Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 1 1

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Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 1

I enjoyed reading all three chapters, but mainly chapter three. The first chapter gave a thorough

overview of the importance of organizational behavior itself and how it can benefit both the

organization and the individuals involved. It allows managers to be better leaders and thus

improve the work experience for their employees. I enjoyed learning that communication is the

main practice that leads to effective management. As a former manager, this information has

been enlightening.

The second chapter defined and presented the difference between surface-level and deep-

level diversity. I had not considered deep-level diversity before and found it interesting. I do

think in some ways surface-level diversity can influence and relate to deep-level diversity

because people with surface-level similarities will have had similar experiences and influences

that would lead to similar deep-level traits. For example, virtually all cis women will have

similar experiences that may lead to certain thought patterns or reactions in similar situations. In

the same way, people from the same region tend to look similarly to each other and be influenced

by the same culture.

The third chapter presented the concept of job satisfaction and explained how crucial it is

for any organization. Job dissatisfaction can cost the company plenty of money, and the

employees their well-being. This chapter helped me put into words what I was already feeling

about my current position. I am unenthused about my role, and although the company provides

plenty of training and independence, I do not get any variety or control. Even more importantly, I

do not actually like the work. Therefore, like the chapter says, although I love my team and my

supervisors, and the pay is decent, I am dissatisfied with my current job.



1) I would most likely not punish the financial advisor but would need more information. I

would like to know the nature of their social media account. The account is managed by the

employee as their presence on social media, but does the account belong to the employee or to

the organization? Did that account precede the employee’s engagement with the organization? I

would also want to know when the employee posted to Twitter. Was it during work hours or

during the employee’s personal time? Even more importantly, I would want to know more about

the nature of and the reasons behind the post. Why is this employee $500 short to pay his rent? A

financial advisor ideally would 1) know how to manage money and 2) be paid well. So, which

one is not taking place? Is the employee just not managing their income well? Or is the company

not remunerating them properly leading to employee dissatisfaction? I would use the answers to

all of these questions to evaluate the next steps, however my reaction would most likely not be



Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2021). Essentials of organizational behavior (15th ed.).


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