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Primary Question:
In Puri- Odisha how does Vision Casting, Effective Leadership, Women status, and Economic
Mobility influence church growth?
Secondary question:
1. How does your church's vision statement contribute to the church growth?

a. How would you define the vision of your church?

b. What procedure does your church take to formulate its vision statement? 
c. How do you think a member should help the church reach its vision? 
d. What would you like church grow in five years’ time from now?
e. How does the Bible and the Triune God look at your Church’s Vision statement?
   2)      In Puri City, in what ways does a church leadership work toward realizing its
church growth?
a. In your view, what role does a church leader play in healthy church growth?
b. Please explain the relationship between the church leaders and the church members.
c. Do the leaders agree on they adequate training for church management?
d. What role does church management play in church growth?
e. How does a member encourage his/her leader to work effectively?
3)        How does the status of Women effects on your church growth?
a. What is the woman's role in church growth? 
b. What other gifts of the Spirit or professional skills do women have in enhancing church
c. What is the social status of a woman in her own household?
d. What is the attitude of the church leader towards leadership of women?
e. How does the church equip women to improve the health of the church?
4)       Should a church engage in economic mobility in order to grow?
a. What social activities does your church promote?
b. How does the church contribute towards the economic development of the church?
c. What is the relationship between the rich and poor Christians in your congregation? 
d. What steps has your church taken to help the poor and downtrodden people?
e. What is the role of the church leader in social engagement?
Date 14/12/21

Question 1 Answer:

In those days there were no bible schools, as I got salvation, why not people like me get salvation
that was my only mission. As god has gave me salvation why not the same god can give
salvation. I came to the lord from the street, till now no one has come from that situation to the
lord. There was a single question rising if god has called why god will not call other people.
God has given me a bible verse Matthew 28 to go and make disciple, really encourage me to
serve god. What I have to do to let the calling of god in their heart. Then I started to preach about
Jesus (about his life, death and resurrection) and call in the name he will listen to you. Reaching
to the people who worship idols, the poor, the sick and if sick people who don’t even call even if
we’ll go and see them. Lot of people says to pray and lots of people say not to pray. Whoever
says to pray we just share the gospel in that prayer and if they don’t want to listen then we just
meet them and come back? Likewise we spread the gospel slowly.

Question 2 Answers:

Main focus was sheep; shepherd takes care of the sheep. The sheep bring another sheep for that
we give that teaching that you have to the reason of salvation. You can go among your own
brother and family and you have to share gospel which can’t be done by us because when we go
we need chair. If we will go they will stay or not or if we’ll go then will want to list or not.
People sometime feel shy then they go away. So we encourage our church members to go and
tell to their own family members about Jesus. The family members will trust you and they will
listen gospel from you. If someone is sick, before the pastor reach the hospital the believer will
reach before and then they will inform pastor to go to the hospital and then pray. Full church
takes part in contributing towards the growth. Believer of certain area if a hindu die then those
believer will go to their house for their grieve. Specially women go to the grievance family and
stay by them. 300 to 400 people in the church, fishermen church.

Question 3 Answers:

The aim was, the situation of the world is bad, and we’re afraid wherever we pray. This was not
the situation of our country before. Nobody had any objection before we used to worship God
independently. Before we started people were against us and after a few years of seeing and
observing us they came to know that we are people who want peace and want to love and help
people. But now after the reign of BJP and RSS we are facing a lot of issues. Whenever we pray
they make sure to come near our prayer meeting and create disturbances, if we bring believers
they bring more people along with them to create disturbances. For example if the son of the
family comes to the prayer they go to their family and they put false allegation to his father and
mother about the son and our church and our prayer meeting. Now the Hindus have also
increased their pujas and all, all their idols which they kept closed or kept them sleeping now are
waking them up. Before that they used to do puja once in a year to their idols now they have
started doing it every single day. As they used to have festival for their idols once in a year now
they have started doing it every day. Because of the political reign of the present day we are
facing a lot of difficulties and problem. But we feel like they have started doing the pujas every
day which they used to have once in a year, only after seeing us worshiping and praying every
day. Now they are not objecting us alone, if one person start objecting a church and our prayer
meeting automatically a whole group of people back them up to go against us. But we still have
hope even in the midst of all these objection and setbacks people will understand and believe our
God and, yes even in this objection people are understanding and believing our Lord and Savior.
Recently a woman from Konark lost her everything she was not able to catch fish anymore, there
also not more fish left in the sea so she decided to sell her fish net and everything and she met a
believer of our church and she said please call the pastor to pray for me. So they invited me to
her house on one Thursday. I had a prayer meeting I went to the lady’s house after finishing the
meeting. I sat and spoke to her so said to me that she wanted to come to the Church and she
wanted us to pray for her. So I gave her oil after praying over it. After we prayed for her she
went to the sea from that day onwards they saw changes there was no sadness anymore whenever
they went to the sea they could catch fish which will at least be enough to look after their food
every day. Later on her daughter got married but she couldn’t conceive, she even had many
medicines. The lady’s son in law was one of the leaders in the Hindu community, the lady
brought her daughter to the church to pray for her. But her son in law raised question on the lady
that why she took her wife to pray for her to the church. The lady said because she couldn’t
conceive she took her to the church and I’ve seen many cases where people can’t conceive and
they go the church for prayer and after praying for them they also conceive. After they came to
the church after praying for her for few months she could conceive and when they thought was
something they took her to the hospital to do a check up the doctor said that she was one and half
months pregnant. Slowly the child was growing healthy inside the womb. Seeing that the lady’s
son in law also wanted to come to church and see so he came. Husband and wife together they
started coming to church to pray. When the hindu community saw that they came to church they
came to object the couple why they went to the church. the husband stood up and spoke to the
people that as all of you know we didn’t have child for years but after coming to church and
praying my wife conceived that is why we husband and wife together we are coming to the
church to pray and worship. Now they have a daughter and the whole family comes to the
church. so now it is very difficult for a believer to come to the church freely before we had the
freedom to come to church freely without any objection and problems from anyone. Now in
every corner there is some specific group of people who creates problem for people who wants to
come to church.

