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Essential Oils: Extraction Techniques, Pharmaceutical And Therapeutic

Potential - A Review

Article  in  Current Drug Metabolism · July 2018

DOI: 10.2174/1389200219666180723144850

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8 authors, including:

Akil Ahmad Siti Hamidah Mohd-Setapar

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Alptug Karakucuk Muhammad Mohsin Azim

Ankara Medipol University University of Leipzig


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Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, 19, 000-000 1


Essential Oils: Extraction Techniques, Pharmaceutical And Therapeutic Potential - A

Zarith Asyikin Abdul Aziz1, Akil Ahmad1,2,3, Siti Hamidah Mohd Setapar1,4,5,*, Alptug Karakucuk6,
Muhammad Mohsin Azim2, David Lokhat2, Mohd. Rafatullah3, Magdah Ganash7, Mohammad A.
Kamal8,9,10 and Ghulam Md Ashraf 8,*
Centre of Lipid Engineering and Applied Research (CLEAR), Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia; 2Department of Chemical Engineering, University of KwaZulu-
Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa; 3School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang-11800, Malaysia; 4Faculty
of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia; 5SHE Empire Sdn
Bhd., Bandar Baru Kangkar Pulai, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia; 6Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharma-
ceutical Technology, Etiler 06330, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey; 7Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz Uni-
versity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 8King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 9Enzymoics,
7 Peterlee Place, Hebersham, NSW 2770; 10Novel Global Community Educational Foundation, Australia
Abstract: Background: Essential oils are liquid extracts from aromatic plants, which have numerous applications in
multiple industries. There are a variety of methods used for the extraction of essential oils, with each method exhibit-
ing certain advantages and determining the biological and physicochemical properties of the extracted oils. Essential
oils from different plant species contain more than 200 constituents which are comprised of volatile and non-volatile
components. The application of essential oils as antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral agents is
due to their effective and efficient properties, inter alia.
ARTICLE HISTORY Methods: Several advanced (supercritical fluid extraction, subcritical extraction liquid, solvent-free microwave ex-
Received: October 11, 2017 traction) and conventional (hydrodistillation, steam distillation, hydrodiffusion, solvent extraction) methods have
Revised: February 05, 2018 been discussed for the extraction of essential oils. Advanced methods are considered as the most promising extrac-
Accepted: May 29, 2018 tion techniques due to less extraction time, low energy consumption, low solvent used and less carbon dioxide emis-
DOI: sion.
Conclusion: This manuscript reviewed the major research studies in the field and discussed several research findings
on the chemical composition of essential oils, methods of oil extraction, and application of these oils in pharmaceuti-
cal and therapeutic fields. These essential oils can be used as anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and as skin permea-
tion enhancer agents.
Keywords: Essential oils, chemical compositions, method of extractions, pharmaceutical, therapeutic potentials.

1. INTRODUCTION Additionally, several essential oils genres are characterized in a

Essential oils as defined by the European Pharmacopeia 7th small number of families: Lauraceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae,
edition [1] are “Odorant products, which have the complex compo- Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Cuppressaceae, Poaceae, and Piperaceae [4].
sition, and obtained from plant raw extract, either extracted by The differences between essential oils’ chemical properties are
steam of water, dry distillation or a suitable mechanical method not only based on their number and type of molecules, but also on
without heating. Generally, a physical method is used for the sepa- their stereochemical structures, which can be varied by selected
ration of essential oil from the aqueous phase which has no signifi- extraction process method. The quality, quantity, and composition
cant change in its chemical composition”. Multiple segments of the of extracted essential oils can be altered according to plant organ,
oils’ plants such as peels, barks, leaves, flowers, buds, seeds, and age, soil composition, climate change, and cycle stages of plant life
others are used to produce these aromatic oily liquids, and various [5]. Additionally, the essential oils are commonly known as plant
extraction techniques are applied for the extraction process [2]. secondary metabolites which contain complex mixtures of volatile
Essential oils are lipophilic, and soluble in organic solvents, due to organic compounds such as terpenes and sesquiterpenes (hydrocar-
their hydrophobic nature and lower density than water. The extrac- bon group), and alcohols, ethers, esters, ketones, aldehydes, phe-
tion yields are dependent on the type of species and plant segments nols, lactones, and phenol ethers (oxygenated group) [6].
used, but a very low yield like 1%, can make them highly valuable Generally, all kind of essential oils has two or three major com-
rare components [1]. Amongst the plethora of aromatic plants spe- ponents with the highest concentrations (20%-70%) compared to
cies, only 10% out of 17,000 plant species considered as aromatic [3]. the other components present in trace amounts. For example, in
Oraginum species, the essential oil contains 30% of carvacol and
*Address correspondence to these authors at the Centre of Lipids Engineer- 27% of thymol as major components. These components determine
ing and Applied Research, IbnuSina Institute for Industrial and Scientific the biological properties of these aromatic oils, whereas each of
Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Ma- them is included in different groups of distinct biosynthetical ori-
laysia; Tel: +607-5535496; Fax: +607-558 8166; E-mail: sitihami- gin. Terpenoids, phenylpropanoids, and short-chain aliphatic hy- drocarbon derivatives are the main specific groups for some con-
King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, P. O. Box stituents in essential oils [6]. Fig. (1) represents the typical struc-
80216, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia; Tel.: +966126401000; E-mails: ash-,
tures of essential oils’ constituents.

 1389-2002/18 $58.00+.00 © 2018 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 Aziz et al.

Monoterpenoids Sesquiterpenoids ess involved in producing essential oils and their compositions, and
OH also their pharmaceutical and therapeutic potentials as antimicro-
bial, antiviral, anticancer, and as skin permeation enhancer agents.
There are more than 200 components present in pure essential
oils which are normally mixtures of terpenes, and phenylpropanoid
derivatives, in which the chemical and structural differences be-
tween compounds are minimal. The constituents of essential oils
may be broadly classified as volatile and non-volatile fractions. The
overall chemical composition of the aromatic oil volatile fraction
Limonene Thymol Carvacrol B-bisabol includes mono- and sesquiterpene components, and several oxy-
genated derivatives along with alcohols, aliphatic aldehydes, and
Phenylpropanoids esters. On the other hand, 1-10 wt% of isolated essential oil com-
prises carotenoids, fatty acids, flavonoids and waxes which are
OH O classified as non-volatile residues [11].
Generally, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
O method is used for determining constituents present in essential
O oils. This method is simple, allows fast responses, is efficient, and
Eugenol Myristicin is a broadly used analytical technique for the determination of es-
H3CO sential oils constituents. A GC-MS report is the fingerprint of any
particular batch of essential oil. The unique properties of the oils
CH3 can be deduced from its chemical composition and GC-MS is able
to indicate the purity of essential oils in most cases [12]. The com-
ponents of essential oils are delineated below.

