Rises The Moon

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Rises The Moon

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/35495551.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandom: American Werewolf in London (1981)
Relationship: David Kessler/Original Female Character(s), Jack Goodman/Original
Female Character(s)
Character: Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), David Kessler, Jack
Goodman, Alex Price (American Werewolf in London), Dr. Hirsch
(American Werewolf in London), Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, What-If, Alternate Universe - Everyone
Lives/Nobody Dies, Fanfiction, Werewolves, Werewolf Hunters,
Werewolf Turning, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Body Horror, Angst,
Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional
Hurt/Comfort, Strangers to Lovers
Stats: Published: 2021-12-04 Updated: 2022-02-05 Chapters: 9/34 Words:

Rises The Moon

by heyheyheywhatcanid0


Jack and David, two young college students from New York, go backpacking in England as
part of their vacation through Europe, ending in Italy. However, their lives will change
forever when the full moon rises at night...

(Mostly based on An American Werewolf In London, and the radio drama version from the
BBC of the film)


Content warning for: blood, character death, gore, body horror, mentions of gore, mentions
of suicide, mentions of character death and kidnapping.
Chapter One

She looked at her calendar again and made sure the date and day was marked correctly.

The intense smell of vanilla candles melting from the small living room bothered her a little, but it
wasn't a major problem.

The radio was playing from the room of her roommate and friend from high school, "It's going to
be a rainy, foggy evening in England today," the radio announced. "It won't be a heavy mist, but
rather a fine mist, be careful in the evening."

She went to her bed and opened her brown woollen bag again, making sure nothing was missing.

Her diary was organised and had all her important dates for the year, not to mention important
phone numbers from her family to her friends.

In her wallet she had the money she needed for any emergencies, as well as one or two cards that
wouldn't do her much good in the English countryside and one of her credentials just in case.

She had a bag of wipes just in case, although it wasn't even that time of the month.

A small hand mirror and a brush wouldn't hurt, though they wouldn't do her much good, just a
quick visit.

On her key ring she had her copy of the keys to her flat, a copy of the keys to her parents' house and
a small piece of badly cut metal shaped to resemble a knife, for protection.

Then she opened her wardrobe.

With one of her hands she ran her coats and coats until she came to a compartment in the wall.

She turned the small silver doorknob and opened the compartment, revealing guns, bullets, stakes,
silver necklaces, among other things.

She grabbed a pistol, as well as a box of spare bullets and a knife. Today was a full moon and she
had to be prepared.

Gwendolyn Young was a young English girl born in a small town in the north of England called
East Proctor, a town almost unknown to many, and mysterious.

She had short, tousled reddish- dark brown hair with fringes that reached her jaw, and brown eyes,
alongside with freckles that adorned her face. She was tall and slender, but her height made her a
little uncomfortable.

She was controlled, coherent, polite and empathetic. She loved listening to others and assisting
people, and always tried to make everyone understand her.

However, she was sometimes stubborn, and heavy. She would talk too much without realising it
and found it hard not to win arguments. But she was not a person to get angry.

She was tough, but because she was brought up that way by her family.

East Proctor had a very particular history and folklore.

For decades, there had been many, many deaths and attacks by werewolves.

Not since the eighteenth century had there been recorded werewolf attacks in England, after a lot of
non-lycanthropic wolves were unjustly executed after being linked to werewolf attacks.

Werewolves were real, they were not some strange tale or belief. They exist and live among

It is said that the surviving werewolves from the mass slaughter of wolves between the Middle
Ages and the eighteenth century moved to East Proctor, and mingled among the humans.

The village tavern, The Slaughtered Lamb, was founded by a self-conscious werewolf, and he
carved a red star on the wall, to scare off any monsters that might want to approach the pub and the
humans inside it.

The occult and the supernatural was something that was talked about and educated in secret in East
Proctor. Everyone knew at least enough about witchcraft, omens of any kind, glyphs, among other

Gwen, however untrue to what was really going on, loved monster movies, particularly werewolf

She wasn't the only one in town who liked horror or suspense movies, but she wasn't the only
person who didn't roll her eyes when someone killed a wolf with a silver object in any filmical
adaptation of the werewolf myth.

She had to hide countless times in the basement with her family on full moons, saw deer and lambs
gutted in her yard after those nights, and even met two or three werewolves during the time she
lived in East Proctor.

However, until now, there was only one werewolf left on earth. All the other werewolves had been
shot or executed.

Gwen knew who it was, and as much as it distressed her that there was only one werewolf left on
earth, no one would have to sacrifice their lives to a curse without a cure, and finally, the ghosts of
the deceased werewolves could live the afterlife without any guilt.

She thought there was a way in which the creatures could live peacefully with humans.

But she was never able to carry out the theories she began to develop a couple of years ago that
werewolves were not violent.

In other mythologies, even within the UK in the case of the Wulvers, the Scottish werewolves,
there were peaceful werecreatures. She just didn't want anyone else to die.

One day, her parents, in addition to getting jobs in London, got tired of seeing so many dead people
and so much tragedy and mystery, and moved out of town, when she was seven years old.

Gwen found it easy to adjust to the city. She made friends and connected easily with things she
couldn't access before.

She read a lot about other cultures, outside and inside Europe, and after graduating from university,
she got a job in a small art shop and in a print shop for an independent magazine.

She always wanted to publish her novels and short stories in print, but they never let her, and her
co-workers thought they were too funny or too scary. Sometimes she found the printing press
strange, but she never complained.

She lived in a flat with her best friend since freshman year of high school, Allison Baskerville.

Allison Baskerville had character, she is genuine, loyal and hard-working. She was also a great

Allison had long, shaggy dark hair and beautiful dark green eyes. She was a little shorter than
Gwen, but was skinny like her.

Allison always loved drawing and animation, and always wanted to be part of an animation studio.
She filled notebooks of all sizes with little animations of all kinds.

She made several animations, but always with what she had. They were not very professional, there
were smudges of ink and anatomy mistakes, but they were original and experimental. She has a box
full of her old projects.

However, her parents forced her to study medicine and she now worked in the London hospital as a
nurse. Although they never knew that Allison studied art and animation in secret.

Allison however, was sometimes careless, and didn't think twice before speaking. She was also
stubborn, she wanted to work even when she was sick, and she was bad-tempered, it was best not to
bother her when she was angry.

Allison preferred to be called Al, after her favourite actor, Al Pacino. She remembers when she and
Gwen ran away to see "Dog Day Afternoon" when it came out and Al was obsessed with it for
three months.

Al didn't believe in the supernatural. And she wouldn't believe in the supernatural until she saw it
in front of both of her eyes.

Al was drying her hair in the bathroom, while Gwen sat on her bed.

"Gwen?" called Allison.


"When is this guy coming to get you?" asked Allison.

"The guy?"


"What guy?"

"The dart guy, dummy." Allison rolled her eyes as she brushed her hair.

"Ah, well, that guy has a name." Gwen answered her, as she arranged her things in her bag.

"I remember his last name only." reminded Al.

"So tell me Al, what's his name?"

"Steve Hackett." Al tried to guess.

"That's the guitarist for Genesis!" Gwen shouted back.


"Come on Al, his name isn't Steve!"

"He's named after a beatle!" shouted Al back.

"It's George Hackett." Gwen shot back with a roll of her eyes, as she closed her purse.

Al came out of the bathroom with her hair combed, and went to the living room to turn off the
candles, to prevent a fire, since none of them were going to be in the flat at night. Then, Al went to
her room to put on a sweater.

"There he is. When is he coming?" Al asked her.

"Now in half an hour." Gwen replied to her, who went to her wardrobe to find some clothes to

"He's weird." Al added. “Dard master.”

"Uh... He used to babysit me when my parents went out partying. He's good." Gwen replied.

"Well, take care of yourself." Al wished her, as he put on her sweater. "And I mean it.”

"It's a full moon today..." Gwen told her.


"Yes Al."


"I'll have to take care of myself." replied Gwen, as she pulled on a reddish orange turtleneck
sweater over her shirt.


"Trust me Al. I saw lambs and deer slaughtered, beheaded and butchered when I was a kid, after
every full moon, on several occasions." argued Gwen to her.

"Maybe you had a butcher for a neighbour and you don't remember," Allison retorted.

"Al, who the fuck would eat deer?" asked Gwen, furrowing her eyebrows.

Allison shrugged, as she grabbed a coat from her wardrobe.

"You're not making any sense." Gwen pointed at her friend, as she straightened her knee-length

"Like the mass neurosis at East Proctor."

"Shut up. You literally lied about being related to the Baskervilles, but you never had a ghostly,
blood hungry hound." Gwen pointed out, referencing the Sherlock Holmes classic.

"Besides, all werewolves are old and ugly. Look at Lon Chaney Jr." Allison changed the subject, as
she went to Gwen's room and sat on her bed.
"That's in the classic movies." Gwen told her, rolling her eyes, smiling, as she put on a little bit of

"Have you ever met a werewolf your age?"


"Sure. Then they're all old and ugly."


"What?" laughed Allison, raising an eyebrow. "It's not my fault you want a werewolf boyfriend."

"Al shut up." growled Gwen.

"Am I exposing you?" Al laughed.

"You're an idiot." Gwen burst out laughing too, her face all red.

"Then it's a yes."


“Come on! You’re the youngest person from East Proctor!”


“You probably want a werewolf daddy, if you don’t fancy young werewolves. Oh wait, they don’t
exist.” Allison laughed, as Gwen sat next to her on her bed.

"You're terrible sometimes."

"I know." Al giggled.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "I love you Al." she let out, looking at her best friend in the eyes.

"Me too, Gwen." replied Allison, hugging her friend.

Gwen then broke the hug, and Al stood crestfallen.

"Al are you okay?"

"I'm worried about the move," Allison confessed with honesty.

Ah yes, the move.

A couple of months ago, Allison got a job at an animation studio in New York, after she showed a
New York friend of hers her old animations. Her friend worked at the studio and offered her a job.

So, after finding out and saving enough money, she decided to move out from London to New
York. But she would not be in the United States until the fifth of May.

Coincidentally, Gwen also got a job in New York, in a publishing house, so she could finally
publish her novels and books that she never got to publish.

She arranged with Allison and they decided to move in together. They would go on the same flight
and both be in New York on the same day. They would be in different houses, but they knew
nothing would happen to them.

Allison, who was a mostly carefree person most of the time, was nervous about the whole thing.

"Al," Gwen was telling her. "It's going to be alright. I promise you. You're finally going to get what
you always wanted."

"So are you." Allison reminded her.

"We're going to be fine." Gwen assured her with a sweet smile.

"Besides, at least I was told that I will be paid what is fair and necessary. We’ll be better there.
Well, there's Reagan over there, who's not the best, he's actually a bastard too, like Maggie
Thatcher, but hey. We're going to get what we always wanted," Allison mused.

Gwen nodded as she grabbed her purse. She opened her bag and checked to see if she had

"Do you carry a first aid kit just in case?" Al asked her.

"No." Gwen replied to her.

Al rolled her eyes, got out of bed and went to her room and got her spare first aid kit. "You're smart
for what you want, Gwen." Allison told her almost jokingly, as she slipped a white box into her

"And you're lazy for what you want, Al." replied Gwen, closing her bag.

She stood up from her bed, snatched a coat from her wardrobe, while Allison trotted to her room to
pick her bag and go to the hospital.

Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. Allison went to the door. "Who is it?"

"George Hackett." answered the man behind the door.

"Okay George, Gwen is coming," Al said as he opened the door. Gwen went to the entrance hall,
where her friend was standing.

Al opened the door and Gwen hugged the man the moment it was open.

"Hello Gwendolyn, are you ready? I brought my weapons, too. We'll be there by the time it's
getting dark. So we'll have to stay at the slaughtered lamb, it's a full moon. You'll stay with us until
the waters subside. I'll take you home tomorrow morning," George explained, cutting off the

"Yeah, I've got guns and everything. Just my luck, I always go when the moons are full." sighed
Gwen in frustration.

"Get yourself a lunar calendar with the moons on it. That way you'll know when to go and when
not to go, Young," advised George.

Gwen nodded, and went outside with Allison and George.

George got into his car, while Allison put her hand on Gwen's shoulder.

"Seriously now, if anything happens to you, call the hospital and I'll take care of you. And I mean
it Gwendolyn. Call me." reminded a serious Allison.

"Yeah Al, I'll see you tomorrow," Gwen waved her off, as her best friend walked off to the
hospital, and Gwen got into the back of the car.

Gwen closed the door and buckled herself in, as George started the car.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," George assured her. "I'm nervous too, but everything will be fine."

"Yeah George, I hope you know who is okay, and that nothing happens to him." sighed Gwen.

"Me too." sighed George, who along with Gwen set off for the small town.

It would be a long night not only for the mysterious man and the curious girl, but also for a poor
man considered a lunatic, and two boys they didn't even know yet.
Chapter Two
Chapter Summary

The backstory of the first werewolf, taken from the radio drama version of the movie,
done somewhere in the nineties.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Somewhere in East Proctor, probably an asylum, someone opens a door, which creaks as it is
opened, and the clanking of metal chains and the screams of a poor man in agony.

That poor man was the last werewolf left on earth. A few bullets and werewolves were no longer

Gwen knew that man. Before he moved to London, he was an ordinary man.

When she went to East Proctor for the holidays last year, her Aunt Gladys told her that an
acquaintance of hers, who was originally the last werewolf on earth, attacked him, then was killed.

This happened by the time Gwen and George had already made it to the village, they just didn’t
know it yet.

"Get out of here!" sobbed the man, clutching his head violently.

"Go to sleep sir!" shouted a guard, who had opened the door to the last werewolf's room.

The guard approached the man, and looked him straight in the eye as he writhed and screamed, his
words impossible to understand.

"I can't turn off the bloody moon, can I? You can move away from the window too," the guard

What he got in response was more crying and screaming. "Stay that way, you bloody lunatic."

The guard stopped looking at the supposed werewolf and focused on another man named Maurice,
who claimed to have a chicken head.

Then he looked at another man, near the werewolf's cell named Stan, who was apparently blind.

From the walkie talkie on his chest, the guard was notified of something.

"Oh yes I am surprised." he replied to his colleague in a disinterested manner.

"Can you stay there a little longer? It's fifteen minutes to the full moon." his companion warned

"I'm like a waitress," the guard replied sarcastically.

His partner laughed, "Probably. You can always give the ladies extra time... Bloody Jenkins..."
After the chatter between the guard and his partner was cut off, the werewolf, who the guards
referred to as Mr. Jenkins, had been fed.

But the food in the canteen had not gone down well, and apparently, he was feeling very unwell.

Carol, who was also the guard's companion, told him that he should check on Jenkins, who was
not feeling well.

The guard went back up to the first floor, where Mr. Jenkins was, and opened the door to his cell.

The reality was that Mr. Jenkins was close to transforming, with less than a minute to go before the
full moon.

"Hey, what's the problem, did you get some sleep?" the guard began to question Jenkins.

Jenkins only responded with gasps.

"Come on, stand up." he ordered.

"I'm alright, really, I just have an upset tummy." assured Jenkins, who was exhausted, as he tried to
stand up.

Jenkins started coughing, trying to contain the pain of the contaminated food in his stomach.

"How is he doing?" his partner asked the guard over the walkie talkie.