Question 4:

Even though there is persecution I want that my church should more in numbers. As scripture
says when the churches were persecuted they grew more, so we as a church are not afraid of
anything but we want our church should increase in number. As it is a telegu church and in every
telegu area the church should be built.

Question 5:

Our church is biblical based; we believe in trinity and God sees our church with satisfaction as it
is growing every time.

Question 6:

There is no proper leader in our church, the pastor only the main leader and the pastor takes care
of everything. We just give them the responsibility to certain people at certain time. Our church
doesn’t have designated leaders because these people mostly from fishermen background and
their way of understanding are different. These responsible people look into the needs of the
church and the believer’s life. We give responsibility to those people who can read bible or who
come to church and all the prayer meeting regularly, who can sing and who can give donation,
who can counsel. The youth of the church were given responsibility.

Question 7:

The relationship between the leaders and the members are good. As the leader or the responsible
they are youth some time its hard for the older people to listen to them but when we pastors
listen to the youth and work to the plans the member see us and they also listen to the youth.
Culturally the fishermen they are backward so its hard for them to understand stuff but they
learn. And even the youth understand and respect the elders and make plans which will satisfy
both of their requirements.

Question 8:

Yes, its important to give training to the leaders. But in our church the leaders we chose must be
a regular member from 10 years and they see the ways how the church runs so they learn and
take care of the things properly. These leaders that we chose they are all our Sunday’s school
kids now grown up and they are helping our church now. To encourage the leaders we give
opportunity for worship, preaching in the house visitation.

Question 9:

Church management plays an important role it’s the work of the management team that help the
church in line. There are members to whom who gave responsibility to check upon people who
didn’t come to church. there are responsible people who check on the infrastructure of the
church, so all I can say the management is the foundation.

Question 10:
The members pray for the leaders, give offerings, and visit people specially those who were sick
and they inform the pastor so that pastor goes and pray for them. We teach our church member
that its not only the pastor’s role to share the gospel, so our members share their testimony with
other people to bring people in to the body of Christ.

Question 11:

Women plays an important role. Every Friday there is a prayer meeting in the church were they
keep fasting and cry for the need of the church, pastor, and members of the church, for nations.
they spend their time only in crying for those people who have need. Tuesday again they spend
time in prayer. Weekly twice ladies meet and prayer for all the needs. Because of that our church
is functioning well.

Question 12:

Women in our church all are housewives and they help their neighbors by sharing their
testimony and lifestyle they bring people to the church.

Question 13:

Even in house the women takes care of everything. They are the home minister of the home, she
takes care of the house, send kids for prayer, and they take decision. Fishermen do the outside
job they don’t home until night so the women have to manage everything.

Question 14:

The women leader in our church has been respected well. We divided the department no one
speak in their areas whatever the responsible person according to their responsibility everyone
listen to it.

Question 15:

Our church helps women in reading bibles, and making them an active member in different
house prayers by giving them prayer so that they will not feel shy.

Question 16:

We were having schools before but now because of covid and no sponser it stopped. But if there
is poor family coming to the church then we support them. No such thing as social work but we
help people financially.

Question 17:

Church is self funded church our church take offering and see towards the requirement of the
Question 18:

There is no rich and poor Christians in the church, as everyone are fishermen there economic
status are same. And in the kingdom of God there all are equal.

Question 19:

If we see there is need in some family we contribute and give them, not only financially but also
food, clothes and help them also to find jobs for them.

Question 20:

We don’t have such regular social work but once in a year in Christmas we have feeding
programs to the poor, give blankets. So the leaders take initiative to encourage the church
member and look towards the financial status to conduct the programs.

Pastor Omega, Grace A.G.Church pentacota, 21st December 2021

Question 1:

The vision statement of the church is how to gain soul for the Lord in coming days. In future to
establish the church. and to share gospel in different place where ever there is needed. Those
who never heard about the gospel there we want to build church that is our vision.

Question 2:

Everyday street prayer among those who never heard about Jesus, Sunday school program, vbs
program, in Christmas time we share gospel once in a year.

Question 3:

We tell to the members of the church that sharing gospel is not only the work of a pastor but also
the believers works and they go and tell about gospel.

Question 4:

In five years from now the church should grow not only here but also other places, church should
increase and the leaders of the church should go as pastors to different places. Church building
should grow.

Question 5:

God is happy with our work. It is biblical based.

Question 6:
The role of church leader to take care of the youth. Conduct street prayers, leading youth for
different programs. There are four leaders apart from pastors.

Question 7:

The relationship between the leaders and members are like family.

Question 8:

We give training to the lay leaders and teach them how to help the church when the pastor is

Question 9:

The management plays an important role. We work as unity and understand the status of the
church and work accordingly.

Question 10:

Church members support by prayers and financially to the church.

Question 11:

The role of women is important. They share gospel more because they go and meet to different
people and bring people in to the community. There is women prayer meeting every week.

Question 12:

Women are there who can preach well who are involved in street prayer. All the women in our
church are house wives.

Question 13:

There are women who come from hindu background and sometime the family doesn’t support
them to go out of house but by prayer we can see some changes in happens in their house. These
women are from fishermen background so they have to listen to their family every time.

Question 14:

The leaders of the church encourage the women leadership. There is one women leader in our

Question 15:

The church makes sure that everyone in the congregation gets opportunity in church activity. So
church let the women to lead worship, read scriptures which increases there confidence level.

Question 16:
In cyclone we provide food. The members of this church majority are fishermen so we help them
if there work run slow or stopped. The church runs a school which is free of cost.

Question 17:

It’s a self funded church and the church takes care of the all the works happen in the church.

Question 18:

There is no rich and poor Christian because majority in this church are fishermen and some are
daily wages people, so their relationship are good among each others.

Question 19:

Church support the poor and downtrodden with food and clothes

Question 20:

The leaders of the church always take a stand towards making the church a better place.

Ishwar Rao, member of the church, 21 December 2021:

Question 1:

Sharing the gospel to the people is the vision statement of the church.

Question 2:

Believer goes out and shares their faith to other people. There is prayer meeting which takes
place every week.

Question 3:

Member share testimony I come from the hindu people but seeing my life my family came to the
Christ. Member prays for the leaders and pastors.

Question 4:

In five years time I want that my church should be confined only in this area but in spread to
different areas also. and more members should come in.

