 Managing time effectively
12 Attending to daily school activities on
13 Participating in co-curricula activities
14 Supporting the school administration

15 Participating in community - related

B 1.) What is your overall impression of your Master Teacher?

Satisfactory Average Not

1 Friendly
2 Facilitating
3 Reliable
4 Co-operative
5 Understanding
6 Critical

2.) What are the strengths / weaknesses of the support given by the Master Teacher?

Strengths Weaknesses
…………………………………………..….… …………………………………………….…
……………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………….
……………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………….
…………………………………………..……. ……………………………………………….

3.) State your suggestion for improvement of this programme.


………………… ………………………

Date Signature of the Student

Faculty of Education
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda


Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme 2021/2022

Appointing a School Mentor for the Quality improvement of
Teaching Practice Programme

The Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education at the Faculty of Education of the
Open University of Sri Lanka conducts the Post Graduate Diploma in Education
Programme with the view of improving the professional competencies of teachers in
the Sri Lanka Education system. Priority has been given to enhance the professional
quality of student teachers, by giving them firsthand experiences in the school they
are working with the support of a mentor.

As the principal, we expect your fullest cooperation in this endeavor, as a person who
would always expect quality development in your school. You are kindly requested to
make necessary arrangements to appoint a mentor who is professionally close to the
student teachers at your school. Who follows the PGDE Programme and who’s
name/s is/are indicated in the M2 form.

The factors to be considered by you in this regard are attached herewith (M1 form).
Accordingly, you are kindly requested to send us the completed M2 form after
discussing with the student teacher and identifying a suitable mentor. Handover the
duly completed M2 form to the student teacher.

An honorarium will be paid for the mentor.

Your assistance in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Professor W.M.S.Wanasinghe
Head/ STE


Department of secondary & tertiary Education

Faculty of Education
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda


Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme 2021/2022

Factors to be considered in the selection of Mentor for the quality improvement
of the Teaching Practice Component of the PGDE Programme – OUSL
1. A senior teacher who is professionally close to the student teacher.

2. He/ She should have at least the Post Graduate Diploma in Education and
teaching experience of more than 5 years.

3. He/ She should show dedication to teaching – learning process and should have
a good relationship with the other teachers in the school.

4. It would be better; if a teacher who has expertise in the subject taught by the
student teacher can be selected.

5. He/she should actively participate in the development of co-curricular activities

in the school.

6. If appointed as a Mentor by the Open University of Sri Lanka, he/ she should be
able to work in that capacity within the school from 20.04.2022 to 20.07.2022

7. One mentor each should be appointed for each student teacher.

8. Principal should refrain from taking the responsibility, as a mentor.

Completed form should be sent back to the PGDE coordinator of the regional/
study center where the student was registered, on or before the second day



Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme 2021/2022

The form to nominate a mentor to improve the quality of the
Teaching Practice Component

(a) Details of the Student Teacher

1. Name: 2. Registration
………………………………………………………… No.:
………………………………………………………… ……………………

3. Address (School) : 4. Telephone No.:

………………………………………………………… ……………………

6. Address (Private) : 5. Telephone No.:

………………………………………………………… ……………………

7. Subjects Taught: 8. Grade/s:

………………………………………………………… ……………………

b) Details of the Mentor

1. Name: ……………………………………………………………………..

2. Private ……………………………………………………………………..
Address: ……………………………………………………………………..

3. Telephone No.
(Private): ……………………………………………………………………...

4. Educational Degree Post Degree Institution Year


5. Professional Qualifications Institution Year


6. Service as
A Teacher ……………………………………………………

(c) I agree to serve as a mentor according to the instructions of the Open University.

Signature of the Mentor: ………………………………………

(d) I certify that the senior teacher of this school mentioned in (b) above is suitable to serve
as the mentor for the student teacher mentioned in (a) above and that there are no
obstacles to obtain his/her services during the relevant period.

Name of the principal: ……………………………..

Date: ……………………………….

Signature and rubber stamp


Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
Faculty of Education
The Open University of Sri Lanka

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

(English Medium)
Compulsory Assignments & Instructions

Compulsory Courses
STP8301 Educational Psychology (3 Assignments)
STP8302 Principles of Education (3 Assignments)
STP8403 Measurement and Evaluation in Education (3 Assignments)
STP8404 Educational Technology Foundations (3 Assignments)
STP8305 Comparative Education & Educational Problems (3 Assignments)
STP8306 Guidance & Counseling in Education (3 Assignments)
STP8207 Curriculum Theory and Practice (2 Assignments)
SNP8208 Inclusive Education (2 Assignments)

Optional Courses (Any 2 courses to be selected out of 4 courses)

STP8209 Educational Management (2 Assignments)
STP8210 Child Rights (2 Assignments)
STP8211 Primary Education (2 Assignments)
STP8212 Multi-grade Teaching (2 Assignments)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme-2021/2022
Instructions to Complete the Assignments

1. All continuous assessment components are compulsory.

2. The student will be awarded an Overall Continuous Assessments Mark (OCAM)

based on the performance in Continuous Assessment components. The OCAM of a
student in a particular course shall be determined as the average marks of the total
number of assignments in the course.

3. The OCAM of any course can be carried forward to one (01) subsequent academic
years if the OCAM is ≥ C grade.

4. The OCAM will be added to the Final Examination Mark (FEM) if only the OCAM is ≥
C grade and FEM is ≥ C grade.

5. Assignments should be submitted to the Assignment Counter. A receipt will be issued

at the time you submit each Assignment answer script. It is important that you retain
the receipt as proof of submitting the assignment.

6. Assignments should not be handed over or sent by post to the Department of

Secondary and Tertiary Education. The Department does not hold any responsibility
for such assignments, and they will not be marked.

