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Pathophysiology, Epidemiology,
and Natural History of Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia
Herbert Lepor, MD
Department of Urology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY

The pathophysiology, epidemiology, and natural history of benign prostatic

hyperplasia (BPH) are incompletely understood; however, the development of
reliable instruments to measure symptom severity, prostatic enlargement, and
bladder outlet obstruction has allowed major advances in their elucidation.
The development of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in the aging male
is influenced to some degree by the severity of bladder outlet obstruction and
prostatic enlargement. Although the development of LUTS, bladder outlet
obstruction, and BPH are age-dependent, they are not necessarily causally
related; there are many other factors involved in the pathophysiology of
LUTS. The clinically important parameters of disease progression in men
with moderate to severe LUTS and low peak flow rates are symptom
progression and the development of acute urinary retention (AUR). The
risk of AUR is related to both baseline serum prostate-specific antigen level
and prostate volume. In men with moderate prostate enlargement, the risk
of AUR appears to be high enough to justify intervention with a 5α-reductase
inhibitor in order to reduce this risk.
[Rev Urol. 2004;6(suppl 9):S3-S10]

© 2004 MedReviews, LLC

Key words: Benign prostatic hyperplasia • Lower urinary tract symptoms • Bladder outlet
obstruction • Acute urinary retention

hen discussing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), it is imperative to
carefully define terminology. Histologic BPH represents microscopic
evidence of prostatic stromal and epithelial hyperplasia. In man, this
proliferative process occurs exclusively in the transition zone and periurethral
glands.1 Macroscopic BPH represents the enlargement of the prostate arising from
the stromal and epithelial proliferation. There is no consensus establishing the
degree of prostate enlargement required to support the diagnosis of macroscopic


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH continued

growth. Testosterone is converted to

Age-Stratified Autopsy DHT by the enzyme 5α-reductase
Prevalence of Histologic BPH (5AR). There are 2 subtypes of 5AR,
Type 1 and Type 2. The primary sub-
type in the prostate is Type 2. Males
with the 5AR deficiency syndrome
80.0 do not convert intraprostatic testos-
terone to DHT.6 Interestingly, males
Prevalence (%)

with this syndrome have rudimenta-

60.0 ry prostates as adults and do not
50.0 develop BPH.7 Males who are castrat-
ed early in life also fail to develop
BPH.8 Long-term treatment with
30.0 the 5α-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs)
20.0 dutasteride9 and finasteride10 not only
causes some reduction of prostate
volume but also prevents further
0.0 growth of the prostate. The primary
20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80–89
advantage of dutasteride is that it
Pradhan, 1975 Swyer, 1944 Franks, 1954 inhibits both 5AR subtypes, which
Moore, 1943 Harbitz, 1972 Holund, 1980 results in a more complete suppres-
Baron, 1941 Fang-Liu, 1991 Karube, 1961
Average (smoothed)
sion of DHT production. All of these
observations demonstrate a pivotal
Figure 1. Age-stratified autopsy prevalence of histologic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Reproduced with role for androgens (DHT) in the
permission from Roehrborn CG, McConnell JD.4 development of the prostate and
BPH. The observation that the
BPH. Clinical BPH represents the Prevalence of Histologic BPH growth of the prostate does not
clinical manifestations attributed to The prevalence of histologic BPH can directly correlate with DHT levels11
the enlarged prostate. The clinical be determined only from autopsy suggests that although DHT permits
manifestations of an enlarged studies. In 1984, Berry and col- growth, factors other than the andro-
prostate include lower urinary tract leagues3 summarized 5 autopsy stud- gen milieu are responsible for the
symptoms (LUTS), bladder outlet ies addressing the prevalence of his- ultimate degree of prostatic enlarge-
obstruction, incomplete bladder tologic BPH according to age. ment.
emptying, acute and chronic urinary Histologic BPH was never observed
retention, urinary tract infection in men under the age of 30 years. Pathophysiology of BPH
(UTI), urosepsis, bladder stones, and Approximately half of men in the Because the prevalence of histologic,
hematuria.2 There are many urologi- sixth decade of life exhibited histo- macroscopic, and clinical BPH is age-
cal and nonurological diagnoses logic evidence of BPH. Almost 90% related, it was often assumed that
other than an enlarged prostate of men developed histologic BPH by they were causally related.12 This led
that present with these symptoms the ninth decade of life (Figure 1). A to the hypothesis that the enlarged
including prostate cancer, prostatitis, review of the literature provides prostate was the cause of LUTS in the
bladder cancer, bladder stones, over- compelling evidence that the preva- aging male population (Figure 2).
active bladder, interstitial cystitis, lence of histologic BPH is similar Subsequent studies demonstrated
radiation cystitis, UTI, primary blad- throughout the world.4 that α-blockers and various pharma-
der neck hypertrophy, urethritis, The specific factors that initiate cologic strategies for achieving
diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, lum- and promote the proliferative process androgen suppression improved
bosacral disc disease, and multiple are unknown. The development of LUTS in men with BPH.13 Alpha-
sclerosis. Often, clinical BPH is a histologic BPH requires both aging blockers relax prostate smooth mus-
diagnosis of exclusion once these and androgens.5 Dihydrotestosterone cle tension14 and hormonal therapy
other clinical entities have been (DHT) is the specific androgen medi- preferentially reduces epithelial vol-
ruled out. ating prostate development and ume.15 On the basis of these clinical