2.1. Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbon is a chemical compound found in essential oils
with their building blocks connected by hydrogen and carbon bond-
ing [13]. An example of basic hydrocarbons found in essential oils
is isoprene as shown in Fig. (2).

trans-anethole cis-anethole
Fig. (1). Typical structures of essential oil constituents [6]. Isoprene
Fig. (2). Chemical structure of isoprene.
Interest in the application of essential oils in various fields is
increasing continuously, and with their significant pharmacological 2.1.1. Terpenes
activities, these aromatic medicinal plants are being implemented in
pharmaceutical industries as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti- Mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenes are categorized under the terpe-
viral, and antifungal agents. Various studies have been conducted to nes’ group. Monoterpene is the result of combining two isoprene
examine the antimicrobial activities of essential oils against multi- units, depicted in Fig. (2), from head to tail, whereas sesquiterpenes
ple bacteria [1-3]. Furthermore, psychiatrists use essential oils for are formed if three isoprenes join together, while diterpenes struc-
their psychic patients due to the amiable odor formed by the aro- tured from four linked isoprene units [14].
matic plant's oils [7]. Monoterpenes
Furthermore, the demand for essential oils as food preservatives The main properties of monoterpenes are anti-bacterial, analge-
is growing because of their biological action against food-borne sic, stimulant, and expectorant. Monoterpenes are naturally occur-
pathogens such as Salmonella typhimurium, Clostridium perfrin- ring constituents in essential oil plants with the majority being un-
gens, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas putida, and Staphylo- saturated hydrocarbons (C10). Alcohols, ketones and carboxylic
coccus aureus [8]. The problem of pathogens in food and meat acids are present as substituents in the oxygenated derivatives of
products has been addressed by low dosage application of essential monoterpenes, which are collectively known as monoterpenoids
oils, as demonstrated by numerous researches [9]. [13]. Fig. (3) shows the components comprising monoterpenes. The
There has been an increased demand for the use of natural branched-chains of C10 hydrocarbons, forming a linkage of two
plants as an alternative to conventional antibiotics in animal feed isomers, are widely distributed in herbal plants with more than 400
due to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their naturally occurring monoterpenes identified [15].
possible transmission from livestock to humans. Indeed, the use of
synthetic antibiotics in livestock feed has been prohibited by the
European Union in order to promote the healthy growth of animals
In pharmaceutical industries, medicines in the form of capsules, OH
syrups, ointments, creams, and sprays contain some compositions
of essential oils and their production numbers are constantly grow-
ing. Thus, the applications of essential oils in numerous fields;
food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries are still being inves- Limonene Menthol
tigated in order to formulate and produce more efficient essential
oil-based products. This review covers in detail the extraction proc- Fig. (3). Chemical structures of (a) Limonene and (b) Menthol.
Pharmaceutical & Therapeutic Role of Essential Oils Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 3 Sesquiterpenes to provide anti-inflammatory activities. In medical sciences, esters