7. Use assignment folders when submitting assignments. Make sure that you have
entered all details correctly including the Registration Number. Write your
Registration Number and the Assignment Number on all pages of the assignments.

8. Please submit your assignment/s to the relevant center (Regional/Study) on or before

to the due date given in the assignment book. Your relevant center has been
mentioned in your student record book.

9. Use separate folders for separate assignments, never enclose two or more
assignments in one folder.

10. Marked assignments will be returned to at the earliest possible time.

11. When writing assignments pay special attention to your hand writing. No marks will
be awarded for illegible handwriting.

12. After attaching the assignment and the folder together staple it only once so that the
assignment could be unfolded easily.

13. Submit your assignments on or before the last date for submission mentioned in this

14. The last date for submission of each assignment is indicated at the bottom of each
assignment in this booklet.

15. The assignment answer script must contain original work by the student. A student
will be given an “E” grade (Fail) if any act of dishonesty on his/her part is found in
preparing and submitting the assignment

❖ Grades for Assignments will be awarded as stated below:

A+,A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ and C constitute pass grades for Continuous Assessments.

Range of Marks Grade

85- 100 A+
70 - 84 A

65 - 69 A-

60 - 64 B+
55 - 59 B

50 - 54 B-
45 - 49 C+

40 - 44 C
35 - 39 C--
30 - 34 D+

20 - 29 D

00 - 19 E

Assignment Schedule of the PGDE Programme -2021/2022

Dates and Dayschools related to Assignments

codes Assignment- 01 Assignment- 02 Assignment- 03

Activity Based Take Take Home

Assignment Home
Assignment 2
nt 1

STP8301 6th Dayschool 13.02.2022 20.03.2022

STP8302 7th Dayschool 13.02.2022 20.03.2022

STP8403 9th Dayschool 27.02.2022 03.04.2022

STP8404 5th Dayschool 27.02.2022 03.04.2022

STP8305 11th Dayschool 28.08.2022 30.10.2022

STP8306 12th Dayschool 28.08.2022 30.10.2022

STP8207 12th Dayschool 11.09.2022 -

SNP8208 12th Dayschool 11.09.2022 -

STP8209 13th Dayschool 09.10.2022 -

STP8210 13th Dayschool 09.10.2022 -

STP8211 13th Dayschool 09.10.2022 -

STP8212 13th Dayschool 09.10.2022 -

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/ 2022
STP8301-Educational Psychology
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 6th Day school.
Students are expected to study the following ssessions before participating in the Day
school to complete this Activity Based Assignment.
Session Number Session Title

Session 7 Diverse learners

Session 9 Principles of learning and their application to teaching

(Total Marks = 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8301-Educational Psychology
Take Home Assignment 01

Part I

1) According to Hurlock (2009), the period of infancy can be divided into three sub
periods. Explain those three periods using a concept map.

2) According to Hurlock (2009), the period of infancy can be divided into three sub
periods. Explain those three periods using a concept map.

3) “Optimising the infancy and the early childhood of the children is the best investment in
ensuring their future success.” Briefly explain the importance of development during infancy
and early childhood using three (03) examples.

4) State five developmental tasks of infancy and early childhood based on Havighurst’s
Developmental Task Theory. Briefly explain how parents could facilitate the children to go
through the above-mentioned developmental tasks citing three (03) examples.

5) Briefly describe three (03) activities that could be implemented to develop the cognitive
skills of the children in their childhood.

6) “Some children have access to tablets and smartphones before they learn to walk and talk.”
Briefly explain how digital screens affect the growth and development of infancy.

Part II

1) i) Explain the role of the family in child development in relation to the socialization of the
citing two (03) examples.
(8 marks)

ii) “Language acquisition is crucial for the social development of children in infancy and
early childhood.” Discuss the role of the parents in facilitating language development of the
children in infancy and early childhood citing three (03) examples for each stage. Justify your
answer based on literature.

2) i) Explain three main areas of cognitive development during the adolescence period.
(8 marks)

ii) As a teacher, you should be aware of the changes in cognitive development during the
adolescence period. Describe how you utilize your awareness of the changes of cognitive
development during adolescence when you plan the lessons for the students citing three
(12 marks)

3) i) Explain with three (03) examples ‘Why is adolescence known as a period of storm and
(8 marks)
ii) As a teacher, how do you facilitate the students to solve the various problems encountered
during adolescence? Describe using three (03) examples in relation to the Sri Lankan context.

(12 marks)

(Total = 100 marks)

Final date for Submission :- 13.02.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/ 2022
STP 8301-Educational Psychology
Take Home Assignment 02

This assignment is based on session 8 (Cognitive Processes) and session 10 (Motivation and Different
Approaches to the Study of Motivation) in the STP8301 Study Guide.

Part I

1. Draw a diagram of the Information Processing Model and describe the cognitive processes
of the Model in your own words giving examples from classroom teaching-learning
situations. Use the necessary technical terms where appropriate.
(10 marks)
2. Read the following scenario and answer the given questions.

It was Asha’s first day with the new class. She had discussed with the previous teacher, Ms.
Minoli, what they had studied up to then, and planned her first lesson with much care. She had
asked Ms. Minoli some questions about the students including their socio-economic background.
She also tried to get an idea from Ms. Minoli as to what types of teaching-learning methods she
had adopted during her time and whether those methods would work well with this class.
However, Asha thought of dedicating some time to get to know her students better on her very
first day with them. Among other things, she wanted to know a little bit more about their
background, how they preferred to learn and their level of motivation to learn her subject.