Question 5:

It’s a biblical based church.

Question 6:
The church leader takes care of the members and if pastors are not available then the leaders
takes care of the prayer meetings.

Question 7:

The relationship with the members is good we all live as a family.

Question 8:

Pastor gives us preaching and from the word of God we learn but there is no such training and I
have no idea about it.

Question 9:

Members also help the leaders by praying for them and understanding the problems of the pastor
and taking steps in different ways to help them.

Question 11:

Women role are singing, reading bibles, working in church, house visitation also.

Question 12:

Women sometime face problem not much but there some women but church take step to help
them out.

Question 14:

There are equal among male and female leaders.

Question 15:

A pastor goes to different houses and they make sure that the women should get involved in this
house visitation in prayer, sharing the word.

Question 16:

In cyclone church contributed and gave clothes and food to the people.

Question 17:

Church is a self funded church and its by the offering of the members.

Question 18:

There is rich and poor Christian in our church and everyone’s relationship is good as family.

Question 19:
For the poor and downtrodden the pastor takes care personally sometime and if there is an urgent
need we church contributes towards it.

Question 20:

The leader encourage the members for the programs and lead the congregation to spread the
gospel effectively.

Father Pradeep, father of the church, 23rd December 2021:

Question 1:

The vision statement of the parish is growing towards the spread of love of God, becoming a
light to the world, by strengthening the family and strengthening our self by becoming a true

Question 2:

To formulate this vision we have six groups. Small Christian’s communities or BCC basic
Christian communities. And in this we have prayers based on the gospel. Groups are Saint
Mother Teresa, Saint Joseph, Lord Mary, Ma Maria, and Saint Peters. Each group will draw their
pictures and get inspire from their life.

Question 3:

Each member contributes by becoming active catholic. And each lay people have a greater role
to play in their groups.

Question 4:

First, our outlook needs to be change; we need to reach out the non Christians as well. Our
church should grow in number.

Question 5:

This church is trinity based church. And God the father is love and he show his love through his
son and the good works which is going on is through the Holy Spirit. The love of God
empowered all of us to enact among the people. Triune God is satisfied with our work or not any
idea but we are continuing our work. We should not get tired of what we are doing and leave the
rest to the Lord.

Question 6:
Early in our catholic church the leaders, the pope, and the parish they were ahead whatever they
said people use to obey. But now the leader work with people and work together which involve
equality and respect for each other?

Question 7:

Leaders and other members are cordial and we have parish counsel where we discuss how the
work should be done. Members are happy for the work which is done by us and they support us.
We have a good relationship among each others.

Question 8:

We don’t have any training program; we regret that we didn’t start any training program. The
people see the work and learn from it.

Question 9:

Our administration plays an important role. The disciplinary norms of our church help in
betterment of the church.

Question 10:

The members are supportive towards whatever program conducted. They support through
financial support and they support by prayer.

Question 11:

Role of women is important, our church treat them equally.

Question 12:

Women have loving character which helps the church to grow. People listen to them and by
showing her lifestyle she bring other people to the church.

Question 13:

In last 3-4 years I encounter some family who faced suffering in their family due to the alcoholic
addiction of their husband. And they use to come and burn candle believing that Jesus will safe
them. And these women saw changes in their family. There are women who face trouble but still
come for the love of God.

Question 14:

We want to encourage that many more leaders should come up from women. Looking at the
situation and country where women are not given equal right. But we want that women should
come up and lead the church.
Question 15:

Women take care of monthly program and organization run by sisters, nun, they are taking care
of vocational schools.

Question 16:

Nuns are taking care of tailoring, there is library where student come and study, schools taken
care by the sisters. Spoken English classes. Fathers they have karunalaya ashram for the poor

Question 17:

It’s a self funded church and from the contribution of the church member we take care of the
church. Earlier we were getting funds from foreign country but because of government norm our
church became self funded.

Question 18:

We treat everyone equally.

Question 19:

People who are poor the church take care of them by providing financially and searching job. In
our church we don’t have that poor people who need financial help.

Question 20:

Leaders encourage each other for the development of the church. Leader takes care of collection
for the program, looks towards the administration of the social work.

Mr.Jagya, member of the church, 23rd December 2020

Question 1:

Vision of the church is to share the love of Christ to the people.

Question 2:

We do social works, and to the youth we help them to prepare for competitive exam. There are
six groups in the church which helps church to grow towards the vision.

Question 3:

Members during covid when the church stopped they open up there house door for gathering and
even now members are always active to help in church activity.
Question 4:

If our church can grow in numbers. More people to come and even the building can be big. And
our church can do more social work.

Question 5:

We pray to different saints and saints take our prayer to God the Father. We are doing our good
works and God will take care of the rest.

Question 6:

The church leader helps in the spiritual growth of the people. The church leader does work in
such a way that the future leaders can learn from them and work accordingly.

Question 7:

The leaders and the members have good relationship with each others. We share our ideas with
each others.

Question 8:

Catholic Church provide adequate training to the leaders. The seven fold ritual we practice to be
a leader.

Question 9:

When we distribute the responsibility they respond to it happily and work towards the
responsibility faithfully.

Question 10:

The members give a positive notes towards the plan which will be execute buy the leaders. We
support to our leaders by prayers and contributing towards the church programs. Sometime we
feel discourage but most of the time support our father.

Question 11:

Women play an important role. We do Maha Arati which is given to the women and they takes
care of it. Mother group is there, they take the responsibility of prayer, reading scripture and
sharing. Once in a month they have meeting to meet the sick in the hospital.

Question 12:

There are professional women in the church. one of the sister in the church at her place she
conducting a thanksgiving service and she share gospel among other faith.
Question 13:

Among six group of our church three groups leaders are women. We treat women equally and
we respect there leadership.

Question 14:

The status of women in their household is treated equally.

Question 15:

Women who come to the church we help them in studies and give them a opportunity to actively
participate in the programs of the church.

Question 16:

Nuns are taking care of tailoring, there is library where student come and study, schools taken
care by the sisters. Spoken English classes. Fathers they have karunalaya ashram for the poor
people. In cyclone or flood we provide food, medicine. In covid we distributed food and ration.

