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Complete Managed

SBLC Program
The Safe and Secure Method of Issuing & Monetizing a SBLC to create 30M or 100M of
Non-Recourse Funding.


20 Years of Authentic Experience that gets Bankable Results

Deposit Amounts Required

350K = $30 Million SBLC | $500K = $100 Million SBLC
This material contains exclusive information. Nothing received from our Financial Institution now and in the future should be construed as an offer, solicitation
or recommendation to buy or sell securities or to engage in any other transaction. This information is given solely for informational purposes, requested by you
(the party to whom the information is transmitted to).

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

I. #1 Program – 100% No Fraud Guarantee!
II. Attorney Trust Account Protection
III. Program Advantages
IV. SBLC Issued by Top 25 World Bank
V. Preferred Program Bank
VI. Echo Capital is Direct
VII. Program Overview
VIII. Program Guide & Timeline
IX. Deposit Protection
X. Program Enrollment
XI. Investment Options & Returns
XII. 4 Important Things you MUST Know
XIII. Questions and Answers
XIV. Get Started NOW!

SBLC Funding & Monetization Experts

Echo Capital

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#1 Program – 100% No Fraud Guarantee!
We are so confident about the authenticity, genuineness of this program and its successful results that
EVERY CLIENT that enrolls is given the following undertakings which provide transparency and security….

1/ 40 Billion in Real Evidence - We will provide you with sanitized copies of over 40 Billion Dollars in
Successful SBLC Transactions. Yes, you read that right! We will prove our providers historical ability to
perform with hard cold evidence direct from the Top 25 Banks that sent the SBLC. No BS, No Fooling
around, others talk, we deliver!

2/ 60 Day Performance Agreement & Guarantee – The Trust Attorney 100% Guarantees that if your SBLC
is not issued within 60 Business Days, he will return your Deposit funds to you. We make money closing
deals NOT taking client deposits!

The 60 Day Performance Guarantee is signed in writing with the Trust Attorney and forms an essential part
of the Attorney Trust Agreement that all clients sign directly with the Trust Attorney BEFORE ANY funds to

3/ Two Large Independent Law Firms – Our program is bookended with has two separate large independent
Law firms at both ends of the transaction. One Law Firm at the start of the transaction acts as the Trust
Attorney who protects your Deposit. The other Law Firm is at the end of the transaction and is responsible
for paying your Program proceeds to the bank account you nominate. BOTH Law firms are fully disclosed in
documentation that is provided to all clients after clients have provided CIS, NCND and POF. ALL Clients have
binding legal agreements with BOTH Law Firms.

I challenge you to show me any other Managed SBLC Program that offers you the level of Protection,
Credibility, Detail and Transparency that this program does! I do not think any other similar program

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Attorney Trust Account Protection
(Either your SBLC is Issued or your Get your Deposit Returned)

The Law Firm that administers the Attorney Trust Account which is charged with protecting client deposits
was founded by a very well-known Attorney who became a Supreme Court Judge and was appointed as
the First President of a Constitutional Court. They are a significant International Law Firm with a
comprehensive web site which lists all of their impressive credentials and contains detailed biographies on
all Attorneys and staff.
• The US Embassy recommends them on the US Embassy web site for use by all Americans
• They are Rated as the #1 Law Firm on a well-known International Business Suppliers Registry
• They were appointed as the Legal Counsel for the Government of very large country.

Their Law Firm are also Members of:

• Bar Association - Current Verified Member
• International Bar Association
• ALFA International Global Legal Network
• Tax Studies Center - Association of Professionals
• International Trademark Association
• Inter-American Association of International Studies
• Association of Administrative Law
• Tax & Labor Network
• Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers
• Chamber of Commerce and many more.

The Personal Credentials of the Trust Attorney who directly enters a Comprehensive 13 Page Attorney
Trust Account & 60 Day Performance Agreement with each client is as follows:
• Founding Partner of the Law Firm
• Nominated in 2011 as Professional of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce
• Recognized in 2012 by Chambers & Partners as the Leading Lawyer in the Country
• Mediator & Arbitrator for the Bar Centre of Justice and the Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution
• Arbitrator of Law in the American Chamber of Commerce since 2002
• Law Professor at a major Law Faculty
• Law Students Attorney General and former Editor of the Law School Newspaper

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Program Advantages
• Program operated with SBLC from - Top 25 World Bank

• Funding is completed with a World Bank that as over 1700 Branches in 70 Countries.