(i) The above scenario highlights that Asha was keen to get to know information pertaining to
certain factors that would affect cognitive processes in her new students. Explain five (05) of
those factors in brief.
(5 marks)
(ii) Imagine that you are Asha. Explain how, during your second lesson with this new class, you
would construct the students’ learning environment to facilitate their cognitive processes, by
answering the following questions.
(a) Mention the subject, grade, lesson topic, and behavioural objectives relevant to the
(02 marks)
(b) Explain how you would facilitate your students’ cognitive processes by manipulating the
learning environment in line with each step in the Information Processing Model.
(13 marks)

(iii) Describe in brief five (05) challenges that Asha would face when facilitating cognitive processes
of those students and explain how to overcome each of those challenges.

Part II

1. Explain why you should increase your students’ motivation for learning highlighting at least
three (03) key points from your own classroom experience.
(10 marks)

2. “Both the two basic types of motivation—intrinsic and extrinsic—are important in learning.”
Justify the above statement referring to your own teaching-learning context.
(10 marks)

3. Read the following scenario and answer the given questions.

Tanya was a teacher who had just started on her career when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic
in March 2020. Soon afterwards, her school closed and, a few weeks later, it was decided to
continue teaching-learning activities through distant mode. During her online lessons, Tanya
noticed that students were reluctant to show themselves over the video conferencing app and
were not eager to participate in learning activities. Most of the times, they neither answered her
questions nor did they show much enthusiasm in participating in group discussions. After a
week’s time, only a few students were attending her class. Overall, it seemed that Tanya’s
students were not motivated to participate in her lessons. After assessing the situation at the end
of the second week, Tanya thought of asking for help. She talked about these difficulties with
Ms. Nikitha, her Sectional Head.

(i) Explain in brief some possible reasons why Tanya’s students were feeling demotivated.

(10 marks)
(ii) Imagine that you are Ms. Nikitha and answer the following questions:

(a) Examine five (05) strategies that you would suggest for Tanya to adopt, in order to
motivate her students to actively participate in her lessons. (Imagine that Tanya is teaching
the same subject and a grade that you teach.)
(10 marks)
(b) Explain how each of the strategies you mentioned under (a) above are linked to the
principles of theories of motivation (Refer to different theories as much as possible).
(20 marks)
(Part II Total=60 marks)
(Total Marks=100)

Final date for Submission :- 20.03.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8302- Principles of Education
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be conducted as an interactive assignment at the 7th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following Sessions before participating in the Day school to complete this
Activity Based Assignment.

Session Session Title


Session 3 Philosophers of Education

Session 4 Value Education

Session 5 Educational Aims and Objectives

(Total Marks = 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8302- Principles of Education


Take Home Assignment 01

Session 9 & 10 -Main Types of Education & Lifelong Learning


Student Teachers must refer (page 95- 105 & 136- 140) to the following web link before answering
the questions in part one of the assignment. Answer all the questions in part I and part II.
Web link:

Part 1

“Education was considered as a blended of all formal, informal, and non-formal mechanisms.”

Considering the above statement, answer the following questions given below.

1.1 Create your definitions for concepts of Formal, Informal, and Non- Formal Education.

(6 Marks)

1.2 List five main characteristics of the Formal Education system in Sri Lanka.
(10 Marks)
1.3 Examine three Issues in the Learning Environment in Sri Lankan Schools.

(12 Marks)

1.4 Briefly explain four main Trends in Non-formal Education in Sri Lanka.
(10 Marks)

1.5 Evaluate the three Issues in Non-formal Education in Sri Lanka and Give your suggestions to
overcome those issues.
(12 Marks)
(Total – 50 Marks)
Part II

2.1 “The concepts of Continuing Education, Adult Education, Recurrent Education, and Open
Education are considered as the aspects of Lifelong Learning”.
i) Briefly differentiate the meaning of each concept with suitable examples. (4x5=20 Marks)
2.2 “Under the open education platform, online education mechanism is more controversial in a
current educational setting in the country with the global epidemic crisis.” As a teacher, prepare a
brief report emphasizing the following aspects.
i. Brief introduction about your school/institute (100 words)
ii. Nature of online education mechanism which is established in your school/institute to
facilitate student learning. (100 words)
iii. What are the good practices experienced by you as a teacher/officer with the current online
education mechanism of your school/institute (100 words)
iv. What are the challenges/problems faced by you with the current online education mechanism
(100 words)
v. What are the suggestions/alternatives you have identified to overcome those
challenges/problems (100 words)
(5x6=30 Marks)
Final date for Submission :- 13.02.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8302-Principles of Education
Take Home Assignment 02

Answer all the questions in Part-I and Part-II.

Part -I

01. Briefly describe the differences between the aims and objectives of education.

(08 marks)

02. When deciding the aims of national education as a teacher how you can contribute in this

process. Explain with two (02) suitable examples.

(08 marks)

03. Mention that the values you are expecting to develop among your school students and Briefly

explain the steps carry forward.

(08 marks)

04. Educational policies introduced in the past history of Sri Lankan government contributed

towards the social mobility. Briefly explain this statement by citing four examples.

(08 marks)

05. Examine the needs of the open education in the present Sri Lankan context.

(08 marks)

Part -II

06. “Through the implementation of core curriculum, co- curriculum and hidden curriculum
activities schools were playing a prominent role in the process of the socialization of school

I. By stating your own school experiences explain how core curriculum activities can
contribute the socialization of students.
(15 marks)

II. List out the cocurricular and hidden curricular activities implemented in your school and
explain how those activities contribute the socialization of students.
III. Examine the challenges faced by you when involving the process of socialization while
implementing the core curriculum, co-curriculum and hidden curriculum activities in
your school.
(15 marks)
IV. Explain the measures taken by you to reduce or overcome those challenges related to the
socialization process. (15

(Total marks =100 Marks)

Final date for Submission :- 20.03.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8403- Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 9th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following Sessions before participating in the Day school to complete this
Activity Based Assignment.

