Selection Procedures For Poultry Flocks With Many Hatches

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Selection Procedures for Poultry Flocks with Many Hatches

Department of Poultry Husbandry, University of California, Davis

(Received for publication May 31, 1956)

INTRODUCTION viduals of successive hatches would be

T HE main purpose of the present

study was to determine the effect of
exposed. Sexual maturity is an example of
a trait that depends on hatching date
(among others see Osborne, 1954). Thus,
differences in duration of hatching season
upon variation in production traits of if the end of a laying test is fixed for a
chickens. The accuracy of estimating ge- given date, individuals from successive
netic worth of breeding animals and, hatches will have decreasing periods of
hence, the efficiency of selection decisions time in which to complete the test. Under
depends among other factors on family those circumstances all hatch effects can
size, which in turn depends on the number be excluded from comparisons of indi-
of hatches and thus on the duration of the viduals, and therefore need not be con-
hatching season. It is conceivable that an sidered as uncontrollable environmental
extended hatching season might, because effects.
of purely environmental causes or inter- The problem of appropriate analyses of
action between genotypes and environ- such complex breeding experiments has
ment, lead to an increase in variation been worked out theoretically (see for
among full sisters. Such added sources of instance Henderson, 1953), but few ap-
nongenetic variation would tend to coun- plications to poultry have been published.
teract the anticipated advantages of large Since the amount of work required for an
families. appropriate statistical analysis of breed-
Some of the problems pertaining to ing records may often be too great for
family size have been discussed by Lerner efficient operation, it is desirable to de-
(1950) and by Lerner and Dempster termine by how much the accuracy of se-
(1951). In a more recent study King and lection decisions is reduced, when short
Henderson (1954) have given quantitative cuts are used. Thus it might be asked in
estimates of variation introduced by hatch the present case whether it is necessary to
effects. They attempted to estimate the adjust individual production records for
bearing of hatch effects on the relative date of hatching. It is also of interest to
efficiency of mass selection. However, the know whether families represented by off-
assumptions underlying their study did spring of only early or late hatches are
not involve a dependence of environ- given differential advantages and how im-
mental variability on family size as pre- portant such biased family averages might
sumed by Lerner (1950). Furthermore, it be for the over-all accuracy of selection
remains to be seen what effect hatch-to- decisions.
hatch differences may have when joint Besides the main effects due to hatch
family and individual performance is con- environment one may postulate interac-
sidered. A possible model that would lead tions between hatch environment and
to increases in nongenetic variability with genotypes. Their existence would lead to
extension of hatching season, can be changes in the relative ranking of families
postulated by assuming some trend in under varied environmental conditions.
environmental conditions to which indi- Environment-genotype interaction may

be visualized by postulating the response dams that were represented by female off-
of a genotype to a particular environment spring in at least half of the hatches of a
as the sum of a general reaction that will given year.
rank the genotypes identically under all Data for the present study consisted of
conditions, plus a specific response elicited egg records of four populations of pullets
by the particular environment. If such hatched in the years 1947 to 1950. The
interactions exist selection will produce birds hatched in 1949 were offspring of the
permanent gains only on the basis of the 1947 population (since only two-year-old
general genotype. Adaptations of geno- dams were used in this analysis). The
types to specific conditions would, on the parents used for the 1950 hatches included
other hand, have to be considered as un- hens from the 1947, the 1948 and the 1949
controllable obstacles to accurate selec- populations.
tion for general performance. Gowe and Selection and propagation of the breed-
Wakely (1954) have published results that ing stock were subject to the following re-
tend to de-emphasize the importance of strictions:
genotype-environment interaction in pro- 1. All parents were selected when they
duction traits of chickens. Similar con- were almost two years old on the basis of
clusions may be drawn from an experi- their egg records. Other criteria, such as
ment in which the resistance of chickens egg weight, mortality of relatives, and
to leukosis was tested under conditions of production of relatives, were used as addi-
different experiment stations (King et al., tional evidence of relative merit.
1952). So far, the problem of interaction 2. The numbers of parents were rela-
in successive hatches of the same popula- tively low. Each male was mated to about
tion has not been studied, and most work- 2-8 females answering the requirement of
ers in the field have implicitly assumed representation in at least half of each
that they are nonexistent. year's hatches. Table 1 shows the numbers
of parents and offspring included in this
MATERIAL analysis.
The data used in this study were ob- 3. In some years a few of the male par-
tained from Kimber Farms, Inc. of Niles, ents were full brothers; likewise, there
California, representing production rec- were several full sisters among female
ords of a strain of SCWL chickens propa- parents. None of the latter were mated to
gated as a closed flock with emphasis on the same sire.
extremely large families. With minor ex- 4. The females were assigned as mates
ceptions, a period of about 20 weeks was to each sire for the entire period of hatch-
allowed in this line for the hatching of off- ing. Hence, no female was mated to more
spring from parental matings. than one male. The resulting offspring
Under these conditions the number of samples were thus divided into subgroups
female offspring produced by a hen in any according to a nested mode of classifica-
one week would vary according to her re- tion.
productive fitness and the chance dis- 5. All eggs were set at weekly intervals,
tribution of sex among the progeny. Some and individually pedigreed offspring used
dams represented only during a small in this study were hatched over periods of
segment of the hatching season could be 11 to 17 weeks (see Table 1).
expected to produce but little evidence 6. Female offspring were reared and
pertinent to this study. Consequently, the tested in floor pens; in the groups analyzed
analysis included only progeny from such none were eliminated during the 72 weeks

TABLE 1.—Numbers of hens representing the four populations

Number of Number of 9
Year of
hatch Hatches Sires Dams Offspring dam per hatch

1947 15 7 17 427 1.67

1948 16 9 26 624 1.50
1949 17 8 31 827 1.57
1950 11 16 63 769 - 1.11

Combined populations 40 137 2,647 1.46

of each test, except by natural death or incomplete. Egg-weight records were miss-
accidents. ing for the same reasons or because certain
7. Each hatch of pullets was reared in a pullets failed to lay eggs during the month
separate group of pens. Four measure- of March. For this study all birds with
ments of production characteristics were missing egg records were excluded from
used in this study, namely: the analysis. Hence, only pullets that sur-
(a) Average weight of eggs laid in March of the vived to March, laid eggs during that
first laying year, based on trap-nest records time, and also had a record of age at first
4 days a week. egg were considered. Mortality after
(b) Age at first egg. March was not cause for excluding birds
(c) Winter production of eggs as determined by
trap-nest records 4 days a week, during a
from the analysis.
period of 18 weeks preceding February 1 of
the first laying year. PROPERTIES OF THE POPULATIONS
(d) Production of eggs through 72 weeks of age, Average performance of the four popu-
measured by trapping 4 days a week.
lations is shown in Table 2, for each trait
Mortality and accidents eliminated and each year separately. It may be noted
some birds before or during their produc- that egg-production averages increased
tive life, leaving a number of egg records from 1947 to 1949 (presumably a result of

