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Business Study Tour – Virtual Study Tour

Trimester 3, 2021
Business Study Tour – Virtual Study Tour

Discipline: Business Services

Prepared by: Unit Coordinator Dr Claire Lambert, Version 1

Key unit contacts

Name Room Email Tel Consultation Time
Dr Claire Lambert JO2.229 08 6304 5587 By appointment

Name Consultation Time
Dr Anushka Siriwardana By appointment
Dr. Madura Thivanka By appointment
Dr. Nuwan Wimalana By appointment
Dr. Anuradha Senadheera By appointment


Name Room Tel Email
Student Hub JO34 Level 1 134 328
Librarian, Kate Hewitt

Learning Adviser JO2.130

See ECU Sri Lanka Bachelor of Commerce Timetable for 2021-03 for details.

Acknowledgement of Country
The School of Business and Law acknowledges and respects the Noongar people, who are the traditional
custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand and its programs operate. In particular ECU pays respect to
the Nyoongar Elders, past and present, and embraces their culture, wisdom and knowledge.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to the BUS3700 Business Study Tour unit.
This unit is designed to enable undergraduate students to be involved in an international business experience
offshore. The tour aims to provide students with first-hand knowledge and experience of business operations in
their relevant discipline. The tour will provide students with an opportunity to draw together theory and practice in
the country or region visited.
Due to current international travel restrictions, this unit will run as a Virtual Study Tour in 2021 (Summer School
semester at ECU). The School of Business and Law (SBL) have partnered up with a number of different

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international partners and industry experts to provide a virtual study tour to of many different international locations
to be exposed to a number of trends, challenges and opportunities facing the business world in today’s
This study tour will help you gain insights into ecommerce, retail, sustainability, planning, tourism, esports,
technology, workplace, culture plus many more areas of insight.

Unit Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and skills relevant to discipline.

2. Develop an understanding of the major social, political, cultural and/or economic challenges that apply to
these international businesses.
3. Exercise critical thinking and judgment to analyse cultural and global environments.
4. Identify recent global trends relevant to discipline.
5. Operate with increased cultural awareness and cross-cultural skills.

ECU School of Business and Law is an Advanced PRME signatory and is committed to transforming business and
management education and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Communication Skills
Communication skills are not only crucial for success at University, employers also want graduates who are
competent and confident communicators, with strong English language proficiency. For assistance with improving
your English language skills, you can attend one of the Academic Skills workshops or email Please visit Blackboard > Communities > Academic Skills Centre for workshop
registration and other information about developing your language and study skills.

Academic integrity
ECU students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity in their work by completing assignments honestly
and with appropriate referencing. Academic misconduct such as plagiarism (copying ideas without referencing) and
contract cheating (organising or paying a third party to complete an assignment) can lead to serious penalties such
as an assignment or unit fail, suspension and expulsion.
For further information about academic integrity and ECU’s policies, please visit the student academic integrity

The Learning Experience

The software platform, known as Blackboard, will be used in this unit to permit communication outside of the
scheduled classes, and to provide you with further information on specific topic areas covered in this unit. As an
enrolled student in BUS3700, you will be able to access the relevant unit information and resources that have been
placed there. To login to Blackboard, log in to your student portal or via You will need
your user name and password that were assigned as an enrolled student at ECU. You should also check your
student email regularly, as the Unit Coordinator will use this as a means of communication. Announcements, unit
material, assessment information and additional resources are all available on this site so please become familiar
with its features.

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Completion of weekly readings is essential to gain the most out of your learning experience. You need to
keep up with the weekly readings for this unit and be prepared to participate in discussions and activities via
discussion board on Blackboard. The relevant modules for your weekly readings are noted under the Study
Schedule in this unit plan. When you read the set piece(s) each week, you should make your own comprehensive
set of notes that will assist you with learning the material. Instead of simply summarising the material, try to
critically engage with it. That is, write out the main points and arguments in your own words, note down any
questions that come to mind and think about how this reading links up with the weekly topic. If you haven’t read
and thought about the topic, it may reduce your ability to engage fully in the discussions and assessments, which
may hamper your own learning. On average, you should be committing five to six hours per week to this unit.

