We Will Meet Again: Part I Comprehension (40 Marks)

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Part I Comprehension (40 marks)

Poem (10 marks)

Read the poem and answer the following questions.

We will meet again

Off to the airport I go,

to meet my dearest f el/ow.
I couldn't wave excitedly when he's arriving,
because off to England he's leaving.

He loves sports and I love art,

yet we still like each other by heart.
I bring him his favourite CD,
so the long journey he can enjoy with glee.

He says goodbye at the gate,

off he runs because it's already eight.
Before he leaves, he shouts "we' 11 meet soon".
He promises I' 11 see him in the next full moon.

A. Choose the best answer. Write the LETTER in the spaces provided in the Answer Book.
(8 marks)

1. How many Stanz~ are there in the poem?

A. 2

C. 4

D. 5

2. According to stanza 1, where is the writer going?

A. to the airport

b . .o England

@to the gate

D. to enjoy a long journey

3. Where is the writer's friend going?

A. to the airport


C. to the gate

D. to the moon

4. According to lines 1-4, how does the writer feel?

A. happy

B. excited

C. worried


5. What does the writer's friend like to do?

B. art

C. music

D. travelling

1617_ S l _ENG_GE_Tl A I_QBOOK_P.3

6. In stanza 2, 'with glee' means _ __ _

A. sadly

B. coldly

C. merrily

@ boringly

7. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A. They love each other very much.

B. The writer gives a CD to his friend.

0 They say goodbye to each other at 8 o'clock.

D. They run into the gate fast and say goodbye to each other loudly.

8. When will they meet again?

~ soon
B. the next year

C. the next month

D. when he arrives England

B. (2 marks)
1. In stanza 2, 'art' and 'heart' are a pair of rhyming words. Find two other pairs of rhyming

words in stanza 3.

** Bonus section (3 marks)

1. What does the word 'fellow' in stanza 1 mean? (1 mark)

2. If you were the writer, what would you give to your friend? Why? (2 marks)

I, f~\ e~cL
2. · ~ 1 c..-t lk.r e.. f o Y' Q u..t s , be.co..\.l~~
1-\.. Is 0 u..r rn ~"" oy\ e.s ,

Passage A ( 15 marks)
Read the following article about bubble tea in a food magazine and answer the following questions.

Bubble tea \·va invent <l in Tahvan in • many tea stand.

the 1980 . It L· tea mixed with d1fler nt 20 have opened in
..~:;. ~ngredient like fruit, milk and s ugar. • crowded di tricts like

_, Afte·r adding everything, the drink i... • 1v1ong I'\ok, \Van Chai and Causewa.- Bay.
~ · - ~_haken. and bubble.· are formed, and hence o \ Vithout chairs or table·, the ·e stand
,...-- .

. ($,Jgot_thi::s nam . •• serve fa t and arc · ·onomicaL Peoplt'..

25 specially yo ung ' te1.: line up to bu '
Some people say bubble tea is from •
• hubble milk te·1.
ro; ·'fa.i nan, but a lot of people say it started

· jn Taich ung. No matter w hat, it quickly • Despite its popularity, authorities reportetl

spr,ead around the .oun try and soon • thctt ubb1e tea is n t healthy becau ·e
.be ame a leading Tai"vanese xp01 t. •• it is .u sually nlad with cream pmYd r,
·30 not fres h milk Thi~ pmvder has many
Hong ~~rig wa one of the t1rs t J lac 'S •
• calorie, , mak1ng bubble t a become junk
"t~ where bubbl tea became fa hionable.
•food. rinking t< < rnuch can make l eople
About 1.0 y ars ago pe~l milk tea (milk •
·h · b"' 1 1 ) ,. ' d · f. · · •· fat ·and.. ha e h art di.· : .:c:·. Perhaps n~ pie
tea ~ t · tap1o~a dllS· ·'Y.-aS erve ma \ ' . • . .... . . .
. ., ,.. · , , · "'·"'. _ "· '.· ;,. • · enJ0¥.- Hubble:t a a 11 fl t<o mud .
iesta.~1r~hts an:p ·tea hpu_s ~(_. Re ritly7 .•

A. Choose the best answer. Write the LETTER in the spaces provided in the Answer Book.
(4 marks)

1. Bubble tea got its name because of the _ _ __

A. production method


C. colour

D. people

2. Most people believe that bubble tea comes from _ _ __

(1) Taipei (2) Taitung

' 8man
A. (1)

C. (1), (2)

D. (3), (4)

3. Which of the following about bubble tea in Hong Kong is NOT TRUE?

A. Bubble tea was served in places with chairs and tables at first.

B. Hong Kong is the first city where bubble tea became popular.

C. Bubble tea stands serve fast and are cheaper to run.

®Young people like bubble tea.

