MC - Baru

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T.L=Good afternoon.
Welcome to all audience who have come in "Farewell Party".
At this opportunity, I will be the MC .
However, I’m not alone .
I will be accompanied by Lintang and this time she became my partner.
* Did you know? In this time we have guests who are very special.
ohh what?
* Our beautiful Headmistress, Ms. Mirza, who certainly will give speech in the opening event of
"Farewell Party" with her speech.
That's it? Nothing else?
* Ohh .. Surely there. However, it’s still a secret.
In the end in Farewell Party , we will be entertained by performances from renowned artists
that certainly handsome.
I can’t wait .
* If you want to know, let's start the show with a speech from Ms. Mirza.
We invite her to deliver her speech .
After Ms. Mirza speech
Give applause for Ms. Mirza. We Say many thanks to Mrs Mirza who was pleased to deliver her
* Yes, I hope what Ms. Mirza is speech can benefit and motivate us all.
Amiiin .. Lintang, do you know who will appear after this?
* I do not know, Why? Is this your boyfriend?
Of course. Come on. This man is very handsome and dignified.
* I do not understand.
Instead of waiting for you, let us welcome Mr. Ivan as the Chairman of the School Committee is
pleased to give his speech.

After Mr.Ivan speech

* Waw .. A good speech . Mr Ivan know well this school situation ?

Do you not know? Mr Ivan was School alumni SMAN 15 Surabaya in 90 '.
* Really? Waw .. I amazed. After this there will be who tit?
Heem .. This man is no less handsome than Mr. Ivan. He is chairman of this farewell .
* And, without waiting longer let us welcome Mochamad Yasrul as Chairman of the Organizing events to
give his little speech .
After Yasrul Speech

*Thanks to ananda yasrul who have to said a little speech today in here ..

And, don't forget we will submit little information to all audiences who had come that we
will choose one of the parents of students to submit speech on this morning.

*And, we have choose the parents of Cicilia to submit speech about our school.
We invited their to the podium .

*Please , wellcome in here .

After Dancing Modern + Tradisional

*Give a applause for their performance. Blend of Korean dance and Salsa Dance.

I love dance of them.

Me too. I wants to dance too.

* If you dance, the earth will quake.

C'mon ... don't like that .

* Come on do not be sad. I set up a special appearance for you.

Really? What is it?

* Welcome to the performance "musical drama" by Students - SMAN 15 Surabaya.

let see this performance .

After Reading Poetry

What happen with you? do not be too sad because that performence. Their performance was very

* Heem .. I'm just a cold.

If I know , I will not ask you.

* Hahah .. Do not be angry , baby . By the way , you're proud to school here?

Sure, school of SMAN 15 Surabaya many achievements , right?

* Yep is true, for example, looks after this one . I will select one of students and one of teacher .
let us welcome . Cicilia Debrita as a best student and Mrs Kusmira Okvi Karenza as best teachers

* We invite them to the podium .

We invite our Headmaster to come in here for give them certificate and present .

After Dilla + Ical Speech

Thank to Mr.Ical and Mrs.Dilla who was pleased to deliver their speech.

*Suitable , if their child , Cicilia can be best student , right ?

Yep , and I hope what is Mr Ical and Mrs. Dilla is speech can motivated and benefit for all of us
to can be best student like Cicilia .

*And , Now let me sing a song . “Lucky , I’m in Love with my best friend , Lucky to .. “

What are you doing ha ? This isn’t joke contest right ?

*I’m singing Tita .. Oh ,, Come on ..

And , now listen the real of this song

TL : Wellcome to the performance from our Student “Safira and Yasrul” with the song “Lucky”

Give applause for them …

After Giving Certificate

Congratulation to Cicilia Debrita as The Best Student and Kusmira Okvi Karenza as the Best
Teacher . I hope the next generation can be like them and better .

“Up next , we have something special in here !

Of course , Do you know a singer whose name is Alyasha Shahab .

“Yes , I know . Isn’t he a famous singer right ?

Ohh ,, so , he is a famous singer . I’m very amazed . And , now without long waiting , Let us
welcome the special performance from our guest star .

TL : “Alyasha Shahab”

*Give big applause for his .

After Pray


*what happen withot you ?

Now , we had till in the closing the event of farewell party .

“Yep . We say “ Thank you to all audience have to come in here “ . And , don’t forget wa say
many sorry , If I and my Partner say wrong word . Ohh .. Come On , Don’t cry bibeh . I Have
a special in the end event .

Ohh .. I see . And , now let see this performance , As closing the event ,

TL : Let us welcome Choir from SMAN 15 Surabaya .

*Give applause”

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