• International Attorney who is the Founding Partner of a

Large Law firm which is recommended by the US
Embassy operates the Attorney Trust Account that
receives Client Deposits ($350K / $500K).

• Straight Pre-negotiated SBLC Buy / Sell

• Full Non-Recourse Funding Available

• No Trading, No Leveraging, No Borrowing

• No Interest Charged, No Equity Percentage Required, No

Security Needed

• No Personal or Corporate Credit Checks HARD FACTUAL

• No Project Documentation Required We provide every client with
Real Bank Documents
• Program Contract provided within 72 Hours confirming the SBLC Issuer has
the capacity to complete your
• Up to 1% Commission Paid to Brokers Transaction after Clients have
signed our JV Agreement.
• Program Length is 45 to 90 Days or faster.

Program Financial Summary

Net Cash Funds Paid to the Client After all
Deposit Amounts
Transactions Costs Deducted

$350K USD Program $30,000,000

(Thirty Million USD)

$500K USD Program $100,000,000

(One Hundred Million USD)

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SBLC Issued by Top 25 World Bank

The SBLC are issued from a multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in Europe
and Asia. It is one of the oldest and most trusted banking names in the world that was founded several hundred
years ago.

They operate in over 50 countries and territories across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South
America and have over 50 million customers. Their total assets exceed several Trillion Dollars, and they
have been rated one of the Top 5 Banks Worldwide.

They are listed on one of the most prominent Stock Exchanges in the world and have a long-established
history of quality and success in the Banking Industry.

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Preferred Program Bank

The Complete Managed SBLC Program utilizes SBLC we arrange to have issued by a respected Top 25
World Bank because of the underlying financial strengths of that organization and the fact that are:

• Highly Respected
• Safe
• Valuable
• Internationally Recognized
• Listed on Top World Stock
• Exchange
• Founded Hundreds of Years Ago

The SBLC we use for this program have been Pre-Approved by our Funder for fast, efficient and immediate
payout 72 Hours after Delivery, Authentication and Verification.

This enables us to consistently operate the program because we are using Tested, Proven, Highly Credible
and Well-Established service providers to both issue and monetize the SBLC.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Echo Capital Is Direct
In an industry of 10 million Brokers, we want to make our position very clear….

Echo Capital is DIRECT to BOTH the SBLC Issuer and the SBLC Funder. We write ALL client contracts for the
program and are DIRECT to the Signatories. We are the SOLE retail contact for all customers who wish to
participate in the program and have been the driving force behind its creation. Access to the Program is
SOLELY through Echo Capital.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Program Overview
The power of this transaction is in its simplicity and the way in which the program provider has pre-
structured and pre-negotiated the outcome for clients.

Essentially all we are doing is purchasing a SBLC from a Top 25 World Bank at 14.5% (12+2.5) of its value
and delivering it to a highly reputable and proven funder who is one of the largest financial institutions in
the world and whom immediately pays us up to 50% of its value.

The resulting profit margin in the middle e.g. (50% - 14.5%) = 35.5% is the Result we share with the
Client…. YOU!

This same process happens in Real Estate all the time….

You Buy a House at a You then Immediately

Short Sale for $140K Sell the House for $500K

The True Value of the Making a Profit of $360K

House is $1 Million ($500K - $140K)

The net result in the above Real Estate Transaction is a Profit of $360,000, which you are not required to
repay to anyone.

All Parties in the transaction benefited: The Short Sale Property Sold, the Buyer who bought the 1 Million
Dollar Property from you at $500K is happy, and you walk away with a $360,000 Cash Profit to use
however you like.

The SBLC Transaction follows exactly the same process. But instead using a House as the asset, we use a
Top 25 World Bank Security Certificate called a SBLC.

We have structured this transaction with several direct benefits to you, which include:

1. Using an A Rated Bank Security (SBLC) as the asset rather than a house. This much safer because the
(SBLC) has a set defined value which is determined by the bank. Other banks also recognize this value
because the value of the (SBLC) certificate (eg $30 Million Dollars) refers the amount of cash that Top 25
World Bank has set aside as collateral for the certificate.

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2. We have pre negotiated the sale terms and price of the (SBLC) BEFORE we buy it, as a result there is
virtually no risk because the buyer of the (SBLC) has already committed to purchasing it from us in writing
before we buy it.

3. The (SBLC) Transaction we are completing is several times the size of the Real Estate transaction so the
Profits we make as a result are exponentially larger.

