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Coverpage insets include pictures of:

Aloe ferox,
Senna alexandrina and
flowering spike of aloe

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© United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the International Centre
for Science and High Technology, 2004

Earth, Environmental and Marine Sciences and Technologies

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Compendium of
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Karan Vasisht
Vishavjit Kumar

Africa is the world’s second largest continent after Asia, both in terms of area and
population. The continent has a unique diversity of geographic and climatic factors and
exceptionally rich, varied flora with an estimated 68,000 plant species, of which about
35,000 are known to be endemic. Madagascar is renowned for the highest percentage
of plant species endemism in the world.
Despite vast natural resources, most African countries are still struggling to pro-
vide basic amenities for their people. Health facilities are deplorable and most of the
population continues to rely on traditional remedies derived from medicinal plants. The
rich cultural heritage of using medicinal plants for health maintenance could have a
wider ramification and potential in discovering new medicines.
Medicinal plant resources in Africa are also the major source of income. In addi-
tion to domestic trade, medicinal plants are widely exported in large volumes to the
international market. The continent comes second to Asia in export figures. The in-
creased awareness of medicinal plant potential has led to a rising demand for plant
medicines in the USA, Europe and Japan. The global market of herbal drugs is esti-
mated to be about US$ 60 bn per year, growing at a rate of 7%. Increasing demand has
resulted in unsustainable use of medicinal plants all over the world and particularly in
Africa where poverty is widespread, opportunities to make quick profits from the sale of
medicinal plants abound, and there is a lack of regulatory mechanisms and their en-
forcement. Large-scale deforestation has added to the problem.
The situation in the medicinal plant sector has undergone a dramatic change in
the last two decades. All over the world much importance is being given to the docu-
mentation of knowledge on traditional health remedies, conservation and sustainable
use of biodiversity, cultivation, value addition, and development of standards for indig-
enous drugs. Unfortunately it is difficult to find comprehensive information in this
sector at a global level. In an attempt to overcome this lack, the International Centre
for Science and High Technology (ICS) is in the process of compiling a compendium of
medicinal and aromatic plants for each continent.
The present and first volume in the series is devoted to Africa, that possesses a
vast treasure of medicinal plants and has produced some exclusive materials such as
Prunus africana and pyrethrum for the world market. The compilation, in addition to
the resources and status of medicinal plants in each African country, presents an over-

view of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of medicinal
and aromatic plants. The available qualitative and quantitative data on medicinal plant
resources, R&D activities, the status of their use in traditional systems of medicine and
the trade and marketing situation have been compiled for each country. Most of the
information presented is of an indicative nature, primarily based on published and un-
published reports and does not necessarily reflect official views or statistics.
This volume is expected to strengthen the medicinal plant sector in African coun-
tries by making comprehensive information on medicinal and aromatic plants available
to policy-makers and entrepreneurs to frame effective policies and create an environ-
ment conducive to the growth of the plant-based medicine industry, bringing economic
benefit to African nations from the rising world demand for medicinal plants. It will
help health organizations to improve the health of their people by using their own re-
sources and a less expensive system of medicine, which is accepted by African society. It
could also lead scientific communities to augment R&D activities in the field.

Gennaro Longo
Director of Environment Area
Special Adviser on Technology Development

Introduction 1

1. The Status of Medicinal Plants in North African Countries 5

1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Algeria 5
1.3 Egypt 6
1.4 Libya 13
1.5 Morocco 16
1.6 Tunisia 17

2. The Status of Medicinal Plants in West African Countries 23

2.1 Introduction 23
2.2 Benin 24
2.3 Burkina Faso 25
2.4 Côte d’Ivoire 26
2.5 Gambia 26
2.6 Ghana 26
2.7 Guinea 30
2.8 Guinea-Bissau 31
2.9 Mali 31
2.10 Niger 33
2.11 Nigeria 34
2.12 Senegal 37
2.13 Sierra Leone 37
2.14 Togo and Chad 38

3. The Status of Medicinal Plants in East African Countries 41

3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Djibouti 42
3.3 Eritrea 42
3.4 Ethiopia 42
3.5 Kenya 52

3.6 Somalia 55
3.7 Sudan 56
3.8 Tanzania 61
3.9 Uganda 66

4. The Status of Medicinal Plants in Insular East African Countries 71

4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Madagascar

5. The Status of Medicinal Plants in Central African Countries 79

5.1 Introduction 79
5.2 Burundi 80
5.3 Cameroon 81
5.4 Central African Republic 86
5.5 D. R. Congo 86
5.6 Equatorial Guinea 87
5.7 Gabon 88
5.8 Republic of Congo 89
5.9 Rwanda 90
5.10 Sao Tome and Principe 91

6. The Status of Medicinal Plants in South African Countries 97

6.1 Introduction 97
6.2 Angola 105
6.3 Botswana 105
6.4 Lesotho 106
6.5 Malawi 106
6.6 Mozambique 108
6.7 Namibia 110
6.8 South Africa 112
6.9 Swaziland 118
6.10 Zambia 118
6.11 Zimbabwe 120


Africa is the world’s second largest to one of the world’s largest rainforests con-
continent after Asia, both in terms of area stituting many medicinal plant species of
and population. The mainland and the is- commercial importance. There are about
land nations in the southwestern Indian 3,000 medicinal plant species in southern
Ocean and Atlantic Ocean constitute the Africa of which 10% have found common
floristically rich and diverse sub-Saharan and widespread uses in traditional health-
Africa. care systems. Northern Africa has about
Africa has a rich diversity of flora 10,000 plant species of which around 70%
with an estimated 68,000 plant species of are known to be valuable as food and medi-
which about 35,000 are endemic to the cines among other uses. Over 10% of the
continent. Madagascar has the highest region’s floristic diversity has potential for
rate of species endemism. About 82% of commercial exploitation and half of them
a total of 10,000 to 12,000 species are are underutilized.
endemic to the country. The lowland rain- About 80% of the African population
forests of Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, relies on traditional medicine for health-
Liberia and Nigeria; the montane forests care needs. Some people use traditional
of eastern Congo, Rwanda and western medicine only, while others combine it with
Uganda; the coastal areas of Kenya and conventional drugs. The use of medicinal
Tanzania; and the arid lands of Ethiopia, plants by local people accounts for 70%
Namibia and Somalia are known as the or more of basic health-care treatments in
major centres of species endemism. Africa. Traditional medical practitioners
Medicinal plants, and the drugs de- (TMPs) are a crucial component of the
rived from them, are the most important health-care delivery system. Medicinal
and readily available source of health-care plants are used mainly in local, traditional
remedies to rural people in Africa. In east- medicine rather than exported to foreign
ern Africa, many biological resources are markets. Demand is increasing and often
used for obtaining pharmaceuticals that exceeds supply.
have a high national and international eco- The health budget for Africa is
nomic value. Western Africa is the home largely spent on conventional medicine and

is not sufficient to meet requirements. samples of temperate flora from South
Public expenditure on health is about 2% Africa for anticancer and anti HIV/AIDS
of gross domestic product (GDP) and ac- screening programmes of the United States
cess to health services and sanitation National Cancer Institute. The Royal Bo-
stands at 64 and 49% respectively. In tanic Garden, Kew, London, the UK, has a
addition, the ratio of modern medical doc- similar project in Africa.
tors and facilities to population is inad- Many African countries have made
equate. The State cannot afford to pro- efforts to formulate policies on traditional
vide costly modern medicines for everyone. medicine, recognized the role of TMPs and
As a result, most of the rural population established departments of traditional
relies on TMPs. pharmacopoeia. Despite these efforts,
Africa accounts for only 5% of glo- many constraints and problems hinder the
bal pharmaceutical trade. However, for development of traditional medicine in
crude drugs it is next to Asia for the ex- Africa. Herbal medicines have not been
port of medicinal and aromatic plants. officially recognized in most countries and
Medicinal plants are a common item at ur- their regulation and registration have not
ban markets. Most medicinal plant mate- been established. In countries with appar-
rial is exported to Europe and the rest to ent recognition, appropriate budgeting to
the USA and Asia. In 1996 about 26,500 facilitate the functioning of traditional
tonnes of medicinal and aromatic plant medicine authorities is inadequate or to-
material were exported to Europe. tally lacking. The traditional medicine
Most medicinal plant material is community operates outside the framework
sourced from wild collection and some from of national legislation for collection and
cultivation. Over-exploitation and habitat trade in wild species. Many African coun-
destruction of commercially important tries do not have procedures to register me-
medicinal plant resources threatens their dicinal plant preparations although these
existence in the wild. The World Bank, are widely used by the majority of popula-
the International Development Research tion. Regulation, if any, is very stringent,
Centre (IDRC), and the Danish Agency for requiring the same standards as modern
Development Assistance (DANIDA), medicines. In brief, it can be concluded
among many other international agencies, that the medicinal plant sector in Africa is
are making considerable efforts to conserve highly unorganized.
African biodiversity. The Missouri Botani- The increasing interest on medicinal
cal Garden, St. Louis, the USA is collect- and aromatic plants, the global resurgence
ing specimen samples of tropical flora from of plant-based medicines and their poten-
Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, tial to provide viable alternatives to con-
Gabon, Madagascar and Tanzania, and ventional drugs prompted the International

Centre for Science and High Technology frame effective policies, formulate projects
(ICS-UNIDO) to prepare a document on to augment the R&D activities and create
the status of medicinal and aromatic plants an environment conducive to the growth
in Africa. The document presents in-depth of plant-based medicine. It will help Afri-
information on medicinal plant resources can countries to improve the health of their
including R&D activities, and the trade and populations, using their own resources and
marketing situation in African countries. a system of medicine which is less expen-
The intention is to help policy-makers, the sive than modern medicine and already ac-
scientific community and entrepreneurs to cepted by African society.

Chapter 1

The Status of Medicinal Plants in North African


1.1 Introduction 1.2 Algeria

North Africa includes Algeria, Egypt, In Algeria, there are about 3,164
Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia species of vascular plants (EGA, 2001).
(Walter, 2001). The region consists of the Medicinal and aromatic plants are used by
biota of semi-closed Mediterranean and the local communities as well as by TMPs.
Red seas, with diverse ecosystems consti- The most widely used medicinal plant spe-
tuting about 10,000 vascular plant spe- cies include Adansonia digitata L., Acacia
cies (Hegazy, 2000, 2000a). It has arid, albida Delile, A. nilotica (L.) Delile, Boscia
semi-arid and a range of sub-climatic senegalensis (Pers.) Poir. , Balanites
zones. The Mediterranean basin is one of aegyptiaca Del., Anogeissus leiocarpa
the 25 internationally recognized biodi- (DC.) Guill. et al., Salvadora persica L.,
versity hot spots in the world and it has Commiphora africana Engl ., Prosopis
extraordinary plant diversity and species juliflora (Sw.) DC. and Sclerocarya birrea
endemism. Morocco has the highest rate (A. Rich.) Hochst. (FAO, 1992).
of species endemism in the region (WCMC, As regards the Algerian Public Health
1992). Code of 23 October 1976, the practice of
About 70% of plant species found in medicine without a licence is an offence
the wild have medicinal, aromatic and (Anonymous, 1978). Herbalists are allowed
other uses. Over 10% of these have the to practise traditional medicine without a
potential for commercial exploitation as a licence under the Section 364 of the Code.
source of drugs and pharmaceuticals (Ucko This monopoly on the practice of medicine
and Dimbleby, 1969; WWF and IUCN, was retained and fortified in the Law 85-
1994; UNESCO/UCO, 1998). There is 05 of 16 February 1985 relating to health
potential for developing herbal-based in- protection and promotion, which replaced
dustry in the region. the Code from 1976 (Anonymous, 1985).
The broad language of provisions contained
in Section 214 emphasizes the exclusion
of traditional medicine.

1.3 Egypt Traditional Systems of Medicine

Egypt has a long history of use of The practice of traditional medicine

medicinal and aromatic plants and drugs, in Egypt is limited to very few TMPs (WHO,
prevalent since the pre-dynastic Amratian, 1992). In Egypt, all herbal preparations
Badarian and Gerzean cultures. Egyptian and products should meet the same stand-
knowledge of medicinal plants, their uses ards as manufactured chemical prepara-
and methods of application was supposedly tions. Herbal preparations and products
enriched in the period from 600 to 3000 are manufactured in a licensed pharma-
B.C., following the migration of people ceutical plant according to local and in-
from Abyssinia to the Nile Valley. Evidence ternational good manufacturing practices
of widespread use of medicinal and aro- (GMPs). These products are registered
matic plants in ancient Egypt was found in with the Central Administration of Phar-
the fossil studies of food remains in the in- maceutical Affairs. The National Organi-
testinal tracts of the mummies of the Kings zation for Drug Control and Research is
of the First Dynasty (3000 B.C.) and pres- responsible for undertaking medicinal plant
ence of flower essences coupled with me- analysis and inspection of herbal prepara-
dicinal herbs in the tombs of the Kings of tions and products for safety. Herbal
the Fourth Dynasty. The earliest written preparations and products are priced ac-
record of herbal medicines practice in Egypt cording to the law and are distributed ex-
was found in the medical books “Ebers Pa- clusively to pharmacies.
pyrus”, dating back to the sixteenth century
B.C. These books contain 877 prescriptions Medicinal Plant Resources
and recipes based on many medicinal and The most impressive characteristic of
aromatic plants. The medicinal plants Egypt is the presence of several oases that
mentioned (opium, cannabis, myrrh, frank- represent enclaves for special rare and
incense, castor oil, fennel, senna, thyme, endemic plants. In Egypt, a total of 2,121
henna, juniper, linseed, aloe and garlic) are species of native and naturalized vascular
still in use. The ancient Egyptian herbal plants can be found and out of these, 54
medicines were respected in the Mediter- are endemic (Madcour and Zeid, 1996).
ranean world and herbal knowledge was Egypt is home to many wild relatives of
payed with gold, copper and slaves. pastoral medicinal and aromatic plants and
Ever since the days of Cleopatra, food crops.
Egypt has been closely associated with the The southern Sinai Peninsula is an
perfume and cosmetics industry, while Al- important centre of plant diversity. It is
exandria has long been the main school- strongly influenced by the continental flora
ing centre for herbal medicines. and is one of the globally significant arid

and semi-arid ecosystems that capture high cies. Organic production techniques have
inter-specific endemism. Out of 316 plant also been successfully tried. As organically
species recorded in the plant inventories produced medicinal plant material is in
of the St. Katherine protectorate of the Pe- considerable demand on the international
ninsula, 102 are used for their medicinal, market, the organic production techniques
aromatic, cosmetic and culinary properties. could play an instrumental role in regain-
Forty-seven species have been considered ing the country’s position on the interna-
as potential medicinal plants for human use tional market.
and nine species for veterinary purposes. The state has established an author-
Bedouins, the inhabitants of the St. ity to make an inventory of wild plants of
Katherine protectorate, have ample knowl- medicinal value, registering them as a
edge of medicinal plants and their uses and means of protecting private property and
rely on them as a source of income. introducing a mechanized farming system
Bedouin women traditionally collect and for their production. As a result of the ef-
use these plants for medicinal, aromatic forts, more arable land has been brought
and culinary use (Hobbs, 1985). The over- under commercial cultivation of medicinal
exploitation of medicinal plant resources plants. Some cultivated medicinal plants
to meet increased demand from local con- of high economic value are given in Table
sumption, traditional healers (Hakims) and 2 and 3 (UNDP, 2001).
medicinal plant traders threaten the exist- The leaves and flowers of Origanum
ence of many important species of com- majorana L. are in considerable demand
mercial value. Some important medicinal as flavouring agents in the food industry.
and aromatic plants are given in Table 1 They are sourced from the Nile Valley.
(UNDP, 2001). Various aromatic herbs or undershrubs of
The Egyptian soil is world-famous for the genera Origanum and Majorana are
growing high-quality plants. Many medici- also called marjoram. A list of some com-
nal plant species are cultivated in the coun- mercially exploited medicinal and aromatic
try. About 35,000 feddans (2.52 mn hec- plants in Egypt is given in Table 4 (UNDP,
tare) of total arable land of 6 mn feddans 2001).
(14,709 mn hectare) is under medicinal
and aromatic plants cultivation (Anony- Herbal Drug Industry in Egypt
mous, 2001). Medicinal plants cultivation The demand for medicinal and aro-
is mainly concentrated in the regions of matic plants is increasing both at domestic
Assuit, Fayyoum, Aswan and Matrouh, and international level. The Egyptian phar-
Sharq al-Owainat and Siwa Oasis. Rose- maceutical industry was worth US$ 649.60
mary, wild thyme, sweet basil and henna mn in 2000. The annual import of herbal
are the commercially cultivated plant spe- medicines grew to US$ 1.9 mn in 2000 from

Table 1: Some important medicinal and aromatic plants of Egypt

Botanical name Part(s) used Therapeutical uses/indications

Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch. Bip. Leaf Eye lotion, colic
Aer va javanica (Burm. f.) Juss. ex Schult. Root Acne like conditions of the face
Anabasis articulata Moq.-Tand. & DC. Whole plant, Skin diseases, soap industr y
Apium graveolens L. Fr uit Bladder diseases
Artemisia herba-alba Asso Whole plant Antispasmodic, antiflatulent
Artemisia judaica Lour. Whole plant Antispasmodic, anthelmintic, insect
Atraphaxis spinosa L. Whole plant Antidiabetic, skin allergy
Balanites aegyptiaca Del. Seed, fr uit, flower, Abdominal pain, purgative, antimalarial,
bark and root antisyphilis, antirheumatic, skin and
gastro-intestinal problems, cold, fever
Ballota undulata (Sieber ex Fresen.) Whole plant Skin allergy
Capparis cartilaginea Decne. Whole plant, fr uit Antirheumatic
Capparis spinosa L. Whole plant, Antirheumatic
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Fr uit pulp and seed Purgative, gastro-intestinal stimulant
Cleome chr ysantha Decne. Whole plant Anthelmintic, infantile convulsions
Cleome droserifolia Delile Whole plant Anthelmintic, infantile convulsions
Coriandr um sativum L. Fr uit, leaf Carminative
Crotalaria aegyptiaca Benth. Whole plant Antitumour
Cymbopogon proximus (Hochst. ex A. Leaf Antispasmodic
Rich) Stapf
Fagonia mollis Del. Leaf Antibiotic
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Seed Skin lotions, stomachache
Glinus lotoides L. Whole plant Diarrhoea, bilious attacks
Globularia arabica Jaub. & Spach Whole plant, root Burned skin, stomach diseases
Hammada elegans (Bunge) Botsch. Leaf, seed Labour problems
Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Whole plant Analgesic
Heliotropium supinum L. Whole plant Veterinar y medicine
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. B ud Herbal tea
Hyoscyamus muticus L. Leaf Bronchial diseases
Jasione montana L. Whole plant Antispasmodic, kidney diseases, emetic
Juncus spp. Seed Labour problems
Matricaria recutita L. Flower Herbal tea
Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. Whole plant, leaf Antispasmodic
Ochradenus baccatus Delile. Whole plant Hair tonic
Ocimum basilicum L. Whole plant Nausea, diuretic in kidney diseases
Ocinum menthaefolium Hochst. ex Benth. Leaf, whole plant Analgesic
Origanum syriacum L. Seed, root Urine retention, toothache

Table 1 continued

Botanical name Part(s) used Therapeutical uses/indications

Peganum harmala L. Seed Dental lotions
Pimpinella anisum L. Dried powdered leaf Kidney failure, cancer
Pimpinella schweinfurthii Aschers. Leaf, flower and Herbal tea
small branch
Psoralea plicata Del. Leaf, branch and Antibiotic for wounds, antiemetic
Pulicaria spp. Root Antiemetic
Retama raetum (Forssk.) Webb Branch Antirheumatic, analgesic, stimulant and
tonic in amenorrhoea
Rhus tripartita (Ucria) DC. Flower, leaf Expectorant,cold
Salvadora persica L. Leaf and pod Purgative
Salvia acetabulosa L. Leaf Urinar y tract diseases, antiseptic
Senna alexandrina Mill. Whole plant Bronchial asthma
Solenostamma arghel Hayne Whole plant, root Digestion, skin diseases
Stachys aegyptiaca Person Whole plant Antispasmodic, antiallergenic
Teucrium polium L. Whole plant Antispasmodic, skin allergy
Thymus decussatus Leaf, whole plant, Antispasmodic, toothache
flower and root

a range of US$ 0.43 to 0.64 mn in 1999. Table 2: Cultivated medicinal plant species
Most of the imports originate in China, in Egypt

Taiwan and India (Gutberelt, 2000). Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch. Bip.
In order to recover the lost glory of Apium graveolens L.
Artemisia herba-alba Asso
the herbal industry in Egypt, the government
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.
is promoting local production of herbal Coriandr um sativum L.
medicines by making importation more dif- Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
ficult. Recently, the government has raised Matricaria recutita L.
non-tariff barriers on imports of herbal Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds.
Ocimum basilicum L.
medicines in order to support the local
Ocimum menthaefolium Hochst. ex Benth.
pharmaceutical industry in the production Origanum syriacum L.
of food additives and herbal medicines. Pimpinella anisum L.
There are about 150 herbal medicines cur- Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Willd.
rently registered at the Egyptian Ministry
of Health as food additives. Since Janu-
ary 2000, in a bid to follow government istered as locally manufactured products.
policy, 45 herbal products registered as Ragab Pharma is the major herbal
imported food additives have been re-reg importer in the country. Its pharmaceuti-

cal division imports herbal medicines from products used in the treatment of heart
European manufacturers such as Alsitan disorders, cancer, hepatitis and psychologi-
(Germany), Cefac (Germany), Richelet cal, immunological and gastrointestinal
(France) and Arkopharma (Switzerland). disturbances. It exports to U. Walter
It is now taking the lead in home-based GmbH (Germany), and Euro Herb bio B.V.
manufacturing of herbal medicine. In this (The Netherlands).
direction, two new factories in Cairo and Arasi Lawrence Company, based in
Alexandria have started production of five Assiut, processes essential oils and abso-
herbal medicines since October 2000. lutes for domestic use and export. It also
exports crude drugs. There are several
Table 3: Potential medicinal plants of Egypt
Cairo based companies dealing with herbal
for commercialization
medicinal products, such as Chemical In-
Capparis sinaica
dustries Development (CID) and El-Kahiro
Capparis spinosa L.
Hyoscyamus muticus L. Company that export medicinal herbal
Lavandula coronopifolia Poiret. teas, natural products and cosmetics to
Lavandula pubescens Decne most Arabian, some African and European
Moringa peregrina Fiori countries. The Memphis Company manu-
Senna spp.
factures and exports extracts, phytophar-
Solonostemma arghel Hayne
Thymus decassatus maceuticals and crude drugs to Asia, Eu-
Varthemia montana (Vahl) Boiss. rope, the USA and Canada.
The Egyptian fragrance and flavour
industry has become one of the most so-
Sekem Biological Products Labora- phisticated industries in the region, with
tories is the major herbal medicine manu- companies exporting raw materials and fin-
facturer. The company produces a wide ished products to the Middle East, Africa
range of herbal medicines for a variety of and Europe. Products such as jasmine, ge-
illnesses including constipation, diarrhoea, ranium, basil and chamomile are exported.
cough and the common cold. Most of the In addition to jasmine, chamomile,
medications are registered as food addi- geranium, myrrh, basil, mint, thyme, rose-
tives, only a few as herbal drugs. The medi- mary oils and henna, many other herbs
cations registered as herbal drugs are for have considerable industrial potential in
immunology and neuro-psychiatric disor- Egypt. Cymbopogon proximus (Hochst. ex
ders. Sekem relies on integrating locally A. Rich) Stapf is used as a source of active
available inputs in the manufacturing proc- constituent of proximal, an antispasmodic
ess. In a joint venture with Gebrueder drug. It is interesting to note that the mar-
Schaette, Germany the company manufac- ket value of C. proximus (Hochst. ex A.
tures an array of natural pharmaceutical Rich) Stapf as a dry plant material exceeds

Table 4: List of some medicinal and aromatic plant species exported from Egypt

Botanical name Common name Part(s) used

Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch. Bip. Yarrow Whole plant
Anethum graveolens Dill Seed
Artemisia herba-alba Asso Wormwood Leaf
Artemisia judaica Lour. Judean wormwood Leaf
Calendula officinalis L. Calendula Petal
Capsicum annuum L. Hot red pepper Fr uit
Senna alexandrina Mill. Senna Leaf
Car um car vi L. Caraway Seed
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Colocynth Dr y fr uit
Citr us spp. Small dried orange Dr y fr uit
Corchor us olitorius L. Jew's mallow Leaf
Coriandr um sativum L. Coriander Seed
Eurca sativa Rocket Seed
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Common fennel Seed
Glosrostemo br uigurei Moghat Root
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Liquorice roots Root
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Hibiscus Flower
Hyoscyamus muticus L. Egy. henbane Whole plant
Lactusa virosa L. Lettuce Seed
Lawsonia inermis L. Henna (Egyptian) Leaf
Ocimum basilicum L. Basil Leaf
Origanum majorana L. Marjoram -
Matricaria recutita L. Chamomile Flower
Mentha spicata L. Spearmint Leaf
Mentha piperita L. Peppermint Leaf
Portulaca oleracea L. Regla Seed
Punica granatum L. Pomegranate Dr y fr uit
Ricinus communis L. Castor oil plant Seed
Solenostemma arghel Hayne Arghel Flower
Tamarix spp. Manna tamarisk Whole plant
Urginea maritima (L.) Baker Squill Whole plant
Zygophyllum coccineum L. Bean caper Fr uit

that of the processed extract. The price of tial for industrial utilization of its saponins.
the extract ranges from US$ 647.59 to Despite its nutritional and medicinal value,
1,295.20 per tonne, depending on the level balanites is practically not used in Egypt,
of processing. probably because of its scattered natural
Balanites aegyptiaca Del. has poten- growth in relatively small areas (Belal et

al., 1998). Hyoscyamus muticus L. is andrina Mill.), which grows wild and is
known to contain a number of tropane al- cultivated, is also a significant export item.
kaloids widely used for their mydriatic, Major markets for medicinal plants trade
antispamodic and antiasthmatic properties. in Egypt are Attarin in Cairo, El-tour,
It is a potential natural source of drugs Sharm El-Sheikh and Dahab. The small-
for the pharmaceutical industry. Some scale pharmaceutical production units in
drug companies have started to use El-tour also export some quantity of me-
Salvadora persica L. extract in the manu- dicinal plant material.
facture of toothpaste. Jatropha curcas L. In 1998, 5 tonnes plant material of
is a promising and commercially viable each, Artemisia herba-alba Asso and Senna
alternative to diesel oil. It has desirable alexandrina Mill., were exported from St.
physicochemical and performance charac- Katherine protectorate. Most of the coun-
teristics comparable to diesel (Reyagh, try’s demand for medicinal plants is
1997). sourced from the wild. The cost data for
medicinal plant cultivation in the Nile Val-
Trade and Marketing
ley indicate a net revenue that ranges be-
Medicinal, aromatic and spice crops tween US$ 5,000 and 13,290 per hectare.
have the potential to boost Egyptian ex- The indicative prices of some medicinal
ports. The potential export of these crops plants on the Cairo market are shown in
lies in growing world demand. Trade in Table 5 (UNDP, 2001).
medicinal plants plays only a small role in
Table 5: Indicative prices of some medicinal
the Egyptian economy, although there is
plant species on the Cairo market
an expanding private sector, which culti-
vates and processes medicinal plants. Average retail
Botanical name
price (US$/kg)
Egypt is world famous for its high-quality Artemisia judaica Lour. 10.79
raw material of over 150 medicinal and Artemisia herba-alba Asso 3.88
aromatic plants. Cleome droserifolia Delile 6.47