Question 17:

Before our church was funded from outside but because of Government Norm we don’t get from
outside therefore we church contribute for economic development.

Question 18:

We treat everyone equally there is no such thing as rich and poor Christians. In their what is no
idea but when they come to church everyone are equal.

Question 19:

People who are poor the church take care of them by providing financially and searching job. In
our church we don’t have that poor people who need financial help. Some members who are
financially strong they provide to the poor with food, clothes and job.

Question 20:

Leaders work is whenever there new member comes he/she take the name card and meet them
regularly. And for the program the leader take initiative so that member will be encouraged and
show their interest.

Father Peter, Assisting father, 23rd December 2021.

Question 1:
Abide in the love of Christ, through the rooted by the love of God and lifted by the sacrifice of
God and experience by the life of Christ.

Question 2:

Annual retreat we have, in parish council we discuss on where we are heading towards and we
look towards it. We have six groups and 70 families are divided into the groups and its help the
believer to grow spiritually strong.

Question 3:

The members are active in the church. They get responsibility in the church and share the word
of God in house gatherings. And whatever teaching this members are getting they show it outside
with their lifestyle.

Question 4:

I would wish that our members of our church have more profound and deeper in an experiential
level. And once you have the experience the love of the Lord their life style will show the love of
Christ to all.

Question 5:

We use the word of God everyday through the lifestyle. In service the word of God is explained
well and the triune God work powerfully with his love.

Question 6:

Church leaders function is to keep the people too focused in the word of God. How the life of us
keep in align with the word of God. They play a role of shepherd.

Question 7:

The Catholic Church the church leader is ordained priest and everyone understand that. And they
go under training. So member respect the leaders and leaders love and take care of the member.

Question 8:

The basic training is for the lay leaders and there is training for Parish. And there is training for
secretary and finance team.

Question 9:

Management in church is important. In parish meeting we discuss about church administration.

In parish feast, all the major teams will be there the media team, the finance team, the hospitality
team and we check on each other’s work.
Question 10:

The youth leader call for youth for different occasion and youth always encourage other leaders
for doing programs. Member of the church support the leader in all the work.

Question 11:

The women are the spiritual strength of the parish, the women are very regular in the parish and
they are the foundation of church in faith. For any kind of program they are the background of all
the program. They are in singing also.

Question 12:

Sisters are there as teachers, and taking care of Sunday’s school, and they are good in decoration
of church. They are the background of church growth.

Question 13:

Women does not treated equally before but as the time pass by there are women in their
household who takes care in their family, and they being treated well and equally.

Question 14:

There is equality among men and women leadership. The other leaders work shoulder to
shoulder and work for the work of God. In last 20 years the leadership of women has been
accepted by everyone.

Question 15:

The church let the women to serve the Lord by bringing them up. Church give responsibility to
the women were they get their confidence level high even to share the good works and the share
the love of Christ with others.

Question 16:

Tailoring is handled by nuns, there is a library where students can study, and the sisters look
after the schools. Classes for spoken English. They have a karunalaya ashram for the
underprivileged people, which is run by their fathers. We supply food and medicine in the event
of a cyclone or flood. We handed out food and rations in Covid.

Question 17:

It is a self-supporting church, and the church is supported by the contributions of its members.
We used to receive contributions from other countries, but due to government regulations, our
church is now self-supporting.
Question 18:

There are no rich and poor Christians because we treat everyone equally. They have no concept
what is going on in their heads, but when they go to church, everyone is on the same level.

Question 19:

People who are poor are cared for by the church, which provides cash assistance and helps them
find work. We don't have many needy folks in our church who need financial assistance. Some
members who are financially secure help the destitute by providing food, clothing, and

Question 20:

Leaders encourage young people to attend church and encourage them to use technology. When
a new member joins, the leader's job is to collect their name card and meet with them on a
regular basis. And, for the programme, the leader takes the initiative to motivate and pique the
attention of the participants.

Pastor Samuel nayak, pastor of missions india nava jeevan church, 18th December 2021.

Question 1:

Our church work together with rich and poor people and we always wanted to reach to the
unreached people, we always see that we build our church with the unbelievers. Neh-2:20

Question 2:

In our church stands with the poor people not only the happiness time but also in the time of
sadness and tragedy. Helping them in medicine and food. Reaching only to the unbelievers not
with the Christian.

Question 3:

Jesus the way He was teaching to his disciples and we also tell our people to work for Jesus. Its
not only the work of the pastor to share gospels but it is the responsibility of the church member
also to share gospel to the people.

Question 4:

In five years time I want that church should grow in numbers. And with me another pastor also
should come to this church to serve.
Question 5:

Our ministry is biblical based and even God is satisfied with the work that is going on.

Question 6:

Our leaders in our church act like the branches of the tree. If the pastor is not available the leader
plays as a guardian to the church members. It is compulsory to have a leader apart from pastor in
the church. they help in house visitation and they encourage our members too.

Question 7:

Relationship between leaders and members is good but in some cases and sometime they have
little bit rift among themselves. But when all of them come to church they have to listen to the
pastor and work accordingly.

Question 8:

Yes its important to give training to the leaders. Church have leader training program for the
leaders of the church.

Question 9:

Church management is important for church growth. But members and pastors contribute to
manage the church requirement.

Question 10:

Members plays an important role in part of church growth. They contribute their prayers, their
money, and very ever pastor ask to do anything they all ready to do for the church.

Question 11:

Role of women are important in church. they help us in cooking in retreat. They spend time in
prayers. We have women prayer group and its conducted once in a week.

Question 12:

There are professional women whom church use their talents and gift in different areas.

Question 13:

Women at home they being treated good, sometimes they have misunderstanding but that get
solved. And whenever they take decision they will ask to their family and take decision.

Question 14:
The women leaders were treated well by others. She being supported by other leaders and the

Question 15:

Women have been given more preferences without women we can’t even do any type of work. If
the pastor or male leaders goes to unbeliever’s house out of shy they can’t open up themselves
but if any lady of our church goes they can share their stories and be comfortable around.

Question 16:

Church supporting the old poor ladies, we are supporting two ladies. Twice in month we go to
hospital for pray. We help the widow. If any one can’t study church takes care of their studies.

