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Answer the following:

1. What role does the environment play in addressing the needs of a
society? 5pts
Without such environment, no living creature can survive. All living species have greatest
impact on their surroundings and are affected by it.Basic human needs such as food, home, and
clothes are met by the environment. The generation of raw materials from natural resources such as
soil, water, forests, minerals, and marine life is the first of these functions. It also serves as a life-
saving provider by providing medications to treat ailments. It is an employer who provides labor for
society so that people can earn money to meet their basic needs. It is a motive for recreation and
tourism. It serves as a protection against natural disasters.The intrinsic recreational, psychological,
aesthetic and spiritual value of environments As a result, society does not have the authority to
demand more and destroy. These are the functions of the environment that support human life and
economic activity.

2. How can people maintain the rich biodiversity in nature? 5pts

Biodiversity is a core factor of an ecosystem's stability.There are many things we can do
to preserve biodiversity and help our planet. The first step is to educate our children and discuss the
issue with our friends. We can begin utilizing Eco - friendly materials and food from a natural farm.
Choose products that are free of chemicals and other toxic substances that are harmful to the
environment. Protecting bio diverse places is one of the most effective strategies to sustain
biodiversity.We may all make a difference by doing a variety of activities, such as planting for
diversity on  encouraging others to do the same. All of this important, and it has the ability to change
lives people to the cause of biodiversity.As environmental protectors, we can serve as educators and
role models by assisting in the recovery of endangered species and preventing the extinction of other

3. In your own words, how is an organism’s genome manipulated?

An organism’s genome is manipulated through genetic engineering; a technology that
allows for the purposeful and artificial modification of the help us make of cells.Humans have
controlled reproduction and selected offspring with desired qualities to influence genomes indirectly.
The manipulation of one or more genes is considered to as genetic engineering. To give an organism
a desirable phenotype, a gene from another species is usually inserted to its genome. It is
manipulated through the use of one or more genes that came form a mother and father to create
desired trait qualities that they are looking for.

4. What are the pros and cons of genetically modifying crops? 10pts
GMO crops have the advantage of containing more nutrients, requiring
fewer pesticides to grow, and being generally cheaper than non-GMO equivalents.
GMO foods have the potential to trigger allergy reactions due to their modified
DNA, as well as to enhance antibiotic resistance.The pros of GMOs are the
advancement of the quality of grown food, easier to cultivate and GMOs are able to
preserve energy, soil and water.The cons of GMOs are they might contribute to a
rise in allergic reactions, some research has linked GMOs to cancer and lastly,it
have the potential of affecting animal protein.All of matters have pros and cons so
we are not just looking for its cons instead we can look for the pros that may
improve our life not just for now but for our future.

5. Will you eat GMOs? Why or why not?

Yes,I will definitely eat GMOs. As I searched some info about
GMOs,while genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are considered safe
by an overwhelming majority of scientists, only about one third of
consumers share that view. A team of psychologists and biologists set out
to discover if consumers' attitudes would change if the public understood
the underlying science better. I believed that there's nothing wrong with
eating genetically modified foods; they're not harmful or anything, but
the problem is that many hybrid GMOs crops are incapable of
reproducing. Even if the seeds of some GM plants mature and advanced
into plants, these plants will not be able to produce fruit. GM lady finger
is an example (a variety of okra). Through GMOs,we can improve crops to
make them more durable, productive, and easier to grow for farmers,
allowing us to provide more crops from around world.

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