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Sabang National High School

Polillo, Quezon

WEEK 1 – 4
NAME: ________________________________________________________SCORE: ________________________
GRADE & SECTION: ______________________________________________DATE: _________________________


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each statement very carefully. Select the BEST answer. Write the letter on the space
provided for before the item number (nos. 1-14).
______1. The following statements are true about quantitative research except for one.
a. To develop and employ mathematical models, theories, and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena.
b. This is widely used in psychology, economics, demography, sociology, marketing, community health and
health development.
c. The unsystematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or
computational techniques.
d. All of the above
______2. Which of the following does not include in scientific method in making a quantitative
a. Generation of models, theories, and hypotheses
b. The development of instruments but can be measured or immeasurable
c. Experimental control and manipulation of variables
d. Collection of empirical data
______3. Why quantitative research is important?
a. To generalize a finding using statistics
b. To be more reliable and objective
c. It is less detailed than qualitative data
d. All of the above
______4. Which are the characteristics of a quantitative research?
a. Test hypothesis, concepts are in the form if indistinct variables, data are in the form of numbers from
precise measurement
b. Theory is largely causal and deductive, test hypothesis, analysis proceeds by using statistics, tables, graphs
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
______5. Which not describes an independent variable?
a. This should not be intentionally changed by the investigator
b. This is also called manipulated variable.
c. There can only be one independent variable.
d. None of the above
______6. You have your variables. All have been set and prepared for your research process. At the middle of data
gathering, you did not expect something happened and might affect the result of your research. What kind of
variable is this?
a. Independent variable c. dependent variable
b. Control d. erroneous variable
______7. A study was done to find if different tire threads affect the braking distance of a car. What is the
independent variable?
a. Tire thread b. Braking distance c. Car d. Duck sauce
______8. What needs to be constant if you want to know if the amount of coffee that students drink increases their
a. Same test b. Test scores c. Amount of coffee d. Test scores without drinking coffee
______9. What characteristics of quantitative research to being well-defined and carefully designed before the data
a. Clearly defined research questions c. Future outcome
b. Numerical data d. Structured research instrument
______10. In which field does quantitative research usually take place?
a. Humanities b. Psychology c. Pharmacy d. Sociology
______11. It uses numbers in stating a generalization about a given problem or inquiry.
a. Basic research b. Qualitative research c. Applied research d. quantitative research
______12.What characteristics of research states that it must deal with facts, not mere opinions arising from
assumptions, generalization, or conclusion?
a. Systematic b. Relevance c. Objectiveness d. Accuracy
______13. Which of the following is true about a good research objective?
a. Measurable b. Attainable c. Researchable d. All of them
______14. Which of the following is a good example of a research title?
a. Assessment of Lesson Mastery under Self-Paced Learning and Face-to-Face instruction among Senior High
School Students
b. Comparing Quezon Senior High School Students’ Core Subjects Lesson Mastery under Self-Paced Learning
and Face-to-Face Instruction
c. Knowledge of Core Subjects’ Lesson under Self-Paced and Face-to-Face Instruction
d. Comparing the Mastery of Core Subject’s Competency delivered under Self-Paced and Face-to-Face
Instruction among the Quezon Senior High School Students

15. What is SMART in making research?

Read each question carefully and identify the independent variable and dependent variable. Let A be the
independent variable and B the dependent variable. Write the answers on designated spaces.

1. Does changing the color of light affect the growth rate of plants?
A ____________________________________________
B ____________________________________________
2. Does changing the temperature of a ball affect the height the ball will bounce?
A ____________________________________________
B ____________________________________________
3. How does the size of a parachute affect the time it takes a rhinoceros to fall 10 feet?
A ____________________________________________
B ____________________________________________
4. An Evaluation on the use of Filipino as Medium of Instruction in the Social Science: Impact
to Students’ Performance.
A ____________________________________________
B ____________________________________________
5. Does changing the temperature of a ball affect the height the ball will bounce?

A ____________________________________________
B ____________________________________________

III. Write your proposed research title. Make sure your title is in line with the New Normal. (5 pts.)

Goodluck and observe honesty!

Prepared by


Practical Research 2 Teacher

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