Session Session Title


Session 3 Measurement of Cognitive Domain

Session 4 Items Development in Cognitive Domain

Session 9 Planning test Instruments – Classroom Tests

(Total Marks = 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8403- Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Take Home Assignment 01

(A). Briefly explain the following concepts using appropriate examples.

i. Mode
ii. Median
iii. Arithmetic mean
iv. Range
(20 marks)
(B). Marks obtained by 40 students for Mathematics are given below.

72 50 25 54 38 60 48 25

30 22 82 28 55 35 30 45

60 55 84 26 58 62 85 55

90 45 38 40 19 48 55 42

87 75 28 64 36 18 54 28

i. Create the bar chart (histogram) for the above distribution of marks.
ii. Calculate the range, mode, and median of this distribution.
iii. Find the arithmetic mean of the above set of marks.
iv. Calculate the mean deviation for the above marks.
(20 Marks)

02. The distribution of marks obtained by the students in the Science examination is given in the
following table.
Class Intervals Frequency
90-99 1
80-89 2
70-79 2
60-69 6

50-59 8
40-49 12
30-39 5
20-29 2
10-19 1
0-9 1

i. Create the frequency polygon for the frequency distribution.

ii. Calculate the mode and median of this distribution.
iii. Considering the assumed mean of the above set of marks to be in the class interval (40-
49) calculate the arithmetic mean.
iv. Calculate the standard deviation of the distribution of marks.
(20 marks)
01. (A).
i. Explain in brief what is meant by ‘Z-score’ using an example.
ii. Calculate the Z-score for the following raw scores. The arithmetic mean and the standard
deviation of the marks are 60 and 15.
a. 85 b. 55 c. 28 d. 42 e. 60
(10 marks)

(B). Marks obtained by 5000 students in an English test are distributed according to the normal
probability curve. The arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of the marks are 55 and 10
i. Find the number of students who scored between 45-65 marks.
ii. Find the number of students who obtained less than 40 marks.
(10 marks)
02. (A). Explain what is meant by ‘positive correlation’ and ‘negative correlation’ with examples.
(10 marks)
(B). Marks scored by grade 10 students for subjects Science and Mathematics at a year-end
examination are given below.

Students A B C D E F G H I J

Science 8 6 7 7 8 6 4 4 3 5

Mathematics 9 7 4 4 6 5 5 7 5 8

i. Compute the Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient (rxy) for the above set of
ii. Interpret the value obtained for the correlation coefficient.
(10 marks)

(Total marks 100)

Final date for Submission :- 27.02.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8403- Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Take Home Assignment 02

Part I

1) Define the term “Measurement” and explain the importance of the concept “Measurement”
for a practising teacher citing suitable examples.

2) Differentiate the concepts “Norm-based evaluation” and “Criterion-based evaluation”.

3) Explain the levels of revised classification of cognitive domain giving suitable examples.

4) Describe the areas of measurement in the cognitive domain giving examples.

5) Explain the factors affecting psychomotor development giving suitable examples.

(8x5 = 40 marks)

Part II

1) i) Explain the term “Evaluation”.

(2 marks)
ii) Explain five (05) aspects of educational evaluation in brief giving suitable examples.
(10 marks)

iii) “Evaluation provides an opportunity to arrive at correct decisions regarding student

learning.” Discuss this statement.
(8 marks)


i) Differentiate “Aims”, “General Objectives” and “Specific Objectives”.

(6 marks)
ii) a) Mention two (02) intended general objectives to be achieved during school education.
(4 marks)
b) Explain the strategies that can be followed to achieve any one of them.
(10 marks)
3) i) What is meant by affective development.
(6 marks)
ii) a) What is sociometry? (4 marks)
b) State two (02) incidences that sociometry can be used in the classroom.
(4 marks)
c) Explain one of such incidences giving examples.
(6 marks)

(Total = 100 marks)

Final date for Submission :- 03.04.2022

Post graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8404-Educational Technology Foundations
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 5th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following Sessions before participating in the Day school to complete this
Activity Based Assignment.

Session Session Title

Session 5 Resources to Enhance Learning and Teaching

Session 6 Designing Learning Experiences

Post graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8404 - Educational Technology Foundations
Take Home Assignment 01

Part I

1. Explain how you understand the concept ‘Educational Technology’, based on a concept map
created by you.
(3+3=06 marks)
2. Providing suitable examples from any subject you teach, briefly explain how you have
integrated educational technology into the teaching-learning process, to support developing
‘21st century skills’ among your learners.
(2 x 4 = 08 Marks)
3. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (6-8 slides) on “New trends in Educational Technology”
and upload it to the Discussion Forum in Moodle LMS. Provide feedback to at least 2 peers.
(3+2 = 05 marks)
4. Briefly explain how any two of the new trends you have identified above (in question 1.2)
could be adopted to carry out the teaching-learning process during unexpected circumstances
such as the COVID - 19 situation. Provide examples from your own context.
(3x2=06 marks)

5. Search and find at least 5 educational resources useful for teachers in relation to “new trends
in educational technology”, and add those to the online resource collection, providing a brief
introduction about each resource.
(05 Marks)

6. Complete the online quiz on “Instructional Approaches” in Moodle LMS.

(05 marks)

7. Briefly explain the concepts ‘direct instruction,’ and ‘indirect instruction’ providing two
examples to describe how you have successfully adopted these concepts in the classroom
teaching-learning process.
(5+5 = 10 marks)

8. Update your reflective journal in Moodle LMS, reflecting on the strengths and limitations of
different instructional approaches you have adopted in diverse learning situations.
(05 marks)
(Marks for Part I = 50)

Part II

1. Educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures,

ideas, devices, and organization, for analysing problems and devising, implementing,
evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human
learning (AECT, 1977).

a) In accordance with the above definition, reflect on a lesson from any subject in any class
which you have already taught, and examine to what extent you have incorporated
educational technology on the following aspects, providing clear examples.