Academic Skills Centre & Library Services

Each semester the Academic Skills Centre and Library offer online workshops, consultations, and self-access
resources on a variety of topics that will help set you up for success in your studies.
We encourage you to access these free services to assist in developing the academic, research, and language skills
required to succeed at ECU. Remember, too, that employers seek graduates with strong communication skills and the
ability to think critically about information, so taking the time now to develop your skills in these areas will serve you
well into the future.
Feel free to email or stop by the front desk at the ASC or Library with quick questions, or click on the links below to find
workshop and assignment drop-in schedules or to make individual (or small group) appointments for support as you
work on assessment tasks and skill development.

Getting support with your academic writing and research skills

Academic Skills Centre Library Services

JO 34.240 JO Building 31
ML 3.170 ML Building 8
BU 3.101c SW Building 3

Online resources: Online resources:

To book an online or phone appointment with a To book an online or phone appointment with a
Learning Adviser, go to Librarian, go to

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Email: Email:

Learning Advisers can assist you with: Library staff can assist you with:
• Study strategies • Digital skills
• Academic writing • Assignment research skills
• English language development • Referencing
• Numeracy and STEM skills • Endnote

Active learning
Studying a university-level course requires you to take an active role in what you are learning. To get the most out
of your time at ECU, you should engage with and actively participate in your units, and take responsibility for your
own learning.

Discussion board expectations

Networking with other students; asking questions to clarify understanding; responding to questions asked by other
students; debating different perspectives; and sharing articles or other information you discover throughout your
studies, are all important parts of learning. To enable you to ‘discuss’ the unit content with other students or to ask
questions about the assessments, etc., an electronic Discussion Board is available on the Blackboard site for this
unit. It is your responsibility to check the discussion board at least once a week via Blackboard > Discussion Board.
If you are not sure how to find, or how to use the Discussion Board, ask (or email) your tutor or lecturer for help.
When using the discussion boards, you must display the normal courtesies of professional communication. Please
refer to ‘ECU Discussion Board Etiquette’ (below) to guide your communication with other students. The discussion
boards are monitored and postings deemed unprofessional, inappropriate and/or unrelated to the unit content will
be removed.


Please ensure your online communications follow these guidelines:
• Be polite;
• Use correct spelling and grammar;
• Do not write using capital letters (this can be interpreted as SHOUTING!);
• Avoid exotic fonts or colours;
• Be concise;
• Be respectful of different perspectives;
• Avoid responding when you are feeling angry;
• Do not disclose personal contact details; and
• Take the plunge and get involved in the discussions.

Texts and Resources

There is no recommended textbook for this unit. Students should ensure they complete the module materials and
are encouraged to also explore the topics covered further via exploring resources available online.

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Study Schedule
This schedule provides a guideline on the topics covered for each day, including assessment dates during the two
week duration of the unit. It is a guideline and thus, it may be subject to change.

Wk/ Module Week Comm Topic/s Assessment

Date (Mon.)

1 (Module 1) 22/11 Introduction to the Unit & Buy Local

2 (Module 2) 29/11 How technology is changing the world

3 (Module 3) 06/12 E-commerce

4 (Module 4) 13/12 E-Sports Assessment 1 Due Friday 10th

5 (Module 5) 20/12 Inclusion/ Assessment 2 Workshop
27/12 Mid Term Christmas Break
6 (Module 6) 3/1 The Environment and Sustainability Assessmemt 2 Due Friday 7
7 (Module 7) 10/1 Chinese Tourism & Tourism Trends/
Assessment 3 Workshop
8 (Module 8) 17/1 Duke Health & Big Data
9 (Module 9) 24/1 Mastering the art of Podcasting
10 (Module 10) 31/1 Ethics and Data Privacy, Future of Assessment 3 Due Friday 4th
Work February

Assessment Information
All written unit assessments, excluding those completed under supervised conditions, may, at the unit coordinators
discretion, be extended to require an oral examination to clarify and support the written submission. The oral
examination will normally be held in person with the Unit Coordinator but may be conducted by telephone or other
means at the Unit Coordinator’s discretion. The oral examination should be conducted as soon as possible after
the assessment but may be deferred if the student is unable to attend and can provide supporting evidence. The
oral examination will be able to override the original assessment of the written submission. If a student fails to
attend the oral examination it may result in an Academic Misconduct investigation. In order to pass this unit, you
must achieve an overall mark of 50% or more from the assessment tasks sumarised below.