"He's fine, he's just having trouble adjusting to the canteen food, isn't he?" he told his partner,
holding Mr. Jenkins' arm.

Mr. Jenkins just coughed, and started coughing more.

"Ok, I'll lock you in for now, Mr. Jenkins is not feeling well," he announced to his colleague
through the walkie talkie, as he set the poor man down.

However, it was already too late.

In the darkening sky, the clouds that once overhung the large full moon dissipated, and the light of
the huge white pearl in the sky shone down on Mr. Jenkins.

He growled, and the transformation overpowered Mr. Jenkins' entire body.

Hair sprouted violently everywhere, his bones cracked and his skin stretched, he grew longer and
more beastly, and howled at the moon.

The guard turned and was brutally attacked by the werewolf, which no longer had a shred of
humanity in its new form.

The werewolf scratched and bit him until the floor was bathed in blood and the guard died from the
attack, and escaped from the cell.

The building's sirens screamed, like a warning that the werewolf had escaped.

Workers quickly went upstairs, where the attack occurred, while another contacted an inspector.

The asylum employees noticed that a window was broken, in addition to finding the guard dead.
One of the witnesses to the attack trembled with fear. The wolf got away, and was out there. This
was not going to end well.

"Hold the top shelf!" a woman ordered a worker.

"Did you see the mess upstairs?" commented another employee.

"This place is like a madhouse. I made a joke, didn't I?" blurted out a worker.

"Shut up!" a worker told him to shut up.

"The radio is still on..." muttered one of the workers. “The inspector is coming.”

The inspector, who did not believe in the supernatural, had arrived to investigate the matter.

The witness and the inspector approached the body. The wolf had left a gaping hole in the dead
man's torso, causing his blood-stained muscles and torn skin to show. The smell of iron filled the
room, as did that of the corpse.

"What kind of madman would do this?" asked the inspector.

"I don't know." stammered the witness.

"And what would he do it with?" asked the inspector once more, putting his hand to the wound.
"With teeth!"

The witness nodded his head, as he began to withdraw from the room.

"You won’t go just now! the inspector ordered him. "I still have to interview you!"

"Oh. W-well, I only have to make one phone call. It'll be a short one." stammered the witness in

He went into the hallway, and grabbed a phone on the wall, and began to dial George Hackett's

"Hello? G-george? Yes hello," the witness greeted him fearfully. "W-well, w-well, w-well, Stan's
escaped. B-be careful. W-we tried to restrain him, but there was no way. He's out!" his friend
warned him with a thin voice, who cut the call short.

The witness returned to the crime cell, to be interviewed by the inspector, who was running out of
patience and time.

Tonight would be a long night for East Proctor.

Chapter End Notes

I will recognize this chapter was quite short. It was really hard for me to write the
dialouges, since I couldn't understand 100% right what the workers were saying with
their accent, not to mention that the radio drama of aawil that I found on youtube didn't
have nice subtitles, but I promise the next chapters will be better.
Chapter Three
Chapter Summary

Jack and David, two college students, arrive to East Proctor. Gwen and George arrive
there a little earlier than the boys, but discover that the last remaining werewolf on
Earth escaped the asylum.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was still a couple of hours before nightfall in East Proctor, and from the horizon, at the
crossroads of the English moors, you could see bushes, grassland and big, leafy trees, as well as a
sheep truck.

The moors looked ominous, as they are depicted in so many horror and suspense novels.

The sheep truck stopped, and the driver, with a moustache and wearing tweeds, boots and a
muffler, gets out of the vehicle and goes to the back of the truck.

The driver hits the rear grille of the truck hard, causing it to fall over.

Among the sheep, you see two young American boys who have been rudely awakened, who were
exhausted. Waking up, the boys look at each other, and carefully get out of the truck.

Those two American boys were Jack Goodman and his best friend since childhood, David Kessler.

Jack Goodman was funny, sarcastic, loved people, particularly women, and loved horror movies.

Secretly, Jack was obsessed with the occult and the supernatural. He kept books and drawings
about monsters and spirits in his home in New York.

Jack had brown hair and slightly bushy eyebrows. While he was annoying at times, he was a really
good friend and cared about his loved ones.

David Kessler was taller than Jack, and had jet black hair that was a bit curly and unkempt.

With his big brown puppy eyes and carefree demeanour, he is sweet, friendly, but not threatening,
and naive, which makes him seem harmless.

David is a good friend, just like Jack, and has known him since they were in kindergarten. He used
to be just as tall as Jack, but when he turned thirteen this quickly changed.

They were both studying at New York University, and were generally good students. They decided
to take a three-month holiday in England and Italy to unwind from the stress of school.

The friends, now out of the truck, helped the driver close the door of the vehicle and began to pay
attention to what he was saying. The cold wind was blowing lightly through the place.

The driver raised his arm and pointed to the right. "That's East Proctor, from here to there," he
indicated, "I'm going this way."

Jack and David nodded in agreement. "Thanks for the ride sir, you have lovely sheep." thanked
Jack, while David nodded in agreement.

"Keep off the moors and stick to the roads. The best of luck." the driver advised them, as he
climbed inside the white vehicle again.

"Thanks again!" thanked David, waving.

"Bye girls!" Jack waved to the sheep, as the truck started to pull away, and drove off.

David looked down for a second and noticed that his red jacket was open a little, then closed it, and
rubbed his hands together. Jack looked at the scenery.

Then Jack turned his gaze to a chilled David. "Are you cold?" Jack asked David.

"Yeah." David replied.

"Good." Jack said, and they both looked in the same direction, David then looked at Jack.


"David." Jack looked at David.

"You're not having a good time, are you?" asked David.

Jack rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Oh, I don't know, I mean," he said sarcastically, one arm raised
pointing at the scenery, "Look around, isn't this a fun place?" Then he shoved his hands back into
his pockets.

David sighed. "Well, I like it here," David replied, and started walking.

"Right," Jack said, following behind him. "Northern England first, Italy later."

"Right. David nodded his head.

"I mean, we have three months." reminded Jack.


Jack then gripped his bag tighter. "Those sheep shit on my pack."

David began to laugh, as they walked along the roads. "What?"

As they walked, Jack looked at David. "Do you think she'll meet me in Rome?" Jack asked David,
referring to a former classmate of theirs, Debbie Klein, who lived in Italy.

David rolled his eyes and sighed. "I think Debbie Klein is a mediocre person with a good body."
David admitted with a smile.

"There's nothing mediocre about Debbie Klein's body," Jack argued, laughing.

David shrugged, laughed and shook his head. "But she's a jerk!" said David.

"You're talking about the woman I love!" confessed Jack.

"I'm talking about a girl you want to fuck so give me a break." reminded David.

Jack sighed. "Alright. Well, I have to make love to her," Jack was telling him. "It's really very
simple. She has no choice." Jack joked, earning another eye roll from David.

David looked at Jack again. "You know, it really fascinates me how much energy you spend on
someone so dull."

Jack, who hated to lose a conversation, said almost seriously, "There's nothing dull about that

David laughed again and shook his head. He sniffed at the chill of the English countryside, as did
Jack, who was wiping snot with his hand.

"We've known Debbie-what, since the eighth grade?" asked David, looking at Jack, who was
laughing. "How many years of foreplay is that?"

"She says she likes me too much!" Jack giggled, trying to hold in his laughter, making David smile.

"Why are you worried about Debbie Klein anyway?" David asked his best friend, as they
continued touring the English countryside. "You know, there are going to be some pretty girls on
this trip."

"Yeah, we're off to a good start," Jack replied sarcastically, with a chuckle.

"Say knock knock." David told Jack.

"Knock knock." Jack replied.

"Who's there?" David asked Jack.

"Who?" Jack answered.

David chuckled. "Don't you get it?" he asked him.

“What?” Jack asked him back.

"You don't get that joke? All right, I'll try another. Say knock knock." David started again.


"Say knock knock."

"Who's there?" Jack shot back.

"No, no, no. You say knock knock." David said.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?" asked David.

"Who?" Jack answered.

David tried to explain the joke again, but they ended up laughing at how stupid that conversation

The sun slowly began to dip below the horizon, indicating that it was getting dark, as the university
students walked towards East Proctor.

Half an hour before the kids arrived in town, Gwen and George arrived in town, and made a stop at
George's house for him to park the car.

They both got out of the car, and Gwen, clutching her purse, waited for him outside. "Stay here
Gwendolyn, I'll get something and be back in a moment," he assured her.

The girl nodded and the man went inside the house to get his hat, when the phone began to ring.

George grabbed the phone from the entrance hallway.

"Hello? Yes, Harry?" greeted his friend on the other line. "Excuse me? Well, thanks for the heads
up, I'll let the pub know, ok, see you later." thanked George, who hung up the phone, grabbed his
hat, which was on the hat rack he kept, and went outside, closing the door to his house.

Gwen looked at his face and worried, "What happened?" she asked.

"Jenkins ran away," he replied. "We should get to the pub right away, I'll get my guns later."

Gwen's heart dropped. "Bloody hell. Yes, we must warn them."

And so, they set off for the pub, "The Slaughtered Lamb."

They entered the little place, which was near George's house, and Gwen immediately went up to
the lady behind the bar, who was her Aunt Gladys, and hugged her.

The pub looked old, but held up quite well over time.

There were pictures hanging, nice wooden tables and chairs, a deer skull hanging on the wall, and
a red pentagon carved into the wall, between two candles that glowed, and let a lot of wax drip

"Hello Gwen, how are you?" the older lady asked her niece.

"Fine, I guess," Gwen replied crestfallen.

One of the chess players, wearing a cream sweater and bearing a strong resemblance to an English
comedian, Rik Mayall, noticed the change in the girl's attitude. "What happened?"

"Jenkins." announced George to the pub, as he started playing darts. "Jenkins ran away from the

Suddenly, an awkward, terrified silence filled the pub.

"If anything happens to us, we'll be armed. Your niece came armed, Gladys." George pointed out.

"Really?" asked Gladys to Gwen.

"Yes, I'm going to sit here now," she said, as she sat down at a table near the door. "We'll stay here
until everything is settled."

"Poor Jenkins," commented one of the chess players, who was bald and stout. "He's a good man."

"He is. But if he attacks anyone, there's no other choice," George began to say. "The last remaining
werewolf must be destroyed."
And just as he said that sentence, he threw a dart at the wall, hitting the target.

Chapter End Notes

Quick clarification: Looking at the original script, David and Jack were twenty seven
years old (I was confused as to the why people referred to them as boys in the og
script, when they were close to turning 30), when in the movie, their age is not
mentioned. Before discovering this piece of information, I wrote David and Jack as
twenty one year old students from university. I also took inspiration from other people
in the fandom who described the boys in their early twenties.
Chapter Four
Chapter Summary

David and Jack arrive at the pub, and meet Gwen for the first time.

Jack and David walked down the road that led to the small northern English village, as they were

In response to something David was saying, Jack sighed. "You're right."

"Okay well, what do you say? Do you wanna get some food, huh? Drink? Rest?" David began to
suggest to Jack, as they approached a pub called "The Slaughtered Lamb."

It was getting dark and they were cold and hungry, they had nowhere else to go.

The sign indicating the name of the establishment consisted of a spear through the head of a
bloody wolf, with a full moon in the background.

David moved closer to the place, as Jack followed him from behind.

"The slaughtered lamb?" asked Jack, completely serious and without any emotion on his face,
looking at the sign.

"Well that’s kinda strange." added David, looking at the sign. Then, his eyes shifted to Jack.

In a serious manner, Jack asked, "Where's the lamb?" referring to the name of the place.

David shrugged. "It's probably inside getting cold, come on." David guessed, indicating to his
friend with his head that they should go inside the place.

"No really, what kind of ad is that for a pub?" Jack argued with a chuckle, pointing to the sign with
his arm, his eyes fell on the sign, then fell on David.

"I don't know, would you rather go to the Hilton?" David replied, shrugging his arms.

Jack walked over to him and sighed. "Alright. But whatever happens, it's your fault," Jack
reminded David.

David rolled his eyes. "It's my fault, alright, come on."

The pub was full of laughter and giggles by the time the boys arrived, while Gwen stared at the star
on the wall.

As David closed the door behind him, the eyes of everyone in the pub turned to David and Jack,
and any laughter disappeared the moment Jack and David arrived.

David and Jack looked back and forth, uncomfortable with the silence. "Hello." David introduced
himself, as he looked around the pub.

Jack was taking off his backpack. "Hi. Nice to see you."
Jack looked at Gwen for a second and then turned his eyes to the people at the bar. "It's very cold
outside, may we come in?" asked David, and there was even more silence.

Gwen was confused. Yes, it was very odd that two American boys would come to East Proctor, but
everyone was looking at them as if they had done an atrocity.

Gladys, Gwen's aunt and the woman behind the bar, answered David's question with a blink and a
cold nod.

Jack fixed his eyes on Gwen and smiled impishly at her. "Can we sit here?" he asked her, referring
to the two empty seats at the table the girl was at.

"Yes." Gwen replied to Jack, as Jack sat to her right and propped his backpack on the side of the
chair, and David took off his backpack. He sat down next to Jack and put his backpack to one side
of the chair.

The people in the pub scowled at them again, and went about their business as if nothing had

"Hey," Jack said to Gwen in an attempt to flirt with her. "What's your name?"

Gwen looked at him shyly. "Gwendolyn. But call me Gwen."

David looked at the girl as well, and Jack nodded his head. "Hello, I'm Jack, and this is David."
introduced Jack.

"Hi." David greeted Gwen.

"Nice to meet you." Gwen told David.

"Do you come here often?" asked Jack, and David tapped him lightly on the arm with his elbow.

“Are you boyfriends?” Gwen asked in a jokingly manner, making Jack glance at her.

"Hey, don't tease her, she barely knows us." David reminded him, ignoring what Gwen said,
keeping his friend from making Gwen uncomfortable.

"Actually Jack, I was born here in East Proctor." replied Gwen to Jack, ignoring what David said.
"I came to visit my aunt."

"Are they all your relatives?" Jack asked the girl another question.

"No, just my Aunt Gladys, who is the woman behind the bar." Gwen told him. Jack nodded, and
then David looked at him when he noticed Gladys coming towards their table.
The two boys looked at the woman while Gwen looked away.

"Uh, yeah, do you have any hot soup?" asked Jack to the woman.

"No." Gladys replied in a cold voice. Gwen looked at the American boys again and then focused
her gaze on her aunt.

"Uhh, well, do you have any coffee?" asked David.

"No." Gladys replied to the other boy.

"Do you have any um… hot chocolate?" asked Jack, they were running out of options.
"We have spirits and beer. If it’s something hot you want, you can have tea," Gladys commented.

"Then you have tea?" asked Jack, David, Jack and Gwen's eyes were on Gladys.

"No." Gladys answered them.

“Oh.” Jack replied, uncomfortable.

Gladys then looked at her niece, who was scowling at her, and then looked at the boys again. "But
I can heat some up for you, if you'd like." she suggested.

"Yes, please." the friends replied to the woman.

"Would you like some too, Gwen?" asked Gladys.

"Well, I wouldn't mind," Gwen replied, as Gladys went behind the bar to make tea and talk to the
men at the bar.

David and Jack looked at each other in confusion. Jack then glanced at Gwen.

"Hey, are they always like this?" Jack asked Gwen quietly, almost whispering, catching the girl's

"No. I can't tell you much, I moved away from here when I was seven and I come here a couple of
times a year. Hardly anyone comes to East Proctor," Gwen replied, looking at Jack and David.