I. When you designed the learning experiences

II. When you implemented the teaching-learning process.
III. When you prepared the teaching-learning aids.
IV. When you designed the assessments.
(5x4 = 20 Marks)

(b). Based on your reflections on the above, critically evaluate to what extent you have enhanced
your pedagogical skills in relation to the application of educational technology in the above-
mentioned aspects (i to iv).
(05 Marks)

2. “Different Instructional approaches are needed for diverse learning situations”.

a) Justify the above statement providing two (02) appropriate examples from your classroom
b) Select ONE classroom setting from the following list, and answer the questions given below.
• Whole class teaching
• Group teaching
• Team teaching
• Multi-grade teaching
• Multi-level teaching
I. State five (05) key points that you must consider when organizing the selected classroom
(05 Marks)

II. Explain with justification, two (02) teaching-learning situations in which the selected
classroom setting would be appropriate to be adopted.

(5x2 = 10 marks)

III. Describe two strengths/advantages of the selected classroom setting.

(05 Marks)

IV. Describe two weaknesses /disadvantages of the selected classroom setting.

(05 Marks)
(Marks for Part II = 50)

Final date for Submission :- 27.02.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8404-Educational Technology Foundations
Assignment- 03
Take Home Assignment 02

Part 1
1. Differentiate between ‘teaching methods’ and ‘teaching techniques’ providing two (02)
(04 marks)

2. Explain briefly why a teacher cannot depend on a single teaching method/ technique of
teaching in the teaching- learning process by citing three (03) examples.

(06 marks)

3. “Diversity of students is one of the factors that should be considered in selecting teaching
methods and techniques of teaching”.
4. Discuss four (04) aspects of diversity among students.
(04 marks)
5. Explain how each of the following, facilitate student learning.
(a) Brainstorming
(b) Role Play
(c) Mind Mapping
(06 marks)
6. ‘Inquiry-based learning’ improves student engagement in the teaching -learning process.’
Justify this statement giving four (04) reasons. (04 marks)
7. Describe how the “flipped classroom” strategy can be adopted by you when teaching a
selected lesson.
(06 marks)

Marks for Part I = 30

Part II

Study the following scenario, and answer the questions.

Ms. Sanduni who has just passed out from the Teacher Training Institute, got her first appointment
to teach Mathematics, for junior secondary classes, in a school with high student population in a semi-
urban area. Her Grade 7 class consists of 43 students. She started her first lesson on ‘simple algebraic
equations’ introducing the concept to the whole class. She was continuing explaining the lesson in
the same manner, when she noticed that a majority of students seemed confused, some uninterested,
and some were totally distracted from the lesson.

I. (a). State the teaching method that Sanduni had adopted in this lesson
(02 marks)
(b). Discuss three (03) disadvantages of selecting that particular teaching method.
(06 marks)

She stopped the lesson, and inquired the reasons for this situation. She found out that a majority of
the students were not much competent in basic algebraic expressions, and a few students were even
unaware of the proper use of algebraic symbols, which are essential prerequisites for this lesson.
II. Explain the main mistake done by Sanduni in adopting the above teaching method.
(04 marks)

Realizing her mistake, Sanduni took some measures to rectify the issue. She thought of organizing
the class into a number of mixed- ability groups, and to allow students to solve some simple algebraic
equations together.
III. Discuss three (03) advantages of her using mixed- ability groups in this situation.
(06 marks)
However, Sanduni was still unhappy of the way the group work was going on, due to certain
limitations/challenges she observed.
IV a). State three (03) limitations/challenges she would face during the use of mixed- ability groups
in this context.
(06 marks)
(b). Suggest three strategies that she can adopt to overcome those limitations/challenges.
(06 marks)
Sanduni discussed the challenging situation she faced with her mentor. Her mentor suggested that
most of such teaching- learning issues could be minimized by adopting the most suitable teaching
(V). Suggest a suitable teaching method that Sanduni could use in the teaching -learning process of
this particular lesson.
(02 marks)
(VI) Describe step-by-step, how Sanduni could implement the teaching-learning process of this
particular lesson using the suggested teaching method.
(12 marks)
If you were Sanduni,
(VII). Discuss two important lessons that you have learnt as a teacher, by engaging in this process
(06 marks)
Marks for Part II =50
Part III - Online Activities

(a) Online Quiz

Complete the online quiz on “Methods and Techniques of Teaching” in Moodle LMS
(0.5x10 = 05 marks)
(b) Discussion Forum
• State the topic and the objectives/learning outcomes of a recent lesson taught by you.
• Mention two techniques of teaching that you have used in this lesson.
• Justify your selection of these techniques of teaching in planning the learning experiences to
facilitate students’ achievement of the objectives/learning outcomes mentioned above.
• Share your experiences of using these techniques of teaching, to the relevant discussion
forum in Moodle LMS.
• Comment on at least two of your peers’ work
(05 marks)

(c) Reflective Journal
• Reflect on the challenges that you faced when adopting one of the techniques of teaching in
a lesson you conducted recently.
• Suggest measures that you can take to overcome these challenges.
• Update your reflection in the relevant reflective journal link in Moodle LMS.
(05 marks)
(d) Contributing to the Online Resource Collection
Search and find at least 5 educational resources useful for teachers in relation to “methods and
techniques of teaching”, and add those to the online resource collection, providing a brief introduction
about each resource.
(05 marks)
Marks for Part III =20

Final date for Submission :- 03.04.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8305 - Comparative Education & Educational Problems
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 11th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Day school.