4. The Transaction is a bank-to-bank transaction, which is completed on the Bank SWIFT Network. It is
therefore very secure and a number of detailed bank procedures need to be followed which eliminates
fraud protect all parties.

5. And there is one critical difference! We have negotiated with the (SBLC) supplier to pay their 12.5%
(10+2.5) fee to buy the (SBLC) within 15 days AFTER the (SBLC) is delivered to the seller we are selling it to.
This means we can pay the 12.5% (SBLC) issuing cost from the proceeds given by the funder who purchases
the (SBLC). This is the magic in the process!

Without this pre-negotiated payment option, most clients would never be able to afford the 12.5% cost to
have a (SBLC) issued.

This process has been operating for close to 20 years, is sound, proven and has known outcomes and
deliverables for clients.

The transaction does NOT involve, currency trading fluctuations, the stock market movements or a
requirement for funds to be churned in trading.

The combination of the two transactions, which are BOTH pre-negotiated, result in the Programs ability to
generate the forecast return for clients with extreme accuracy.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Program Guide & Timelines
Time Description
1 Day – Client Compliance Application
1 Day – Audit
1 Day – Corrections
1 Day – Re-Audit (If Required)
2 Days – Compliance
3 Days – Agreement
10 Days – Independent Trustee Meeting (If Required)
2 Days – Deposit Paid
30 Days – Program
30 Days – Funding

Note: Times are estimates only and are subject to change. Days given are banking days.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Deal Completion Roadmap
Stage 1 Client Compliance Application
All clients are required to complete the Secure Platform Funding Managed SBLC Client Compliance Application
which provides Full Details from the Client as well as Proof of Funds and Important Required Banking
Stage 2 Audit
Our Legal Department Audits the Client Compliance Application for missing information, inconsistent data,
mistakes and incongruent information.
Stage 3 Corrections (If Required)
(If Required) The Client Compliance Application is returned to the client by our Legal Department and the
client is asked to make the necessary corrections, changes or provide additional information as required.

Stage 4 Re-Audit
Our Legal Department Audits the Client Compliance Application for missing information, inconsistent data,
mistakes and incongruent information. Once the Application Passes Audit it moves to Compliance.
Stage 5 Compliance
Our Compliance Team Reviews the Client Compliance Application to check the authenticity of the information
provided, the good standing of the Applicant and that the funds earned by the client will not be used for an
illegal activity such as drugs, guns or money laundering.
Stage 6 Agreement
Our Legal Team then issues a Comprehensive Managed SBLC Agreement (26 Page) that provides full details of
the Independent Trustee, SBLC Provider, Protections of the clients Deposit and time lines for the completion
of the transaction.

Stage 7 Independent Trustee Meeting (If Required)

(If Required by the Client) We will schedule a Physical Face to Face Meeting between the Client and the
Independent Trustee in the Independent Trustees offices.
Stage 8 Deposit Paid
The Client then pays the Deposit and any fees to start the program.

Stage 9 Program
The 8 Step Managed SBLC Program commences as follows: SBLC is
1) Ordered with the Bank
2) SBLC is Created
3) Issuing Banks Sends MT799
4) Receiving Bank Verifies and Authenticates the MT799
5) Receiving Bank Replies to MT799
6) Issuing Bank receives Receiving Banks MT799
7) Issuing Bank Send MT760
8) Receiving Bank Verifies and Authenticates the MT760

Stage 10 Funding
Funding is paid in 3 Payments.
A. First Non-Recourse Payment is Completed
B. Second Non-Recourse Payment is Completed
C. Third Non-Recourse Payment is Completed

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Deposit Protection
All Client Deposits ($350K / $500K) are wired directly to an Attorney Trust Account which is
administered by an International Attorney with Bar License who is the Founding Partner of the Law Firm
and has been successfully Practicing Law with NO criminal history, NO criminal record, NO convictions
and is the Legal Counsel for major Governments and Corporations.

ALL Clients who wish to participate in this program MUST make either a $350K or $500K Deposit.
No Deposit, No Program Participation!

The Deposit is required for 4 Reasons:

1/ The Top 25 World Bank will NOT issue a SBLC unless they have an assurance that when they complete
delivery of the SBLC to the funder that they will be promptly paid for creating and delivering the SBLC.

