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Limay Polytechnic College

A.Y. 20221-2022

Midterm Examination
Art Appreciation

Name: _______________________________ Score: ________

Instructor: Rica O. Pajanustan Date: _________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice before each number.
1. Which is not an element of art?
A. Balance B. Texture C. Space D. Color
2. What element shows how light and dark something is?
A. Color B. Gradation C. Value D. Saturation
3. A type of balance in which both sides of a composition are balanced yet different is called ___.
A. Radia B. Asymmetrical C. Symmetrical D. Geometric
4. Another word for brightness of color
A. Value B. Intensity C. Hue D. Complexity
5. What principle is present on this art?

A. Gradation B. Movement C. Rhythm D. Diversity

6. What principle is present on this art?

A. Color B. Diversity C. Value D. Movement

7. What principle is present on this art?

A. Shape B. Balance C Rhythm D. Emphasis

8. What principle is present on this art?

A. Color B. Variation C. Emphasis D. Size

9. The element that use the same lines, shapes, textures, and colors within an artwork.
A. Variation B. Harmony C. Emphasis D. Gradation
10. Visual _______ is achieved when all parts of a composition have equal weight and appear stable.
A. Focal point B. Unity C. Balance D. Pattern
11. _______ is the suggestion of action or direction, the path our eyes follow when we look at a work of art.
A. Proportion B. Simplicity C. Rhythm D. Movement
12. It is the relation of two things in size, number, amount, or degree within a design.
A. Balance B. Proportion C. Movement D. Harmony
13. The way to do an art critique is to __________.
A. Describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate the piece.
B. Create a work of art.
C. Decide whether an art is beautiful or ugly.
D. Write an artist statement.
14. An art style where the artist tries to paint a picture exactly how it looks in real life, with as many details as possible.
A. Impressionism B. Pointilism C. Fauvism D. Realism
15. It is the emphasis that is placed on a particular area or characteristic of an artwork.
A. Emphasis B. Dominance C. Highlight D. Focal point
16. What is a horizontal balance?
A. In a painting, a level line where land or water ends and the sky begins.
B. A line that divides a scene into three rows and three columns.
C. The components that are balanced above and below a central axis.
D. The components that are balanced left and right of a central axis.
17. Works of art that depict outdoor scenery that typically includes trees, buildings, crops, mountains, rivers, wildlife, and
A. Landscape B. Seascape C. Wild life art D. Life art
18. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Dance involves dialog and script.
B. Appreciation of arts us usually connected with our deep feelings.
C. Digital art is an example of classic arts.
D. Art appreciation is purely subjective.
19. _____ (1888) by Vincent Van Gogh

