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CRM For Internet Service Provider

A mini-project report submitted for

Internet Programming (Semester V)


Jeet Trivedi (8436)

Bhargav Bhat (8439)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Saurabh Kulkarni

(sign with date)

Approval Sheet

Project Report Approval

This project report entitled CRM For Internet Service Provider by Jeet Trivedi, Bhargav
Bhat is approved as a mini project in Third year Engineering, Information Technology.


1. _____________________




The main idea is to implement an online system for managing the internet customers and
complaint system for customers for raising complaints on the issues related to ISP provider and
provide best customer care service for users using this application. There are many Internet
security providers in a country that will provide internet services for users on different packages.
Basically ISP works on three connections, Dial Up using telephone service, Broadband and
wireless connections.

Tools used :
1. Front End : Html, Css, Bootstrap
2. Back End  : Php Mysql , PhpMyadmin
Table of Content

Sr. No Topic Page No.

1. Introduction 1-2
2. Brief Explanation of the project 3
2.1. Design process of the project 3
2.2 Front End Design 4-7
2.3 Database Design 8-9
3. Process used to make website responsive 10-12
4. Process used to include RIA to website 13-14
5. Process of interfacing front end with the back end 15-16
6. Testing of the website 17-19
7. Future Scope 20
8. Appendix 21
8.1 Assignment 1 21-25
8.2 Assignment 2 26-329
8.3 Certificate of any web related course done (if any) -
ITC502.1: Design interactive web page(s) using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Rubrics for the assessment:

Indicator Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

Timeline More than a NA(0.5) NA(1) NA(1.5) Early or on
(2) session late time (2)
Code NA Very poor Poor code Design with Accurate
design(4) (0) code design design with good coding design with
with no very standards (3) better coding
comments comments standards (4)
and and
indentation(1) indentation
Dynamic Website Very few Very few Appropriate Sufficient
Web pages in does not pages are pages are use of event number of
the website have dynamic dynamic with handling for dynamic web
(4) dynamic pages (1) event making web pages along
web pages handling pages with
(0) mechanisms( dynamic (3) appropriate
2) event
ITC502.2: Design a responsive web site using HTML5 and CSS3.

Rubrics for the assessment:

Indicator Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

Timeline More than a NA(0.5) NA(1) NA(1.5) Early or on
(2) session late time (2)
Code NA Very poor Poor code Design with Accurate
design(4) (0) code design design with good coding design with
with no very standards (3) better coding
comments comments standards (4)
and and
indentation(1) indentation
Responsiven Website is Few parts of Many parts Many parts Almost all
ess of the not the website of the of the parts of the
website responsive are website are website are website are
(4) (0) responsive responsive responsive responsive
and scale but work on and work on and work on
well on few few devices majority of almost all
devices(1) (2) the devices devices (4)
ITC502.3: Develop Rich Internet Application.

Rubrics for the assessment:

Indicator Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

Timeline More than a NA(0.5) NA(1) NA(1.5) Early or on
(2) session late time (2)
Code NA Very poor Poor code Design with Accurate
design(4) (0) code design design with good coding design with
with no very standards (3) better coding
comments comments standards (4)
and and
indentation(1) indentation
RIA on the Website Many errors Few errors in AJAX code Error free
website does not in the AJAX the AJAX with minimal AJAX code
(4) have RIA(0) code(1) code (2) errors(3) performing
the desired
task (4)

ITC502.4: Build Dynamic web site using server side Programming and Database connectivity.

Rubrics for the assessment:

Indicator Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

Timeline More than a NA(0.5) NA(1) NA(1.5) Early or on
(2) session late time (2)
Code NA Very poor Poor code Design with Accurate
design(4) (0) code design design with good coding design with
with no very standards (3) better coding
comments comments standards (4)
and and
indentation(1) indentation
Server side Website with Website with Website with Website with Website with
Programming no database no validations database database database
and database connectivity( from the connectivity connectivity connectivity
connectivity 0) database (1) but poor with good with good
(4) database database database
design (2) design (3) design and
Chapter 1


The main idea is to implement an online system for managing the internet customers and
complaint system for customers for raising complaints on the issues related to ISP and provide
best customer care service for users using this application. There are many Internet security
providers in a country that will provide internet services for users on different packages.
Basically ISP works on three connections, Dial Up using telephone service, Broadband and
wireless connections.

Modules :

● Admin
● Employee
● Customer


● Admin manages the whole system by performing task such as

adding/viewing/editing/deleting employee details.
● System allows the admin to add customer details. Internet plan expiry dates of each
customer will be displayed to the admin.
● All the complaint details will be displayed to the employee to enter the complaint
● Employees can login using a valid id and password which is provided by the admin.
● After login, employees can view all the unsolved complaints received from the
● After resolving the complaint, the employee can provide the solution and close the
● Once the complaint is closed, an email will be sent to the customer with resolution
● After receiving the mail, customers can view the resolution and can rate accordingly.
● Admin can view the employee average rating.