TABLE 2.—Coefficients of linear regression of egg weight and production traits on date of hatch

Population Mean Coefficient of Variance due Error

Production trait regression, b to regression
(Year) variance

Egg weight 1947 24.91 - .025 3.98 1.84

(oz. per doz.) 1948 24.63 - .080* 74.59 1.73
1949 24.76 - .079* 110.73 1.83
1950 24.90 .099* 52.14 1.80

Winter egg production 1947 35.7 - .326* 695.45 167.80

(4 days per week) 1948 37.4 -1.004* 11,616.52 149.44
1949 41.0 -2.110* 79,249.94 91.01
1950 40.8 .366* 708.73 166.35

Production to 72 weeks 1947 112.3 -1.127* 8,333.31 587.34

(4 days per week) 1948 114.3 -1.161* 15,552.84 827.97
1949 124.7 -1.134* 22,876.11 729.01
1950 117.3 - .024 2.97 616.16

Age at first egg 1947 26.69 .553* 2,003.28 12.42

(weeks) 1948 25.91 .323* 1,200.95 16.38
1949 25.44 .241* 1,030.80 6.72
1950 25.52 .217* 247.67 5.64

* Significant at the one percent level.


selection), but dropped for the 1950 popu- variation other than hatch effects; they
lation. Figure 1 shows the dependence of are given in Table 2. All details of the
production traits on the date of hatching. analysis are discussed in the following sec-
Unbiased estimates of linear regressions tion. Most of the postulated linear regres-
were made by excluding all sources of sions can be considered significantly dif-
ferent from zero at the one percent level
PHENOTYPE AVERAGES AS DEPENDENT ON DATE OF NATCH except egg weight for 1947 and 72-week
production for 1950.
From the preliminary analysis of hatch
\ effects it appears that at least two types of
effects must be assumed to influence aver-
age performance of hatches:
1. Systematic effects, presumably due
II 13 IS
WEEK OF YEAR to progressive change in the date of hatch-
1947 ing. Such trends may result from the de-
creasing length of testing periods when
egg records are terminated at a set time of
the year; winter production and March
egg weight undoubtedly were subject to
such effects. On the other hand, there
must exist some environmental factors
that tend to lengthen the time pullets need
Aga ol first igg
to reach sexual maturity. The assumption
7 9 II 13
17 19 of linear trends in such a case is certainly
not generally possible, but may be reason-
PHENOTYPE AVERAGES AS DEPENDENT ON DATE OF HATCH able over a short range of seasonal condi-
tions such as exist for hatches of the early
spring months. Conclusions about them
are necessarily restricted to the conditions
of this study.
2. Nonsystematic environmental effects
that tend to be common to a group of
simultaneously hatched pullets, but differ
from hatch to hatch. Possibly these may
be traced to such factors as sporadic dis-
ease outbreaks, different housing condi-
tions, differential response of birds of dif-
ferent age to climatic variation, different
attendants, and many other ones. The
nature of these factors makes a prediction
of their effects impossible. Consequently
they are considered as random variables.
9 II 13 IS 17 19
FIG. 1. The dependence of production traits on
date of hatching. Each point on the curves repre- The relative effect of various genetic
sents an average of three consecutive hatches. and environmental factors on observed

differences between individuals was ap- 4. Solution of the linear equations for
praised by means of the usual analysis of variance components.obtained by equat-
variance techniques, particularly by means ing the above mean squares or sums of
of variance components. Statistical pro- squares in (2) with their expected value
cedures for obtaining unbiased estimates in (3).
of variance components, adapted to ex- The suggested approach to the problem
periments with unequal class numbers of does not necessarily provide estimates
corresponding subgroups of observations, with the smallest possible sampling vari-
have been discussed by Henderson (1953). ance. However, for an experiment of
In the present state of the theory and for complex design and with many assumed
the case where all assumed effects of the effects, it is liable to be the only computa-
mathematical model are uncorrelated tionally feasible method.
random variables with zero means, the The following mathematical model was
following procedure seems feasible: chosen for this analysis (see Table 3):
1. Choice of a mathematical model for
Xhijk= m+a h H +ai S -|-aij D +ahi H S
which the available data can furnish esti-
mates of variance components. + a h i i H D + a h i j k I + b • ZMjk,
2. Selection of mean squares or sums of where Xhijk stands for a production meas-
squares appropriate to a different mathe- urement of the k th hen from the j t h dam
matical model in which the same effects and the i th sire, hatched in the h th weekly
are treated as fixed constants, and where period. The effects postulated in the model
experimental classes are equal or propor- stand, successively, for a constant over-all
tionate (orthogonal experiment). mean (m), random effects contributed by
3. Calculation of the expectations of the hatch environment (ahH), sire genotype
mean squares or sums of squares in (2). (ai s ), dam genotype (a;j D ), hatch x sire
These will be linear functions of variance interaction (ahiHS), hatch x dam interac-
components of the assumed random tion (ahijHD), and effects particular to in-
effects. dividual offspring (ahijk1)- Finally, we
TABLE 3.—Notation in the analysis of variance

Numbers Variance
Source of Abbrevia- Subscript Range of of obser- Sum of Mean com-
variation tion (Level) Effect vations ponent
subscript squares square
affected estimate

Population (Year) P m 1 ... 4 m N (SS)P

Hatches H h 1 • • -h ah Nh (SS)H (MS)H H
Sires S i 1 •• • s ais Ni (SS)S (MS)S S

Dams D J 1 • • • di a„» N„ (SS)D (MS)D D

HatchXSire HS ahiHS Nu (SS)HS (MS)HS HS

Hatch X Dam HD a. ..HD Nhij (SS)HD (MS)HD HD


Individuals I k 1 • • • ihijk ahijk 1 (SS)I (MS)I I

Linear Regression b m 1...4 b • Zhijk N ...
on Date of Hatch

TABLE 4.—Sums of squares for estimating variance components and regression coefficients

Source of Uncorrected sums of squares Sums of squares due to regression Sums of crossproducts for regression estimate
variation Symbol Formula Symbol Formula Symbol Formula