The annual export of medicinal plants Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. 10.79
Origanum syriacum L. 3.88
is more than US$ 43.17 mn. High quality
Salvia acetabulosa L. 6.47
added value crops such as chamomile, fen- Senna alexandrina Mill. 2.81
nel, and peppermint have the potential to Teucrium polium L. 8.63
boost Egyptian exports. The country is the Thymus decussatus 9.71

main supplier of German chamomile (Mat-

ricaria recutita L.). About 500 to 600
tonnes of Egyptian henbane (Hyoscyamus Egypt is one of the leading African
muticus L.) are exported annually to Ger- exporters of medicinal and aromatic plant
many. Alexandrian senna (Senna alex- material to the international market. The

country is the fifth biggest exporter of me- and has a huge underground water supply.
dicinal plants worldwide. In the period The rest of the landmass is covered by a
between 1992 and 1995, Egypt exported semi-desert region with sparse grazing
11,250 tonnes of medicinal plant material lands for sheep, goats, camels and cattle,
per year, worth US$ 12.35 mn (Lange and and natural farmland along the Mediter-
Mladenova, 1997). In 1995, the annual ranean coast. On the northwestern plains
export of plants used for pharmaceutical, and in the northeastern highlands, farm-
perfumery, insecticidal and fungicidal pur- ers use mainly traditional methods to grow
poses (HS 1211) was valued at US$ 13.79 crops such as oranges, olives, almonds,
mn. During the period 1993-97, the ex- wheat and grapes.
port volume to the European Union regis-
Medicinal Plant Resources
tered an average of 4,266 tonnes. In 1999,
3,574 tonnes of dried basil leaf, worth US$ In Libya there are about 1,825 vas-
5.1 mn, were exported to the USA, prima- cular plant species, of which 134 are en-
rily from Egypt and Mexico. Egypt also demic. About 450 species are reported to
supplies smaller amounts of Hibiscus to the be of medicinal value (Auzi, 1999). Some
international market. The main crops ex- important plant families are Apiaceae,
ported are mint ( Mentha spp.), basil Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Poaceae, Faba-
(Ocimum spp.), sage (Salvia spp.), plants ceae, Brassicaceae and Abiaceae. Medici-
for herbal teas and plants utilized for per- nal plants are distributed all over the coun-
fumery, insecticidal and fungicidal pur- try especially in the Al-Jabel Al-Akhdar,
poses. In 2001, Egypt exported 134.67 Ghadames, Gharian, Awbari and Tarhona
tonnes of mint leaves (fresh and dried) regions. Many of these plants are associ-
worth US$ 0.19 mn, 2,712 tonnes of basil ated with a long history of traditional use
(fresh and dried) worth US$ 3.61 mn, 740 (Table 6) (Guenther, 1972; Rateeb et al.
kg of sage (Salvia spp.) worth US$ 4,000, 1996). More than 100 species are exten-
217.79 tonnes of plants and plant parts sively used by Bedouins and local people
used as herbal teas worth US$ 0.47 mn, in folk medicine drinks, or chewed fresh or
and 117.16 tonnes of plants used in per- dry. They are used to cure dermal diseases,
fumery, insecticidal, fungicidal or similar viral or bacterial infections, insect or ani-
purposes worth US$ 0.25 mn. mal bites, burns and sometimes to treat
hair problems. These medicinal plants are
1.4 Libya very well documented in different floras
Libya has a total area of 1,759,540 (El-Gadi and Bshana, 1992; Kotb, 1985).
square km of which about 90% is Sahara Many species of medicinal plants such as
desert, with scattered oases. The largest Cupressus sempervirens L., Pinus
oasis, Alkufra, lies beneath the desert rock halepensis Mill., Juniperus phoenicea L.,

Quercus coccifera L., Asperula arvensis L., medicine clinics as well as good manufac-
Tribulus longipetalus Viv., Veronica turing practices in the production of herbal
cymbalaria Bodard and Vahlia dichotoma medicinal products, which are mostly im-
(Murray) Kuntze are threatened because ported from Italy and other European coun-
of over-harvesting and diversion of forest tries. There is a lack of information on
land to agriculture (Faraj et al., 1988; Al- formal trade of medicinal and aromatic
Idrissi et al., 1996). There is an urgent plants.
need to initiate programmes for collection
R&D Activities
and conservation of endangered and rare
plant species to save them from extinction Scientific studies of the Libyan flora
as a result of heavy grazing, human use began about 200 years ago when the Swed-
and drought hazards that occur with in- ish scientist Joran Rothman (1773-1776)
creasing frequency. collected many plant samples from west-
The most famous medicinal plant of ern Libya and stored them at the Riks
Libya is Silphium cyrenaicum (now ex- Museum in Sweden. Since then, countless
tinct). It existed during Greek and Roman collectors and travellers have visited Libya,
times (900 to 100 B.C.). It was used for and there has been considerable interest
the treatment of many illnesses and was so in the plants of the region. A number of
important to the economy that was sold by world scientists have undertaken botani-
weight with silver or gold and it was de- cal expeditions in the country. P. della Cella
picted on coins (Rateeb et al., 1996). It (1817) collected plants from the eastern
has been reported that Silphium grew part of the country (Bomba gulf), D. Viviani
abundantly in Cyrenacia (Al-Jabel Al- (1824) wrote the book Flora Libycee
Akhdar region) but heavy exploitation led Speciments and included 1,200 plant sam-
to its extinction hundreds years ago. Many ples, and Barratte & Durrand (1910) wrote
scientists such as Keith (1965), Abulugma a book on Flora Libycee Prodromus with
(1985), Alganay (1994) and Kamal (1999) 1,156 plant samples. During the Italian
have suggested different species for occupation, R. Pampanini published Plantae
Silphium, but their suggestions are ques- Tripolitanae in 1914 and Predromo della
tionable. Flora Cirenaica in 1931. In 1942, R. Corti
The herbal medicines most in demand visited the southen parts of the country,
are chamomile, thyme and rosemary. Fezan and Ghat, and wrote a book about
Libya exports medicinal plants to Egypt. his visit. In 1965, H. G. Keith published
Trade is handled by the private sector. two volumes of A Preliminary Checklist of
About 30% of the population relies on tra- Libyan Flora and during the period from
ditional medicine in Libya. The Ministry 1976 to 1988, a group of Libyan scientist
of Health is planning to establish herbal published Flora of Libya comprising 145

Table 6: Libyan medicinal and aromatic plants and main traditional use

Botanical name Family Therapeutical uses/indications

Achillea santolina L. Asteraceae Expectorant, carminative, anthelmintic
Ajuga iva Schreb. Lamiaceae Antiemetic, antidiarrhoeal
Alhagi mauror um Medik. Fabaceae Antirheumatic, laxative, diuretic
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Aloaceae Emmenagogue, promotes hair growth
Ammi majus L. Apiaceae Carminative, antispasmodic
Anvillea garcinii (Burm. f.) DC. Asteraceae Hypoglycaemic
Artemesia herba-alba Asso Asteraceae Vermifuge (against worms for babies)
Artemesia judaica L. Asteraceae Common cold, hypoglycaemic, anthelmintic
Borago officinalis L. Boraginaceae Antirheumatic
Capparis spinosa L. Capparaceae Expectorant, diuretic, antirheumatic
Cassia obovata Collad. Fabaceae Purgative
Ceratonia siligua L. Fabaceae Tonic, demulcent
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Cucurbitaceae Purgative or hydragogue
Cynara cardunculus L. Asteraceae Diuretic, laxative, antianaemic
Cynara scolymus L. Asteraceae Hypoglycaemic, hypocholesterolemic
Cynomorium coccineum L. Balanophoraceae Laxative
Datura stramonium L. Solanaceae Antispasmodic, mydriatic, leaves smoked for
Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. Cucurbitaceae Jaundice
Ephedra alata Decne. Ephedraceae Antiasthmatic
Er uca sativa Mill. Brassicaceae Tonic, aphrodisiac
Globularia vulgaris L. Scrophulariaceae Diuretic
Helichr ysum stoechas (L.) Moench Asteraceae To clear small calculi
Hyoscyamus albus L. Solanaceae Sedative, analgesic (small dose),
hallucinogenic (large dose)
Juniper us communis L. Cupressaceae Digestive, antiseptic, renal stimulant
Lavandula multifida L. Lamiaceae Insect repellent, per fume
Lepidium sativum L. Brassicaceae Expectorant
Lupinus albus L. Fabaceae Hypoglycaemic, hypotensive
Marr ubium vulgare L. Lamiaceae Hypoglycaemic
Peganum harmala L. Zygophyllaceae Anthelmintic, antibacterial, protozoacidal
Plantago major L. Plantaginaceae Antimalarial, ear ache, dysenter y
Ruta graveolens L. Rutaceae Expectorant, convulsion, jaundice
Salvia officinalis L. Lamiaceae Ner vous disorders, dizziness, trembling
Teucrium polium L. Lamiaceae Hypoglycaemic, common cold
Thymus capitatus L. Lamiaceae Tonic, carminative
Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Fabaceae Tonic, anabolic and lactagogue
Urtica urens L. Urticaceae Haemostatic, antianaemic, hypoglycaemic
Viola tricolor L. Violaceae Urinar y problems, diaphoretic
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Solanaceae Hypotonic, aphrodisiac

volumes, one for each family. the country’s medicinal and aromatic
The Libyan Medicinal and Aromatic plants. The faculties of science of both the
Plant Research Programme was set up in universities are involved in botanical ex-
January 2001 (2001-2005) at the Faculty plorations and identification of plants of
of Pharmacy, University of Elfateh, Tripoli economic importance. The Biotechnology
(Auzi, 1999). The programme focuses on Research Centre and the Agricultural Re-
the chemical and biological evaluation of search Centre, under the Ministry of Envi-
Libyan medicinal and aromatic plants. ronment and the Ministry of Agriculture
Agronomical studies are aimed at provid- respectively, are engaged in the conserva-
ing information on the growth of medici- tion of genetic resources of plant species
nal and aromatic plants and the proper- of medicinal value.
ties of their oils and active constituents (El-
Opportunities and Constraints
Gadi and Bshana, 1992). These studies
and investigations include the effect of ra- Medicinal and aromatic plants are an
diation on the quality of medicinal plants, important source of drugs in Libya. The
soil analysis and cultivation techniques. country has a vast area and a variety of
The second programme for the estab- geographic conditions suitable for cultiva-
lishment of a Libyan National Herbarium tion of aromatic and medicinal plants.
has been proposed by the Ministry of En- There is scope for the establishment of
vironmental General Authority (EGA), small-scale phytochemical industries.
Tripoli. The objectives of the programme There is a lack of R&D activities in
are to provide a better understanding and the field of medicinal plants. As a result
wider knowledge of the systematics, evo- of over-exploitation, some plants have be-
lution, ecology and conservation biology of come rare and endangered. There is also
major groups of Libyan native plants and an imminent threat of genetic erosion of
their relatives. medicinal plant species because of an in-
The third programme, led by the Min- crease in heavy grazing, human use and
istry of Environmental General Authority, drought hazards. The economic constraints
started in January 2001 and concentrates of the country mean that international as-
on the creation of a database on Libyan sistance is needed for collection and con-
Flora in order to make available and dis- servation of the genetic resources of en-
seminate valuable knowledge to a wide cli- dangered species of medicinal value.
ent base.
The faculties of pharmacy of the Uni-
1.5 Morocco
versity of Elfateh, Tripoli and the Univer- Morocco has about 3,675 vascular
sity of Garyounis, Bengazi are involved in plants species, of these about 650 have
phytochemical and biological screening of been reported to be endemic (EGA, 2001).

In terms of export volume, in the late butus unedo L., Erica arborea L. and
1990s the country was the second largest Crataegus monogyna Jacq. The collection
exporter of medicinal plants material from of aromatic plants from the wild and dis-
Africa and the ninth at international level tillation of essential oils, in particular of
(Lange and Mladenova, 1997). The coun- lavender (Lavandula spp.) and myrtle
try predominantly exports aromatic plants (Myrtus communis L.), are the traditional
and essential oils. In 1994, about 508,200 activities of the people of the El Feija re-
tonnes of aromatic plants and essential oils gion. The local authorities regulate myr-
worth about US$ 168.91 (1.7 bn Moroc- tle collection and only small quantities of
can Dirhams) were exported (Hmamouchi, lavender are allowed to be harvested from
1997). The aromatic plant and essential the wild to meet local demand. Rosemary
oil sector account for a major share of the (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), myrtle (Myrtus
economy of the country and have great communis L.) and other medicinal plants
potential to earn more foreign revenue. In are products of high socio-economic im-
the period between 1992 and 1995, Mo- portance. Rosemary is cultivated on
rocco exported 6,850 tonnes of medicinal 340,000 hectares of land and myrtle on
plants worth US$ 12.85 mn to the inter- 80,000 hectares. These essential oils are
national market. in considerable demand on the interna-
tional market by the perfume industry.
1.6 Tunisia Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cinerea f. Muell.
Tunisia has about 2,196 reported ex Benth. and Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.)
vascular plant species of which 151 are leaves are also collected for distillation of
rare, threatened or endemic. It has an arid eucalyptus oil (El Adab, 1993).
climate with steppe vegetation. The steppes The most widely used spices in the
are rich in aromatic and medicinal plant country are Allium roseum L., Anethum
species traditionally used for health care graveolens L., Carthamus tinctorius L.,
by the local communities and TMPs. The Carum carvi L., Coriandrum sativum L.,
Matmata mountain range, which runs Cuminum cyminum L., Foeniculum vulgare
across South Tunisia from east to west, is Mill., Laurus nobilis L., Lavandula multifida
rich in medicinal plant resources. The L., Nigella sativa L., Origanum majorana
Zammouris community makes use of these L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Sinapsis alba
plants in the preparation of health rem- L. and Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. &
edies. The forest region of the El Feija Link (Table 7). Traditional herbal medi-
mountain areas, located in northeastern Tu- cine is becoming a field of wide interest in
nisia, constitutes about 700 vascular plant the country.
species, including a number of endemic Tunisia exports oils of orange and
species such as Myrtus communis L., Ar- other citrus species, rosemary, mentha,

Table 7: Some important medicinal and aromatic plants of Tunisia

Agrimonia eupatoria L. Cuminum cyminum L.

Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb. Cupressus semper virens L.
Alchemilla ar vensis (L.) Scop. [=Aphanes Cynara cardunculus L.
ar vensis L.] Cynoglossum cheirifolium L.
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. Cynomorium coccineum L.
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Datura metel L.
Althaea officinalis L. Datura stramonium L.
Ammi majus L. Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss.
Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. Dr yopters filix-mas Schoot.
Anemone coronaria L. Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.
Anethum graveolens L. Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski
Apium graveolens L. Equisetum telmateia Ehrh.
Artemisia campestris L. Fer ula communis L.
Artemisia herba-alba Asso Foeniculum vulgare Mill
Artemisia vulgaris L. Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl
Asparagus officinalis L. Fumaria officinalis L.
Asteriscus pygmaeus (DC.) Coss. & Dur. Geranium robertianum L.
Astragalus armatus Willd. Globularia alypum L.
Astragalus caprinus L. Hedera helix L.
Ballota hirsuta Schult. Hertia cheirifolia Kuntze
Bellis annua L. Hyosyamus albus L.
Borago officinalis L. Hyoscyamus niger L.
Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch Hypericum per foratum L.
Calendula ar vensis L. Jasminum fr uticans L.
Calamintha officinalis Monch Juglans regia L.
Car um car vi L. Juniper us oxycedr us L.
Capparis spinosa L. Juniper us phoenicea L.
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Laur us nobilis L.
Carthamus tinctorius L. Lavandula dentata L.
Centaurea calcitrapa L. Lavandula multifida L.
Centaurea cyanus L. Lavandula stoechas L.
Centaurea nicaeensis All. Lepidium sativum L.
Centaurium umbellatum Gilib. [=C. er ythraea Linum usitatissimum L.
Rafn] Lippia citrodora Kunth.
Ceratonia siliqua L. Lithospermum ar vense L. [=Buglossoides ar vensis
Chenopodium album L. (L.) I. M. Johnst]
Cichorium intybus L. Mor us spp.
Cistus crispus L. Myrtus communis L.
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schard. Nerium oleander L.
Clematis flammula L. Nicotiana glauca Graham.
Cleome arabica L. Nitraria tridentata Desf. [=Nitraria retusa
Crataegus oxyacantha L. [=C. rhipidophylla (Forssk.) Asch.]
Gand.] Origanum glandulosum Desf.

Table 7 continued
Origanum majorana L. Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Papaver rhoeas L. Ruscus aculeatus L.
Papaver somnifer um L. Ruta chalepensis L.
Parietaria officinalis L. Ruta montana L.
Peganum harmala L. Salix alba L.
Pergularia tomentosa L. Salvia officinalis L.
Periploca laevigata Aiton Salvia sclarea L.
Phlomis spp. Sambuscus nigra L.
Pinus halepensis Mill. Scilla maritima L. [=Urginea maritima (L.) Baker]
Pistacia lentiscus L. Solanum dulcamara L.
Pistacia terebinthus L. Solanum nigr um L.
Pituranthos scoparius Benth. Solanum sodomaeum L.
Plantago albicans L. Solidago virga-aurea L.
Plantago lanceolata L. Sonchus tenerrimus L.
Plantago major L. Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis.
Plantago psyllium L. Taraxacum officinale Wigg.
Polygala spp. Teucrium capitatum L. [=Teucrium polium subsp.
Polygonum aviculare L. capitatum (L.) Arcang.]
Populus alba L. Teucrium polium L.
Populus nigra L. Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link
[=Coridothymus capitatus (L.) Rchb. f.]
Quercus coccifera L.
Thymus hirtus ssp. algeriensis Boiss
Quercus ilex L.
Thymus vulgaris L.
Quercus suber L.
Urtica spp.
Reseda alba L.
Valeriana tuberosa L.
Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb & Berthel.
Verbena officinalis L.
Rhamnus frangula L. [=Frangula alnus Mill.]
Viola odorata L.
Rhus oxyacantha Schousb. ex Cav. [=Rhus
tripartita (Ucria) DC.] Viola tricolor L.
Ricinus communis L. Vitex agnus castus L.
Rosa canina L. Vitis vinifera L.
Rosa gallica L. Ziziphus lotus L.

white artemisia, lavender, terpenoid prod- tonnes in 1996, earning foreign revenue
ucts, water of orange flowers to Germany, of US$ 2.3 mn (3,253,100 Tunisian Di-
Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, the UK, nars) and US$ 2.4 mn (3,321,100 Tuni-
Switzerland, the USA, Jordan, Saudi Ara- sian Dinars), respectively (Chemli, 1997).
bia and to neighbouring countries such as The sale of rosemary and myrtle in the early
Algeria, Libya, Benin and Senegal. From 1990s earned foreign revenue of US$ 0.43
168 tonnes in 1993, the total export of es- mn (600,000 Tunisian Dinars) per annum
sential oils from Tunisia increased to 227 (El Adab, 1993).

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Chapter 2

The Status of Medicinal Plants in West African


2.1 Introduction tion in western Africa relies on traditional

medical systems for primary health-care
West Africa includes the countries of needs. In Burkina Faso, Niger and Ghana
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte more than 80% of the population relies on
d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea- traditional medicine and in Nigeria, over
Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sen- 90% of the rural and over 40% of the ur-
egal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Chad. The ban population depend on traditional medi-
habitat diversity of the area ranges from cine. The number of the TMPs is high com-
semi-desert vegetation to savannahs, tropi- pared to that of modern medical doctors.
cal rainforests and mangroves. It consti- In the Kwahu district, Ghana and Benin
tutes many plant species of medicinal value, City, Nigeria the ratio of modern medical
especially in the rainforests. The upper doctors to TMPs has been estimated at 1 :
Guinea forests are rich in species endemism 92 and 1 : 149, respectively. TMPs are of-
with nearly 2,000 endemic plant species ficially recognized in Nigeria and Ghana,
(Conservation International, 1999). The where 3,360 practitioners are registered,
valuable West African biological resources and in Burkina Faso there are about 300
are the basis of the survival of the region’s traditional health-care providers. Tradi-
indigenous societies who have developed a tional medicine is included in the health-
rich knowledge of medicinal plants. care system of Nigeria and Mali.
Through the practise of their traditions they Most of the medicinal plant material
have protected and conserved plants is sourced from wild collection and a small
through the ages. amount from cultivation. In the humid
Medicinal plants are of socio-eco- parts of Ghana and Nigeria, Garcinia
nomic importance to rural population both afzelii Engl., G. epundata and in Guinea
as a source of raw material for health-care Lophira lanceolata Tiegh. ex Keay are the
remedies and income. The local commu- medicinal plant species of economic im-
nities and TMPs make frequent use of most portance.
of these plants in their remedies. The over-exploitation of resources
Between 75 to 90% of the popula- from the wild has threatened the existence

of many plant species including medicinal There are only a few manufacturing units
plants. Nigeria has the highest number of devoted to the production of drugs derived
threatened species (119), followed by from indigenous plants. However, indi-
Ghana (115), Côte d’Ivore (101), Liberia vidual sellers and TMPs prepare herbal
(46) and Sierra Leone (43). Among these products.
many are of medicinal importance.
Voacanga africana Stapf, Zanthoxylum 2.2 Benin
zanthoxyloides and Brucea species are Benin (formerly the Republic of Da-
medicinal plants that have been listed homey) is located between the Gulf of
under the endangered species of the re- Guinea and the Niger River. The original
gion. rainforests, which used to cover most of
In many countries efforts are being the southern part of the country, have now
made to promote the use of herbal and tra- largely been cleared, except near the riv-
ditional medicine. Traditional protection, ers. In their place, many oil and rônier
conservation beliefs and practices exist in palms have been planted and food crops
all the countries of western Africa. The are cultivated (Adjademe, 1991).
importance of documenting the knowledge About 80% of the population relies
and implementing the traditional practices on traditional medicine for health care.
has been realized by many African coun- People from other countries also use
tries. The United Nations University In- Beninese traditional medicine (Massou-
stitute for Natural Resources, Accra, gbodji and Tevoedjre, 1997).
Ghana has initiated a project to catalogue In Benin there is a licensing process
the local indigenous plants of medicinal and a register of TMPs. Local officials
value and other uses, and to promote home- authorize the practice of traditional medi-
stead gardens (Baidu-Forson, 1999). cine in administrative or health subdivi-
Very little work on ethnobotanical sions. TMPs are involved in the primary
and taxonomical inventories for medicinal health-care programme to some extent.
plant species has been done in West Afri- There are national as well as provincial
can countries. The sellers of herbal prepa- intersectoral councils and groups of tradi-
rations describe some plants only in the lo- tional medicine (WHO, 1992). Section 3
cal dialect. The pharmaceutical industry of Code 3.4, Quality of Health Care and
has given too low priority to research and Health Technology, relates to the promo-
development of drugs and other products tion of traditional pharmacopoeia through
from indigenous medicinal plants. When the updating and distribution of a national
an economically viable plant product is list of TMPs, and developing and distrib-
identified, it is often shipped overseas to uting a guide for rational use of traditional
foreign companies for further development. pharmacopoeia (Anonymous, 1997). The

lack of means to evaluate the quality, 1983, the government emphasized the for-
safety, and efficacy of traditional medicine mation of TMP associations as well as
products and the lack of training in sani- pharmacopoeial units within the decentral-
tation techniques for TMPs has led to un- ized structure of the health system. The
favourable working conditions. The gov- Natural Substances Research Institute and
ernment has prioritized projects on the the Health Ministry Service were created
census of non-governmental organizations in 1978 to promote traditional medicine
operating in the field of traditional medi- and pharmacopoeia. In 1979, TMPs were
cine, on evaluation of the possibilities of officially recognized in Burkina Faso. A
integrating traditional medicine into the medical and scientific commission under
national health-care system, particularly the Ministry of Health is responsible for
health centres, and training of TMPs conducting studies on the practice of tra-
(Massougbodji and Tevoedjre, 1997). ditional medicine and undertaking investi-
gations on traditional medicine therapeu-
2.3 Burkina Faso tics and mode of action of the drugs. Tra-
Burkina Faso is a land-locked coun- ditional medicine and TMPs are recognized
try situated north of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana by the Practice and Organization of Tradi-
and Togo. The northern part of the coun- tional Medicine Law of 1994 (Anonymous,
try is covered by savannahs, with prickly 1995).
shrubs and stunted trees, and in the south In 1997, the National Pharmaceuti-
the prickly shrubs give way to scattered cal Directive Plan was adopted to define
forests. In the north, climate conditions the global objectives of the National Phar-
do not favour tree growth and in the south, maceutical Policy 1996, under the Minis-
farmers often allow only useful trees such try of Health. It was aimed at the devel-
as the karite (shea tree) or the baobab to opment and promotion of traditional medi-
survive. About 300 TMPs are registered cine and traditional pharmacopoeia within
at the Ministry of Health. Information on the official health-care system. The Plan
exploitation, application and marketing of was taken into consideration in the devel-
medicinal plants is scarce (Zida and opment of the National Sanitary Policies
Kolongo, 1991). for the period between 2001 and 2010.
Burkina Faso has local and national
Traditional Systems of Medicine
intersectoral councils which take care of
More than 80% of the population traditional medicine. Some TMPs are in-
depends on traditional medicine. After volved in the primary health-care pro-
independence, the government promoted gramme (WHO, 1992). There is no offi-
traditional medicine and began to restore cial recognition of the qualifications of
esteem to traditional medical practices. In TMPs but there is a formal training pro-

gramme in traditional medicine (WHO, 2.5 Gambia
In Gambia, the rural communities
2.4 Côte d’Ivoire and TMPs have a vast knowledge of me-
Côte d’Ivoire is situated on the west dicinal plants and their uses. Most of the
coast of Africa, between Ghana to the east trees and shrubs found in the Pirang for-
and Liberia to the west, with Guinea, Mali est are used in medicinal preparations
and Burkina Faso to the north. Equato- (Sumser, 1988).
rial climate prevails, except for in the There are official legislative texts
northwest where tropical climatic condi- governing the practice of traditional medi-
tions prevail. The valuable rainforests en- cine in the country and a licensing proc-
dure only in the southwest, while elsewhere ess for TMPs, who are involved to some
these have been replaced with plantations extent in the primary health-care pro-
of coffee, cocoa, banana, pineapple, rub- grammes. Gambia is also sustaining a
ber and oil palm. The tropical rainforests training programme in traditional medi-
in the south include many species of me- cine for health workers (WHO, 1992).
dicinal value along with timber species of
African mahogany and teak.
2.6 Ghana
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich., The government of Ghana has recog-
Terminalia glaucescens Planch.ex Benth., nized traditional medicine in the national
Cochlospermum planchonii Hook f., Cas- health-care system. TMPs use herbs, spir-
sia sieberiana DC., Combretum micran- itual beliefs, and local wisdom in provid-
thum G. Don, Sarcocephalus latifolius ing health-care services.
(Sm.) Bruce and Khaya senegalensis There are several TMP associations
(Desr.) A. Juss. are common medicinal in the country. In 1999, the government
plants found in the savannah woodlands brought all the associations under one main
(FAO, 1998). Other significant plant spe- organization, the Ghana Federation of Tra-
cies in the southern forests include Garcinia ditional Medicine Practitioners Associa-
spp. , Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. , tions (Mensah, 2000). The Association
Voacanga africana Stapf and Griffonia helps to develop herbal medicine in the
simplicifolia (Vahl ex DC.) Baill. country and provides safe health care to
There is no official recognition of tra- the population alongside orthodox medicine.
ditional practices or remedies and no pro- About 70% of the population depends
vision of official training for health work- exclusively on traditional medicine for
ers in traditional medicine. TMPs are not health care. There is approximately one
involved in the national primary health- TMP for every 400 people, compared to
care programmes (WHO, 1992). one modern medical doctor for every

