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Je m’appelle ‘nom prenom’, j’ai xx ans, je suis célébataire. J’ai toujours été
passionné par l'éducation et l'enseignement, alors une fois le bac en poche j’ai
décidé de m’orienter vers la faculté des lettres et sciences humaines dans laquelle
j’ai suivi un cursus d'études anglaises sur 5 ans. 3 années de licence en Etudes
générales et Linguistiques plus deux années de master en Master de Linguistics And
Advanced English Studies. J’ai eu la chance d’effectuer des stages payants aux
Centres de Langues ici à Marrakech. J'ai enseigné des niveaux différents. Enfin, J’y
ai découvert le métier que je veux exercer aujourd’hui.
-Why do you want to be a teacher?
“ My 11th grade English teacher, Mr. xx, was a huge inspiration to me. She is one of
the primary reasons that I developed such a love for English and Linguistics, and
absolutely one of the major reasons that I decided to pursue teaching as a career.
Her teaching style was humorous and personable, while still incredibly passionate
about the subject. I hope that I can create a classroom that encourages my students
to have fun while learning the same way that he was able to.”
-How to make a classroom suitable for teaching?
● Classroom design and layout can help create a positive learning environment.
The suggestions below will help teachers and students get the most out of
their classroom.
● A flexible working space – one that can be adapted to changing teaching
requirements, i.e. facilitating independent and ‘quiet’ individual learning time,
as well as group work and wider class discussion times.
● Bright colours – it is a well known fact that colours can affect our mood. A dull
colour-less classroom is unlikely to inspire many students, using bold colours
creates a fun, playful environment that will engage students.
● Avoid overcrowding – something that is becoming more common in many
schools today – can lead to classrooms feeling cramped, cluttered and
undersized. Without sufficient personal space, and in a noisy and chaotic
environment, students’ concentration and motivation can suffer.
-What are the issues that impede the Moroccan schools?
The issues are mainly school dropouts, weak numbers of schooling in the rural
world, the high illiteracy rate, and the deterioration of educational performance.
-How can you use Games in The classroom?
The role of games in teaching and learning vocabulary cannot be denied. However,
in order to achieve the most from vocabulary games, it is essential that suitable
games are chosen. Whenever a game is to be conducted, the number of students,
proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings
are factors that should be taken into account.
The games you choose should:
● Increase students’ skills, whether they be the modalities (reading, writing,
speaking, or listening), thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and social skills
(e.g., working with a team, taking turns, etc.)
● Be inextricably threaded with content. After all, isn’t this part of a class? This
is a great opportunity to informally assess students’ understanding of
important ideas. The game can serve as a review of content and an
application of key concepts, when possible.
● Require the participation of every student in some way. You shouldn’t have a
situation where only certain students are chosen to represent a group. If the
game can’t involve all the students, then it shouldn’t be played.
Be both educational and FUN so learning is equated with pleasure.
In a classroom with limited device use, make time for game-based learning activities
● Focusing more on non-digital games, such as board games with educational
● Creating learning stations, one of which is playing a device-based game
● Playing team games, letting students play in pairs or groups
-What is the best strategy to make students learn?
Visualization is a great method to summarize or process information that has been
taught in class. When students consume information through visual means, it helps
them retain what they have learned for a longer time. This strategy also helps slow
learners in class to visualize the ongoing lesson in a clear, simple and systematic
Therefore, teachers have started using visual tools like graphic organizers, flow
charts, Venn diagrams, and concept maps that effectively help students to grasp
information through visual memory.
-How can we use ICT in the classroom?
● Various devices/technology in ICT includes:
● Access of course materials through remote devices,
● Online digital repositories for lectures, course materials, and digital library,
● Online/ cloud based academic management systems,
● Employing the flipped classroom concept,
● Making use of handheld computers, tablet computers, audio players, projector
devices etc.
Ideas of exactly how to use technology in the classroom to enhance learning, some
examples include:
● Gamified learning
● Digital field trips
● Integrate social media
● Gather student feedback
● Creating digital content
● Using a shared, online classroom calendar
● Review and critique webpages
● Incorporate video and multimedia into lessons and presentations
● Online activities for students who finish work early
-How to Teach Mixed Ability Classes
● Structure your lessons so that activities have more open-ended possibilities. ..
● Create ongoing activities. ...
● Use level-specific material. ...
● Communicate equally with the whole class. ...
● Use positive pair-work.
-Tense vs aspect
Tense—the position of the state or action in time, that is, whether it is in the past,
present or future.
Aspect—the extension of the state or action in time, that is, whether it is unitary
(perfective), continuous or repeated (imperfective).
-Corrective feedback
Corrective feedback is a frequent practice in the field of learning and achievement. It
typically involves a Learner receiving either formal or informal feedback on his or her
understanding or performance on various tasks by an agent such as teacher,
employer or peer.
-First day at school “encounter”
● Orchestrate positive first impressions.
● Introduce yourself effectively.
● Clarify learning objectives and expectations.