Session Number Session Title

Session 6 Education in ancient Sri Lanka

Session 7 Education during colonial period

Session 8 Developments in education in Sri Lanka, after independence (1948-2018)

(Total Marks= 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8305 - Comparative Education and Educational Problems
Take Home Assignment 01

1. Briefly describe the educational structure of the United Kingdom in the 1940s.

2. Explain the structure of primary education in Japan.

3. Briefly explain the current structure of secondary education in India.

4. Describe three positive aspects of secondary education in India that can be absorbed into the
secondary education system of Sri Lanka.
(10 X 4=40)

Part 2

5. Examine with appropriate examples the impact of the British education structure on
education in Sri Lanka.
(20 Marks)
6. What are the issues that may arise in absorbing the current aspects of secondary education in
India for secondary education in Sri Lanka? Make detailed suggestions to minimize those
(40 Marks)

Total 100 marks

Final date for Submission :- 28.08.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8305-Comparative Education & Educational Problems
Take Home Assignment 02

Answer all questions in Part1 and Part 11

Part -I
1) “The 1972 reform was an attempt to make the curriculum more relevant and develop
students’ skills suitable to the world of work” Do you agree with above statement? Briefly
give four (4) reasons with examples.
(8 Marks)
2) According to the National Education Commission “Basic competencies developed through
education will contribute to achieving the national education goals”. State seven(7)
competencies introduced by National Education Commission in 2003
(7 Marks)
3) Explain five (5) main recommendations of the White paper on Education- 1981 concerning
general Education
(15 Marks)
4) Ministry of education agreed to formulate an Education Sector Development Framework and
Programme (ESDFP) as proposed by the World Bank in 2004. What are the key areas of the
ESDFP? Briefly explain
(10 Marks)

Part -II

Assume that, you have been selected as a resources person in the committee to formulate
National Education policy in general Education.

1) List out five (5) major areas should be considered when formulating particular National Education
Policy and give reasons to select those areas.
(10 Marks)
2) Briefly explain five (5) issues /challenges that you can face when formulating and implementing a
particular National Education Policy in general Education.
(25 Marks)
3) Briefly explain five (5) factors that contribute to the success of education reforms.
(25 Marks)

Total Marks for the Assignment =100

Final date for Submission :- 30.10.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8306-Guidance & Counselling in Education
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 12th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Day school.

Session Session Title


Session 4 Counseling Techniques Practiced within the School System

Session 7 Therapeutic Approaches in Counseling

(Total Marks= 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8306-Guidance & Counselling in Education

Take Home Assignment 01

Part I of this assignment is based on session 2 (Adjustment and Development of a Well-adjusted

Personality) and Part II is based on session 9 (Global Practices of Guidance and Counselling in
Education) in the STP8306 Study Guide.
Part I
1. Draw a diagram of the Adjustment Process and describe the steps in your own words, giving
examples from your own life experience or those of any person with whom you are

2. (i) List five (05) life stress related factors that could lead to problems in adjustment in school
(1X5= 5 marks)

(iii) Select one of the factors you mentioned under (i) above and explain three (03)
strategies that you, as a teacher, would adopt to help a child with that issue to develop
a well-adjusted personality.
(3X5= 15 marks)
(Part I Total = 40 marks)
Part II

To complete Part II of the assignment, you need to visit and collect data about the services provided
by a School Career Guidance Centre. It could be either the one in your own school or any other school
which you can have access to. If you do not have access to a School Career Guidance Centre, you
may select a School Counselling Centre which provides career education and guidance to school
3. Visit the selected School Career Guidance Centre/Counselling Centre, and study to what
extent its career guidance programme complies with the key components of a quality career
education and guidance programme identified by Nottinghamshire. (Refer to p. 20 in the
National Education Commission research report titled Study on Career Guidance in
General Education in Sri Lanka).
Prepare a brief report on your findings including the following points:
-Profile of the Centre
-career guidance services provided by the Centre (10 marks)
-to what extent the services provided by the Centre comply with the key components of a quality
career education and guidance programme
(20 marks)
4. Based on the knowledge gained by studying session 9 (Global Practices of Guidance and
Counselling in Education) and additional learning resources, develop a plan to improve the
quality of the career education/guidance programme provided by the above Centre. Your plan
needs to put forward at least five (05) key suggestions for this purpose.
In addition, your overall plan should include the following points:

- identifying concerns related to the quality of the career guidance programme based on analysis of
the current practices
- determining anticipated outcomes of the plan
- suggestions for improving relevant processes
- specific clients concerned
- resources required (human and other)

(Part II Total = 60 marks)

(Total Marks = 100)
Final date for Submission :- 28.08.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8306-Guidance & Counselling in Education
Take Home Assignment 02

Part I
1) Name four (04) codes of ethics in counselling services and explain the importance of them
for the success of the counselling service in brief.
(08 marks)

2) “Primary school level can be considered as a significant stage in one’s lifespan.” Discuss the
benefits of guidance and counselling services for the children in primary school level using
two (02) examples.
(08 marks)

3) State two (02) problems that the students face in the secondary level. Describe how school
counselling service helps to solve the above-mentioned problems.
(08 marks)

4) Briefly explain the importance of vocational/career guidance and counselling services for
children with special needs.
(08 marks)

5) Discuss the need for a vocational/career guidance and counselling services in Sri Lanka citing
two (02) examples.

Part II

Answer the following questions based on the given scenario.

Samith is a student in grade 12 who studies in the Science stream for his Advanced Level examination
at one of the most premier school in Sri Lanka. He was very talented in dancing and his ambition was
to become a well-known traditional dancer when he was in junior secondary classes. But he was not
given an option by his parents other than becoming a doctor. He spent two months learning Biology,
Chemistry and Physics and finally realised he did not want to become a doctor but a traditional dancer.
When he approached his parents to talk about his career plans, they were extremely disappointed and
angry with him and said, “Your father’s dreams are shattered.”
1) Analyse Samith’s problem related to career choice based on three (03) theories of vocational
(30 marks)
2) Imagine you are the teacher-in-charge in Guidance and Counselling services in Samith’s
school. How do you counsel Samith and his parents to solve his problem and choose the most
appropriate career for him? Your answer should be based on the theories of vocational
counselling and the techniques that you use.
(30 marks)
(Part II = 60marks)
(Total = 100 marks)

Final date for Submission :- 30.10.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8207-Curriculum Theory & Practice
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 12th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Day school.

