Compound Sentence

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The Compound Sentence

1. Copulative: and, both… and…, neither… nor…, not only… but…, not only… but also…
2. Adversative(contrast): but, while, whereas, nevertheless, still, however, on the contrary
3. Disjunctive(alternative choice): or, or else, either… or…, whether…, otherwise, etc.
4. Causative-consecutive: for, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, hence, for that reason
5. Explanatory: for instance, namely, that is, that is to say, such as … etc
Exercise 1. Determine the limits of the constituent clauses and specify the type of coordination in the
following compound sentences.

1. In due season the harness began to break once every five minutes(first clause), and(copulative
coordinator) the driver vowed that the wheels would give way also(second clause). - the
coordination is copulative(additive)/this is a case of copulative coordination.
2. A few lads hung about Thomas' fish shop at the top end, but otherwise the street was deserted.
- the coordination is adversative(contrast)/this is a case of adversative coordination
3. Either you travel as a gentleman, or you travel alone. - the coordination is
disjunctive(alternative choice)/this is a case of disjunctive coordination
4. Usually David was uncommunicative about his work but today his reserve had gone. - the
coordination is adversative, the meaning is of contrast
5. He had all the ordinary routine of the practice on his hands, yet somehow, he got through with
it. – this is a case of adversative coordination.
6. Besides, winter was coming, the papers were announcing hardships, and there was a general
feeling of hard times in the air or at least, he thought so. - asyndetic, copulative, disjunctive
7. I must have told him about it sixty times at least, and still, he doesn't bring it. – this is a case
of adversative coordination.
8. Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily, and there were many new
words in his vocabulary. - the coordination is copulative(coordinators used: not only … but +
9. But most of all he would miss Celia, for they had done many things together, shared so much
fun and excitement. – this is a case of causative-consecutive coordination(coordinator: for) and
asyndetic(no explicit coordinator)
10. The grass was drenching wet, so he decided to descend to the road. – this is a case of
causative-consecutive coordination(coordinator: so)
11. There was no news, nevertheless she went on hoping. – this is a case of adversative
coordination(coordinator: nevertheless)
12. But this is not to be a regular autobiography, therefore I now pass a space of eight years in
silence. – this is a case of causative-consecutive coordination(coordinator: therefore)
13. Run or else you'll be late. – this is a case of disjunctive coordination
14. And there was Don Quixote flourishing like a drum major, thinking he'd done the cleverest
thing ever known, whereas he ought to be court-martialed for it. – asyndetic,
adversative(coordinator: whereas)
15. He did not tell me, neither did he seem offended. – this is a case of copulative coordination
16. Hers was not a soul that ever loved passionately, hence she could not suffer passionately. –
this is a case of causative-consecutive coordination(coordinator: hence)
17. And you'd think that he meant he came from Sowback, else why would he know that
particular letter in the bag. – this is a case of disjunctive coordination
18. You have no documents, otherwise you'd have handed them to the Colonel. – this is case of
disjunctive coordination
19. This would not seem a spot very well adapted to the transaction of business, but Mr. Ralph
Nickleby had lived there notwithstanding for many years and uttered no complaint on that score.
– adversative, copulative
20. The hall was not dark; not yet was it lit – asyndetic or adversative???

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