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Limay Polytechnic College

A.Y. 2021-2022

Midterm Examination
Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning
BSED English 2

Name: _______________________________ Score: ________

Instructor: Rica O. Pajanustan Date: ________
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice before each number.
_____ 1. Which is not a nature of learning?
A. Learning is not conditioning.
B. Learning is a process.
C. Learning is part of culture.
D. Learning is circumscribed.
_____ 2. Which of the following statements is true about language acquisition?
A. Language acquisition is a process by which children unconsciously acquire their native language.
B. It is knowing about the language.
C. It needs explicit education and instruction.
D. Language acquisition is a process by which a child become bilingual and multilingual.
_____ 3. Which is not true about language learning?
A. It is consciously learning a language.
B. It is knowing about the syntax, phonology, morphology and rules of grammar.
C. It is learning a language after acquiring the mother tongue.
D. Learners reach native fluency.
_____ 4. Which is not true about a theory?
A. It is a set of principles.
B. It is universally accepted.
C. It can be revised.
D. It is a scientifically acceptable general principle that explains a phenomena.
_____ 5. Which is not a function of language?
A. Language is used to communicate and express our feelings.
B. Language is a system of spoken, manual, or written symbols.
C. Language transfers information and conveys messages.
D. Language is used to build relationship with others.
_____ 6. It is a property of language that explains how illogical the relationship of words. The signs and symbols depend
on the community which uses them.
A. Displacement
B. Cultural Transmission
C. Arbitrariness
D. Specialization
_____ 7. Giving house rules or regulations, explaining steps and procedures, and showing instructions, are examples of
what language function?
A. Instrumental
B. Interactional
C. Heuristic
D. Regulatory
_____ 8. Creating stories, playing games that includes poems and riddles, are examples of what language function?
A. Personal
B. Instrumental
C. Regulatory
D. Imaginative
_____ 9. Which of the following statements is true.
A. Children do not need motivation to be bilinguals and multilingual.
B. Children can pick-up any language without endangering their own first language development.
C. Bilingual people usually perform math and other complicated mental tasks with their first language.
D. Second languages learned as adults are rarely forgotten even if they are not used regularly.
_____ 10. Language acquisition is _________.
A. best understood by watching animals communicate.
B. a theory that is agreed upon by the psychological community.
C. cannot happen among the deaf community.
D. the process by which we learn to communicate in meaningful ways.
_____ 11. This theory implies that language is learned by imitation, repetition, and habit.
A. Sociocultural Theory
B. Behaviorist Theory
C. Cognitive Theory
D. Nativist Theory
_____ 12. According to his theory, a child's brain contains special language-learning mechanisms at birth.
A. Vygotsky
B. Piaget
C. Skinner
D. Chomsky
_____ 13. When a child make correct utterances, they were given what they want or received praises. What is its
underlying theory?
A. Nativist Theory
B. Behaviorist Theory
C. Cognitive Theory
D. Sociocultural Theory
_____ 14. It is a stage of language development when child can say baba or dada but not counted as actual words.
A. Cooing stage
B. Babbling stage
C. One-word utterance
D. Two-word utterance
_____ 15. At what age do children typically enter the one- word stage?
A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 18 months
D. 24 months
_____ 16. Which of the following is not an example of language acquisition from a behaviorist perspective?
A. Babies learn language by repeatedly associating the object 'dog' with the word 'dog.'
B. Babies learn language by imitating adult patterns of speech.
C. Babies are born with an innate ability to learn language.
D. Babies are rewarded for attempts at speech when their caregivers smile and applaud their efforts.
_____ 17. Noam Chomsky argues that babies acquire language because ______.
A. humans are born with the ability to learn language.
B. they feel the love when caregivers speak softly to them.
C. they can remember how adults interact.
D. of repeated exposure to sounds that have meaning.
_____ 18. Which theorist places the most importance on social interaction in the development of language?
A. Chomsky
B. Skinner
C. Piaget
D. Vygotsky
_____ 19. Every time young Hever says the word 'mommy,' she was being praised and given a hug , which reinforces her
understanding and continued use of the word for getting that reward. According to behaviorist theory, this is an example
A. Operant conditioning
B. Information processing
C. Conditioned stimulus
D. Repetitive-style language learning
_____ 20. If language is used for seeking and learning about things around him, what function of language is it?
A. Instrumental
B. Interactional
C. Heuristic
D. Representational
_____ 21. “I will tell you how to operate this gadget.” The language functions as_____.
A. Interactional
B. Representational
C. Imaginative
D. Heuristic
_____ 22. In the classroom, the teacher says, "Pretend that you are in a huge grocery store. What will you put in your
cart? This is an example of _______ function of language.
A. Instrumental
B. Representational
C. Interactional
D. Imaginative
_____ 23. We develop language as a result of genetic inheritance and other biological factors.
A. Nature
B. Nurture
C. Socioculture
D. Behavioral
_____ 24. A stage when children learn that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen.
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operational stage