"That's okay, at least thanks for letting us in, it was really very cold outside." David thanked the

"You're welcome." Gwen replied to David with a smile.

"Hey you're a very pretty girl, Gwendolyn mandolin." Jack flirted at her, and then Gwen gave him
a dirty look.

"Don't call me Gwendolyn mandolin." she replied coldly to Jack.

David sighed and rolled his eyes. "I thought you only had eyes for Debbie, Jack." David teased

"What, do you like Gwen? I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest you're quick to fall in love with
anyone, David. Even though it’s understandable why you would fall for her, she's got a nice smile."
Jack asked David, raising an eyebrow and smirking at him.

David blushed, and Gwen giggled a little at the comment, trying to contain her laughter.

"Shut up!" growled David.

Jack then looked at the star on the wall, which was behind some gentlemen drinking beer.

Jack immediately recognised the symbol. He remembers the movie "The Wolfman" from the
1940s, where Lon Chaney Jr said that was the symbol for the werewolf.

He watched a lot of horror movies from that era and today with David, even those movies that were
unwatchable because they were so bad.

He did believe in the supernatural, unlike David. Jack was ready for anything if an evil spirit or
subnormal creature attacked them.

Jack looked at David, and with his hand pointed to the star on the wall. "Look at that."

David looked at the torn star on the wall intently. "Yeah, what about it?"

Gwen also looked at the star on the wall. If either of the two of them asked about the star on the
wall, she knew nothing would end well.

"It's a five-pointed star." Jack pointed out to him.

"Well, maybe the owners are from Texas." David joked, making Jack laugh.

"That's funny." Gwen replied to David sarcastically.

Just then, Gladys came over with two cups of tea and rested them on the table. "Sorry Gwen, I
didn't have enough water for three people."

"That's okay," Gwen shrugged. "Thanks anyway for offering."

"Remember the Alamo." Jack joked, catching Gladys' attention.

Gladys furrowed her brows and looked up at them. "I beg your pardon?"

Gwen sighed. "Jack..."

David was opening his coat a little. "Oh, he was just joking." David replied nervously to Gladys.

"Joking? I remember The Alamo. I saw it once. In Leicester Square. In London." Gladys replied to

The boys looked at each other's faces, completely confused, while Gwen sighed again at Jack's
stupidity. Gladys had already gone behind the bar again.

"She means in the cinema. That film with John Wayne," the bald chess player clarified, to clear up
the boys' confusion, as he continued his game. "Checkmate."

"Ah, yes, of course!" replied David.

"Jack, please don't get too comfortable with your jokes here-" Gwen started to tell him, until Jack
continued the conversation he himself had started.

"Right. With Laurence Harvey. Everyone dies in there. Very bloody." replied Jack to the gambler.

"Bloody awful if you ask me." joked the bald gambler, who started laughing along with other
people in the pub, causing Jack and David to smile awkwardly.

"Jack, are you kidding me?" a very annoyed Gwen asked Jack.

"Here, Gladys, Tom, have you ever heard the one about the crashing plane?" asked the chess
player, turning his chair around so he could look at David and Jack.

They all started laughing, while Jack continued to wonder about the star on the wall.

"Ask him what the candles are for." Jack mumbled to David, looking at his friend.

"No, you ask him." Answered David, who didn't want to know about the star.
"Alright. Laugh then, I won't tell the joke!" the chess player announced, crossing his arms.

Jack looked back at David. "It's a pentagon. A five-pointed star," Jack told him.

"It's used in witchcraft." Gwen replied, knowing full well what he was going to say.

Jack looked at Gwen in surprise. "Hey, I was going to say exactly that."

"Do you know what the star on the wall is?" Gwen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not specifically," Jack told both David and Gwen, "But Lon Chaney Jr at Universal Studios said

"It's the mark of the wolfman." Gwen interrupted him again, and her grin widened.

"Oh, I see, you want me to ask them if burning candles ward off monsters?" David asked Jack,
looking at him.

"Right!" Jack said to David.

"That’s its purpose anyways…" Gwen pointed out to them.

Jack looked at her again, completely amazed at Gwen's knowledge of the supernatural, while
David sighed. He couldn't believe this was happening to him.

"You're wrong." David told them, shaking his head.

"Oh, that's right. There was a plane over the Atlantic on its way to New York. It was full of men
from the United Nations." the chess player began to tell the joke.

People started laughing again in the pub, and Jack looked at David again. "Go on, ask him." Jack
prompted David to ask the people in the pub about the star.

"No, you ask him," David replied, until he remembered the little exchange of knowledge about the
occult that Jack and Gwen had, so he decided to ask Gwen. "Hey, Gwen?"

Gwen looked at David. "Yeah?"

"Here now, let me finish! So halfway over the ocean, the engines run out of gas, so they have to
lighten the plane. So they heave out all the baggage, but it's still too heavy. So they chuck out the
seats, but it's still too heavy! Finally this Froggy steps up and shouts "Viva la France" and leaps
out. Then an Englishman ...." continued the chess player, shushing David.

George, who from the other side of the pub was listening to the story, decided to play darts again,
as he wasn't too interested in the joke.

"He gets up and shouts "God save the Queen!" and leaps out. But the plane is still too heavy. So
the Yank delegate from Texas steps up, shouts "Remember the Alamo!" and chucks out the
Mexican." the chess player finally finished his joke, and got the whole pub laughing
disconsolately, except for Jack, David and Gwen.

"Remember the Alamo!" said the other player who resembled Rik Mayall, who earlier spat out his

"Hey, David, what were you asking me?" Gwen asked him, as they finished telling the joke.
David looked at her, but didn't quite understand what she said over the noise in the place. "What?"

Jack looked at the star embedded on the wall again, forcefully laughing, as the people in the pub
continued to laugh at the joke. "Excuse me, what's that star on the wall for?" he asked
nonchalantly, pointing at the star, looking at the people in the pub.

Gwen just rolled her eyes and sighed, facepalming. This would not end well.
Chapter Five
Chapter Summary

Gwen walks David and Jack to an inn somewhat close to East Proctor, after they fled
from the pub and as it got darker, and they get to know her better.

The moment Jack asked the question, any trace of joy in the bar disappeared, and everyone looked
at the boys with a sour face.

And things definitely didn't get any better. George, for the first time in his life, incorrectly threw
the dart, which ended up hanging on the wall.

Gwen looked up in surprise when she noticed the dart embedded in the wall and was now scared,
very scared.

David and Jack were understandably puzzled by the bar's reaction to Jack's question.

George, who had previously been completely disinterested in the conversation the people at the
other end of the bar were having, was filled with anger, but he wasn't about to get aggressive.

He stretched out his arm, and pointed at Jack, with a menacing face. "You made me miss." he said,
in a completely threatening tone.

David and Jack looked at George. "Sorry." Jack apologized to him, while David looked at Gwen.

"I've never missed the board before." growled George, further intimidating David and Jack.

David, completely freaked out, started to get up from his seat. "Uh, Jack, we'd better go." David
told Jack.

Jack looked at him with concern. "Are you kidding? I'm starving." complained Jack.

"There's no food here!" George replied angrily to Jack.

Gwen, knowing full well that it was a full moon and it was night, barely got up from her seat and
grabbed David's hand. "You can't go, please don't go." Gwen pleaded to Jack and David.

Outside, they could hear it starting to thunder, indicating that it was going to rain. David looked at
Gwen, and then at Jack, so that Jack stood up and left along with him.

The villagers look menacing and David's voice is a little urgent. "Are we leaving, Jack?" David
asked his friend in a shaky voice.

"Apparently so..." replied Jack, getting up from his seat. The boys pick up their backpacks and
head uncertainly towards the door.

Gladys and Gwen looked at each other, worried, knowing what was going to happen. "You can't let
them go." Gladys said to the other people in the pub.

"Right, it's cold, it's dark, and it's going to start raining sooner or later," Gwen added. "Plus tonight
is a special night..." She referenced the werewolf's escape from the asylum and the full moon.

David, who was worried, asked Gladys. "How much do we owe you?

"Nothing, lads." the chess player replied. "Go- May God be with you."

“Uh, thank you.” David thanked him, nodding his head nervously.

“Wait!” Gladys glanced at the people in the pub worriedly. “You can’t just let them go!”

"Right! You can't let them go alone." Gwen told them, agreeing with Gladys. Gladys, Jack and
David looked at her as if she had said something outrageous. "I know a place where you can stay
for the night, I'll guide you there." She then looked at David and Jack.

"Have you lost your head, Gwen?" asked George to the girl, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I've got it attached thankfully. Please." she pleaded with the people in the pub. "We'll stay out
of the Moors and go down the roads. I’ll take the risk."

And that’s when Gladys remembered that Gwen already came to East Proctor prepared for the full

Maybe nothing will happen to the backpackers and her niece. And Mr. Jenkins would finally rest in
peace, if they encounter the wolf and Gwen kills him.

The people looked at each other, and Gladys looked at Gwen. "I think the boys will be fine with
her," she assured the people in the pub, and then looked at Jack and David. "Right lads?"

Jack understood what the elderly waitress meant and nodded his head.

"Yes, ma'am. We'll be more than good with her, David feels the same way. Right, David?" Jack
replied to Gladys, then looked at his friend, poking his arm with his elbow.

"Oh. Yeah, it's better than nothing." David replied worriedly.

The rest of the people in the pub looked at each other. Then they looked at Gladys.

Gwen stood up from her chair and grabbed her bag, as she slung it over her shoulder and went to
hug her aunt tightly.

"Thank you. I love you." she whispered to her, if anything happened to her and she would no
longer be there to see her.

Gladys hugged her tightly and then broke the embrace. She was clearly distraught. "Take care of

Then she walked over to Jack and David, who looked at her worriedly. George sighed, and looked
at them, "Go! And stay on the road. Keep clear off the moors." she warned them.

"Yes, well, thanks again." David thanked George, as he zipped his red jacket.

"Beware the moon, lads." the chess player told them, and both David, Jack and Gwen left the pub.

It was very cold outside. When they were outside the pub, Jack and David put on their backpacks,
while Gwen waited for them on the road.
They walked towards her, while Jack looked at David. "What the hell was that all about?" Jack
asked them.

"I don't know. Gwen, do you know where you're taking us?" David answered Jack and then asked

"Yeah, it's not too close to here, but I know where it is. There aren't any inns or cabins near here
where you guys can stay." Gwen replied.

"Do your parents live here?" David asked.

Gwen shook her head. "No. They never came back here. They're in London." she answered him, as
they started walking.

"Beware the moon?" Jack asked Gwen.

"I know. Come on, I'm freezing." David said to Jack.

They walked into the road, and started walking. "Listen, the three of us made a huge mistake
coming to East Proctor on a full moon. A man I know... He's the last werewolf on Earth. He
escaped from the asylum today." Gwen explained to the boys.

Jack's eyes widened almost comically and his two eyes were as big as two dinner plates. "You're
joking, aren't you?" Jack asked in astonishment.

"No, George and I-"

"George?" David interrupted Gwen, looking at the girl.

"The dart guy," Gwen jogged David's memory, "I've known him since I was little. The thing is,
when we got here, which was already starting to get dark, an acquaintance of George's who was in
the building where the werewolf escaped, called him to let him know what was going on."

Jack sighed in frustration. "Shit. And you didn't know it was a full moon? I’m not judging you. I
don’t think you knew." Jack asked.

"No, I don't have a moon calendar at home. I'll get one. I realized it was a full moon last minute."
Gwen told him.

"Is there really a werewolf out there?" David asked Gwen. David still didn't believe in anything to
do with the supernatural.

Gwen nodded her head and looked at David. "I'm not lying. You have to believe me."

"What do you think was wrong?" Jack asked them, talking about what happened earlier in the pub.

David sighed and shrugged. "I have no idea. Gwen?"

"It's just that East Proctor is a very small town, but there's a lot going on, and it's connected to the
history of werewolves in England, you see," Gwen began to explain to them, "King Edward the
first when he came to the crown in the late eleventh century, ordered all wolves in England to be
exterminated. But not only because they were predators and affected farmers' crops, but also
because many of those wolves were werewolves, and they killed people without knowing it,
because most of them were not controlled. By the end of the Middle Ages, wolves were very rare
in England and were therefore considered extinct by some people. However, several werewolves
escaped here in East Proctor. The slaughtered lamb was founded by a werewolf, and he carved that
star into the wall so that anyone inside the pub wouldn’t get attacked by any monsters."

"But why did they treat us like that?" David asked Gwen.

"No one ever comes to the village, and no one here wants it known what's going on with the
wolves for fear of something serious happening with the village. They don't want other people
sticking their noses in their business." Gwen explained. "That's why I'm explaining to you the
context behind that behaviour. I saw your faces. You two were very worried. I'm really sorry they
treated you guys like that."

"Hey," David put his arm around Gwen's neck, hugging her. "Don't apologize. It's okay, it's not
your fault."

"What he said." Jack agreed with what David said. “Speaking about you… I want to know you

"Me?" Gwen asked in confusion. "What do you want to know about me?"

"Oh well, what you like and all that. You're very interesting." Jack confessed to her.

"Oh. Well, I live in London, with my roommate Al." Gwen replied.

"Al?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Her name is Allison, but she likes to be called Al after her favorite actor, Al Pacino." Gwen
clarified. Jack nodded his head.

"Well I like Allison already." Jack replied with a chuckle.

"Oh come on, you’re the first one to complain about me falling in love with ease!" complained

Gwen laughed, "Well, musically, I like a bit of everything. I like Kate Bush, The Cure, The
Zombies, The Who, Sam Cooke-"

They both looked at her. "What?" Gwen stopped talking and became concerned.

"What were you saying, David? You're blushing." Jack teased him, a big grin on his face.

"Shut up! I'm listening to her." David growled, as he glared at the girl.

Gwen smiled, "Well I already told you guys but I like watching movies."

"So do we. You're a lot like us." Jack told her.

"But that's not all. You don't even know me all that well." Gwen replied to Jack.

"Hey, sorry to change the subject," David was telling Gwen, "But how many werewolves are left
on earth?"

"There's only one werewolf left on earth, and that's the one currently on the loose here in East
Proctor." Gwen told them.

David broke the hug and looked at her in confusion. "Why did he run away?"
"He was in an asylum, they considered him a nutcase, even though he wasn't. They went to see him
because the food in the asylum had gone bad for him, and it just got dark, and he transformed. He
killed the guard who came to see him and escaped through the window." Gwen told David.
"They're looking for him."

"Oh shit guys, we're fucked." Jack cursed, worried about what Gwen told them.

"I hope not." Gwen shot back. "I came with guns."

"I'm guessing, charged with silver bullets?" David asked Gwen sarcastically.

"No. You do know that a werewolf can be killed either way, right? The silver bullet thing is a
Hollywood invention." Gwen told them.

David and Jack looked at her. "And that way of poisoning them with wolfsbane too?" Jack asked

"No, that's real. You can kill them. Those flowers have a high poisonous content." Gwen answered
Jack's question.

"Isn't there a cure for lycanthropy?" David asked Gwen.

"No. It's been tried with wolfsbane, but they always end up dying. Same with exorcisms. Probably
not. All cures for lycanthropy lead to death." Gwen answered him.

