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Volume 39, Number 1, pp 4-7

Copyright B 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health |
Process Improvements Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

What Can An Intermediate

Care Unit Do For You?
Andrew D. Harding, MS, RN, CEN

In a competitive healthcare envi- the emergency department by used in the IMCU, with 5 beds
ronment with inflationary pressure reducing time on ICU diversion. remaining for telemetry units.
on healthcare costs twice that Space for the extra 4 beds will be
of the national consumer price Hours Per Patient Day taken from a current clinic in this
index,1 creative cost containment The IMCU is a 16-bed unit with 9 shared clinical space that will be
solutions are essential. Likewise, designated IMCU beds and 7 telem- relocated in the medical center.
an aging nursing workforce with etry beds. The hours per patient
the average age of a registered day (HPPD) in the IMCU is 9.1. Admission Criteria
nurse (RN) being 46.8 years and This 9.1 HPPD is benchmarked The patient admission criteria pro-
with 51% of the workforce older against the local urban teaching vide an objective means of judging
than 50 years2 mandates strategies hospital standard for IMCUs in the appropriateness of the patient
to replace experienced profession- the city.4 The 9.1 HPPD is in the for the IMCU. Criteria develop-
als leaving the workforce.3 One 25th percentile for comparative ment started with the Society of
strategy used in my institution to institutions. The skill mix of 85% Critical Care Medicine intermedi-
address these issues was the ini- RNs and 15% nurse assistants is ate care admission guidelines7 as a
tiation of the progressive care also within the local regional reference. The critical care team
unit, which is called an intermedi- range for similar units. The goal then included the expected nurs-
ate care unit (IMCU). The IMCU is to have 1:3 RN-to-patient aver- ing skill sets and admission crite-
also presented new opportunities age ratio. However, deference to ria outlined by the AACN text,
and experiences for educating clinical decision making by the AACN Essential of Progressive
highly skilled critical care nurses. multidisciplinary care team led by Care Nursing.8 The criteria were
The IMCU is now referred to as the unit charge nurse may allow evaluated by each of the physician
the ‘‘farm league’’ or training for 1:2 or 1:4 RN-to-patient ratio. teams who would have patients or
ground for future intensive care This practice is also supported consult patients in the IMCU. The
unit (ICU) RNs. The realized by the American Association of criteria also specify devices that
economic advantages to using the Critical-Care Nurses (AACN).5,6 are not appropriate, such as arte-
IMCU for part of the patients’ The existing telemetry unit rial lines. We also specify diagno-
hospital stay is that it decreased was modified into the IMCU but sis with clinical situations that are
patients’ ICU length of stay (LOS) was not budgeted for the fiscal not appropriate, such as hyper-
and decreased throughput from year of the transition. Therefore, tension urgency with acute kidney
budgetary restraints prevented the injury. We also have an outline by
expansion of staffing and the com- organ system to guide the admit-
Author Affiliation: Director, Patient
Care Services, Morton Hospital and Medi- plete use of all of the beds on the ting team. However, the AACN
cal Center, Taunton, Massachusetts. unit for IMCU-designated patients states that IMCUs ‘‘provide care
Correspondence: Morton Hospital in the current fiscal year. However, to stable, critically ill patients of
and Medical Center, 88 Washington
St, Taunton, MA 02780 (AHarding@ in the upcoming fiscal year, the varying acuities with a high poten- budget will allow 15 beds to be tial for life-threatening changes.’’9

4 JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Process Improvements
As a result, additional guidelines when transferring patients out of education, American Heart Asso-
were developed requiring that the the ICU earlier than previously ciation Basic Life Support certifi-
RNs must be prepared to recog- practiced without the prepared cation, and Advanced Cardiac Life
nize signs and symptoms of insta- IMCU nursing staff. The SICU Support certification. Preference was
bility so that they can intervene, attending physician remains given to RN applicants who had
obtain expert consultation, or ini- unchanged when a patient is trans- at least 1 year of telemetry or criti-
tiate a ‘‘rapid response team.’’ ferred to the IMCU and continues cal care experience. To ensure that
to provide physician coverage for RNs could obtain out-of-institution
Cost Per Patient Day the patient. The MICU attending certification, paid time off was pro-
The cost per patient day (CPPD) physician provides report and vided. As a result, each RN in the
in the IMCU is approximately a passes duty to the medicine service IMCU has successfully completed
60% reduction from the surgical attending physician, but an MICU the SCCM’s Fundamentals of Crit-
intensive care unit (SICU) and an consult is formally obtained. This ical Care Support course. Because
almost 70% reduction from the MICU medicine coverage consult the unit has both SICU and MICU
medical intensive care unit (MICU) allows the MICU to reduce its patients, the Emergency Nurses
(Table 1). These cost reductions patient load but provides a safety Association Trauma Nursing Core
relate to the decrease in the inven- net for the patient, IMCU nurse, Course was provided as an optional
tory of the unit, the lower cost of and medicine house officers. Typ- education endeavor. Each IMCU
actual supplies used, and the lower ically, when a patient leaves any of RN also completed the city’s inten-
HPPD. The CPPD is maintained the ICUs, the patients primary sive care consortium core course.
by monitoring the average daily service team attending physician The Great Boston ICU consor-
census and unit acuity. Thereby, would accept responsibility for the tium provides six 8-hour classes.
the staffing team can allocate the complete care of the patient, and The consortium, comprised of the
appropriate number of direct care the ICU attending physician teaching hospitals in the city, is
personnel for the next shift. We would no longer be involved in for critical care nurses only. The
are using the admission criteria as the management of the patient. respiratory care team provides six
objective rationale for admitting However, with the critical stable 30-minute courses on advanced
and discharging patients from the condition of the patients in the respiratory system assessment and
IMCU status but yielding to col- IMCU, the attending coverage noninvasive ventilation and venti-
laborative clinical judgment as described above was the best sce- lator management. These classes
needed to provide safe comprehen- nario available to meet the care were offered on the unit with a
sive patient care. management needs of the patients. predetermined schedule agreed to
between the IMCU nurse manager
Physician Coverage Education and respiratory care team manager.
Providing an IMCU under the The minimum requirements for The RNs on the unit covered one
umbrella of critical care provided RNs to work on the IMCU include another during the period of this
physician teams with confidence telemetry and intravenous insertion educational offering. The manager
will staff so that each RN every
6 weeks works in the ICU rotating
Table 1. Average Monthly Costs Per Patient Day (CPPD) between the MICU and SICU. Dur-
in Critical Care ing the rotation, the IMCU RN
A B C has intensive care education and
clinical mentorship experiences.
Total Costs (Salary CPPD All of these educational offerings
Unit Patient Days and Nonsalary (Column B/A)
are resource-intensive to coordi-
Medical intensive care unit 280 402,084 $1436 nate staff for acceptable unit
Surgical intensive care unit 305 525,860 $1724 coverage for absent team mem-
Intermediate care unit 455 248,368 $545
bers who attend educational class
The numbers have been changed to protect the actual institutional data. time, for the costs of providing
educational courses, and for the

JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009 5

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Process Improvements
time of the ancillary team mem- was increased learning and confi- ing evening and night shifts or
bers who provide institutional dence in our nursing staff. To ad- weekends, the critical care resource
education. All of these costs are dress concerns about less than nurse can be paged to provide
included in the CPPD, which optimal outcomes in hospitals feedback or assist with care. Hav-
demands strict management and during weekends and off-shift ing this expert clinician working
budgeting of all productive and hours10,11 and to further support during the off shifts allots nursing
nonproductive hours. these newly educated IMCU nurs- resources not previously available
ing staff, a new nursing position to our nursing teams during off-
Support Systems was created. The director of nurs- shift hours.
To provide a supportive IMCU ing in the critical care division
clinical environment, the nursing worked in collaboration with crit- Outcome Measures
leaders in critical care complete ical care nursing colleagues to There were no previous compara-
daily rounding, asking ‘‘on the develop and implement a critical ble data for this unit. Collaborative
spot’’ questions that require critical care resource nurse. The critical endeavors with the information
thinking by the assigned RN about care resource nurse requires a systems and performance improve-
his/her patients’ plan of care. We highly skilled ICU experienced ment team are ensuing that reports
ask questions that range from the nurse who is typically the first related to quality assurance in the
RN’s patients’ medication to diag- responder for rapid response team IMCU are now provided. The
nostic findings. As these ongoing activation and resuscitation codes. nurse manager is examining ICU
discussions became routine, there When clinical questions arise dur- readmissions within 24 hours of

Table 2. Cost Benefit Analysis of Intermediate Care Unit

Hourly No. of RN Nonproductive
Costs Hours Rate Attendees Labor Cost

Initial Education ICU core 48 37 22 39,072

FCCS-C 16 37 22 13,024
TNCC 16 37 14 8,288
Subtotal 60,384
Unit coverage for 69 41 N/A 2,829
education time
Subtotal 2,829
Annual MICU and SICU 96 37 22 78,144
Subtotal 78,144
Total costs for year 1: $141,357

Cost per Total Revenue

Diversion Hour Loss Avoidance
Benefits Hours Months (estimated) (estimated)

Average hourly 1 8 100,000 800,000

reduction in
monthly MICU
Total estimated $1,200,000
revenue loss
Educated skilled
critical care RNs

Abbreviations: FCCS, Fundamentals of Critical Care Support course; ICU, intensive care unit; MICU, medical intensive care unit; SICU, surgical
intensive care unit; TNCC, trauma nursing core course.
The numbers have been changed to protect the actual institutional data.

6 JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Process Improvements
transfer to the IMCU, in-hospital of reintubation during a patient REFERENCES
LOS, ICU LOS, emergency depart- admission of any patent who had
ment throughput, core measures, a period of that stay in the IMCU 1. Department of Labor. Measuring price
change for medical care in the CPI.
mechanical ventilator weaning suc- during that patient’s discrete hos-
cess rates, as well as the patients pital admission. Reviewing the Accessed June 20, 2008.
disposition, covering physician core measures from The Joint 2. National Center for Health Workforce
teams, and LOS on IMCU status. Commission in the IMCU was the Analysis, Bureau of Health Professions,
Each of the LOS datasets is most relevant of publicly reported Health Resources and Services Admin-
istration, U.S. Department of Health
gathered from our institution’s quality outcomes. Staff perceived
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JONA  Vol. 39, No. 1  January 2009 7

Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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