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Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.

BNWAS Magnetic Compass Nautical Charts & Publication

Regulation 19 (1.2.4) Regulation 19 (2.1) Regulation 19 (2.1.4)

1) Shall in operational whenever All ships All ships

ship is underway
1) One magnetic compass, 1. To plan and Display the ship’s
One BNWAS for: independent of any power route for the voyage
 Passenger ship supply
 Cargo ship 3000 GT > 2. To plot and monitor throughout
 Cargo ship 500 GT > 2) A Pelorus Display reading at the voyage.
 Cargo ship 150 – 500 GT main steering position
3. ECDIS accepted as meeting
Also apply to ships 3) Can take bearing of 360 degree chart requirements.
constructed before 1 July
Regulation 19 (2.2.1) 4. Back-up arrangements meet
4) All ship 150 GT above & all functional requirement.
Exemption: ship scrap 2 passenger ships, a spare
years after implementation magnetic compass
Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.9

GPS Radar reflector

Sound Reception System
Regulation 19 (2.1.6) Regulation 19 (2.1.7) Regulation 19 (2.1.8)

All ships Ship 150GT < Ship’s bridge totally enclosed

 A receiver for GNSS/  A radar reflector or other  Enable OOW to hear sound
Terrestrial means to enable signals
Radionavigation system detection by ships  Determine direction
 Suitable use at all times navigate by 9 n 3 GHz
Throughout the voyage
 Update the ship’s position
by automatic means.
Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.9

Telephone Echo Sounder

Radar 9 GHz (X-Band)
Regulation 19 (2.1.9) Regulation 19 (2.3.1) Regulation 19 (2.3.2)

All ships Ships 300 GT > & Passenger ships Ships 300 GT > & Passenger sips

 Have communication  An echo sounding device to  9 GHz Radar, determine &

heading info to emergency measure & display the display the range & bearing
steering position. available depth of water of radar transponder
 To assist in navigation & in
collision risk.
Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.9

Gyro Compass ROT LRIT

Regulation 19 (2.5) Regulation 19 (2.9.1) Regulation 19-1 (2.1)

Ships 500 GT> All ship 50,000 GT above must have (engaged international voyage)
one ROT  Passenger ship
 Have a gyro compass  High speed craft
 Heading repeater at  Cargo ship 300 GT above
emergency steering position  Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
 Take bearing over an arc 360 (MODU)
1) LRIT for SHIPS constructed on or
after 31 DEC 2008
2) LRIT for SHIPS constructed
before 31 DEC 2008 and sailing
at sea area A1 , A2, A3

Info transmitted are:

 Identity
 Position
 Date & Time
Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.9

Doppler Log
VDR Daylight Signalling Lamp

Regulation 20
Regulation 19 (2.3.4) Regulation 19 (2.2.2)
Need to have one VDR:
1) Passenger ship international Ship 300 GT > & Passenger ship All ships 150 GT > & Passenger ship
voyage constructed on or after
1st July 2002  Indicate speed and distance One daylight signalling lamp,
2) Other than passenger ship, through water based on electric power
3000 GT international voyage Regulation 19 (2.9.2)
3) Cargo ship international voyage Ship 50000 GT >
may carry S-VDR (simplified)
 Speed & Distance measuring
device SOG in forward &
Athwartships direction.
Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.9

ARPA AIS Rudder, Propeller,Thrust,Pitch

& Mode Operational
Regulation 19 (2.8) Regulation 19 (2.4) Regulation 19 ( 2.5.4)

All ships 10000 GT > Ships 300 GT > engaged International All ships 500 GT >
 Have an ARPA to plot Ship 500 GT > NOT engaged  To determine & display
automatically the range international voyage rudder angle, propeller
Passenger ships revolution, force direction of
 at least 20 other targets thrust.
 Fitted with AIS
 All reliable from the conning
 connected to device to
indicate speed & distance
through water

 Simulate a trial manoeuvre

Ships on or after 1 July 2002 shall fitted Nav Equipment paragraph 2.1 to 2.9

International Code of
3 GHz Radar ECDIS
Signal & IAMSAR Manual
Regulation 19 (2.7) Regulation 19 (2.10)
All ships
All ships 3000 GT > Ships engaged on international
voyages  Carry IAMSAR code Volume 3
 Have 3 GHz Radar or Up-to-date
Passenger ships 500 GT >
 A second 9 GHz or Tanker 3000 GT >
Cargo ships 3000-10000GT
 Other means determine & Cargo Ships 50000 >
display the range & bearing Cargo Ships 20000-50000 GT
of other surface craft,
obstruction, buoys,
shorelines & navigational
marks to assist navigation

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