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Small talk with someone i know (Dam)

Dam: Hey Syed, how is it going?

Syed: Oh hi Dam, thanks for asking. I am doing great. How about you?
Dam: I am doing pretty well too.What is happening with you these days, I heard you went to
work overseas.
Syed: Yes that's true, I have been busy these past couple of days, but now I took a vacation.
Dam: That’s nice man.
Syed: How about you? What have you been up to?
Dam: Well, I have been trying to find a job here and there but I gave up and started my own
Syed: Oh that is great, congratulations Dam.
Dam: Thanks bro.
Syed: Have you gone back to Sarawak yet?
Dam: Yea just last month, it was great to see it again.
Syed: Yea I remember the last time when we all went there.
Dam: That was a great memory, we had a blast there.
Syed: I sure hope we can do it again sometime with the boys.
Dam: Yea that would be great, I would love to release stress.
Syed: Me too. So have you eaten yet?
Dam: No, I am about to. You wanna come with?
Syed: Yea sure let’s go.

Small talk with someone I don't know (Syed)

Syed: It is sunny isn’t it?
Dam: Yeah it is. Wish it would rain sooner.
Syed: Yeah I bet, I didn’t bring any umbrella unfortunately.
Dam: Nah you can use mine, I got an extra in my backpack [give the umbrella]
Syed: Thanks my guy. I’m Syed btw
Dam: Oh I’m Damian but you can just call me Dam.
Syed: Alright nice to meet you, Dam. Soooo where are you heading to?
Dam: Oh I just got back from lunch so now I’m heading back to my office.
Syed: Oh, what did you do for a living?
Dam: I’m a financial guy at an automobile company.
Syed: …..What company?
Dam: BMW
Syed: ……………Dude that is massive. What position are you in?
Dam: Like I said, I am a financial guy. A chief financial officer to be precise.
Syed: What did a guy like you doing at the bus stop anyway!?
Dam: Oh I just find it more convenient and easygoing.
Dam: Oh here goes my lift, here take my card so that we can catch up later.
Syed: Alright cheers Dam!
Dam: See ya, chump!

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