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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): Simge BALKAN

Unit Title
Games and Hobbies

Grade Level
5th Grade

2 lessons, 40 minutes each

Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
At the end of the lesson, 5th grade students will
 list at least 5 vocabulary items related to the hobbies and interests when asked,
 differentiate the concepts of “like” and “dislike” from each other,
 make basic sentences by using the vocabulary given.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
A poster designed by using the online tool “Piktochart” and a Concept Map created by using “” will
be used in this 2-hour lesson in order to both provide information and appeal interest of the learners, who are
5th graders. Both of the materials are easy to use and suitable both for the level of the students and a regular
classroom environment.
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
This class will be based on Teacher-Based Method since this lesson is the first part of the allocated time in
order for this unit to be covered and consequently it will mostly depend on Instructions given by the teacher in
the field of vocabulary related to the unit.
The poster and the Concept Map will be suitable for the integration of Demonstration and Presentation
strategies into the classroom considering the audience being 5 th grade students. Other than the teacher-
centered method and its related strategies, Suggestopedia can be considered an appropriate FLE-based
method for the class in terms of the use of visual materials as “peripheral learning”, and making students feel
more comfortable and reducing the stress they may be feeling in the first class of a completely new unit.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
This lesson will provide students with the related vocabulary items as an introduction with the help of
technological tools mentioned before. Other than these, there will be matching activities that will test
students’ understanding without pushing them so much for the first lesson. Lots of fill-in-the-blank exercises
will be provided to the students to improve their writing skills. Both of the activities will have them get familiar
to new vocabulary faster.
Individual Learning Activities Matching items and fill-in-the-blank activities

Group Learning Activities A small-group activity in which students will share their
favorite free-time activities, favorites games and
hobbies, as well as the ones they don’t like, with each
other. This activity can be accomplished through L1
until students feel more comfortable using the
vocabulary they learned in sentences.
Introduction to the concept of games and hobbies
Vocabulary about Indoor and outdoor games
Vocabulary to express hobbies
Vocabulary related to the unit
Familiarity to like/dislike/hate/enjoy verbs

Measurement & Evaluation

Write the measurement and evaluation methods you will employ in that lesson.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Student will be picked up randomly to assess their
Individual Performance vocabulary
Measurement & Assessment Activities for List the measurement and assessment methods for group
Group Performance learning activities.

Homework (optional) List the homework if you plan to give.

Write the points regarding to the measurement and evaluation which you want to explain. (If any)
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The first 40-minute of the lesson will act as an introduction to the new unit. Students will be familiar with the
main focus area of the unit and what they will be capable of doing at the end of it. First of all, related
vocabulary will be presented through a concept map created in a detailed way. They will be asked questions to
draw attention and be integrated into the class. For example, they will be asked whether they have a general
idea about the meanings of the vocabulary written on the map, or whether they have heard any of the words
before. After some discussion about the map, more detailed information will be given. Correct pronunciation
will be encouraged through repetitions (first teacher pronounces the phrases, then students repeat out loud).
In the second 40-minute of the lesson, Piktochart will be made use of. As students gained some knowledge out
the unit, visual demonstrations through poster will attract attention, increase their understanding, and will
help them retain information better. Toward the end of the class, they will get to use what they have learned
by doing matching and fill-in-the-blanks activities. If something goes wrong regarding the process of the
course, such as a technological breakdown, the materials prepared for the lecture can be given to the students
as handouts.

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