A. Roses and Sunflowers B. Paris Sunflowers C. Sunflowers D. Nothing but

20. Movement in art where hundreds of dots are used to create a picture or painting.
A. Pointilism B. Minimalism C. Abstract D. Realism
21. Which is not true about humanities?
A. Study of natural and physical phenomenon
B. Often used reflexive method
C. Helps us to know who we are
D. Gives us wisdom
22. How can an artist show unity in their artwork?
A. By drawing happy people
B. By using principles of design that work together to create harmony
C. By using many different elements and principles in their artwork
D. By drawing everything close together.
23. When artists think about their composition, they are thinking about __________.
A. A technique used by modern artists to make designs by attaching two and three-dimensional objects to a flat
B. Lines that show the edges of forms and shapes in the simplest way
C. Ordered arrangement of elements in a work of art, usually according to the principles of design
D. A system of drawing to give the illusion of depth on a flat surface
24. The rule of thirds dictates __________.
A. That three colors should be used in an artwork.
B. The design be limited to three objects
C. Where the main subjects in a work of art should be placed
D. The canvas should be divided into three main sections
25. The center of interest in a work of art is the area that attracts the viewer’s eye. It is also called __________.
A. Focal point B. Texture C. Form D. Balance
26.The Doña Victorina Syndrome is used to describe the sense of Filipino alienation from __________
A. Community B. Race C. Sustainable living D. Source of cultural energy
27. Covar describe this term as the process by which one becomes a human being.
A. Katauhan B. Pagkatao C. Pagpapakatao D. Tao
28. De Leon compared human to a jar. Each of the following creates a human being, except.
A. Labas B. Taas C. Loob D. Soul
29. Major arts are art forms studied by the elites of the early western civilization. Base on the given definition, which of
the following is not an example of major art?
A. Sculpture B. Architecture C. Pottery D. Painting
30 .Which statement best describes art used as a means of expressing one's strong feelings and emotion towards others?
A. Cindy enjoys making a ceramic teapot.
B. Alex writes a love story.
C. Barbara wrote a poem for her mother.
D. Dexter plays guitar throughout the night.
31.What term for brightness is usually associated with a type of beauty characterized by the brightness or glow emanating
from an object or image?
A. Ranya B. Inam C.Alindog D. Rikit
31.Elsa possess a “ganda” that describes by other as “being nice”. She always has a neat and clean appearance and
everyone loves her orderliness. What is the term we can use to describe Elsa’s beauty?
A. Rangya B. Dingal C. Inam D. Marikit
32. .Adela always use “po” and “opo” to show respect whenever she talks to her parents and other elderly. In what
phenomenon of ganda can we judge the kind of beauty Adela possess?
A. Affective Phenomenon
B. Physical Phenomenon
C. Ethical Phenomenon
D. Capability Phenomenon
33.Senakulo and Pasyon are example of Philippine arts where we can observe the Filipino concept of beauty and art
which is __________.
A. Colorful B. Goodness C. Cheerful D. Spiritual
34.What is the purpose of art in finding one’s Filipino cultural identity?
A. Art serves as a hobby for the people to find what they want to do for their lives.
B. Art serves as a livelihood, where people can use art for monetary purposes.
C. Art serves as a mirror of Filipino cultures, values, history.
D. Art serves as a way to express one’s emotions and imagination
35. A Filipino concept of beauty found on jeepneys, textiles and festivals.
A. Original B. Simple C. Colorful D. Diverse
36.What is the use of colors in an impressionist artwork?
A. Use to indicates movement and passage of time
B. Use to create natural and realistic effect
C. Use as a symbolism of feelings and emotion
D. Use to give life and vibrance to the paintings
37.The quotation from Socrates, “know thyself,” implies which method of learning employed in the Humanities?
A. Analytic B. Cognitive C. Pragmatic D. Reflective
38.From the perspective of Humanistic studies, which is NOT associated with the nature or essence of the human being?
A. Created in the image of God
B. Descended from apes
C. Rational being
D. Union of body and soul
39.“Man is a piece of everything.” This statement shows a ___________ view.
A. Cosmo-centric B. Cosmocentric C. Eclectic D. Technocentric
40.Categories of value include; Logical, Ethical, and Aesthetic. The Logical value focuses on ______.
A. Beautiful and Ugly
B. Good and Bad
C. Small and Big
D. True and Fallacy
41. .Which is NOT a Humanistic discipline?
A. Art B. History C. Mathematics D. Language
42. .Japanese architecture and Zen painting are based on which style of art?
A. Baroque B. Cubism C. Minimalism D. Suprematism
43.The statement “man is a part of nature” is from the view of _______.
A. Cosmo-centric B. Theocentric C. Eclectic D. Technocentric
44.One sense of western aesthetics is that the big is beautiful. Which sculpture is not noted for its large scale?
A. The Colossus of Rhodes
B. Statue of Liberty, New York
C. Statue of Zeus by Phidias
D. Venus of Willendorf
45. Christian is a culinary expert in the finest restaurant in the Philippines. He made a dish and served it to his customers.
The customers would like to give a compliment to the chief. According to the aesthetic terms, what would be the proper
way of describing the beautiful smell of the food?
A. Delicious B. Pungent C. Pleasant D. Fragrant
46. Step in formal analysis that answers the question, "How did the artist do it?"
A. Description B. Analysis C. Interpretation D. Judgement
47. Which of the following is purely subjective and may vary from one observer to another?
i. Visual Perception ii. Representation iii. Emotional suggestion iv. Intellectual meaning
A. i and ii B. iii only C. iii and iv d. All of the choices
48. A beautiful image is fantastic, whereas ugly is ________.
A. Ridiculous B. Grotesque C. Harsh D. Blur
49. Sensing most commonly used in literature and drama.
A. Seeing B. Touching C. Imagining D. Hearing
50. The charm of being gentle.
A. Lambing B. Amo C. Alindog D. Dingal



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