X2 Z2
Population (US)P (RS)P b2 - ^ (US^JP

Hatches (US)H V -2 (RS)H (RS)I (US)XZH
h Nh
^ X.i..2 2 7 • >
Sires (US)S (RS)S b E ^ (US)XZS w
T N; i Ni
X.ii. 2 7 .. 2 X.ijkZ.ijk >
Dams (US)D II (RS)D b ' H (US)XJD II 1J
Ni, i i N,j Nii

H X S Interaction (US)HS (RS)HS (RS)I (US) IZ HS

H X D Interaction (US)HD (RS)HD (RS)I (US)X2HD

Individuals (US)I x
1 1 1 1 wjk2 (RS)I W i l l i ; Zhiik2 (US) X J I 1 1 I XhijkZhijk
h i j k h i j k
h i j k

shall assume that there exists a systematic of squares in terms of variance compo-
linear hatch effect, ( b z h i j k ) due to the nents are given in Table 5. Each of the
hatching date Zhijk- No assumptions are coefficients (K's) given in Table 5 corre-
made about the distributions of the postu- sponds to the variance component that is
lated random variables. It is assumed, given as a column heading.
however, that: Aside from variance components, each
1. All random effects are independent of uncorrected sum of squares contains vari-
each other. ance due to the population mean; this
2. They have zero means. contribution is constant for all sums of
3. All ahH have equal variance, H, and squares and equals Nm 2 .
that similarly the variance of all ai s is S, Another portion of variability con-
etc., as shown in Table 3. sidered in the model is attributable to the
This model has been applied to each of linear regression, b, of performance on
the four populations. I t is assumed that date of hatches. Consequently, each sum
the true values of the variance com- of squares contains some portion of varia-
ponents estimated are the same for all four bility that would be eliminated if regres-
populations; hence the estimates will be sion effects were nonexistent or if they
pooled for all final results. were removed by appropriate analysis of
The analysis of variance used for this the data. The contributions to total varia-
experiment follows Henderson's (1953) bility are considered as sums of squares
procedure, except for differences in nota- due to regression and are designated as
tion and added complexity due to assumed (RS). Table 4 gives the expected reduc-
regression and interactions. The sums of tions in sums of squares. It will be noted
squares uncorrected for mean and regres- that each (RS) contains the parameter b 2 .
sion (US) are defined in Table 4. The In order to obtain numerical values for the
usual dot notation is used here to indicate various (RS), b 2 was replaced by its esti-
that sums have been taken over all sub- mate b 2 , and
scripts of Xhijk which are replaced by a
.-_ (US)xJ-(US)x.D
dot. Thus X.... represents the over-all sum
of all observations on a population. The ~ (US) ZZ I-(US) ZZ HD
corresponding arithmetic average of the (US)XzI stands for the sum of crossprod-
whole population will be designated ucts between x and z for individual obser-
as x..... vations, (US)XZD represents a similar sum
The expectations of uncorrected sums of crossproducts at the level of dam totals,

TABLE 5.—Expectation of uncorrected sums of squares (US) in terms of the general model

Variance components Constants due to

Sum of
squares H S D HS HD I m2 b2
(US)P* Kt K2 K3 K4 K5 1 N (RS)P
(US)H N K8 K, K„ K7 h N (RS)I
(US)S K8 N K9 K8 Kio s N (RS)S
(US1D Ku N N Ku Ku K13 N (RS)D
(US)HS N N Kl2 N Kl2
uta N (RS)I
N vNhd N

* Each row in the above table stands for a linear equation: for instance: (US)P = HKi+SK 2 +DK

and (US)zZI and (US)ZZHD are uncor- given in Table 2 which also shows which of
rected sums of squares of the independent the b's could reasonably be considered to
variable, (z). Appropriate formulas are be different from zero. The appropriate
shown in Table 4. mean square for error is (MS)I, the mean
The procedure outlined for excluding square due to individual deviations from
variance due to regression from the subse- Xhij. subtotals. Corresponding numerical
quent analysis does not use all informa- values are given in Table 2. The derivation
tion available for estimating regression.* of (MS)I will be given later (see Table 7).
As the present analysis of covariance is The computation of numerical values
based on large numbers of degrees of free- for all (US), (RS), and (K's) permits a
dom, a relatively small loss of information solution of the equations of Table 5. The
is expected. Numerical values of b are computation of mean squares leads to the
most convenient solution. For combined
* An adjustment method for regression compa- populations the K's of variance compo-
rable to the one used here has been given by Cochran nents in uncorrected sums of squares are
and Cox (1950, p. 81) for a factorial experiment. simply the sums of four corresponding
They show that the approximate method gives cor- K-values from individual populations as
rections closely comparable to those obtained by the
shown in Table 6.
exact method. The approximation is recommended
there as a labor-saving device where a large number Estimates of variance components were
of adjustments is needed. derived according to two possible assump-

TABLE 6.—Formtdas for coefficients of variance components

Ki=———=203.13 K2

E E Nii2 E E Nhi2
K 4 = — --j- =28.36
EEENhii2 E NM 2
K 6 = - ^ - ^ =9.70 K 6 = E —T-T =395.21
N i> Ni,
EEN hii INM'
K7= E ^ =137.71 K8=£ =238.57
h JNh Ni

£N„« E E Nhu2
K0= E —T ; — = 8 1 7 . 9 2 Kio= 2-i _ h j =94.21

E Nh„« E Nhij2
K„= E E -=315.47 Ki2= E E -——=1076.34
l. i Nhi
K 13 =Edi=137

Uh,=Number of SireXHatch subclasses=515.

Vhd=Number of Dam X Hatch subclasses =1384.
h = S9.