"Hey, you know a lot about this," David was saying to Gwen, "Do you know if someone ever tried
to control werewolves to make them more peaceful?"

Gwen shrugged. "No. Everyone is too afraid of werewolves. No one ever tried because of that

"Were there never peaceful werewolves?" Jack asked her.

"In other mythologies, yes. For example, in Scotland there's the wulver. He's a peaceful, friendly
werewolf who fishes, and leaves baskets of fish on the doorsteps of the needy. He also cares for the
sick, children and the elderly." Gwen replied to Jack.

"Hopefully it's a wulver that got away." Jack wished.

"Wulvers usually aren't violent, Jack. This werewolf is an ordinary one." Gwen mentioned to him.

Meanwhile, at the slaughtered lamb, there was a lot of silence in the place.

"We had to accompany them." Gladys regretted sending the three young men out into the night

"Should the world know our business?" George asked Gladys. "Besides they are in good hands,
with your niece. I doubt they'll die."

Suddenly, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and it began to rain. David and Jack groaned
in frustration.

"Please don't rain..." muttered David. “Of course.”

"Shit, I didn't know it would rain. I should have brought an umbrella." Gwen complained.
Apparently, they didn't hear what she said, because they left her behind without noticing.

"Hey guys!" Gwen yelled after them, as they chased after him.

The three of them kept getting wet as they walked. "Say David…" Jack told him.

"I'm aware of how nice the weather is in Rome right now, thank you." David answered him, as
they walked into the moors unaware.

Gwen's heart dropped in terror and she pulled her gun out of her bag, loaded it and chased after the
boys, also heading deeper into the moors. "David, Jack, get back here!" she shouted to them.

They both started singing "Santa Lucia" in a sarcastic manner, as the girl chased after them. This
was not going to end well at all.

Returning to the pub, the rain is heavy on the roof and pounding on the windows. Those gathered
are still drinking, playing chess and darts, but all are silent and contemplative.

"Perhaps they'll be safe in the rain." Gladys mused.

The chess player slammed his hand furiously on the table. "No one brought them here! No one
wanted them here! Your niece could have told them! She's not stupid!" he shouted.

"Are you daft? What do you think they'd say?" Gladys shouted back. Suddenly, the rain stopped.

The rain stopped, and the people in the pub were at peace. Until a frightening howl began to be

"Did you hear that? We must go get them!" Gladys pleaded.

"I heard nothing." George blurted out.

"Nor do I." The chess player commented.

In the background, another howl is heard, and George turns around. “Alright. Let’s go.” he told
Gladys, as the entire pub started to search for their guns and weapons and went after the boys and
Chapter Six
Chapter Summary

After losing track of Gwen, David and Jack get lost in the moors, as Gwen tries to find
them, before the wolf attacks either of them.

David and Jack were completely out of sight of East Proctor, surrounded by darkness and damp.
There is a light drizzle. They stand, listening to the rain falling. The drizzle stops, preventing the
boys from getting even more drenched than they already were.

Both Jack and David were runny from the cold, their noses were red, their hair was wet from the
rain, and they stopped, hearing a strange sound.

Meanwhile, Gwen pulled a pistol out of her bag, which she began to load with common bullets,
while stepping over small puddles of water caused by the rain that were hidden among the
sprawling grass of the English moors.

"I hope they're not doing anything stupid..." Gwen pleaded, speaking aloud, referring to the friends.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, as David looked around. They had both heard a
disturbing howl, which could belong to anything. A human, a canine, even an elephant in pain.

"Did you hear that?" Jack asked David, looking in a completely different direction to his friend.

"I heard that." David replied to Jack.

"What was it?" Jack asked David again, a little scared of this whole situation.

They looked into each other's eyes, and nervously, David shrugged.

"Could be a lot of things." David answered him, with absolutely no idea of the danger that lurked
ahead of them.

"Yeah." Jack replied, unsure of David's answer.

"A coyote." David tried to guess.

"There aren’t any coyotes in England." Jack rolled his eyes and replied to David's stupid answer.

"The Hound of the Baskervilles." David threw out a choice again.

"Pecos Bill." Jack went along with David's game.

"Heathcliffe." David said with a grin, referencing the book "Wuthering Heights."

"Heathcliffe didn't howl." Jack told him with a chuckle.

"No, but he was on the moors, remember Kate?" David asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Jack started to speak until he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the mention of Kate. "It's a full

"Kate Bush." David answered him.

"David if you start singing Kate Bush-" Jack started to tell him, but David interrupted him, singing
Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights."

"Out on wily, windy moors, we'd roll and fall in green..." David began to sing in a loud voice,
imitating Kate Bush as he began to tease Jack.

"David." Jack laughed, trying not to die of laughter and not to forget the howl.

Gwen heard the singing of what sounded like a woman in the distance, and her eyebrows crossed,
but recognising the words to the song, she decided to follow it.

"You had a temper, like my jealousy, too hot, too greedy..." Gwen followed the song, moving
closer to where she heard the voice.

David gasped in surprise as he heard someone follow the song. "How could you leave me? When I
needed to..." David continued singing, with a smile.

"Hey you idiot, stop singing, somebody found us." Jack said annoyed, hearing the other voice.

And with a little thought, he realized that without realizing it, they had inadvertently left Gwen
behind and now she was in the same mess as them.

"Possess you? I hated you, I loved you, too..." Gwen played along.

"David stop singing, it's Gwen!" Jack yelled at him, tugging at the sleeve of David's jacket.

Gwen gasped in surprise, as she ran towards Jack's voice. "David, that was you? Please keep
singing, I'm here to help you!" Gwen yelled, as she tried to find her friends.

David blushed, and before he could even answer Gwen, another howl was heard.

"Beware the moon." Jack reminded David of the warning from the people in the pub, looking at
him in embarrassment.

"And stick to the roads. Oops." David was ashamed of the grave mistake they had made and
looked down.

Another howl was heard in the distance, which made Gwen go even faster to where Jack and David

"Gwen?" David shouted, trying to find his friend.

"David!" Gwen shouted, as she started to see in the distance what looked like blue and green
respectively, leggy camp backpacks.

"Where are you?" Jack shouted, looking around to find her.

And out of nowhere, the boys yelped in fright as Gwen clumsily bumped into David's backpack,
causing David to jump a little in fright and turn around to help Gwen.

"Sorry. I'm not usually this clumsy..." Gwen said with embarrassment, as David hugged her, a little
less nervous than before, now knowing that she was okay.
"No need to apologize, it's okay, you were scared." David smiled worriedly at her, hugging her.

"Hey, sorry. We didn't realise you stopped following us." Jack apologized to Gwen, causing David
to nod his head. She smiled shyly at David and broke the hug, and put her gun back in her bag, then
looked at Jack.

"Now we have to stick together. The werewolf is after us." Gwen declared, as Jack and David
looked at her.

In the background, another howl is heard, this one long and loud. It's a very inhuman, terrifying
noise, and this time closer.

"I vote we go back to the Slaughtered Lamb." Jack suggested, causing Gwen and David to nod
their heads.

"Yeah." David replied. They are both visibly concerned and walk quickly back from where they
just arrived.

As they walk, Gwen looks at David, causing him to look at her.

"What?" David asks her.

"You have a nice voice, David. You sing well." Gwen answers him, referring to when David sang.

David blushed. "Thanks Gwen..."

"Hey David... You barely know her." Jack teased him, as he chuckled a little.

David rolled his eyes. "If we see her in London again and she's with her friend, I want to see your
reaction to seeing Allison." David jokingly challenged him.

"If those two become friends, the world will go up in flames." Gwen told them with a chuckle,
making them laugh.

After a while of fast walking, they get nowhere. They stop out of breath.

"We’re lost." David declares, worried.

Another scary howl is heard, which manages to startle Jack. "Shit! David, what is that?" Jack
exclaimed from how disturbed he was.

"I don't know. Come on." David answered him, nervous.

"I told you, it's the werewolf." Gwen reminded them, as she and the friends began to run.

"Come on, where?" Jack asked David nervously.

"Anywhere! I think we should just keep moving." David replied.

A growl. A low guttural growl comes from the darkness. Gwen, Jack and David stop, but because
they hear something out there. The beast begins to walk.

"It's moving." David blurts out, nervous.

"Let's not make noise, maybe it will go away." Gwen answers him.
"It's circling us." Jack tells them.

And indeed, it is surrounding them. They strain to hear his four footsteps and slowly turn,
following him, David steps behind Jack, as he intertwines his fingers with Gwen's. The beast

"Fuck." Jack curses, as Gwen, Jack and David try to run away from the wolf again.

They hear the werewolf stop, and he sits up breathing heavily. Gwen, Jack and David look at each

"What's the plan?" David asks Jack and Gwen, concerned.

"Plan?" Jack replies in a nervous tone.

"Let's keep walking." Gwen suggested, though she wasn't too calm either.

They do and David keeps talking as they walk. "That's right, a lovely stroll on the moors. Tra-la-la,
isn't this fun?" David hums sarcastically.

The beast gets up again, and speeds off, trying to catch up with them. Gwen, David and Jack
hesitate as they feel the creature pass them. The beast stops and looks at them.

"It's in front of us." David swallows, looking at the beast.

"Do you think it looks like a dog?" Jack asks David, and he shakes his head, petrified with horror.

Jack, Gwen and David strain to see what awaits them. The shape of the werewolf waiting for them
in the darkness is barely discernible, but its eyes glow eerily and its breath is visible. The wolf
growls once more.

"Oh shit, what is that?" Jack asks Gwen, startled.

"Guys, it's the wolf. We need to turn slowly and run. That way it will lose us and we can get back
to the roads." Gwen told them, as they started to run.

"Nice doggie. Good boy." Jack says jokingly, looking at the beast.

David lets go of Gwen's hand to tug a little on Jack's sleeve. "Walk away, Jack." David and Gwen
warn him, also looking at the beast.

"Walking away, yes, sir. Here we are walking away." Jack replied to them, playing along, as they

They are already in full-out run by now. Gwen pulls her gun out of her bag again, just as David
tried to hold her hand for a moment. After a few minutes of running, they stop, panting.

"See anything?" David asks Jack and Gwen, pausing for air.

"No." Jack replies. Gwen looks at David, panting, and shakes her head in denial.

For a moment, there is silence, but another howl is heard again.

"It sounds far away." David says, trying to remain mildly optimistic.

"Not far enough. Come on." Jack tells him, and they start running again.
"Gwen don't you have a gun?" David asks Gwen, looking at her.

"Yeah, but I can't get a good look at the werewolf, and I didn't bring too many bullets either. I
didn't think this would happen. I don't even know where we're going." Gwen replied worriedly to

David sighed worriedly and looked at Jack. "Jack?" David asked Jack.

"Yeah." Jack answers him, focused on escaping the monster.

"Where are we going?" David asks him.

"I'll tell you when we get there." Jack answers him.

"Well. I'm glad we- WHOAAAAAA!!!!" David screamed as he suddenly slips in the mud, scaring
Jack, Gwen and himself to no end. He stands scared on the wet ground for a moment, then he and
Jack laugh.

"You really scared me, you shithead." Jack laughs, as Gwen comes over to help David.

"Are you okay?" Gwen asks David.

"Yeah, are you guys going to help me up?" David asks his friends, trying to get up.

Gwen and Jack bend down to help pull him up, and as David was getting up, the werewolf leaps
out of the darkness and with great force, lunges towards Jack.

The beast lunging at Jack knocks him to the ground with a single blow. David falls backwards.
Jack is screaming and struggling against the wolf as David scrambles to his feet and runs in panic.
Jack's screams and the wolf's roars combine.

Gwen screams, and points her gun at the beast.

"Fuck! David! Gwen! Please help me! Please! David! Gwen! Shit! Help me! Oh God!" Jack
screamed in pain.

"I'm coming!" Gwen screams, as she miraculously shoots twice at the beast, which stops clawing at
Jack, and falls to the ground on all four legs.

The werewolf looks at Gwen, and snarls at her, and vanishes into the darkness again.

Gwen crouches down and sits next to Jack, who is alive, but has half of his face scratched off as
well as his neck.

Gwen squeezes the wound on his face, causing Jack to scream. "Fuck!"

David runs and runs. Finally, he runs out of breath and the guilt of leaving Jack and Gwen with the
wolf fills his brain and he decides to help them. "Jack? Gwen? Oh my God, Jack, Gwen!"

"Sorry, it's so you don't bleed anymore." Gwen apologizes, filling his hand with blood.

"All right." Jack sighs.

David runs back to find Jack, all bloody and wounded from the beast, along with Gwen, who was
putting pressure on Jack's wounds to stop him from bleeding.
"Guys..." David sighs in shock, looking at his friends.

"David!" Jack and Gwen exclaim, relieved that he's okay.

And out of nowhere, the wolf reappears from the shadows, and pounces on David. Jack screams in
horror and passes out, as Gwen grabs her gun again.

“David!” Gwen screams in horror.

David struggles against the dark, savage form on top of him. The wolf tears at his face and chest,
as David tries to attack. Fangs clamp down on his shoulder, as Gwen shots the wolf, gunshots
ringing out and the huge form rolls over him.

David, dazed and bloodied, looks up and sees The Slaughtered Lamb's people armed with shotguns
and torches running towards him. As he looks at his attacker, instead of a wolf he sees a very old,
naked man lying in the mud riddled with bullets. As the villagers crowd around him, David falls
back and collapses.

George, who was armed, looks at Gwendolyn. "Gwen! Oh my God, you're all right!" He exclaims,
as he embraces her.

Gwen trembles in terror, and hugs George, distraught at what happened, and worried about Jack
and David.

"Please, it's all right Gwen. Old man Jenkins is in a better place." George told her, breaking the
hug. "We'll clean up the boys' wounds while you call your friend, okay?"

Gwen nods, without saying a word, and follows the villagers, a couple of whom are holding Jack
and David, into the little town.

As they clean them up and check that they are alive in a secret room in the pub, Gwen goes outside
and bursts into tears.

So many people lost to a hopeless curse. Her heart is heavy, and she can't stop thinking about Jack
and David's bloody bodies.

She walks to a phone box close to the pub, and in front of the church that is right next to the pub,
and calls the London hospital phone.

"Hello, this is Gwendolyn Young, Allison Baskerville's roommate. I need you to direct me to her,
please. It’s an emergency." Gwen sobbed, as she got through to the hospital orderly.

Meanwhile, back in London, nurses were working non-stop and moving from room to room.

The nurse who answered the call saw another nurse walking by, named Alex Price, and called out
to her.

"Alex!" the nurse called out to her, calling out to her colleague.

"Yes, Martha." Alex answered her, as she looked at her.

Alex had huge blue eyes and curly brown hair. She had a round face and a concave nose, as well as
thin eyebrows. She was very sweet, caring and attentive, but a little strange at times.

"Call Allison Baskerville, please, her friend needs to speak to her." Martha ordered her, and Alex
nodded her head.
"Alright." replied Alex, as she walked down the corridors, until she crossed paths with Allison.

Alex put her hand on Allison's shoulder. "Al, it's Gwen. She needs your help." Alex told her,
causing Al to look at her and go running towards the nurses' station.

Martha, from the counter, handed the phone to Allison and Allison spoke to Gwen. "Gwen?"

"Al! Please call an ambulance..." Gwen said to her from the other line.

"Are you okay?" Al asked worriedly.