Question 17:

We take membership fees for the economics status. We are self support church, not sponsored.

Question 18:

Everyone looks same but what is their inside we can’t say. Obviously as a rich person they will
have little bit proud in heart but when we come to church they everyone are equal.

Question 19:

Helping poor with clothes, helping widow women and supporting two old women.

Question 20:

The church leaders makes plan and make sure that it should be conducted well and they go for
collection so that church can conduct the program well.

Pinky, treasurer of the church: 16th December 2021

Question 1:

We will share the gospel and pray for the people so that they can receive the gospel and follow

Question 2:

We have fasting prayer, cottage prayer, morning prayer, women’s prayer, youth prayer.

Question 3:

The members of the church share the gospel to other people.

Question 4:

In five years time I want to see my church should grow in physically and spiritually.

Question 5:

Yes by all kind of prayer they church is growing biblically and the Lord is satisfy with our work.

Question 6:

Our leaders in the church encourage the members to live a ethical and biblical life.

Question 7:

The leaders always stand with the members of the church. their relationship is good among

Question 8:

It is necessary to give training to the leaders of the church.

Question 9:

Role of leaders are very important in our church. they play as a encourager for the members and
they take care of the church in the absence of the pastors.

Question 10:

Members encourage there leaders by praying for them, helping them in sharing gospels with all.

Question 11:

There once in a month women meeting conducted by church and it helps women to grew

Question 12:

Women in our church they are equipped in stiching clothes and different work which help them
in to make friends with other people and bring people to the church. and there are some women
who are spiritually gifted and even they bring people in to the church.

Question 13:

The women from our church they are well treated in their family. We see barriers in hindu
houses but by God’s grace there is no challenges in all of our household.

Question 14:
By God’s grace there is no discrimination between women and men. Even the other leaders give
respect and support to the women leadership.

Question 15:

Women are active in our church. church encourage them to work on their talents and pastor give
opportunity in the church like leading worship, taking Sunday’s school and teaching songs,
dance etc.

Question 16:

Church help the poor like financially, giving clothes, medical help.

Question 17:

Members they collect money to increase the economic status of the church.

Question 18:

We don’t have any discrimation between rich and poor Christians.

Question 19:

The leaders in our church supervise or be accountable with the church member so that the
program can be take care properly, and they plan towards the financial aspect of the church too.

T. Gopi Rao, secretary of the church, 16th December 2021

Question 1:

The vision of our church is towards the growth of our building and we members contributed and
really work towards that. The church vision is to reach the unreach and they all from the poor
families and they are from hindu background.

Question 2:

Towards formulating the vision the church welcome the unbelievers the pastor takes care of them
as their own. Pastor helps the believers medically.

Question 3:

Members help the church in prayer, then financially which they give offering. Take care of the
cottage prayer too.

Question 4:
In five years from now the members should grow, and it should be the developed in

Question 5:

Most of people in the church they are from hindu background so half of the people were can’t
attend church regularly but as the work is concern its going on and God is satisfy with it.

Question 6:

Leader encourages the members for the gospel and leaders helps the church in financially too.

Question 7:

We being church leaders we can’t be rude to the members of the church. and we are close to
them. We take care of the members.

Question 8:

Leaders are very busy and members take care of the other programs. Leaders comes only big
programs or Sunday but other weekly prayers have been taken care by the member. It is
necessary for an church leader to go through proper training. Because of pandemic the training
doesn’t takes place.

Question 9:

We don’t force anyone to come to church. main problem the tithe increase the church grows.

Question 10:

Members encourage by financially.

Question 11:

Because of women’s prayer the church is going on. Even at home women plays an important
role. There are working women who can’t come sometime because of the work but they tell
other people to go the church. women in worship, singing, dancing.

Question 12:

Spiritually this church is strong in prayer. I was a Christian but was not in the Lord and my wife
she was a Hindu but when she knew the Lord she started praying for me and because of my
wife’s prayer my life and my children we are establish. Even some women in tailoring, daily
wages. In their work place they show Jesus. Ladies goes to deliverance from demonic activity.

Question 13:
Women were equally treated at home and if they goes for work family support and if they go to
church they get support.

Question 14:

As we are Christian we treat the women leadership equally. Women come up with new ideas we
encourage them instead of fighting.

Question 15:

In difficulties of family members the pastor go to the family members and support them.

Question 16:

The church get involved in dancing and songs and church goes for competition by which they
present the church publically.

Question 17:

For economic development our church contribute towards the program, pastors salary,
management of the church. it is self support church

Question 18:

We have less rich people and more poor members in the church. we all sit together and the treat
each other with love.

Question 19:

The pastor help the poor people but as a church we can’t help because of less contribution
towards the poor.

Question 20:

The leader distribute tracks, and encourage the church member for all the program. We can do
social activities but due to financial problem of the church we can’t do it.

Name: Rev Hota: Church Name: A.G.Church, C.T.Road Puri, Pastor of the church 16 th December 2021

Question 1:

The vision of the church is defined basis on the move of Holy Spirit as we totally depend upon Him and
upon our prayers, we continue to pray we expect the Lord will give us the fruits and He will bring new
people to our Church.
Question 2:

Yes, vision statement is one with the message of Jesus.

Question 3:

We have prayer group, we have weekly prayer meetings, we have cell groups and through that we like
to reach out through our mission.

Question 4:

Member plays a very key role, not only by contributing in offerings and tithes but also participating in
every events and specially leading prayer in his own family.

Question 5:

From now 5 years we look to be a healthy Church and Spirit filled church with many Baptized members.

Question 6:

Healthy Church doesn’t mean financially healthy, it is to have strong families in the Church. it’s not one
individual coming out of the family which we are experiencing right now but we want s family as a whole
to come to the Church.

Question 7:

Well when we prepare the statement we pray for it and prepare we hope that the Triune God is please
with our statement.

Question 8:

Basically to disciple the people, which is lacking in our Church today is disciplining and we look towards
that we would produce more disciples.

Question 9:

Well so far it is in our Indian context there is a gap between a church leader and the member. Cuz the
member they consider the leaders as a very high position in our context, in the context of Odisha and to
which the leaders they also maintain that dignity. People cooperate with that people take advice people
listens and there are little things also people consider the Church leaders which the Church like to
change that we all are our own priesthood so everybody should be doing that part of the Priestly duty
even in their homes.