12,000 patients (Commodore, 1995). basic to tertiary levels.
Over 100,000 TMPs, uniformly distributed The Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia,
throughout the country, form the backbone Volume 1, contains scientific information
of the health-care delivery system (Mensah on 50 medicinal plants (Bodeker, 2001).
and Sarpong, 1995). A second volume is currently in prepara-
The Medical and Dental Decree of tion. Efforts are being made to integrate
1972 and the Nurses and Midwives De- traditional medicine into the official pub-
cree of 1972 allow only indigenous inhab- lic health system. It is expected that by
itants to practise traditional medicine, pro- the year 2004, certified efficacious herbal
vided they do not practise life-endanger- medicines will be prescribed and dispensed
ing procedures. in hospitals and pharmacies. Local offi-
Until 2000, when the Traditional cials have the power to authorize the prac-
Medicine Practice Act was passed, the gov- tice of traditional medicine in their admin-
ernment worked with the Ghana Psychic istrative and/or health subdivisions (WHO,
and Traditional Medicine Practitioners As- 1992). In 2000, the government declared
sociation to license and register TMPs and the third week of March as the Traditional
ensure standards of care (Sanders, 1989; Medicine Week (Bodeker, 2001).
Le Grand and Wondergem, 1990). The The Ministry of Health is working for
Act has a provision for the establishment the inclusion of traditional medicine in the
of a council to regulate the practice of tra- curricula of allopathic medical schools and
ditional medicine, register practitioners the introduction of a diploma course in tra-
and license them to practise and regulate ditional medicine at postgraduate level. As
the preparation and auction of herbal medi- a step in this direction, the Ministry as-
cines. sessed the training needs for TMPs in 2000
In 1991, the Traditional Medicine (Mensah, 2000). Ghana recognizes a dual
Unit was created under the Ministry of system of medical practice that admits both
Health (Oppong-Boachie, 1999; Bodeker, traditional and modern medical practices
2001). In 1999, the Unit was upgraded and promotes their co-existence in order
to the status of a directorate. The Minis- to reach the largest number of people.
try, in collaboration with the Ghana Fed- There is a number of TMPs who are famil-
eration of Traditional Medicine Practition- iar with plants and their uses and practise
ers Associations and other stakeholders, herbalism with or without spiritual prac-
has developed a five-year (2000-2004) tices. Within the Ashante system of tradi-
strategic plan for traditional medicine. The tional healers both spiritualism and
plan proposes, among other things, the herbalism are practised. The key factor in
development of a comprehensive training training in and practising of traditional
programme in traditional medicine from medicine is the integration of the practi-

tioners with the cultural tradition of the R&D Activities
people. There are official training pro- The Center for Scientific Research
grammes for traditional birth attendants into Plant Medicine, Mampong-Akwapim
(Le Grand and Wondergem, 1990). conducts scientific investigations related to
the improvement of phytomedicine to as-
Medicinal Plant Resources
sure the purity of drugs extracted from
Medicinal and aromatic plant species plants. In addition to its research activity,
play an important socio-economic role both the Centre also manages a hospital pro-
in primary health care and source of live- viding health care through both traditional
lihood (FAO, 1995). In Ghana, about and allopathic medicine. The Centre has a
2,000 plants are used in traditional medi- herbarium section, which is preserving
cine. Medicinal plants, gums and mush- 3,500 species of plant medicine for future
rooms are exported to neighbouring coun- uses. It makes use of 1,000 acres of land
tries and to the international market. for growing medicinal seedlings. It also
Both local communities and TMPs cooperates and liaises with the Ghana
use a large variety of medicinal plants in Physic and Traditional Healers’ Associa-
their remedies. Most of the medicinal plant tion and other state research institutions
material is collected from the wild. In the and commercial organizations worldwide
Ho district, approximately 75% of trees for documentation, dissemination of infor-
on cultivated land have medicinal uses mation and for the establishment of botani-
(FAO, 1990). Chew sticks are highly val- cal gardens for medicinal plants.
ued medicinal plants and constitute an item The ethnobotanical survey, conducted
of national and regional trade. About 90% by the World Conservation Monitoring
of the population in southern Ghana use Centre of the United Nations Environment
chew sticks (Garcinia spp.) for dental care. Programme (UNEP) revealed that about
Griffonia simplicifolia (Vahl ex DC.) Baill. 40,000 TMPs practise traditional medi-
is also commercially exploited (Cunnin- cine in the eastern part of the country
gham, 1997). The exploitation of com- (Evans-Anfom, 1984). In six selected lo-
mercially important medicinal plant spe- calities, 86 persons were registered as
cies is very extensive. In general, these herbalists, using 339 medicinal plant spe-
species are indiscriminately cut down or cies (Table 1). In the preparation of rem-
uprooted to meet the demand (Cunnin- edies, the leaf is the dominant plant part
gham, 1993). in use, followed by the root and bark.
Kumasi is the biggest urban market The destructive harvesting of medici-
for medicinal plant trade. Gum Arabic pro- nal plant species has reduced their number
duction is concentrated in the northern in the wild. Urbanization and changing
woodlands. housing patterns in rural areas have re-

Table 1: Results of an ethnobotanical survey in Ghana

Locality Registered Medicinal plants Part(s) used

herbalists used for treatments
Mampong 12 57 Root, bark
Kofisah 11 51 Leaf, bark, root
Adesio 25 47 Leaf, root, root-bark
Konkonorou 16 82 Whole plant, bark, root
Nkoranza 10 46 Root
Aburi 12 57 Leaf
Total 86 339 Leaf

duced many plant species in the areas sur- In 1996, the preparation of a docu-
rounding villages. For example, Bryophyl- ment on ethnobotany in Ghana was initi-
lum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken and Jatropha ated under the aegis of the Organization
curcas L., earlier used as a fence for hous- of African Unity and the Science and Tech-
ing, cannot be found now. Forest clear- nology Research Committee. Pictures of
ance and easy access to wild resources of and recipes using about 600 plants are col-
Deinbollia pinnata have threatened exist- lected in this roster.
ence in its natural habitat. The over-har- Most of the herbal preparations are
vesting of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta root, sold as powders, concoctions or ointments.
mainly sourced from the wild for the prepa- Although medicinal plants have been used
ration of anticancer drug, has threatened extensively over the years, only a small
its existence. The plant is exported to the amount of scientific data are available on
USA. the clinical uses of herbal medicine.
The Environment and Health Sector Phyto-Riker Pharmaceuticals Inc., a
is responsible for the promotion of appli- private company, has acquired Ghana’s
cation of science and technology in health state-owned pharmaceutical plant to pio-
development. The support for plant medi- neer the commercial production of tradi-
cine development mainly comes from the tional herbal medicines.
Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Ghana imports almost all its essen-
Medicine (CSRPM), which is assisted by tial oil requirement from Europe, Asia and
the Plant Genetic Resources Centre in the North America. In 1998, the annual de-
scientific identification of plants of medici- mand of lemongrass oil was 400 tonnes
nal value and the establishment of arbo- and the fabrication cost of a distillation
reta, and by the Animal Research Institute unit from local material was US$ 8,200.
in conducting toxicity and efficacy tests of Traditional healers provide the most
herbal products. affordable and accessible form of health

care to the rural and poor urban popula- awareness and relieving pressure from
tions. In Ghana, about 5% of the 20 mn over-harvesting of plants in the wild. There
population is HIV/AIDS positive. There is are also plans to establish medicinal plant
no functional national traditional healers gardens and to train people to manage
association in the country. The government these gardens.
does not financially support TMPs and tra-
ditional medicine is not part of the cur- 2.7 Guinea
riculum in medical faculties. The Minis- Guinea is one of the least developed
try of Health coordinates policy for tradi- countries of Africa. It is rich in valuable
tional healers. The government has shown plant species used in the traditional sys-
a positive attitude towards the conserva- tems of medicine. There are large planta-
tion of medicinal plants. The Traditional tions of Rauvolfia, Cinchona and raw ma-
Medicine Practice Act was passed in 2000. terials from these were collected and ex-
The Aburi Botanic Garden cultivates ported in the past. The pharmaceutical
medicinal plants. The botanical reserve industry is a public sector industry and
covers an area of 64.8 hectares, of which Pharmaguinea, the national agency respon-
12.2 hectares have been developed into a sible for pharmaceuticals, is engaged in the
formal garden. With the help of the Dar- production of pharmaceuticals valued at
win Initiative of the UK Department for over US$ 1 mn per year. In addition, there
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs are galenicals from medicinal plants and
(DEFRA), London and the National Lot- preparations used in traditional medicine.
teries Board of the UK, a wide range of There is, however, the need to develop the
activities related to the conservation and Central Analytical Laboratory in Matato
sustainable utilization of medicinal plants as a national laboratory for analytical work
have been undertaken through identifica- and R&D activities connected with two
tion, cultivation and development of agro- projects, the development of an essential
techniques. The implementation of a com- oil industry and the utilization of Cinchona
puterized database is in progress to pro- and other indigenous medicinal plant spe-
vide information on the scientific name and cies. There is good potential for oils of
family, the common name and synonyms, karo, jasmine, neroli, bigarade, bergamot
and the ecology of the plant. and orange.
Models for biodiversity have been Lophira lanceolata Tiegh. ex Keay
applied to the traditional grove system, sticks are used as toothbrush. There is an
using the resources in the most sustainable active trade in these sticks on the urban
way (Oteng-Yeboah, 1996). A project at markets. Their consumption is very high
local level aims to establish and document in the villages. More than 100 mn sticks
baseline data, capacity building, raising are used per annum: about 75% of the

800,000 adults in urban areas makes use 2.9 Mali
of 31.2 mn sticks per annum and 50% of
the 3 mn adults in the rural areas makes The Republic of Mali is located south
use of 78 mn sticks per annum. of the Sahara and two-thirds of its terri-
In Guinea, the practice of traditional tory is desert. The greater part of Mali’s
medicine is not recognized by the Ordinance economy relies on the utilization of its natu-
189 PRG of 18 September 1984, which ral resources. There is a considerable bio-
states that the profession of physician can diversity consisting of ecosystems rich in
only be practised by persons with a Guinean genetic diversity, but natural resources are
diploma of Doctor of Medicine (Anony- under threat due to increasing anthropo-
mous, 1984). Guinea has official, applied genic pressure and climatic changes. There
and legislative texts governing the prac- are about 1,739 species of vascular plants
tice of traditional medicine. There is a li- and eight endemic species, most of which
censing procedure, a register of TMPs and are located in the Sudano-Guinean area.
local and national intersectoral councils for The most common medicinal plants are
traditional medicine (WHO, 1992). Local Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev.,
officials have the power to authorize the Prosopis africana (Guill. et al.) Taub. and
practice of traditional medicine in their ad- Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Two plant spe-
ministrative subdivisions. TMPs are also cies, Parinari excelsa Sabine, Khaya
involved, to some extent, in the national nyasica Stapf ex Baker f. [= Khaya
primary health-care programme (WHO, anthotheca (Welw.) C. DC.], are reported
1992). to be rare and one is endangered (Securi-
daca longipedunculata Fresen.). Under
2.8 Guinea-Bissau article 17 of the Forest Law No. 95-005
Guinea-Bissau has its local and na- of 1995, Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn.,
tional intersectoral councils for traditional Acacia albida Delile [=Faidherbia albida
medicine. However, the country does not (Delile) A. Chev.], Acacia senegal (L.)
have regulatory laws for the practice of tra- Willd., Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Bombax
ditional medicine and there is no licensing costatum Pellegr. & Vuill., Parkia biglobosa
procedure for TMPs. Local officials are (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don , Borassus
authorized to allow the practice of tradi- aethiopum Mart., Pterocarpus erinaceus
tional medicine in their administrative sub- Poir. and Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A.
divisions. TMPs are not involved in the Juss. are protected to save them from ex-
national primary health-care programme tinction. The gum, fruit and leaf of
(WHO, 1992). Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev. are used
as a remedy against influenza, toothache
and as a cardiac tonic. Almost all parts of

Prosopis africana (Guill. et al.) Taub. are improved production units for traditional
used in local medicine. The leaf is used for medicine through the Decree 94/282/P-RM
migraine, the bark for fever, and the root of 15 August 1994.
for toothache, dysentery and bronchitis. Conventional pharmacists are al-
The jujube tree (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) lowed to sell herbs. Efforts have been made
is also commonly used in medicinal prepa- to improve the technical know-how of the
rations (FAO, 1996). semi-industrial and industrial units that
transform raw material into herbal prepa-
Traditional Systems of Medicine rations and herbal products. The Decree
About 75% of the population of Mali 95/1319/MSS-PA/SG of 22 June 1995
relies on traditional medicine for health-care establishes the organizational and func-
needs. There is approximately one TMP for tional rules for private consultation clin-
every 500 inhabitants. Around 180 li- ics, medicinal herb stores, and improved
cences for herbalists, 200 for therapists production units. Under this decree char-
and 1,000 Traditional Medicine Depart- tered TMPs, medical staff and retired tra-
ment certificates have been issued. There ditional medicine paramedical staff are eli-
are 32 associations of TMPs in the country. gible to open private traditional medicine
The Department of Traditional Medi- consultation clinics. Chartered medicinal
cine and the National Research Institute plant sellers, graduates from the
of Medicine and Traditional Medicine were Katibougou Rural Polytechnic Institute or
created in 1973. The mandate is to dem- its equivalent, and graduates from the Su-
onstrate the value of traditional medicine perior Normal School or its equivalent are
resources through scientific research and allowed to open medicinal herb stores.
differentiate the role of herbalists from The industrial exploitation of medici-
those of other TMPs, and define their re- nal plants is authorized only when it in-
spective statuses, regulations, and code of volves herb, leaf, stem, bark, and/or fruit
ethics. In 1980, the Minister of Public and is permitted only when the plants are
Health and Social Affairs established a Sci- cultivated. The collection of wild plants
entific and Technical Committee to work for industrial use is not permitted. Im-
in conjunction with the National Research proved traditional medicine production
Institute of Medicine and Traditional Medi- units are supervised by a pharmacist, and
cine (Koumare, 1980; Sanders, 1989). a biologist, chemical engineer or pharma-
The Committee drew up draft regulations cist monitor the control procedures. Arti-
on the practice of traditional medicine. The cle 8 of Decree 95/009/P-RM of January
government has regulated the opening of 1995 provides permits for pharmaceuti-
private consultation clinics for traditional cal products and outlines special rules for
medicine and medicinal herb stores, and requests involving traditional medicines

made from plants. Local officials have the supervises exploratory meetings and mis-
power to authorize the practice of tradi- sions between associations of TMPs and
tional medicine in their administrative sub- their foreign partners. Each year, the De-
divisions. Some TMPs are involved in the partment of Traditional Medicine organ-
primary health-care programme (WHO, izes open houses on health information,
1992). education and communication in tradi-
tional medicine. Radio and television pro-
R&D Activities
grammes on traditional medicine which
The Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, host independent TMPs, representatives of
and Odonto-Stomatology of the University associations or persons in charge of tech-
of Mali was created in 1996. It is respon- nical services, are regularly transmitted on
sible for training allopathic physicians and public and private stations.
pharmacists. Students and researchers are National health insurance does not
offered courses directly related to tradi- cover traditional medical care.
tional medicine and traditional pharmaco-
poeia such as botany, pharmacognosy, veg-
2.10 Niger
etative substances, chemistry, pharmaceu- According to WHO estimates, 80%
tical legislation, and public health. Other of the population of Niger makes recourse
schools, faculties and institutes that col- to traditional pharmacopoeia. The most
laborate with the Department of Traditional commonly used species are Khaya senegal-
Medicine in the training for and research ensis (Desr.) A. Juss., Guiera senegalensis
in traditional medicine include the Rural Gmel., Cassia sieberiana DC., C. siamea
Polytechnic Institute, the Superior School Lam. [=Senna siamea (Lam.) H. S. Irwin
of Health, the Central School of Commerce & Barneby)], C. singueana Delile [=Senna
and Industry, the Rural Economy School, singueana (Delile) Lock], Eucalyptus
the Faculty of Science and Technology, and camaldulensis Dehnh. and Azadirachta
the Faculty of Arts, Languages and Hu- indica A. Juss. Rural communities collect
man Sciences. medicinal and aromatic plant material for
Periodic meetings, seminars and personal use and marketing purposes.
workshops are organized with TMPs In Niger, a licence to practise tradi-
through their associations. The national tional medicine is issued by the Ministry
health programmes on AIDS, mental and of Public Health upon recommendation of
family health were presented with the in- the chief physician of the National Hospi-
tention to make TMPs act as intermediar- tal in Niamey (Ousseini, 1982). The Com-
ies, and in recognition of the fact that TMPs mittee for Studies on Traditional Medicine
are involved in patient care. The Depart- and Traditional Pharmacopoeia was estab-
ment of Traditional Medicine organizes and lished in 1989 (Anonymous, 1990). Its

mandate includes the formulation of the parison to that of western medical doctors
basic premises for a national policy on tra- of 1 : 16,400 (Cunningham, 1993). About
ditional medicine, the preparation of stat- two-thirds of the health-care practitioners
utes for a national institution to be respon- in Nigeria are TMPs (Odebiyi, 1990). The
sible for improving and developing the government has shown appreciation for the
regulation of traditional medicine, and the importance of traditional medicine in the
draft of legislation governing the practice health-care delivery system.
of traditional medicine. Traditional medical activities are pro-
tected under the provisions of Section 17.6
2.11 Nigeria of the Nigerian Medical and Dental Prac-
Nigeria ranks eleventh in Africa for titioners Act of 1988 (Ajai, 1990). The
its biological diversity. It has diverse veg- Act authorizes members of the community
etation types, ranging from arid to swamp who have been trained in the system of tra-
vegetation with different forest types. ditional therapeutics, to practise traditional
There are over 4,600 plant species in Ni- medicine. The registration requirements
geria of which 205 are reported to be en- are outlined in the Medical Rehabilitation
demic. There are 39 endemic species in Therapists Decree of 1988 (Anonymous,
the north, 38 in the west and centre, and 1990a).
128 in the east of the country (Sarumi et State Efforts in Development of Traditional
al., 1996). Medicine
The informal interaction between
Traditional Systems of Medicine
government and TMPs started in the nine-
Over 90% of Nigerians in rural ar- teenth century. Formal legislation, promot-
eas and about 40% in urban areas depend ing the use of traditional medicine, dates
partly or wholly on traditional medicine for back to 1966, when the Ministry of Health
health-care (Osemeobo, 1993). A study in authorized the University of Ibadan to con-
Ibadan has shown that traditional medi- duct research on the medicinal properties
cine is becoming popular in urban areas of local herbs. Efforts to promote tradi-
(Cunningham, 1997). Expensive western tional medicine continued throughout the
medicines and the scarcity of modern medi- 1970s in the form of conferences and train-
cal doctors and facilities make most of the ing programmes. In the 1980s, policies
population dependant upon traditional sys- were established to accredit and register
tems. TMPs are the first contact people TMPs and regulate the practice of tradi-
want in case of any health problem. The tional medicine. In 1984, the Federal
trend is similar in the entire country, as in Ministry of Health established the National
the case of Benin City where the ratio of Investigative Committee on Traditional and
TMPs to inhabitants is 1 : 110, in com- Alternative Medicine. A committee for re-

search and development of traditional ards for Traditional Medicine Practice in
medicine was formed by the Federal Min- Nigeria) and the advocacy for traditional
istry of Science and Technology in 1988 medicine at all levels including forums such
(Sule, 2000). as the National Council on Health (since
The National Primary Health-Care 1997), the consultative meetings of the
Development Agency was created by order Minister of Health with state commission-
of the Medical Rehabilitation Therapists ers for health and local government chair-
Decree of 1992, with a broad mandate men (in 1999), and the presidential think
covering health matters, including the en- tank forum (in 1999).
dorsement of traditional birth attendants In 2000, the Traditional Medicine
(Anonymous, 1993). Among other duties, Council of Nigeria Act proposed the estab-
the Agency is responsible for supporting lishment of the Traditional Medicine Coun-
the rural health-care systems through spe- cil. The Council works to facilitate the
cial attention to and maximum support of practice and development of traditional
the training, development, logistics, and su- medicine, establish guidelines for the regu-
pervision of village health workers and tra- lation of traditional medical practice to
ditional birth assistants. protect the population from quackery,
In 1994, all state health ministries fraud and incompetence, liaise with state
were mandated to set up boards of tradi- boards of traditional medicine to ensure
tional medicine in order to enhance the adherence to the policies and guidelines
contribution of traditional medicine to the outlined in the Federal Traditional Medi-
nation’s official health-care delivery sys- cine Board Act, establish model traditional
tem (Sule, 2000). Since the establishment medicine clinics, herbal farms, botanical
of the National Traditional Medicine De- gardens and traditional medicine manufac-
velopment Programme in 1997, the Fed- turing units in the geopolitical zones of the
eral Ministry of Health has been institut- country, and collaborate with organizations
ing measures to formally recognize and en- with similar objectives within and outside
hance the practice of traditional medicine. of Nigeria. The Nigeria Medical Council
These include the constitution and inaugu- is contemplating the integration of home-
ration of the National Technical Working opathy into the country’s health-care de-
Group on Traditional Medicine, the devel- livery system (Anonymous, 1998).
opment of policy documents on traditional
medicine (including the National Policy on Medicinal Plant Resources
Traditional Medicine, the National Code of Many trees and shrubs in Nigeria
Ethics for the Practice of Traditional Medi- have found common and widespread use
cine, the Federal Traditional Medicine in traditional systems of medicine (Youngs,
Board Decree, and the Minimum Stand- 1989). Many rural people inherit knowl-

edge of a significant number of widely used ailments have been widely reported.
medicinal plants. Persea americana Mill., Among others, Euphorbia hirta L.
Ocimum gratissimum L. (Efinrin), Ficus [=Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.] is used
platyphylla Delile, Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) for diarrhoea, Senna alata (L.) Roxb.
R. Br. ex G. Don, Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. [=Cassia alata L.] as a purgative, and the
Gaertn., Morinda lucida Benth., and Al- latex of Ficus exasperata Vahl for boils
lium sativum L. are of great medicinal (Sarumi et al., 1996).
value. Chew sticks (Garcinia spp.) are prob-
In ethnomedicine, Vernonia amygda- ably the most widely used medicinal plant
lina Delile leaves are consumed as a veg- material. Toothpaste consumption is low
etable for hypertension. Vaccinium and the chew sticks provide dental care for
myrtillus L. leaves and Adansonia digitata most of the population. The most impor-
L. are used as antidiabetic and Gladiolus tant species are Garcinia afzelii Engl. and
psittacinus Hook. f. [=Gladiolus dalenii G. mannii Oliver (Cunningham, 1993).
Van Geel] as antiasthmatic. A seed of Rici- Nigeria is probably the second larg-
nus communis L. swallowed after the men- est supplier of gum Arabic to the interna-
strual flow is believed to have antifertility tional market with an annual production
effects. A similar use is made of the fruit of 4,000 to 10,000 tonnes (Nour, 1995).
of Lagenaria breviflora (Benth.) Roberty. In northern Nigeria, gum Arabic is pro-
A climbing or creeping plant, Momordica duced by tapping Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.
charantia L., locally known as Igbo, Hausa and natural exudates of A. seyal Delile.
or Yoruba has hypoglycemic and antipy- Despite the large A. senegal (L.) Willd.
retic properties. A compound isolated from afforestation schemes, most of the gum
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. has proven to Arabic production comes from wild trees.
be very effective in inducing deep sleep. There is no organized system for gum col-
Some radioactive compounds have been lection (Nour, 1995). It is a family busi-
found in plants such as Carica papaya L. ness and according to a report a family
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & can harvest a quantity equivalent to about
H. Rob. [=Eupatorium odoratum L.] and US$ 630 (80,000 NGN) per annum
Ageratum conyzoides L. are effective in the (FORMECU, 1997). Other exudates ex-
treatment of fresh cuts. Ageratum ploited in Nigeria include gum combretum,
conyzoides L. is also used as an effective obtained from Combretum nigricans Lepr.
antipoison among the Yorubas and in sickle ex Guill. et Perr. and resins from Boswellia
cell anaemia. The use of herbs by the na- spp. used in the perfume industry and vari-
tive inhabitants as anti-infective, antima- ous lattices used in the leather industry.
larial, anticancer drugs, as flavouring and
sweetening agents and in drugs for other

2.12 Senegal bilitation of traditional medicine and tra-
ditional pharmacopoeia. Official strate-
Medicinal plants of widespread use gies and activities encourage collaboration
are Cassia sieberiana D.C., Khaya senegal- between traditional and allopathic medi-
ensis (Desr.) A. Juss. and Cola nitida cal practitioners. There are training fa-
(Vent.) Schott & Endl. About 100 plants cilities for laymen and health workers in
are used as a source of drugs in southern traditional medicine (WHO. 1992).
Senegal alone.
The Association for the Promotion of 2.13 Sierra Leone
Traditional Medicine (PROMETRA) in Sierra Leone reaches from the south-
Dakar, Senegal is a non-governmental or- western beaches to the broad plateau of
ganization working on the development of the Atlantic/Niger watershed on the north-
anti-AIDS and antidiabetic herbal drug eastern frontier. Tropical evergreen for-
formulations from African medicinal ests, savannah-woodlands and semi-decidu-
plants. The Association of the Sine Tradi- ous forests prevail. Savannah-woodlands
tional Healers, Malango works in close co- are characterized by fire-resistant savan-
operation with other healers’ associations nah trees and tall grasses. In most parts of
in Senegal and throughout Africa. They the country medicinal plants are the most
usually bring technical assistance to newly common source of health care, despite the
created associations and involve other heal- proximity of the people to modern medi-
ers in their projects. cines. In a survey of a village, about 70
medicinal plants were reported to be used
Traditional Systems of Medicine by TMPs as well as by villagers (FAO,
Almost every village in Senegal has 1990). In another village, 214 medicinal
a TMP (Balde and Sterck, 1994). In 1987, plants were reported to be in use (Arnold,
the Experimental Centre for Traditional 1995).
Medicine was established to provide health-
Traditional Systems of Medicine
care facilities to the local people. It now
has an active patient roster of over 30,000 In Sierra Leone, TMPs are involved
persons and is made up of a professional in primary health-care programmes (WHO,
staff of both allopathic medical doctors and 1992). The Traditional Medicine Act of
TMPs (Floyd, 1997). 1996 regulates the profession of traditional
The government officially recognizes medicine and controls the supply, manu-
the practice of traditional medicine (Floyd, facture, storage, and transportation of
1997). In Senegal there is a register of herbal medicines. The Act established the
TMPs (WHO, 1992). The Ministry of Scientific and Technical Board on Tradi-
Health advocates the promotion and reha- tional Medicine and the Disciplinary Com-

mittee to advise the Board on matters re- found.
lating to the professional conduct of TMPs, Medicinal plants with widespread use
and the Drugs Committee to advise the in traditional medicine are Acacia spp.,
Board on the classification and standardi- Tamarindus indica L., Azadirachta indica
zation of traditional medicines. The Sci- A. Juss., Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss.,
entific and Technical Board is charged with Butyrospermum parkii (G. Don) Kotschy
securing the highest practicable standards [=Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn.], Bal-
in the provision of traditional medicine by anites aegyptiaca Del., Parkia biglobosa
promoting proper training and examina- (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don, Salvadora persica
tion of students of traditional medicine, L., Guiera senegalensis Gmel., Diospyros
controlling the registration of TMPs, and mespiliformis Hochst. ex A. DC., Calotropis
regulating the premises where traditional procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton, Bauhinia
medicine is practised. rufescens Lam. and Combretum glutinosum
L. (FAO, 1999). Neem (Azadirachta indica
2.14 Togo and Chad A. Juss.) is used as insecticide. Vitellaria
Chad is the most northern of paradoxa C. F. Gaertn. flowers and Euca-
the French equatorial African independ- lyptus camaldu-lensis Dehnh. leaves are
ent states and is the largest in terms of size used for flavouring tea and Commiphora
and population. Traditionally it is a focal africana (A. Rich.) Engl. gum is used as
point for Saharan and equatorial African incense (FAO, 1999).
trade routes. In the south of the country Gum Arabic collection is done mainly
savannah-woodlands prevail, while the in northern Chad.
north is covered by scrub vegetation.
Traditional Systems of Medicine
There is a wet and dry tropical zone
in the south characterized by shrubs, tall TMPs are involved in the national
grasses and scattered broad-leaved decidu- health-care programme. Chad does not
ous trees, a semiarid tropical (Sahel) zone have any official legislation governing the
in which savannah vegetation gradually practice of traditional medicine. There are
merges into a region of thorn bushes and no official training facilities or pro-
open steppes, and a hot arid zone composed grammes on traditional medicines for
by dunes and plateaus where vegetation is health workers (WHO, 1992).
scarce and only occasional palm oases are

