Transfer Task Grade8

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MEMBERS:______________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________



Mobile tablet interface group is seeking an interactive designer with interface and prototyping experience who
possesses a passion for great design and shows an exceptional eye for detail. The designer will conceive,
design and develop chemistry application in the mobile tablet product line that relates to its uses in the

The interface group asked your company to make prototype application. As the periodic table designer of
publishing house, you are asked to present your design through an interactive power point presentation of the
periodic table of elements with the uses and hazardous effects of the elements to one’s health, industry and


Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning Rating

4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Comprehensive The presentation is The presentation Incomplete The presentation
supported with is adequately presentation of is superficial and
updated and valid supported with facts and not
evidence, facts and valid evidence, evidences. comprehensive.
ideas are updated. facts and ideas.

Accuracy The content is The content is The content is The content is

written clearly and written correctly vague in a inaccurate. It
correctly with with logical conveying a lacks a clear
logical progression progression of point of view point of view and
of ideas and ideas and and does not logical sequence
detailed supporting supporting create a strong of information.
information. information. sense of

Social Gives clear and Gives clear Gives limited Gives no

responsibility insightful information of information of information of
information of the the elements the elements elements uses
elements uses and uses and effects uses and effects and effects to
effects to one’s to one’s health, to one’s health, one’ health,
health, environment and industry and industry and
environment and industry. environment. environment.

Impact The impact is high. Impact is just Impact is Impact is absent.

The graphics, right. The minimal. The The graphics,
sounds or graphics, sound graphics, sound sound and/ or
animation assist in and or animation and or animation are
presenting an visually depict animation assist unrelated to the
overall theme and material and less partially in content.
enhance assist the presenting an
understanding the audience in overall theme.
concept, ideas and understanding
relationship. the concept,
ideas and

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