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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test

Date of release; 13/2/2014

 The exam contain 100 Multiple Choice questions should be solved in 2h maximally
 don't forget ur Labcoat.
 say; ‫ بسم هللا‬and type ur Receipt No. in St no. column then press Enter to show ur name
 Press F9 and choose ur specialty

 Leishmania is transported by Sandfly, and mainly invade macrophage

 Leishmania chagasi doesn't found in Sudan
 H.nana is known as dwarf tapeworm, 4 cm, egg is the infective stage.
 A.lumbricoides is known as giant roundworm
 B.coli is the largest protozoa at all
 F.buski is an intestinal fluke and it is the largest flukes at all
 Variation in RBCs size is called Anisocytosis
 Variation in RBCs shape is called Poikilocytosis
 Netrophils represent 50 -70 % of total lymphocytes lymphocyte = 20 – 40 %,
monocyte = 4 – 6 %, eosinophile = 1 – 3 %, basophile = .4 – 1 %
 Plumer – Vinson syndrome may be seen in cases of IDA (Iron Deficiency Anemia)
 Chronic (low-rat) blood loss can cause IDA (microcytic hypochromic anemia)
 Favism is an acute haemolytic anemia occure in G6PD pts after ingestion of bean
 Erythrocytes are non-nucleated biconcave disk
 Eosinophils have a characteristic biffed (segmented) nucleus with red stained
granules in the cytoplasm
 B-lymphocytes (plasma cells) are responsible for Abs production
 Sickle cells are curved with sharp ends seen in Haemoglobinopathies
 Sickle cell anemia can cause; leg ulcer, gall stone, attacks of pain and spleen atrophy
(not enlargement of spleen)
 HbS in sickle cell anemia is caused by substitution of a.a (Valine) instead of (Glutamic
acid) at position no. 6 in the beta chain of Hb
 Red cell with elongated arm of central pallor = Stomatocye
 Symmetrical RBCs with many tiny spicules and projection, seen in IDA and uremia =
Ecchinocyte (burr cell) which seen in IDA
 Howeel-jolly bodies are small, dense, basophilic (purple) red cell inclusion (DNA
fragments) seen in spleenoctomized pts and in megaloblastic anemia
 Heinz bodies are small, round inclusion (Hb fragments) seen in haemolytic disorders
(G6PD and alpha thalassemia)
 Schistocye or schizocye is the fragmented part or RBCs
 Darkened and hyperchromic RBCs with no central pallor = Spherocye
 Spherocytosis is a heridetiry defect in RBCs membrane with high reticulocye count
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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test
Date of release; 13/2/2014

 Pica (craving to eat unusual substance such as clay or ice) is seen in IDA
 Chloramphenicol may cause Aplastic anemia in long term therapy
 Absolute lymphocyte count is up to 300.000, between 70 – 90 % appear as small
lymphocyte = CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
 Leukocytosis characterized by present of immature cells and high neutrophil alkaline
phosphotase = Leukomoid reaction
 In the atomic absorption method for Ca+2 measurment, lanthanum is added to the
sample to prevent the phosphate interference
 Disease characterized by progressive neoplastic proliferation of immature white cell
precursor, high neutrophil alkaline phosphatase mainly affect children = Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia
 Schilling test is used to diagnose Pernicious anemia (Vit B12 deficiency)
 Vit B12 deficiency can cause neurological symptoms
 Fanconi's anemia is a type of Aplastic anemia
 The first line of defense against parasites are Eosinophils, bacteria = neutrophil, virus
= lymphocytes
 Basophils play an important role in immediate and delay HSR (hyper sensitivity
 Monocytes are the largest leukocyte
 T-lymphocyte = cell mediate immunity, B-lymphocyte = humoral mediated immynity
 Haemolytic disease in newborn = erythroblastosis fetalis
 Normal adult Hb tetramer (Hb A) is; 2 α and 2 β, (Hb A2 – 1-3%) is; 2 α and 2 δ (Hb F
fetous) is; 2 α and 2 γ
 Platlets are small megakaryocytic fragment responsible for blood clotting
 63 ml of CPDA (citrate phosphate dextrose adenine) is added to 450 ml of blood in
blood bags to be saved up to 35 days.
 Normal flora in the vagina = Lactobacillus acidophilus
 Pus cells in urine with variable gram bacilli does not prove the vaginal infection
 Compound affected by direct light = Bilirubin
 LDL (low density lipoprotein) is a Harmful Cholesterol (cause atherosclerosis)
 HDL (high density lipoprotein) is a Useful Cholesterol (remove excess cholesterol)
 HDL normal range = 30 – 60 mg/dl, LDL = 100 mg/dl
 VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) is an endogenous triglyceride
 T.solium gravid proglottid has fewer uterine branches than T.saginata
 The infective stage of T.saginata is cysticercus bovis and for T.solium cysticercus

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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test
Date of release; 13/2/2014

