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‘There are 26 letters in the alphabet. If tis asked to count from the left, then itis begun to count ffom the left, then it is begum to count from A and if tis asked to count from the right then itis begun from Z. It is very difficult to remember the mumber of positions of leiters in the alphabet ffom the left. So for it the formula EJOTY is very useful. E> J 5» 0 5 T 4 ¥ 4 4 4 4 + 5 10 Is 20 25 It means E in the alphabet ftom the lef is at 5® place, Jat 108, O at 158, Tat 20! and Y at 25% place. The position of the other letters is found by adding or subiracting the position of there nearly letters. For example if it is asked, “which letter is at 134 place in the alphabet from the left?” Then by the formula “EJOTY” the nearly values of 13% are 10™ and 15%. 13 => 103 of, 25+(K+L+M) 33 or, 133 15-2 30-W.M=>13 At 13 place the leter in the alphabet from th left is M Side by side it is also difficult to number of position of a leter in the alpha right. For this the formula B GL QV is use It means V is at 5M place in the al right, Qis at 10% place, L is at 15% place, G# and Bis at 25° place. < The position of any letters in the alphabet Hout th right is found in the same way. = Example 1, Which letter is at 17% place in the alphabet ‘rom the right? Solution — By the formula “BGLQV’ we see that 17 in neatly by to 154 or 208 73 15+25L+K+I or, 1720-3 >GHIT Hence at 17% place in the alphabet fiom the right, the letter is ‘I. ‘Second Method. There is another method also by which the number of position of a letter is the alphabet from the right can be Imowa. Position of a letter from the left the letter ftom the right. position of Example. Find the letter which is at 17 place som the ight Answer the Explanation — The position of the letter from the left = 27-17 = 10 By EJOTY formmila, the letter which is 10" from the left is J Boe G «Ll « Qf + + + ¥ t 25 20 1S \ cours OF LETTERS IN ALPHABET Original letters c's Right of J ABCDEFGHIIK xvZ Series Left Series Right Example 2. Find the letter of the alphabet which is 4 to theright of the letter which is 11° fom the lef. Solution — Aus. O 4 to the right of K ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS 11 etter from the left —___—+| TUVWXYZ MIXED SERIES: Then there can be a series that comprises of a mixture of digits, alphabets and symbols, aype of series is also handled the same way as above. difference is that herein one has to count the he series first as against the ALPHABET ow the number is 26. One such series could {Gh92uVaMNQO?2ERS du amples _3-S: Study the following arefully and answer the questions given R15 H* MTE3BSVN4KASWI62 URS TQOLY ‘Ex3. What should come in place of the question mark (2) in the following series based on the above arrangement? ST 3SN KSI QoL @2H GH ©3GH MHI (ENOT ‘Ex Four of the following five are alike in a certain way with regard to their position in the above anrangement. Which is the one that does not belong. tothat group? @GUI (Wot (@7I# @ HMR (BVT ExS. Which of the following is the seventh to the right of the twentieth fiom the right in the above arrangement? @2 1 ©G @6 @NOT Solutions Example 3-5 3 Af 3] +6[3] +f K] +6[ 2] +6 *| +6] s] +6 s| +6] #| +6 Q tT] +6] Nn] +61] +6{ H] +6] F 4B DG HU S21 2 Wi 6 6 4 27 2d 8 # 4) H #2 M SR ) BWV ST as 5 So the answer would be abbeb. D: Seventh element to the right of twentieth element from the right = Thirteenth element from the tight, is 6, SERIES WITH REPEATED LETTERS: This is the third type of series which looks something like Example 6; What would come in the blanks in the following series? _bbca_bea_b_a_be SOME OTHER QUESTIONS There are a few other ‘ype of questions as well. One of the most frequent types is as follows: Example 7: How many pairs of letters are there in the word 'GOVERNMENT' which have as many letters, between them as in the actual alphabet. ‘Solution: In this type of series the task is to fill in the given blanks ‘out of the given options so as to make it a complete series. ‘The approach to solve these type of questions is that we frst count all the elements including the blanks and divide the total number into comfortable subgroups which may be identical or progressional in appearmee, The trick is that the number of elements in subgroups and the number Of subgroups should not lave too large a gap in them, For example in the above there are 16 elements which are most comfortably divided into four groups of four elements each. Therefore they would look like Solution: The task here is to find out the pairs of letters, in the given word which have as many numbers of letters, between them as in the actual alphabet. On closer enquiry we find that in the given word GOVERNMENT » there are two letters between '0" and 'R’ ic. OVER. In actual alphabet we also have twvo letters, between O and R ie. OPQR. Therefore O and R makes one such pair. Similarly in this particular word we have the following pairs. OR NM, RN, GM ‘So we have four such pairs in this word, Please note that, unless otherwise mentioned, the direction does not matte. _bbe/a_be/a_b/a_be and if we fill in the sequence abbcb in the above we get abbelabbe/abbe/abbe as

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