2/ ALMOST ALL banks now require Clients to make a good faith payment at the start of a SBLC transaction.
Too many Banks have been burned with failed SBLC transactions by clients who have refused to show any
capacity to be able to:

a) Either make a good faith payment, or

b) Settle a legitimate SBLC transaction.

The high rate of failed SBLC transactions from clients who have not invested any money in the settlement
of their own SBLC transactions has led most Banks and SBLC Issuers to now require good faith payments
BEFORE a SBLC is Issued by a bank.

3/ If clients could get $30 Million or $100 Million Dollar SBLC issued without contributing a single dollar,
every homeless person on the planet would be doing it! There has to be a common sense barrier to
prohibit that sort of foolishness and misuse.

4/ There has been a high level of fraud with Proof of Funds, Bank Statements and Cancelled ICBPO’s. Our
view is…. If a client cannot transfer $350K or $500K to an Attorney Trust Account when they “claim” to
have funds to buy a $30 Million Dollar SBLC, then they probably aren’t real in the first place and we
shouldn’t be doing business with them.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Multiple Layers of Deposit Protection
The Program has been developed with multiple layers of Deposit Protection; these include:

1/ Deposits are paid to an experienced and reputable Attorney who is familiar with SBLC, this Program, its
Transaction Process and the Principals involved.

2/ You do not pay NOT ONE CENT until you have sighted, signed and are completely happy with all of the
following Agreements:
• Attorney Trust Agreement - This agreement is with the Trust Attorney and protects your Deposit
• SBLC Issuing Agreement - This is the agreement for the SBLC Issuer to send your SBLC from their Bank to
the Funder
• SBLC Funding Agreement - This is the agreement for the Funder to receive the SBLC, Monetize it and pay
all funds to the Paymaster
• Paymaster Agreement - This is an agreement between you and the Paymaster instructing him where you
want your funds paid to.
• Transaction Settlement Statement - This is a detailed financial statement that outlines transparently all
income and costs in the transaction and itemizes down to the cent exactly what the final payment from
the Paymaster to your Bank account is.

3/ The Attorneys Trust Agreement protects you with only two possible outcomes: Either your SBLC is
Issued or your Get your Deposit Returned!

4/ The Managed SBLC Program is operated by TWO very large financial institutions who control hundreds
of Billions of Dollars each. Neither the Funder or Issuer are interested in putting their huge existing
businesses at risk by trying to misappropriate a measly $500K from a client.

5/ As further insurance for all clients BOTH the SBLC Issuer and the SBLC Funder have 2% penalty clauses in
their respective contracts. The penalty clauses obligate BOTH the SBLC Issuer and the SBLC Funder to pay
you 2% of the value of the SBLC in the event they fail to perform.

That means that in the case where you Deposit $500K for the purchase of a $100M SBLC, the SBLC Issuer is
bound to pay you 2% of the 100 Million Dollars SBLC, being a Penalty of 2 Million Dollars in the unlikely
event they fail to perform.

This means The SBLC Issuer and SBLC Funders Risk and Liability are as much as…
20 Times your Deposit!

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Program Enrollment
Email: requesting the Managed SBLC Program Enrollment Forms

A. You will receive an email reply that contains the following documents:
• NCND (Non Compete No Disclosure) Agreement – Fill in and return to us
• CIS (Customer Information Sheet) Form – Fill in and return to us
• POF (Proof of Funds) – You MUST Supply a Current Copy of a Bank Statement showing you have $350K
or $500K in cash to participate in the program

B. In ONE EMAIL send all THREE REQUIRED documents to:

Note: Documents supplied in multiple emails will not be processed, we require ONE Email with the
Complete Client Package.

IMPORTANT: When completing documentation, we mirror your speed and urgency. If you are prompt and
returning documentation, we will be equally and prompt getting you the next Step. If you lack getting
documents back to us we will equally lag getting you the next Step. You set the pace; we follow your lead!

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Investment Options & Returns
Participation in the program is available to approved clients on one of the following two options:
A. Option 1: Minimum of $350,000
> Total Return: $30,000,000 (Thirty Million Dollars in 45 to 90 Days or faster)

B. Option 2: $500,000
> Total Return: $100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Dollars in 45 to 90 Days or faster)

Note: Prices in USD / Time to Complete the Program is 45 to 90 Days or faster!

Clients may re-enter the Program after they have successfully completed their Existing Program cycle.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

4 Important Things You Must Know
1. It’s too good to be true!
High return investments in Stock Options, Currency Trading, Commodities, Real Estate and other
Financial Instruments occur every day. No one doubts their validity because they are all well-known and
accepted. SBLC transactions are private transactions that are not common public knowledge and because
of this people often say… “it’s too good to be true”.