Assessment summary
No. Assessment Due Date and Time Value Mandatory to
1 Assignment I Padlet Post– due Friday 10th December by 2.30pm SLST 20% No
2 Assignment II Reflective Blog Post– due Friday 7th January by 2.30pm SLST 40% No
3 Assignment III Video Podcast – due Friday 4th February by 2.30pm SLST 40% No

Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is defined as "a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and
responsibility", and “the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity" (ICAI, 2014, p.16). It is driven by our
ECU values of Integrity, Respect, Rational Inquiry and Personal Excellence. Developing a culture of academic

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integrity is a shared responsibility for all ECU Staff and Students.

For more information please visit:

Assessment Task 1: Padlet “Post”

Part A. (worth 15 marks) [to be completed in a team]
The future of work will require workers located in different countries, locations, and cultures to come together
virtually to work and collaborate on a task to fulfil the requirements of a project. Thus, Assessment 1 is designed to
allow students to collaborate online with international students via composing a Padlet “Post”. Students will work in
a team of 3-4 comprising ECU Australia and ECU Sri Lanka students to complete this assessment. Each team will
be provided with a proposition to address.
For example:
Proposition - By 2042 all products will be bought locally*.
Students need to position their responses to be either supportive (i.e., agree with the statement) of the statement or
non-supportive of the statement (i.e., disagree with the statement).
*Please note this is an example proposition and students CANNOT complete their assessment on this proposition.

The proposition:
The proposition to complete Assessment 1 on will be provided to each team by no later than Sunday 28th
November 2021.

How are teams formed?

Working in industry, employees do not get to select their work colleagues so for this assessment students will be
allocated a team and be provided with the contact details of their team members in Week 1. Each team will also be
allocated a Microsoft Teams group in Week 1 to utilise to collaborate together to form their post.

How to collaborate:
For the Padlet “Post” students will work together on Microsoft Teams to collaborate on forming their Padlet “Post”.
• It is recommended that students hold a virtual team meeting with Microsoft Teams no later than Friday 3rd
December to introduce themselves and brainstorm their response to the proposition they have been
provided. Please record this session as it will be evidence of your collaboration.
• Students can also collaborate via the chat function on teams.
• Your collaborative workings on Microsoft Teams will form a component of the grading of this assessment
and all members of the team must be involved in this collaboration.
• Please ensure a copy of your final and confirmed post design by the team is included in your Microsoft
Teams channel as well as Padlet.
• For students unfamiliar with Microsoft Teams, please refer to the support materials under Assessment 1 to
The Post:
• You will need to apply the learnings of the unit via including a visual image and supporting text, to reinforce
your team’s understanding of the proposition in your Post to Padlet.
• Students need to position their responses to be either supportive (i.e., agree with the statement) of the
statement or non-supportive of the statement (i.e., disagree with the statement).
• There must be evidence of a synthesis of research to support your argument (i.e., agreement or
disagreement with the proposition).
• Students are recommended to consider a social, political, cultural, environmental and/or economic
perspective to address the proposition.
• Students are encouraged to extend on the focal discussion that may have been covered in the unit on the
topic of the proposition to present a novel consideration or recommendation. Simply referring to
recommendations or considerations already discussed in the unit will attract low marks.
• Once the student team is happy with their finalised Post they need to post it to Padlet via the link provided
on Blackboard under Assessment 1.

HINT: Students could highlight their understanding of a major social, political, cultural and/or economic challenge
that applies to the proposition. Or you may wish to focus on an example to support or refute the proposition.

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How to post the Post to Padlet?
• For this assessment one student of the team will be required to access the Padlet Wall link on Blackboard
and make the post to the wall.
• The posting will be in the form of a textual and visual contribution. At the end of the post ALL students’
student numbers and in brackets the campus location [AUS for Australia; SL for Sri Lanka] (e.g., 1098769
[AUS]; 1098769 [SL]) must be listed to assist with grading.
• Postings must be concise (limited to a maximum of 600 characters including spaces is to be used, which
equates to approximately 12 lines of text depending on screen size #), relevant (clearly connected to the
proposition) and original (please ensure you do not repeat an idea that has already been posted on the
Padlet wall as this will attract low marks).
#Please note student numbers are not included in the 600 characters of the post.