Sesquiterpenes are biogenetically isolated from farensyl pyro- are considered to have antifungal and sedative properties, with bal-
phosphate, an intermediate in both the mevalonate and non- ancing action on the nervous system. They are generally free from
mevalonate pathways used by organisms in the biosynthesis of precautions with the exception of methyl salicylate found in birch
terpenoids, sterols, and terpenes. The structures of sesquiterpenes and wintergreen which is toxic within the system [17].
may be linear, monocyclic or bi- and tricyclic. Linear structures of The common esters found in essential oils are linyl acetate and
sesquiterpenes, referred to as farnesenes, are branched hydrocar- geranyl formate which are present in bergamot and lavender, and
bons with four double bonds [16]. geranium essential oils [17].
The farnesenes usually found in essential oils are E,E--
2.4. Ketones
farnesene and E--farnesene, while E,Z--farnesene and Z,Z--
farnesene are not reported to occur in nature. Farnesols is a primary Ketones have anti-catarrhal, cell proliferant, expectorant, and
alcohol in oxidation products of farnesenes, as well as E- and Z- vulnerary properties and are often found in plants that are used for
nerodiol as tertiary alcohol are occasional essential oil constituents. upper respiratory tract complaints. Essential oils with ketone group
The aldehydes components of farnesenes consist of -sinensal and are advantageous for wound healing and improve scar tissue. Thu-
-sinensal, where they occur as minor components in essential oils jone is a very toxic ketone component that exists in sage, mugwort,
from various Citrus species [17]. thuja, tansy, and wormwood essential oils. Besides, pulegone is
another toxic ketone component found in essential oils such as
In monocyclic compounds of sesquiterpenes, there are
pinocamphone and pennyroyal oils [17].
bisobolenes groups with C6 ring structures, and their isomers such
as Z--bisabolene, -bisabolene, E--bisabolene, and Z-- Other than that, jasmone, fenchone, carvone and menthone are
bisabolene which occur in several essential oils. Besides, - the non-toxic ketone components found in jasmine oil, fennel oil,
Zingiberene, -Curcumene, and ar-curcumene also found in ses- spearmint and dill oil, and peppermint oil [17].
quiterpenes group of essential oils. -Zingiberene is the main com-
ponent inside ginger essential oil (Zingiber officinale) and the pun- 3. EXTRACTION METHODS FOR ESSENTIAL OILS
gent smell of this oil is due to the aromatic structure, gingerol (phe- Several parts of various aromatic plants can be extracted and
nols). -Curcumene is the main constituent found in Curcuma oils form essential oils which subsequently have many applications in
(Curcuma aromatic and Curcuma longa), while the aromatic - cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food safety fields. The manufactur-
curcumene usually found in Curcuma and Zingiber species [17]. ing method and technique used to extract essential oils are depend-
The bicyclic bergamotenes represent a structure like the pine- ent on the characteristics and components required in the botanical
nes, i.e. a cyclobutane ring. In the lemon essential oil and lodgepole extract. The main factor to ensure the quality of essential oils is the
pine (Pinuscontorta), Trans--bergamotene occurs as a minor con- extraction method used, since inappropriate extraction procedures
stituent, while Pimpinella affinis occurs as a major component. - may cause the destruction and vary the action of phytochemicals
Caryophyllene (E-caryophyllene) derived from -humulene pre- present in aromatic oils. The resulting effects can be, for example,
sents a C9 ring fused to a cyclobutane ring. It is broadly found as a the loss of pharmacological constituents, stain effect, off-
major component in the essential oils from cannabis, oregano, and flavor/odour, and physical change of essential oils [2].
rosemary, and also found in the vegetative parts of many plants. - Such extraction techniques can be categorized into two catego-
Caryophyllene selectively binds to the CB(2) receptor so that it acts ries: classical methods and innovative methods. The application of
as a functional CB(2) agonist. Additionally, through in vivo study, innovative techniques, such as ultrasonic and microwave enhanced
this natural constituent exerts cannabimimetic effects with anti- processes, has improved the efficiency of extraction process in
inflammatory action [18]. terms time required for isolation of the essential oil and energy Diterpenes dissipation, as well as improvement in production yield, and high
quality of essential oils [1].
These constituents are made up from combining four units of
isoprene. They are considered as too heavy components which do 3.1. Conventional Extraction Methods
not evaporate easily during the extraction process using steam dis- Conventional techniques applied to extract essential plant oils
tillation; hence, it is impossible to be found in isolated aromatic are based on water distillation by the heating process.
oils. Diterpenes are found in all plant families with C20 chemical
structures. Almost 2500 known diterpenes were discovered which 3.1.1. Hydrodistillation
belong to 20 major structural types. Diterpenic derivatives can be Hydrodistillation is the oldest and simplest oils extraction
found in plant hormones and phytol, where they occur as a side method which was discovered by Avicenna and the first to develop
chain on chlorophyll [19]. extraction through the alembic. Rose was the first plant extract used
and purified by this method. The procedures start with immersing
2.2. Alcohols the plant materials directly into water inside the alembic (vessel),
Alcohols in essential oils provide some excellent properties like and whole mixture was boiled. The devices include a heating
anti-septic, anti-viral, anti-bacteria, and germicidal. Alcohols natu- source, vessel (Alembic), a condenser to convert vapor from vessel
rally occur as a single component or combined with a terpene or onto liquid, and a decanter to collect the condensate and to separate
ester. The attachment of terpenes with oxygen and hydrogen atom essential oils with water (Fig. 4).
can result in the formation of alcohols. The term Monoterpenol is This extraction technique is considered as a unique method to
used to describe a monoterpene that contains hydroxyl groups in- extract plant materials like wood or flower and is frequently used
side its hydrocarbon structure. Alcohols are considered safe to be for extractions involving hydrophobic natural plant material with a
used since their amounts are extremely low or totally absent of high boiling point. As the oils are surrounded by water, this method
toxic reaction in the body or onto the skin [20]. is able to protect essential oils to be extracted at a certain degree
without being overheated. The main advantage of this extraction
2.3. Esters technique is its ability to isolate plant materials below 100°C [1].
The formation of esters  
    Few studies have been conducted on the extraction of essential
is due to the interaction between alcohols and acids. The ester com- plant oils by using hydrodistillation. Okoh et al. investigated the
ponent inside essential oils offers soothing and balancing effects. comparison between extraction process, Hydrodistillation (HD) and
Due to the presence of alcoholic groups inside esters, they are able Solvent-free Microwave Extraction (SFME) on the properties and
4 Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 Aziz et al.

Fig. (4). Flow diagram of hydrodistillation extraction process [1].