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Chapter 3

The Status of Medicinal Plants in East African


3.1 Introduction health-care needs of about 80% of the

population. Medicinal plants are widely
The East African region constitutes used in remedies for human and veterinary
the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethio- use by the Maasai, Kipsigis, Turkana and
pia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and other tribes inhabiting the region. The
Uganda (Walter, 2001). It has a variety Maasai tribes make use of more than 60
of vegetation ranging from dense tropical plant species for ethnoveterinary purposes.
forests and woodlands to dry savannahs. They have a well-established pharmaco-
The Eastern Arc montane forests running poeia for treating livestock diseases (Ole
through Kenya and Tanzania, and the Lengisugi and Mziray, 1996). Several spe-
Albertine Rift montane forests along the cies used for treating livestock diseases
western border of Uganda are internation- have also been researched for their com-
ally known biodiversity hot spots (Iddi, mercial application. Over-harvesting and
1998; Mittermeier et al., 2000). In Tan- habitat destruction of medicinal plant re-
zania, 30 to 40% of the floristic diversity sources threaten their existence in the wild.
is found in the tropical forests. The forested None of the East African countries
areas are the abode of a large number of maintains countrywide quantitative data
endemic plant species. The Abyssinian on supply, consumer demand and economic
highlands of Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan benefits derived from medicinal plants and
are known as the world’s centre of genetic their contribution to health care. Simi-
diversity of cultivated plants. The biologi- larly, most of the collectors, producers and
cal resources of the region have high na- end-users are unaware of the extent to
tional and global economic importance. In which the rising demand is threatening the
Uganda, the annual combined value of survival of the increasing number of these
medicines derived from these resources and plant species. Free access to the resources
other non-wood forest products has been and the low price paid to the collectors
estimated to be worth about US$ 40 mn make commercial plant gatherers mine the
(Emerton and Muramira, 1999). resources rather than manage them. The
Traditional medicine caters for the country status of medicinal and aromatic

plant resources is given below. medicinal plant sector has the potential to
make major contributions to economic
3.2 Djibouti growth and rural poverty alleviation.
In Djibouti, the frequently used me- Ethiopia has a rich practice and
dicinal plants are Aloe spp., Dodonaea widespread use of medicinal and aromatic
viscosa (L.) Jacq., Solanum incanum L., plants in traditional remedies and religious
Terminalia spp. and Ziziphus spp. With ceremonies. Written records of herbal
the exception of traditional birth attend- medicine are almost absent even though
ants, the government tolerates but does not the country has had a written language for
officially recognize traditional medicine. over two thousand years. As with the Eu-
There is no clear regulation to control the ropean herbalists of the sixteenth century,
practice of traditional medicine. bizarre stories, legends and beliefs devel-
oped in Ethiopia. Astrological implications
3.3 Eritrea were common and used to be incorporated
In Eritrea, 142 tree and shrub spe- as part of a cure. The gathering of me-
cies are used for their medicinal and nu- dicinal herbs, their preparation and admin-
tritional values (Benin et al., 1996). Gum istration is still, in many cases, astrologi-
Arabic from Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. and cally determined. The art of preparing and
olibanum resin from Boswellia papyrifera administering poisons is equally as rich in
(Delile ex Caill.) Hochst. are traditional lore as in conventional medicine.
products of commercial importance. In Ethiopia does not have countrywide
1997, forty-nine tonnes of gum Arabic and quantitative data on supply, consumer de-
543 tonnes of olibanum resin were ex- mand, and economic benefits derived from
ported from the country (Ministry of Agri- medicinal plants and their contribution to
culture, 1998). health care. The talent and expertise of
professionals in the fields of plant chemis-
3.4 Ethiopia try, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, natu-
Ethiopia, a sub-Saharan country of ral resource management, and industrial
the East African region, is one of the most utilization of plant-based medicinal prod-
ancient settlements and civilizations in the ucts is underutilized. Professionals and
world. Its cultural and architectural her- TMPs need to work together to establish
itage is considerably rich. A complex to- processes for managing and validating tra-
pography with diversified climate makes ditional medicine.
it a floristically diverse country. About
85% of the population, particularly in ru- Traditional Systems of Medicine
ral areas, depends on medicinal plants as In Ethiopia, plants have been used
a source for health-care remedies. The as a source of medicine from time imme-

morial to treat different ailments. Tradi- remedies have their roots in oral tradition
tional medicine has become an integral and in medico-religious manuscripts and
part of the culture. About 80% of Ethio- traditional pharmacopoeias dating back to
pians depends on traditional medicine for the fifteenth century. The Ethiopian Tra-
health care and more than 95% of tradi- ditional Healers Association reviews
tional medicinal preparations is of plant TMPs’ qualifications.
origin. Over 85% of rural population and Traditional medicine has received
an increasing number of poor people in very little attention in modern research and
urban centres derives their livelihood from development, and less effort has been made
collection and trade of medicinal plant to upgrade the traditional medicine sys-
material. tem. Recently, the Ethiopian health au-
The use of traditional medicine is in- thorities have taken steps to promote and
creasing as the high cost of the modern develop the traditional medicine sector.
medicines has made them unaffordable to Proclamation No. 100 of 1948, the
most of the inhabitants. The value and role Penal Code No. 512 of 1957 and the Civil
of traditional health-care systems will not Code No. 8 of 1987 regulate traditional
diminish in future as they are culturally medicine in the country. Official attention
viable and affordable. The Ethiopian Min- to the promotion and development of tra-
istry of Health has recognized the impor- ditional medicine was given in the Primary
tance of medicinal plants and has formu- Health-Care Strategy of 1978. In 1979,
lated health and drug policies to enhance the Office for the Coordination of Tradi-
and develop the beneficial aspects of tra- tional Medicine, now a full-fledged Drug
ditional medicine. Research Department under the Ministry
Ethiopia has a long history of tradi- of Health, was established to organize,
tional health care mostly based on rich and train, and register TMPs (Bishaw, 1991;
non-standardized pharmacopoeias used by Ministry of Health, 1985). The Depart-
the local population and traditional health ment is also responsible for identifying,
practitioners. The efficacy of plants such describing, and registering traditional
as Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J. F. Gmel. medicines with actual or potential efficacy.
and Glinus lotoides L. for the treatment of In addition, it is undertaking chemical
tapeworm infestation, and Phytolacca screening of medicinal plants, co-
dodecandra L’Hér. as molluscicide in the ordinating activities on traditional medi-
control of schistosomiasis, has been scien- cine, and carrying out census on traditional
tifically determined while the safety and medical practices and on the evaluation of
efficacy of many other plants remain un- traditional medicine.
derdeveloped. Both the health and drug policies of
Traditional medical practices and 1993 emphasize the need to develop the

beneficial aspects of traditional medicine the wild. Over-exploitation has threatened
in the official health delivery services the existence of many plant species of me-
through research and use. The Drug Ad- dicinal value. Some important medicinal
ministration and Control Authority pre- and aromatic plants are given in Table 1.
pares standards for safety, efficacy and A considerable number of Ethiopian
quality of traditional medicines and evalu- shrubs and trees also yield exudates of com-
ates laboratory and clinical studies as per mercial importance. Olibanum resins
the standards laid down in the Proclama- (80% of total output of resin of this type),
tion of 1999, issued on the basis of the Na- gum Arabic (14%) and myrrh (6%) play a
tional Drug Policy. The Authority also is- significant role in the country’s economy.
sues licences for the use of traditional medi- Olibanum resins are obtained from
cines in the official health services. Boswellia papyrifera (Delile ex Caill.)
Officially, no recognized education is Hochst. The plant is found in abundance
provided in traditional medicine in Ethio- in the Tigray, Gondar, Wollega and Gojjam
pia. There is no national or private health- provinces and sparsely spread in the Wello
care insurance covering traditional medicine. and Shewa areas. Other species yielding
similar resins are B. ogadensis, B. rivae,
Medicinal Plant Resources
B. sacra and B. frereana Birdw. Oliba-
Ethiopia enjoys a great diversifica- num is used as a fragrance and flavouring
tion of topographic, edaphic and climatic agent.
conditions. There are more than 45 veg- Gum Arabic is obtained from Acacia
etation types. The forests, savannahs, senegal (L.) Willd. The tree is distributed
woodlands, steppes and grasslands com- in the Gojjam and Gondar provinces along
prise 75% of the vegetation cover. About the Sudan border. A lower quality gum
7,000 species of pteridophytes and sperma- Arabic is obtained from A. seyal Delile
tophytes can be found in the country. trees widely distributed in the Rift valley
According to the Ethiopian Biodi- depressions. A gum of relatively low qual-
versity Institute, over 10% of Ethiopian ity is also obtained from A. drepanolobium
vascular flora is valued for its medicinal Harms ex Y. Sjöstedt, and A. polyacantha
properties. There are 600 medicinal plant Willd. The gums are harvested through
species of which about 250 have common tapping in northern Ethiopia, whereas in
and widespread uses in the traditional sys- the southwestern part of the country only
tems of medicine. Medicinal plants are natural gums are collected by the nomads.
distributed all over the country, with The Natural Gums Processing and Mar-
greater concentration in the south and keting Enterprise of Ethiopia controls the
southwest. The root, bark, and whole plant gum Arabic trade and regulates the prices
are the dominant plant parts collected from (Nour, 1995).

Table 1: Some common medicinal and aromatic plants of Ethiopia
Botanical name Vernacular name Family Plant Therapeutical
part(s) uses/indications
Acokanthera schimperi (A. Mer z (A); Keraro (G) Apocynaceae Bark Arrow poison
DC.) Oliv.
Adenium honghel A. DC. - Apocynaceae - Fish poison
[=A. obesum (Forssk.) Roem.
& Schult.]
Adenium multiflor um - Apocynaceae - Fish poison
Adenium somalense Baif. f. - Apocynaceae - Arrow poison
Adenium speciosum Fenzl. - Apocynaceae - Fish poison
Ageratum conyzoides L. Gunyato, Arema (G) Asteraceae Whole Wound and sore
plant dressing
Adhatoda schimperiana Sensel, Simiza Acanthaceae - Excessive pelegra,
Hochst. ex. Nees. Timisa (A); Dumoga laxative
Ajuga remota Benth. Ungo-quasot (T); Lamiaceae Leaf Dysenter y, swelling of
Tale (Wol); legs, hypertension
Akorarchigne (A)
Albizia anthelmintica (A. Rhaybit (Som); Fabaceae - Tapeworm medicine
Rich.) Brongn. Shina (A); Kebita (K) (Mimosoideae)
Allophylus zeylanicus L. Sapindaceae Fr uit Tapeworm
Aloe spp. Erret (A); Argeber Liliaceae Leaf Antipyretic, spleen
(Som) and liver problems
Amaranthus caudatus L. Lishalisho, Ferenjitef Amaranthaceae - Tapeworm
(A); Iyaso, Jololi (G); expectorant
Gagabsa (W)
Amaranthus sylvestris Aluma (A); Birnaheo Amaranthaceae - Tapeworm
(T) expectorant
Aristolochia bracteata Retz. Ghaga (Ar); Boro, Aristolochiaceae - Leg itches in Kalaffo
[=A. bracteolata Lam.] Grerbaad, Ged-
hurguma (Som)
Artemisia afra Jacq. Ariti (A); Chukun, Asteraceae - Stomach pain
Jukun (GH); Kodo
Asparagus spp. - Liliaceae Tuber, root Cooling medicine,
venereal diseases
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. Azamrr (A); Melianthaceae Shoot tip Dysenter y and
Lolchissa (G) roundworm
Boerhavia plumbaginea Cav. - Nyctaginaceae Leaf Jaundice, wound
Boswellia papyrifera (Delile Etan (A); Libanat Burseraceae - Antipyretic,
ex Caill.) Hochst. (GH, Ar) tranquilizer

Br ucea antidysenterica Roxb. Woinos, Kola-wanza Simaroubaceae Leaf, root Skin diseases,
(A); Mmeleta (T) bark, fr uit leprosy, dysenter y,
Cadia purpurea (G. Piccioli) Kadi (Ar); Hasaus Fabaceae Whole Used by dr ug
Aiton (T); Salema (Som) (Papilionaceae) plant companies in Europe

Table 1 continued
Botanical name Vernacular name Family Plant Therapeutical
part(s) uses/indications
Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. Tobbeya, Yahara-zaf, Asclepiadaceae Root, whole Leprosy, tonic,
T. Aiton Ghinda (A); Ghinda, plant venereal diseases
Akalo, Tomfi (T);
Gala, Boha (Som);
Usher (Ar)
Cannabis sativa L. Hashish (G) Cannabidaceae Leaf Narcotic

Capparis tomentosa Lam. Gomor (Som); Capparaceae Root, stem Poison

Gemaro (A); Andal
Capsicum annuum L. Mitmitta (A) Solanaceae - Spice
Carissa edulis Vahl Akamba (B); Apocynaceae - Toothache, cough,
Adishawel (Som) stomach ulcer
Car um copticum (L.) C. B. Netch-azud (A); Apiaceae Root Stomach problems
Clarke [=Trachyspermum Kamon (G)
ammi (L.) Sprague ex Turrill]
Cassia floribunda Cav. Sornema (K) Fabaceae Seed Laxative, snake bite
[=Senna floribunda (Cav.) (Caesalpiniaceae)
H. S. Ir win & Barneby]
Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. Chat (A); Gofa, Jima Celastraceae Root, leaf Influenza, stomach
ex Endl. (G); Gat (Ar); Dat problems, chest
(Som) diseases, narcotic,
stimulant, relieve
fatigue and hunger
Catharanthus roseus (L.) Madagascar Apocynaceae Root, leaf Poison
G. Don Periwinkle (Eng)
Celosia argentea L. - Amaranthaceae Seed, Diarrhoea,
flower dysenter y,
menstr ual problems
Chenopodium album L. Nechillo (A) Chenopodiaceae Seed oil Anthelmintic
Cissampelos pareira L. - Menispermaceae Root, leaf Snake bite, wounds
Coccinia abyssinica (Lam.) Anchote (G) Cucurbitaceae Tuber Edible
C o gn.
Combretum paniculatum Baye, Buggie (G); Combretaceae Flower Conjunctivitis
Vent. Gabai, Shaga (K)
Commiphora spp. Habak-hidd, Didin, Burseraceae - Aromatic, antiseptic
Hagar (Som)
Conium maculatum L. Chof-chof (GH) Apiaceae - Poison
Cordia africana Lam. Wanza (A); Auchi Boraginaceae Wood Skin problems
(T); Wodessa (G); (spider disease)
Uddichio (Sid);
Mokota (Wol.)
Croton macrostachyus Bissana (A); Euphorbiaceae Fr uit, root, Venereal diseases,
Hochst. ex Delile Makanissa; Badessa; seed abortifacient
Alaleh, Dogoma (G);
Wush, Masincho
Cucumis prophetar um L. Yemder-inbuyi (A) Cucurbitaceae Fr uit, whole Poison, expulsion of
plant placenta in cows

Table 1 continued
Botanical name Vernacular name Family Plant Therapeutical
part(s) uses/indications
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne Duba (A) Cucurbitaceae Seed Tapeworm
Cynara scolymus L. Kenchofe (G) Asteraceae Leaf Liver diseases
[=C. cardunculus L.]
Cyper us rigidifolius Steud. Gicha (A) Cyperaceae Bulb Antipyretic,
diarrhoea, stomach
Datura stramonium L. Attefaris, Astenagrt Solanaceae Seed, leaf Poison
Embelia schimperi Vatke Ankoko (A); Enkoko Myrginaceae Fr uit Purgative,
(T); Unkoko (G) vermifuge
Euphorbia hirta L. Euphorbiaceae - Asthma
[=Chamaesyce hirta (L.)
Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. Erieaio (T) Convolvulaceae Whole plant Tonic, vermifuge
Ficus glomerata Roxb. - Moraceae Latex Dysenter y
[=F. racemosa L.]
Ficus spp. Shla (A) Moraceae Root Urinar y problems
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Ensilal (A); Kamuni, Apiaceae Seed, root Flavouring agent,
Insilal (G) gonorrhoea
Galinsoga par viflora Cav. Yeshewa-arem (A) Asteraceae Leaf, Wound, cut, saddle
inflorescen- sore
Glinus lotoides L. Meterre (A); Terabit Aizoaceae - Tapeworm
(T) infestation
Gynandropsis speciosa (Raf.) - Capparidaceae - Kidney stones
DC. [=Cleome speciosa Raf.]
Hagenia abyssinica (Br uce) Habbi (T); Duchia, Rhamnaceae Flower Tapeworm
J. F. Gmel. Edo, Fieto (G); Heto infestation,
(GK) abortifacient
Heliotropium ovalifolium Dubj-goreyalle (Som) Boraginaceae Whole plant Scorpion poison
Heliotropium spp. Habak-hid (Som) Boraginaceae Whole plant Quick expulsion of
Indigofera coer ulea Roxb. Darko (Som); Houer Fabaceae Leaf, root Wound dressing
var. occidentalis JB. Gillett (Ar) (Papilionaceae)
& Ali
Jasminum abyssinicum DC. - Oleaceae Root, leaf Tonsillitis
Juniper us procera Hochst. Tidh (T); Gttira (G) Cupressaceae Twig, bud Stomach worms
ex Endl.
Kalanchoe spp. Bosoke (G); Indahula Crassulaceae Leaf, root Sore boils,
(A and G) malignant wounds,
intestinal parasites
and worms
Kigelia africana (Lam.) African sausage tree Bignoniaceae Fr uit Purgative,
Benth. (Eng) dysenter y

Table 1 continued

Botanical name Vernacular name Family Plant Therapeutical

part(s) uses/indications
Kleinia spp. Kinchive (A) Asteraceae - Poison
Lantana camara L. Verbeanaceae Leaf Tonic, stimulant
Lepidium sativum L. Fetto (A); Shimfi (G); Cr uciferae Seed Stomach problems
Kotto, Shimfa (T);
Shufu (GH)
Leonotis raineriana Vis. Ras-kimmir, Feres- Lamiaceae - Menstr ual problems
[=L. ocymifolia var. zeng (A)
raineriana (Vis.) Iwarsson]
Linum usitatissimum L. Telba (A); Flax seed Linaceae Seed Demulcent, laxative,
(Eng) w o unds
Maer ua angolensis (DC.) Kadhi (Kon) Capparidaceae Fish poison
Maytenus ovata (Wall.) Loes. Kambolcha (G); Atat Celastraceae Leaf Anticancer
Myrsine africana L. Kechemo (A); Katchu Myrginaceae Fr uit Tapeworm
(GH) infestation
Nicotiana glauca Graham Tree tobacco (Eng) Solanaceae Leaf Insecticide
Nigella sativa L. Tikur-azmud (A) Ranunculaceae - Flavouring agent
Opuntia vulgaris auct. mult. Kulkual (A); Beles Cactaceae Fr uit Asthma
[=O. monacantha Haw.] (T); Tini (GH);
Prickly pear (Eng)
Oxalis semiloba Sond. Micha-micho (A) Oxalidaceae Bulb Tapeworm
Paullinia pinnata L. Sapindaceae Leaf, root, Ner ve poison
Phytolacca dodecandra L'Hér. Endod (A); Phytolaccaceae - Pelegra,
Endoda(G); Endott, gonorrhoea,
Shebeti, Shipiti, abortifacient
Sobet (T)
Polygala spp. - Polygalaceae Root Snake bite,
expectorant, cough
Polygonum senegalense Gunnamilla (A); Polygonaceae Leaf Skin problems
Meisn. Chomo (G)
Pr unus africana (Hook. f.) Tikur-inchet (A); Rosaceae Leaf Wounds
Kalkman Homi (G)
Pterolobium stellatum Keneteffa (A); Fabaceae Leaf Tuberculosis,
(Forssk.) Brenan Arangama (G) (Caesalpiniaceae) respirator y
Punica granatum L. - Primulaceae Fr uit, leaf Diarrhoea,
Quisqualis indica L. Rangoon-creeper Combretaceae Fr uit Vermifuge
Rhoicissus er ythroides Hida-rafa (G) Vitaceae - Rabies
Ricinus communis L. Gullo (A); Kobo (G); Euphorbiaceae Seed oil Purgative
Castor bean (Eng)

Table 1 continued
Botanical name Vernacular name Family Plant Therapeutical
part(s) uses/indications
Rosa abyssinica R. Br. ex Keqa (A); Wild Rosaceae Fr uit Tapeworm and
Lindl. Ethiopian rose (Eng) roundworm
Rubia spp. Enchibrr (A) Rubiaceae Leaf C o ugh
Rumex nepalensis Spreng. - Polygonaceae Leaf Antidote, laxative
Rumex spp. - Polygonaceae - Rheumatism,
Salvadora persica L. Adai (T); Dadaho, Salvadoraceae Berries, Cold, stomach
Adz (Som); Imu- whole plant problems
gareh (G, Ar)
Scabiosa columbaria L. Theiabi (T) Dipsacaceae Leaf, root Constipation
Solanum incanum L. Ingulla (T); Inboye Solanaceae Fr uit Gonorrhoea
(A); Hidi (G)
Solanum marginatum L. f. Heda, iddi-orabissa Solanaceae Seed Weak heart,
(G); Angulle (T) stomach problems
Sphaeranthus suaveolens DC. Gubbisna (G); Ala- Asteraceae Whole plant Cough, per fume
schina (GH)
Tagetes minuta L. - Asteraceae Oil Insecticide
Tamarindus indica L. Homar (A); Roka (G); Fabaceae Fr uit, leaf, Refrigerant,
Ragai (Sod) (Caesalpiniaceae) seed digestive,
poultice in boils,
Taverniera abyssinica A. Rich. - Fabaceae Seed Stomachache
Tephrosia vogelii Hook. f. - Fabaceae Leaf Abortifacient
Thymus schimperi Ronn. Tossigne (A) Lamiaceae - Gonorrhoea, cough,
liver diseases
Trichilia emetica Vahl Kota, Gmmeh (T); Meliaceae Root, whole Labour in
Yahy (Som); Roka plant pregnancy,
(Ar) antimalarial
Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Abish (A); Sunko Fabaceae - Leprosy muscular
(G); Abacham, (Papilionaceae) dystrophy,
Abacheh (T) rheumatism
Vernonia amygdalina Delile Grawa (A); Ebicha Asteraceae Wood sap, Purgative, stomach
(G); Dumoga (GH) flower, problems,
whole plant antimalarial
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Gisewa (A); Agolla, Solanaceae Whole plant Cough, asthma,
Athmai (T); Gutita antiepileptic
Ximenia americana L. Inkoy (A); Huda (G); Oleaceae Fr uit Vermifuge
Mellau, Maleta (T)
Zehneria scabra (L. f.) Sond. Areg-resa (A); Cucurbitaceae Leaf Skin rashes
Hafafelo (T)

Table 1 continued
Botanical name Vernacular name Family Plant Therapeutical
part(s) uses/indications
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zingibil (A); Dendabil Zingiberaceae - Stomach cramps
Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Gava (T); Ghob, Rhamnaceae Root Astringent, scrofula
Gheb, Jumuba (Som);
Kurkura (GH)
(A) Amarinya; (Ar) Arabic; (B) Bena; (Eng) English; (G) Galinya; (GB) Galinya, Bale; (GH)
Galinya, Harar; (GK) Galinya, Kaffa; (GS) Galinya; (K) Kaffa; (Kon) Konso; (Sid) Sidama; (Sod)
Soddu; (Som) Somali; (T) Tiigrinya; (Wol) Wollamo.

Myrrh, the third valuable exudate, Tephrosia vogelii Hook. f. Poisonous prepa-
is obtained from a small shr ub rations are mostly used for homicidal pur-
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. that is poses and are quite prevalent in the north-
principally found in the provinces of ern provinces of Ethiopia.
Ogaden, Bale and Sidamo. Habitat destruction, over-exploita-
Commonly used medicinal plants are tion and destructive harvesting are the
Ajuga spp., Artemisia rehan, Carissa edulis major threats to medicinal plant resources.
Vahl, Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) Dracaena steudneri Schweinf. ex Engl.,
Vatke, Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J. F. Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J. F. Gmel.,
Gmel., and Myrsine africana L. In addi- Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen.,
tion, Taverniera abyssinica A. Rich., and Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) Vatke,
Thymus schimperi Ron. [= Thymus Cucumis aculeatus Cogn. and Warburgia
serpyllum L.] can be mentioned. The en- ugandensis Sprauge are some of the threat-
demic plants to the highland area are used ened species in Ethiopia. Two plants,
extensively by the local communities and Salsola spp. and Taverniera abyssinica A.
TMPs in their remedies. Rich, have become rare owing to their un-
Ethiopians possess an extensive sustainable use.
knowledge of poisonous plants and the art
R&D Activities
of preparing poisons. A number of plants
are used in the preparation of poison ar- The Institute of Biodiversity and Con-
rows. The important poisonous plants are servation Research, the Ethiopian Agricul-
Acokanthera schimperi Schweinf., tural Research Organization and the Es-
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & sential Oils Research Centre undertake
Schult., A. somalense Baif. f., Cassia spp., R&D activities in conservation, cultivation
Crotalaria retusa L., Euphorbia spp., and processing of medicinal and aromatic
Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen. and plants. The Traditional Medicine Depart-

ment, the Department of Drug Research and pilot-scale production of essential oils
of the Ministry of Health and the Institute is carried out at Wondo Genete. So far
of Pathobiology of Addis Ababa Univer- the Centre has studied essential oils from
sity undertake scientific validation of over 150 plant species, including the ex-
herbal medicines. The Ethiopian Science otic ones.
and Technology Commission supervises the The Ethiopian Science and Technol-
patent protection and intellectual property ogy Commission was first established in
rights on herbal medicinal products. The 1975 to initiate, organize, direct and pro-
departments of Botany, Chemistry, Phar- mote the scientific and technological R&D
macy and Veterinary Sciences of Addis activities in the country. The Commission
Ababa University are involved in the de- was re-established in 1994 to enhance the
velopment of cultivation practices of im- scientific and technological awareness of
portant medicinal and aromatic plants, the people of Ethiopia and to improve their
development of databases, phytochemical knowledge with a view to promoting the
screening, formulations of finished herbal development of traditional, new and emerg-
products and biological screening. ing technologies.
In 1992, the Essential Oils Research The Institute of Pathobiology has
and Development Unit of the former Na- undertaken extensive R&D activities on the
tional Chemical Cooperation was upgraded molluscicidal plant Phytolacca dodecandra
to the Essential Oils Research Centre. The (Endod). Until 1996, its drug research
Centre works directly under the Ministry department had collected and documented
of Trade and Industry and receives research information on over 600 medicinal plants.
grants from the Ethiopian Science and The Ethiopian Health and Nutrition
Technology Commission and the Swedish Institute has conducted research on 700
Agency for Research Cooperation with De- species of medicinal plants used by Ethio-
veloping Countries/Swedish International pians for curing lung, venereal and other
Development Authority (SAREC/SIDA). diseases. It has prepared an ointment from
The Centre conducts research on five traditional medicines called topical
agronomic, biological and chemical aspects ointment to treat skin, blood and respira-
and develops technological packages for tory diseases.
pilot-scale production of essential oils. It An extensive collection of native
has a pilot distillation unit for essential oils Ethiopian medicinal plants has been un-
and about 80 hectares of farmland at dertaken by the United States Department
Wondo Genete. Its laboratory at Addis of Agriculture (USDA) research service.
Ababa caters for the quantitative and It has also made preliminary anticancer
qualitative analysis of plant products. The screening of the plant samples and encour-
agricultural trials, preliminary analysis aging results have been found. A similar

screening programme has been developed world’s largest producer of olibanum resin.
to test Ethiopian plants by the Institute of According to 1981 estimates, the poten-
Tropical Medicine in the UK. tial production was 23,000 tonnes of which
nearly half was exported (FAO, 1995).
Trade and Marketing
The collection of olibanum resin is
A list of the most common medicinal one of the top employment generating ac-
plants used in traditional medicine on the tivities in the remote areas of Ethiopia. The
Ethiopian market are given in Table 2 number of seasonal workers engaged in
(Dessisa, 1997). tapping and grading ranges from 20,000
to 30,000.
Table 2: Most common medicinal plants on
Ethiopian market 3.5 Kenya

