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Signature: English Student: María Belén Rivera.

Teacher: Lcda. Magdalena Piedra. Ciclo: 4º
Parallel: ‘‘A’’ Setion: Night Date: April 29, 2021.

1. Good night everyone.

2. Welcome to the BONITA’s Company.
3. My name is María Belén Rivera, I am the boss of the company.

4. Let me start by giving you some background information. The best banana is

the Ecuadorian.
5. As you’re aware, Banana exports occupy the highest percentage of
international commercialization in Ecuador.
6. Let's go on toanalyze banana exports during the year 2020.
7. Directing our attention now to the economic situation of 2020 we determine
an economic deficit due to the confinement of Covid-19.
8. I'd like to expand on. Most countries in the world were affected in their
exports by the measures taken to combat the health crisis.
9. Let me develop more linking to in another topic, most of the export
destination countries belong to the European Union.
10. As I said at the beginning, this meeting has the purpose of recognizing the
result of banana exports from Ecuador.
11. This relates to what I was saying earlier. According to the analysis of the
export sector, of the 380.498 million exported boxes, 26.50% were destined
for the European Union; 20.10% towards Russia; 15.62% to the Middle East;
9.70% to the United States; 7.01% to East Asia.
12. These ties international ties are due to the increase in demand.
13. The significance of this is the growth of exports to the European Union. It
rose 9.53% compared to the same period of 2019.
14. This is important because, even in the middle of confinement, there was a
positive commercialization.

15. Ecuador is the banana capital of the world

16. Based on our findings, 380,498 million boxes of bananas are exported at
17. According to our study, the demand for Ecuadorian bananas is due to the
quality and the production process that is given to it.
18. Our data shows, of 100% of exports, 82% was exported in containers and the
rest in bulk in refrigerated ships.
19. I’d like to illustrate this point by the following percentage table.

20. This The table shows the growth of exports between 2019 and 2020.

21. In other words, It is necessary to work and improve all the time the transport

that will be used for the delivery of the product to preserve the consumers.
22. Tu put it simply, is necessary to continue facing the challenges that arise.
23. What I want to say is that the production and competition of our product
against other producing and exporting countries must be improved.
24. Let me summarize my points. The export of bananas despite experiencing a
global crisis had a significant growth, this thanks to the high demand but also
thanks to the fact that bananas in Ecuador are excessively regulated.
25. Thank you for your attention. Now I am happy to answer any questions you
might have.

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