"I met two boys... Named Jack and David... And they were attacked by a werewolf... I... I killed the
werewolf, and they're recently being cleaned up... I need them to be taken care of here." Gwen

"Oh shit. I'll get you an ambulance immediately. Are you hurt?" Al answered her, worried.

"No, Al." Gwen cried.

Allison sighed. "What's the address?" she asked her friend.

"The Slaughtered Lamb, on East Proctor. It's near Erwood, Llaneglwys and Gwenddwr." Gwen
answered her. "Oh, Allison."

"Gwen, girl, it's okay. I'll call an ambulance. I've got to go, stay there. See you later, take care." Al
waved goodbye to Gwen, as she cut the call short and went to call for an ambulance.

Gwen sniffed and cut the call. She entered the pub and went to the secret room, where Jack and
David, who had cleaned their wounds, which were now bandaged, were lying on armchairs that no
one used.

Gwen sighed and looked at David, who opened his eyes unconsciously for a second, looked at
Gwen, and then closed them.

She then looked at Jack, who didn't move at all. She then left the pub. George, who was in the
graveyard, helping the other people in the pub clean up the corpse of old Jenkins, looked at Gwen,
and walked over to her.

"They'll be all right. Luckily they're both breathing." George assured her. "Is your friend coming?"

"Yeah, she called an ambulance. It'll be here in a little while." Gwen replied, distressed and

George put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey Gwen... It's over. It's not your fault or anyone else's.
You just have to get those kids away from the creatures they're going to become. All of us,
including those boys, are in danger." George reminded him.

"I know. I'll help them." Gwen answered him.

"Come, stay with the boys while you wait for the ambulance. I have to help the others bury old
man Jenkins." George told her, as he walked back to the cemetery.

Gwen nodded, and went into the pub, slipping into the small secret room, keeping her friends

A couple of hours later, the ambulance arrived, and as the orderlies put Jack and David's bodies on
the stretchers, Gwen said goodbye to Gladys, George, and the people in the pub.

"Watch out for those boys, Gwen." Gladys mused, hugging her niece.

"I will. I love you." Gwen assured her, as she got into the ambulance.

Gwen waved to her acquaintances and Gladys, as another nurse got into the vehicle and closed the
doors, as the ambulance left for London.

Gwen sat in a seat next to Jack and David's chair and fell asleep, hoping that nothing would happen
in London.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Summary

Gwen gets a call from Allison, telling her that Jack woke up, meanwhile David's still
in a coma.

Chapter Notes

Content warning for mentions of suicide and references to past suicidal thoughts.

Gwen had just finished her day at the small art supply shop near Carnaby Street when suddenly the
phone hanging on the yellow wall began to ring.

She was always the last person to leave on her work, so she had been always handed down the keys
to close all the windows, doors and special furniture when leaving the building, to prevent

She grabbed the phone, as she fixed her hair. "Hello?" Gwen asked.

Allison was calling Gwen from the hospital, to let her know that Jack had woken up from the coma
he and David had been in for two weeks. "Hello Gwen, it's me, Allison." Al told Gwen.

"Al, what's wrong?" Gwen asked her friend.

"One of your friends...I think it was Jack...woke up." Allison announced to her.

Gwen smiled. "Wow, that's great! What about David?" Gwen asked her excitedly.

Allison sighed. "David's still unconscious. Sometimes he wakes up with a start and says Jack's
name or yours... But he goes back to sleep and doesn't wake up at all." Allison explained to Gwen.

"Did he say my name?" Gwen asked Allison, surprised.

"Yeah, he must feel bad that the last thing he saw according to you and Jack was you cleaning
Jack's wounds. He must feel guilty that the lunatic might have killed you guys-"

"Okay, okay, Al. Got it." Gwen interrupted Allison, she really didn't want to think about what
might have happened if they hadn't survived.

"Oh, sorry." Al apologized, embarrassed. "Are you done at the shop?"

"Mhm. I was just on my way to the hospital, to visit the boys." Gwen replied to Allison.

“Oh okay, I have to hang up, I have to attend to Jack.” Allison told her.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Gwen said goodbye to Allison, as she hung up the phone, turned off the
lights in the shop, and left the building, locking the windows and doors, leaving for the hospital.

At the hospital, Al went from the nurses' station to Jack's room, which wasn't too far away,
thankfully, but she had to wait for Dr. Hirsch, the doctor who would be treating Jack and David,
and Mr. Collins, a bespectacled gentleman in a suit from the American embassy to finish talking to
Jack about what happened in the Moors and what happened while he and David were in a coma.

As Mr. Collins left the room, Dr. Hirsch let in Allison, who was waiting behind the door.

"Mr. Goodman, this is Nurse Baskerville. She will be taking care of him and your friend until they
recover." Dr. Hirsch informed Jack, who was sitting on the gurney in his room. Allison was
standing behind the doctor.

Jack nodded his head. "Okay. Please, when he wakes up, let me see David." Jack pleaded, anguish
reflecting in his eyes.

"We will, Mr. Goodman. Now, Miss Baskerville will stay with you while I have to leave." Dr.
Hirsch assured Jack, as he backed out of the room.

Allison stared at Jack for a second.

On the one hand, she felt very sorry for Jack. Half of his face was torn, and while the scars were
healing and looked much better since his body first entered the hospital, it was better not to touch
it, as was his neck, which was a little better. Besides, his best friend wasn't even awake, which
upset and distressed him.

On the other hand, she, seeing the size of those scars, began to doubt whether it was really a man
who caused those scars. Perhaps, she was beginning to doubt whether or not it was a werewolf that
attacked David and Jack.

Jack sighed, lay back down on the bed and looked up at the white ceiling of the room. "Is Gwen
coming?" Jack asked himself.

Allison looked up at him, "Yes, she told me she was on her way here." Allison informed Jack.

Jack looked at Allison and raised an eyebrow, then sat down on the bed. "Really?" Jack asked her.

Allison nodded her head. "I called her to tell her you're okay."

Jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "You two know each other?"

Allison looked down. "Do I have to tell you my whole life, Mr. Goodman?" Allison asked, raising
her gaze to focus her eyes on him and raise an eyebrow.

Interested, Jack raised an eyebrow. "You can call me Jack." Jack replied to Allison.

"Are you and David boyfriends, Jack?" Allison asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

Jack laughed. "Same question about you and Gwen." Jack joked.

"She's my roommate. There. I said it." Al revealed to Jack, along with a roll of his eyes.

Jack gasped in astonishment. "Allison?" Jack asked.

Confused and petrified, Allison looked at him sideways. "How do you know my name?" Allison
questioned him.
"Gwen told us about you, Al." Jack replied with a grin.

Allison grunted. "What did she tell you?" Al asked, curious.

"Not that much. She just said that you liked Al Pacino and that you lived with her." Jack answered
Allison truthfully. "And I mean it."

And at that very moment, Gwen entered the room. Allison and Jack looked at Gwen at the same
time and there was an awkward silence in the room.

"What happened?" Gwen asked her friends out of confusion.

"I'm talking to Jack. He's telling me that you talked about me." Allison said to Gwen.

Jack looked at Gwen with embarrassment and Gwen blushed.

"Even though um, Al… It was me who asked Gwen about her. I wanted to know more about
Gwen..." Jack confessed to Allison.

"How are you Jack?" Gwen asked Jack, trying to change the subject. "Your face? Your neck?"

Jack nodded his head. "It irritates me. It hurts, yes. But it could be worse." Jack replied to Gwen
with a smile.

Gwen sighed in relief and then Jack looked at her. "Does that mean he knows the life and work of
Gwendolyn Young, Gwen?" Al asked Gwen sarcastically, referring to Gwen's talk with Jack and
David on the moors.

Gwen looked down in sorrow. "Sorry. I'm too quick to trust people. It’s not an excuse though..."
Gwen confessed with embarrassment, as she looked down. Allison nodded in agreement with what
Gwen said.

"Hey, if we're going to talk about the others, David too." Jack blurted out. "The amount of guys
who teased him for not being like the rest of them is... sad."

"Are you quick to trust people too, Jack?" Allison asked Jack.

Jack, who had been crestfallen talking about what happened to David in the past, looked at Gwen
and Allison. "Yeah. We're friends for a reason, aren't we?" Jack asked with a rueful smile. "David
always ends up falling faster than me in those situations. He’s… really been by my side for
everything. He’s… my only friend. And I appreciate him for that." Jack explained, as a sad silence
filled the room, and he looked down, crestfallen.

"Oh..." That's all Allison could say. She didn't want to say anything, but sometimes she feared that
all her friends, including Gwen, would abandon her. She only acted confident so as not to appear

Gwen looked down, sad, not wanting to say anything about it.

"Changing the subject..." Jack broke the awkward silence, changing emotions completely. "Gwen.
You were there when the wolf attacked us." Jack reminded her.

"That was a werewolf. When you passed out, while it was attacking David, I killed the werewolf
and yes, it was Mr. Jenkins." Gwen snapped back at Jack.

"I knew it!" Jack shouted in a triumphant tone.

"So what do we do?" Allison asked Gwen.

Gwen's mind went blank. She knew enough about these things, and she knew there was no cure for
the curse, as both she and Al, as well as David and Jack, could die from it.

"I don't know, Jack... Do you want to be a werewolf?" Gwen asked Jack, curious.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "They're cool. I wouldn't want to kill a bunch of people, if that's what
you mean." Jack answered her honestly.

"You could... Kill yourself-"

Jack's cheerful expression was short-lived, as he turned serious quickly. "Gwen. I'm just as much of
a nerd as you are at these things. Is there no way to calm a werewolf? Can we at least try? I mean...
If our plan goes wrong, then yes, I will kill myself and to prevent David from doing the same, my
ghost will haunt him until David realizes the consequences of his actions and kills himself." Jack
questioned Gwen's choice, interrupting her.

"That's true. You can try." Allison reinforced Jack's idea.

"Again, I don't want to and don't plan to kill people. But I don't want to kill myself. At least not this
time..." Jack said again to Gwen.

Gwen sighed. "We could try." Gwen told him, without much hope. “I hope David is fine.”

“Me too.” Jack tells Gwen. “I hope he’s okay, whatever is going on through his head. I hope he
isn’t having dreams like the ones I had.”

Gwen furrowed her brows at the last thing Jack said. “What do you mean?” Gwen asked him.

“You know… Running naked in the woods. Jumping over tree logs and bushes like if you were
some sort of wild animal. I’m a werewolf now. I shouldn’t be confused by these types of things.”
Jack confessed to Gwen.

“Do you know why you were running?” Al asked Jack.

Jack shrugged in response. “I don’t know, Al. But I was desperate. So I don’t think I had good
intentions.” Jack answered Al's question with honesty. “I just hope he’s fine.”

David is in a small, clean and very white hospital room.

He is lying on his back on the bed, his shoulder bandaged and his arm connected to a plasma
bottle. There are several cuts and abrasions on his chest and face, but he doesn't look bad.

He opens his eyes slowly, blinks and tries to sit up and look but is unable to do so because of the

"Jack?!" David shouts, but collapses again, causing Alex, who was walking by, to hear him and go
to see what happened to him.

"Mr. Kessler?" Alex asks, looks into his eyes, lifting his eyelids with his thumb, then checks his
chart on the end of the bed. "Mr. Kessler?"

Then Nurse Susan Gallagher, another nurse, enters the room, and looks at David. "Is he all right?"
Susan asks Alex.
"Yeah, I should think. He just called his friend, who is in the other room." Alex replies to her

"He's an American, you know. Dr. Hirsch is going to get one of those guys from the Embassy to
see him." Susan pointed at him.

"I think he's going to try to call the same guy who saw his friend Jack. Chart says he's from New
York." Alex says to Susan.

"I think he's a Jew." Susan snickered back.

"Why on earth do you say that?" Alex asks Susan, annoyed.

"I looked." Susan replies mischievously to Alex, referencing that, at some point, she saw David's
privates, as she moved her hand towards David's sheet.

"Really, Susan, I don't think that was very proper, and besides, it's common practice now." Alex
replied, annoyed.

Then, in walks Dr. Hirsch. "Yes, Miss Gallagher, Mrs. Price is quite right," Dr. Hirsch backs up
Alex's comment.

He is an older man wearing the usual lab coat. Everywhere he goes, he has a very commanding and
reassuring presence. Alex and Susan are embarrassed that the doctor overheard their conversation,
Susan in particular.

"Dr. Hirsch, Mr. Kessler cried out a minute ago." Alex communicated to him, sitting in a chair near
David's gurney.

"Miss Gallagher, surely you must perform some function here at the hospital." Dr. Hirsch pointed
to Susan, who was not being helpful at the moment.

"Yes, doctor." Susan replied.

"Then get on with it. The doctor ordered, as Susan left the room.

Susan leaves the room and Dr. Hirsch begins to examine David, while Alex watches as the doctor
checks David. Dr. Hirsch turns to look at Alex.

"Can I be of service, Miss Price?" Dr. Hirsch asks Alex.

"Dr. Hirsch?" Alex asks in response to the doctor.

"Go about your duties." The doctor replied to Alex, as Alex walked out of the room.

"Yes, doctor." Alex nodded his head.

Then, Dr. Hirsch remembered what Alex told him when he entered the room earlier about what
David said.

"Oh, Miss Price?" Dr. Hirsch calls her Alex.

"Yes, doctor?" Alex asked the doctor.

"What exactly did he call out?" Dr. Hirsch asked her.

"He said Jack." Alex replied.

"That would be Jack Goodman, the boy who was also attacked by that lunatic." The doctor

"What happened to them?" Alex asked the doctor out of curiosity.

"The police report says an escaped lunatic attacked them. He must have been a very powerful man.
Although I really don't see that it is any of your concern, Miss Price." Dr. Hirsch explained.

"No, sir. Of course, sir. Good day, Doctor." Alex wished him, as he left the room, leaving only Dr.
Hirsch, who was examining David's eyes, unaware of what was going through his head.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Summary

David finally wakes up, but starts having twisted and sick nightmares.

Chapter Notes

Content warning for: animal death, violence, mentions of death and drug use.

He felt the wind blowing over his face, and touched the grass and earth of a lush forest beneath his
hands and feet.

He was running violently through the forest, never running out of air, breathing hard and the
footsteps of whoever was running were getting louder in his head, as were the gasps.

Each time, the panting got louder and louder in his head.

The panting stopped, but then came more intensely, causing David to wake up.

The bright white lights of his hospital room blinded him, as did the natural light coming from the

Two days after Jack woke up, David woke up, and surprisingly, Dr. Hirsch was able to bring Mr.
Collins back to talk to David.

Jack and Gwen watched as Dr. Hirsch entered the other room with Mr. Collins, and Jack furrowed
his eyebrows.

"What is going on? Why is Mr. Collins back?" asked Jack to Gwen.

"I don’t know. They're on their way to David's room," Gwen told him, but stopped talking
immediately when she and Jack looked into each other's eyes, realizing one thing.

David was fine.

"I'm going to see him." Jack announced to Gwen, trying to get out of bed.

"Jack wait!"

"I'm not waiting! I want to see David!" shouted Jack, as Gwen stopped him, trying to pull his arms
out of Gwen's grip.

"Jack. Wait. David doesn't know you're okay. Doctor Hirsch will tell him." tried Gwen to calm him

"Bullshit!" Jack growled, his eyes watering with anger. Gwen put her hand on Jack's all scarred
right hand.

