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Metropolis Public School System of Malawi has 18 school bus routes, of which six will expire

at the end of current school year. They must sign a three year contract for each of the six bus
routes by March of 2006. Bids have been made by five regional bus companies. The values in
the table below represent the price each bus company would charge to service a particular bus
route for three years (in millions of Kwachas). As can be seen in the table below, most of the bus
companies have made bids for only certain routes. In addition, due to limited resources each
company has indicated the maximum number of routes that they can actually accept. Thus,
although Ajax Bus Service has made bids for four routes, they have indicated they have only
enough resources to accept three of the bids. Formulate the LP model to minimize the cost of
securing contracts for each of the six bus routes.

Bus Routes Maximum

Bus Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 Accepted

Ajax Bus Service $23 -- 25 30 -- 11 3

Beagle Hound 25 -- 27 -- 21 -- 2

Magic Bus -- 28 -- 32 -- -- 1

Partridge Bus 18 22 -- -- -- 10 2

Yellow Bus -- -- --- 34 20 -- 1

Objective function MIN


A1+A3+A4+A6 ≤ 3
A1+B1+P1 = 1
M2+P2 = 1
A3+B3 = 1
A4+M4+Y4 = 1
B5+Y5 = 1
A6 + P6 = 1
5. Crow Tank Company must relocate heavy equipment located at Node 1 in the network below
to a new plant location (Node 7). Formulate the LP model to find the shortest route from Node 1
to Node 7.

Objective function:



X12+X13 = 1

X12+X52+X42 = X24+X25

X13+X53+X63 = X35+X36

X24+X54 = X42 + X45+X47

X25+X35+X45 = X52+X53+X54+X57

X36 = X67+X63

X47+X57+X67 = 1
5. At the end of each week, General Appliance ships (by truck) refrigerators that they produce in
plants located in Atlanta and Boston to distribution centers located in Chicago, Denver, and
Eugene. Relevant shipping costs are presented in the table below. The route from Boston to
Eugene is serviced by only one truck and is limited to 50 units per week on this route. In
addition, refrigerators can be sent from the distribution center in Chicago to Denver at a cost of
$30 per unit. Finally, it is possible to ship refrigerators by freight from Boston to Eugene for a
price of $80 per unit, but only if the weekly shipment amount is exactly 200 units per week
(Hint: Use a binary decision variable to determine if this route will be used). Formulate the
mixed integer LP model to minimize shipping cost. (10 points) {Probably nine decision variables
of which one is binary. Seven constraints}

Distribution Centers
Plants Chicago Denver Eugene Supply

Atlanta $40 $65 $120 500

Boston $5 $60 $130 400

Demand 300 300 300

Costs are per unit. Supply and Demand is per week.

Objective Function: MIN 40AC+65AD+120AE+5BC+60BD+130BE+30CD+80BEf


AC+AD+AE≤ 500

BC+BD+BE+BEf ≤ 400

AC+AB = 300 + CD

AD+BD+CD =300

AE+BE+BEF = 300

BEf = 200F

BE ≤ 50
4. The LP model below maximizes flow of oil through a network (in thousands of gallons per

4a. According to the model, what is the maximum flow of oil per hour from Node 1 to
Node 3?

4b. What is the maximum flow per hour through the network ? ____48__________

4c. What is the optimal amount of oil that should be sent from node 2 to Node 3?


4d. What are the possible methods/routes available to reach Node 3?

1-3, 2-3, 5-3

4e . If it was possible to increase the capacity of some routes by 1(000) gallons, which routes
would you consider increasing the route’s capacity? (list all that apply)

1-3, 1-5

1) 1X13<20
2) 1X15<10
3) 1X23<9
4) 1X32<4
5) 1X35<8
6) 1X53<8
7) 1X24<15
8) 1X34<10
9) 1X36<25
10) 1X46<14
11) 1X56<10
12) 1X12+1X13+1X15-1F=0
13) 1X12-1X23+1X32-1X24=0
14) 1X13+1X23-1X32-1X35+1X53-1X34-1X36=0
15) 1X24+1X34-1X46=0
16) 1X15+1X35-1X53-1X56=0
17) 1X36+1X46+1X56-1F=0
18) 1X12<18
Objective Function Value = 48.000

Variable Value Reduced Costs

-------------- --------------- ------------------
X12 18.000 0.000
X13 20.000 0.000
X15 10.000 0.000
X23 4.000 0.000
X32 0.000 0.000
X35 0.000 0.000
X53 1.000 0.000
X24 14.000 0.000
X34 0.000 0.000
X36 25.000 0.000
X46 14.000 0.000
X56 9.000 0.000
F 48.000 0.000

