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Sim8085 - Intel 8085 Simulator (editor+compiler+debugger)

In fact, this program has been my graduation project. I design it so that it may help people
who take any Intel 8085 related course or laboratory.

Subject : "Software Simulation Implementation of Intel 8085 Microprocessor Instruction

Execution on Intel 80386 Based CPU’s and Under Win32 Operating System

This is a "Three-in-One" program:

 an editor : You can write your code in an user friendly environment with all the
tools that you would need. Editor has all the known editor commands, and also has
the "syntax highlighting" capability. You can configure the text format and color
for all reserved assembly words.

Sim8085 editor mode screen snapshot :

 a compiler : You can check your code for 8085 assembly language syntax. While
checking the syntax, code list and code object files can be generated automatically, if
you want.

 a debugger : Here is the main part of the program; the commands you write are
converted into machine code and saved into a virtual 64KB memory. Debugger
consists of five parts internally: Code, data, stack, register and flag panes. All the
work and changes can be viewed via these panes. By the way, "to debug" means,
machine codes can be traced step by step while all the memory and register contents
can be viewed instantly. So, there left no word to say, I guess.

Sim8085 debugger mode screen snapshot : 

This is "v2.2 release 1" of the program and it's completely freeware! I'm working on some
improvements related to debug mode now, but they are temporarily disabled until next

What is new in version 2.2.1 ?

 Erroneous execution of "RAR" command is fixed.

 Erroneous execution of "STAX" command is fixed.
 Registration related stuff within the program is removed.
 Ability of "news/version check" is added.
 Sim8085 has its own forum now, you can ask questions and/or share your experiences
with other users.
 "On the fly" code manipulation in the debug mode is temporarily disabled until next

To-Do's :

 "On the fly" code manipulation in the debug mode will be improved.
 Total execution time of the instractions will be calculated and displayed in the debug
mode. µp clock frequency will be able to entered by the user.
 Simple "code execution delay calculator" will be added. According to the entered values
of µp clock frequency and required delay time, loop counters will be calculated.
 Debugger window layout will be redesigned so, user will be able to resize it.

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