yield of essential oil from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). the hydrodiffusion method, steam is supplied from the top of the
Through hydrodistillation, a total yield of the volatile fraction was generator. This process was carried out at low pressure or vacuum
0.31%, while 0.39% was obtained for the SFME method [21]. and steam temperature can be reduced below 100°C [27].
The general hydrodistillation process has been modified by This steam diffusion method was further enhanced by adding
using new technologies as reported by a few researchers. Gol- microwave technology. Bousbia and research team have investi-
makani and Rezaei developed advanced HD extraction process gated the difference in performance between innovative Microwave
technique named Microwave-assisted HD (MAHD) which showed Hydrodiffusion and Gravity (MHG) and a traditional method like
superiority in energy dissipation and isolation period (75 min com- hydrodistillation [28]. In another study, the isolation of essential oil
pared to 4 h in HD) [22]. Additionally, Ohmic-assisted HD from orange peel was studied using an innovative steam diffusion
(OAHD) is the other advanced HD extraction technique, discovered technique (SDf) called microwave steam diffusion (MSDf). The
by Gavahian and co-workers. Through OAHD, thyme essential oil extraction performance results showed that the isolation period of
can be extracted in a period of only 25 min compared to HD the essential oils by MSDf technique is within 12 minutes and had
method. No change was observed in characteristics of components similar yield and aromatic profile to those obtained by SDf for 40
in thyme obtained by OAHD and HD [23]. minutes [28].
3.1.2. Steam Distillation 3.1.4. Solvent Extraction
In essential plant oil extraction, steam distillation method is the Ordinary solvents like acetone, petroleum ether, hexane,
broadest technique applied. The percentage of essential oils being methanol, or ethanol have been implemented by this technique to
extracted by this technique is 93% and the remaining 7% can be extract fragile or delicate flower materials which cannot be ex-
further extracted by other methods [24]. Basically, the process
tracted using heat or steam supplied [2]. Generally, the plant sam-
started by heating of plant material using steam which is supplied
ples are mixed with solvents to be extracted by mildly heating the
from steam generator (Fig. 5). Heat is the main factor determining
mixture, and the process is followed by filtration and evaporation of
how effectively the plant material structures break down and burst
and release the aromatic components or essential oils [25]. the solvents. The filtrate contains a resin (resinoid), or the mixture
of wax, fragrance, and essential oil. Alcohol is combined with the
Masango developed an innovative steam distillation extraction filtrate mixture in order to dissolve the essential oil into it and
technique to increase the isolated essential oil yields and reduce the thereafter distilled at low temperature. During the distillation proc-
amount of wastewater produced during the extraction process. The ess, the alcohol absorbs fragrance and is evaporated while the aro-
system uses a packed bed of the plant samples, placed above the matic absolute oil remains in the pot residue. Compared to other
steam source. Only steam is allowed to pass through the plants and
methods, this method is more complicated for essential oils extrac-
boiling water does not mix with the botanical materials. Therefore,
tion, and as a result, time-consuming and more expensive [29].
the process requires less steam and the amount of water in the
distillate can be reduced [24]. In another study, authors investigated the antioxidant activity of
Ptychotisverticillata by solvent extraction technique for essential
In another study, Yildirim et al. reported a component 2,2-
oils extraction. It was found that 48% of phenolic compounds are
diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) used to evaluate the antioxidant
present and contain 44.6% and 3.4% of carvacol and thymol, re-
properties of essential oils by using steam distillation extraction
spectively, as the main compounds [30]. In other studies, the essen-
process. It was reported to have a higher yield of antioxidant com-
tial oils were separated from Thymus praecox subsp. Skorpilii var.
ponents than the oils extracted by hydrodistillation (HD) [26].
Skorpilii (TPS), and its chemical constituents and antioxidant activ-
3.1.3. Hydrodiffusion ity were investigated by mixing the plant extractant with different
Hydrodiffusion extraction method is an extraction process in solvents like ethanol, methanol, and water. These extracts showed
which steam is supplied to a container which holds plant materials. significant free-radical scavenging activity with 40.31% of thymol
This technique is only applied on dried plant samples that can be and 13.66% of o-cymene. The results also showed that the extrac-
damaged at boiling temperature. In the steam distillation process, tion process using water as the solvent gives highest phenolics and
steam is applied from the bottom of the steam generator, whereas in flavonoids compared to other types of solvents [31].
Pharmaceutical & Therapeutic Role of Essential Oils Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 5

Fig. (5). Diagrammatic illustration of steam distillation method [2].

the final product since CO2 easily reverts to a gas under normal
