Karina Durand School of Business, University of The Cumberlands BADM 532-A03 Organizational Behavior Dr. Johnny Chavez III January 13, 2022

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Reflection 2

Karina Durand

School of Business, University of the Cumberlands

BADM 532–A03 Organizational Behavior

Dr. Johnny Chavez III

January 13th, 2022


Reflection 2

The book Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge (2021) in its fourth chapter

talks about affect. Affect is composed of emotions and moods that can be positive or negative,

and active or passive. There are multiple factors that influence emotions and moods including

but not limited to situations, day of the week, time of day, and even possibly the weather. There

are six basic universal emotions which many people, especially younger people, can confuse for

each other. Emotions are necessary because we are emotional beings at the end of the day and

unlike what many people think, emotions and reason are not opposite ends of the spectrum.

Instead, emotions and reason work together, and emotions can lead to rationality if they are

addressed in the right way.

Therefore, emotional intelligence is crucial for managers and leaders in organizations to

embrace to be effective leaders, and to ensure the productivity of their employees. This is

because the leaders set the mood for their employees, and emotional intelligence helps them do it

properly. Emotional regulation is extremely important in many positions. It is, however, difficult

to maintain, which leads to plenty of strain. Emotional regulation is when you decide what

emotion you are going to portray. That emotion will not necessarily be congruent with the

emotion that you are feeling at that moment. That dissonance can cause stress for people which

then leads to further negative effects. Emotional regulation might be considered unethical

behavior on multiple counts. On one count, expecting emotional regulation from someone will

hurt that person which is an unethical expectation to have of them. On the other hand, the person

who is choosing to regulate their emotions as being unauthentic and is pretending: they could

even be called "fake”. This could be considered to be manipulation, depending on the intention

of the ruse.

The book (Robbins & Judge, 2021) also spoke about the importance of ensuring that the

employees’ personalities are the right fit for the organization. It stated that those who fit the

organization correctly are going to have increased job satisfaction and better performance in their

role than those whose personalities did not fit in with the company culture as well. There are

different ways to measure personalities, such as the Myers-Briggs assessment and the Big 5

assessment. One wants to stay away from the “dark triad”, which are machiavellianism,

narcissism, and psychopathy. These traits are not conducive to a positive work environment or to

the betterment of the organization. A person's values, both terminal (the values that lead to goals)

and instrumental (the values that are attached to the method of attaining those goals), are also

important to match the organization's values. Ensuring that the person is the right fit will benefit

both the organization and that individual's quality of life.



Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2021). Essentials of organizational behavior (15th ed.). Pearson.

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