D. Formal operational stage
_____ 25. How can we describe the language acquisition device?
A. A hypothetical tool that helps children quickly learn and understand language.
B. A section of the brain labeled 'language acquisition device'.
C. A device you plug into children's heads to teach them a language.
D. A toy that teaches children how to speak.
_____ 26. At this stage of child’s language development, he/she can already create a sentence usually comprise a noun or
a verb plus modifier.
A. Babbling
B. One word utterance
C. Two word utterance
D. Multiple word sentences
_____ 27. Which theory of language development suggests that children learn appropriate sounds and words in reaction to
their parents' reinforcement?
A. Cognitive
B. Innatist
C. Behaviourist
D. Contextual
_____ 28. Piaget has been criticized for underestimating what factor in language development?
A. Biology
B. Intelligence
C. Social Interaction
D. Biology and Intelligence
______ 29. According to which theorist do thought that language originate independently, but later merge?
A. Skinner
B. Piaget
C. Chomsky
D. Vygotsky
______ 30. Children's first words most commonly refer to what?
A. Concrete objects
B. Time
C. Color
D. Abstract ideas
_____ 31. Which of the following research has not shown to be beneficial to child’s second language acquisition?
A. The younger the child the easier for him to learn new language.
B. Engagement with native speakers of the language would help him achieve fluency.
C. Mastery of grammar on child’s first language.
D. A child can be bilingual even without engagement to other language.
_____32. In his review of Skinner’s (1957) book on behaviourism and language learning, Chomsky (1959) argued that
A. operant conditioning is inefficient because it relies on imitation.
B. children acquire a good deal of their verbal behaviour by imitating adults.
C. children do not rely on imitation in the acquisition of verbal behaviour.
D. the acquisition of verbal behaviour depends on operant conditioning.
_____ 33. The best time to learn a second language is in ______.
A. Early childhood
B. Teenage years
C. College
D. All of the above
_____ 34. It is best to learn a second language
A. in a classroom where you can focus on the grammar and receive help from a teacher.
B. through constant contact with native speakers in their own society.
C. Both A and b
D. Neither A nor B
_____ 35. Interactionist theory disagree with which of the following statement?
A. A child who socializes more will learn faster.
B. Parents directing “baby talk” at their children speed development.
C. Identical twins who are separated at birth will still have identical language acquisition.
D. A child who does not want to communicate will learn more slowly than one who does.
_____ 36. Giggling, smiling, and crying of infants are called _______.
A. Cooing stage
B. Babbling stage
C. Talking stage
D. Telegraphic stage
_____ 37. Children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words and pictures to represent objects.
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Pre operational stage
C. Formal Operational stage
D. Concrete Operational stage
_____ 38. Which is not part of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
A. Children are not passive recipients of knowledge.
B. Children learn more by investigating and experimenting things around them.
C. Children cannot learn without interacting with other children.
D. Children are not less intelligent than adults.
_____ 39. What is not true about Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory?
A. Learning occurs through interactions with others.
B. Children learn from the beliefs and attitudes modeled by their culture.
C. Interactive activities are expected in the classroom.
D. Children can learn more things independently.
_____ 40. “I want a toy” is what language function?
A. Instrumental
B. Personal
C. Heuristic
D. Imaginative
_____ 41. “I love you mommy” is what language function?
A. Instrumental
B. Interactive
C. Personal
D. Representational
_____ 42. Which is not true about behavioral approach in acquiring a language?
A. Language acquisition is a result of experience.
B. Language acquisition is a conditioned behavior.
C. Language acquisition is an in-born process.
D. Language acquisition is a stimulus-response process.
_____ 43. What is not a characteristic of human language?
A. Language has no rules.
B. Language is a social tool.
C. Sounds and meanings of words are arbitrary and dual.
D. Language must be learned.
_____ 44. Its goal is to increase desired behavior.
A. Punishment
B. Reinforcement
C. Practice
D. Privileges
_____ 45. Considered as the center of learning.
A. Teacher
B. Learners
C. Teaching pedagogies
D. Environment
_____ 46. Below are examples of self-regulated learners: except
A. Develop meta-cognitive skills.
B. Manage study time well.
C. Set higher specific and personal goals, and are able to monitor them.
D. Set aside emotions and motivation during learning process.
_____ 47. In a classroom, when high- achieving students help low-achieving students, what principle of learning is
A. Building horizontal connections
B. Stretching all students
C. Assessment for learning
D. Recognizing individual differences
_____ 48. How do motivations contribute in the learning process?
A. Make learning more effective.
B. Make learning more enjoyable.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
_____ 49. When young children begin to learn standard grammar, they tend to over regularize it. What does this mean?
A. They consistently use correct grammar in every sentence.
B. They excessively regulate or control what they say to the point that they become inhibited.
C. They assume that common syntax rules apply in all situation.
D. None of the choices.
_____ 50. What is the first language level children learn?
A. Lexis
B. Syntax
C. Phonology
D. Syntax



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