One member of the team must log into Blackboard and click on the Assessment link on the left hand side bar and
then select “Assessment 1” where you will locate the Padlet Wall.

Value: 15% of the unit

Format: Part A: The Wall will involve one student from the team posting a textual and visual
contribution to Padlet.
Part B: word doc submission
Due date & time: Friday 10th December by 5pm AWST, 2.30pm SLST (via Blackboard)
How to submit: Part A: One student from the team must access the Assessment 1 heading on Blackboard,
then enter the Wall and make the posting on behalf of the team.
Blackboard>Assessment folder > Assessment 1 Part A Padlet Post
Unit learning This assessment will assess the following unit learning outcomes.
1. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and skills relevant to discipline.
2. Develop an understanding of the major social, political, cultural and/or economic
challenges that apply to these international businesses.

Part B. – Reflection (worth 5 marks) [to be completed individually]

This assessment has tasked you with completing an assessment item in a global virtual team, where team
members are located in different parts of the world and you rely on online tools for communication. This is a
prominent feature of today’s work environment and also in the future of work thus, students will need to master
these skills. However, it is appreciated that communicating virtually with colleagues or peers in different time zones,
from different cultures, and languages can be challenging. Not to mention team members’ differing backgrounds
can affect how teams work collaboratively and overall, how they perform. However, team member difference can
also be advantageous for team performance as a diverse team can be exhibit more creativity, they tend to evaluate
more option, process information more carefully and ultimately form better decisions.
Reflecting on the approach you took, write in 250 words how you adapted your communication skills to
acknowledge any cultural differences in your team. You can use paragraphs and bullet points. The formatting style
is not a major concern, it is your learnings from the experience that is the most important to review.
Suggested points to consider:
• how you wrote your collaborative responses on Microsoft Teams;
• how your virtual team meeting went and the approach you took;
• the language you used (did you adapt your approach or use language you typically use)
• you may wish to share an example of a challenge you encountered and how you overcome this challenge.
This reflection must be completed after the Padlet post has been submitted and the reflection must be submitted
via TurnItIn, no later than Monday 13th December by 5pm AWST, 2.30pm SLST.

Please note: The reflection is to be completed by each student as an individual piece (not as a team) and should
be based on the student’s experience working in the team for the completion of the Padlet post.

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Students must log into Blackboard and click on the Assessment link on the left hand side bar and then select
“Assessment 1” where you will the link to submit your individual reflection.

Value: 5% of the unit

Format: Pdf or Word doc*
Due date & time: Monday 13th December by 5pm AWST, 2.30pm SLST
How to submit: Part B: Electronically via Blackboard>Assessment folder > Assessment 1 Part B
Reflection >Turnitin link – no hardcopies are required.
Emailed reports will not be marked – you MUST submit your report via TurnItIn.
Each student must submit their own Individual reflection into TurnItIn.
* Note: Select units use CADMUS academic integrity software in addition to Turnitin


Before starting this assignment, you should have familiarised yourself with the support materials on how to use
Padlet and Microsoft Teams which are located under the Assessment 1 link on Blackboard.

Please visit the unit’s Blackboard site for the Marking Rubric for Assessment 1 which is located under
Assessments>Assessment 1> Marking Rubric

Overall feedback for the assessment item will be available via Blackboard>My Grades.

Assessment Task 2: Reflective Blog Post

In today’s connected and concise world, blogging is considered a valuable business skill.
Scenario: You have been asked to write two travel blogs [between 1000-1500 word BlogPost + images for each
post] that explain two of the learning modules covered during Week 1- Week 5 (Module 1-5) of the unit. At
least one travel BlogPost must cover one of the modules covered in the second or third weeks of the unit. The
BlogPosts should summarise but also extend on the topics covered to highlight the key challenges and
opportunities for businesses in today’s marketplace. Students should use an example or examples to provide
context to their content. Students should endeavour to capture and maintain a reader’s attention through an
interesting and well written BlogPost – images are encouraged. Students should demonstrate that they have
understood the material that has been covered throughout the unit.
While a BlogPost is less formal than an academic essay or reports, quality is essential. Although, formal
referencing is not required, identifying sources increases the article’s credibility [e.g. ‘according to (insert a quality
resource e.g. a trend report, a website etc.) …’]. Relating your BlogPost to the unit learning is critical in relation to
how marks will be awarded. This means that BlogPosts that concisely deal with the topic and are consistent with
the learning outcomes of the unit, will be better regarded than work that appears to be a random opinion.
For this assignment, it is recommended that you keep a “tour travel diary” on each of the topics covered during the
unit. In this “tour travel diary” you might note the key learnings, considerations, challenges…that the industry is
facing. This will help with the reflective process at the unit completion. It is important that your reflective BlogPosts
are not a purely descriptive account of the content that was covered. You must critically reflect on your own
learnings during the unit and as such, this will be a highly personal piece of work.