Session Number Session Title

Session 5 Curriculum Management

Session 6 Curriculum evaluation

(Total Marks= 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8207-Curriculum Theory & Practice
Take Home Assignment 01

Answer all the questions.

Part 1

(01). Explain what a curriculum is, taking into account two (02) definitions of the curriculum.

(10 marks)

(02). Name five (05) salient curriculum features.

(05 marks)

(03). Briefly explain the importance of curriculum design.

(05 marks)

(04). What is meant by Curriculum Development Model? Illustrate two (02) curriculum development
models and describe that briefly.

(05). List out five (05) factors hindering the successful curriculum implementation and suggest
strategies for successful implementation.

(05 marks)

(06) Identify at least three roles as a teacher for managing the school curriculum effectively.

(10 marks)

(Part 1 - 40 marks)

Part 2

(07). Imagine that the Zonal education office requests you to submit a curriculum development plan
proposal for a new school curriculum to connect with the world of work. Therefore, develop a
curriculum development plan for the subject you teach at your school. Your proposal should include
the following:

I. Selected subject and Grade

II. Selected curriculum development model to develop your proposal.

III. Based on the identified curriculum development model, organize your new curriculum of the
selected subject consisting of learning outcomes, contents and assessment & evaluation procedures.
(Between 1000-1500 words)

(Part 2 - 60 marks)

(Total marks 40 + 60 = 100)

Final date for Submission :- 11.09.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

SNP8208 - Inclusive Education


Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 13th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Day school.

Session Number Session Title

Session 5 Teaching Collaboratively in the Inclusive Classroom: Models Instructional -

Strategies for All Students

Session 6 The Role of Teacher in Inclusive Setup

(Total Marks= 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

SNP8208-Inclusive Education


Take Home Assignment 01

Part I

1. Explain with three (3) examples, concepts of ‘Special Educational Needs’ and ‘Special Needs
2. Examine three (3) challenges in educating students with special educational needs in Sri Lanka.
3. Define the terms; ‘Integrated Education’ and ‘Inclusive Education’ in your own words.
4. Discuss five (5) challenges faced by teachers in managing inclusive classrooms which are
accommodated children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder.
5. Explain citing three (3) examples the inter relationship of the concepts of ‘impairment’,
‘disability’, and ‘handicap’
(8 x 5 = 40 marks)

Part II

Answer based on reflections of your own professional experiences and explain with examples (Three
examples for each question).
i. Strategies used by you when catering students with diverse needs in your classrooms.
ii. Challenges faced by you when catering diversity of the students in your classrooms.
iii. Make suggestions to overcome those challenges when catering diversity of the students
in your classrooms.
(20 x 3 = 60 marks)
(Total = 100 Marks)

Final date for Submission :- 11.09.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8209 -Educational Management
Assignment No - 01
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 12th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Day school.

Session Number Session Title

Session 6 Organization of Management and Finance in the School System

Session 7 Effectiveness, Efficiency and Resource Management of Schools

Session 8 Supervision and Evaluation for School Effectiveness

(Total Marks = 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8209-Educational Management
Take Home Assignment 01

Answer all question in part one and part two.

Part – I

1. By giving two (2) excepted definition briefly explain the concept of management.
(8 marks)
2. Efficiency of an organization leads towards its effectiveness. B citing two (2) suitable
example describe the above statement.
(8 marks)

3. Explain at least four (4) roles of the zonal educational department in relation to the functions
of teachers’ administration.
(8 marks)
4. F.W.Taylor introduced basic principles to attain maximum output of an organization.
Mention four (4) principles and explain how those principles are contribute to attain the
maximum output of an organization.
(8 marks)
5. By citing four (4) suitable examples discuss how a school principal can use need theory
introduced by Abraham Maslow to motivate his/her own school teachers.
(8 marks)
Part – II

1. Briefly explain the basic management process by citing examples related to your own school.
(15 marks)
2. Explain the basic steps that followed by your school management team in the planning
process by citing three (3) examples.
(15 marks)
3. Briefly discuss the problems (at least 3) encountered by your school management team when
planning school activities or projects.
(15 marks)
4. Make suggestions to minimize or overcome the above mention problems encountered by
your school management team.
(15 marks)

Total marks: 40+60=100

Final date for Submission :- 09.10.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8210 - Child Rights
Assignment - 01
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 13th Day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Day school.

Session Number Session Title

Session 4 The Right to growth and development

Session 6 The Right to protection

Session 7 The Right to participation

Session 9 Awareness raising and communication strategies on child rights

(Total Marks = 100)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8210-Child Rights

Assignment - 02

Take Home Assignment 01

Part 1
a. Name and briefly explain the clusters of rights specified in the United Nations Convention
on the rights of the child (08 marks)
b. Describe in brief the fundamental principles which govern child rights (10 marks)
c. Briefly explain with suitable examples the steps taken during the Dutch ruler to improve the
situational of Sri Lankan children (12 marks)
d. Describe the effectiveness of parenting styles for the creativity development of a child by
using three examples (10 marks)
(40 Marks)

Part 11

a. Name five problems raced in Child Rights at present time. (10 Marks)
b. Describe briefly five major initiatives government of Sri Lanka has taken for ensuring the
Child Right to indicate the problems that you have mentioned above (20 Marks)
c. What are the shortcomings of initiates taken by the government that you mentioned in 2 (b)
(10 Marks)
d. Describe in brief four important suggestions to minimize the above mentioned problems for
ensure the rights of children (20 Marks)
(60 Marks)

Total 100 Marks

Final date for Submission :- 09.10.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8211- Primary Education


Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 13th day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Dayschool.

