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Philippine Merchant Marine School

Senior High School Department

San Antonio Valley Road, Talon Road,
Las Piñas City

3rd Quarterly Examination


Name: ______________________________________ Gr. & Section: ____________

Teacher: ____________________________________ Score: __________________

I Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. Which is not a characteristic of a successful entrepreneur?

A. Hard-working C. Motivated
B. Passionate D. Takes very little risk

_____ 2. Which of the statements below is true?

A. Entrepreneur has limited career opportunities.
B. Entrepreneurs are prone to constant high income.
C. Entrepreneurs are the reasons for unemployment problem.
D. Entrepreneurs are contributor to the development of the society.

_____ 3. Which of the following is not a skill needed by an entrepreneur?

A. business skill C. drawing skill
B. computer skill D. organizational skill

_____ 4. Which statement below describes entrepreneurship?

A. The physical talents of people to build things.
B. Machines, tools, and devices used for production.
C. Putting together productive resources to produce a good or service.
D. The ability to harvest and use natural resources to create products to be sold to
_____ 5.  Which term refers to the approximate number of costumers that will buy or avail the
service you are offering.
A. loyalty B. methods C. potential market D. prototype

_____ 6. Which term refers to the gender, marital status, age, employment status of
who are likely to form entrepreneurial intentions?
A. Demographics C. internal factor
B. External factor D. internal risk

_____ 7. What is a risk an entrepreneur takes in running a business? 

A. Going bankrupt [losing everything]
B. Not having a steady job/paycheck
C. Losing the money invested in starting the business
D. All of these
_____ 8. What is the process of dividing a market into groups of people who have the same?
product needs?
A. Concentrated Marketing Strategy
B. Market
C. Market Segmentation
D. Target market

_____ 9. Which of the following best describes a target market?

A. Close competitors of a business
B. Groups that do not buy a business's products
C. The individuals at whom a business's marketing strategies are aimed
D. The people who buy a business's products

_____ 10. The marketing mix consists of 4 functions that help marketers plan their marketing
strategies.  Which of the following functions of marketing is not included in the
marketing mix?
A. price B. product C. profit D. promotion

II Choose the letter that corresponds to the trait of successful entrepreneur that is
described in each description.

______ 11. Entrepreneurs work until a job is done. They are determined to overcome problems.
A. Creative C. Persistent
B. Inquisitive D. Responsible

______ 12.  It is essential that entrepreneurs be able to get along with others and enjoy
and talking to people.
A. Human Relations Skill C. Problem Solving/Decision Making
B. Math Skills D. Technical Skills

______ 13. Entrepreneurs look for challenging opportunities.  They are not afraid to take risks.
A. Goal Oriented C. Responsible
B. Inquisitive D. Risk-taker

______ 14. Entrepreneurs want to make their own decisions.  They set their own schedules and
can work without supervision. 
A. Independent C. Risk-Takers
B. Persistent D. Self-Confident

______ 15. Entrepreneurs are curious about things that may affect their business.  They are not
afraid to ask questions or to conduct research to solve problems. 
A. Independent C. Inquisitive
B. Risk Taker D. Self-confident
III Identify the type of entrepreneurs being described in the following statements. Write
A for innovative
B for imitating
C for drone
D for Fabian
E for social entrepreneur.

______ 16.They follow the path shown by innovative entrepreneurs.

______ 17.They wait for some time before the innovation becomes well tested by others.
______ 18.These are die-hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business.
______ 19.They think of newer, better, and more economical ideas of business organization
and management.
______20. They undertake poverty alleviation and dare to overcome traditional business
practices and innovate with the zeal of an entrepreneur.

IV Classify the products inside the box and write them under their correct heading.

car insurance car wash oil rice Toyota

car rental finished products plastic ware steel tutor

21. Augmented
22. Durable
23. Fabricated Parts
24. Non-durable
25. Non-good service
26. Owned-good service
27. Raw Material
28. Rented-good service
29. Staple
30. Tangible

IV Matching Type
Match the examples in Column A with the barriers to entry in entrepreneurship in
Column B.

Column A Column B
______31. Permit A. Access to resources
______32. Money B. Investment
______33. Suppliers C. Location
______34. License D. Regulation
______35. Venue of the business E. Technology

V True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.

______ 36. Successful entrepreneurs need math skills so they can create budgets.
______37. Instead of seeing problems, a successful entrepreneur usually sees opportunities.
______ 38. Entrepreneurs tend to be people with positive attitudes.
______ 39. A skill is an ability that you can learn through training and practice
______ 40. The entrepreneurial mindset is a blend of characteristics, attitudes, and skills that
only people born with certain aptitudes can develop.

VI Identification Identify the term described in the following statements. Write
answer on the space provided before each number.

__________________ 41. This is set of features and attributes of a product or service that
determine its ability to satisfy human needs.
__________________ 42. It is the state where the buyer is assured that the product meets the
specifications stated in the product labels.
__________________43. It is a method of generating idea where all the members of the group
contribute to share ideas, comments, and suggestions
__________________ 44. It is a method of generating idea by getting feedback coming from the
customers and potential market.

__________________ 45. It is a review of market factors, revenues, cost, and trends

VII Essay
Discuss briefly in 5-8 sentences. (5 points)
If you will design your own products, what satisfying features will you consider? Explain each.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked and reviewed by:

SHS Program Head



Dean of Studies

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