3.2. Innovation of Extraction Methods
atmospheric pressure and temperature [16].
The further modification of extraction techniques is due to vari-
Several plant materials have been extracted by using supercriti-
ous disadvantages of conventional methods which encourage essen-
cal carbon dioxide extraction method such as rose geranium,
tial oils to undergo chemical alteration like hydrolysis,
Eugenia caryophyllata, clove buds, and marchantia convolute, and
isomerisation, and oxidation. These processes involve high tem-
their chemical constituents are revealed by some researches [17, 19,
perature and affect the quality of essential oils, at the same time
20, 37]. In a study about the comparison between supercritical fluid
prolonging the extraction period. In the field of essential oils extrac-
extractions with hydrodistillation method, by using the supercritical
tion process, it is very important to maintain the oils chemical con-
fluid technique, an essential oil was successfully isolated and re-
stituents and natural proportion at its original state. The parameters
vealed as advance aromatic oil, with superior performance and
that need to be considered in new extraction techniques are reduc-
pharmacological activities [25]. Other than that, a carrot essential
tion of extraction period, energy consumption, solvent used and
oil obtained by supercritical fluid extraction method was found to
carbon dioxide emission [1].
give better antibacterial and antifungal properties against Bacillus
3.2.1. Supercritical Fluid Extraction cereus as compared to the oil obtained by hydrodistillation [38].
Conventional extraction techniques such as solvent extraction 3.2.2. Subcritical Extraction Liquid
and steam distillation need more time to undergo the extraction
The use of water at subcritical state has been reported by many
process and a large amount of organic solvents are required [32].
researchers and found that this is a better and powerful alternative
Additionally, the disadvantages of these techniques like various
of essential oils extraction technique [39]. The definition of
volatile components losses, poor efficiency of oils extraction, deg-
subcritical stage of liquid is the time when liquid reaches pressure
radation of unsaturated compounds, and toxic residues from extrac-
higher than the critical pressure, Pc and lower than the critical tem-
tion process need to be encountered [33, 34].
perature, Tc or vice-versa. The fluids that are used to extract essen-
The supercritical fluid state is mainly depending on two factors tial oils using this method are water and CO2. The subcritical state
which are the fluids critical pressure, Pc and critical temperature, of fluid offers several superior characteristics such as lower viscos-
Tc. Fluids with these critical parameters exhibit very interesting ity, lower density, and enhanced diffusivity between gas and liq-
properties such as low viscosity, high diffusivity, and density closer uids. This extraction technique is considered the best alternative
to liquids [1]. Carbon dioxide is used as a supercritical solvent for approach as it enables a fast essential oil isolation process, con-
the extraction of essential oils due to its numerous attractive proper- ducted at a low working temperature. Moreover, it is a cost-
ties: (i) easily reach critical point (low critical pressure, Pc : 72.9 efficient extraction, simple and environmental friendly process [39].
atm, and temperature, Tc : 31.2°C); (ii) unaggressive for thermo
In this process, the required duration of extraction is only
labile molecules of the plant essence; (iii) chemically inert and
15min compared to 3h required to extract essential oils by using
toxic; (iv) nonflammable; (v) available in high purity at relatively
conventional methods. Essential oils with more valuable properties
low cost; (vi) easily eliminated; (vii) its polarity similar to pentane
which are a higher amount of oxygenated components with no sig-
which makes it suitable for extraction of lipophilic compounds [35,
nificant presence of terpenes can be obtained and allow substantial
cost saving in terms of both energy and plant materials [2].
Generally, the principle of supercritical fluid extraction process
Kubatova and co-workers investigated the lactones extraction
involves the use and recycling fluid in repeated steps of compres-
from a Piper methysticum root by using subcritical water extrac-
sion/decompression. The supercritical state of CO2 can be achieved
tion, and this method was compared with Soxhlet extraction with
by highly compressing and heating this fluid. Then, it passes
water. The working temperature for subcritical water extraction was
through the raw plant material to load volatile matter and plant
at 100°C and 175°C, and the extraction time required to extract the
extracts. The process is followed by decompression steps, where the
lactones was 20 min and 2h, respectively. Soxhlet extraction
mixture of CO2 and plant extracts are routed to two separators
method showed a large difference in extraction time compared to
where the fluid is gradually decompressed to separate the obtained
subcritical water method, and required 6 hours to extract the oils
extracts from the CO2. The CO2 is released from second separator
and produced lower yields by 40% to 60% [40].
and recycled into storage tank, and no solvent residue remains in
6 Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 Aziz et al.