 The scolex of T.saginata has 4 suckers and circle of hook while T.solium has 4 suckers
and no hook
 Intermediate host of T.saginata is cattle and for T.solium is pig
 The definitive host of both tenia is Human
 Syphilis is sexually transmitted disease and could be transferred from mother to the
fetus by birth (maternally)
 Inflamed eye caused by T.cruze is called Roman's sign
 Best time when w.bancrofti can be detected in blood sample; 10 p.m – 4 a.m
(nocturnal periodicity)
 The normal O.volvulus lifespan is up to 10 year
 Skin snip is the best sample to diagnose O.volvulus, the blood for loa loa
 Dogs are the most important definitive hosts of E.granulosus while the sheep and
man are the intermediate one
 Both herpes virus and pox virus are DNA enveloped viruses
 Cyst is the infective stage of G.lambilia while it's diagnostic stage both cyst and
 No fasting sample is required to determine the uric acid conc. in blood
 The infective stage of D.latum is Plerocercoid or sparganum larvae
 The definitive host for D.latum is the human
 The eggs of D.latum are hatch in fresh water
 The infective stage of Fasciola hepatica is metacercariae
 Some of Liver flukes are (F.hepatica and C.sinensis) and F.buski is an intestinal fluke
 Intermediate host of W.bancrofi is female mosquito; anopheles and culex
 Intermediate host of O.volvulus is female blackfly, simulium
 Intermediate host of Loa Loa is the deer fly (Chrysops)
 Loa loa microfilaria have diurnal periodicity and sheathed
 Saliva is rich by the enzyme Amylase
 Creatine kinase or creatine phosphokinase (CK,CPK) has 3 isoenzymes CK-MM,
 Excersice increase the level of CK generally
 CK-MB is a great indicator and the first one to elevate in case of acute myocardial
infarction (AMI), it also increase with intravenous injection
 GTT (γ glutamyltransferase) is the most sensitive enzyme for hepatic disorders.
 Human semen contain high conc. of acid phosphatase; one of them is PAP (prostatic
acid phosphatase) which is used as an indicator for prostatic cancer
 Sodium Thymolphthalein Monophosphate is the most specific substrate for
prostatic acid Phosphatase
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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test
Date of release; 13/2/2014

 Apoenzyme is the protein potion of the enzyme

 Isoenzyme increase the specifity
 Patients with pseudocholinestrase deficiency are sensitive to anesthetic drugs
 Phenylketonurea is a metabolic disorder appear as a deficiency of the enzyme
responsible to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosin
 Renal gout and metabolic gout are different in the urine uric acid level
 Glycated Hb is used to measure the control of plasma glucose level and follow up
long treatment
 The dose of oral glucose given in GTT (glucose tolerance test) is 75g for adults and
30g for children
 Insulin antagonist is Glucagon
 -ve VDRL and +ve TPHA = Inactive syphilis
 Shigella does not live intracellulary and cause doudinitis
 E.coli cause diarrhea
 Proteus is G-ve rod swarm in agar cultur but the Cl.tetani also caue swarming
anaerobically and it have terminal spores.
 Most wound infections are caused by S.aureus
 Keratits causative agents; s.aureus, s.pneumoniae, pseudomonas and Chlamydia
 Otitis media causative agent; s.aureus, s.pneumoniae, H.influnzea and M.catarrhalis
 Chlamydia is diagnosed by its elementary body and reticulate body
 E.histolytica can cause liver abscess but never splenomegally
 Drugs contain beta lactam ring; pencillin, cephalosporin, crbapenems and
monobactams (Vancomycin does not)
 Aminoglycosides antibiotics like tetracycline act by inhibit protein synthesis of
bacteria (not cell wall)
 N.gonorrhoeae produce beta lactemase which resist beta lactam drugs
 N.gonorrhoeae virulence factors are; pili, IgA protease and endotoxin in
lipopolysaccharide membrane (but there is no Exotoxin)
 Stapping of gelatin culture with B.anthrax give a characteristic Inverted fir tree
 B.anthrax is capsulated non haemolytic in B.A while B.cerus is non capsulated and
 Food Intoxication can caused by; E.coli O157 , S.aureus, B.cerus and clostridium
(while Campylobacter cause food infection)
 G-ve cocci in sputum smear is mostly the organism Moraxila catarrhalis
 CAP (cellulose acetate precipitin) test is used for liver ameobiasis its result appear in
agarose gel as 2 precipitated line (it cannot detect the parasite DNA)
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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test
Date of release; 13/2/2014