The fact is every Top 25 Bank Issues SBLC and those same banks that are well known for being fiscally
and financially safe and conservative confirm both the existence and authenticity of SBLC deals. 20 years
of SBLC activity in the finance industry can’t be wrong!

2. If it were this easy everyone would be doing it?

The reality is…. It is easy, when you find the right service provider! But it’s a dam nightmare wading
through brokers, misinformation and unethical companies in the industry to get to a genuine provider.
4 out of 10 phone calls we receive every day are from clients who have lost money with other providers.

Most transactions fail because there is no integration between the SBLC Issuer and SBLC Funder or
uninformed clients blindly follow bad advice.

Echo Capital has developed a seamless end-to-end process, with trusted providers which is completely
integrated. That is where we stand apart from others and are able to deliver results others can’t! We
have the process, the service providers and the procedure RIGHT so everyone completes a successful

The last reason why “everyone isn’t doing it” is twofold:

a) Those that are doing it keep to themselves and don’t talk about it to others.
b) Those that aren’t doing it are so conditioned by the .03% interest return they receive for money
they have on deposit at their local bank, that they refuse to believe or accept there are other
available options.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

3. I’m going to deliver a SBLC to my own Funder/Monetizer because they give me a much higher LTV
(Loan to Value Ratio) against the SBLC.

HUGE WARNING! Up to 40% of SBLC’s delivered to 3rd party Funders FAIL! Clients who insist on
delivering a SBLC to a funder of their choice take a HUGE RISK. If their funder fails for ANY reason, the
penalty fees for the Failure from the SBLC Issuer become the responsibility of the client…YOU! In most
cases penalty fees can be as high as 2% of the SBLC’s value and equate to tens of millions of dollars of
cost for the customer.

Using our Complete Managed SBLC Program removes this risk from clients because we only use
Funders who have a long history of consistent performance that we trust and have confidence in.

4. I can get a SBLC with No Upfront Fee.

Generally, the only SBLC suppliers who provide SBLC’s with no upfront fee are unregistered banks or
dodgy financial institutions who issue worthless SBLC paper that often isn’t worth the money it’s written

Remember, just because something is cheap, doesn’t mean it’s good! Most funders won’t touch SBLC’s
from fringe Banks like Unicom or Soleil Capitale with a barge pole. Chances are if you can get a cheap
SBLC, someone’s selling you a lemon no one else wants!

We only Issue SBLC’s from Top 25 World Banks because that’s the best and safest strategy for our

“There is no Replacement for Quality”

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

Questions and Answers
QUESTION: Can my own attorney hold my Deposit rather than paying it to the nominated SBLC Attorney
Trust Account?
ANSWER: No. The nominated Attorney Trust Account Administrator intimately understands the program
completion process and works with the Program Manager to ensure it is safely completed.

QUESTION: What if the SBLC is not issued?

ANSWER: You get your money back.

QUESTION: How long does it take from start to finish?

ANSWER: 90 Days from the time Deposit Funds are received but the Program can finish in as little as 35

QUESTION: Is this a trading program?


ANSWER: No, it is a simple Buy / Sell transaction on a one-time limited basis.

QUESTION: Can I show the cash in one account but send the cash from another account to the Attorney
Trust Account?
ANSWER: Yes. Of course, as long as ALL money must be clean and clear funds and of non-criminal origin.

QUESTION: So when was the last time a SBLC was not issued by the Top 25 World Bank?
ANSWER: There has not been an occasion when we have not been able to secure a SBLC to date.

QUESTION: I have 55 questions where can I email or phone to have all my questions answered?
ANSWER: We solely allocate time and resources to SERIOUS CLIENTS who have supplied the THREE
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (NCND, CIS and POF). When you have SUPPLIED that documentation, we treat you
as a serious potential client who has the resources to complete a real transaction and we are therefore happy
to have one of our experts answer all your questions.

If you do NOT supply the THREE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (NCND, CIS and POF) we cannot allocate the
resources to assist you. In the past we invested a huge amount of time paying experienced staff to answer
customer’s enquiries only to find out that 95 out of 100 enquiries we answered were from people that had
no means at all to complete a genuine transaction. We now allocate our time to the real customers not the
fake ones.

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© Copyright Echo Capital 2022

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