Botanical name
Kenya is situated on the equator on
the eastern coast of the African continent.
Adhatoda schimperiana
Asparagus africana Medicinal plants play an important role in
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. the national health-care system and are the
Coriandr um sativum L. source of foreign revenue. At a national
Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex. A. Rich.
level, medicinal plant markets vary across
Embelia schimperi Vatke
Euphorbia ampliphylla
the country and market development has
Hagenia abyssinica (Br uce) J. F. Gmel. reached various stages. About 37 medici-
Kalenchoe spp. nal plant species are in common and wide-
Lupinus albus L. spread use in traditional systems of medi-
Olea africana Mill.
Ricinus communis L.
Rumex abyssinicus Jacq.
In common with many countries in
Rumex ner vosus Vahl Africa, Kenya is endowed with a rich var-
Tamarindus indica L. ied indigenous flora, which is extensively
Ximenia americana L. used in traditional systems of medicine.
There is great potential of setting up in-
dustries for the extraction and processing
The average national annual output of medicinal plants and distillation of es-
of exudates in the period between 1978 sential oils from aromatic plants. Favour-
and 1991 was over 1,500 tonnes. Since able agro-climatic conditions make it ide-
1992, production grew to over 2,000 ally suited to the introduction and cultiva-
tonnes. Reliable data on the production tion of a large number of medicinal and
and utilization of exudates are not avail- aromatic plants, which have established
able. uses in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic
Besides Sudan, Ethiopia is the industries. Among the medicinal plants,

the species deserving technology upgrad- habitants (BBC World Service, 2000).
ing are Cinchona succirubra Pav. ex
State Efforts in Development of Traditional
Klotzsch [=Cinchona pubescens Vahl],
Agave sisalana Perrine, Datura stramo-
nium L., Rauvolfia spp., Juniper spp., Ge- The efforts for incorporation of tra-
ranium spp. and Eucalyptus spp. An al- ditional medicine into the national health
kaloid industry could be set up with a pro- policy were initiated in the late 1970s.
duction of around 25 tonnes of cinchona Kenya’s Development Plan 1989-93 rec-
alkaloids per year as the production of raw ognized the practice and promotion of tra-
cinchona bark is estimated at around 500 ditional medicine through TMPs (Anony-
tonnes per year. There are many more spe- mous, 1994). Only registered TMPs at the
cies worth further investigation. Ministry of Health and provincial authori-
Pyrethrum, Tanacetum cinerariifolium ties are allowed to practice traditional
(Trevir.) Sch. Bip., is an important cash crop medicine. The patent law was revised in
grown in the Kenyan Highlands at the 1999 with the purpose of including legal
Nakuru, Laikipia, Kisii, Kiambu and Bo- protection of traditional medicines. Re-
met divisions. About 70% of global de- search has also been strengthened to find
mand for pyrethrum is sourced from Kenya better treatments for diseases such as HIV/
(Uwechue, 1996). Essential oil from AIDS and cancer.
Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. is in
high demand in the industry. Its intensive Medicinal Plant Resources
exploitation has led to a short supply of Kenya has over 10,000 species of in-
raw material to the industry (FAO, 1995). digenous flora of which about 1,200 are
of medicinal value. There are about 42
Traditional Systems of Medicine ethnic groups that rely exclusively on me-
Traditional medicine has not been dicinal plants for their health-care needs
integrated into mainstream medicine but and livelihood. The Traditional Kikuyu
it is widely practised by local communities Society makes use of medicinal plants to
and TMPs in urban centres (Cunningham, treat various human and livestock ailments.
1997). The local communities of southern In western Kenya, the Luhya tribe use
Nyanza districts have a rich knowledge of Mondia whitei (Hook. f.) Skeels to increase
practices of traditional medicine. The in- male libido. The Maytenus spp. are used
sufficient number of modern medical doc- throughout Africa as a tonic to relieve joint
tors means that most of the population re- pains and abdominal discomforts. The
lies on TMPs for health care. For exam- Warburgia ugandensis Sprague is widely
ple, in the Rachuonyo area there is only used by Kikuyus to flush out tapeworms
one modern medical doctor for 40,000 in- and to improve appetite. The Olea africana

Mill. [= O. europaea subsp. cuspidata Alternative Medicine and Technology
(Wall. ex G. Don) Cif.)] is used to cure dif- (Samtech), Ruring’u Nyeri is involved in
ferent ailments. Its root, bark and leaf R&D in herbal medicines for the treatment
are used in the preparation of human and of diabetes and HIV/AIDS. It has devel-
veterinary medicines. Urtica massaica oped 36 herbal medicine formulae and is
Mildbr., stinging nettle, is used by the also in the process of manufacturing herbal
Kikuyus in making irio (a mixture of cosmetics, teas and tonics. The Institute
mashed maize, beans, potatoes, etc.), used of Herbs Treatment has undertaken stud-
to lower blood sugar level and to purify ies on garlic (Allium sativum L.) and soya
the blood. The leaf extract of Vernonia bean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) against the
brachycalyx O. Hoffm., used against ma- replication of the HIV virus. The Miti
laria, has shown strong antimalarial ac- Shamba Reserach Centre and the Winafya
tivity in bioassays. A community group, Research and Medicines Institute under-
known as Community Development Cen- take research in the field of traditional
tre for Kinoo (CODECK), gives education medicine.
and training to young generations. The The Department of Chemistry of the
main topics are the value of herbal medi- University of Nairobi deals with the isola-
cine in health care, and the ways and means tion of compounds from medicinal plants
of growing and using readily available and supplies them to pharmaceutical com-
herbs. panies such as Merck (USA) and Jansel
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman (Belgium) to test these compounds for bio-
grows wild in the hills of Cherangani, logical activity and process drugs from
Timboroa, Taita, Chyulu, Tugen and Nyiro, them. In collaboration with the Interna-
in the Nandi forests, the eastern reaches tional Centre for Insects Physiology and
of the Mau ranges, the Kakamega forest the Entomology and Medical Research In-
and in the montane forests of western stitute, university scientists are engaged to
Kenya. raise the level of biochemical research in
order to obtain economic gains for the
R&D Activities
country. International donor agencies such
Kenya has a medium-sized research as the United States Agency for Interna-
programme in herbal medicine. The Tra- tional Development (USAID) and the In-
ditional Medicine and Drug Research Cen- ternational Foundation of Science (IFS)
tre of the Kenya Medical Research Insti- provide funds for undertaking research in
tute, Nairobi has been engaged to conduct the field of medicinal plants.
research on the potential commercial ap- The Coffee Board and the Tea Board
plication of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. for of Kenya are responsible for research on
its antimalarial properties. The School of coffee and tea, respectively. In addition,

some agricultural research has been done Problems and Constraints
by the universities, non-governmental or- There is a lack of information on
ganizations (NGOs) and the private sector. standardization techniques for quality,
safety and efficacy of finished products and
Trade and Marketing
regulation of trade in medicinal plant ma-
Kenya exports significant quantities terial and herbal products. The short self-
of Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman, life of herbal drugs poses a major problem
Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. F.) Chiov. and in the supply chain. There is also a need to
Aloe spp. to the international market. regulate legislation to accommodate tra-
Since 1990, about 1,100 tonnes of Prunus ditional doctors within the Ministry of
africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman bark have Health. They are currently under the Min-
been sold to the French firm Prosynthese, istry of Culture and Social Services.
a subsidiary of the Fournier Group, which
produces Tedenan tablets for prostate can-
3.6 Somalia
cer. Kenya has exported annually about In Somalia, the use of 151 medici-
300 tonnes of bark worth about US$ 0.57 nal plants has been documented. In the
mn. About 79 tonnes of Warburgia Lower Jubba region, 81 plant species are
salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov. bark or extract used for their medicinal value (Bowen,
worth US$ 0.14 mn and about 5 tonnes of 1990). Somalia is the world’s largest ex-
Aloe extract worth US$ 5,986 were ex- porter of myrrh, (Commiphora myrrha
ported to Germany in 1992 and 1993, re- (Nees) Engl.), opopanax (C. kataf (Forssk.)
spectively (Lange, 1997). Engl., [=C. erythraea (Ehrenb.) Engl.] ,
Kenya is the major supplier of pyre- olibanum resin (Boswellia sacra Flueck.
thrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) [=B. carteri Birdw.]) and maidi ( B.
Sch. Bip.) to the world market and has frereana Birdw.) brands. The export of
dominated world production since 1933, these resins is declining due to the politi-
when it first started commercial produc- cal instability in the country (EC, UNDP
tion of pyrethrum. Owing to the lack of and FAO, 1998). The export value of these
processing facilities and adverse condi- resins was estimated at US$ 156 mn on
tions, production has declined from 16,000 the international market, although official
tonnes in 1992 to 6,000 tonnes in 2000. receipts for 1984 and 1985 showed only
Coil Products (K) Limited is the major pro- US$ 28 mn (Bowen, 1990). In all, more
ducer of pyrethrum in Kenya. Besides sup- than 10,000 men are employed in the col-
plying the local market, the company also lection of resins in Somalia.
exports mosquito coils to Tanzania, Myrrh and opopanax are used as fla-
Uganda, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Malawi and vouring agents and for mouthwashes and
Japan. beverages. Commiphora spp. are found in

the dry inland locations from the north to The well-known medicinal and aromatic
the extreme south. However, much of the plants found in Sudan are Cassia acutifolia
material exported from Somalia is believed Delile, Ricinus communis L., Capsicum
to be collected in Ethiopia. At the end of frutescens L., Datura stramonium L.,
the 1980s, the annual estimated volume Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel., Catharanthus
of exports of Commiphora resins was roseus (L.) G. Don, Foeniculum vulgare
1,000 tonnes worth US$ 4 mn (Bowen, Mill. and Anethum graveolens L.
1990). The export volume of myrrh Sudan has witnessed the fusion of
dropped from 1,352 tonnes in 1976 to 421 Pharonic, Christian and Islamic cultures
tonnes in 1979 (Coppen, 1995). with the local indigenous cultures. This
Olibanum resin is exploited from the ethnic and cultural diversity led to the
natural stands of Boswellia spp. It is used country becoming a melting pot of Afri-
as incense in religious ceremonies and as can cultures with respect to herbal medi-
a flavouring agent. There are two types of cine. The diversity is largely attributed to
olibanum: olibanum maidi, produced from immigration from the rest of the continent,
Boswellia freeriani and olibanum beyo ob- in particular from the west.
tained from B. sacra [=B. carteri]. Most The country is well-positioned to play
of the exploitation of olibanum takes place a leading role in the area of medicinal
in northeastern Somalia and for many col- plants by virtue of its climate that varies
lectors it is the principal source of income from arid desert in the north to tropical in
(Bowen, 1990). the south. The vegetation belts are repre-
sentative of African vegetation and in par-
3.7 Sudan
ticular west African with respect to me-
Among the number of indigenous spe- dicinal plant resources.
cies of medicinal and aromatic plants With this unique history and varied
present in Sudan, about 18 species are climate, terrain, flora and fauna, the peo-
available in abundant quantity. Many of ple of Sudan have developed their own tra-
these are well-known and included in rec- ditional medical culture. Medicinal and
ognized pharmacopoeias. Sudan’s climatic aromatic plants are not only used to meet
features can be exploited for the cultiva- health-care needs but also for cosmetics
tion of a variety of medicinal and aromatic and perfumery purposes.
plants. As the country possesses large ar- Traditional medicine is both popular
eas of arable land and a good supply of and important as a medical system and has
labour, there are good prospects for indus- been integrated into the national health-
trial production of plant-derived pharma- care schemes. Most of the medicinal herbs
ceuticals. Furthermore, it is felt that cul- are gathered from the wild in unsustain-
tivation could create export opportunities. able ways resulting in short supply and

quality deterioration of raw material that medicinal and aromatic plants, which ei-
is exported from the country. The Suda- ther occur naturally or are cultivated, are
nese government is giving more attention widely used for their medicinal, aromatic
to the cultivation of medicinal plants in and other health-giving properties. They
demand on the international market. As are used in the preparation of traditional
part of this effort, improved hybrids and remedies as well as in industry for the
varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants preparation of derivatives. The main me-
have been imported for commercial pro- dicinal plant species are Acacia nilotica
duction. (L.) Delile, Adansonia digitata L., Cassia
senna L., Grewia spp. and Tamarindus
Traditional Systems of Medicine indica L. A total number of 46 species
Traditional medicine has its roots in from the White Nile provinces and about
Islamic and west African medicine. Peo- 68 species from central Sudan are reported
ple depend on herbal medicines, which are to be of medicinal value. Some medicinal
an integral part of the health-care system. and aromatic plant resources of Sudan are
There is vast experience in the use of herbs given in Table 3 and the species under cul-
in medical treatments. Many families spe- tivation are listed in Table 4. There is great
cialize in herbal medicines and this knowl- potential to increase the production of
edge is conveyed from generation to gen- medicinal and aromatic plants. The spe-
eration. Patients travel from urban to ru- cies suitable for commercial production in
ral areas to consult TMPs/herbalists, es- different regions are given in Table 5
pecially for chronic diseases. The Me- (Abdalla and Nour, 2001; Ethohami, 1999).
dicinal and Aromatic Herbs Research
Gum Arabic Industry
Institute has trained a considerable number
of specialists in the various fields required Gum Arabic is one of the world’s most
for research in medicinal plants. Legisla- useful natural substances, which has been
tion is in force for the registration of herbal in use since 4000 B.C. or before. The
preparations and herbal products. name, gum Arabic, is believed to describe
the gum shipped from Arabian ports to
Medicinal Plant Resources
worldwide distribution centres, mainly in
There are more than 3,132 vascular Europe. It is sourced from acacia trees.
plant species, of which 50 are endemic. There are over 1,100 species of Acacia
The Sudan Atlas of Medicinal Plants has worldwide, among them Acacia senegal
records of more than 2,000 medicinal (L.) Willd. and A. seyal Delile are com-
plants collected from different parts of the mercially exploited for Hashab and Talh
country. Several native plant species are types of gum Arabic, respectively. These
in use in traditional medicine. At least 60 species are found in the gum Arabic belt

in Africa, which covers parts of Burkina lap bags through to Port of Sudan, on the
Faso, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Red Sea.
Nigeria, Senegal and Sudan. Gum from The highest quality gum Arabic is
other species such as Boswellia papyrifera found in Sudan, Chad and Nigeria. The
(Delile ex Caill.) Hochst. (Tarag Tarag) and Sudanese gum harvest accounts for more
Sterculia setigera Delile (Tartar or Karaya) than 70% of the world’s supply on an an-
also has good potential on the world mar- nual basis. It is the third largest export
ket (Omer et al., 1993). merchandize after cotton and sorghum.
Gum Arabic is a tasteless, odourless About 90% of gum exported from Sudan
substance used in a variety of medicinal is Hashab (Anonymous, 2002).
and industrial applications. It is reported The world’s largest trader of gum
to reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood Arabic, Gum Arabic Co. Ltd. was estab-
pressure, and encourage the body’s absorp- lished in 1969 to provide order in the free-
tion of iron, and is used as an ingredient in for-all gum trade of Sudan, to ensure con-
drugs for kidney diseases. sistent quality of exports and to protect the
Gum Arabic is so important that farmers’ interests. The company purchases
when the USA imposed the economic sanc- most of the gum produced in the country
tions on Sudan in 1997, it banned all trade and exercises a monopoly on the export of
and investment links between the two coun- the substance. Some of the production is
tries except gum Arabic. smuggled out of the country, especially
The Hashab type of gum Arabic is through Chad and Ethiopia, to the inter-
the gummy exudate obtained through tap- national market for higher prices. Apart
ping the branches of the Acacia senegal from exporting different grades of Hashab
(L.) Willd. while the Talh type is the exu- and Talh gum Arabic, the company also
date from A. seyal Delile which flows natu- exports kibbled gum Arabic (Hashab).
rally out of cracks in the bark and
R&D Activities
branches. A tree between 7 and 12 years
old yields a maximum of 10 kg gum in a In Sudan, research on medicinal and
season. When the production of Hashab aromatic plants begun a long time ago, but
gum is low, the cheaper Talh gum is used it was scattered and unstructured until the
as a substitute. Hashab gum is exported establishment of the Medicinal and Aro-
mainly in crude forms under different matic Plants Research Institute (MAPRI).
grades: hand picked selected, cleaned gum, In 1973, the National Council for Research
siftings and dust. Talh gum is also exported established the Medicinal and Aromatic
in crude form. The graded gum is sold to Plants Research Unit, which was upgraded
the Gum Arabic Company Ltd., which ex- to the status of an institute in 1983. In
ports the packed gum in 50 or 100 kg bur- 1992, the Traditional Medicine Research

Table 3: Some medicinal and aromatic plant species of Sudan

Botanical name Local name(s)

Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile subsp. nilotica Sunt, garad
Acacia nilotica subsp. tomentosa Sunt, garad
Acacia senegal var. senegal Hashab
Acacia seyal var. seyal Talh
Acacia seyal var. fistula Talh
Aloe spp. S abbar
Ambrosia maritima L. Damsisa
Ammi majus L. -
Argemone mexicana L. Agresone
Balanites aegyptiaca Del. Heglig, laloub
Boswellia papyrifera (Delile ex Caill.) Hochst. Targ-targ, gafal, luban
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. H andal
Cymbopogon proximus (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf Mahareb
Datura innoxia Miller Alsakran
Datura metel L. -
Dioscorea spp. Dioscoera
Haplophyllum tuberculata (Forssk.) A. Juss. Haza
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. Rauwolfia
Solanum nigr um L. Enab el deib, elmugad el aswad
Tamarindus indica L. Aradib

Table 4: Medicinal and aromatic plant species under cultivation in Sudan

Botanical name Local name(s)

Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Neem
Brassica nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch Khardal aswad
Carica papaya L. B abai
Datura stramonium L. Sakran
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Shamur
Grewia tenax (Forssk.) Fiori Godeim
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Karkadeh
Hyoscyamus muticus L. Sakran musri
Moringa oleifera Lam. Horesradish tree
Nicotiana r ustica L. Tuback, Gamsha
Nigella sativa L. Kamoon Aswad
Ocimum basilicum L. Reehan
Ricinus communis L. Khir wi
Senna alexandrina Mill. Senna maka
Solenostemma arghel (Del.) Hayne Hargel

Table 5: Medicinal and aromatic plant species suitable for commercial production in Sudan

Plant species Local name Regions suitable for production

Aloe spp. S abbar Northern Sudan
Car um car vi L. Karawaya
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. H andal
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Lemon grass
Cymbopogon proximus (Hochst. ex A. Mahareab
Rich) Stapf
Datura stramonium L. Sekran
Matricaria recutita L. B abo ng
Mentha spp. Nanaa mint
Moringa oleifera Lam. Horseradish tree
Nigella sativa L. Black seed
Plantago ovata Forssk. Psyllium
Senna alexandrina Mill. Senna maka
Alpinia spp. Galangal Western Sudan (Jabal Mara area)
Artemisia herb-alba Asso. Sheeh
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Karkadeh
Mentha piperita L. Pepper nanaah
Senna alexandrina Mill. Senna maka
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zangabeel
Allium sativum L. Garlic Eastern and central Sudan
Aloe sinkatana S abbar
Aloe spp. S abbar
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don Vinca
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Lemon grass
Plantago ovata Forssk. Psyllium
Salvadora persica L. Arak
Alpinia spp. Galangal Southern Sudan (upper lands)
Piper nigr um L. Black pepper
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. Rauwolfia
Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zangabeel

Institute also joined the MAPRI. The Insti- Trade and Marketing
tute undertakes activities on the development
of medicinal and aromatic plants, tradi- Sudan exports significant volumes of
tional herbal medicine and other industrial medicinal and aromatic plant material to
aspects of medicinal plants. The industrial the world market. Its export of other me-
uses of some medicinal and aromatic plants dicinal plants (HS 1211.90.80 and
in Sudan are given in Table 6. 1211.90.90) to Germany increased to

3,755 tonnes in 1994 from 1,655 tonnes synthetic, substitute for gum Arabic. Many
in 1991 (Bank of Sudan, 2001). US companies prefer Sudanese gum Arabic
The annual export value of medici- for its high quality and consistency. Spray-
nal and aromatic plants from Sudan was dried gum is the principal merchandize in
US$ 10 mn in the period between 1995 the USA (Anonymous, 1997).
and 1999. The export of plants for herbal Despite world economic expansion in
teas, except mint leaves, to the USA was the last decades, total consumption of gum
worth US$ 0.26 mn in 1997 and Sudan’s Arabic has declined internationally from
export of plant material for medicaments, 70,000 tonnes in the early 1960s to 30,000
perfumery, insecticidal and fungicidal pur- to 40,000 tonnes in 2000. In the mid
poses to the European Union was worth 1960s, gum Arabic was exported in huge
US$ 4.5 mn in the same year. Most of the volumes, around 50,000 tonnes per annum,
crude drugs exported are destined to Ger- but due to under-invoicing of gum, total
many, the UK and Italy. The leading me- exports revenue did not exceed US$ 12 mn
dicinal plants exported from Sudan are (Paul, 2000).
given in Table 7 (US Department of Com- In 2001, the Sudanese export volume
merce, 2001). Hibiscus from Sudan is of gum Arabic was 18,984 tonnes worth
preferred on the world market for its per- US$ 19.8 mn (11,192 tonnes of the
fect colour blends and taste. The German Hashab type worth US$ 13.5 mn; 1,272
import market is dominated by Sudanese tonnes of the Talh type worth US$
hibiscus as a herbal tea base. 901,000; 6,520 tonnes of gum dust worth
Sudan is one of the main gum pro- US$ 5.4 mn). Exports to the USA were
ducing countries, and exports gum Arabic worth US$ 2.8 m (2,840 tonnes) in the
as a primary product to western European same year (Bank of Sudan, 2001).
countries and the USA. The large mar-
kets for this commodity are the European
3.8 Tanzania
Union, Switzerland and Scandinavia (40% The economy of Tanzania depends on
of the world market), the USA (25%) and agricultural exports including pyrethrum,
Japan (10%). coffee, tea, cloves and medicinal plants.
Sudan annually produces about Medicinal plants and their products are not
26,000 tonnes of gum Arabic and the USA recognized as a source of revenue to the
imports about 5,000 tonnes. On the US nation but individuals and companies find
market, the well-seasoned (gum which per- the sector promising in terms of economic
forms superbly in emulsions), low viscos- gains.
ity and low moisture gum is preferred for Traditional health practices in Tan-
a wide variety of food and beverage appli- zania have existed for a long time. The
cations. There is no complete, natural or exploration of plants medicinal properties

Table 6: Some industrialized medicinal and aromatic plant species of Sudan

Plant Use(s) User industries

Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Emulsifying agent Textile, confectionar y
Aloe spp. Healing substance Cosmetic
Arachis hypogaea L. Reduce bleeding tendency Pharmaceutical
Balanites aegyptiaca Del. Source of diosgenin Pharmaceutical (precursor)
Boswellia papyrifera (Delile ex Caill.) Aromatic, binder Incense, plasters and fuming
Hochst. pastilles
Capsicum fr utescens L. Antirheumatic and sciatica As tinctures, ointments and
plasters, food, pharmaceutical
Car um car vi L. Flavouring agent Food
Citr ullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Hydragogue catharic, anti- Indigenous medicine
Coriandr um sativum L. Flavouring agent Food
Cuminum cyminum L. Carminative, stimulant Food, pharmaceutical
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Aromatic Cosmetic
Cymbopogon proximus (Hochst. ex A. Diuretic, colic painkiller and Indigenous medicine
Rich) Stapf antipyretic
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub. Stabilizer, thickener in food Food, pharmaceutical and
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Anti-asthmatic Cigarettes (astringents)
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Aromatic, flavouring Per fumer y, food
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Hypotensive, antimicrobial Beverage
Lawsonia inermis L. Dye Cosmetic
Nigella sativa L. Flavouring, diurtic Food, confectionar y
Ocimum basilicum L. Aromatic, flavouring Per fumer y, food
Pimpinella anisum L. Flavouring agent, aromatic Confectionar y and per fumer y
Ricinus communis L. Disinfectant, lubricant Cosmetic and automobile
Solenostemma arghel Hayne Cough remedy Indigenous medicine
Trigonella foenum-graceum L. Demulscent Food, veterinar y medicine

Table 7: Medicinal plant export from Sudan

Volume (tonnes) Value (million US$)

G o o ds
2000 2001 2000 2001
Hibiscus flowers 20,375 12,751 15.60 9.30
Senna pods 1,753 668 0.77 0.31
Henna 468 572 0.47 0.53

had created, through careful observation, already being prepared on a small-scale in
trial and error, a vast heritage of knowl- an ad-hoc manner to meet the local tradi-
edge and expertise among different ethnic tional pharmacopoeial requirements, could
cultures. Through the ages, most of such undoubtedly be produced on a pilot plant
indigenous knowledge was handled down scale.
by oral tradition. The lack of written docu-
ments and rapid loss of biodiversity of Traditional Systems of Medicine
medicinal plant resources have made the In Tanzania, over 60% of the popu-
promotion of traditional medical practices lation has a traditional healer as first con-
difficult. There has also been a decline in tact in case of health problems. It is esti-
the number of TMPs (Mhame, 1990). In mated that there are about 75,000 TMPs
the 1990s, other alternative systems of in the country. The ratio of TMPs to popu-
health care such as homeopathic medicine, lation is 1 : 4,000 compared to 1 : 20,000
and traditional Chinese, Korean, and Indian for modern medical doctors. Although tra-
medicines have emerged in the country. ditional medicines play a significant role
Tanzania is famous for the produc- in primary health care, there is still no ef-
tion of spices such as cardamom and clove, fective utilization of the practice through
and medicinal plants such as Cinchona modern science and technology.
succirubra Pav. ex Klotzsch and Agave The Medical Practitioners and Den-
sisalana Perrine. The export of these and tists Ordinance holds exemplary status for
other species has already begun. Some TMPs (Anonymous, 1974). In an effort to
plants of domestic pharmaceutical use that promote and standardize traditional medi-
are also exported are Acacia senegal (L.) cine in the country, the Traditional Medi-
Willd., Agave sisalana Perrine, Capsicum cine Research Unit was established by the
frutescens L., Cinchona succirubra Pav. ex government in 1974 as part of the Univer-
Klotzsch, Chenopodium ambrosioides L., sity of Dar es Salaam and the Muhimbili
Citrus aurantium L., Datura stramonium Medical Centre (Ministry of Health, 1999).
L., Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. The Unit is responsible for the unification
[=Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. of TMPs, formation of a traditional medi-
M. Perry], Foeniculum vulgare Mill. and cine policy, and to improve the state of
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. There is a need health of people through the use of effec-
to further develop agro-technology for tive and safe traditional medicine. In
about 23 medicinal and aromatic plants 1985, the government initiated the proc-
found in the indigenous flora of Tanzania. ess of developing a law to register and li-
They merit additional investigation for cense TMPs.
their use in the production of pharmaceu- In 1989, the governance of tradi-
ticals. Many pharmaceutical products, tional health services was shifted from the

Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Cunningham, 1997).
Health (Mhame, 1990). Traditional health The cultivated non-indigenous me-
services are officially recognized in the dicinal plant, pyrethrum ( Tanacetum
National Health Policy of 1990 (Ministry cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.), is the
of Health, 1999). They have not, however, main crop with export potential. Pyre-
been incorporated into the training cur- thrum was introduced on the slopes of
ricula of allopathic medicine. Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru in the
late 1930s. Cultivation was started in
Medicinal Plant Resources 1941 in the Southern Highlands and by
Most of the remedies in traditional 1949, the country was exporting 274
medicine are prepared from plants. The tonnes of dried flowers to the world mar-
secretiveness of traditional healers and the ket. The production of pyrethrum in-
tendency to hide information makes it dif- creased from 2,220 tonnes in 1992 to
ficult to assess which species are of major 4,000 tonnes in 2000. The Southern High-
medical importance. The local markets are lands area produces a higher yield of pyre-
the starting point for identifying species thrum than the Northern Highlands. Py-
of local importance. rethrum processing and marketing is un-
At least 150 medicinal plants are dertaken by the Tanzania Pyrethrum
reported to be traded in the country. The Processing and Marketing Company Lim-
common and widespread use of 86 medici- ited, now a subsidiary of M/S International
nal and 8 aromatic plants have been docu- Chemical Producers of the Republic of
mented in literature (Rulangaranga, South Africa.
1989). Some important medicinal plant Many tribes in Tanzania have a rich
species are given in Table 8. knowledge of traditional remedies which
Most of the medicinal plant material are unknown to the western world. There
is collected from the wild and few from are around 33 plant species alone used to
cultivation. The most known medicinal treat malaria. Over 50% of plants in the
plant species used as a source of antima- country have potential for some type of
larial drug, Cinchona spp. (C. calisaya medicine.
Wedd., C. officinalis L., C. pubescens Vahl) According to the Tanzanian Associa-
are cultivated in association with commer- tion of Traditional Healers, Tanzania has
cial tea estates in the Southern Highlands. a large number of TMPs. Most medicinal
The over-exploitation of Acacia plants and their products are not certified
farnesiana (L.) Willd., Xylopia aethiopica by the Ministry of Health, but herbal medi-
(Dunal) A. Rich. and Warburgia salutaris cine and TMPs are receiving attention from
(Bertol. f.) Chiov. has threatened their ex- the mainstream health officials and medi-
istence in the wild (Rulangaranga, 1989; cal research centres.