Question 10:

Yes they do agree

Question 11:
Church management basically consists of the local Pastors, and they see to the affairs to the finance part
and but it is the Pastors who take the lead to reach out and to bring more people through the cell
groups through the prayer groups. It does help.

Question 12:

A leader always encourages, a leader is a follower that we should never forget, you know I may be
leader of the Church but I’m also a follower. So in that way we also tell the people that you also need to
follow, so if we follow then we can do the work effectively.

Question 13:

Women play a vital role in the church which is opening up recently, which was not previously and right
now in some of our Churches the women are collecting the offerings and basically our Church setup we
are having women ministry they gather, they basically pray, they pray for different needs and they
encourage people that we stand with you.

Question 14:

They have lot of gifts of the Spirit it differs from person to person. There are some who encourages
other, who have big faith, and who are very hospitable. So it is like a mixture of gifts and one person
cannot have gifts. But when they come together and I’m sure that the gifts are being exercised towards
the growth of the Church.

Question 15:

See it is a male dominated society we cannot forget that. And specially in the context of our churches
are there and our Church is there but once they come to know the Lord the dominion part is gradually
disappearing and both husband and wife are becoming friends and they also live a very happy family

Question 16:

It’s very appreciable and very commendable.

Question 17:

Yes once in a month every lady they sit for a prayer meeting and of course after the Church they talk and
encourage one another, find out the needs of the families and they take the burden to pray. Recently it
has been stopped but it is the women who used to put a big sale over here so the contribution of the
sale used to go towards the feeding of the leprosy people. So they do their part.

Question 18:

After the cyclone hit everybody and recent pandemic has literally paralyzed many people so that’s why it
has stopped and we hope in future it will come up.
Question 19:

The Church encourages everybody it is not only the women because they are also the integral part of
the Church and they are also encouraged to come up with leadership and conduct Sunday school,
conduct youth meeting and spend time in giving counseling in marriage and even counseling in the
families where there some disturbances and you know we do encourage.

Question 20:

Well we promote the social work in the Church as orphanages boys home, girls, even a medical clinic for
women and children. Even we equip the ladies who haven’t passed even class 8 training them in
tailoring and equipping them to stand on their own feet and earn some money. So these are the social

Question 21:

Church financially was very sound few years back but now recently due to cyclone and due to this
pandemic the finances are quiet weak. We hope the financial status will elevate very soon and we can
do much better and we some back help the widows and temporarily it is stopped and we hope to
continue it again.

Question 22:

It is not seen in our congregation we do not have that division the richest people come to the Church
even the poorest people can come to the Church and we have a friendly atmosphere and we praise God
because it is only because of His Love.

Question 23:

We have put up some educational institutions and we provide drinking water, as I said we support
widows, tailoring and medication and in that way we reach out and help the poor people.

Question 24:

Not much as Church need is because we have some good Christians who lead this from the Church and
report to the Church board and Church management.

Question 25:


Question 26:
Journey initially was very painful and very difficult but gradually with help of the Lord and with the help
of my associate Pastors and assistant Pastors we were able to face the challenges and face the
oppositions and we have come thus far and we still strive to bring more people to the Church.

Question 27:

I have at present 2 associate Pastors who work with me and we 3 work at this moment. 2 of them were
earlier so we were 5 and they have engaged in different works so at present we 3 are working.

Name: Late Vijay: Member of the church, 17th December 2021

Question 1:

Our church is small church but still has a vision in growing in a vast way, so we as limited members we
always think of the growth of the church.

Question 2:

The procedure has not been designed anything but we are decided to our church and the vision is to get
more non Christians to our church.

Question 3:

We all members should try to get one non Christians members to this church that is our interest.

Question 4:

Yes my church should grow double in size, in members and also response towards the love of Jesus

Question 5:

It is because we are in a non Christian background locality. Everybody is in non christian and temples,
lord jagannath and others. Though we are limited in numbers our vision is to reach to the church

Question 6:

Leaders should take care of their members and visit their houses and particularily in their locality, to
invite to church. yes we are doing and also leaders are efficient in this way.

Question 7:

Leaders are members, we are the members and leaders get responsibility to lead the members so we
have good relationship with leaders.
Question 8:

Yes , definitely and our pastor is efficient and he lead the group and he leads those people who doesn’t
know about the JC. So we should train them out.

Question 9:

Our management is very nice because we don’t raise any fund inside the church campuses, whatever is
coming is by daily offerings by self, if somebody comes he/she can give offer the benefits but not
compulsory. There is no monitary transaction inside the church campus. That is why management is
good that they don’t have to quarrel with anybody regarding money or accounts. The management is
very good and they are only concentrating in bringing more members to the church.

Question 10:

Role means they are also equally distributed for this work. What members are doing. Members means
both male and female. Women members also discussed among their friends and bring people to the
church. They are equally also doing the same work as the male members are doing.

Question 11:

There are many mostly stitching and making all small kind of toys, they are efficient in that ways they
are continuosly giving time to the church and these small professions they do it at home scene we don’t
have facilities at church. I will not regret if there will be an exibution kind of things then it will be easy
for them to show their talents and they can present some products which they are making which can be
saleable also like meena bazaar and all, we all have meena bazaars during the Christmas time so that we
can sale these products. once in a year only the shopping happens.

Question 12:

Women were always family oriented because they are from the local basti areas. They are illiterate class
and maximum class is illiterate they look after their family children and husband also. They may not
come to church but they allow their wife to come to church.

Question 13:

There is actually no women leader in the church but in future they might be. There are teachers. Yes
church will support women leadership.

Question 14: social engagement

Church is promoting the social activities only when the distribution happens. Like during disasters and
cyclone and our church members goes and distribute the required stuff. That social work we do in time
of disaster but regular basis during winters and hardship time our members collect and distribute.

Question 15:
Actually there is no financial involvement of the church. no financial involment of the church towards
growth. We collect and distribute to the poors, people to low status, or sick, not from the church fund
but among ourselves.

Questions 16:

Our church less rich people, having self status so we don’t have problem, we mingle with everyone.