"Hey. We'll see about that." Gwen assured him. "I shouldn't have treated you like that."

"Okay, I guess... Sorry Gwen." apologized Jack, looking down in anguish.

"Hey, don't cry Jack. I'm sorry, it was my fault. We'll see David, I promise," Gwen told him, wiping
Jack's cheek as she noticed a tear fall.

Jack sniffed and smiled sheepishly at her. "Thanks Gwen."

Meanwhile, in David's room, Dr. Hirsch and Mr. Collins, the guy from the embassy that had
previously visited Jack, were in the room, about to talk to David.

"Hello David. I'm Dr. Hirsch, your friend already knows me, and this," the doctor was saying to
David, looking his head towards the gentleman behind him, "This is a countryman of yours, Mr.

For David, that was too much information to process in such a short time, noting by his blank
expression. "Where am I?" asked David, his voice raspy from just getting up.

"You're in the hospital, in London." the doctor replied.

David furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "London? Where's Jack? Where's Gwen?"

The doctor took a breath to announce to David that his friends were okay. "David, I’d like you to
prepare yourself. Your friends are alright. They're in the next room." Dr. Hirsch announced.

"What?" squeaked David. He jerked up from the bed, and winced, as he remembered the wounds
on his cheek and chest, the sudden strain and tension hurting. That got David to sink back onto the

"They’re here?" muttered David.

"Hi," Mr. Collins introduced himself to David, who was standing behind doctor Hirsch. "I'm Mr
Collins from the American embassy here in Grosvenor Square. Both Mr. Goodman's parents and
yours have been notified of your injuries and everything is in order." he informed David with a

"Who are you people? What's going on? Where's Jack?" David began to ask them. He stood up
again, as Dr. Hirsch held him down. "Get your hands off me! Let go! I wanna see Jack!" David

Mr. Collins took a few steps back as Dr. Hirsch called for a nurse to control David. "Nurse!"

Jack and Gwen quickly left the room they were in when they heard Jack’s name being called by
David, and Jack's heart dropped quickly at the sight of his friend, as he got inside the room. Jack
gasped, as his eyes filled with tears again, from the emotion of seeing his best friend safe and
sound. "David?"

"I want to see Jack!" cried David, as Dr. Hirsch held him.

"Doctor, please let him go." pleaded Jack to Dr. Hirsch, approaching him to stop holding David.

"Mr. Goodman, step away." the doctor warned him, looking at him.
Allison came behind them, and went to the other side of the room. “Alex couldn’t come. She was
called by another doctor.” she told doctor Hirsch.

"Prepare a hypodermic please, Miss Baskerville." Dr. Hirsch ordered her.

Al nodded, as she grabbed a syringe that was laying on a silver plate, on a table next to David’s

She then glanced at Jack for a second and furrowed her brows. “You’re supposed to be in bed!”
Allison retorted him.

Jack carelessly shrugged. “Too bad.” He let out.

Jack became more concerned as he watched Allison hand the syringe to the doctor. "Please leave
him alone, doctor..."

"Mr. Kessler," said Mr. Collins, who stood behind Dr. Hirsch, as he held David, who was
squeaking and groaning. "Mr. Kessler, I understand how moved you are about this, but that's no
reason for hysterics. Now, Mr. Kessler, try not to excite yourself. Everything has been arranged. I
shall come back to check on your progress and send a report to your parents. The police have
requested to interview you and I have given them permission to do so."

The doctor stopped holding David to grab the syringe Al handed her to inject David with the
hypodermic, while she held David, who calmed down for a couple of seconds after the tranquilizer
was injected.

Dr. Hirsch escorted Mr. Collins out of the room. "Thank you very much Mr. Collins, he’ll rest
now." he thanked the doctor, then looked at David and back at Mr. Collins. "I’m sure everything
will be fine once he’s adjusted. He’s had quite a shock."

“These dumb-ass kids never appreciate anything you do for them.” growled Mr. Collins, as he left
the room.

As Mr. Collins left the room, Dr. Hirsch looked at David, who was under the effect of the
hypodermic, still drowsy and overwhelmed about what had happened to him.

“David…” Jack called out his friend, walking closer to the hospital bed David was laying in.

David looked around, not noticing Jack and Gwen standing in front of him. "How long have I been
here?" David asked, dizzy.

"You've been unconscious since you and Mr. Goodman were brought in two weeks ago." Dr.
Hirsch answered David.

"Two weeks?" David asked, confused.

"You've suffered some rather severe cuts and bruises, lost a bit of blood, but nothing too serious;
black and blue for a while. You'll have some dueling scars to boast off. That lunatic must have
been a very fierce fellow. They say a mad man has the strength of ten." Dr. Hirsch explained to

Jack furrowed his eyebrows at doctor Hirsch’s comment. "It wasn't a lunatic." Jack said to the
doctor, who gave Jack a dirty look, just as Allison gave Jack a dirty look.

"A lunatic?" David asked the doctor softly, falling further under the influence of the hypodermic.
"Now, we’ve just given you a pretty strong sedative, so try to get some rest now. Miss Baskerville
and Price will take care of your needs. Rest now." Dr. Hirsch advised David, as Allison arranged
the sheets on David's bed.

"It wasn't a lunatic." David softly told the doctor, as he drifted off to sleep again.

"I beg your pardon?" Allison asked him, confused.

"It was a wolf." David replied softly to Allison.

"A what?" Allison asked David.

"A wolf." Gwen replied to Allison.

"Did he say a wolf?" Dr. Hirsch asked Allison.

"Yes, I think he did." Allison replied to the doctor, as they watched David pass out again.

Dr. Hirsch looks at David thoughtfully, then looks at Gwen and Jack.

"You two have already been interviewed for this situation, haven't you?" the doctor asked them

"Yes, sir." Gwen and Jack responded in unison.

“Actually, I got interviewed by Lieutenant Villers and Sergeant McManus yesterday, sir. Allison
informed me. Everything’s all right.” Gwen cleared things up to the doctor.

"Good. Mr. Goodman, now Miss Baskerville will take you back to your room, and Miss Young,
you may go, if you like." Dr. Hirsch told Jack and Gwen, as Allison led Jack back to his room, and
the doctor left.

"What about David?" Jack asked the doctor, concerned for his friend.

"David is resting, Mr. Goodman." Dr. Hirsch told Jack. "When he wakes up we'll see if you can
see him. He's recovered faster than expected."

Jack, frustrated at the whole situation, sighed in anguish. "He's fine.” Allison reassured Jack, as she
glanced at him, waiting for him to react.

“Thank you." Jack mumbled, as the doctor, Allison and Jack left the room.

Gwen stood for a second in the doorframe of the room, thinking about what she was going to do.

"Gwen?" David called out to Gwen, still a little sleepy and groggy from the medicine.

Gwen came over and sat on the chair next to David's gurney, holding his hand. "I'm here." Gwen
assured David.

David smiled unconsciously at the sound of her voice. "I'm so glad you and Jack are okay. I'm so
sorry for what happened at the moors two weeks ago…" David told her softly.

Gwen smiled, “Oh please. It's alright, David. Please rest. When you wake up, the doctor will see if
Jack can come and see you."

“Thank you Gwen…” David mumbled, before he drifted off to sleep again.
Gwen smiled at him, and then left the room.

As Jack got into the gurney again, Al stood beside the bed. "Did Lieutenant Villers and Sergeant
McManus interview you, too?" Allison asked out of curiosity.

Jack nodded, as he sat down on the bed. "Yeah. The lieutenant's a jerk. McManus seems like a nice
guy." Jack replied to Allison curiously.

Allison laughed, "Gwen stayed with David. She falls in love so fast." Allison said to Jack.

Jack shook his head. "Not at all. I called her Gwendolyn mandolin and she got mad. Don't believe
you." Jack contradicted what Allison said.

"I don't believe you! You barely know her!" Allison countered with a laugh.

"But Al, I'm serious. She doesn't like David." Jack replied with a laugh. "It's David who likes
Gwen. He held her hand when we were on the moors. And he hugged her. Twice."

"Then they were made for each other!" Al joked, as they both laughed.

Gwen walked right into the room. "What happened? I went to see David. That hypodermic sure
was strong. He's completely drowsy." Gwen told Jack and Allison.

Allison cleared her throat and Jack looked away, trying to hold back his laughter. "Did he say
anything?" Al asked Gwen, as her friend walked over to a chair near Jack's gurney.

Gwen sat down. "He said he was left feeling very guilty about what happened on the moors and
that he's glad Jack and I are okay." Gwen replied to Allison.

Jack looked at Gwen and smiled, "I'm glad. I'm... I'm sorry about what happened on the moors. It's
also my fault we almost got killed there." Jack apologized to Gwen.

"It's alright. Now all that's left for us to do is keep you guys from killing anyone." Gwen told Jack.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hirsch was in his office, sitting at his desk, while talking on the phone to his wife.

"But Roger is so terribly boring. Yes, dear, but couldn't we.... I see." Dr. Hirsch was talking on the
phone, while writing a note. "Thursday at eight o'clock, dinner with boring Roger. Yes, I'm sure I
will; if I survived Rommel, I suppose I'll survive another excruciating evening with Roger
Mathison. Be a good girl. Goodbye." The doctor then hung up, very disgruntled. The intercom to
the right of his desk began to buzz.

The doctor pressed a button. "Yes?" asked the doctor.

"Lieutenant Villers and Sergeant McManus are here to see you, doctor." His secretary informed
him through the intercom.

"Send them in." Dr. Hirsch informed him.

The doctor stands up to greet the two policemen, one tall and young, the other rather plump and
old, as they enter the room.

"Doctor Hirsch?" asks Lieutenant Villers, who was the older policeman.

"Come in, come in. Sit down, please. Some tea?" the doctor offered.
Lieutenant Villers shook his head. "No, thank you."

"I'd like some tea, please." The other policeman, Sergeant McManus, replied.

Lieutenant Villiers shot a withering glance at the sergeant, who was intimidated by the lieutenant.

"Maybe not. No thanks. Maybe later." McManus stammered, looking at the doctor.

“It’s no problem.” Doctor Hirsch told McManus.

“No, thank you, doctor.” Villers replied to him.

“Well, then, what can I do for Scotland Yard?” Doctor Hirsch asked the policemen.

“We understand the Kessler boy has regained consciousness.” McManus told him.

Lieutenant Villers looks back at McManus with a pout. "Excuse me." McManus said to the

"Did Mr. Kessler say anything regarding the attack on the moors?" Lieutenant Villers asked Dr.

The intercom buzzes again, and Dr. Hirsch presses a button to take the call. "Excuse me. Yes?"
asks Dr. Hirsch.

"Roger Mathison, Doctor," his secretary answers from the machine.

"What, now?" asks the doctor, confused.

"He's on the phone. His secretary affirms.

"Tell him I'm out. No, tell him I'm dead. An old war wound or something. Tell her I'm dead. And
no more calls!" replies Dr. Hirsch, hanging up the call and turning his attention back to the cops.

"You were saying?" Dr. Hirsch asks Lieutenant Villers, looking at him.

"Does David Kessler have anything to say about the attack on the moors?" asked Lieutenant Villers
again to Dr. Hirsch.

"Why don't we ask him?" says Dr. Hirsch to the lieutenant, as the three men set off for David's

When they arrived in David's room, Gwen was sitting next to him, and Villers and McManus began
talking to David, as the doctor and Gwen sat, watching the conversation progress.

"I'm sorry if I conflict with your report, but Jack and I were not attacked by a man." David was
explaining to the lieutenant, as Gwen eyed the two policemen carefully.

"So you’ve said." the lieutenant replied.

"You may be right, Lieutenant. Two strong boys and a strong girl would be able to hold their own
against one man." McManus added, looking at Villers.

"Sergeant McManus, are you suggesting that David and Jack were, in fact, attacked by some
animal and that East Proctor's officialdom has conspired to keep it a secret? We have an autopsy
report on the attacker who was shot on the spot by Miss Young. We have three witnesses to the
crime. You will forgive me Mr. Kessler, if I consider your testimony as coming from someone who
has been through a terrible shock." Lieutenant Villers explained to McManus, then apologized to
David, looking at him.

"Lieutenant, the boy seems quite lucid and..." Sergeant McManus tried to defend his argument.

"And what, Sergeant?" asks Lieutenant Villers to McManus in a threatening tone, causing Gwen
and David to look at each other's faces in confusion.

"I don't rightly know, sir." McManus replies in frustration, feeling defeated.

"That is precisely my point. David and Gwendolyn, as far as we're concerned, the matter is closed.
We won't bother you any more. Good day." The lieutenant and McManus bid farewell to David
and Gwen, as they left the room.

The sergeant smiles at David and leaves. The lieutenant says goodbye to the doctor and follows

"Were there any other witnesses?" David asks the doctor in confusion.

"From what they said..." the doctor replies to David.

"How could there have been witnesses? It was so dark. We were running and I fell and Jack and
Gwen went to help me up and this thing came out of nowhere… I don't understand what you're
talking about." David replies to the doctor.

"Right. Then people from the village came to help us. But it was just me, Jack and David." Gwen
added, backing up what David was saying.

"In time I'm sure it will all come back to you." the doctor assured David, looking at him.

"Doctor, my memory is fine. It's my sanity I'm beginning to worry about." David assures the
doctor, looking at him.

Later that day, David fell asleep, and he was once again, running violently into the woods, running
through tall and green trees, jumping over tree logs, naked.

He is acting like an animal, moving his head quickly and leaping like some kind of gazelle, he is
running faster and faster. His nostrils are flared and his ears perked, accentuating his animality.

Suddenly, he stops, alert, listening. He moves stealthily, and slowly brushes aside some leaves. He
peeks out from behind a tree, and watches a pair of deer. They sense something and freeze, a fawn
can be seen next to a doe. The buck turns his head, sensing danger.

David opens his eyes a little wider, and the deer becomes more frightened.

David throws himself on top of the deer, the deer tries to shake David off, trembling, as David
forces him down.

David begins to attack the deer, his teeth digging hard into its neck, tearing its skin. You can see
his mouth full of flesh, his face and hands covered in blood as he eats the deer.

"David?" Gwen calls to him, gently shaking his shoulder with her hand.

David's eyes flutter open and he sits up, as he rubs his eyes with the palm of his hand.
"You fell asleep." Gwen answers him.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember what you were telling me. I had a horrible nightmare. I was killing
Bambi." David said to Gwen, as he cringed.

"Oh," Gwen sighed, brushing his shoulder with her hand. "Don't apologize."

David shrugged and looked crestfallen, a little sleepy.

"David, do you want to talk about something?" Gwen asked him. "It's okay to feel sad because that
dream disturbed and distressed you, but if you want we can talk about something else."

David looked at her. "I don't know. This is all so weird." David sighed.

"I know David. If only the other villagers from East Proctor had come with us. If only they hadn't
lied. They don't have to behave like this." Gwen said to David.



"What do you like besides mythology and folklore in general?" David asked her.

Gwen shrugged. "I don't know, I already told you about my musical tastes."

"Do you like art? I'm studying graphic design and art history is pretty interesting. I like it." David
told her.

Gwen nodded her head. "Yeah. I'm not too crazy about it. But yeah, I like it."

David smiled at her.

"What about you? What do you like, David?" Gwen asked.

"Well, I like drawing, listening to music, singing..." David started to tell her.