Table 8: Some important medicinal and aromatic plants of Tanzania

Abr us precatorius L. Euphorbia gossypina Pax

Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth. Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev.
Acacia polyacantha Willd. Ficus bussei Warb. ex Mildbr. & Burret
Achyranthes aspera L. Grewia sulcata Mast.
Adansonia digitata L. Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit.
Adenia gummifera Harms Jateorhiza palmata (Lam.) Miers.
Albizia versicolor Welw. ex Oliv. Lantana camara L.
Albizia glaberrima (Schum. & Thonn.) Benth. Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) Web.
Annona senegalensis Pers. Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endl.
Artemisa afra Jacq. Ozoroa insignis Delile
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Parquetina nigrescens (Afzel.) Bullock
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. Pluchea dioscoridis DC.
Cassia didymobotr ya Fresen. [=Senna Pr unus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman
didymobotr ya (Fresen.) H. S. Ir win & Barneby] Rhus natalensis Bernh.
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Rumex usambarensis (Dammer) Dammer
Cinchona spp. Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br.
Cinchona hybrid [=C. ledgerianna x C. succir ubra] Scutia myrtina (Burm.f.) Kur z
Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Bern. Moens ex Securidaca longepedunculata Fresn.
Trimen [=C. calisaya Wedd.]
Schrebera alata (Hochst.) Welw.
Cinchona succir ubra Pav. ex Klotzsch [=C.
pubescens Vahl] Solanum incanum L.
Cissampelos pareira L. Spirostachys africana Sond.
Coleus barbatus (Andrews) Benth. [=Plectranthus Teclea simplicifolia Verdoorn
barbatus Andrews] Uvaria acuminata Oliv.
Combretum molle R. Br. ex G. Don Vernonia brachycalyx O. Hoffm.
Combretum zeyheri Sond. Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake
Crossopter yx febrifuga Benth. Vernonia galamensis (Cass.) Less.
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. Vernonia hildebrandtii Vatke
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Muell. Arg.) Pichon. Voacanga africana Stapf
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. Waltheria indica L.
Ehretia cymosa Thonn. Zanthoxylum chalybeum Gessler

R&D Activities the National Plant Genetic Resources Cen-

The Institute of Traditional Medicine tre in Arusha have identified about 200
of the Muhimbili Medical Centre, and the medicinal plants in the Uluguru mountains
departments of the University of Dar es in the Mogoro region.
Salaam are involved in R&D. The Insti- The National Herbarium of Tanzania
tute of Traditional Medicine has worked in collaborates in training and conservation
the field of systematics and standardiza- programmes with the Missouri Botanical
tion of herbal drugs. The researches from Garden.

The Natural Uwemba System for Congo (Cunningham, 1997). Another item
Health (NUSAG), a privately owned com- of export potential from the country is gum
pany, manufactures herbal products rang- Arabic. The commodity is tapped from wild
ing from the uwemba pastilles and tablets Acacia woodlands in the Singida, Arusha,
to food supplements. A food supplement Shinyanga and Tabora regions. In 1994,
made from Artemisia annua L. and nine about 1,000 tonnes of gum Arabic were
other medicinal plants grown in the village harvested. In order to increase the pro-
of Uwemba, in the Iringa region, South- duction of gum Arabic, new plantations
ern Highlands has been proved to be effec- have been established. The important me-
tive against malaria. The plants used in dicinal plants on the market are given in
this formulation are exported to Switzer- Table 10.
land for the production of food supple-
Problems and Constraints
ments. Switzerland has allowed the sale
of the uwamba pastilles in the country as The sector is not fully developed ow-
a food supplement. ing to the absence of suitable mechanism
of herbal medicine control and lack of a
Trade and Marketing
systematic way of organizing the market,
With the free market economy, the trade and integration of medicinal plants
country is experiencing economic gains from development from production to consump-
medicinal plant sector. Medicinal plants tion, in order to boost the export of herbal
export is growing as demand in the interna- formulations. The medicinal plant sector
tional market is growing exponentially. In has a number of stakeholders having di-
1999, Tanzania exported medicinal products vergent interests. Several constraints ex-
worth about US$ 6.9 mn. In the same year, ist due to inadequate awareness and R&D
Tanzanian share in the international mar- investments, manufacturer-exporter disso-
ket for herbal remedies in terms of retail nance, lack of quality and standardization
sale value was about US$ 0.36 mn. Tanza- norms, and lack of adequate marketing and
nian export incomes in the period between trade information. The lack of technical
1997 and 1999 are given in Table 9. know-how on the processing of medicinal
Other medicinal plants traded on the plants is a considerable obstacle for the
world market are Prunus africana (Hook. development of traditional medicine.
f.) Kalkman and Warburgia salutaris
(Bertol. f.) Chiov. About 120 tonnes of 3.9 Uganda
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman bark In Uganda, about 300 plant species
are collected annually from the natural are used in the traditional systems of medi-
montane forests. Among the exported cine and nine medicinal plants are collected
bark, some comes from the Republic of for sale (Naluswa, 1993; Cunningham,

Table 9: Export incomes of Tanzania between 1997 and 1999

1997 1998 1999

Export goods Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
(tonnes) (million US$) (tonnes) (million US$) (tonnes) (million US$)
Plants and plant parts 363.9 0.47 287.6 0.48 370.9 0.90
used in per fumer y,
pharmacy, etc.
Natural gums, resins, 1506.5 0.42 943.2 0.22 870 0.36
gum-resins, balsams
Garlic 1007.4 0.07 1071.2 0.12 537 0.07

Table 10: Important medicinal plants in Tanzanian local markets

Botanical name Plant part(s) Therapeutical uses/indications

Grewia bicolor Juss. Bark, root Cold, stomach problems, snake bite
Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. Root, bark Hernia, ulcer, stomach problems
Lonchocarpus capassa Rolfe [=Philenoptera violacea Stem, root Impotency, hookworm
(Klotzsch) Schrire] bark
Olea europaea L. Bark Vermifuge
Parinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth. Root Epilepsy
Salvadora persica L. Twig Toothbr ush
Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov. Bark Malaria, cold, diarrhoea, body aches

1996). Traditional medicine is extensively dysentery and other diseases with the help
practiced in urban areas (Cunningham, of herbalists from the Iganga district. Un-
1997). Commercial trade in traditional der this project, 10 diseases to be handled
medicines in the country is low. Informa- by TMPs, have been identified.
tion on international trade in medicinal In Uganda, the National Chemo-
plants is lacking. The only information therapeutics Research Laboratory (NCRL),
available is on the exploitation and export Kampala is taking on researches of many
of Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman indigenous plant species (Cunningham,
(Cunningham et al., 1997). 1997). The Laboratory is under the Min-
Traditional medicine is integrated istry of Health and has been involved in
into government health-care schemes. The the ethnobotanical survey of the area, en-
International Development Research Cen- couraging TMPs and herbalists to provide
tre, Ottawa has funded a project of the Min- information and materials on medicinal
istry of Health to identify valuable medici- plants for registration, classification and
nal plants with potential to cure malaria, chemical and pharmacological tests. The

herbarium of the Laboratory has a collec- rates with TMPs and provides improved
tion of about 2,000 specimens of medici- clinical care to people with sexually trans-
nal and other plant species. mitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. The
The state-controlled National Envi- Association also organizes training pro-
ronment Management Authority (NEMA) grammes for TMPs. It has established a
has set up a germplasm centre in Kam- resource and training centre to facilitate
pala, which serves as a germplasm reposi- the collection and dissemination of infor-
tory for all biodiversity specimens in the mation on traditional medicine (Clarke,
country. The NEMA, together with the 1998). The National Traditional Healers
Uganda National Council of Science and and Herbalists Association has started a
Technology, is in the process of enacting a 20-bed traditional health-care hospital at
law prohibiting the illegal export of bio- Mengo (Amooti-Kyomya, 1994).
logical specimens. In Uganda, the Ministry of Women’s
Development, Culture and Youth preside
Traditional Systems of Medicine over TMPs. The government has set up
TMPs outnumber allopathic doctors. the Natural Chemotherapeutics Research
The Traditional and Modern Health Prac- Laboratory under the Ministry of Health
titioners Association is an indigenous non- to study the therapeutic potential of natu-
governmental organization dedicated to ral products with the intention of recog-
the improvement of a mutual and respect- nizing traditional medicine in the national
ful collaboration between traditional and health-care system (Amooti-Kyomya,
allopathic health practitioners in Uganda 1994). All the research activities are con-
(Clarke, 1998). The Association collabo- ducted jointly with TMPs.

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Chapter 4

The Status of Medicinal Plants in Insular East

African Countries

4.1 Introduction winkle) is cultivated in the southern part

of Madagascar. The cultivation of Prunus
Insular eastern Africa covers the In- africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman has been in-
dian Ocean island nations of Comoros, corporated into the agro-forestry systems
Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Reunion in the northern part of Madagascar.
and Seychelles. Information on medicinal Most of the medicinal plant material
and aromatic plants and their uses is scarce is sourced from wild collection. The col-
in Mauritius, Mayotte, Reunion and Sey- lection and trade of medicinal plants are
chelles compared to Madagascar. Mada- an important source of income generation
gascar, located off the southeastern coast to the rural population. The use of me-
of Africa, is the world’s most fascinating dicinal plants for subsistence is of greater
centre of plant diversity and species ende- importance than the trade in selected spe-
mism. It is home to highly threatened flora cies.
and fauna. Almost 90% of Madagascar’s forests
Many species of medicinal and aro- have been cleared for logging and agricul-
matic plants are found in the area, espe- tural purposes (World Resources Institute,
cially in Madagascar. These plants are of 1998). Habitat destruction and over-ex-
great socio-economic importance for both ploitation of plant resources has endan-
health care and livelihood. The local popu- gered species such as Prunus africana
lation and TMPs make use of many plant (Hook. f.) Kalkman in Madagascar, and
species in their remedies. A number of spe- Cycas thouarsii R. Br. ex Gaudich and
cies are under cultivation, including Cyathea spp. in Comoros.
Cinnamomum aroma-ticum Nees
4.2 Madagascar
(cinnamom) is cultivated in Seychelles, and
Vanilla planifolia Jacks. (vanilla) and Madagascar is the fourth largest is-
Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. land in the world. It has diverse vegeta-
Perry (Malagasy clove) in Madagascar, tion types: pre-humid tropical forests, semi-
Comoros and Reunion. The Catharanthus arid vegetation and rainforests in the east-
roseus (L.) G. Don (Madagascar rosy peri- ern coast, dry forests in the south and de-

ciduous forests in the west (Koechlin et al., car has more than 10,000 registered TMPs
1974). Since its separation from the Afri- authorized to practise traditional medicine.
can mainland, Madagascar has undergone There is no official training programme in
a separate evolutionary route to produce traditional medicine (WHO, 1992).
one of the richest floristic diversities. The
State Efforts in Development of Traditional
eastern coast has more than 170 species
of palms, many kinds of ferns, bamboos,
orchids and medicinal plants, while the Until 1992, there was no legal frame-
southwestern zone is home to six of the work for the licensing of TMPs to practise
eight species of baobabs (Adansonia spp.), traditional medicine, and no official ap-
spiny plants reminiscent of columnar cacti proval for traditional remedies (WHO,
and Pachipodium spp. In the extreme 1992). In 1996, a commission was cre-
southwest and across the south, where con- ated to study the legal aspects of traditional
ditions are even drier, the vegetation is medicine in the country. The legal recog-
dominated by the members of the endemic nition of traditional medical practice be-
family Didiereaceae, and by the shrubby gan in the eastern and northern parts of
and arborescent species of Euphorbia. Madagascar in 1998. In 2000, the regu-
Madagascar with 2% of Africa’s lations for herbal medicines were approved
landmass has about 10,000 to 12,000 spe- by the government.
cies of vascular flora not found elsewhere
in the world (Phillipson, 1994). It is home Medicinal Plant Resources
to 25% of African plant species, and many Madagascar is a vast reserve of plant
still have to be discovered. Despite the rich resources of medicinal value. In the con-
and unique biodiversity, it is one of the tinued botanical inventories in Madagas-
poorest African nations. car, information on 10,000 to 12,000 spe-
cies of Malagasy plants with their taxo-
Traditional Systems of Medicine nomical details have been recorded by the
Traditional medicine is an affordable Missouri Botanical Garden.
alternative to costly and scarce modern There is a wide range of medicinal
medicine to the more than 15 mn people plants used by TMPs. The people of
of Madagascar. The majority of the rural Betsimisaraka and Tanala in eastern Mada-
population depends on medicine derived gascar make use of 68 medicinal plant spe-
from the Malagasy plant (also known as cies in traditional medical practices.
tambavy) for health-care needs. The Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
TMPs are involved in the national is traditionally used in many regions of
health-care system. The National Tradi- Madagascar to treat diabetes, blood cancer,
tional Therapist Association of Madagas- tumors, diarrhoea and malaria, through

the use of different plant parts, dosages, in collaboration with the Botanical and
and traditional preparations. It is now ef- Zoological Park of Tsimbazaza and the Na-
fectively used in modern medicine to treat tional Center for Applied Pharmaceutical
childhood leukemia. In southeastern Research (NCAPR). In 2001, the MBG
Madagascar, Tephrosia purpurea Pers. is was awarded a fourth contract for the col-
widely used by the Malagasy (Antanosy) lection of plant samples from Madagascar
people to cure stomach disorders, diar- and tropical Africa for the drug discovery
rhoea, backache, and as a blood purifier. programme of the National Cancer Insti-
Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & tute (NCI) of the USA. The Faculty of Sci-
Thomson (ylang-ylang), Syzygium ences of the University of Antananarivo is
aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry the major hub of research activities on
(clove) and Vanilla planifolia Jacks. (va- natural products chemistry, molecular and
nilla) have been cultivated in the northern cellular pharmacology and general phar-
parts of the country since the colonial pe- macology and pharmacokinetics of medici-
riod. The Biolandes Madagascar, a pri- nal and aromatic plants.
vately owned company, cultivates ylang- In 1998, the biodiversity conserva-
ylang, vetiver, cocoa beans, tuberose and tion project of the International Coopera-
jasmine, and collects spices such as pep- tive Biodiversity Groups (ICBG), initiated
per, cinnamon and cloves from the wild. in the Republic of Suriname, was expanded
In addition, the company is engaged in the to Madagascar. Botanical inventories and
extraction of ylang-ylang oil, vanillin ex- sample-collection activities were under-
tracts and processing of spices for local taken in collaboration with the National
use and export. Center for Applied Pharmaceutical Re-
Expam Limited processes essential search (NCAPR) and the National Center
oils from Croton anisatus Baill., Ocimum of the Industrial Research for Rural De-
basilicum L., Pelargonium incrassatum velopment. Dow AgroSciences Inc. then
(Andrews) Sims, Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. joined the group to evaluate plants for po-
ex Gaertn., and Helichrysum gymno- tential agricultural applications. In 1999,
cephallum. It also manufactures extracts, the Malagasy government approved an-
and personal care and hygiene products. other proposal for ICBG activities jointly
Some of the important medicinal and submitted by the NCAPR, the Conserva-
aromatic plant species of Madagascar are tion International, and the Missouri Bo-
given in Table 1. tanical Garden.
The NCAPR works directly under the
R&D Activities
Ministry of Scientific Research and is en-
The Missouri Botanical Garden gaged in the isolation of bioactive com-
(MBG) is compiling botanical inventories pounds and in development of phytophar-

Table 1: Some medicinal and aromatic plant species of Madagascar

Abr us precatorius L. Mitragyna stipulosa (DC.) Ktze

Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Momordica charantia L.
Acokanthera ongiflora Stapf Morinda lucida Benth.
Adansonia digitata L. Moringa oleifera Lam.
Agave sisalana Perrine. Nauclea latifolia Sm.
Ageratum conyzoides L. Nicotiana tabacum L.
Albizia anthelmintica (A. Rich.) Brongn. Nymphaea lotus L.
Allium sativum L. Ocimum gratissimum L.
Aloe ferox Mill. Olea europaea L.
Alstonia boonei de Wild. Parquetina nigrescens (Afz) Bulloch
Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. Peganum harmala L.
Anchomanes difformis Engl. Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov.
Arachis hypogaea L. Physostigma venenosum Balf.
Aristolochia bracteata Retz. Phytolacca dodecandra L. Herit.
Astralagus gummifer Labill. Piper guineense Schumach. & Thonn.
Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Plumbago zeylanica L.
Balanites aegyptiaca Del.
Rapanea melanophloeos Mez.
Boerhavia diffusa Engelm. & A. Gray
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.
Borreria verticillata L. G. F. W. Mey
Ricinus communis L.
Calotropis procera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton
Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen.
Capsicum fr utescens L.
Securinega virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Baill.
Carapa procera DC.
Senna alexandrina Mill.
Carica papaya L.
Solanum nigr um L.
Car um car vi L.
Spondias mombin L.
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
Strophanthus kombe Oliv.
Chenopodium ambrosioides L.
Str ychnos nux-vomica L.
Cinchona succir ubra Pav. ex Klotzsch
Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perr y
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume
Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.
Centella spp.
Terminalia glaucescens Planch. ex Benth.
Crinum jagus (J. Thomps.) Dandy
Cr yptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl) Schtlr. Thalictr um rhynchocarpum Q. Dillon A. Rich
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Thea sinensis L.
Datura stramonium L. Theobroma cacao L.
Euphorbia kamer unica pax Trema orientalis Bl.
Funtumia elastica (P. Preuss) Stapf Triclisia gilletii (De Willd.) Staner
Glinus lotoides L. Voacanga africana Stapf
Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv. Warburgia ugandensis Sprague
Heliotropium indicum L. Withania somnifera (L.) Dun.
Hyoscyamus muticus L. Ximenia americana L.
Jatropha curcas L. Zanha golungensis Hiern
Kalanchoe crenata (Andr.) Haw. Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Waterman
Lawsonia inermis L. Zingiber officinale Roscoe

maceutical products from indigenous plant ternational market. The important me-
resources in the areas surrounding the dicinal plant species exported include
Zahamena Nature Reserve. In collabora- Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, Centella
tion with Conservation International, it asiatica (L.) Urb., Drosera madagascar-
coordinates the collection of ethnomedical iensensis DC., Eugenia spp., Harungana
data on medicinal and aromatic plants. madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir., Hazunta
The Malagasy Institute of Industrial spp., Medemia nobilis (Hildebrandt & H.
Researches (IMRA) is working to develop Wendl.) Drude, Moringa spp., Prunus
new drugs from Malagasy medicinal plants, africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman, Rauvolfia
and to popularize and safeguard the medici- vomitoria Afzel., R. confertiflora Pichon
nal plant species. In 1993, it was given the and Voacanga thouarsii R. & S. In 1995,
status of Regional Research Centre by the the medicinal plant export volume was 860
Organization of African Unity (OAU). tonnes worth US$ 4.64 mn, while it was
In 1989, a joint venture between the 402 tonnes in 1990 (Walter, 1996; FAO,
Agricultural Products Department of the 1997).
Dow Chemical Company and the Plant In Madagascar, Prunus africana
Sciences Business of Eli Lilly resulted in (Hook. f.) Kalkman trees are found in the
the creation of DowElanco. In 1997, The northern tropical forests. Officially there
Dow Chemical Company acquired are no figures on the value and quantity of
DowElanco and the new subsidiary was the bark exploited or the extract exported
renamed Dow AgroSciences in 1998. The from the country. In addition to crude
company undertakes the screening of bark, bark extract is also exported. Since
phytocompounds within the International 1976, Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman
Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (ICBG) bark is mainly exported to France. Ac-
project. cording to an estimate, about 180 tonnes
Conservation International under- per annum of bark were exploited in the
takes ethnobotanical surveys, conservation, period between 1988 and 1994. About
and development programmes in Madagas- 300 tonnes of bark were exploited in 1993
car. Azafady, a charity NGO based at Fort with an export value of approximately US$
Dauphin (Tolagnaro), southeastern Mada- 1.44 mn (Walter, 1996). The over-exploi-
gascar, aims to raise conservation aware- tation of bark threatens the existence of
ness and preservation of traditional knowl- Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman
edge in the country. (Walter, 1998; Walter and Rakotonirina,
1995). In order to safeguard this tree from
Trade and Marketing
extinction, its exploitation has been put un-
Madagascar exports significant quan- der the provisions of Appendix II of the
tities of medicinal plant material to the in- Convention on Trade in Endangered Spe-

cies of Flora and Fauna (CITES) (Cunnin- sourced mainly from wild collections, to
gham et al., 1997). the world market.
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, and Voacanga seeds (Voacanga Africana
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. were the main Stapf and V. thouarsii R & S) have an an-
export items to Europe in 1996. Catha- nual demand of 150 tonnes (Rasianaivo,
ranthus roseus (L.) G. Don, traditionally 1990). Drosera madagascariensis DC. is
used as antidiabetic, is the source of anti- found in the Antananarivo area and is in
cancer drugs, vinblastine and vincristine, considerable demand for the treatment of
widely used in the treatment of childhood the respiratory system infections. In addi-
leukemia. In the late 1980s, an annual tion, there is considerable demand for Ilex
average of 1,000 tonnes of plant material mitis (L.) Radlk., Eugenia jambolana Lam.
was exported to the international market and Aloe vahombe Decorse & Poiss.
(Rasianaivo, 1990). Formerly, this plant (Rasianaivo, 1990). Since 1985, Areca
used to be collected from the wild; how- madagascariensis Mart., nom. dub.,
ever, owing to increasing demand, the plant Medemia nobilis (Hildebrandt & H.
is now cultivated on a commercial scale in Wendl.) Drude, and Ravenea rivularis Jum.
southern Madagascar. & H. Perrier have also been exported.
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. is a pan- The export of essential oils increased
tropical plant found in the rainforests from 960 tonnes in 1991 to 1,141 tonnes
around Antananarivo. Traditionally it was worth US$ 3.88 mn in 1994 (FAO, 1997).
used in the treatment of leprosy. In mod- Clove and ylang-ylang account for more
ern medicine it has found use as a treat- than 90% of the production of essential
ment for wounds. Madagascar is the main oils and the rest consists largely of vetiver,
producer and supplier of plant material, geranium, lemon and lemon grass oil.

Cunningham, M., Cunningham, A. B. and 1974, Flore et végétation de Madagascar,
Schippmann, U., 1997, Trade in Prunus J. Cramer Verlag, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
africana and the implementation of CITES, Phillipson, P. B., 1994, Madagascar, In: Davis,
German Federal Agency for Nature Con- S. D., Heywood, V. H. and Hamilton, A. C.
servation, Bonn, Germany (Eds.), Centres of Plant Diversity. A Guide
FAO, 1997, Assistance à l’Exportation des and Strategy for Their Conservation, Vol.
Produits Forestiers (Vol. 1). Projet TCP/ 1., Europe, Africa, South West Asia and
MAG/6611, Contrôle de la Production et the Middle East, IUCN Publications Unit,
Assistance à l’Exportation des Produits Cambridge, UK, pp. 271-281
Forestiers Rasianaivo, P., 1990, Rainforests of Madagas-
Koechlin, J., Guillaumet, J. L. and Morat, Ph., car: sources of industrial and medicinal

plants, Ambio, 19 (8) gascar. In: Plant Research and Develop-
Walter, S. and Rakotonirina, J. C. R., 1995, ment, Vol. 47/48, Focus: Forest manage-
L’exploitation de Pygeum africanum ment and sustainability, Tuebingen, Ger-
(Prunus africana) à Madagascar, Rapport many
élaboré pour le projet Zahamena de con- WHO, 1992, Analysis of Questionnaire on Tra-
servation international et la direction des ditional Medicine, WHO, Geneva, Switzer-
eaux et forêts, Antananarivo/Fénérive-Est, land (unpublished document WHO DOC.
(unpublished document) 5183A/REV. DOC. 6136A)
Walter, S., 1996, Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen World Resources Institute, 1998, 1998-99
der Nutzung von Nicht-Holz Waldprodukten World Resources: A Guide to the Global
in Madagaskar, dargestellt am Beispiel des Environment, A Joint Publication of the
Naturreservates Zahamena, Thesis, Univer- World Resources Institute, U.N. Environ-
sity of Giessen, Germany ment Programme, U.N. Development Pro-
Walter, S., 1998, The utilization of non-timber gramme and the World Bank, Oxford Uni-
forest products in the rainforests of Mada- versity Press, UK