TABLE 7.—Analysis of variance for combined populations, with adjustment for linear
regression of measurements on hatching date

Source of variation Symbol Sum of squares formula Degrees of freedom

Random Hatch Effects (SS)H (US)H-(US)P+(RS)I-(RS)P E (hm*)-4


Sires (SS)S ( U S ) S - ( U S ) P - (RS)S+(RS)P £(sm)-4

Dams (SS)D (US)D-(US)S-(RS)D+(RS)S
E E (dmi —Sm)
H X S Interaction (SS)HS (US)HS-(US)S-(US)H+(US)P
-(RS)P+(RS)S E (Um-Sm-hm)+4

H X D Interaction (SS)HD (US)HD-(US)D-(US)HS+(US)S

-(RS)S+(RS)D E E (Vm-Um-dmi+sm)
m i

Individuals (SS)I (US)I-(US)HD E (Nm-Vm)

Subscript m is used here to denote populations.

tions. In the first instance it was assumed Variance component estimates obtained
that linear trends in production could be are shown in Table 8, with adjustment for
removed from observations in actual regression, and in Table 9 for. the case
breeding experiments. For such conditons where all hatch effects were considered as
all hatch effects due to regression would be a random variable.
absent, and the method of analysis shown The interpretation of results is facili-
in Table 7 would be appropriate. Alterna- tated by expressing expected variability
tively, it was assumed that systematic from different effects (variance compo-
trends due to hatching date (or season) nents) as percentage of total variability
could not be evaluated effectively under (represented by the sum of all variance
conditions of actual breeding programs. It components in the model). Tables 10 and
might thus be more realistic to consider 11 give these relative variance estimates
the combined hatch effects as a random for adjusted and unadjusted analyses re-
variable. In this case no adjustments for spectively.
regression were made {i.e., in Table 7 (RS) The variance estimates in Tables 10 and
sums of squares were not subtracted). 11 provide direct information about the

TABLE 8.—Estimates of variance components when TABLE 9.—Estimates of variance components when all
ejects of seasonal trends are removed hatch effects are assumed to be a random variable

Source of M W Age at
^Ch W
^er Production A e at
l r fa5t
= Source of M a
, £h ^ " Production first
variation egg egg to 72 weeks variation wefht production to 72 weeks
weight production egg
H 0.0047 17.0308 17.9008 0.4181 H 0.1105 56.002 37.580 2.3125
S 0.296S 15.6720 52.2024 0.2820 S 0.2967 14.175 51.558 0.2972
D 0.3702 8.6951 43.6475 0.5569 D 0.3723 12.130 45.534 0.5445
HS 0.0122 3.2522 21.3959 0.5295 HS 0.0119 2.939 28.707 0.5562
HD 0.1084 2.6350 21.7350 -0.3049* HD 0.1066 3.431 2.191 -0.2925*
I 1.8000 138.1900 697.8060 9.6550 I 1.8002 138.190 697.806 9.6550

Total 2.5920 185.4751 854.6876 11.4415 Total 2.6982 226.867 863.376 13.3654

Negative components are assumed to be zero. * Negative components are assumed to be zero.

TABLE 10.—Contributions of random effects to total production and are practically absent in
variability (expressed in percentage) after
exclusion of linear trends of hatches egg weight.
4. Genotype-environment interactions
Source of March
egg egg Produc-
tion to
at first
contributed relatively little to total varia-
variation produc-
weight tion 72 weeks egg bility and may be of negligible magnitude.
H .18 9.18 2.09 3.65 5. Environmental effects peculiar to in-
S 11.44 8.45 6.11 2.46
D 14.28 4.69 5.11 4.87 dividuals and genetic effects due to ran-
HS .47 1.75 2.50 4.63
HD 4.18 1.42 2.55 .00 dom distribution of alleles heterozygous
I 69.45 74.51 81.64 83.49
in parental genotypes as given by I consti-
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Total interaction 4.65 3.17 5.05 4.63 tute the majority of observed variation for
hi*= all traits considered. Egg weight shows
lowest individual variability, followed by
winter production, production to 72
relative effect of different sources of varia- weeks, and age at first egg with increas-
tion on possible gains from mass selection. ingly higher environmental variance.
They suggest the following conclusions: 6. These conclusions remain essentially
1. Sires and dams contributed about unchanged, whether or not adjustments
equally to the genetic variability of off- are made for linear regression of traits on
spring. hatching date.
2. The percent heritable variation ap-
pear to be highest for March egg weight,
followed by winter production, egg pro- The derived estimates of variance com-
duction to 72 weeks of age, and age at first ponents were used in comparing the ex-
egg. pected results of various selection pro-
3. Environmental effects attributable to cedures. If selection pressure is assumed
hatch environment were most pronounced to be constant and if no repeat matings
in winter egg production and age at first are to be made the problem reduces to one
egg. They appear negligible for 72-week of determining which of the different esti-

TABLE 11.—Contributions of random effects to total variability (expressed in percentage) if all

hatch effects are considered random variables

Source of variation March egg Winter egg Production to Age at

(Component) weight production 72 weeks first egg

H' 4.10 24.68 4.35 17.30

S' 11.00 6.25 5.97 2.22
D' 13.80 5.35 5.27 4.07
HS' .44 1.32 3.33 4.16
HD' 3.95 1.51 .25 .00
I' 66.71 60.89 80.83 72.25

Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Total Interaction 4.40 2.83 3.55 4.16

h2* = - .50 .23 .22 .13
.52 .31 .24 .15

mations of breeding worth is most accu- servations for all hatch effects. As shown
rate. in Table 11, winter egg production and,
Tables 10, 11, and 12 give heritability perhaps, age at first egg would show the
estimates appropriate for four possible highest increase. The other two traits
types of mass selection. show little rise in heritability by the ex-
The first type of heritability estimate, clusion of hatch effects.
Exclusion of all hatch effects is not
2(D + S)
W likely to be met in practice, since unequal
H+S + D+HS+HD+I representation of families leads to biased
is given in Table 10. Only random hatch estimates of hatch effects. Instead, one
effects are assumed to exist. In reality, one might contemplate simple adjustment of
might expect such a situation if mass se- individual observations for hatch means.
lection were practiced in a breeding ex- In general, this leads to slightly biased
periment with only a few consecutive corrections since each hatch mean de-
hatches. It might also occur if each ob- pends on the precise numbers of offspring
servation were adjusted in some manner by which families are represented. An
for linear regression on hatching date. analysis of this abbreviated type was per-
The second type of heritability estimate, formed with the available data, and vari-
ance components were derived by assum-
h 2 = 2(D'+S') ing the model:
H'+S'+D'+HS'+HD'+I' xijk" = m " + a i s " + a i i D " + a i j k I "
given in Table 11, predicts gains from se- Double primes are used in this analysis to
lection without adjustments for hatch indicate that each observation Xhuk was
effects. Variance components derived from first adjusted for the appropriate hatch
the analysis of variance without adjust- mean Xh...; thus, Xijk" = Xhijk—Xh.... The
ment for linear regression of observations usual heritability estimates were then de-
on hatching data are denoted by a prime. rived on the basis of variance components
The results would apply were mass selec- for sires and dams. They are shown as h42
tion practiced in a population of several in Table 12. Since lu2 is affected by exist-
hatches with some uncontrolled trends ing genotype-environment interactions, it
existing from one hatch to the next; a is comparable to li32 of the preceding
situation likely to hold true under most analysis, except for the incompleteness of
practical circumstances. exclusion of hatch effects; this would tend
A third estimate of heritability, to reduce h42 below h32.
2(D'+S') T A B L E 12.-—Analysis of variance and estimates of
h 3 2 =- heritability with observations adjusted for hatch means
March Winter Produc- Age
pertains to a situation where hatch effects Statistic egg egg tion to
72 weeks at first
weight produc-
are present but can be excluded com- tion of age 6S

