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Active Voice and Passive Voice

Kalimat aktif (active voice) lebih mudah dipahami daripada kalimat kalimat pasif
(passive voice). Subject pada kalimat active akan berubah menjadi object pada
kalimat passive. Kata kerja active melakukan peketrjaan, kata kerja passive
dikenai pekerjaan. Mengubah kalimat pasif menjadi kalimat aktif lebih gampang
tetapi membutuhkan sedikit latihan. Dalam tabel di bawah ini. Contohnya dipakai
adalah kata kerja dasar To Keep,

kalimat aktif dan pasif

Tense Bentuk Bentuk Kalimat Aktif Kalimat Pasif

Aktif Pasif

Simple Keep is kept I keep the butter in The butter is kept in

present the fridge. the fridge.

Present is is being John is keeping my My house is being

continuous keeping kept house tidy. kept tidy.

Simple past Kept was kept Mary kept her Mary's schedule
schedule was kept
meticulously. meticulously.

Past was was The theater was A seat was being

continuous keeping being keeping a seat for kept for you.
kept you.

Present have have I have kept all your All your old letters
perfect kept been old letters. have been kept.

Past perfect had kept had been He had kept up his His training
kept training regimen for regimen had been
a month. kept up for a
Tense Bentuk Bentuk Kalimat Aktif Kalimat Pasif
Aktif Pasif

Simple will will be Mark will keep the The ficus will be
future keep kept ficus. kept.

Conditional would would If you told me, I If you told me, your
present keep be kept would keep your secret would be
secret. kept.

Conditional would would I would have kept Your bicycle would

past have have your bicycle here if have been kept here
kept been you had left it with if you had left it
kept me. with me.

Present to keep to be She wants to keep The book wants to

infinitive kept the book. be kept.

Perfect to have to have Judy was happy to The puppy was

infinitive kept been have kept the puppy. happy to have been
kept kept.

Present keeping being I have a feeling that I have a feeling that

participle & kept you may be keeping a secret may be
gerund a secret. being kept.

Perfect having having Having kept the bird The bird, having
participle kept been in a cage for so long, been kept in a cage
kept Jade wasn't sure it for so long, might
could survive in the not survive in the
wild. wild.

Active Components text

Once you've turned on your electronic device, there is one type of component that
your product must have for it to work. This type of component is called the active
component. Active components require electricity to work and are able to control
the electricity running through them. These are the components that keep your
computer off when you turn it off and then turn it on when you turn it on. They
also turn on various parts of your electronic device when certain conditions are
met. For example, when your computer is accessing the hard drive, it is an active
component that tells the hard drive LED indicator to turn on to let you know what
your computer is doing.

So, say you want to build a little electronic toy. You will need at least one active
component. These are considered active components.

 Transistors

 Diodes

Both of these control electricity. Diodes only allow electricity to flow in one
direction. Transistors amplify the electrical signals they receive.

If you want your little electronic toy to do more than just turn on you will need
more than one active component to direct your electricity. Your cell phone, for
example, has lots of transistors that amplify the electricity where it needs to.
Another thing about active components is that they need the electricity to be a
certain amount before they turn on. For example, a diode may have a rating of 0.7
V, meaning that it needs 0.7 V of electricity before turning on and allowing the
electricity to flow through.

Exercise A

1. Berapa banyak tenses yang digunakan dalam text diatas sebutkan tenses
apa saja.
2. Buat kalimat passive dari text tersebut.

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