Constraint Slack/Surplus Dual Prices

-------------- --------------- ------------------
1 0.000 1.000
2 0.000 1.000
3 5.000 0.000
4 4.000 0.000
5 8.000 0.000
6 7.000 0.000
7 1.000 0.000
8 10.000 0.000
9 0.000 0.000
10 0.000 0.000
11 1.000 0.000
12 0.000 0.000
13 0.000 -1.000
14 0.000 -1.000
15 0.000 -1.000
16 0.000 -1.000
17 0.000 -1.000
18 0.000 1.000
5. The LP model on the following page represents the production of widgets over the next four
quarters. Items not sold in the quarter in which they are produced can be put into storage and
sold during the next quarter. One point each.

5a. According to the model formulation, what is the cost of producing each widgets during the
second quarter?

5b. According to the model formulation, what is the cost of storing each unit after the second
quarter so that it can be sold during the third quarter?

5c. According to the model formulation, how many widgets could be produced during the fourth

5d. If 700 widgets could be produced during the first quarter, what would be the new objective
function value?

5e. Less widgets would be produced during the first quarter if the cost of production was equal to
what value?

5f. How many units will be put into storage at the end of the first quarter?

5g. If the demand during the third quarter was equal to 600, what would be the new objective
function value?

5h During which quarter will production not be at full capacity? __Quarter 4____

5i If the demand during the fourth quarter was 800 units, what would be the new objective
function value?

MIN 10X15+12X26+14X37+16X48+1X56+2X67+2X78


1) 1X15<600
2) 1X26<500
3) 1X37<400
4) 1X48<700
5) 1X15-1X56>300
6) 1X26+1X56-1X67>350
7) 1X37+1X67-1X78>550
8) 1X48+1X78>900


Objective Function Value = 29000.000

Variable Value Reduced Costs

-------------- --------------- ------------------
X15 600.000 0.000
X26 500.000 0.000
X37 400.000 0.000
X48 600.000 0.000
X56 300.000 0.000
X67 450.000 0.000
X78 300.000 0.000

Constraint Slack/Surplus Dual Prices

-------------- --------------- ------------------
1 0.000 1.000
2 0.000 0.000
3 0.000 0.000
4 100.000 0.000
5 0.000 -11.000
6 0.000 -12.000
7 0.000 -14.000
8 0.000 -16.000


Variable Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit

------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
X15 No Lower Limit 10.000 11.000
X26 No Lower Limit 12.000 12.000
X37 No Lower Limit 14.000 14.000
X48 16.000 16.000 No Upper Limit
X56 No Lower Limit 1.000 2.000
X67 No Lower Limit 2.000 2.000
X78 No Lower Limit 2.000 2.000
10. The Dirty Soxs, a fast-pitch softball team, has three pitchers – J. Nuxhall, V. McDaniel, and
H. Wilhelm. The Dirty Soxs are scheduled to play in a round robin tournament this weekend
with four other teams, the Larks, the Pilots, the Skinflints, and the Zebras. Based on past games
with the four opponents, Smokey Burgess, the manager of the Dirty Soxs, has computed the
average number of runs each pitcher allows the opposition per game for each of the four
opponents (i.e., Earned Run Average or ERA). For instance, Smokey Burgess has determined
that J. Nuxhall’s ERA against the Larks is 3.40 (or J. Nuxhall allows an average of 3.4 runs per
game when pitching against the Larks). Smoky Burgess developed the following LP printout to
determine which pitcher should be used in each game in order to minimize the total number of
runs the opposition scores in the four games.

10a. Who should pitch against the Pilots? ___McDaniel___________

10b. How many total runs would you expect the opposition to score in the four games (four
games combined)?

10c. Would the pitching schedule change if H. Wilhelm allowed an average of 3.1 runs per
game (ERA = 3.1) while pitching against the Pilots? Provide support for your answer.

3.1 < 3.2 so no change

10d. Would the solution change if J. Nuxhall was able to pitch more games (pitch against more
teams in the tournament)? Provide support for your answer

No there is a slack of 1 for the first constraint

10e. If V. McDaniel develops a sore arm and is not able to pitch in any of the games, how many
total runs would you expect the opposition to score in the four games?