pletely by appropriate techniques of anal- (MS)S"« 26.852 1262.8 4930.8 47.76

(MS)D" 8.351 344.2 1551.2 20.44
ysis. In practice this will not be possible. (MS)I"=I" 1.969 164.7 811.7 13.03
D" .353 9.934 40.94 .410
By comparing h22 and h32 it is possible S" .293 14.721 54.06 .435
to appraise the potential increase in the h,'= .50 .26 .21 .12
effectiveness of mass selection attainable
from proper adjustment of individual ob- * A double prime is used to distinguish statistics of this
analysis from those previously used.

The relative efficiency of mass selection Some possible definitions for component
under the four methods discussed above is traits of individual breeding worth are
shown later (Table 16). given in Table 13. They are chosen for
Information about the genotypes of in- application to particular situations.
dividuals can be augmented from the per- Index A is designed to represent a
formance of related groups of individuals breeding experiment in which decisions
by constructing selection indexes (Hazel, about individual genotypes are desired
1943; Lush, 1947; Robertson, 1955). Here, before all hatches have been tested. Each
only two types of genetic relationship are hatch is treated as a separate population
to be considered: that due to the sire (half from which animals may be selected as
sisters) and that due to the dam (full soon as all its members have finished their
sisters). Family averages and individual test. Individual performance is measured
performance can be combined into a selec- as deviation from the average perform-
tion index, which weighs them in such a ance of full sisters; effects of dams, com-
way as to give optimal selection decisions. mon to full sisters of the same hatch, are

TABLE 13.—Definitions of component traits in selection indexes and the corresponding mean squares

Source of genetic information

Index Individual phenotype Average dam contribution Average sire contribution

to offspring to offspring
(A)I (A)D (A)S

Xhijk Xhij. Xhij. — Xhi.. Xhi.. —Xh...

1259 869 456

Xhijk X.ij. x.i..—x....

2510 97 36

Xhijk Xhij,
1259 3(5

D Xhijk— X..,.*
2510 133

H, 53 (xhijk—Xh...) — 2~3 23 S (xhijk —Xh...)

E Xhijk—Xh.. h k h j k

Zi 2 (Xhljk—Xh...) 23 23 2~3 (xhijk—Xh...) 23 2323 23 (xhijk—Xh...)

h k h j k k
. (MS)I . (MS)D " ' ' . (MS)S

* Xhijk—x.... can be rewritten as (xhijk—x.ij.)+(x.ij.—x....). Thes2cond expression (x.ij.—x....) can

then be included in the evaluation of the dam component of the index. (See Lush, 1947 for a similar example).

estimated as deviations of full-sister cedure might conceivably be advocated if

families from the average performance of hatch effects were pronounced and syste-
all offspring of the same sire and hatch, matic. An evaluation of the selection
and sire effects are estimated as deviations efficiency of Index E requires the analysis
of sire progenies of the same hatch about of variance shown in Table 12.
the hatch mean. Following Hazel's (1943) method of
Index B represents a case where the en- constructing selection indexes, the com-
tire population is to be evaluated simul- ponent measurements of genetic merit are
taneously and where main effects of combined into a multiple regression equa-
hatches are disregarded. Expected dam tion of the form:
and sire contributions to offspring families C=b 1 (A)I+b 2 (A)D+b 5 (A)S,
are estimated on the basis of offspring
raised over the entire hatching period. where C is the index value of a given indi-
Effects peculiar to individuals are esti- vidual and b's are regression coefficients,
mated from deviations of individual per- and where (A) I, (A)D and (A)S stand for
formance from the family average of all the defined effects attributable to indi-
full sisters. vidual, dam, and sire, respectively.
Index C is a combination of Index A If it is assumed that the three compo-
and Index B in that it evaluates individ- nent measurements can be defined in such
uals on the basis of deviations of their per- a way that they are statistically inde-
formance from the average of full sisters pendent, then the regression coefficients
raised in the same hatch, while parental (bi, b2, b3) are identical with the herita-
contributions are estimated without re- bilities of the corresponding component
gard to hatches. traits. All indexes used in this study can
Method D uses a selection index pro- actually be expressed in terms of inde-
posed by Dempster and Lerner (1947). It pendent components.
makes use of information from full-sister The accuracy of evaluation of a com-
families and that of individual perform- ponent trait can be defined as the ratio of
ance but disregards half-sister groups with its genetic variance to its phenotypic
a common sire. Individual phenotypes as variance (comparable to a heritability
well as family performance are estimated estimate). Thus:
from deviations about the population (G)I
mean. This form of selection is more con- bi = for individual deviations
venient for practical application than the (P)I
types of estimates used under methods A, (G)D
b2= for dam effects
B, and C. (P)D
Index E, finally, represents a situation (G)S
where every observation is first corrected b3= for sire effects
for the average of the hatch group to (P)S
which the particular individual belongs. The phenotypic variability (P) con-
Family averages are then computed on tributed by a defined component trait is
the basis of these corrected observations, represented by the corresponding mean
including the entire range of hatches. Indi- square in the analysis of variance as
vidual performance is estimated from shown in Table 13. In order to estimate
deviations of corrected observations from genetic variability (G) attributable to de-
the appropriate dam progeny. Such pro- fined parental effects or due to individual