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH

observations and the proposed mech-

anism of action of these pharma- Pathophysiology of BPH
cotherapies for BPH, it was assumed
that α-blockers and hormonal thera-
py relieved LUTS by decreasing blad- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
der outlet obstruction and shrinking
the prostate, respectively. These clin-
ical observations were interpreted to
support the hypothesis that there are
both dynamic and static components Smooth muscle Prostatic
of bladder outlet obstruction associ- hyperplasia enlargement
ated with BPH (Figure 2).
The ability to ultimately prove or
disprove the causal relationship
between benign prostate enlargement,
bladder outlet obstruction, and LUTS
required the availability of noninva-
sive and reliable methods for assess-
ing prostate volume, bladder outlet Bladder dysfunction
obstruction, and LUTS. It is well rec-
ognized that a digital rectal examina-
tion is an unreliable method for meas- Prostatism (LUTS)
uring prostate volume.16 Prostate vol-
ume can be reliably measured using
various imaging modalities including Figure 2. Proposed pathophysiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A number of studies have challenged
ultrasonography, magnetic resonance the paradigm that prostatic enlargement causes bladder outlet obstruction, leading to lower urinary tract symp-
toms (LUTS). Although BPH and bladder outlet obstruction clearly contribute to the development of LUTS, there
imaging, and computerized tomogra- are other unrecognized factors that also cause LUTS.
phy. Computerized tomography and
magnetic resonance imaging are obstruction requires sophisticated uro- provides important insights into the
extremely costly procedures. dynamic equipment and an expertise prevalence of LUTS, prostatic enlarge-
Transrectal ultrasonography has in both performing and interpreting ment, and bladder outlet obstruction
become the standard for quantifying these studies. Because simultaneous in the general community. In this
the degree of prostate enlargement pressure-flow urodynamic studies are study, 2115 men in Olmstead County,
because the procedure can be per- costly and invasive, these studies have Minnesota between 40 and 79 years of
formed in the outpatient setting.17 never been performed in a large cohort age agreed to complete the AUA-SI
Lower urinary tract symptoms rep- of men from the general community and urinate into a home portable
resent the most common clinical or those with BPH. Uroflowmetry has device to determine peak urinary flow
manifestation of BPH. The develop- been accepted as a proxy for measur- rate. A subset of these men (approxi-
ment of validated, self-administered, ing of bladder outlet obstruction in mately 25%) underwent prostate vol-
quantitative questionnaires captur- clinical trials and clinical practice ume measurement using transrectal
ing the severity of LUTS provided the because it is noninvasive and less ultrasonography. The severity of
opportunity to measure both baseline costly. The primary disadvantage of LUTS, peak flow rate, and extent of
disease symptom severity and its uroflowmetry is its lack of specificity prostate enlargement were all age-
response to treatment. Instruments for bladder outlet obstruction. For dependent. The proportion of men
such as the American Urological example, men with an acontractile with moderate to severe LUTS (AUA
Association-Symptom Index (AUA- bladder may have a low peak flow rate symptom score ≥ 8), significant blad-
SI)18 are now widely utilized to quan- due to the inability to generate a sig- der outlet obstruction (peak flow rate
tify the severity of LUTS in both clin- nificant detrusor contraction and not ≤ 10 mL/sec), and markedly enlarged
ical trials and clinical practice. because of bladder outlet obstruction. prostates (prostate volume > 50 cm3)
The accurate and reproducible The Olmstead County Study of was also age-dependent. The R2 values
measurement of bladder outlet Urinary Symptoms and Health Status19 between AUA symptom score versus


