Lived About 4 Million Years Ago

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Species with brains no longer than chimpanzee's - with a volume

around 400 - 500 cm3 - but walk upright on two legs (bipedal). First Lived about 4 million years
human ancestor to live on savannah. ago.
It's brain size was 35% larger than the Australopithecus Africanus. It had similar teeth compared to Australopithecines. The close relative species of humans.
It's brain was 35% larger than Australopithecus Africanus. It had similar teeth compared to Australopithecines, the close
Species with a brain of Broca's area, which associated with, speech in modern humans and was the first to make stone tools. The ability to make and use tools is a
relative species of humans. It's diet included a variety of plants and meat. Species with a Brain pf Broca's area, which is
unique quality to humans such that the species is recognized to be the first true man. The species name means " Handy Amn "
associated with, speech in modern humans and was the first to make stone tools. The species name means " Handy Man "
2.4 to 1.4 million years ago
The species name means " Upright Man " with body proportions similar to that of modern humans. It had very large brain and an average brains capacity of 82
cubic inches. It was characterized by high, vertical forehead, samal teeth and jaw, and defined chain.It had a skeletal built compared to earlier humans. They
were the first hunters with improvised tools such as axe and knives and were the first to produce fire. 1.89 to 143,000 years ago
Species with large brow ridge and shortt wide bodies. They were the first of early
human species to live in colder climates, first to hunt large animals on routine 700,000 to 200, 000 years
basis uaing spears, and first to construct humans shelters. ago
Subspecies known as Cro-Magnon characterized to be anatomically modern humans and lived in the last
Ice Age of Europe. They were the first produce art in cave paintings and crafting decorated tools and 40,000 to 10,000 years

Early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers. They
use basic stone and bone tools, as well as crude stone axes for hunting birds and wild
animals. Hunting and fishing were the primary activities of the early humans during
2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.
Paleolithic period. Thier also had there religious rituals based on nature and developed their
own language based on sounds and hands signals.
The Mesolithic Age or Middle stoned age is the second phase of the Stone Age. It was considered as the
transition period between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. Early humans during this period gradually Stone Age between 10,000 and 5,000 B.
domesticated plants and animals. They also started to form their own settlements and communities. Hunting,
fishing, and food gathering were the primary activities of early humans. They also started to use microliths or C.
small stone tools.

At this point, modern humans started to exist. From being food Stone Age 10,000 B.C and at this point, modern
gatherers they become food producers. humans
started to exist.

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