● Help students learn about each other.
● Set the tone for the course.
● Collect baseline data on students' knowledge and motivation.
-How to engage shy students
● Build a Relationship and a Supportive Environment. ...
● Don't Pressure! ...
● Use Collaborative Learning. ...
● Hold Class Discussions. ...
● Make Them Feel Needed. ...
● Role Play Social Situations.
-How to assess students in online classrooms
There are several approaches for evaluating students:
● Online quizzes
● Essay questions
● Drag-and-drop activities
● Online interviews
● Dialogue simulations
● Online polls
● Game-type activities
● Peer evaluation and review
-Educational research
Educational research can be broadly categorized into 3 which are descriptive
research, correlational research, and experimental research. Each of these has
distinct and overlapping features.
Descriptive Educational Research
In this type of educational research, the researcher merely seeks to collect data with
regards to the status quo or present situation of things. Because of its emphasis on
the "what" of the situation, descriptive research can be termed an observational
research method. In descriptive educational research, the researcher makes use of
quantitative research methods including surveys and questionnaires to gather the
required data. Typically, descriptive educational research is the first step in solving a
specific problem. Here are a few examples of descriptive research:
● A reading program to help you understand student literacy levels.
● A study of students' classroom performance.
● Research to gather data on students' interests and preferences.
Correlational Educational Research
This is a type of educational research that seeks insights into the statistical
relationship between two research variables. In correlational research, the
researcher studies two variables intending to establish a connection between them.
Correlational research can be positive, negative, or non-existent. Positive correlation
occurs when an increase in variable A leads to an increase in variable B, while
negative correlation occurs when an increase in variable A results in a decrease in
variable B.
When a change in any of the variables does not trigger a succeeding change in the
other, then the correlation is non-existent. Also, in correlational educational research,
the research does not need to alter the natural environment of the variables; that is,
there is no need for external conditioning.
Examples of educational correlational research include:
● Research to discover the relationship between students' behaviors and
classroom performance.
● A study into the relationship between students' social skills and their learning
Experimental Educational Research
Experimental educational research is a research approach that seeks to establish
the causal relationship between two variables in the research environment. It adopts
quantitative research methods in order to determine the cause and effect in terms of
the research variables being studied.
Experimental educational research typically involves two groups – the control group
and the experimental group. The researcher introduces some changes to the
experimental group such as a change in environment or a catalyst, while the control
group is left in its natural state.

The introduction of these catalysts allows the researcher to determine the causative
factor(s) in the experiment. At the core of experimental educational research lies the
formulation of a hypothesis and so, the overall research design relies on statistical
analysis to approve or disprove this hypothesis.
Examples of Experimental Educational Research
● A study to determine the best teaching and learning methods in a school.
● A study to understand how extracurricular activities affect the learning
Advantages and disadvantages of Online learning
Lose Concentration: Without having proper care for students while online classes
by teachers they can easily lose focus on studies. Also, virtual classes can be done
through phone or laptop gadgets where students can easily move to games or
videos or youtube for entertainment. This completely makes them go off track from
subject studies.
Health Issues: Many parents are worried about their child’s health as it is unhealthy
to sit for hours in front of a computer screen. Looking at the screen for too long can
also damage their eyesight. Not only that, back problems due to incorrect sitting
positions may arise.
Expensive: We know that you have been confused after seeing this disadvantage.
As we have said earlier that it is less in cost but it is also expensive for economically
weaker students. Parents who are jobless due to covid can not afford smartphones
or computers for students’ online learnings. In such cases, digital learning may be
accessible but it’s not readily affordable.
Lack of socializing skills: As there is no socializing included in digital learning several
students who study through digital mode can not acquire socializing skills. Also, it
may lead to a decrease in the cooperative skills of a student.
Isolation: While digital education has its perks many students feel a sense of
isolation and become depressed. This is due to little to no human contact and
socializing with peers. Both students and teachers alike are prone to loneliness in
virtual learning.
Limited: Digital learning does not apply to all disciplines and subjects. Areas that
require practicals like engineering, medical science, and other STEM subjects
cannot be implemented fully with digital classes. Moreover, some practicals cannot
be learned virtually.
Lack of Good Internet connection: As we all know that online classes/learning are
more flexible and accessible from anywhere conveniently with the help of a good
internet connection. If you fail to connect your phone or computer with good internet
connectivity then you may miss a lot of important stuff because of buffering. Also, for
a good internet connection parents need to spend money on a monthly or yearly
basis which is a disadvantage for poor and middle-class families.
Prevention of cheating is difficult: Unlike traditional learning where teachers can
personally monitor students. Digital Online Classes make it quite difficult for teachers
to assess their students during exams. The teachers will have no idea if students
cheat on the test or not as they are not physically there to assess them.
-Rank of Moroccan education system
According to the Legatum prosperity Index, Moroccan education system is ranked
110th of 167 in 2021.
According to the World Economic Forum's annual report for 2016/2017, Morocco
ranked 119th out of 137 countries for quality of education system

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