T A B L E 14.—Mean squares and their composition

Computed mean squares

rw™™ ™ u nr„i„ T>-„J ~ A ~„* Average value oi mean squares in terms
Mean Degrees March Winter Produc- Age at
squares f w i a n c e com ponents
ot egg egg pro- tion to first
freedom weight tion 72 weeks egg
(MS)H 55 7.607 2677.0 2647.3 116.16 44.432H+ .886S+ .821D+6.670HS+2.328HD+1.000I
(MS)S 36 28.689 1368.9 5119.8 44.45 . 982H+63.903S+20.152D+5.839HS+2.348HD +1.0001
(MS)D 97 9.161 421.5 1614.0 21.53 .793H+ .000S+18.857D+ .793HS+2.281HD+1.000I
(MS)HS 420 2.215 159.4 858.5 11.61 - . 0 8 4 H - .116S+ .508D+4.861HS+1.987HD + 1.000I
(MS)HD 772 1.850 134.3 715.7 8.68 - . 1 0 0 H - .000S- .335D+ .1O0HS+1.748HD+ 1.0001
(MS)I 1259 1.800 138.2 697.8 9.66 .OO0H+ .O00S+ .O0OD+ .00OHS+ .OOOHD+1.000I
Genetic portions of mean squares (G) Average genetic value of mean squares
(MS)S 36 27.132 1176.6 4309.4 30.81 64.903S+21.152D
(MS)D 97 7.690 255.0 955.7 11.11 1.OO0S+19.857D
(MS)I 97.1 .84 1.000S+ 1.000D
1259 .669 26.3

deviations, the corresponding mean

b 1 (G)I+b 2 (G)D/n d +b 3 (G)S/fi 8
squares have to be interpreted according
to their genetic and nongenetic compo-
Re >=j/
sition. If estimates of all variance com- where fid and n8 are the average numbers
ponents are available, the expected ge- of offspring retained from dams and sires
netic variability contained in each mean respectively, under the assumed method
square can be assessed, as shown in of evaluation.
Table 14. For specific selection decisions on indi-
In case of deviations of individual vidual pullets the number of full sisters is
phenotypes from their full-sister average known, and it is possible to replace n„ and
there is no experimental method for sepa- fia in each selection by the exact number
rating genetic from nongenetic variabil- of relatives. As before, the required
ity. On the basis of Mendelian inheritance weighting factors (regression coefficients
within a randomly mating population it (bi, b2, b3)) can be obtained as the fraction
shall be assumed that I, the variance com- of the expected genetic mean square over
ponent due to individual deviations, con- the expected phenotypic mean square,
tains one half of the additive genetic using estimates of variance components
variability, G. For purposes of application and known family sizes. For simplicity it
G may be estimated from 2(D + S). I, shall be assumed here that every parent is
therefore, contains genetic variance equiv- represented equally by offspring in all k
alent to D + S. hatches. Thus, each dam is supposed to
The relative efficiency of different selec- have had n offspring per hatch and each of
tion indexes will be judged by the genetic 5 sires is assumed to have been mated to a
gains expected from their application in constant number of d dams. With these
selection. As a basis for comparison, we assumptions the total population size be-
shall choose the genetic gains expected comes hnds, and the number of offspring
from I122, that is, mass selection in a popu- available from each hatch is rids.
lation where no corrections for hatch Table 15 gives weighting factors for
effects are made. Since both index and family means and individual performance
mass selection exploit the same genetic on the basis of the above assumptions.
variability, (G), the relative efficiency of For equal class numbers, the factors in
index selection can be estimated by the Index E can be assumed to be equivalent
co-efficient of multiple correlation, to those of Index C.

TABLE 15.—Weighting factors for family and for individual deviations for various selection methods

Selection Estimates of
method effects Expected genetic variance Expected phenotypic variance

Individual G+GH*
(Xhijk—Xhij.) 2 +E

Dam G(n+1) G(n+1) , GH(n+l) , ^

(Xhij. — Xhi..) \ 1 r~—HE

Sire G(nd+n+l) G(nd+n+l) GH(nd+n+n

(Xhi..-X h ...)

Individual CI G+GH
(Xhijk—X.ij.) ~2
Dam G(nh+1) G(nh+1) GH(n+l)
(x.u.-x.i..) 1 + 4 +E
G(ndh+nh+l) G(ndh+nh+l) 1 GH(nd+n+l) [_E

/ hnds—hnd\ / hnds—hnd\
Dam and Sire G
(2+hn+-^T-) G 2+hn+
( -7s-— ) |
GH ( nds— nd \

* GH stands for the component of genotype-hatch interaction.

The formulas given in Table 15 can also gether with those of the other selection
be used to evaluate the results for the hy- methods discussed. The tabulated values
pothetical case of selection with equal of relative selection efficiency are
family sizes. A comparison of the efficiency
of index selection in such a balanced popu-
lation with the expected outcome of selec-
tion in the actual experiment may indi- Comparison of the relative efficiencies
cate how seriously unequal representation of the selection methods in Table 16 sug-
of families affects the presumed efficiency gests the following conclusions:
of selection. The situation may be ex- 1. Selection under exclusion of linear
plored by means of Index F, which corre- trends in the performance of successive
sponds to Index B of the actual experi- hatches (hi2) shows some improvement in
ment. For the balanced experiment it is efficiency over straightforward mass se-
not possible to express family sizes as lection (h22) for winter egg production and
whole numbers. For pooled populations age at first egg. Selection for March egg
they assume the following values: fl=1.3 weight and production to 72 weeks, on the
d = 3.43 §=10.00 h = 14.75. The results other hand, is not more effective when
for Index F are given in Table 16, to- linear trends are excluded.

TABLE 16.—Relative efficiency of selection methods with respect to mass selection and heritabilily hi

Selection efficiency relative to hj

Selection method
March egg Winter egg Production to Age at
weight production 72 weeks first egg
Mass selection without adjustments for hatch
effects. (h2) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Mass selection under exclusion of linear trends
of hatches, (hi) _ 1.015 1.065 1.000 1.116
Mass selection under complete exclusion of all
hatch effects, (hs) 1.018 1.152 1.022 1.099
Mass selection with corrections of observations
for hatch means, (hi) .996 1.060 .965 .984
Index A; combination selection on the basis of
individual, dam average and sire average
within hatches. 1.124 1.277 1.135 1.179
Index B; combination selection on the basis of
individual, dam average and sire average dis-
regarding existing hatch effects. 1.190 1.482 1.485 1.789
Index C; combination selection, disregarding
hatch effects for sire and dam averages, but
not for individuals 1.206 1.523 1.495 1.816
Index D ; combination selection on the basis of
individual and dam average disregarding
existing hatch effects. 1.111 1.372 1.373 1.630
Index E; combination selection on the basis of
individual, dam average and sire average, with
adjustment of observations for hatch means
(biased). 1.190 1.506 1.467 1.749
Index F ; combination selection for the hypo-
thetical case of equal family representation in
all hatches. 1.220 1.542 1.517 1.883

