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Sabang National High School

Polillo, Quezon

Week 1 – 4
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

NAME: _________________________________________________ Score: _________________________

Grade & Section: _________________________________________ Date: __________________________

General Instruction: Avoid unnecessary erasures. Erasures are not counted.

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to your answer from the statements below on the space before the
_____1.It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from
A. reflection B. wondering C. questioning D. reasoning
______2.What is the science and art of correct thinking?
A. Ethics B. Metaphysics C. Aesthetics D. Logic
______3. The type of philosophical reflection which trains the mind to think logically. Also it is the ability of the mind
to construct and evaluate arguments
A. Secondary reflection C. Primary reflection
B. Tertiary reflection D. all of the above
______4. One of the triumvirate Greek philosophers who pioneered a method of argument called dialectic.
A. Plato B. Pythagoras C. Socrates D. Aristotle
______5. It is considered as the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or
A. reasoning B. argument C.. Proposition D. Reflection
_____6. In our daily lives we encounter events, situations or issues that we need to ponder and think deeply. This
activity which requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from experience is
related to the concept of:
A. philosophical reflection C. philosophical wondering
B. philosophical questioning D. philosophical reasoning
_____7. Imagine that you are in Boracay walking with Thales. He is convincing you that the only reality is water.
Would you believe in him?
A. No, because I had my own belief.
B. Yes, because Thales belongs to the school of monists which believes that only one kind of stuff exists.
C. Either yes or no, I will have my own investigation that is based on the data and reason presented.
D. Neither yes nor no until it is proven true.
_____8. The five senses are useful tools to verify the truthfulness of propositions.
A. coherence theory B. pragmatic theory C. correspondence theory D. semantic theory
_____9. Why do we need epistemology?
A. To overcome poverty B. To acquire and validate knowledge
C. To become geniuses D. To succeed in life
_____10. Knowledge is ultimately grounded on___________.
A. Emotions B. Convictions C. Beliefs D. Sense perception

II. Application:
Write 5 Truths or Facts and 5 Opinions regarding COVID-19. (2 pts. each).

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