Chapter 5

The Status of Medicinal Plants in Central African


5.1 Introduction highest number of endemic species. Among

the 11,000 plant species in the D. R. Congo,
The central African region is made over 3,000 are endemic. Cameroon and
up of Burundi, Cameroon, the Central Af- the Central African Republic have 8,000
rican Republic, the Democratic Republic and 1,000 endemic species, respectively
of Congo (D. R. Congo), Equatorial Guinea, (IUCN, WWF and GTZ, 2000). The
Gabon, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, number of threatened plant species is high-
and the island nation of Sao Tome and est in Cameroon (155), followed by Gabon
Principe. The region has a wide diversity (71) and the D. R. Congo (33) (World
of habitats, spanning from tropical rain- Bank, 2000). The central African forest
forests and savannahs to mangrove woods. ecosystems are home to about 250 ethnic
The tropical forests are rich in floristic di- groups. Medicinal plants generate the
versity and species endemism. major source of remedies for health care
Most of the central African countries and income (WRI, 2001).
converge in the Congo basin, which repre- The flora of central Africa is rich in
sents the second largest contiguous rain- medicinal and aromatic plant species.
forest in the world after the Amazon. The Most of the medicinal plant trade takes
Congo basin forests cover 20% of the place between neighbouring countries.
world’s tropical moist forests and 80% of Some medicinal plant material is also ex-
the tropical moist forests in Africa. It is ported to the international market.
also one of the most biologically diverse Cameroon, the D. R. Congo and Equato-
and poorly understood ecosystems of the rial Guinea export Prunus africana (Hook.
African continent (IUCN, WWF and GTZ, f.) Kalkman to European countries. Addi-
2000). tionally, Cameroon exports Pausinystalia
There are about 40,850 plant spe- johimbe (Schuma.) Beille, Physostigma
cies of which about 6,500 are reported to venenosum Balfour, Strophanthus gratus
be endemic and 175 of these are reported Baill. & Franch. and Voacanga africana
to be rare (WRI, UNED and UNDP, 1992). Stapf. The over-exploitation of Prunus
Cameroon and the D. R. Congo have the africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman, Pausinystalia

johimbe (Schuma.) Beille, Gnetum spp. and 5.2 Burundi
Baillonella toxisperma Pierre has led to
their extinction. There is rich and varied flora in
The bark of Prunus africana (Hook. Burundi. Medicinal plants are of high
f.) Kalkman is traditionally used to treat socio-economic importance in the country.
malaria, stomachache and fever (Nsom and There are about 12 well-established species
Dick, 1992). The bark and the leaves are with definite use in the pharmacopoeias:
used locally in traditional pharmacopoeia Chenopodium ambrosiodes L., Ricinus com-
for the production of beer (Cunningham and munis L., Ocimum basilicum L. Sesamum
Mbenkum, 1993). During the 1960s, the indicum L., Phytolacca dodecandra L’Her,
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman bark Capsicum frutescens L., Datura stramo-
extract was proved effective in the treat- nium L., Cinchona succirubra Pav. ex
ment of benign prostatic hypertrophy Klotzsch, Eucalyptus globulus Labill.,
(Debat, 1966). Since then, the bark of the Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf., and
plant is in high demand in European coun- Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. A vari-
tries and its trade earns annual revenue of ety of medicinal plant species grow on the
US$ 150 mn. In Europe, the Laboratories Imbo plains. More than 90% of medicinal
Debat, France, and Indena Spa, Italy, plant material is sourced from wild collec-
manufacture and market the drug from tion. The leaf is the most used plant part
bark extract under the trade names of in the preparation of traditional remedies,
Tadenan and Pygenil, respectively. The followed by the stem, bark and root bark.
bark is mainly sourced from the Afro- The majority of the population relies on
montane forests of Cameroon, the D. R. traditional medicine for their primary
Congo, Kenya and Madagascar. health-care needs. Over-exploitation and
Medicinal and aromatic plants are an degradation of habitats as a result of de-
important component of traditional medi- forestation has threatened 19 plant spe-
cine. About 63% of the rural population cies in the country (FAO, 1999). The Min-
is dependent on traditional medicine for istry for the Interior and Public Safety rec-
their health-care needs. The local popula- ognizes the TMPs and approves the Asso-
tion and TMPs make use of many medici- ciations of Traditional Medicine Practition-
nal plant species to prepare remedies. In ers of Burundi (ATRAPRABU), but the
Cameroon, TMPs and communities utilize country has no official or legislative texts
more than 500 medicinal plant species in regulating the practice of traditional medi-
their remedies. cine. However, under the Burundi’s Pub-
lic Health Code of 1982 and the regula-
tions of the Ministry of Public Health, only
licensed practitioners with formal training

in tropical medicine are allowed to prac- lections of wild plants have been organ-
tise traditional medicine (Anonymous, ized for export purposes. There is, there-
1984). There are neither official training fore, ample scope for transferring technol-
facilities nor programmes for traditional ogy in order to augment the export of me-
medicine (WHO, 1992). dicinal plants. Cameroon imports about
There are two premier institutes, 3,000 tonnes of pharmaceutical products
Burundi’s Pharmacological Laboratories per year valued at over US$ 20 mn. Part
(Laboratoires Pharmacologiques du of these imports could be substituted with
Burundi) and the Institute for Agronomic locally manufactured plant-derived phar-
Science of Burundi (ISABU), which are maceuticals. The United Nations Indus-
undertaking R&D activities in medicinal trial Development Organization (UNIDO)
and aromatic plants. There is, however, experts have recommended the cultivation
no specific agency or institution commit- of Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) Tussac,
ted to promote the utilization of medicinal Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Digitalis
and aromatic plants. lanata Ehrh., Atropa acuminata Royle,
Hyoscyamus muticus L., and Cassia
5.3 Cameroon acutifolia Delile.
Cameroon is situated on the west
coast of Africa and bordered by Gabon, Traditional Systems of Medicine
Equatorial Guinea and Congo to the south, The Traditional Medicine Service of
the Central African Republic to the east, the country operates within the Commu-
Chad to the north and Nigeria to the west. nity Medicine Unit of Yaounde Central Hos-
It shares a significant amount of the bio- pital. A separate Office of Traditional
logical diversity of threatened flora and Medicine at the Ministry of Public Health
fauna of the Congo basin. About 45% of looks after the traditional medicine sec-
the total population in southern Cameroon tor. This office was founded under the Fifth
utilizes tropical moist forest resources for Five Year Social, Economic and Political
their health-care needs and as a source of Development Plan (1981-1986). Local
income (Ndoye et al., 1999). officials have the authority to allow or re-
Cameroon has a large variety of eco- strict the practice of traditional medicine
logical zones, from Sahel in the north to in their administrative or health sub-divi-
the equatorial forests in the south. The sions. TMPs are involved in primary
variety of climatic zones and the diversity health-care programmes.
of natural conditions give rise to rich and
varied flora. As regards medicinal plants, Medicinal Plant Resources
even if a very wide range is available, none Cameroon has a great diversity of
of them is cultivated on a large scale. Col- vegetation ranging from mangroves to rain-

forests in the south, tropical montane for- to science, and the medicinal vine,
ests and grassland in the west, and Ancistrocladus korupensis D. Thomas &
savannahs and semi-deserts in the north. Gereau, has shown positive in-vitro results
The Cameroonian rainforests are amongst against HIV/AIDS virus. Important me-
the most species-rich and diverse ecosys- dicinal plant species found in the park area
tems in the world and represent outstand- include Irvingia spp., Ricinodendron
ing scientific, social and economic value. heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel and Afrostyrax
The tropical montane forest systems are lepidophyllus Mildb. Other items of com-
important centres of plant endemism. mercial significance are essential oils from
Mount Cameroon has more than 45 en- Piper guineense Schumach. & Thonn.,
demic plant species. Cameroon has about chewing sticks from Garcinia spp. and
8,000 vascular plant species and 155 of Massularia acuminata (G. Don) Bullock ex
them have been reported threatened Hoyle. In the Bipindi-Akom II region in
(IUCN, 2000). the southern province, the main medicinal
More than 250 ethnic groups inhabit plant species of commercial value are
the tropical forests in Cameroon and have Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex
a rich knowledge of medicinal plants and O’Rorke) Baill., Strophanthus gratus
their uses. More than 500 medicinal plants (Wall. & Hook.) Baill., and Dacryodes spp.
are used in ceremonies and traditional Most of the medicinal plant material is col-
practices (FAO, 1999a). Of the 35 most lected from the wild. In the Nyangong re-
important tree species of timber value, 23 gion, medicinal plants are gathered inde-
are also used in the traditional pharmaco- pendently of ownership rights. Some me-
poeia (Laird, 1999). The indigenous plants dicinal plants of commercial importance
with therapeutically useful constituents are are given in Table 1 (FAO, 1999a).
Voacanga africana Stapf for tubersonine,
R&D Activities
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. for ajmaline,
Pausinystalia johimbe (Schum.) Pierre ex The Institute of Agricultural Re-
Beille for yohimbine, Cola nitida (Vent.) search for Development (IRAD) under the
Schott & Endl. for caffeine, Theobroma Ministry of Scientific and Technical Re-
cacao L. for theophylline and Physostigma search undertakes inventories of plant ge-
venenosum Balf. for physostigmine. netic resources, documentation and
The Korup National Park in the biodiversity conservation. The National
southwest province is home to many spe- Herbarium of Cameroon, a principle re-
cies of medicinal value. The Park covers a search unit of the Institute, has a collec-
large tract of rapidly dwindling rainforest tion of 66,500 plant specimens belonging
with about 400 tree species and more than to 1,800 genera of 232 families. The Na-
90 medicinal plants. Of these, 36 are new tional Herbarium is also compiling a pub-

Table 1: Some important medicinal and aromatic plant species of Cameroon

Botanical name Part(s) used

Aframomum melegueta K. Schum. Leaf, fr uit
Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. Oil
Antrocar yon klaineanum Pierre Fr uit
Autranella congolensis (de Wild.) A. Chiv. Grain
Baillonella toxisperma Pierre Grain
Butyrospermum parkii (Don) Kotschy Grain
Cola acuminata Schott & Endl. Fr uit
Cola nitida Schott & Endl. Fr uit
Coula edulis Baill. Seed
Elaeis guineensis (L.) Jacq. Fr uit
Garcinia kola Heckel Bark, grain
Gnetum africanum Welw. Leaf
Ir vingia gabonensis Baill. Fr uit
Ocimum basilicum L. Leaf
Pausinystalia johimbe (Schuma.) Beille Bark
Piper guineense Schum. & Thonn. Fr uit
Pr unus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman Bark
Ricinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Pierre ex Heckel Seed
Scorodophleus spp. Bark
Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. & Thonn.) Taub. Po d
Voacanga africana Stapf Seed

lication, Flora of Cameroon. Thirty-four West Africa was established in 2000. It

volumes have been completed covering promotes the exchange of traditional
plant specimens belonging to 109 families. knowledge and experience between TMPs
The National Herbarium is also de- at national and regional levels. Cameroon
veloping a plant species database in col- has also constituted a coordinating com-
laboration with the Limbe Botanic Garden mittee that supports TMPs in the country.
Herbarium and the Royal Botanic Gardens
Trade and Marketing
of Kew. The database provides informa-
tion on life form, ecology, plant distribu- Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman,
tion, abundance, phenology and literature Pausinystalia johimbe (Schum.) Pierre ex
references for each species of the 66,500 Beille, Voacanga africana Stapf, Strophan-
specimens, as well as new collections from thus gratus (Wall. & Hook.) Baill. and
recent inventories. Physostigma venenosum Balf. are the main
The Association of Commonwealth medicinal plant species exported from
Traditional Medicine Practitioners for Cameroon (Nkuinkeu, 1999). Other me-

dicinal plant species traded are Allan- France. About 11,537 tonnes from 1986
blackia floribunda Oliv., Carapa procera to 1991 and 600 to 920 tonnes in the pe-
DC ., Myrianthus arboreus P. Beauv., riod 1994-1995 were processed by
Tabernanthe iboga Baill. and Garcinia spp. Plantecam Medicam, a subsidiary of Labo-
Chewing sticks of Garcinia spp. are ex- ratories Debat in southwestern Cameroon
ported to Nigeria. Some important me- (United Republic of Cameroon, 1981;
dicinal and aromatic plants exported to Eu- Cunningham and Mbenkum, 1993).
ropean countries are given in Table 2. The bark is exported both as bark and
Cameroon has been the major source bark extracts. In the period between 1985
of Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman bark and 1994, the annual export of bark ex-
ever since its commercial exploitation tract was 8,990 kg corresponding to 1,116
started in 1972. The bark was mainly to 3,900 tonnes of bark. World trade was
sourced from the southwest and northwest worth US$ 220 mn in the late 1990s (Cun-
provinces of Cameroon, Mount Cameroon, ningham et al., 1997). The Fournier Group
Mount Kupe, and the Bamenda highlands was the principal bark trader. Its subsidi-
including Mount Oku and Nso. In 1976, ary companies, Laboratories Fournier and
about 10 tonnes of bark were exported to Plantecam, undertook all activities includ-

Table 2: Medicinal and aromatic plants exported from Cameroon to Europe

Botanical name Common name Part(s) used Ecology

Afrostyrax lepidophyllus Mildbr. Omi Bark Wild
Aframomum spp. Maniguette Fr uit Wild
Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. A nana Fr uit Wild, cultivated
Cola nitida Schott & Endl. Kola Grain Wild, cultivated
Dacr yodes edulis (G. Don) Lam. Safou Fr uit Wild, cultivated
Elaeis guineensis (L.) Jacq. Nut of palm Fr uit, oil Wild, cultivated
Garcinia kola Heckel Small cola Grain Wild
Gnetum spp. Fumbua Leaf Wild
Hua gabonii Pierre Omi Fr uit Wild
Ir vingia gabonensis Baill. Sioko, mango Grain Wild
Landolphia spp. Malombo Fr uit Wild
Lippia adoensis Hochst. Bulukutu Leaf Wild
Monodora myristica Dun. Pepe Grain Wild
Monodora tenuifolia Benth. Pepe Grain Wild
Ricinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Pierre ex Heckel Djansan Grain Wild
Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. & Thonn.) Taub. Caroube Leaf Wild
Vernonia amygdal Del. Ndole Tuber Cultivated
Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott Macabo Grain Cultivated
Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich Ekolababa Fr uit Wild

ing exploitation, marketing and transfor- for the treatment of erectile dysfunctions.
mation of the bark into extract. Most of Traditionally, the bark is used as an aphro-
the bark exploitation was undertaken in the disiac, local anaesthesic, mild stimulant,
Cameroon montane areas and the Bamenda hallucinogen, general tonic and perform-
highlands (Cunningham et al., 1997). Pro- ance-enhancer for athletes. The bark is
fessional collectors employed by Plantecam harvested during the rainy season when the
and local people collected the bark from yohimbine content is at its highest.
the trees. In addition to widespread local use,
Plantecam was the only licence- the plant has long been exported to Eu-
holder for bark collection in Cameroon until rope for the preparation of yohimbine-
1987. During the last few years, over 50 based prescription drugs for the treatment
new contractors have received a licence for of diabetes-related male organic impo-
exploitation of Prunus africana (Hook. f.) tency.
Kalkman bark. Consequently, exploitation The bark is obtained from wild
has intensified because of competition populations and most of the bark exploita-
among a number of companies. Some col- tion currently takes place in Cameroon.
lectors have started to cut down and de- There is the possibility of exploitation in
bark the entire tree causing its death Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Plantecam,
(Cunningham et al., 1997). The over-ex- the sole supplier of bark to Europe, sup-
ploitation of Prunus africana (Hook. f.) plied around 100 tonnes of bark annually
Kalkman resources in Cameroon and else- until 1996.
where (e.g. in Madagascar and Kenya) led The seeds of Voacanga spp. are also
to the registration of this species in the exported to Europe. In the mid 1970s,
Appendix II of the Convention on the In- Voacanga africana Stapf seed export ex-
ternational Trade of the Species of Fauna ceeded Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman
and Flora (CITES) in 1994. The destruc- bark. In 1976, five hundred tonnes of
tive harvesting of the bark in combination Voacanga africana Stapf seeds were sold
with the considerable value of the resources for the production of alkaloid tabersonine,
has led to the cultivation of this tree. which is a starting material for the manu-
Pausinystalia johimbe (Schuma.) facture of vincamine and vinpocetin, used
Beille is also a medicinal tree of economic in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and
importance on the international market. epilepsy.
The tree is native to the coastal forests of Cosmetic products used in Cameroon
Central Africa and is found from south- include essential oils of Monodora
eastern Nigeria to the Congolese Mayombe myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal and Xylopia
(Vivan and Faure, 1985). The tree bark is aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich. The oil of
the source of an alkaloid yohimbine used moabi (Baillonella toxisperma Pierre) and

the shea tree butter (Butyrospermum parkii stituted to look after the practice of tradi-
(G. Don) Kotschy [=Vitellaria paradoxa tional medicine. Only registered TMPs are
C. F. Gaertn.]) are used for the manufac- allowed to practise traditional medicine.
ture of soap and beauty lotions. The oil of There is no official legislative or regula-
cabbage tree (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is tory body governing the practice. There
also used in cosmetics (FAO, 1999a). are no licensing procedures for TMPs or
traditional remedies in the country. TMPs
5.4 Central African Republic are not involved in the primary health-care
Medicinal plants have gained a high programme at local or national level.
socio-economic value in the country. They There is no official training facility or pro-
are generally collected from the wild and gramme for traditional medicine (WHO,
used by the local communities. Traditional 1992).
medicines are not sold on the market (FAO,
1993). The supply of Rauvolfia vomitoria
5.5 D. R. Congo
Afzel. and Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. The Democratic Republic of Congo
Rich. is sourced from the eastern part of (D. R. Congo) lies across the Equator. The
the country (FAO, 1999b). Piper guineense equatorial wet tropical climate makes it
Schumach. & Thonn., Xylopia aethiopica the most biologically diverse country of the
(Dunal) A. Rich., and Afromomum spp. are Congo basin. It is one of the world’s rare
exported to neighbouring countries (Came- rainforests, constituting about 10,000 spe-
roon, Chad, Nigeria and Sudan). The roots cies of flowering plants of which 3,000
of Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel and Parinari have been reported to be endemic to the
excelsa Sabine are internationally traded. central basin, the mountainous area of the
These two species are exploited in all of east and the high plateaus of Shaba re-
the agro-climatic zones of the country gion. The equatorial rainforests contain
(FAO, 1999b). The Rauvolfia vomitoria plant species of high commercial impor-
Afzel roots are exported to Italy. Gum tance like Cinchona and Rauvolfia. The
Arabic is sourced from the northern parts important medicinal plant species on the
of Bangani. From 1996 to 1999, an an- Kisangani and Beni markets are given in
nual volume of 300 to 400 tonnes of gum Table 3 (Bauma, 1999).
Arabic was exported to European Union. In A research programme has been ini-
addition, a private company exported 98 tiated with the support of the International
tonnes of gum Arabic in 1999 (FAO, 1999b). Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ot-
tawa to study the potential of traditional
Traditional Systems of Medicine medicine. A new department has been es-
In the Central African Republic, lo- tablished within the Congo National Re-
cal inter-sectoral councils have been con- search and Development Board, which

Table 3: Medicinal and aromatic plants species of DR Congo (Kisangani and Beni markets)

Botanical name Common name (dialect) Plant part(s)

Aframomum spp. Ndehe (Nonde), tondolo (Swahili), soso Fr uit, grain
Cola acuminata (P. Beauv.) Schott & Endl. Ngongoka (Nonde), libelu (Topoke), Grain
gbongbolia (Swahili)
Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Nganzi (Swahili) Fr uit
Garcinia cola Heckel Bobale (Topoke), olale (Lokele) Grain
Gnetum africanum Welw. Fumbwa (Kikongo) Leaf
Pentadiplandra brazzeana Baill. Geene (Topoke), etekele (Lokele) Root
Piper guineense Schumach. & Thonn. Bokango (Nonde), toketu (Lokele) Fr uit
Raphia spp. Mabondo (Swahili)
Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms Bumba (Topoke) Bark
Thaumatococcus daniellii (Benn.) Benth. ex Longodo (Ngelema), mangongo (Swahili) Leaf
B. D. Jacks.

deals with botany, pharmacology, ethno- care and employment to the rural popula-
medicine, psychopathology and anthropo- tion. The important medicinal plant spe-
logical aspects of medicinal plants. The cies are Prunus africana (Hook. f.)
botany and pharmacology sections record Kalkman, Garcinia kola Heckel, G. lucida,
and analyze medicinal plants used by heal- Aframomum spp., Enantia chlorantha Oliv.
ers and the ethnomedicine section conducts [=Annickia chlorantha (Oliv.) Setten &
exhaustive studies on the causes of diseases Maas], Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-
and on the effectiveness of traditional Lecomte ex O’Rorke) Baill., Piper gui-
treatments. The establishment of a her- neense Schumach. & Thonn., Ricinoden-
barium is under plan. dron heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel, Monodora
The D. R. Congo exports Cinchona myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal, Afrostyga spp.,
spp. and Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich. and
Kalkman, mainly to the European coun- Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach.) Taub.
tries. At national level, there is no regu- Most of the medicinal plants on the do-
lation for the protection of threatened plant mestic market are imported, although they
species such as Millettia laurentii De are available in the country (Sunderland
Wild., Afrormosia elata Harms, Diospyros and Obama, 2000). The exported medici-
spp. and Eremospatha spp. nal plant species are Prunus africana
(Hook. f.) Kalkman , Piper guineense
5.6 Equatorial Guinea Schumach. & Thonn. and Ir vingia
Medicinal plants are of high socio- gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O’Rorke)
economic significance in providing health Baill.

Most of the rural population depends tween 1992 and 1994. In 1997, the APRA
on traditional medicine for health care. started exporting Prunus africana (Hook.
Medicinal plants are generally collected f.) Kalkman bark in powder form directly
and sold by specialists. On the Bata and to Spain.
Mbini markets, at least 17 medicinal plants
Traditional Systems of Medicine
have been identified (Sunderland and
Obama, 2000). The bark of Prunus Equatorial Guinea officially regulates
africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman is much in the practice of traditional medicine through
demand on national and international mar- a licensing and registration process of
kets. The bark is used in the preparation TMPs. It does not have a procedure for
of traditional medicine and is also exported the official approval of traditional medi-
to Europe for benign prostate hyperplasia. cal practices or remedies. TMPs are not
From 1992 to 1998, 210 tonnes per an- part of the national primary health-care
num of Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman programme. The country offers training
bark were exported to Spain (Sunderland facilities and programmes in traditional
and Tako, 1999). medicine for health workers and local peo-
Equatorial Guinea consists of three ple. The consultation fee of TMPs has been
diverse territories: the mainland territory standardized although it is still not
of Rio Muni, the island of Annobon and reimbursable (WHO, 1992).
the island of Bioko. The Prunus africana
(Hook. f.) Kalkman trees are found in the 5.7 Gabon
montane forests of Bioko, where the bark In Gabon, the local communities
is harvested. The company, Aprove- make use of a number of medicinal plants
chamiento Agricola (APRA), is a subsidi- in the preparation of traditional remedies.
ary of the Spanish company Natra and is Demand for medicinal plant material is met
registered in Equatorial Guinea to export either through collection from the wild or
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman bark importation from neighbouring countries.
from Equatorial Guinea to Europe. The The Garcinia kola Heckel. bark and the
importance of this relatively unexploited Irvingia spp. seeds are imported from
resource of the island of Bioko has grown Cameroon (Ndoye et al., 1999). Some
as the supplies from other countries have important medicinal plants are given in Ta-
become scarce or subject to strict regula- ble 4 (Manembet, 2000).
tions (Sunderland and Tako, 1999). Bouet Mount and Akebe at Libreville
Commercial harvesting of the bark are the principal markets for trade of me-
in Bioko began in 1992-93. Official ex- dicinal plants. The medicinal plant spe-
port data estimates that 200 tonnes of cies Aframomum giganteum (Oliv. & D.
dried bark per annum were exported be- Hanb.) K. Schum. and A. melegueta K.

Schum. are widely used in the traditional of Congo. Over-exploitation of resources
systems of medicine to cure influenza, and habitat destruction are the major fac-
cough and diarrhoea (Manembet, 2000). tors for rarefaction of medicinal plant spe-
cies in high demand. On the Point Black
Table 4: Some important medicinal plant market, more than 100 medicinal and aro-
species of Gabon
matic plants and condiments such as Piper
Aframomum spp. guineense Schumach. & Thonn. and Xylopia
Afrostyrax lepidophyllus Mildbr. aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich. are sold
Antrocar yon klaineanum Pierre
(Kimpouni, 1999).
Cola spp.
Dacr yodes spp.
Traditional Systems of Medicine
Dacr yodes edulis (G. Don) H. J. Lam
Garcinia spp. In Congo, about 90% of the popula-
Gnetum africanum Welw. tion relies on traditional medicine for
Guibourtia tessmannii (Harms) J. Léonard
health care. In rural areas, herbalists and
Ir vingia gabonensis (Aubr y-Lecomte ex O'Rorke)
Baill. spiritualists are the common practitioners
Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal of traditional medicine while in urban ar-
Panda oleosa Pierre
eas, natural medicine providers are more
Pseudospondias longifolia Engl.
Pteridium aquilinium (L.) Kuhn frequent. Scientific studies have confirmed
Raphia spp. the efficacy of a number of Congolese tra-
Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach.) Taub. ditional medical products distributed
throughout Africa.
In 1982, the Traditional Medicine
TMPs are part of the national pri- Branch of the Ministry of Health and So-
mary health-care programme. Gabon does cial Affairs expanded to become the Tradi-
not have official legislative or regulatory tional Medicine Service. It was given the
texts governing the practice of traditional responsibility for conducting research in
medicine. There are no licensing proce- traditional medicine, enriching the national
dures or official approvals for traditional herbarium with medicinal plant specimens,
medical practices and remedies. The Ga- gathering medicinal formulae, populariz-
bon government does not provide any offi- ing traditional medicine, and integrating
cial training facilities or programmes for traditional and allopathic medicine.
traditional medicine (WHO, 1992). The National Centre of Traditional
Medicine was established in 1987 to pro-
5.8 Republic of Congo
mote research, manufacture traditional
Medicinal and aromatic plants are a medical products, exchange information
natural resource of high socio-economic with other traditional medicine institutions,
importance to the people of the Republic train allopathic doctors and students in tra-

ditional medicine, and educate TMPs in the and bark are the dominantly utilized plant
aseptic preparation of medicines. parts. Medicinal plants have great poten-
Congo has official legislative and tial of development and will maintain their
regulatory documents governing the prac- presence in Congo due to low levels of in-
tice of traditional medicine and it has lo- come and the high cost of modern drugs
cal and national inter-sectoral councils for (FAO, 1999c).
traditional medicine. Local officials au-
thorize the practice of traditional medicine
5.9 Rwanda
in their administrative sub-divisions. TMPs Rwanda has made an organized ef-
are involved in the primary health-care fort to study the traditional pharmacopoeia
programme. However, in certain centres and the medicinal and aromatic plants used
this integration is extremely weak. as medicaments.
A licensing process, a national asso-
Traditional Systems of Medicine
ciation and a register of TMPs are effec-
tive in the country. The Health Services There are local and national inter-
Management of the Ministry of Health, the sectoral councils for traditional medicine
National Union of Traditional Therapists, in Rwanda. Only registered TMPs are al-
and other professional traditional medicine lowed to practise traditional medicine.
associations are reviewing the qualifica- There are no official legislative or regula-
tions of TMPs although there are no set tory procedures for governing the practice
criteria for these evaluations. of traditional medicine, licensing TMPs or
The country has an established struc- granting official approval of traditional
ture for the TMPs’ consultation fees, al- medical practices and remedies. However,
though there is no procedure for the reim- the country offers traditional medicine
bursement of such expenditures (WHO, training facilities for local people (WHO,
2001). 1992).

Medicinal Plant Resources Medicinal Plant Resources

TMPs make use of about 800 medici- The ethnobotanical studies have iden-
nal plants in the preparation of more than tified hundreds of medicinal plants ex-
1,500 drug formulations (FAO, 1999c). ploited in Rwanda (Lewis, 1992). FAO has
About 51 medicinal plants were reported enumerated 59 medicinal plants used in
to be traded at the Brazzaville market traditional medicine for both human and
(Diafouka and Bitsindou, 1993). About veterinary use (FAO, 1999d). There are
67% of medicinal plant species are found sufficient quantities of medicinal plant spe-
in the wild, of which 42% in forests and cies to initiate a pilot scale production of
the rest in savannah woodlands. The root medicaments that are much in demand.

About 20 such medicinal and aromatic Perr. & Guill. and others. Rwanda has a
plant species (Table 5) can be used for in- millenary pastoral tradition of practising
digenous systems of medicine to manufac- traditional veterinary medicine. There are
ture herbal medicines. 39 species that are widely used in veteri-
nary medicine (FAO, 1999d). Some me-
Table 5: Leading medicinal and aromatic dicinal and aromatic plants used in hu-
plants of Rwanda
man and veterinary medicine are given in
Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Table 6 (FAO, 1999d).
Agave sisilana Perrine
Capsicum annuum L. R&D Activities
Capsicum fr utescens L.
Carica papaya L. R&D activities are concentrated in
Cathranthus roseus (L.) G. Don the Traditional Pharmacopoeial Aromatic
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. and Medicinal Plant Centres at the facul-
Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Bern. Moens ex.
ties of Science and Medicine of the Na-
Cucurbita pepo L. tional University of Rwanda, the National
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), the
Datura stramonium L. Rwanda’s Institute of Agronomic Sciences
Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
(ISAR), and the National Pharmaceutical
Lycopodium clavatum L.
Melaleuca leucadendron (L.) L. Laboratory (LABOPHAR). The National
Nerium oleander L. Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) and
Ocimum basilicum L. the Institute of the Scientific and Techno-
Rheum officinale Baill. logical Research (IRST) are engaged in
Ricinus communis L.
R&D activities on development of technolo-
Sesamum indicum L.
gies for essential oil extraction and process-
ing of plant material for the production of
drugs (FAO, 1999d).
In Rwanda, there are more species
available in sufficient quantities that war- 5.10 Sao Tome and Principe
rant further assessment. Medicinal spe-
cies include Erythrina abyssinica Lam. ex The use of over 93 medicinal plants
DC., Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J. F. has been documented in Sao Tome and
Gmel., Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Quart.- Principe by the Royal Botanic Gardens of
Dill. & A. Rich. and Ranunculus multifidus Kew. The most common medicinal plant
Forssk. Most of the medicinal and aro- species include Allophylus africanus P.
matic plant species are collected from the Beauv, Chenopodium ambrosioides L.,
grasslands and some are cultivated such Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken ,
as Allium sativum L., Clematis hirsuta Ocimum gratissimum L., Rauvolfia spp.