2. Exclusion of all hatch effects from inefficient if practiced within separate hatches
comparisons of individuals (h32) has some (Index A),
(b) Combination selection within the entire
advantage over exclusion of linear trends. population, where family performance is esti-
3. Actual correction of observations for mated from all available offspring, shows
hatch means (h42) results in slightly high efficiency, even when hatch effects are
biased comparisons of individuals and ac- disregarded (Index B). The improvement of
cordingly shows for three of the traits a selection efficiency by this means is highest
for age at first egg (79 percent) and lowest
decreased selection efficiency as compared for egg weight (19 percent). Thus, the trait
with the hypothetical case of completely with lowest heritability shows highest'possi-
excluded hatch effects (h32). In the present ble improvements in selection precision when
experiment the corrections for hatch family averages are used.
means by this method resulted in a loss of 5. Refinements of selection procedures
selection efficiency relative to mass selec- such as represented by Index C do not
tion (I122) for production to 72 weeks and produce marked added improvements
for age at first egg. over Index B.
4. All index selection is more efficient 6. Selection Index D, in which sire and
(as expected) than any of the other selec- dam effects on offspring performance are
tion procedures. confounded, is almost as efficient as
(a) Selection on the basis of a combination of
Index B, where sire effects on offspring
parental effects and individual deviations of are considered separately from dam ef-
offspring from family averages is relatively fects. The loss in selection efficiency rela-

tive to Index B is 8 percent for egg weight, hatch environment, with most pronounced
11 percent for both winter production and responses in winter production. These
production to 72 weeks, and 16 percent findings generally agree with published
for age at first egg. Thus, it may be ad- work of similar experiments by Garber
visable to use Index B for traits with very and Godbey (1952) and King and Hender-
low heritability. son (1954). Thus, it appears safe to as-
7. Adjustments of individual perform- sume that under many practical condi-
ance for hatch means and subsequent ap- tions there are environmental factors
plication of combination selection (Index common to pullets that are hatched and
E) do not prove more efficient than com- reared together. Most likely these hatch
bination selection without hatch-adjusted effects vary considerably in magnitude be-
observations (Index B). This result may tween different generations of the same
be due to an overestimate of efficiency of population and between different flocks
index B. (e.g., Bohren et al., 1952).
8. Biases of family means and losses in The study further indicates that the
selection precision from unequal family magnitude of genotype-environment in-
sizes account for only slight losses in se- teractions due to extended hatching sea-
lection efficiency (Index E compared to sons is small for most practical purposes.
Index F). Age at first egg, which has Combined genotype-environment inter-
lowest heritability of the four traits in- actions account for only about 4 percent
vestigated, shows highest biases in family variability among individuals; this is
averages. somewhat less than variability due to
Thus, the over-all results suggest that hatch effects.
corrections of individual observations for As yet there have been few published
hatch means do not improve selection cases of strong genotype-environment
efficiency greatly, at least not under the interactions in production traits of chick-
conditions of this experiment. Family se- ens, although they exist under special con-
lection, as compared to mass selection on ditions (e.g., with respect to disease ex-
the other hand, proves highly effective, posure and viability, DeOme, 1943; Hutt
except for egg weight, which, having high and Cole, 1947).
heritability, shows little potential im- Although the estimates of hatch-geno-
provement for either hatch corrections or type interaction presented in this study
family selection. amount to only about four percent of
total variability, it is possible that similar,
DISCUSSION but more pronounced, interactions might
Practical recommendations on the basis exist between successive generations of
of a study of limited the same population and the environ-
terial in spite of an element of speculation ments of successive years. Such interac-
may apply to a rather wide range of con- tions might in part explain the fact that
ditions and hence can serve as a useful selection within closed populations does
guide for breeding practice. not produce as high gains as predicted
Hatching date was found to exert sig- from heritability studies. If it is assumed
nificant effects upon all production traits that genotype-environment interactions
studied, particularly upon sexual maturity generally exist, then it might be desirable
and winter egg production. Similarly, to adopt selection procedures that would
there were demonstrable random effects of provide as wide a range of environmental

conditions as possible within one genera- would seem appropriate. However, under
tion. Consequently, one would expose the conditions of this experiment an ad-
separate hatches to widely differing en- justment of observations for hatch means
vironments. did not appear to produce improved selec-
The magnitude of heritability estimates tion decisions. This may partly be due to
derived here on the assumption of existing the fact that relatively few parents were
genotype-environment interactions agrees used within generations. Hence it is quite
well with other published work. possible that the sampling errors in the
King and Henderson (1954) give the derived estimates of variance components
following average heritabilities from previ- lead to overestimates of heritability of
ously published studies: 0.57 for egg unadjusted observations (h22). Adjust-
weight, 0.31 for full year's production, and ment of observations for hatch means
0.27 for age at first egg. On general con- may be more appropriate in mass selection
siderations, and in agreement with practi- than it is for combination selection. Also
cal recommendations advanced by others in cases where production records are
(Lerner and Cruden, 1951), it appears terminated at a set date, rather than a
possible to improve egg weight by mass certain age of pullets, the effort of hatch
selection alone, even in the presence of adjustment may become worthwhile.
hatch effects. The results presented agree If the labor of adjusting individual ob-
with this assumption and show that im- servations to hatch means exceeds the
provements in selection efficiency of 20 available means, better representation of
percent, at best, could be attained if se- parental matings might be insured ex-
lection were based on combined family perimentally by:
and individual performance, with or 1. Excluding poorly represented families
without adjustments for hatch means. before testing (as in the present study).
Practical considerations based on the 2. Allowing for longer reproduction pe-
present findings suggest that family selec- riods for each hatch of offspring (saving
tion permits one to exclude most hatch eggs for two weeks instead of one, as sug-
effects from selection decisions. However, gested by King and Henderson (1954)).
such methods may not be feasible or 3. Relying more strongly on family se-
practical unless the necessary calculations lection than is indicated by considerations
can be carried out within a short time. In of optimal selection for additive gene
this light the most useful method is un- effects.
doubtedly family selection on the basis of Adjusting observations for hatch effects
full sibs (Method D). Thus, if families are by means of some presumed linear regres-
well represented in all hatches, their aver- sion of performance of hens on date of
ages will contain only a fraction of the hatch does not appear a reasonable pro-
seasonal variation. cedure because the magnitude of such
Under conditions of pronounced sea- effects seems to be rather unpredictable.
sonal trends in hatch effects, it would be Only age at first egg shows reasonably
necessary to consider possible bias in com- constant linear regression on date of
parisons either of individuals from differ- hatch. For the same reason it does not
ent hatches or of families hatched over seem possible to make a general prediction
different ranges of possible hatching dates. of the influence of such trends on expected
Under such conditions, the use of Index E accuracy of mass selection.