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH continued

prostate volume, peak urinary flow Study, which compared placebo, tera- These studies will likely provide
rate versus prostate volume, and AUA zosin (an α-blocker), finasteride (a insights into a next generation of
symptom score versus peak flow rate 5ARI), and combination therapy in pharmacologic strategies for the
were .034, .057, and .123, respectively. order to gain insights into the mech- treatment of BPH.
This suggests that only 3.4% of the anism for how these drugs improve
variability in the AUA symptom score LUTS. The R2 value for the relation- Epidemiology
is attributable to prostate volume, ship between ∆AUA symptom score Historically, elucidating the epidemi-
5.7% of the variability in peak flow versus ∆peak urinary flow rate in the ology of BPH has been complicated by
rate is attributable to prostate volume, men receiving the α-blocker was not the lack of a uniform definition of
and 12.3% of the variability in the statistically significant. The R2 value clinical BPH, quantitative instruments
peak flow rate is attributable to AUA for the relationship between ∆prostate for assessing LUTS severity, a nonin-
symptom score. These observations volume and ∆AUA symptom score vasive and accurate method for
challenge the simplistic paradigm that was also not statistically significant in measuring prostate volume, and a
prostatic enlargement causes bladder those men receiving finasteride. These noninvasive and accurate method for
outlet obstruction that leads to LUTS relationships suggest that α-blockers measuring bladder outlet obstruction.
(Figure 2). Whereas it is clear that an and 5ARIs may promote LUTS The development of self-administered
enlarged prostate and bladder outlet improvement through mechanisms quantitative indices for measuring the
obstruction may contribute to LUTS, other than relaxation of prostate severity of LUTS, transrectal ultra-
there are other unrecognized factors smooth muscle and reduction of sonography for accurately assessing
that also cause LUTS. prostate volume, respectively. prostate volume, and sophisticated
It is well recognized that both The future challenge is not only to instruments for performing simulta-
5ARIs and α-blockers improve LUTS determine the precise mechanism by neous pressure-flow urodynamic
in men with BPH.13 Lepor and col- which α-blockers and 5ARIs improve studies now provides the opportunity
leagues20 examined the outcomes of LUTS, but also to identify other fac- to accurately define prevalence rates
the Veterans Affairs Cooperative tors causing LUTS in the aging male. for these parameters in the general
male community. Unfortunately,
measuring both prostate volume with
transrectal ultrasonography and blad-
Prevalence of Clinical BPH der outlet obstruction with pressure-
flow urodynamic devices is far too
40 costly and invasive to perform in the
Scotland (Garraway) general population. Another limita-
Olmstead (Chute)
Japan (Tsukamoto) tion related to determining prevalence
30 Norway (Vatten) rates for these parameters is that there
Netherlands (Bosch)
is no consensus regarding what specif-
ically constitutes an enlarged prostate
Men (%)