MIN 3.4NL+3.8NP+3.2NS+4.1NZ+3.6ML+3.4MP+3.5MS+4MZ+2.8WL+3WP+2.9WS+3.5WZ


1) 1NL+1NP+1NS+1NZ<2
2) 1ML+1MP+1MS+1MZ<1
3) 1WL+1WP+1WS+1WZ<2
4) 1NL+1ML+1WL=1
5) 1NP+1MP+1WP=1
6) 1NS+1MS+1WS=1
7) 1NZ+1MZ+1WZ=1

Objective Function Value = 12.900

Variable Value Reduced Costs
-------------- --------------- ------------------
NL 0.000 0.000
NP 0.000 0.200
NS 1.000 0.000
NZ 0.000 0.000
ML 0.000 0.400
MP 1.000 0.000
MS 0.000 0.500
MZ 0.000 0.100
WL 1.000 0.000
WP 0.000 0.000
WS 0.000 0.300
WZ 1.000 0.000

Constraint Slack/Surplus Dual Prices

-------------- --------------- ------------------
1 1.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.200
3 0.000 0.600
4 0.000 -3.400
5 0.000 -3.600
6 0.000 -3.200
7 0.000 -4.100


Variable Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit
------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
NL 3.200 3.400 3.400
NP 3.600 3.800 No Upper Limit
NS No Lower Limit 3.200 3.500
NZ 4.100 4.100 No Upper Limit
ML 3.200 3.600 No Upper Limit
MP No Lower Limit 3.400 3.500
MS 3.000 3.500 No Upper Limit
MZ 3.900 4.000 No Upper Limit
WL 2.800 2.800 3.000
WP 2.900 3.000 3.200
WS 2.600 2.900 No Upper Limit
WZ No Lower Limit 3.500 3.500


Constraint Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit
------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
1 1.000 2.000 No Upper Limit
2 0.000 1.000 1.000
3 1.000 2.000 2.000
4 1.000 1.000 2.000
5 1.000 1.000 2.000
6 0.000 1.000 2.000
7 1.000 1.000 2.000
l5 The LP model below minimizes the shipping cost of products produced in Augusta and
Tupper Lake and shipped to warehouses in Albany and Portsmouth and then shipped to outlets in
Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. 2 points each.

5 a. What would be the total shipping cost if the capacity of the plant in Tupper Lake was equal
to 120?

5b. What is the cut off value for determining when less products would be shipped from
Augusta to Albany?

5c. How many products will be shipped to the warehouse in Portsmouth? __250______

5d. What is the cut off value for determining when it would be beneficial to ship products from
Tupper Lake to Portsmouth?

5e. Would the binding constraints change if the capacity at Tupper Lake increased to 130?
Provide numerical support for your answer.

No 130 < 150


1) 1Aug_Alb+1Aug_Port<300
2) 1TL_Alb+1Tl_Port<100
3) 1Aug_Alb+1TL_Alb-1Alb_Bos-1Alb_NYC-1Alb_Phil=0
4) 1Aug_Port+1Tl_Port-1Port_Bos-1Port_NYC-1Port_Phi=0
5) 1Alb_Bos+1Port_Bos>150
6) 1Alb_NYC+1Port_NYC>100
7) 1Alb_Phil+1Port_Phi>150

Objective Function Value = 4300.000

Variable Value Reduced Costs
-------------- --------------- ------------------
Aug_Alb 50.000 0.000
Aug_Port 250.000 0.000
TL_Alb 100.000 0.000
Tl_Port 0.000 3.000
Alb_Bos 0.000 5.000
Alb_NYC 0.000 1.000
Alb_Phil 150.000 0.000
Port_Bos 150.000 0.000
Port_NYC 100.000 0.000
Port_Phi 0.000 1.000

Constraint Slack/Surplus Dual Prices

-------------- --------------- ------------------
1 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 4.000
3 0.000 -7.000
4 0.000 -5.000
5 0.000 -10.000
6 0.000 -11.000
7 0.000 -14.000


Variable Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit
------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
Aug_Alb 6.000 7.000 8.000
Aug_Port 4.000 5.000 6.000
TL_Alb No Lower Limit 3.000 6.000
Tl_Port 1.000 4.000 No Upper Limit
Alb_Bos 3.000 8.000 No Upper Limit
Alb_NYC 4.000 5.000 No Upper Limit
Alb_Phil -7.000 7.000 8.000
Port_Bos -5.000 5.000 10.000
Port_NYC -5.000 6.000 7.000
Port_Phi 9.000 10.000 No Upper Limit


Constraint Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit
------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
1 300.000 300.000 No Upper Limit
2 100.000 100.000 150.000
3 -50.000 0.000 0.000
4 -250.000 0.000 0.000
5 0.000 150.000 150.000
6 0.000 100.000 100.000
7 100.000 150.000 150.000

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