The actual labor of adjusting observa- be realized in practice if selection in-

tions for hatch means can be reduced con- tensity of parents is kept constant within
siderably if family representation within hatches; if observations are merely ad-
hatches is good. Under these circum- justed for hatch means, the actual selec-
stances, one might construct a selection tion precision (lu2) will be somewhat less
index of type B or D without adjusting than given by h32 because of biases in
individual performance for hatch means. hatch means or perhaps because of round-
Selection could then be made on the basis ing errors in the calculation of adjusted
of this index, but parents would be chosen performance.
in numbers proportionate to the size of
the hatch to which they belonged. This SUMMARY
procedure would, in effect, prevent large From the results presented here, some
hatch main effects from causing selective inferences can be drawn regarding the
discrimination against the members of a effects of an extended hatching season on
particular hatching group. the efficiency of artificial selection among
The conclusions of this study regarding the resulting offspring. For the popula-
the importance of hatch effects for selec- tions investigated, the analysis shows
tion efficiency are in disagreement with that:
recommendations made by Bohren et al. 1. The effects of date of hatching for
(1952) and more recently by King and laying flocks, hatched over 11 to 17 weeks
Henderson (1954). The latter state: "It is during spring months on production traits
our conclusion that the hatch effect is of were pronounced for age at first egg and
sufficient importance to necessitate the winter egg production; they were but
adjustment of data for this effect." The negligible for March egg weight and egg
discrepancy in results seems to be due production to 72 weeks of age. The same
partly to the statistical methods em- relations hold for nonsystematic environ-
ployed in evaluating expected gains from mental effects between hatches but to a
selection, and does not necessarily reflect lesser extent.
drastic differences in the magnitude of 2. Interaction between genotypes and
hatch effects. King and Henderson (p. environment was generally low for all
162) attempted to evaluate the impor- traits.
tance of hatch effects by alternately as- 3. Combined selection on the basis of
suming that they existed, or that they average family performance and indi-
were not present at all, and by computing vidual performance appeared to be effec-
heritability estimates on that basis. If tive in providing high accuracy of selec-
existing hatch effects are ignored this pro- tion decisions, with or without adjustment
cedure results in a slight overestimate of of observations for hatch means.
variance due to individuals and tends to 4. Slight additional improvements in se-
underestimate dam effects considerably. lection accuracy would be expected when
I t appears that corrections for hatch ef- adjusting individual observations for the
fects, if performed without bias, improve corresponding hatch mean before selection
selection efficiency little, even when the on combined family and individual per-
latter account for 25 percent of total formance. However, such advantages
variability (winter egg production). These could not be demonstrated conclusively in
potential improvements can perhaps also this study, possibly due to sampling errors

in the derived variance components and influence of several environments on the egg
production and viability of different genotypes.
heritability estimates.
Poultry Sci. 33 : 692-703.
5. Unequal representation of families in Hazel, L. N., 1943. The genetic basis for construct-
consecutive hatches did not appear to be a ing selection indexes. Genetics, 28: 476-490.
serious obstacle to accurate selection. Henderson, C. R., 1953. Estimation of variance and
covariance components. Biometrics, 9: 226-252.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Hutt, F. B., and R. K. Cole, 1947. Genetic control
of lymphomatosis in the fowl. Sci. 106: 379-
The author is indebted to Kimber
Farms Inc. and their director of research King, D. F., P. K. Cole, F. B. Hutt and G. J.
Dr. W. F. Lamoreux, for making avail- Cottier, 1952. Tests in different environments
able the data for this study. It is a pleas- of fowls genetically resistant to leukosis. Poultry
ure to acknowledge the help of Professor Sci. 3 1 : 1027-1029.
I. Michael Lerner, who suggested the King, S. C , and C. R. Henderson, 1954a. Variance
components analysis in heritability studies.
problem and who made constructive sug-
Poultry Sci. 3 3 : 147-154.
gestions throughout the course of this King, S. C , and C. R. Henderson, 1954b. Herita-
work. bility studies of egg production in the domestic
fowl. Poultry Sci. 3 3 : 155-169.
REFERENCES Lerner, I. M., 1950. Population Genetics and Animal
Bohren, B. B., G. D. Rapp and R. B. Arvidson, Improvement, xviii + 342 pp. Cambridge Uni-
1952. Increase in pullet egg size as a factor in versity Press.
selection. Purdue Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. Lerner, I. M., and D. Cruden, 1951. The heritabil-
574. ity of egg weight: The advantages of mass
Dempster, E. R., and I. M. Lerner, 1947. The selection and of early measurements. Poultry
optimum structure of breeding flocks. I I . Sci. 30:34-41.
Methods of determination. Genetics, 32: 576— Lerner, I. M., and E. R. Dempster, 1951. The
579. theory of multiple shifts. Poultry Sci. 30: 717-
DeOme, K. B., 1943. Intraperitoneal injection of 722.
lymphomatous nerve tissue into resistant or Lush, J. L., 1947. Family merit and individual
susceptible chickens. Poultry Sci. 22: 381-394. merit as bases for selection. Part I. Amer. Nat.
Garber, M. J., and C. B. Godbey, 1952. The in- 8 1 : 241-261.
fluence of sire, dam, and hatching date on Osborne, R., 1954. Sexual maturity in Brown
specific rate of growth of Single Comb White Leghorns and the relationship of genetic vari-
Leghorn pullets from hatching to twelve weeks ance to differences in environment. Proc. Roy.
of age. Poultry Sci. 3 1 : 945-955. Soc. Edinburgh, Section B, 65: 285-298.
Gowe, R. S., and W. J. Wakely, 1954. Environ- Robertson, A., 1955. Prediction equations in
ment and poultry breeding problems. 1. The quantitative genetics. Biometrics, 1 1 : 95-98.


(Continued from page 1284)
W. Kohlmeyer, Head of the Department of Dr. E. R. Halbrook resigned effective October 1,
Poultry Husbandry, South Dakota State College, as Head of the Poultry Department, Montana State
returned to the College on September 1st, after College, to go to India as a Poultry Husbandry
spending a year's leave in graduate study at Pur- Advisor, an assignment with the International Co-
due University. operation Administration.
L. U. Rubida (B.S., South Dakota State, 1956)
has been appointed Graduate Teaching Assistant. GENERAL MILLS NOTES
H. Woerpel (B.S., South Dakota State, 1956) D. S. Carver has been appointed Broiler Spe-
has been appointed Graduate Research Assistant. cialist at General Mills Larro Research Farm, In-
(Continued on page 1348)

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