3.2.3. Solvent Free Microwave Extraction 4.1.1. Prostate Cancer

The impediments of ordinary extraction techniques, such as Essential oils extracted from Hypericumhircinum L. subsp.
solvent and hydrodiffusion, are the losses of several evaporative Majus have been demonstrated to give anti-proliferative activity on
constituents, poor isolation coherence, and toxic solvent residues at human prostate cancer. Throughout the study, this essential oil was
the final product stage. These challenges prompted the considera- tested in vitro using MTT assay in order to investigate their ability
tion of Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction (SFME) for various to inhibit tumor cell growth on human glioblastoma (T98G), human
applications [28]. This technique is an expeditious isolation of es- squamous carcinoma (A431), human prostatic adenocarcinoma
sential oils from spices, aromatic herbs, and dry seeds. Several ad- (PC3), and mouse melanoma (B16-F1). The performance of this
vantages of SFME have been reported by researchers, which can be essential oil as an anti-proliferative agent was compared with cis-
summarized: to obtain essential oils with high yield and selectivity, platin, a typical chemotherapeutic drug used [46]. The results
shorter extraction time, and environmentally friendly process [28]. showed that the essential oil was moderately inhibiting the tumor
SFME involves a combination of two techniques which are cell growth. The highest activity was recorded on the A431 cell
heating plant samples using microwave technology followed by dry line, while the lowest activity was observed on the PC3 cell line.
distillation which operates at an atmospheric pressure in the ab- Besides, Essien et al. investigated the cytotoxic study of
sence of any solvent. Bayramoglu et al. applied SFME method to Solanium erianthum, solanium macranthum of fruit and leaf vola-
extract oregano at different microwave power; 622W, 498W, tile essential oils on human breast and prostate cancer cells, HS
373W, and 249W, while the essential oil yields were determined 578T, and PC-3, respectively [47]. According to the results found,
depending on each different microwave power used. The results it can be seen that S. erianthum leaf oil exhibited in vitro inhibitory
showed maximum yields achieved at 0.054, 0.053, 0.052 and 0.049 effect against human breast cancer cells. Other than that, the results
mL/g of oregano essential oil at 622W, 498W, 373W, and 249W showed that S. macranthum leaf oil has no ability to inhibit the
power levels, respectively. Exception with working at lowest mi- growth of both types’ cancer cells.
crowave power (249W), all other yields were found to be higher (p In another study, in vitro cytotoxicity of essential oil against
 0.05) [41]. Compared to hydrodistillation, the yield extracted three different tumor cells; OVCAR-8, human ovarian cancer cell;
oregano essential oil was only 0.048 mL/g which about 6% slightly NCI- H358M, human lung cancer cell; and PC -3M human prostate
lower than SFME oregano oil highest yield. Later, Ferhat et al. cancer cell was investigated from the leaves of Xylopia frutescence
presented the comparison of SFME method with traditional meth- using thiazolyl blue test (MTT) assay. It was reported that Xylopia
ods in terms of extraction periods, yields, impact of the technique frutescence essential oil obtained IC50 values ranging from 24.6 and
used towards the environment, solvent residues content, and antim- 40.0 g/mL for cancer cell lines of NCI-H358M (lung carcinoma
icrobial activities. It was demonstrated that microwave extraction cell) and PC-3M (prostate carcinoma cell), respectively. Doxorubi-
offers a shorter isolation period of essential oil (30 min compared to cin, a common chemotherapeutic drug as a positive control, showed
3 h for hydrodiffusion and 1 h for cold pressing); 0.24% of yields the IC50 value of 0.9 and 1.6 g/mL for same cell lines [48]. There-
from SFME which is much better than hydrodiffusion and cold fore, the essential oil is promising for future anti-cancer drug devel-
pressing with 0.21% and 0.05%, respectively; high energy con- opment in accordance to Suffness and Pezzuto who described that
sumption for performing hydrodiffusion and cold pressing (using the essential oils with IC50 values below 30 g/mL can be used in
mechanical motors) compared to rapid microwave extraction; no anticancer drugs [49].
water and solvent used in SFME make the extraction process as
cleaner features, and high antimicrobial activities of essential oils Later, in vivo cytotoxicity of Lavender angustifolia essential oil
obtained by SFME technique [42]. against prostate cancer cell line was evaluated by Zhao et al. Male
nude mice were inoculated subcutaneously into the rear flanks part
4. PHARMACEUTICAL AND THERAPEUTIC POTEN- with human prostate cancer cell line (PC-3). The mice were
TIALS OF ESSENTIAL OILS grouped into 4 and treated with subcutaneous injections of solvent
control, lavender essential oil, Linalool, and linalyl acetate. In each
The implementations of essential oils in pharmaceutical fields
treatment, a dose of 200 mg/kg was injected twice a week for 4
are broadly discussed and investigated by numerous scientists, par-
weeks onto tumor part of the mice. The tumor growth was meas-
ticularly their function as anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and as
ured twice a week with a caliper, and tumor volume was calculated.
skin permeation enhancer agents. Outlines of previous findings are
According to the result, the lavender essential oil (P < 0.001),
discussed in the subsections that follow.
Linalool (P < 0.001), and linalyl acetate (P = 0.016) showed signifi-
4.1. Essential Oils and Cancer cantly inhibited xenograft tumor growth, compared to the control
group. Therefore, this study concluded that the extracted Lavender
Initially, essential oils have been identified and applied for the Angustifolia essential oil was effective in inhibiting tumor growth
treatment of inflammatory and oxidative diseases. The oils react of prostate carcinoma cell in nude mice [50].
with oxygen species that have been linked to the origin of oxidation
and inflammation that can lead to cancer, and this shows that essen- 4.1.2. Breast Cancer
tial oils have also the ability to be an anticancer agent [43]. Various studies have been carried out by researchers to investi-
The formation of cancer by oxidative and inflammatory dis- gate the cytotoxic activity of essential oils to inhibit breast cancer
eases results from oxidative stress causing damage to cell DNA and cells. A study was conducted by Fogang and co-workers, where the
effectively increase the process of cells mutating and thus leads to in vitro biological properties, cytotoxic activities of seed essential
oncogenic transformation. oils from bush onion (Afrostyrax lepidophyllus) and tropical garlic
tree (Scorodophloeus zenkeri) was investigated. The cytotoxic
Furthermore, oxygen radicals derived from the oxidative stress study of these essential oils was conducted by using MTT assay. In
react with other cell molecules and activate signaling pathways and this study, four cancer cell lines were examined, which are T98G
thus, encourage the tumor development through the regulation of human glioblastoma, MDA-MB 231 human breast adenocarcinoma,
cellular angiogenesis, proliferation, and metastasis [44]. Hence, A 375 human malignant melanoma, and HCT116 human colon
chronic inflammation is linked to several steps of cancer formation carcinoma cell lines [51]. The S. zenkeri oil was found to be slightly
such as carcinogenesis, promotion, survival, proliferation, angio- more active compared to A. lepidophyllus oil. This essential oil
genesis, and metastasis [45]. Some studies have shown the applica- showed the highest potential for inhibition of tumor cell growth for
tion of various essential oils as chemotherapeutic agents of various MDA-MB 231 and HCT116 with IC50 values 8.0 and 8.5 g/mL,
types of cancer. respectively.
Pharmaceutical & Therapeutic Role of Essential Oils Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 7