For each of your two BlogPosts be sure to:

• Introduce yourself and your topic
• Demonstrate your understanding of the topic including the key challenges and opportunities it presents for
businesses in today’s marketplace.

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• Connect a current issue or event to the topic and explain the significance of the current issue/event to the
• Consider any cultural considerations that are relevant to the topic
• Include relevant trends or research to support your topic
• There should be a clear argument evident in your BlogPost.
Please note the Assessment 2 workshop will provide more guidance on how to address the requirements of this

Assessment instructions:
Students must log into Blackboard and click on the Assessment link on the left hand side bar and then select
“Assessment 2”.

Value: 40% of the unit.

Format: Pdf or Word docs. *
Due date & time: Due Friday 7th January by 2.30pm SLST
How to submit: Electronically via Blackboard>Assessment folder > Assessment 2>Turnitin link – no
hardcopies are required.
Emailed reports will not be marked – you MUST submit your report via TurnItIn.
Unit learning 3. Exercise critical thinking and judgment to analyse cultural and global environments.
outcomes: 4. Identify recent global trends relevant to discipline.
5. Operate with increased cultural awareness and cross-cultural skills.
* Note: Select units use CADMUS academic integrity software in addition to Turnitin


For this assignment, it is recommended that you keep a “tour travel diary” on each of the topics covered during the
unit. In this “tour travel diary” you might note the key learnings, considerations and challenges and constraints that
the industry are facing.

Students should consult the resources of the unit (e.g., module materials on Blackboard) but do not restrict yourself
to just these resources. In order to do well in this assessment, students will need to look nationally and

Please visit the unit’s Blackboard site for the Marking Rubric for Assessment 2 which is located under
Assessments>Assessment 2> Marking Rubric

Overall feedback and result for the assessment item will be available via Blackboard>My Grades two weeks after
the due date for submission.

Assessment Task 3: Podcast Pitch

Podcasts are an audio file recording designed to entertain or inform an audience about a subject. The format of a
podcast allows the creator to communicate with a given purpose or audience about their desired subject area. The
content of a podcast can inspire, inform, or entertain an audience.

The Scenario: Your CEO has asked you to pitch a short 5-7 minute, face to camera video presentation on what
the future of work is going to look like for the organisation going forward. When forming your pitch students should
act as though they are working for any business* that might be present in a discipline area covered within Modules
1 – 10. For example, you might be pitching to the CEO of WA Best Eat Best on what the future of work might look
like for the local WA food and beverage industry. In your pitch be sure to cover what major challenges and
considerations the business should be aware of and what recommendations you believe are important to consider
when preparing the business for the future of work environment. Use the following questions to guide your
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• Consider how the business would operate differently in the future; what would they do differently?
• Would there be an increased focused on cultural awareness and cross-cultural skills?
• What role will technology play?
Students should also include in their pitch what a student looking to graduate [i.e., the future workers for your CEO]
could do to better prepare themselves for the future of work in this business/ discipline area. Be sure to reflect on
the future of work has your view of the future of work changed after doing the virtual study tour unit?
These are just some suggested questions/ areas to address, you can extend your pitch to include other aspects
relevant to the future of work.
*Please note that students can select an organisation that was not discussed as an example in the module
materials but would be an organisation operating in the area of focus. For example, if Module 8 was selected as the
module of focus, the student could select any business that would be operating in the “Sport Media” space.

Reflective writing encourages you to make observations about your experiences and beliefs and think about what
you have learned and how you have learned it. It requires critical and analytic thought, a clear line of argument,
and the use of evidence through examples of personal experiences and thoughts as well as acknowledging a
range of viewpoints and possibilities.