20 or an obstructed bladder. It is unlikely

that the prevalence rates for bladder
outlet obstruction and prostate
10 enlargement will ever be determined
in the general community.
Men with prostate volumes > 50
0 cm3 have a 5 times greater risk of
40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 having clinically moderate to severe
Age (years) LUTS and a 3 times greater risk of
IP SS >7, Qmax <15, prostate volume >20 cc
having significant bladder outlet
obstruction, defined by a peak flow
Figure 3. Investigators in different countries have reported cross-sectional studies designed to determine the preva- rate < 10 mL/sec. These observations
lence of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), as defined by an International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) suggest there is some relationship
> 7, peak urinary flow rate (Qmax) < 15 mL/sec, and prostate volume > 20 cc. The prevalence of BPH in these
studies was consistently shown to be age-dependent, as well as fairly uniform across the world. Reproduced with between prostate volume and both
permission from Roehrborn CG, McConnell JD.4 LUTS and obstruction, especially in


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH

men with large prostates. ly related, the natural history of LUTS, benign prostatic enlargement can be
Several investigators in different bladder outlet obstruction, and pro- gleaned from the longitudinal follow-
countries have reported cross- static enlargement should be inde- up of the Olmstead County Study of
sectional studies designed to deter- pendently examined. It is unlikely Urinary Symptoms and Health
mine the prevalence of clinical BPH that such a study will ever be per- Status.26 A relatively small subset of
(Figure 3).21-24 Men in these studies formed as conducting transrectal men between the ages of 40 and 79
were categorized as having clinical ultrasonography and pressure-flow were randomly selected from the
BPH if the International Prostate urodynamic studies longitudinally in Olmstead County community and
Symptom Score was ≥ 8, peak flow a cohort of healthy men would be underwent transrectal ultrasonogra-
rate was < 15 mL/sec, and prostate prohibitively expensive and many phy at baseline and 6 years later.
volume was > 20 cm3. This defini- asymptomatic men would be unwill- A mixed-effects regression model
tion of clinical BPH shows the preva- ing to subject themselves to these showed that prostate volume increased
lence of the disease to be consistent- invasive tests. by about 1.6% per year on average.
ly age-related. The prevalence of The natural history of a disease can Men with larger prostates at baseline
clinical BPH is fairly uniform around be inferred from the placebo arms of experienced the greatest increase in
the world. long-term intervention studies. The prostatic volume. These findings are
Several factors have been reported problem with this approach is that fairly consistent with cross-sectional
to be associated with an increased only men with established disease are studies, autopsy studies, and placebo
risk for BPH including religion, included. It is also well recognized arms of clinical trials. It is important
socioeconomic factors, sexual activi- that those men volunteering for stud- to stress that patterns of growth at the
ty, vasectomy, alcohol use, cirrhosis, ies may not reflect the general com- individual level are highly variable.
hypertension, smoking, diet, and munity and that a clinical trial may Jacobsen and colleagues27 reported
obesity. However, there is no com- influence behavior.25 on LUTS progression in the Olmstead
pelling evidence that any of these Insights into the natural history of County Study over an interval of 42
factors is associated with a greater
risk for developing BPH.4

Natural History Progression in the MTOPS Study:

The natural history of a disease refers Placebo Group
to the progression of the untreated 25
disease over time. Clinical endpoints
of progression for BPH include the
Cumulative Incidence of

development of more severe symp-
BPH Progression (%)

toms, bladder dysfunction manifested

by incomplete emptying or detrusor 15
instability, more severe bladder outlet
obstruction, acute urinary retention
(AUR), recurrent UTI, urosepsis, 10
chronic renal insufficiency, bladder
stones, incontinence, and hematuria.
The natural history of BPH is incom- 5
pletely understood because of the
absence of a uniform definition of the
disease and the lack of rigorous stud-
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
ies. Defining the natural history of
BPH would require following a large Study Time (years)
cohort of men in the general commu-
nity with symptom scores, transrectal Figure 4. The Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) study represents the longest placebo-controlled
ultrasonography, and pressure-flow trial to date of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The placebo arm provides insights into the natural
history of men with moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms and decreased peak urinary flow rates, which
urodynamic studies. Because these imply some level of bladder outlet obstruction. Adapted with permission from McConnell JD et al.28 Copyright ©2003
parameters are not necessarily causal- Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH continued

regression model showed that the

The Risk of AUR Is Related to PV and Serum PSA in average symptom score change over
Placebo-Treated Subjects in Finasteride Studies time was 0.18 symptom units per
year. The AUA symptom score
25 increased during this interval of time
n = 155 22 n = 1503 in all age categories. The greatest
Low tertile 19.9 mean symptom score progression
20 Mid tertile
High tertile
was observed in the 60- to 69-year-
old age group.
Incidence of AUR

15 The Medical Therapy of Prostatic

11.7 Symptoms (MTOPS) study represents
10 8.9 the longest placebo-controlled trial to
date of men with BPH.28 It is impor-
tant to note that prostate volume was
not an inclusion criterion for enroll-
ment. Thus, the placebo arm provides
0 insights into the natural history of
14–41 42–57 58–150 0–1.3 1.4–3.2 3.3–12
men with moderate to severe LUTS
Baseline Prostate Volume (cc) Baseline PSA (ng/mL) and decreased peak urinary flow
rates, which imply some level of
Figure 5. The incidence of acute urinary retention (AUR) at 4 years among placebo-treated patients in finasteride
clinical studies was clearly related to baseline prostate volume (PV) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. bladder outlet obstruction. The objec-
Adapted from Roehrborn CG et al.32 with permission from Elsevier. tive of the MTOPS study was to
examine the impact of medical ther-
months. The AUA symptom score categories during the follow-up apies on BPH progression. In this
was categorized as mild (0-7) versus interval. At 42 months, 22% of men study, BPH progression was defined
moderate to severe (8-35). There was with mild symptoms crossed over as a 4-point increase in AUA symp-
much movement across symptom to moderate to severe symptoms. A tom score or the development of
AUR, chronic renal insufficiency or
socially unacceptable incontinence,
The Risk of AUR Is Related to PSA Level or recurrent UTI or urosepsis. The
final analysis of the MTOPS study
in Placebo-Treated Subjects
was recently conducted with a mean
in Dutasteride Studies follow up of 4.5 years. The only clin-
ically relevant progression rates were
10 observed for symptom progression
n = 2152 and AUR. The overall progression
8 rate (events/100 patient-years) was
Subjects with AUR (%)

4.5 in the placebo group (Figure 4).

6 The progression rates for symptom
4.8 progression and the development of
AUR were 3.6 and 0.6, respectively
(Table 1). Subset analyses of the
placebo group will be reported at a
2 1.6
later time and should provide insights
into the profile of men at greatest risk
0 for progression.
1.5–2.9 3.0–4.4 4.5–5.9 ≥6.0
The MTOPS study demonstrates
Baseline PSA (ng/mL) that the development of AUR is quite
common in men with clinical BPH.
Figure 6. The dutasteride clinical studies showed a clear relationship between baseline prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) levels and the development of acute urinary retention (AUR) at 2 years in placebo-treated patients. Data
This is consistent with the Olmstead
from Roehrborn CG et al.30 County Study of Urinary Symptoms


