Inglés Nivel Básico 7 - 13-10

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Teacher: Melanie Andrade Cortés


Simple present Present progressive Neither of / Both of

z  Emma: Hi Mark!
THERE  Mark: Hi Emma!
IS/THERE  Mark: Is there a cell phone in your handbag?
ARE  Emma: Yes, there is.

 Mark: Can I use it?

Sentences  Emma: Of course.

 Mark: Thank you.

 Emma: So, where’s your phone?

 Mark: It’s in my backpack.

 Emma: And where’s your backpack?

 Mark: It’s at home.

 Emma: Oh ok.
Your Story: Mei’s new roommate
Real-World Listening

 Beijing, China. In the center of this capital city, there is the world’s largest
palace. It’s called the Forbidden City, and it’s over 500 years old. The
Emperor of China was here from the year 1421 to 1911. The palace is
huge: 720,000 square meters. That’s more than 100 soccer fields. There
are exactly 9,999 rooms. Nine was a lucky number for the emperor. Some
buildings and rooms here are only for the emperor. There are even special
stairs only for the emperor. In the past, 40,000 people lived here. There are
980 buildings, with many bedrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and
bathrooms. There are two main colors in the Forbidden City: yellow and
red. Yellow is the color of the emperor. That’s why the roofs in the
Forbidden City are all yellow. Today, the Forbidden City is open to tourists.
On some days, more than 100,000 people come here. There is a museum,
and there are some beautiful gardens. It’s a great place to spend the day.
 Beijing is the _______ city of China.
 A) capital B) world’s largest C) emperor

 ______ was a lucky number for the emperor.

 A) 99 B) 9 C) 100

 ______ people lived here with the emperor.

 A) 40,000 B) 7,200 C) 9,999

 There are ______ buildings in the Forbidden City.

 A) 980 B) 100 C) 9,999

 Some of the rooms and buildings were only for ______

 A) tourists B) the emperor C) the stairs

 There is a ______ and some ______ in the Forbidden City.

 A) museum …beautiful gardens B) museum … soccer fields C) garden … museums
Activity 6

 Complete sentences with the correct word.


 Grabación en video* (video en formato mp4)

 Realizar un video tipo “House tour”

 Mencionar número de habitaciones

 Nombre de cada espacio de la casa

 Cuántas personas viven en la casa/departamento

 Mencionar qué es lo que más les gusta de su casa y por qué

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