Podcast format: As this assessment involves a Podcast which may involve a dialogue of exchange, students may
wish to interview person(s) within their pitch. Remember there is an audience and your Podcast should educate
listeners on the topic and be engaging storytelling.

A suggested format for your Podcast may involve:

• The intro should be 1-2 minutes and identify you (name and your role), and any other people, include the date
of the recording, and explain what is talked about during the podcast.
• You should discuss the background or relevance of the topic, and what audience might benefit from listening.
• Present your discussion on the Future of work.
• If you are conducting an interview, questions should help weave a story. If you are not interviewing, your
narrative should still help weave a story.
• The podcast should end with a thank you (if interview) or other clear ending (maybe a suggestion on where to
find out more information).
• The Podcast should be edited to cut out any distracting noices, long pauses etc and you should add a very
short (a few sec) intro/exit music or other appropriate sounds that enhance the recording.
• If you have external references, mention the website/article/etc within the dialogue of the Podcast.

Please note the Assessment 3 workshop will provide more guidance on how to address the requirements of this

Value: 40% of the unit.

Format: • Evidence of some Face-to-Camera views must be included within the podcast (i.e., at
the start and end, but not required to always be evident throughout the entire podcast).
• Recorded 5 – 7 minute podcast video in Panopto or mp4 format should be submitted.
• A MS Word briefing notes document which is two pages in length (12 point font), concise
and to the point covering the main takeaway points along with references should also
be submitted.
Due date & time: Due Friday 4th February by 2.30pm SLST
How to submit: Electronically via Blackboard>Assessment folder > Assessment 3>Turnitin link
1. Video Submission link (for Panopto or mp4 file) and
2. MS Word Turnitin link (for MS Word submission)
Unit learning 3. Exercise critical thinking and judgment to analyse cultural and global environments.
outcomes: 4. Identify recent global trends relevant to discipline.
5. Operate with increased cultural awareness and cross-cultural skills.

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Before starting this assignment, you should review the module material for your chosen module of focus, research
around the company and the situation on which you are presenting. You can create the video presentation using
your computer’s webcam and Panopto.
• You should also review the Quick Guide: Panopto Video Assessment. It can be found here:
Students are encouraged to listen to a couple of Podcasts to gain an understanding of how they are delivered,
what structure they involve and how the subject is conveyed.

Please visit the unit’s Blackboard site for the Marking Rubric for Assessment 3 which is located under
Assessments>Assessment 3> Marking Rubric

Feedback will be available via Blackboard>My Grades.

Occupational Health and Safety

Please consider the health and safety of yourself, and others you study with, in all the environments where you
study. Any group tasks need to be undertaken with the interests of all involved, ensuring the culture of respect and
safe working is similar to what would be undertaken in a workplace or community setting.
ECU is proud to have led the move to smoke-free university campuses in WA and Australia. ECU’s smoke-free
policy was established in 2012 to promote the health of staff, students and visitors. Smoking is not permitted on
any ECU campus and this applies 24 hours a day seven days a week. In accordance with the ECU Smoke-Free
University Guidelines (#4.4) "Employees observing other employees, contractors, visitors or students smoking on
University grounds should advise them that they are smoking in a prohibited area and request them to move off
ECU property."

Feedback and unit development

We invite and welcome honest feedback at ECU, both for praise and criticism, and there are a number of ways to
proceed during a semester or teaching period. The teaching staff are your first and most important point of contact
for feedback about the unit (their details are on the first page of this document). If the unit has a general discussion
board, you can post your comments there as well. More formally, in week four of a standard semester, the School
has an online survey to gauge your opinions about the progress of the unit in this early stage.
The University has a central email address to capture and action feedback of a more general nature. You can email or visit the Student Feedback page (accessed at:

Unit and Teaching Evaluation Instrument (UTEI)

Towards the end of any given teaching period in a unit, enrolled students will be invited by email to complete the
ECU UTEI online survey. This survey will ask questions concerning your level of satisfaction with the unit, your
lecturer and your tutor. Your feedback is essential to help us to improve the quality of our units and courses and as
such, we appreciate your time to complete the survey carefully. Your participation and the feedback you provide
are anonymous and confidential.
Major changes are listed below from the previous cohort who completed BUS3700
• More clarity around assessments.

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