Question 17:

Church cannot do anything because church does not have fund but from the salary of people who can
contribute for the needy person.

Question 18:

Leaders and pastors encourage to go door to door and do some collections and few will go and collect.

Question 19: happy with the work is going on

Actually during pandemic no church according to govt. guideline. Now the things has improve members
are increased and now its regular. Happy with the work. Waiting for new project.

Name: Reena Aunty: 18th December 2021, member of the church

Question 1:

To go and make disciples.

Question 2:

We have Friday service, Saturday service, women ministry once in a month.

Question 3:

Member telling about jesus and member play an important role.

Question 4:

I want the church to develop more and church to have more people, members should be strong in faith.
There should be good relationship between leaders and pastors.

Question 5:

Yes its biblical, the preaching is biblical.

Question 6:
Leaders go visiting how to house to house, he sees anyone seek he pray over their, he listen to needs
and sometime he help.

Question 7:

Good relationship among the leaders, I’m happy with my leaders.

Question 8:

In some cases there is a need to trained the leaders.

Question 9:

Yes church management is good.

Question 10:

By praying for the leader.

Question 11:

Women of the church pray for the growth of the community

Question 12:

There are professional women in the church get people in the church.

Question 13:

In some cases they are from hindu family they faces problem with their problems with their inlaws and
they being questioned why to go to church but still they come to church.

Question 14:

Pastor encourage the women for leadership, women are doing Friday service, women meeting
whenever the pastor is apsent

Question 15: social work

Once in a year provide food, poor people, basti people, leprosy people they provide food, blankets.

Question 16:

Contribution of the church members

Question 17:

Good relationship between rich and poor.

Question 18:
Our pastor help many people secretly, mentally, physically, if they are sick they have taken to the

Question 19:

Leader encourage use to the young generation and bring the young generation to church.

Due to covid past 2 month we could not provide.

Pastor Sudhir, pastor of Baptist CNI Church on 27th December 2021.

Question 1:

Every churches have their own vision, those who are still in darkness I must reach unto them that
God has given me and supposing that I am doing to reach unto the un reach people the church
people should help the me to reach unto the un reach so that they may get the knowledge about
Jesus Christ.

Question 2:

Church must take steps to formulate its vision. first its youth, youth must reach unto the
unreached with definite goal and they are neglected in many ways and if you want them to bring
them that is not easy there is some procedure to evangelize them. Giving clothes to the people
through which they will know that Jesus Christ is the savior. Another thing is there suppose one
person is sick we go to the place with youth team and we’ll pray. Their also great things will
happen they may ask about the healing by that question the sharing of gospel will start. Motivate
the church people to bring the non Christian to the church. We have again our schedule of the
weekly programs. Due to corona the weekly activity is not happening except Sunday service. I
try to reach to the people with the all the expectation that they have.

Question 3:

There are some believers who are good in their in money. Though they can’t go to the mission
field due to there work but at the same time they are contributing there money towards the
mission work.

Question 4:

There are some leaders who are old but still hold unto the leadership. They don’t allow the youth
to come up and take over the charge. I want to bring up youth in this coming course of time. I
will support the youth till the youth come up a leader.
Question 5:

The church believes in Trinitarian church. I being a pastor have a vision and if God will bless me
then half of the work is done. And even God is happy with our work.

Question 6:

There are lot of work needs to be done and it will take some time. Being a new pastor it will take
little bit time to properly placed. There are lot of plans and as I am new to this area and I am
knowing people by which I can take the place to different level. Being a church expect lot of
things from the church if church not able to do that in final day to take this to the kingdom. This
church for now looks like it is dysfunctional but when God work he will work properly.

Question 7:

The leaders and member have a good relationship. They respect each other. If there correction
needed then they come face to face and correct others and people take the correction. If you find
one elder and doing something wrong then even the elders listen to the members.

Question 8:

The leader needs to get adequate training. Our church promotes other leaders for training in bible
school. The church should get the own people as pastor.

Question 9:

In our church the church management was dysfunctional that’s why the member become less.
But if the church member not coming to church then our church should give a call and ask them
to follow up with the services and I’m new and I’ll try my best to look up to that. People being
neglected, in course of time the church management also will organize well.

Question 10:

In leadership, leaders had been made to be stoned. While you are leading the people must
remember that Jesus Christ is the great leader. A leader create another leader is leadership.
Members are cooperative. And they encourage their leader even when the leader make mistake
the members understand instead of judging them.

Question 11:

Once in a year women have convention, women have freedom in our church and they do good.

Question 12:

There are no professional women in the church.

Question 13:

All the women are house wives and they being treated well in there house.

Question 14:

There is a women deacon in our church and other leaders accepted her work and she has being an
influence in leadership and outside the church too.

Question 15:

Women as nature they are shy. Church give them opportunity to speak in small groups and
church must take these women outside the church and use their gift and talents in various ways.
And I being new only observing and by God’s grace they will involving in different wings of the

Question 16:

Once in a year the slum ministry happens they provide clothes and food, some people help poor
people financially.

Question 17:

The church contributes towards the entire program, pastor’s salary and even for small need taken
care by the church. It’s a self funded church.

Question 18:

The relationships between the poor and rich believers are good. They understand each other; in
fact the rich Christians help some poor families happily in the church. They never look down on
the poor people.

Question 19:

The people who are financially sound they help the poor personally. And church contributes
towards those who were financially sound towards the needy people.

Question 20:

The leader gets involved in planning, executing and supervising towards the work socially.

Smita Pramanik, Member of the church, 24th December 2022

Question 1:
Usually people make mistake by understanding the vision of the church. Vision statement and
mission statement are too different things. Our church takes up vision in every 5-10 years and we
implement on that. The vision church is a place where everybody is accepted, know Jesus
personally and making Jesus known among those who don’t know but in today’s context it’s
hard to tell how far this vision has been implemented.

Question 2:

Church has different wings, women, children, and youth wings, church conduct retreat, rallies,
workshop and now all these program done virtually. Teaching is the need of the hour and church
should get more teaching towards the growth. I can see only 30% of the work done compare to

Question 3:

There was disturbances while this question were asked……

Each one of us have gifts and talents and from very beginning the vision statement compelled us
to participate in the vision and dreams more. My church has a calling for God’s work and from
church the members where into theological studies which help the church to grow in different
level, there were doctors in our church who went out and in their field they showed about Jesus
through their work. The members were visionary because church was pushing them to do the
God’s work.