1. Admin:
a. Login: Admin needs to login first to access below given modules.

b. Add/View/Edit/Delete Employee: Can register new employees into the system
and also can view/edit/delete the added employee details.
c. Add/View/Edit/Delete Customer: Can register new customers into the system
and also can view/edit/delete the added customer details. Also the expiry date of
the plan is displayed.
d. View Customer: Can view customer details.
e. View Employee Report: Admin can view employee’s average rating.
2. Employee:
a. Login: Employees need to login using valid credentials provided by the admin.
b. View and Solve Complaint: All the unsolved complaints will be displayed to
employees after login. Employees can provide solutions on a customer's
complaint and can close it. Once the complaint is closed, an email will be sent to
the customer with resolution details.
3. Customer:
a. View Email: Customers will receive an email regarding their complaint
resolution. Here, customers can rate the resolution provided to them. Rating can
be done between 1 as minimum and 5 as maximum.

Chapter 2

Brief Explanation of the project

Design Process of the Project

We started preparing for the project by referring to similar websites such as
We got clear with the requirements for the project and decided on the backend framework for the
project i.e Php mysql. We created a rough design of the web page on paper.

We started creating the website first with the homepage followed by the Admin, Employee, and
the Customer modules. We created a schema for the database according to the requirements of
the project and populated the database and connected it to the web application.

Front End Design


We created the home page by referring to similar websites and by using Bootstrap Templates.

The Navigation bar consists of the following list items:

● Plans : Navigates to the carousel which displays three different plans.

● Login : Redirects the user to the Login page
● About : Navigates the user to the section that provides information about the
● Team : Navigates the user to the section that provides information about the team
● Customer service : Redirects the customer to the web page where the customer can
register a complaint.


The Login page consists of a form with two input fields Username and Password.

Where users can enter the username and password and get redirected to their respective web

If a user with user_type ‘Admin’ logs in then the user is redirected to the admin page.

If a user with user_type ‘Customer’ logs in then the user is redirected to the customer page.

If a user with user_type ‘Employee’ logs in then the user is redirected to the employee page.


The admin has following activities :

a. Create/View/Edit/Delete Employee: Can register new employees into the system

and also can view/edit/delete the added employee details.
b. Create/View/Edit/Delete Customer: Can register new customers into the system
and also can view/edit/delete the added customer details. Also the expiry date of
the plan is displayed.
c. View Customer: Can view customer details.
d. View Employees: Admin can view employee’s average rating.

The list item Logout in the navigation bar redirects the admin to the login page.


The employee can view the complaints registered by the customers.

Clicking on the ‘view complaint’ button will redirect the employee to a page where the employee
can provide a solution to the customer's complaint and an email will be sent to the customer with
the solution.

The list item Logout in the navigation bar redirects the employee to the login page.


The customer page consists of a form where the customer can fill in the details and register a

The list item Logout in the navigation bar redirects the customer to the login page.

Database Design

The database consists of four tables :





Chapter 3

Process used to make website responsive

In this system we have used a template that uses Bootstrap 4 and native CSS for responsiveness.

Bootstrap 4 is developed mobile-first, a strategy in which they optimize code for mobile devices
first and then scale up to components as necessary using CSS media queries.

Add the responsive viewport meta tag to your <head>

“<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,

Home page on laptop

Home page on tablet

Home page on mobile device

Employee Page on mobile device

Chapter 4

Process used to include RIA to website

We have implemented Ajax on admin’s view employee/customer page wherein the admin has to
enter the username of the employee/customer he/she wants the information of.

After entering the username, the admin clicks the submit button and a table with the user
information appears on the same page itself without reloading.

Benefits of using Ajax –

1. The information displays on the same page so the admin does not need to redirect to the
previous page again and again to enter the username.

2. Response time is faster so increases the performance and speed.

Chapter 5

Process of interfacing front end with the back end

Consider the following web page where the admin has to enter the username of the user he/she
wants the information of.

With the help of Ajax, PHP and MySQL we can retrieve the data of the user from the database.
For that we need to create a connection to MySQL server using PHP and then fetch the required




$sql="SELECT * FROM rate WHERE username = '".$q."'";

$s="select total_rating/count_rating as 'avg' from rate where username ='".$q."'";

$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);

$result2=mysqli_query($con, $s);

mysqli_connect() creates a connection with server.

mysqli_query() executes the sql query.

After that we need to display the data in the form tables. Given below is the code for the same.


echo "<table class='table'>

<thead class='thead-light'>


<th scope = 'col'>Name</th>

<th scope = 'col'>Username</th>

<th scope = 'col'>Rating</th>



echo "<tr>";

echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $row['username'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $row2['avg'] . "</td>";

echo "</tr>";}

echo "</tbody></table>";



mysqli_fetch_array() fetches an array of resultant tuples.

mysqli_close() closes the connection with the server.

Chapter 6

Testing of the website

Chapter 7

Future Scope

In the proposed project , the admin handles mostly everything. A feature where customer can
buy their preferred plan through net banking or UPI can be added.

In future, a feature where plans for customer can be predicted on the basis of their lifestyle,
residence and work profile could be introduced.

In future, if the organization wills to start a venture for Digital cable then that module could be
introduced wherein the customers can channels as per their choice and submit it on the website.

Though nowadays the communication between the customers and the ISP’s is through internet,
having an Online CRM can be highly efficient and beneficial.



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