Furthermore, cytotoxic activity of aromatic and medicinal plant tion of essential oil. The largest zone of inhibition was up to 10-
from Madagascar, Cedrelopsisgrevei essential oil was investigated dilution of E. Coli with 100% of essential oil concentration and the
by Afoulous et al. The cancer cell line examined by the aromatic smallest zone was obtained by S. Aereus (10-1 dilution) with 25% of
plant was MCF-7, human breast cancer cell. The essential oil re- essential oil concentration [54].
vealed a conspicuous effect to inhibit tumor growth on the cell line The chemical constituents found in eucalyptus extract like 1,8-
MCF-7 with the IC50 value of 21.5 ± 2 mg/L. The cytotoxic analy- cineole, citronellal, citronellol, citronellyl acetate, p-cymene,
sis of Cedrelopsis grevei essential oil was compared with doxorubi- eucamalol, limonene, linalool, - pinene, -terpinene, - terpinol,
cin [52]. alloocimene and aromadendrene may be the major causes of the
4.1.3. Lung Cancer essential oil ability to inhibit bacterial growth. Since this essential
Xylopia frutescens Aubl. (Annonaceae), an essential oil ex- oil gives a good potential as an antimicrobial agent, it has been
tracted from a medicinal plant of Central and South America, Af- proposed to be a natural antibiotic for the treatment of several infec-
rica and Asia has been studied and applied to inhibit tumor growth tious diseases, however, further clinical studies should be consid-
of NCI-H358M known as human lung cancer cell lines. In this ered and recommended [53].
study, in vivo antitumor effect of this essential oil was conducted by 4.2.2. Artemesiaannua. L Essential Oil
implanting tumor lung cancer cell (2  106cells per 500 μL) subcu- An aromatic plant named Artemisia Annua L, a cultivated herb
taneously into the left hind groin of mice. Then, 5% DMSO dilution near Sarajevo extracted by hydrodistillation method. Bosnia has
of essential oil was given to mice intraperitoneally, once a day for 7 investigated its function as antimicrobial agent against Gram-
consecutive days [48]. There were four groups of mice; Group 1: positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and ATCC
animals treated with injection of vehicle 5% DMSO (control) 25923, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC
(n=15); Group 2: animal treated with injection of 5-fluororacil (5- 29212, Streptococcus pneumonia ATCC 49619, Micrococcus luteus
FU, 25 mg/kg/day) (positive control) (n = 9); Group 3: animal ATCC 4698, and Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli ATCC
treated by injection of essential oil (50 mg/kg/day) (n = 8); Group 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 and ATCC 27853,
4: animal treated by injection of essential oil (100 mg/kg/day) (n = Haemophilus influenza ATCC 49766, and fungus Candida krusei
8). These treatments were carried out onto mice a day after tumor ATCC 6258 by using agar diffusion technique [55]. Results of an-
injection, while on day 8, the animals tumors were excised and timicrobial activity of the essential oil (10 mg/mL) were compara-
weighed. The study reported that the mean average tumor weight of ble to the antibiotic ampicillin (10 mg/mL), used as a positive
control group was 1.93 ± 0.13 g. The injection of 50 and 100 mg/kg probe, and thymol (10 mg/mL), a popular medicinal plant known
Xylopia frutescens essential oil onto mice tumor resulted in 1.33 ± for its antibacterial properties. The data revealed that the Gram-
0.19 g and 1.20 ± 0.10 g of average tumor weight, respectively. negative, H. influenza, and the Gram-positive bacteria, S. pneumo-
Besides, positive control group showed the reduced tumor weight nia, were the most sensitive strains tested to the oil of Artemisia
by 63.2%, with 31.0-37.5% of tumor growth inhibition. Thus, the annua L with inhibition zones at more than 60 and 50 mm, respec-
study demonstrated Xylopia frutescens essential oil exhibit antican- tively. Thus, A. annua has the ability to inhibit H. influenza, S.
cer properties, however, further investigations are recommended to pneumoniae, M. luteus, and C. krusei microbial strains.
establish the mechanism involved in the anticancer activity of es- 4.2.3. Pelargonium graveolens L'Her and Vitexagnus-castus L
sential oil [48]. Essential Oils
In another study of cytotoxicity of essential oils, Rashid and co- Pelargonium graveolens L'Her and Vitexagnus-castus are two
workers investigated in vitro cytotoxic activity of medicinal plant herbs with important uses in medicines, foods, and cosmetics
essential oil extracted from Artesimia indica wild against four hu- mainly found in Iran. They are distilled volatile oils and have char-
man cancer cells, A-549 (lung), THP-1 (leukemia), Caco-2 (colon), acteristics of pharmacological and biological activities such as anti-
and HEP-2 (liver). The procedure of this analysis was conducted by oxidant, anti-influenza, anticancer, antimicrobial, and antifungal
using sulphordomanie - B assay. The concentration of essential oil activity [56].
was varied from 10 to 100 g/mL and this reduced the viability of Ghannadi et al. investigated the antimicrobial properties of
the four cell lines [53]. The percentage of the essential oils have these essential oils against six bacterial species which are character-
potential to inhibit tumor cell growth in case of A-549 (lung), THP- ized as pathogen and food-borne bacterial pathogens, Listeria
1 (leukemia), Caco-2 (colon), and HEP-2 (liver) was revealed to be monocytogenes (PTCC 1297), Salmonella enteritidis (PTCC 1091),
72%, 95%, 78%, and 82%, respectively, while the IC50 values of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PTCC 1074), Escherichia coli (PTCC
each examined cancer cell lines were found to be 25 g/mL, 10 1330), Staphylococcus aureus (PTCC 1112) and Bacillus subtilis
g/mL, 19.5 g/mL, and 15.5 g/mL, respectively. Thus, based on (PTCC 1023) [35]. The results showed that P. graveolens essential
these results, the essential oil has the potential to exhibit significant oil has the ability to inhibit all examined bacterial strains with inhi-
cytotoxic activity. bition zone measurements; E. coli (9.5 ± 0.7 mm), P. aeruginosa
4.2. Essential Oils as Antibacterial Agent (25.3 ± 1.1 mm), S. aureus (42.0 ± 3.2 mm), B. subtilis (16.5 ± 0.7
mm), S. enteritidis (9.0 ± 0.0 mm) except L. monocytogenes (NE).
The application of aromatic plants as antibacterial agents to The most sensitive strain was S. aureus and this essential oil has
inhibit bacterial growth and decay prevention has been applied good inhibiting properties for further use in nutraceutical and phar-
since ancient times. Scientifically, various studies have reported the maceutical fields. Besides, four examined strains were successfully
potential of essential oils to prevent bacterial growth in many fields. inhibited by V. agnus-castus essential oil with reported inhibition
4.2.1. Eucalyptus globules essential oil zone; P. aeruginosa (4.0 ± 0.7 mm), S. aureus (50.0 ± 0.0 mm), B.
Antimicrobial activity of Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil subtilis (11.0 ± 0.7 mm), S. enteritidis (9.0 ± 0.0 mm) except L.
against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus monocytogenes (NE) and E. coli. (NE). S. aureus was found to be
(S. Aureus), the bacteria found in environments, foods, intestines, the most sensitive one to inhibit all bacterial strains [35].
and respiratory tract was investigated. The extraction process used 4.2.4. Curcuma aeruginosa (C. aeruginosa), Curcuma mangga
to extract the oil was the hydrodistillation technique, and the inhibi- (C. mangga), and Zingibercassumunar (Z. cassumunar) Essential
tory effect of Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil was studied by us- Oils
ing agar disc diffusion and dilution broth method. The results These essential oils are among zingiberaceous plants, which are
showed that the essential oil has the potential to inhibit both bacte- rarely studied by researchers regarding their antimicrobial activi-
rial activities by varying the size of inoculums and the concentra- ties. The common species of zingiberaceous which are scientifically
8 Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 Aziz et al.