Question 4:

I want that everyone should be visionary but recent church is not visionary. There are few who
are committed to serve for the Lord. The youth and the children and the women should grow in
the church and their lifestyle should change. But they all see the leaders should listen to the
calling of the lord.

Question 5:

My church is a gospel centered church, so our church doesn’t allow any cultic group. I can see
2nd timothy 3:16 being followed in our church. The leader makes sure the bible should teach first.
Bible gives life to the church. we believe the doctrine of trinity because it was the central to
church vision.

Question 6:

As a leader the present day leaders are very much to be served not be serve. Just be humble.
Leaders should be humble in their leadership position. As a biblical leadership which is the need
of the hour to bring people to the front. Leaders are effective in sharing gospel and they go out
and share tracks but because of the norms these evangelism has being stopped.
Question 7:

We all stay as one family. The leaders and members stay as family, we try to solves each others
problem, we cooperate each other. Even though the their will be little difference but still we
understand each other for the betterment of the church and the environment.

Question 8:

Each and every member need training. Training means to know how to handle things. This
Baptist church is under CNI so time to time CNI arrange the meeting and workshop for
leadership training program.

Question 9:

Since it’s under CNI guidelines they work under three perspectives, first are spiritual
nourishment, second are financial things and third are legal issues. People who don’t know even
legal work they help believers to make them understand about legal paper works.

Question 10:

If a member wants to leader to grow then the first thing is to pray for the leaders. To mobilize
and to equip them, to take the church responsibility if the member have talents. Through my life
and testimony people can come to church.

Question 11:

Women role is good, they are respected, and people appreciate women. Because of women
fellowship is build fire for sharing gospel. Till now there is no women secretary but we have lady
treasurer and women ministry is very much active in my church.

Question 12:

There are teachers, because the work in colleges so most of the Christian songs they sing in
colleges. There are many health workers are there, there are business ladies also there. Some
NGO workers also there.

Question 13:

In my church in each family women are very much respected, they play important role like wife,
daughter, and daughter in law and mother in law but at the same time these women are much
involve in the church activity. The strongest wings of the church. One percent may be facing
domestic violence but ninety nine percent is good. There is no discrimination among boys and
girls in my family and others family too.

Question 14:
The church leaders are very supportive. If the women conduct games the leaders and church
members come to see.

Question 15:

The church gives responsibility in prayers and to participate in wings meeting.

Question 16:

We have many things taken care of but because of corona and govt. norms we can’t do much
now. But still during corona time we distributed ration, provided health care facility and during
Phani cyclone time church contributed food, in every winter church distribute blankets to the
poor. The youth take the cooked food and distribute it. To poor family we contribute money for

Question 17:

The church is self funded and we contribute for pastor’s salary, for the social programs, for legal
issues also the members contribute and take care of it. We have membership fees every year,
cemetery fees.

Question 18:

We never differentiate between poor and rich members are good. If the rich members come to
know about the members who are financially weak they contributed towards them.

Question 20:

The church is under CNI and it has three guidelines and the church leader speak in rotary club,
lions club, the leaders arrange the health camp during corona. The leaders conduct different
program. Even the leaders of my church stand in interfaith dialogue. The church is involved in
child protection things. Even church involves in the studies of the minorities in schools and
colleges. Women empowerment not only for the church but church spread outside too.

S.K. Mohanty, deacon of the church, 21th December 2021:

Question 1:

Seek the kingdom of God and bring people to light. Puri being the pilgrimage the church started
its vision to spread the gospel. The church started long ago and it was started by british
missionaries who worked here. First missionary was Rev.Banton.

Question 2:
we have women’s fellowship, Christian endure, youth group, Sunday school these are the weekly
program takes places.

Question 3:

More life should come to Christ, each family should bring one member to the church. make them
to know the love of Christ in actions.

Question 4:

Our church is Trinitarian based and the church is working towards the biblical knowledge,
church is working on unity because CNI based on unity and God is helping us towards growing

Question 6:

The leader is servant. God is in front runner. The leader learns from the church members and
work accordingly.

Question 7:

The relationship is good between leaders and members. Yes there will be little clashes because
young people have new ideas and some old people will have problems in understanding but
when everyone come in front of God we come in unity. Now it’s a time for the youth to come up
and take care of the church.

Question 8:

The CNI does training with the lay people. Except giving of the communion and marriage the lay
leaders are well trained for other works. Pastor are there for the spiritual part and leaders are for
the management.

Question 9:

The young people know much better with greater ideas so the members can help other friends to
come to the church. The members take care of cottage prayer meeting. They give time even for
preaching and member play important role.

Question 11:

We have women deacons, presbyters, pastors. So women in my church play a very important
role not the leading role. It was tough before because of time period but now situation change
and they stand and serve for the lord.

Question 12:
There are professional women in our church and they have a strong influence and they bring the
people to church. And women go to the hospital and take care of the church.

Question 13:

Women being treated equally at their house hold.

Question 14:

The church leaders accepts the women leadership and there are many women leaders in our
church. there might be little question in their mind but openly they work with everyone.

Question 15:

The church help the women to build their confidence in the cottage prayer, sometime they feel
shy or scared to come in front in the church so church help in the cottage prayer meetings.

Question 16:

The youth groups go to distribute warm clothes and cooked food. We gave food in corona time.
We can’t conduct regular social work because of fund but once in a year we always have social

Question 17:

It is a self funded church and it is offertory, the membership fees, cemetery fees in fact the salary
of the pastor has been from the church fund. Even we constructed the church building by
contributing from the members.

Question 18:

There is good relationship between rich and poor Christians. Rich people help financially to the
poor with respect. Everyone sit together. There were discrimination before but now everyone is

Question 19:

The poor families are being taken care by the church and personally so people who have well in
money they help personally too. And if people need help in job the church search for them.
Church also helps the poor medically also.

Question 20:

Each penny of the church is self raised and leaders encourage people to contribute. Leaders gives
extra for the social activity programs.

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