"I know that." Gwen interrupted him, making him laugh a little.

"I like more or less the same musicians... As you... Sorry." David was telling Gwen between
yawns, as he layed back on the bed.

Gwen held her hand for a second. "It's all right. Get some rest, David. See you tomorrow." Gwen
told him with a smile, as she left the room.

"Thanks..." David sighed, as he went back to sleep.

The next day, Alex was told that David wasn't eating enough, so he couldn't take his pills.

The curtains are drawn and David's lunch is waiting patiently on his tray next to the bed as Alex
enters the room. David is listening to music quietly in bed.

"Mr. Kessler?" she calls out to him, causing a distracted David to raise his head.

"Yes?" David asks her, and takes out his headphones for a moment.

"You haven't eaten your lunch." Alex tells him, holding up his jar of pills.
"I'm not really hungry, thanks." David replies to her, as he put his headphones back on.

"I'm afraid you have to eat something." Alex reminded him.

David took off his headphones again. "Please, really. I'm not hungry." David said again.

"You put me in an awkward position, Mr. Kessler." Alex says to David.

"How's that?" David asks Alex.

"Well, you’re to take these after you've eaten. Now, what kind of nurse would I be if I failed at a
task as simple as giving out some pills?" Alex asks him.

"Leave the pills. I'll take them later." David assured Alex, putting his headphones back on.

"Sorry." Alex told him, as he pulled out his headphones and walked over to the window, pulling
back the curtains, causing David to close his eyes.

"Aw, come on Nurse Price!" David growled, as he covered his face with his hand.

"You can call me Alex." Alex came back to stand next to David.

"Come on Alex!" David said.

Alex grabbed the lid of the container David's food was in, and looked at him. "Will I be forced to
feed you, Mr. Kessler?" She asked him.

David looked at her, slightly interested. "You can call me David."

"Will I be forced to feed you, David?" Alex asked David again.

David sits on the bed. "This is absurd. I'm not hungry. I don't want food." David said again to Alex,
trying to win the conversation.

"Right." Alex replied, as she sat down next to him.

Alex efficiently removes the covers from the plates and sits on the edge of the bed. Taking knife
and fork in hand, he neatly slices David's food into pieces. David watches in amazement. She
places a napkin on David's lap and holds the first bite on the fork. David folds his arms and refuses
to open his mouth.

"Let's try a little harder, shall we?" Alex says to David.

"Would you give me a break?" David asks him in response.

Alex grabs David's nose forcing his mouth to open quickly, shoving the fork in. David startles, but
is surprised again and chews his food slowly and swallows it. Alex holds up another mouthful.

At that same instant, Allison opens the door and catches Alex and David red-handed, causing Alex
to drop the fork on the table from embarrassment, and David to grab it.

"Excuse me. Alex, they let me bring Jack into the room." Allison announces to Alex, causing
David's eyes to widen in surprise.

Alex looks at David with a smile, as David chews the other bite. "Yes, you can come." Alex replies
to Allison, as he starts to walk out of the room. "Will you be alright?" she asks David.
David nods his head. "Yes. Thank you." David replies with a smile.

Allison and Alex look at each other for a second and smile as Alex walks out of the room. Al
comes out behind her, and goes to find Jack.

"Are you better from the nightmare?" Al asks Jack, concerned. Jack had woken up from a horrible
nightmare, and Allison thought the best idea to cheer Jack up would be to see his friend.

Jack shrugged and nodded his head. "Yeah, thanks." Jack told her, as he got out of bed and they
walked to David's room.

The instant Allison opened the door to David's room, Jack quickly ran to David's bed and hugged
his friend, who was about to grab another piece, but was overjoyed to see Jack.

"David!" Jack shouted with joy.

"Jack, oh my god you're okay!" David exclaimed, hugging Jack tightly.

"You won't believe how much I missed you..." Jack blurted out, trying not to cry. "It's so
comforting to see you again after having such horrible nightmares..."

David broke the hug and looked at Jack in confusion. "Nightmares?" he asked him.

David had a horrible nightmare again. This time, he had on his red jacket, jeans, boots and blue
camping backpack, the same when he was lost on the moors.

He was running endlessly through a forest, as if he was looking for something, and that's when he
stopped to get some air, and found something peculiar.

There was a stretcher, in the middle of the forest, and David squinted, trying to see who was in the

And it was him. He was lying on the stretcher, in hospital clothes and with his eyes closed.

Then Alex came up to him and smiled warmly.

But suddenly, the face of the David on the stretcher turned white, his ciliary arc and lower eye area
were black, and his eyes opened, and they were yellow.

He smiled a terrifying smile, exhibiting terrifying yellow fangs, and then let out a bestial growl.

That nightmare would not be David's last.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Summary

David and Jack have gruesome nightmares and after they get released from the
hospital, they stay with Gwen and Allison in their flat.

Chapter Notes

Content warning for: gore, death, violence, blood, talks about suicide and blood.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"You’ve never had bad dreams before?" Dr. Hirsch asked David, as he washed his hands in David's
hospital room.

That same night that David had that dreadful nightmare where he was in the woods, David woke
up screaming, causing Al to have to go to his room to calm him down. David was distraught, as he
sat in the hospital bed, staring at Dr. Hirsch.

"Sure, as a kid. But never so real. Never so bizarre." David mumbled.

Dr. Hirsch turned and looked at David. "Did you get a good look at the man who attacked you?"
asked Dr. Hirsch to David.

"I’ve told you, it wasn't a man. It was an animal. A big wolf or something. A rabid dog." David
again insisted to the doctor that they had been attacked by a wolf.

"Yes..." Dr. Hirsch replied, biting the legs of his glasses.

"Look, Dr. Hirsch, I know I've been traumatized, but Jack was attacked. I saw it. A man can't do
that to someone with his bare hands." David insisted on what he saw, as he pulled off his shirt so
Dr. Hirsch could see his wounds and bruises on his chest.

"You'd be surprised what horrors a man is capable of," Dr. Hirsch replied, carefully touching the
wounds on David's chest.

"Have you seen Jack?" David asked the doctor, referring to the huge scars Jack had on his face and

"Yes, in fact, your wounds were cleaned and bandaged before you got here." Dr. Hirsch told David.

"Did you talk to the police in East Proctor? Did the police go to The Slaughtered Lamb?" David
questioned the doctor, trying to convince him that they were attacked by a wolf.

"I really don't know." Dr. Hirsch answered David truthfully.

David sighed and looked at the doctor. "Then why the hell are you so quick to disbelieve me? You
yourself said that it must have taken incredible strength to attack a person like that.” David
reminded the doctor.

"David, please. The police are satisfied. I'm certain that if a monster were out roaming northern
England we’d have seen it on the telly." Dr. Hirsch told David.

"You really think I'm crazy, don't you?" David asked Dr. Hirsch.

"Believe me. The Hound of the Baskervilles was an invention of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And if
you'd read the bloody book, you'd find that Holmes discovered your house of hell to be a fraud, a
fake." Dr. Hirsch replied to David, as David straightened his shirt and put it back on.

There is an awkward silence as David sits down and Dr. Hirsch is embarrassed to raise his voice.

"Now really, David. You're too intelligent to go on this way. When you go back to America I want
you to seek out a competent psychiatrist or psychologist or something and stop this nonsense. You
and Jack will be leaving this hospital in three or four days, please remain sane. At least until you
are no longer our responsibility," Dr. Hirsch advised him, as he headed for the door.

David thought. Jack and David had nowhere else to go, unless....

"Dr. Hirsch?" David called out to him. "I think Jack and I would rather not be by ourselves."

"Of course not, David. I'll fetch in young Miss Baskerville. After all, isn't Miss Baskerville the
roommate of the girl who rescued you?" The doctor asked David.

It took David a while to connect the dots in his head. That's when he realized that Miss Baskerville
was actually Allison Baskerville, Gwen's friend. "Gwen?" David asked her.

"Yes, she's Miss Young's roommate, your friend. I don't doubt she would have any problem with
you staying with them, she gets along very well with Mr. Goodman. Rest now, David," the doctor
assured David, as he left the room.

David laid back on the bed and sighed, as he put on his headphones to listen to music. "And then
he tells me that I fall in love quickly..." David said to himself, referring to Jack, trying to relax.

Later, Allison was looking after Jack. It was night and dark outside.

Gwen couldn't visit any of her friends because she was busy at the publishing house where she

Gwen worked as an editor in the publishing house, as a new employee was showing her his work.

Gwen handed him the edited version of his story. "It had a few unnoticed spelling mistakes, but it
was very well written." Gwen told him.

"You can call me Claude." Claude told Gwen. He looked like a knock-off version of Johnny Rotten
of the Sex Pistols, but dressed slightly better than him.

Claude was careless and charismatic, but was very dedicated to his craft, and would be very
obsessive over everything.

"Okay Claude, it's very good. I didn't know you were a supernatural aficionado like me." Gwen
replied to him with a smile.

Claude chuckled and shrugged in response. "I love the supernatural. I'm ready to fight against any
monster!" He declared.

"Do you like werewolves? Vampires?" Gwen started to ask him, as she wrote something in her

"I like both. I would train to be a hunter for both, too." He told her with a smile.

Gwen's eyes widened slightly. "You believe in the supernatural, right?" She asked him.

He nodded. "I do. You're from East Proctor, right?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"I am. I live here though it's-"

"Have you ever met a werewolf, Gwen?" He asked her, interrupting her, interested in her
background. "You believe in these things, for sure

"I do. But I always stayed away from the werewolves, Claude. Nice to meet you though, if there's
anything in the edited text that you don't like, give it to me and I'll fix it." Gwen replied to him with
ease, as she also changed the subject of the conversation.

Claude nodded and left the room. "On it. Thanks Gwen." He replied to her, curious to learn more
about her connection with East Proctor.

Back in the hospital, Allison was reading "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" by Mark
Twain, while Jack slept. Al puts a book aside and yawns as she stretches, then crosses her legs and
picks up the book again.

Jack opens his eyes slightly and sits up.

Al folds the end of her book and sets it down on Jack's bedside table. "I thought you were
sleeping." Allison said to Jack.

"Almost. I was trying to sleep, but it would be taking me a while..." Jack answered her honestly.
“What are you reading?”

“A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. It was thrown around our apartment for some
years now, so I started to read it now and I’ll probably sell it. I’m only reading it out of boredom.”
Allison replied to Jack.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Sell it?"

"Yeah." Al answered him.

"You don't want it? Gwen?" Jack asked her.

"We're trying to save money. Gwen and I are moving to the United States." Al replied to him,
rolling her eyes.

"Cool. When? Where?" Jack asked her with a smile.

"When? We'll arrive on the fifth of May. Where? We'll be in New York. On different buildings, I
think…" Al replied to him.

Jack chuckled. "That's pretty cool, Al. We're from New York, so…" Jack told her.
"I know." Al chuckled. "What are your dreams about, Jack?"

Jack's happy expression slightly fell, as he thought. "Death? They're very twisted and violent
though. Usually they're not like that. Sometimes I dream I'm in a modern version of the Wizard Of
Oz set in Soho, and sometimes I dream I fall in love with a criminal who's a bombshell." Jack
explained to Al.

“You dream of London?” Allison asked him, flabbergasted.

“Not the British Soho, the New Yorker Soho.” Jack cleared up to her with a smile.

“Is it like our Soho?” Al asked him.

Jack shrugged and shook his head. “If you mean peaceful, no.” Jack told her.

"David's also having these nightmares, right?" Al asked Jack about his friend.

"Right. I hope they don't escalate into something worse…" Jack hoped. "What is he dreaming of
right now?"

Meanwhile, as Alex looked after him, David was sleeping in his hospital bed, unlike Jack.

In his dream, David was back again in his home in New York, and was studying art history in the
living room of his house, carefully taking notes of his book as he read the texts.

His father was reading the newspaper as he laid on the sofa, while David's younger siblings, Max
and Rachel, were watching an episode of the Muppet show, and David's mother was cleaning in the

Suddenly, someone started to knock violently on the door.

"Get the door!" Mrs. Kessler said, as she cleaned another plate.

The knocking continued, making David turn his head for a second.

"I'll get it." David's father said, as he stood up from the couch.

The knocking continued and got even bigger, as David's father got closer to the door.

"Alright, alright, hold your horses." David's father told whoever kept knocking on the door. "I said
alright already!"

But when he opened the door, his bright expression fell, as he looked at the people he had just
welcomed into his household.

They were werewolves, but with their faces distorted. One was bald, the other looked like a
monkey, the other had its face melted and the other had big sideburns. They were dressed like if
they were nazis and shot David's father, as they eventually got a hold on David, as one put a knife
on David's neck.

They started to shoot at his siblings and his mother, breaking and burning everything that came
into their way, from their curtains to their bookshelf, as David could only scream and stare in

The one that was grabbing David slit his throat, causing him to wake up violently from his dream,
as he breathed heavily.
Alex was looking at him with a smile. "Are you alright?" She asked him.

"I just had a nightmare." David replied to her.

"Don't worry, it's okay." She reassured him, as she walked over to the curtains, and moved them to
let in the morning light, only for one of the mutant nazis to jump over her and stab her, as she

"Alex!" David screamed in horror, as he watched at how Alex got murdered by the creature.

He then woke up again. It was a dream inside a dream.

David sighed. "Holy shit." He squeaked.

Jack didn't have any good dreams either.

He was in a ballroom, a big and old one, like if it came out of The Shining. Except it was in earthy
and green tones, making it look like it was a forest.

The interior looked as if the room had been built in the 1920s, with very art deco decorations and
furniture. There were several people dancing, all dressed up, as Jack wandered around the room,
trying to figure out why he ended up there. Usually, or for the past week, he had violent and fierce
dreams, so he hoped this one would be more peaceful.

At the back of the room, there was a girl who looked like Gwen, dancing with a boy, who was too
much like David, and Jack relaxed, surely it wasn't a bad dream. He approached the couple, while
the other people dancing ignored him.

"David?" Jack asked the guy who looked like his best friend. He placed his hand on his shoulder
only for the guy to turn around and fall to the floor, suddenly naked and riddled with bullets around
his body, as he bled.

Jack gasped in horror as he took a couple of steps back. Gwen cried, as she fell on the floor on her
knees and held a ripped, bleeding heart on her hand. Jack then looked at her chest, it had a huge
hole in it, showing the interior of her body.

"I couldn't save him." Gwen weeped, as she kept crying at David's corpse.

Jack abruptly woke up, and it was already a new day.

"Fuck!" Jack screamed.

"Jack?" Allison asked him, with his pills on a small plastic cup, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Jack sighed and grabbed the cup, as he also examined the breakfast they had put in front of him.

"Sorry." Jack apologized to her.

"What for?" Al asked him.

"I had a nightmare, Al. Involving David and Gwen." Jack replied to her, as he grabbed a piece of
toast and ate it.

"Do you mind telling me what happened? Only if you want to." Al asked him. "David's been
having crap nightmares too."
"No, sorry Al. It's too much to process." Jack replied to her.

Al brushed his back. "It's okay. Listen, after breakfast, you and David will be released from the
hospital. You'll stay with me and Gwen, because you and David told Dr. Hirsch you had nowhere
to go." Al explained to Jack.

Jack's expression lightened, as he swallowed a bite of a cookie. "Really?" He asked in

astonishment, as Al nodded.