4. According to the article, the ingredients of pearl bubble tea include _ _ __

/A. tea, fruit, fresh milk and sugar

® tea, fruit, ere~ ptwder and sugar

~ tea, sticky fruit, fresh milk and sugar
D. tea, sticky tapioca balls, cr~am ~owder and sugar

B. Give short answers to the following questions. (8 marks)

1. Where can you find this article? ~O~ ~<l.Jlz..l~e.

2. Which type of food does bubble tea belong to? A ba cl d_ri'n k

3. Find a word in paragraph 1 which means that something is produced for the first time. Ae1-tc e_.

4. Find a word in paragraph 2 which means that something is sold all over the world. 1u ic k ':/
5. What does the word ' it' in line 8 refer to? u 6b J~ T~ieQ _
6. Where can people find bubble tea stands in Hong Kong? (Give 3 examples.) /'1 o /\ J k o k , klaL
7. Why do people like to buy bubble tea at the stands? j-\:.. 1S 30 cJ Co.. sei,JJ.y J] J

s. Which group of people love to buy bubble milk tea the most? Ho"j. ·~ ~ r<tk ·

C. Which subheading below best fits each paragraph in the article? Write the NUMBER of each
paragraph next to the correct subheading in the Answer Book. The first one has been done for
you as an example. (3 marks)

Subheadings Paragraphs 1-4

Bubble tea in Hong Kong ~
The dangers of bubble tea i
The origin of bubble tea 2..
What bubble tea is e.g. 1

** Bonus section (4 marks)

1. Is bubble milk tea a suitable drink for elderly? Why? (2 marks)

2. If you could set up a tea stand, which district would you choose ? Why? (2 marks)

D. John is writing a diary entry. Complete it by using the correct subject/obiect pronouns. One has
been done for you as an example. (6 marks)

Today, (e.g.) _I_ played football in the park with my friend Sam. When (1) vJ~ were on

our way home, we heard someone crying. We found a girl holding her dog. It was dirty and looke

weak. The girl said (2) .s:h.~ had not been able to take care of the dog _well. We took the dog

to the SPCA together. The vet examined (3) \l carefully. He told (4) _ W'\ e..__ that its

condition was fine. While we were waiting, we saw several students helping out. (5) We.,,
were all volunteers. 'Would (6) jOV- like to help as well?' the vet asked. We said yes at one

E. Joe is writing a description about the picture. Complete the description using the words in bracke1
The first one has~ been done for you as an example. (9 marks)

...., .,.,. .

There are a lot of people at the bus stop. They (e.g.) are waiting (wait) for the bus. Some c

them (1) axe. T~ "-j (read) the newspaper. Some (2) ate. c:\...~i:J(chat) with each
other. A boy (3) I S f., o kl "'-j (look) at his watch. He (4) Is See.Qi ·1n.y (seem) a bit
impatient. The students in the line (5) u.Y~ w~(\\'\.J (wear) different school uniforms. One c
them (6) i ~ e_o."\.lhj (eat) a sandwich. Next to him (7) 15 (be) a girl with

short hair. There is a man at the front of the line. He (8) \ 5 l ~Ok.\ ~llook) like an office
worker. He (9) ~ \ S "\. ~\k.\~k) on his mobile phone. Perhaps he is calling his office.

1617_Sl_ENG_GE_T1Al _QBOOK_P.13
F. Jane's mother is going away during the weekend. Jane is reading the note her mother wrote to her.
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of place. The first one has been done for you as an
example. ( 5 marks)


Your room is messy. Please tidy it during the weekend.

The school bag is new, so please put it (e.g.) on the chair. Clean the lamp (1) b~ h\nol

the wall with a wet cloth. Be careful when you clean it. Make sure you turn it off beforehand as
the light bulb can be very hot. Please pick up the cars (2) l..lt\d.£.r the sofa and clean them.
If you want to keep them, you have to make sure they are clean. Wash the cushions (3) h'R.Xi 't-&
the big teddy bear. Don't put any dirty uniform (4) IV\ the closet, it will become smelly.

Change the photo ( 5) _ O_V\.

___ the plant and the clock.


G. Complete the following sentences. (8 marks)

1. (Person) likes (activity) but (pron) (not like) (activity).

2. (Person) (adv of frequency) (activity) but he/she (adv of frequency) (activity).

3. The (facility) in Yenching College is (adj) and (adj).

4. There are (sth) and (sth) in (a place).

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