 E.coli is found in colon as normal flora

 Asthma, blood transfusion and allergy are examples of HSR (but not
 C3a ans C5a can cause symptoms of anaphylatoxin (degranulation of mast cell and
bronchospasm) and chemotaxis (but they don't activate WBCs)
 The test which measure clotting time of citrated plasma by adding thromboplastin
and Ca+2 and used as follow up test to control anticoagulant = Prothrombin time
(PT/PTT) (for extrinsic pathway) 11 -15 second
 Activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT/APTT) or KccT (Kaolin cephalin clotting
time) for intrinsic and common pathway and to monitor the treatment effect of
anticoagulated drug like heparin, 25 -35 second
 Normal bleeding time (coagulation time) is measured by Duke's method, 3 -9 min
 The microscope have two types of lenses; objective lenses which is near the slide and
eye lenses
 Dark field microscope is used to detect T.pallidum (cause of syphilis)
 Calibrated sera are the primary STD
 Autoclave sterilization temp. is 121 oC for 20 – 30 min
 Ruber gloves cannot be sterilized by hot air oven
 Neutrophile count is high in acute bacterial inflammation
 Listeria monocytogens is transmitted by birth (from mother to child)
 Hook worms are not a true filarial, they can cause megaloblastic anemia
 H&E dye stain the nuclei blue and the cytoplasm pink,, the dye depoit in tissue if not
 Haematoxylin basic and the eosin is acidic
 Bloaking is not a step of tissue processing
 Shigella has the lesser infective dose among all bacteria and it is urease -ve
 Reticular fibers are stained with weigert stain
 Nuclear stain doesn't contain Alchol
 Pseudomonas can produce green pigment and it is the most common cause of
hospital acquired infection
 The infective stage of T.gondi is oocyst in domestic cat feaces which represent the
definitive host
 T.gondi doesn’t invade the central nervous system
 HMB 45 is a monoclonal Abs that react against an antigen present in melanoma
 O Ag is the somatic Ag of bacteria which is heat stable and found in all
enterobacterecia (not restricted on motile one)
 C.diphteriae reduce tellurite to metallic tellurium and produce exotoxins
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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test
Date of release; 13/2/2014

 Schistosoma belong to trematode and can cause hypertension

 Shistosoma egg doesn't contain operculum
 The complication of schistosomal infection is due to the presence of eggs that cause
granuloma and blockage (not the adult worm and there is no toxin produced)
 The adult worm of Schistosoma never appear in Stool sample
 Trophozoite of P. falciparum is called a ring
 Schizont of P.vivax contain up to 24 merozoite
 There are three main viruses that cause AHC
(acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis) enterovirus,
coxsakievirus and adenovirus
 Sickle cell anemic patients are most susceptible to get osteomylitis due to salmonella
 Parathyroid hormone which is secreated from parathyroid gland increase the conc.
of calcium in the blood
 MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) is the lowest concentration of
an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism after
overnight incubation
 Bacillus cereus can cause food poisoning mainly in rice
 Exofoliatin toxin is produced by s.aureus and cause scalded skin syndrome
 ALP (alkaline phosphatase) level is significantly higher in children and pregnant
 Allograft is the transplantation of tissue from the same species
 Latex particles are used in agglutinin tests
 Chancroid (soft chancer) is a painful sore in the genitilia caused by H.ducreyi, while a
Chancre is a painless sore found in primary stage of syphilis
 H.pylori is diagnosed by GIT biopsy stained with H&E
 in post hepatic jaundice (obstructive) conjugated (direct) bilirubin is increased and
the unconjugated (indirect) one is normal
 Goiter disease = swelling of neck due to enlargement of thyroid gland (hypo/hyper)
 Potassium level in the blood is elevated in case of haemolysis
 Toxic shock syndrome reveal –ve blood culture
 E.histolytica, Blantidium coli can produce bloody stool
 ICT for malaria can detect HRP2 (histidin rich protein), pLDH (species-specific lactate
dehydrogenase and aldolase enzyme
 The precipitation line thickness of ICT is related to the level of parasitemia
 Plasmodium is a haemoparasite
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Success Notes for Medical Laboratory Permanent Test
Date of release; 13/2/2014

 Blackwater fever is caused by intensive Haemloysis (Rupture) of RBCs.

 Isoenzyme assay improve specifity
 Typhoid cannot be transmitted by aersol
 Target cells are seen in Thalassemia (Vit B12 deficiency)
 Thalassemia is caused by defective synthesis of either alpha or beta chain of normal
 Pasturella multocida are transmitted by dog bite
 Yersinia pestis characterized by bipolar stain
 Bordetella bronchiseptica is an animal pathogen (dog)
 Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals are found in synovial fluid associated
with a range of clinical syndromes
 The term used to describe reproducibility is precision, while accuracy describe the
closeness to true value
 Spore forming, non motile, isolated from foot wound = Cl.perfrenges
 The causative agent of diarrhea associated with antibiotic (pseudomembranous
colitis) is Cl.difficile
 The fungi demonstrated by board based budding is Blantidium dermatiditis
 Candida albicans give +ve GTT (germ tube test)
 Stroglois stercolaris can cause autoinfection
 The examination of feces is of no help in case of E.granulosus
 Clue cells are epithelial cells of the vagina that get their distinctive stippled
appearance by being covered with bacteria (gardenella vaginallis)
 Hyaline casts can be found in healthy people
 Cutaneous larval migrans is caused by anclystoma brazilliansis/caninum
 Sexually active females are more suscebtiable to have UTI (urinary tract infection)
with S.saprophyticus
 Increased plts count = Thrombocytosis
 Decreased plts count = Thrombocytopenia
 Normal plts count = 150 – 450 cell/µl
 Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by thrombin during blood clotting formation
 Newborns are normally with neutrophilia
 Character of cytoplasmic fixation is convertion from Sol to Gel

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