"Yeah. Gwen's with David right now. He doesn't know he's a weerwolf." Allison told Jack.

Jack laughed. "Hey, I also say werewolf like that! Well I hope it goes well…"

Meanwhile, David was about to have breakfast, as Gwen visited him.

"Did you sleep well?" Gwen asked him. "I'm sorry I couldn't visit you or Jack yesterday. There's
this new guy in the publishing house who is almost as smart as me on folklore and monsters, and I
edited his story."

David smiled. "That's great, Gwen. Don't apologize, it's okay." David told Gwen, as he sat on the

"Did you sleep well?" Gwen asked him.

David's expression fell, as he looked down. "I had a nightmare. But it's okay, I think." He

"I'm sorry. I was going to ask you if you were in the right headspace to talk about something right
now and-" Gwen started to tell her, when David's eyes met hers.

"What?" David asked her, looking at Gwen.

"You really want to talk about what happened weeks ago in the moors, and what was it that
attacked you?" Gwen asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." David accepted Gwen's proposal.

Gwen inhaled and exhaled. "You and Jack were attacked by a werewolf." Gwen broke out the news
to him.

David looked at her as if she had just said something extremely vulgar and offensive. "What?" He
let out, looking at Gwen aghast.

"On the moors, you were attacked by a werewolf. A lycanthrope." Gwen explained to David.

Incredulous and scared, David shakes his head. "Shut up…" David squeaks.

"You and Jack are the last werewolves on Earth. Both of you survived and shall continue the
curse." Gwen told him, holding his hand.

"What are you talking about?! I won't accept this." David stammered, as he couldn't believe any of

"Remember what the people at The Slaughtered Lamb said? Beware the moon. You've got two
days." Gwen said to him, as she then tried to get closer to him to hug him.
"Two days for what? Gwen, no!" David raised his voice a little, as he wrapped himself with his

"What? You've got two days to get ready mentally for the full moon." Gwen asked him.

"This is nonsense! Jack-"

"Jack knows he's a werewolf." Gwen told David, interrupting him.

"Yeah but Jack believes in the supernatural and I don't!" David weeped, as he glared at Gwen.

"David, I'll help you. Both of you. But please believe me." Gwen assured him, as he held his hand.
"I know that werewolves are violent creatures, however, we can try to find a way to control the
werewolf, when you transform in two days. If it works, then it's okay, we'll keep finding ways to
tame the beast. If not, you and Jack will have to take your own life, in order to prevent hurting
others. I'm sorry."

David started to cry, as he held his head. Gwen sighed and brushed his back.

"I'm sorry." Gwen squeaked, as she looked down.

"It's okay." David squeaked in response, as he threw his arms around her and hugged her.

Gwen hugged him back, as she put her head on his shoulder.

"Do you know you and Jack are getting released from the hospital today? You'll stay with me and
Allison. She already told Dr. Hirsch." Gwen tried to lighten up the conversation.

"I know. Allison told me." David sobbed, as he didn't want to let go of the hug.

"It's okay, I'm here David." Gwen told him softly, as he noticed he slightly tugged on her sweater.
"Please don't cry, I'm here. I will take care of you."

After breakfast, Jack and David, who were already dressed in their normal clothing, left the
hospital, alongside Allison and Gwen.

They walked down the street, as they tried to get to the train station.

Jack, who was walking by Allison's side, walked over to David and tapped on his shoulder.

"How are we doing, Werewolf By Night?" Jack asked him, referencing the Marvel comic book.

David gave Jack a dirty look. "Shut up." David growled.

Gwen left the two friends alone and went to talk to Allison. Allison looked at Gwen. "Did David
take being a werewolf well?" Allison asked her.

"No. He got really sad. He's scared." Gwen replied worriedly to Allison.

"Then what are you going to do?" Allison asked her another question.

Gwen shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "I don't know, I really want to help him. Neither
Jack or David are safe from what they're going to become, and we're going to have to keep other
people from getting hurt and them from getting hurt." Gwen told him.

"Sounds good to me. There isn't a cure for lycanthropy that isn't fatal, is there?" Allison asked her.
Gwen shook her head. "There is no cure that isn't fatal." Gwen mused.

"I hope whatever you guys try so you don't kill someone or get hurt turns out okay." Allison

"Jack, can I ask you a question?" David asked Jack curiously.

"Sure. Tell me, Dave." Jack replied, as he looked at him.

"How do you feel about being a werewolf? I can't believe it, I didn’t feel so good about that
revelation." David confessed to Jack, whispering so no one would suspect anything.

Jack shrugged. "I feel fine. I mean, no. I don't want to kill people, however, Gwen and I talked
about finding solutions to control ourselves. I'll be optimistic and hope for the best." Jack answered
him honestly.

"But Jack, we don't know." David shot back, worried. “We don’t know if it’s going to work or

"We don't know if we don't try. Trying won't hurt." Jack replied.

They arrived at the train station on their way to Gwen and Allison's house, and then Gwen, Allison,
Jack and David went down the stairs to the London Underground.

Gwen and Allison lived in building 16 Lupus Street, Churchill Gardens. They took one of the trains
and went there.

While they were on the train, there was a crowd of punks mixed in between Al and Jack, who were
on the right side of the train, and Gwen and David, who were on the opposite side.

Gwen held David's hand as he grabbed the railing above him so he wouldn't fall through the crowd
of people. Feeling Gwen's hand, David looked up at her and smiled, as he began to make silly

When he wanted to look at Gwen, Allison noticed that Gwen was laughing at what David was
doing, and Jack tried to contain his laughter at how stupid David's faces were.

In the end, David's faces ended up catching the attention of the punks who were near David, and
they looked at him seriously. David stopped making the faces, and got uncomfortable, causing
Jack to laugh.

When they got off the train, they left the station and walked towards Gwen and Allison's house. As
they walked, Gwen and David were still together.

They passed two girls walking their dog, who began barking violently at David. Allison and Jack,
who were at the entrance of the building, waiting for Allison to open the door, watched the scene.

The little girls laughed at David's confused and perplexed face, and continued on their way, leaving
David alone.

"Thanks a lot, dog!" David sarcastically greeted the dog.

"David..." Gwen whispered to him, as they entered the flat.

Al started talking to Jack and David as she set his bag down in the entrance hall, letting David, Jack
and Gwen in, so she could close the door. "This is our flat. On the right is the living room and
kitchen, and on the left are our bedrooms, bathroom and our work space. One of you can sleep on
the couch." Al gestured to Jack and David, who were looking around the flat.

"It's very nice." Jack said to Allison. David stared at a picture of Gwen as a little girl in East Proctor
that hung on the wall in the hallway near Gwen's room. "Wait, one of you?" Jack asked Allison.

"Do you want to share a bed with me, Jack?" Allison asked mischievously.

Jack laughed, playing along with Allison's game. "It's just that David is too long for the two of us
to get in." Jack laughed.

David rolled his eyes. "Bullshit- No. It's just too small for two people." David replied to Jack.

"I have no problem with us sharing a bed." Gwen said to David. "I don't mean that in a sexual

David's cheeks turned pink and he looked at Gwen shyly out of discomfort. "Can I leave my
backpack in your room?" David asked Gwen.

"Sure, go David. My room is between Al's bedroom and the bathroom. The bathroom door is
open." Gwen indicated to David, pointing to her door. David nodded and went inside Gwen's room,
as he set his blue waistcoat and backpack in the corner of Gwen's room.

Jack as he set about examining Allison's collection of vhs, which was next to the television on a
shelf. Allison stood up from behind him.

"What are you looking for?" Allison asked Jack, crouching down, replicating Jack's position.

Jack shrugged and looked at Al. "I'm just looking at your vhs collection."

"We can watch some movies on the telly, if you want." Allison recommended.

Jack nodded his head. "Sounds like a good idea."

Meanwhile, David was sitting on the end of Gwen's bed, clutching his head in confusion at what
was happening to him. He was getting in over his head.

Suddenly, Gwen knocked softly on the door. "David, may I come in?" Gwen asked politely.

"Yeah." David answered her, looking up to look at Gwen.

Gwen sat down next to him and rested her head on David's arm. "Are you okay?" Gwen asked

David sighed. “No. The whole situation that happened at the moors is confusing me. I don't want to
be a monster." David explained sadly to Gwen.

"Oh, David...There is still time. We'll find a way to help you." Gwen said, trying to cheer him up.

There was an awkward silence, as David stared at nothingness itself and Gwen looked away.

"Do you want a hug?" Gwen asked David. He looked at her and nodded his head, as the two of
them hugged.

They melted into each others arms as David closed his eyes and sniffed.
"David, I'm here. It's okay." Gwen comforted him.

David fluttered his eyes open, as he shed a tear. "Sorry." He squeaked.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, it's okay. Cry all you want." Gwen told him, as she brushed his

"I feel numb." David confessed to her. "All of this is too much to process for me in so little time."

"I know, you can draw something or read something if you'd like to. I have paper and pencils if
you want." She offered him.

David smiled shyly. "Thanks, really. But I'm okay right now. Thank you for listening to me."
David thanked her.

"You're welcome. Hey-" Gwen started to tell him, as she broke the hug, but David kept hugging

"Sorry, but-" David said.

"Yeah." Gwen interrupted him.

"Can we stay like this a little longer?" David asked Gwen.

Gwen wrapped her arms around him again, as she rested her head on the crook of his neck. "Of
course." Gwen accepted his proposal.

David smiled. "Thanks. What were you going to tell me?" David asked her.

"What musicians did you like?" Gwen asked him.

"Well… The Who, The Jam, The Cure, Kate Bush, Television, Buzzcocks, The Zombies… and
sixties girl groups like The Ronettes." David replied to her shyly. "Those are my favourites but
sometimes I don't pay a lot of attention to whoever is singing the song."

Gwen chuckled. "It's okay."

"Can I read some of your stuff tonight?" David asked Gwen. "So that I can clear my mind from
those nightmares."

Gwen nodded. "Sure. Let me find them first." She replied to David.

Meanwhile, Jack and Allison were in her room talking about movies.

Jack turned around and glanced at the huge Dog Day Afternoon poster Al had on her wall.

"I prefer Serpico." Jack told Allison, looking at the poster.

"They're both bloody brilliant, but Dog Day Afternoon is Dog Day Afternoon." Al said with pride,
making Jack laugh.

"Yeah… you like horror, right?" Jack asked Al.

"I do."

"You watched The Wolfman?" Jack asked her.

"I did, Jack. Gwen loves werewolf movies." Allison told him.

"Do you think her parents named her Gwen after Gwen from The Wolfman?" Jack asked Allison.

Allison burst into laughter. "Don't tell her that! She'll go crazy!" Allison laughed.

Jack also laughed. "I just realized that."

"My favourite horror movie is Halloween. Gwen's is, well, The Wolfman." Al told Jack as she

"My favourite horror movie is either The Shining or well, any hammer horror movie or The
Wolfman. There's so many." Jack answered to Allison.

She nodded, as she stood up from the bed and glanced at her clock. "It's getting a bit late. Do you
want to have dinner yet or you aren't that hungry?" Allison asked Jack.

Jack shrugged and got out of bed too, walking to her side. "I'm not that hungry, but yeah, I don't
mind." Jack told her. "We should check on David and Gwen though, they've been pretty quiet."

Al's eyes widened. "They did not." She spoke to herself.

Jack furrowed his brows. "David falls in love too easily, just like Gwen…" Jack started to talk to
Allison, who was walking to Gwen's bedroom, as he followed her from behind.

Al opened the door only to find two drowsy David and Gwen curled up with each other in bed,
watching the sunset.

Jack saw the scene and cleared his throat, making David jump a little and rub his eyes, as he sat on

"What?" David asked, confused.

"It's time for dinner." Jack told David.

"We'll wait for you two." Al told them as they left the room, leaving David with Gwen.

David groaned and softly brushed Gwen's shoulder. "Wake up Gwen." David told her softly.

Gwen fluttered her eyes open. "We fell asleep?" She asked him groggily, sitting on the bed.

"No, we were falling asleep until Jack and Al told us it was time for dinner." David explained to

Gwen nodded, as she got out from bed. "Let's go." Gwen told David, as they left the room to help
Jack and Al.

After dinner, they got into their pajamas and went to their rooms. Gwen found one of her stories
and gave it to David while they were both in bed. Meanwhile Jack and Allison were talking about

"I really like Black Sabbath." Al told Jack. "And Ramones, Deep Purple, The Clash…"

"Yeah, I love them too." Jack told her with a smile.

"Do you think David and Gwen did it?" Al asked Jack with a grin, giggling.
Jack burst out laughing. "No, they didn't. They were watching the sunset. David's not going to fuck
someone without their consent." Jack giggled.

"They're definitely in love." Allison assumed. "I think Gwen always wanted to have a werewolf

"Yeah… Even though we don't know what we'll be capable of in this next full moon. We have to
try things. We can't kill people." Jack reflected, as his bright expression turned into a thoughtful

"True." Al told him.

"Hey Al, you have really beautiful eyes." Jack told him, trying to change topics.

Al giggled. "Thank you, Jack."

"You're welcome. Do you believe in the supernatural?" Jack asked her. "I do."

"I didn't, but after what happened with the dog and David earlier today… I'm reconsidering." Al
admitted to Jack.

"I do believe in the supernatural and the occult," Jack started to tell Allison. "I hope we can find a
way to fix this mess."

"Jack, it's getting late and I have to go to the hospital tomorrow…" Al started to tell him as she
turned off her lamp from her nightstand.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Goodnight Al." Jack told her, as he layed down on the bed and fell asleep.

"Goodnight Jack." She told him, as they were both falling asleep.

Meanwhile, David and Gwen were still awake, as Gwen found one of her stories and gave it to
David, as he looked at the cover.

"Rises The Moon?" David asked Gwen, as he read the title of her story.

"We can read it together if you want to." Gwen offered to him, as they grabbed the book from
different ends.

They read Gwen's short story together, as David's eyes read with caution what was put upon him,
as Gwen rested her head on his shoulder.

"I liked it. It's very nice." David told her once he finished reading the book. "What you used was
actual werewolf mythology?" David asked her.

Gwen nodded. "Including a myth, that says if someone who the werewolf truly loves calls them by
their real name, they'll turn back to human." Gwen told him, as she held David's hand.

Then they both looked at eachother, getting lost in their eyes. David's eyes glimmered slightly, and
Gwen's heart buzzed. She then stopped holding David's hand and grabbed her book, leaving it on
her nightstand.

"That's actually uh...beautiful." David stammered.

"It is. Nobody has ever tried that before though." Gwen told David.
"I think a werewolf can only be killed by someone who loves them. Like in the original Wolfman
film." David reflected.

Gwen layed down. "I believe that too, but in real life that doesn't happen, sadly." Gwen answered
him, as she turned off the light from her nightstand.

David layed down on the bed too, and wrapped an arm around her, as they held each other in their

David placed his head on the top of Gwen's head, as she rested her head on David's shoulder.

"Goodnight, Gwen." David squeaked, as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Night…" Gwen yawned, as they both fell asleep.

Chapter End Notes

These are the faceclaims for Claude, Gwen and Allison.

Gwendolyn Young (Anya Taylor Joy)

Allison Baskerville (Ally Sheedy in the eighties)
Claude Helsing (Basically he looks like Johnny Rotten from when he was with The
Sex Pistols, so...)

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