Session Number Session Title

Session 4 How Children Learn in Primary Class

Session 5 Role of the Primary School Teacher

Session 6 Assessing Progress in Primary School students

(Total = 100 Marks)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8211- Primary Education
Take Home Assignment 01

Part – One

01. Briefly explain how the recommendations made under the 1943 educational reform
contributed towards the remarkable achievements in the primary education in Sri Lanka.
(10 marks)
02. Mention the five major objectives of primary education introduced in 1972 and briefly
discuss its relevance in the present primary education system.
03. Essential Learning Competencies were introduced in 1998 educational reforms. Briefly
describe the content of Essential Learning Competencies prescribed for Key Stage one,
giving appropriate examples.
(10 marks)

04. Briefly discuss the training opportunities available in Sri Lanka for primary teachers to get
primary teachers’ professional development enhanced.

(10 marks)
Part – Two

Changes introduced under 1998 educational reform are still being implemented in the Sri Lankan
school system.
05. Mention the major changes introduced under 1998 educational reform in relation to the
primary education.
(15 marks)
06. Discuss the problems or challenges you face when implementing the above-mentioned
changes in your school according to your practical experiences.

(15 marks)
07. Explain the support that you can receive from the internal community of the school to
overcome the above-mentioned problems or challenges.

(15 marks)
08. Explain the support that you can receive from the external community of the school to
overcome the above-mentioned problems or challenges.
(15 marks)

Total marks - part i - 40 + part - ii - 60 = 100 marks

Final date for Submission :- 09.10.2022

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022
STP8212- Multi-Grade Teaching
Activity Based Assignment (ABA)

This assignment will be completed as an interactive assignment at the 13th day school. Students are
expected to study the following sessions before participating in the Dayschool.

Session Session Title

Session 6 Assessment and evaluation in multi- grade classroom

Session 7 Planning a programme of Instruction for Multi- grade classes

(Total = 100 Marks)

Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme - 2021/2022

STP8212- Multi-Grade Teaching
Take Home Assignment 01

Answer all the questions in part I and Part II

Part i
1. What is the difference between the multi-grade classroom and the mono-grade classroom?
(08 marks)
2. Briefly explain four (04) advantages of multi-grade teaching
(08 arks).
3. Evaluate the importance of the teacher’s role in establishing a positive learning environment
in a multi-grade classroom.
(08 marks)
4. Mention four (04) common behavioral problems that can be seen in a multi-grade classroom
and explain, with suitable examples (two behavioral problems), how the teacher can control
the students’ behavioral problems. (08 marks)
5. Explain briefly, with examples, how a teacher can use intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a
multi-grade classroom.
(08 marks)

Part - ii
6. I. Select two teaching approaches appropriate for a multi-grade classroom (select any subject that
you are teaching and mention the grade levels of the students). Explain how you are going to apply
the above-mentioned teaching approaches in a more productive manner. Please explain under the
planning and implementing stages (10 marks).
ii. Mention the difficulties that you have to face when you implement the above selected
approaches for a multi-grade classroom. ( 10 marks)

iii. Propose appropriate solutions to minimize the above-mentioned difficulties. (10 marks)

7. I. Select two local resources and two electronic-based resources and provide a brief introduction
to each resource (04 resources). (10 marks)

II. Explain, how you can use the selected local resources and electronic-based resources in a more
productive manner in a multi-grade classroom (explain under the planning and implementation
(10 marks)

III. Mention the difficulties that you have to face as a multi-grade class teacher when you are plan
and implement the above resources and explain the possible solutions for the difficulties that you
mentioned above. (10 marks)
(Total Marks = 100)

Final date for Submission :- 09.10.2022

Faculty of Education,
The Open University of Sri Lanka

Dear Student,

An Opportunity to enrol in the Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action


Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-DELTA) is a programme of the

Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada, to promote digital education environments in Commonwealth
nations. Recognising the importance of digital education skills as a lifelong learning need to be successful in
the 21st century, COL has developed the C-DELTA as an online platform with useful learning resources, for
teachers and students to use and develop their digital skills. The Faculty of Education at the Open University
of Sri Lanka (OUSL) has taken measures to provide the opportunity to all registered students in teacher
professional development programmes, to follow C-DELTA as a free, non-credit, self-study course. We are
happy to facilitate you to follow this course which will help you develop digital literacy and essential digital
education competencies. You may visit the C-DELTA website: and register in the
platform by yourself. Please see the attached step-by-step guideline on this process. An Orientation to C-
DELTA will be conducted at your Programme Inauguration Sessions.

We invite you to explore, engage, and enjoy this exciting course!

Prof. Shironica P. Karunanayaka

Senior Professor in Educational Technology
Project Team Leader (On behalf of the Project Team)

Guidelines to Register in the C-DELTA Platform

1. Type in the
address bar in your web browser
and then press enter.
Then you will go to the web page
Click on the “SIGN UP” tab in the
right-hand corner of this web
2. When you click sign up, you will
receive the sign-up form shown.
Fill/select your basic information
(First name; Last name;
Male/Female; Date of Birth;
Country; Email address.)
Email – You must always use
the OU student email address
given to you at registration.
Password – You should create a
password to login to the
C-DELTA Platform and
remember it!

3. Next, you must choose how you

are going to join the course.
Select “as part of an organization/
institute/ group”.
Then, select the organization,
“OUSL Faculty of Education”
Select your user type as
4. After completing all sections of the
form, it will be as the example
shown in the picture.
Finally, click “I am not a robot” and
then click on “Register”.

Now you are ready to enjoy the

C-DELTA experience.

You can get further guidance at,

Good Luck!


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