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH

of developing AUR by age 70. detect early prostate cancer. Despite

Table 1 The placebo arms of long-term this controversy, the majority of men
Progression in the studies evaluating the safety and over 50 years of age are undergoing
MTOPS Study Placebo Group effectiveness of the 5ARIs dutas- PSA level testing in the United States.
Placebo Treatment Group teride9,30 and finasteride10 provide It is the author’s opinion that the pri-
Progression Rate/100 Patient-Years insights into the risk of AUR in men mary care physician should obtain a
with LUTS, bladder outlet obstruc- serum PSA level in men with clinical
Clinical Progression PLB tion, and an enlarged prostate. In BPH. If the PSA level is elevated, a
Overall 4.5 men with prostates over 58 cm3, the prostate biopsy should be recom-
AUASS 3.6 risk of AUR in the finasteride study mended. The primary care physician
AUR 0.6 placebo group over the 4-year period should refer to Figure 6 in order to
Invasive Therapy 1.3 was 22%. guide patients regarding the risk of
MTOPS, Medical Therapy of Prostatic
It is not practical for the primary AUR and the wisdom of intervening
Symptoms; PLB, placebo; AUASS, care physician to measure prostate with a 5ARI in order to reduce this risk.
American Urological Association Symptom volume using transrectal ultrasonogra-
Score; AUR, acute urinary retention. phy. Because benign prostatic hyper- Conclusion
Data from McConnell JD et al.28 plastic tissue makes prostate-specific The pathophysiology, epidemiology,
antigen (PSA), it is not surprising that and natural history of BPH are incom-
and Health Status,29 which reported a there is a good correlation between pletely understood. The development
cumulative incidence rate for AUR of prostate volume and serum PSA.31 The of reliable instruments to measure
6.8 per thousand person-years. With risk of developing AUR can also be symptom severity, prostatic enlarge-
a multivariate analysis, age at base- predicted from the baseline serum PSA ment, and bladder outlet obstruction
line, symptom severity, and peak level (Figures 5 and 6). Among men in has allowed major advances in the elu-
flow rate independently predicted the highest tertile baseline PSA in the cidation of the pathophysiology, epi-
risk of AUR. Prostate volume was not finasteride placebo group (PSA ≥ 3.3 demiology, and natural history of the
evaluable as a predictive factor as ng/mL), the risk of AUR at 4 years was disease. The development of LUTS in
only a small subset of men under- 19.9%. Among men with a baseline the aging male population is influ-
went prostate volume determination PSA ≥ 6.0 ng/mL, the risk of AUR in enced to some degree by the severity
at baseline. Based on information the dutasteride placebo group at 2 of bladder outlet obstruction and pro-
from the Olmstead County Study, a years was 9.0%. static enlargement. It is important to
60-year-old man with moderate to Controversy exists regarding the recognize that many other factors
severe symptoms has a 13.7% chance value of PSA-based screening to unrelated to bladder outlet obstruction

Main Points
• There is no consensus as to the degree of prostate enlargement required to support a diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Histologic evidence of BPH can be determined only from autopsy studies. The clinical manifestations of BPH are present in a num-
ber of other urological and nonurological disease states.
• The specific factors that initiate and promote the proliferative process are unknown. The development of histologic BPH requires
both aging and androgens. Although dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the specific androgen mediating prostate development and
growth, there is no direct correlation between DHT levels and prostate growth.
• Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are the most common clinical manifestation of BPH. Men with prostate volumes > 50 cm3 have
a 5 times greater risk of having clinically moderate to severe LUTS and a 3 times greater risk of having significant bladder outlet
obstruction, suggesting that there is a relationship between prostate volume and both LUTS and obstruction. Because there is a strong
correlation between prostate volume and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, the risk of developing acute urinary retention (AUR)
can be predicted from baseline PSA levels. There are, however, many other factors involved in the pathophysiology of LUTS.
• The natural history of BPH is highly variable at the individual level. The clinically important parameters of disease progression in
men with moderate to severe LUTS and low peak flow rates are symptom progression and the development of AUR. In men with
moderate prostate enlargement, the risk of AUR appears to be high enough to justify intervention with 5α-reductase inhibitors in
order to reduce this risk.


Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History of BPH continued

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