proven as antimicrobial agents are the family of ginger (Zingiber In 2012, Elaissi et al. studied the application of Eucalyptus
officinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) [57]. essential oil as an antiviral agent to inhibit the human fungal and
Othman and co-workers studied the extracted plant oils from enteroviral infections. Elaissi and co-worker investigated the antivi-
family of zingiberaceous, Curcuma aeruginosa (C. aeruginosa), ral activities of the eight types of Eucalyptus essential oils against
Curcuma mangga (C. mangga), and Zingiber cassumunar from coxsakievirus B3 incubated with Vero cell line, a productive repli-
Malaysia, for their antimicrobial activity against four bacteria: Ba- cation of influenza B viruses [66]. The eight species of Eucalyptus
cillus cereus (B. cereus), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Es- were E. bicostata, E. cinerea, E. maidenii, E. Odorata and E. Si-
cherichia coli (E. coli), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aerugi- deroxylon, collected from Souiniat arboreta located in the North
nosa); and two fungi: Candida albicans (C. albicans) and west of Tunisia; E. astringens and E. Lahmannii collected from
Cyptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans), using disc-diffusion Korbous arboreta; and another species, E. Leucoxylon was collected
method [58]. The results revealed that three essential oils displayed from Jbelabderrahman arboreta.
a various degree of inhibition against the examined microorgan- In order to clarify the mode of antiviral action and to identify
isms. The strongest activity was performed by C. mangga essential the target site, cells were pre-treated with essential oils before viral
oil, while C. aeruginosa had moderate activity, and Z. cassumunar infection (cells pre-treatment) and the virus was incubated with
resulted in no activity against most of the microorganisms tested. essential oils before cell inoculation (virus pre-treatment). Maxi-
The most sensitive bacteria were S. aereus, since it was inhibited by mum non-cytotoxic concentrations were used for all tested samples.
all three essential oils, while P. aeruginosa was known as the most The result showed that there was no inhibition viral infections
resistant bacteria since the oils showed either weak or no inhibition among essential oils of E. sideroxylon, E. lehmannii, E. Leucoxylon
towards it [58]. and E. Odorata, while essential oils of E. Bicostata and E.
Astringens resulted in a significant antiviral activity with the values
4.3. Essential Oils as Antiviral Agent of IC50, 0.7 - 4.8 mg/mL and 8.4 mg/mL, respectively, followed by
Various infectious diseases are caused by some agents called E. Cinerea essential oil (IC50=102-131mg/mL) and E.
viruses, and meanwhile, there are many types of drugs available to Maidenni (IC50=136.5 - 233.5mg/mL). The antiviral activities
be antiviral agents. Aromatic plants essential oil extracts have been of these essential oils vary and depend on the doses. The antiviral
evaluated for their performance as an antiviral agent, including activities declined by decreasing the concentration of essential oils
essential oils commonly used in culinary applications [59]. used.
4.3.1. Lippia graveolens (Mexican oregano) Essential Oil In terms of antiviral performance of the oils in pre-treatment
This essential oil is a plant of family group of Verbenaceae cells and virus, E. bicostata showed a better antiviral activity at pre-
treatment of the virus with the selectivity index, SI 22.8, which is
which are frequently known as Mexican oregano and used in Mex-
better than cell pre-treatment with SI, 3.33 only. Besides, the E.
ico as a food seasoning and a folk remedy [60]. The antibacterial
astringent revealed an antiviral activity only at virus pre-treatment.
activity of this oil has been revealed, and the inhibition activity of
Based on these results, no correlation was found between the
the essential oil was due to its main constituents, named carvacrol
chemical composition and the antiviral assay. However, the re-
[61]. In 2011, a study was carried out on the antiviral activity of search proved the ability of Eucalyptus essential oils in inhibiting
Lippia graveolens essential oil and its main component, carvacrol, virus infections, and the activity of the examined essential oils may
against human and animal viruses using MTT test, which conducted occur due to synergism between the major and minor constituents
by Alves and research team [62]. The antiviral activity experiment [66].
was conducted to investigate the potential of Lippia graveolens and
its main constituent, carvacrol, against 5 DNA viruses; HHV (hu- 4.4. Essential Oil as Skin Penetration Enhancers for Transder-
man herpesvirus)-1, ACVR (acyclovir)-HHV 1, BoHV (bovine mal Drug Delivery
herpesviruses)-1, BoHV-2, and BoHV 5. Meanwhile, three RNA Various fields involved in the application of essential oils are
viruses (genetic viruses) which are HRSV (human respiratory syn- cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and food industries, whereas their po-
cytial virus), RV (human rotavirus), and BVDV (bovine viral diar- tential as anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory
rhea virus) have also been studied [62]. agents has been studied and evaluated. Many human diseases have
From the result, Mexican oregano essential oil successfully been reported to be treated with essential oils due to their numerous
inhibited the five out of eight examined viruses, while carvacrol biological activities. Therefore, studies have been conducted to
also inhibited the same viruses as an essential oil, except BoHV 1 evaluate these aromatic plants as suitable permeation enhancers to
and 5. During the pre/post-treatment, where the essential oil added increase the percutaneous absorption of various drugs in topically
before and after viral inoculation, the oil showed a good inhibition administration through the lower skin layer.
of these 5 viruses, while only two of these viruses were successfully 4.4.1. Turpentine Essential Oil
inhibited when the oil added after viral inoculation. However, the In 2011, a study was carried out on the potential use of oil tur-
effective performance of the oil before viral inoculation seemed to pentine as a transdermal permeation enhancer to deliver ibuprofen
make a difference. BVDV was the only one who showed that the from hydrogel through the skin. 1% w/v of ibuprofen hydrogels
Lippia graveolens essential oil was more efficient when applied were formulated with Carboxypoly Methylene (CPM) with and
after viral inoculation [62]. without turpentine oil. Turpentine oil was added into ibuprofen
4.3.2. Eight Eucalyptus Species’ Essential Oils hydrogel with different concentration, i.e. 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3%
of the total formulation [67]. In vitro permeation, the study was
The Eucalyptus, a native Australian aromatic plant belonging to
conducted with a Franz diffusion cell using excised rabbit abdomi-
the Myrtaceae family, comprises about 900 species [63]. The vola-
nal skin. These results indicated that there was a significant increase
tile oils are contained in the 300 species of Eucalyptus, while less
in drug permeation as the concentration of essential oil increased.
than 20 species known for their major constituents named 1,8- From the results, the presence of 3% turpentine oil showed the
cineole (more than 70%) which have been commercially used in greatest effect on Ibuprofen delivery through rabbit skin. Maximum
pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields [64]. Since 2007, one Eucalyp- flux was found at P7 formulation with 17.26 mg/cm2/h across rabbit
tus plant known as Eucalyptus globulus has been investigated by abdominal skin. Thus, this study concluded that turpentine oil was
some researchers for its efficacy against Haemophilus influenza and the main cause of the enhancement of Ibuprofen permeation from
Stenotrophomonas maltophilla, two well-known bacteria and vi- hydrogel due to the ease of disruption of stratum corneum. The
ruses causing respiratory infections [65]. primary mechanism of disrupting stratum corneum may increase
Pharmaceutical & Therapeutic Role of Essential Oils Current Drug Metabolism, 2018, Vol. 19, No. 00 9

permeation of the drug. Thus, turpentine oil was proved to be a GC-MS = Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
good natural penetration enhancer for hydrogel formulations [67]. HRSV = Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus
4.4.2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil BVDV = Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus
CPM = Carboxypolymethylene
Karpanen and co-workers studied the eucalyptus essential oil CHG = Chlorhexidine Digluconate
incorporated with chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG), as a skin anti-
septic in order to enhance its efficacy during topical application as CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
skin antiseptic drug. CHG was applied to the surface of donor skin
Not applicable.
and its penetration efficacy was examined by using Franz diffusion
cell method [68]. One of the parameters that are manipulated CONFLICT OF INTEREST
throughout the experiment was the concentration of eucalyptus
essential oil added into formulations. CHG amount was fixed and The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or other-
the result of CHG incorporated with essential oil permeation into a wise.
different layer of skin. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
From the results, it was shown that 5% of essential oil possess The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial supports
greater CHG permeation to the deeper layer skin (< 300 m), and given to this work by Research Management Centre (RMC), grant
10% of the essential oil enhanced CHG penetration in the upper no. (Q.J130000.2546.17H02), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
skin layer, 900 m. Besides, there was no significant difference in
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