Table 6: Medicinal plants used in human and veterinary traditional medicine in Rwanda

Botanical name Vernacular name Therapeutical uses/indications Ecology

Acacia abyssinica Hochst. ex Benth. Umunyinya Mastitis Sa

Acacia brevispica Harms Umugeyo Febrifuge, snake bite, antimalarial, Sa
Acacia hockii De Wild. Umunyinya Veterinar y use Sa
Acanthus pubescens Engl. [=Acanthus Igitovu Poliomyelitis, eczema Sa
polystachyus var. pseudopubescens
Aloe volkensii Engl. Igikakar ubamba Gastritis, haematurea Sa
Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Bernh. Umusibya Uterine prolapse Sa
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. Umukaka Veterinar y use F
Blepharispermum pubescens S. Moore Umunyuragisaka Veterinar y use Sa
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. Umugimbu Veterinar y use -
Cassia didymobotr ya Fresen. [=Senna Umubagabaga Purgative, anthelmintic, Sa
didymobotr ya (Fresen.) H. S. Ir win & haemorrhoids, pneumonia, cough,
Barneby] rheumatism, eye problems, stiff neck
Cassia occidentalis L. [=Senna Umuyoka Enteritis, ascariasis, snake bite Sa
occidentalis (L.) Link]
Chr ysophyllum gor ungosanum Engl. Umubombwe Poliomyelitis F
Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Bern. Ikinini Antimalarial, veterinar y use P
Moens ex Trimen
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Umuno Poliomyelitis F
Clerodendr um bucholzii Guerke Umukuzanyana Ner vous disorders, threatened Sa
Clerodendr um johnstoni Oliv. Ikinyakur we Veterinar y use F
Clerodendr um myricoides (Hochst.) Umukuzanyana Articular pain, neuralgia, dysenter y, Sa
Vatke veterinar y use
Clutia abyssinica Spach Umutalishonga Hepatitis, urethral flow, rheumatism, Sa
gastritis, veterinar y use
Coleus spp. Cough, haemorrhoids, ascariasis Sa
Crotalaria incana L. Umuyogera Mastitis, otitis Sa
Crotalaria intermedia Kotschy Umuyogera Burns Sa
[=Crotalaria brevidens var. intermedia
(Kotschy) Polhill]
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. Umusasa Veterinar y use Sa
Dombeya goetzenii K. Schum. Umukore Veterinar y use F
[=Dombeya torrida subsp. torrida]
Dracaena afromontana Mildbr. Umuhati Colics (kidney and bladder), wounds, O
veterinar y use
Dracaena steudneri Schweinf. ex Engl. Umuhati Postpartum haemorrhage, O
veterinar y use
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich. Umusange Urethral flow, cough, veterinar y use Sa
Er ythrina abyssinica Lam. ex DC. Umuko Meningitis, gastritis, dysenter y, Sa
asthma, hepatitis, hepato-
splenomegalia, veterinar y use

Table 6 continued

Botanical name Vernacular name Therapeutical uses/indications Ecology

Er ythrococca bogensis Pax Umutinski Anthelmintic, placental retention, O
veterinar y use
Eucalyptus spp. Intur usu Whooping-cough, haemorrhoids, P
prolapsus, pneumonia
Euphorbia candelabr um Kotschy Umuduha Hydrocele, anthelmintic, wounds Sa
Euphorbia tir ucalli L. Umuyenzi Veterinar y use O
Fadogia spp. Umutanoga Purgative, ascariasis, broncho- Sa
pneumonia, hepatitis
Ficus spp. Umuvumu Mastitis, cholera O
Har ungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Umushayishayi Ascariasis, taeniasis, veterinar y use F
Hibiscus spp. Umutozo Threatened abortion, poliomyelitis, Sa
cough, rheumatism, snake bite
Indigofera erecta Thunb. Umusororo Gastritis, anthelmintic, ulcers, F
epilepsy, stiff neck, veterinar y use
Lantana trifolia L. Umuhengeri Cough, snake bite, mastitis, Sa
veterinar y use
Lobelia gibberoa Hemsl. Intomvu Veterinar y use F
Macaranga spp. Umusekera Ner vous disorders, veterinar y use F
Maesa lanceolata Forssk. Umuhanga Epilepsy, whooping-cough, F
dysenter y, acne, oozing dermatosis,
deliver y, abdominal colic, stiff neck,
veterinar y use
Maesopsis eminii Engl. Umuhumura Laxative F
Markhamia lutea (Benth.) K. Schum. Umusave C o ugh Sa
Microglossa spp. Umuhe Veterinar y use F
Millettia dura Dunn Umuyogoro Veterinar y use F
Myrica spp. Isubyo Ner vous disorders, gastritis Sa
Mitragyna r ubrostipulata O. Ktze. Umuzibaziba Oxytocic Sa
Ocimum americanum L. Isonga Cough, heart, broncho-pneumonia, Sa
veterinar y use
Ocimum suave Willd. [=Ocimum Umwenya Febrifuge, antimalarial, Sa
gratissimum L.] pleuropneumonia, ascariasis
Olea europaea L. Umunzenze Broncho-pneumonia, cough, burns, Sa
eyes problems, febrifuge, veterinar y
Pavetta spp. Umumenamabuye - F
Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. Ur ubingo Mastitis, burns O
Phytolacca dodecandra L'Hér. Umuko Ner vous disorders, anal prolapsus, Sa
otitis, burns, scale, wrench,
abortions; veterinar y use
Plectranthus spp. Icyegera Aromatic, abortifacient Sa
Polyscias fulva (Hiern) Harms Umwungo Arthralgia F
Protea madiensis Oliv. Igihungeri Headaches, anthelmintic, broncho- Sa
Psidium guajava L. Ipera Cholera, gastritis O

Table 6 continued
Botanical name Vernacular name Therapeutical uses/indications Ecology
Psorospermum febrifugum Ishangi Anal haemorrhoids, prolapsus, -
broncho-pneumonia, leprosy, ulcers,
Rhus spp. Umumara Oxytocic, leprosy, haemorrhoids Sa
Rhamnus prinoides L'Hér. Umunanira Ner vous disorders F
Ricinus communis L. Ikibonobono Threatened abortion, amoebiasis, O
anal prolapsus, veterinar y use
Rubia cordifolia L. Umukarara Colics (kidney and bladder), F
rheumatism, otitis
Rumex usambarensis (Dammer) Umufumbegeshi Hepatitis -
Senecio spp. Umutagara Ner vous disorders, hydrocele, O
veterinar y use
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. Umunyegenyege Veterinar y use O
Solanum abyssinicum Jacq. ex Vitm. Umutobotobo Eyes problems Sa
Solanum incanum L. Umucucu Whooping-cough, urethral flow, Sa
veterinar y use
Solanum terminale Forssk. Umuhanurankuba Abortifacient Sa
Synadenium grantii Hook. f. Umukoni Cough, burns, leprosy, warts, pain Sa
Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd Umuravumba Cough, headache, scab, lar yngitis, O
haematurea, veterinar y use

Vernonia amygdalina Delile Umubilizi Amoebiasis, hepatitis, renal colics, Sa

febrifuge, antimalarial, anti-
ulcerous, veterinar y use
Vernonia lasiopus O. Hoffm. Igiheriheri Rheumatism, ascariasis, taeniasis, F
w o unds
F=forests; Sa=shrubby savannahs; P=plantations; O=others

and Voacanga africana Stapf, among oth- national inter-sectoral councils are active
ers. Approximately two-thirds of these in the field of traditional medicine. How-
plants are cultivated on degraded land and ever, there are no official legislative or regu-
the rest are collected from secondary for- latory texts governing the practice of tradi-
ests, including Rauvolfia spp., Voacanga tional medicine, no licensing process for
africana Stapf, and Allophylus africanus TMPs, no official training facilities or pro-
P. Beauv. The medicinal plant species found grammes and no procedures for the official
in primary forests are only known to a few approval of traditional medical practices or
elderly natives and TMPs (FAO, 1996). remedies. TMPs are not involved in the pri-
In Sao Tome and Principe, local and mary health-care programme (WHO, 1992).

Anonymous, 1984, Decree-Law no. 1/16 of 17 C. Boundzanga, Programme de Partenariat
May 1982, International Digest of Health CE-FAO, GCP/INT/679/EC, FAO, Rome,
Legislation, 35: 1 Italy
Bauma, I. L., 1999, A preliminary market sur- FAO, 1999d, Les données statistiques sur les
vey of the NWFP of the Democratic Repub- PFNL au Rwanda, par A. Murekezi, CE-
lic of Congo: the Beni and Kisangani mar- FAO Programme Partenariat, Projet GCP/
kets, In: Sunderland, T. C. H., Clark, L. E. INT/679/EC, FAO, Rome, Italy
and Vantomme, P. (Eds.), The NWFP of IUCN, 2000, 2000 IUCN red list of threat-
Central Africa: Current Research Issues and ened species, Compiled by Craig Hilton-
Prospects for Conservation and Develop- Taylor. Available at:
ment, FAO, Rome, Italy (20 Oct. 2002)
Cunningham, A. B. and Mbenkum, F. T., 1993, IUCN, WWF and GTZ, 2000, Protected areas
Sustainability of harvesting Prunus africana management effectiveness assessment for
Écorce in Cameroon: A Medicinal Plant in Central Africa-A development report, pre-
International Trade, People and Plants pared by Elie Hakizumwami and others for
Working Paper 2, UNESCO, Paris, France the Forest Innovations project, presented
Cunningham, M., Cunningham, A. B. and at the WWF “Beyond the Trees’ Confer-
Schippmann, U., 1997, Trade in Prunus ence”, May 2000, Bangkok, Thailand
africana and the implementation of CITES, Kimpouni, V., 1999, A preliminary market sur-
German Federal Agency for Nature Con- vey of NWFP traded in the Pointe-Noire
servation, Bonn, Germany, p. 52 markets (Congo-Brazzaville), In: Sunder-
Debat, J., 1966, Br. App., 25.893/66, 10 Jun. land, T. C. H., Clark, L. E. and Vantomme,
1996 P. (Eds.), The NWFP of Central Africa: Cur-
Diafouka, A., Bitsindou, M., 1993, Medicinal rent Research Issues and Prospects for Con-
plants sold in Brazzaville markets (Congo), servation and Development, FAO, Rome,
Proceedings of “First World Congress on Italy
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Laird, S. A., 1999, The management of forests
Welfare”, Acta Horticulture, No. 332, Aug. for timber and NWFP in Central Africa,
1993 In: Sunderland, T. C. H., Clark, L. E. and
FAO, 1993, République Centrafricaine, Vantomme P. (Eds.), The NWFP of Central
Séminaire sur les statistiques forestières en Africa: Current Research Issues and Pros-
Afrique, FAO, Thiès, Sénégal pects for Conservation and Development,
FAO, 1996, Sao Tome and Principe, Non-Wood FAO, Rome, Italy
News No. 3, FAO, Rome, Italy Lewis, J., 1992, Etude sur l’Utilisation des
FAO, 1999, Données statistiques des PFNL du produits forestières non ligneux, PAFT,
Burundi, par S. Ndabirorere, Programme Rwanda, FAO, Rome, Italy
de Partenariat CE-FAO, GCP/INT/679/EC, Manembet, S.M., 2000, Synthèse
FAO, Rome, Italy bibliographique sur les produits forestiers
FAO, 1999a, Les données statistiques sur les non ligneux en Afrique Centrale, rapport
PFNL au Cameroun, par Dr. Mbolo, CE- de stage, Association pour le Dévelopement
FAO Programme Partenariat, Projet GCP/ de l’Information Environnementale,
INT/679/EC, FAO, Rome, Italy Libreville, Gabon
FAO, 1999b, Données statistiques sur les PFNL Ndoye, O., Ruiz-Perez, M. and Eyebe A., 1999,
en République Centrafricaine, par M. NWFP Markets and potential degradation
Bonannée, CE-FAO Programme de of the forest resource in Central Africa, In:
Partenariat, Projet GCP/INT/679/EC, FAO, Sunderland, T. C. H., Clark, L. E. and
Rome, Italy Vantomme, P. (Eds.), The NWFP of Central
FAO, 1999c, Données sur les PFNL en Africa: Current Research Issues and Pros-
République du Congo, par G. Nkeoua et G. pects for Conservation and Development,

FAO, Rome, Italy United Republic of Cameroon, 1981, The Fifth
Nkuinkeu, R., 1999, Medicinal plants and for- Five Year Economic, Social and Cultural
est exploitation, In: Sunderland, T. C. H., Development Plan (1981-1986), Ministry
Clark, L. E. and Vantomme, P. (Eds.), The of Economic Affairs and Planning, Yaoundé,
NWFP of Central Africa: Current Research Cameroon
Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Vivan, J. and Faure, J. J., 1985, Arbres des
Development, FAO, Rome, Italy forêts denses d’Afrique Centrale, Publica-
Nsom, C. L. and Dick, J., 1992, An ethnobo- tions de l’Agence, Paris, France
tanical tree survey of the Kom area, Ijim WHO, 1992, Analysis of questionnaire on tra-
Mountain Forest Project (unpublished docu- ditional medicine, WHO, Geneva, Switzer-
ment) land (unpublished document WHO DOC.
Sunderland, T. and Obama, C., 2000, Étude 5183A/REV. DOC. 6136A )
préliminaire de marché sur les PFNL en WHO, 2001, Legal status of traditional medi-
Guinée Equatoriale, In: Sunderland, T. C. cine and complementary/alternative medi-
H., Clark, L. E. and Vantomme, P. (Eds.), cine: a worldwide review, WHO/EDM/TRM/
Recherches Actuelles et Perspectives pour 2001.2, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, p.189
la Conservation et le Développement, FAO, World Bank, 2000, World development report,
Rome, Italy Washington, USA
Sunderland, T. and Tako, C. T., 1999, The ex- WRI, 2001, Global forest watch: Cameroon’s
ploitation of Prunus africana on the Island forests. Available at:
of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea, report for the (23 Nov. 2002)
People and Plants Initiative, WWF-Germany WRI, UNEP and UNDP, 1992, World Re-
and the IUCN/SSC Medicinal Plant Special- sources Report 1992-93, Oxford University
ist Group. Available at: http://www. Press, New York and Oxford, UK/USA
bioko/bioko_prunus.htm (8 Aug. 2002)

Chapter 6

The Status of Medicinal Plants in South African


6.1 Introduction cies and 68% of them are reported to be

Southern Africa includes Angola, Bot- Over 70% of the population in the
swana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Na- region relies on traditional medicine de-
mibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and rived from local plant species for health-
Zimbabwe. They possess a rich diversity of care needs. Traditional medicine is both a
medicinal and aromatic plants as well as popular and dominant health-care system
knowledge of their use. Despite this rich- in Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland
ness of biological resources, most of the coun- and its popularity is increasing in South
tries in the region are poor. Governments Africa. Countries with an established
are not able to afford the high cost of mod- structure, budgetary support and training
ern drugs for their growing populations. As facilities in traditional medicine are given
a result, most of the rural population has to in Table 2.
rely on traditional medicine for their health- Most R&D activities revolve around
care needs. Medicinal plants are the essen- ethnobotanical studies. Efforts are
tial component of traditional remedies and underway to market medicinal and aro-
also an important source of income for ru- matic plants in high demand. The root and
ral people. There are about 24,000 vascu- bark of Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.)
lar plants in the region and 4,000 of them Chiov. has yielded antimicrobial
are medicinal and aromatic. About 350 sesquiterpenes warburganal and
plants are widely used in traditional rem- polygodial. Tubers of Swaziland species
edies. Some common medicinal and aro- Hypoxis rooperi Moore have been investi-
matic plant species are given in Table 1. gated for antitumour and anti-inflamma-
Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South tory properties, and hypoxicide has been
Africa and Swaziland are floristically rich characterized from the plant (van Wyk et
countries. Cape Floristic Province in South al., 1997; Drewes et al., 1984). These two
Africa has the greatest extratropical con- plant species have been marketed in Eu-
centration of higher plant species in the rope.
world. This province alone has 8,600 spe- Demand for medicinal plant material

Table 1: Some common medcinal and aromatic plants of South African countries

Botanical name Common name Plant part(s) Therapeutical uses/indications Country(ies)

Acacia amythethophylla - Root Convulsions Zimbabwe
Steud. ex A. Rich.
Acacia karoo Hayne Karoo, thorn Root, bark Convulsions, diarrhoea, Zimbabwe,
tree antimalarial Mozambique
Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. Gum Arabic Root, gum Diarrhoea, antimalarial, Mozambique
ex Del. tree respirator y problems
Acalypha sinensis Klotzsch. - - Diarrhoea Malawi
Acridocarpus natalitius Juss. Mobophe Pod, root Diarrhoea Mozambique
Adansonia digitata L. Baobab tree Bark, leaf Diarrhoea, antimalarial Mozambique
Agathosma betulina (Berg) Buchu Leaf Kidney and urinar y tract South Africa
Pill. diseases, rheumatic pain
Albizia antunesiana Harms - Root Aphrodisiac Zimbabwe
Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. Kalmoes Root Tuberculosis, diarrhoea, Lesotho,
& Zeyh. headache, antimalarial Zimbabwe,
Aloe ferox (L.) Burm. f. Bitter aloe Leaf Conjunctivitis, venereal sores South Africa
Aloe marlothii A. Berger Aloe Leaf Sexual complaints Mozambique
Annona senegalensis Pers. Custard apple Bark Diarrhoea, respirator y and Mozambique
sexual complaints
Annona stenophylla Engl. - Root Antiemetic, syphillis Zimbabwe
& Diels.
Ansellia gigantean Reichb. f. Orchid Stem Antiemetic, respirator y Zimbabwe,
complaints Mozambique
Aristolochia petersiana - Root Antimalarial Malawi,
Klotzsch. Zimbabwe
Artemisia afra Jacq. Wormwood Leaf Antimalarial South Africa,
Aspilia pluriseta Schweinf. - Root General pain Zimbabwe
Balanites maughamii Sprag. Torchwood Root Emetic South Africa
Bersama tysoniana Oliv. White ash Bark Fever, hysteria South Africa
Blumea alata (D. Don) DC. - Leaf Fever Zimbabwe
Boophane disticha Herb. Tumbleweed Bulb scales Rheumatic pain South Africa
Bowiea volubilis Har v. ex Climbing lily Corm Oedema, female sterility South Africa
Hook. f.
Bridelia cathartica Bertol. f. - Leaf Antimalarial, sexual Mozambique
Capparis tomentosa Lam. - Root Respirator y problems Mozambique
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N. E. Hottentot's fig Leaf Oral and genital thr ush South Africa
Casearia aspera - - Tuberculosis Lesotho
Cassia abbreviata Oliv. Senna Bark, root, Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, Zambia,
fr uit constipation Zimbabwe
Cassia petersiana Bolle Dwar f cassia - Syphilis, pneumonia Malawi

Table 1 continued

Botanical name Common name Plant part(s) Therapeutical uses/indications Country(ies)

Cassine papillosa (Hochst.) Common saffronBark - South Africa
Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl. False seasame - Measles Malawi
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Worm seed Leaf Convulsions, ner vous disorders Zimbabwe
Cissampelos pareira L. Velvet leaf Root Abdominal pains, backache, Zimbabwe,
infertility, diarrhoea, sexual Mozambique
Clausena anisata Hook. f. Bois d'anis - Cold, fever South Africa
Clematopsis scabiosifolia - Root Headache Zimbabwe
Clerodendr um myricoides Butter fly bush Leaf Convulsions Zimbabwe
(Hochst.) Vatke
Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Bosse Bush lily Root Snakebite, fever South Africa
Combretum molle R. Br. Velvet leaf bush Root Diarrhoea Zimbabwe,
willow Mozambique
Cr yptocar ya latifolia Sond. Broad leaved Bark Respirator y problems South Africa
Curtisia dentata (Burm f.) C. Assegaai Bark - South Africa
A. Smith
Cyathea capensis (L. f.) J. E. Tree fern - - Swaziland
Datura stramonium L. Datura Leaf Asthma Zimbabwe
Dialiopsis africana Radlk. - Root Antimalarial Zambia
Dianthus mooiensis Williams - - - Swaziland
subsp. kirkii (Burtt Davy)
Dicerocar yum zanguebari- Boot protector Leaf Measles Zimbabwe
cum Merr.
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. - Fr uit Syphillis, sexual complaints Zimbabwe,
& A. Mozambique
Dicoma anomala Sond. Uzara Tuber Skin infections, abdominal Lesotho,
pain, anti-emetic, backache Zimbabwe
Dioscorea sylvatica (Kunth) Elephant's foot Tuber Chest complaints South Africa,
Eckl. Malawi
Elephantorrhiza elephantina - Root Diarrhoea, sexual complaints Mozambique
Elephantorrhiza goetzei - Root Constipation, diarrhoea Zimbabwe
(Harms) Harms
Eriosema cordatum E. Mey. - - Sexual complaints Mozambique
Er ythrina abyssinica DC. - - Gonorrhoea Malawi,
Erthrophleum suaveolens Red water tree Bark Sexual problems Malawi
(Guill & Perrot) Brenan
Euclea natalensis DC. - Root Antimalarial, respirator y Mozambique,
problems, ulcers Malawi

Table 1 continued

Botanical name Common name Plant part(s) Therapeutical uses/indications Country(ies)

Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Wild pineapple Bulb Anti-inflammator y South Africa
Eulophia spp. Orchid - Anaemia Malawi
Euphorbia ingens E. Mey. Candelabra tree Latex Asthma Zimbabwe
Garcinia livingstonei T. - - Diarrhoea Mozambique
Geranium caffr um Cranesbill - Wounds, diarrhoea, childhood Lesotho
Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel Gladiolus Corm Diarrhoea Mozambique
Gnidia kraussiana Meissn. - Root, tuber Abortifacient, constipation Zimbabwe
Grewia flavescens Juss. Donkey berr y Seed Measles Zimbabwe
Harpagophytum procumbens Devil's claw Tuber Rheumatism South Africa,
DC. ex Meiss. Namibia
Harpagophytum zeyheri Devil's claw Tuber Rheumatism Namibia
Helichr ysum caespititum - - Tuberculosis Lesotho
S o nd.
Heteromorpha trifoliata - Root Infertility Zimbabwe
Eckl. & Zeyh.
Hypoxis rooperi Moore African potato Root Immunostimulant South Africa,
Indigofera arrecta Hochest. Java indigo Root Abortifacient Zimbabwe
ex A. Rich.
Kigelia africana (Lam.) Sausage tree Fr uit Diarrhoea Mozambique
Lannea discolor (Sond.) Engl. - - Sexual complaints Mozambique
Lannea edulis (Sond.) Engl. Wild grape Root Bilhar zia Zimbabwe
Lippia javanica (Burm. f.) - Leaf Convulsions, fever, Zimbabwe,
Spreng. antimalarial, respirator y Mozambique
Malva par viflora L. Little mallow - Bodyache, arthritis, Lesotho
Mangifera indica L. Mango - Bronchitis Zambia
Maytenus senegalensis Confetti tree Root Threatened abortion, Zimbabwe,
(Lam.) Excell backache, diarrhoea Mozambique
Melia azedarach L. - - Diarrhoea Mozambique
Melolobiun alpinium - - Hypertension, diabetes Lesotho
Momordica balsamina L. - - Antimalarial Mozambique
Mondia whitei (Hook. f.) - Root Aphrodisiac, constipation Zimbabwe
Myrothamnus flabellifolia - Leaf Asthma Zimbabwe,
Welw. Mozambique
Ocotea bullata (Burch.) Baill. Stinkwood - Anti-inflammator y South Africa
Ozoroa insignis Del. - Root, bark Threatened abortion, Zimbabwe

Table 1 continued

Botanical name Common name Plant part(s) Therapeutical uses/indications Country(ies)

Ozoroa obovata (Oliv.) R. - - Diarrhoea Mozambique
& A. Fern.
Pelarginium sidoides DC. Umkcaloabo - - South Africa
Peltophor um africanum - Root Threatened abortion Zimbabwe
S o nd.
Pittospor um viridiflor um Cheesewood - - South Africa
Pr unus africana (Hook. f.) - - Sexual complaints Mozambique
Pterocarpus angolensis DC. - - Antimalarial, mouth ulcers Zambia
Rapanea melanophloeos Cape beech - - South Africa
(L.) Mez.
Rauvolfia caffra Sond. - - Antimalarial, respirator y Mozambique
Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) - - Sexual complaints Mozambique
Wild & Dr um.
Ricinus communis L. - Leaf, root Abortifacient, syphillis, Zimbabwe
Salacia kraussii Har v. - - Diarrhoea, antimalarial Mozambique
Salic mucronata Thunb. - - Rheumatism, fever South Africa
Sarcostemma viminale R. Br. - - Sexual complaints Mozambique
Scabiosa columbaria - - Tuberculosis Lesotho
Schotia brachypetala Sond. - - Diarrhoea Mozambique
Scilla natalensis Planch. Blue hyacinth - - South Africa
Sclerocar ya birrea (A. Rich.) - - Diarrhoea, sexual complaints Mozambique
Hochst. subsp. caffra (Sond.)
Securidaca longipedunculata - Root Backache, headache, ner vous Zimbabwe,
Fres. disorders, respirator y Mozambique,
problems Malawi
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link - - Antimalarial Mozambique
Siphonochilus aethiopicus African ginger - - South Africa,
(Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt. Swaziland
Spirostachys africanus Sond. - - Diarrhoea, antimalarial Mozambique
Stangeria eriopus Nash Natal grass - Anti-inflammator y South Africa
Steganotaenia araliacea - Root Amenorrhoea Zimbabwe
Str ychnos cocculoides Bak. - Root Amenorrhoea Zimbabwe
Sutherlandia fr utescens (L.) - - Hypertension, diabetes Lesotho
R. Br.
Swarizia madagascariensis - Po d Syphillis Zimbabwe
Tabernaemontana elegans - - Antimalarial, respirator y Mozambique
Stapf. problems

Table 1 continued

Botanical name Common name Plant part(s) Therapeutical uses/indications Country(ies)

Tamarindus indica L. - - Sexually transmitted diseases Malawi
Tephrosia semiglabra Sonder - - Hypertension, diabetes Lesotho
Terminalia sericea Burch. - Root, bark Threatened abortion, Zimbabwe,
antiemetic, bilhar zias Mozambique
Trichilia emetica Vahl. - Bark Abortifacient, diarrhoea Zimbabwe,
Trichodesma ambacense - Tuber Syphillis Zimbabwe
Wall. Excell
Trichodesma physaloides - Tuber Aphrodisiac Zimbabwe
(Fenzl.) A. DC.
Trifolium burchelianum - - Hypertension, diabetes Lesotho
Triumfetta welwitschii Mast. - Tuber Threatened abortion Zimbabwe
Tulbaghia leucantha Bak. - Whole plant Ner vous disorders Zimbabwe
Urginea altissima Bak. - Bulb Rheumatism Zimbabwe
Vernonia amygdalina Del. Vernonia tree Root Amenorrhoea, infertility Zimbabwe
Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Bitter leaf - Respirator y problems Mozambique
Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. Pepperbark tree Bark Headache, respirator y South Africa,
f.) Chiov. problems Zimbabwe,
Xysmalobium undulatum R. Uzara Root, seed Cardiac problems, diarrhoea South Africa
Zanha africana (Radlkof.) - Root Headache Zimbabwe
Zanthoxylum capense Fever tree - Antimalarial Mozambique
(Thunb.) Har v.
Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Cape thorn Root Diarrhoea, sexual complaints Mozambique

often exceeds supply. Local consumption South Africa. Some countries also export
dominates the export volume except for medicinal plant material to the interna-
some plant species. Medicinal plant trade tional market. Botswana, Namibia and
is informal, generally it takes place within South Africa are the major exporters of
and between neighbouring countries. medicinal plant material. The major me-
South Africa exports Swartzia madaga- dicinal plant species internationally traded
scariensis Desv. to Lesotho; Swaziland ex- are Aloe ferox (L.) Burm. f., Harpago-
ports Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) phytum procumbens DC. ex Meiss., and H.
Chiov. to South Africa and Mozambique; zeyheri Decne. In addition, South Africa
and Malawi exports Jateorhiza spp. to also exports Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.,
Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Glycyrrhiza, Origanum and Salvia species.

Table 2: Traditional medicine structure in South African Countries

Country Legal framework National management Association(s) of Directory National

bo dy TMPs of TMPs budget
Angola No Yes - Yes No
Botswana No No Dingaka Society, No No
Botswana Dingaka
Kwame Traditional
Association, United
Lesotho Natural Therapeutic Universal Natural Therapeutic Yes No
Practitioners Act, Medicinemen and Practitioners
1976 (Section 2), Herbalists Council Association
Lesotho Universal
Medicinemen and
Herbalists Council
Act, 1978 (Section
Malawi No Yes Herbalists No No
Association of
Malawi, Asing'anga
of Malawi, Chizgani
Association of Mzuzu
Mozambique Yes No Association dos No No
Medicos, Tradicionais
de Mocambique
Namibia Traditional Healers Namibian Traditional Namibia Eagle No No
Bill, 1998 Medical Practitioners Traditional Healers
Board, Association
Traditional Healers
South Africa No No Traditional Healers No No
Swaziland No No - No No
Zambia National Dr ug Traditional Health Yes No
Policy Practitioners -
Association of Zambia
Zimbabwe Natural Therapists Traditional Medical Zimbabwe National Yes No
Act, 1981, Practitioners Council Traditional Healers
Traditional Medical Association
Practitioners (ZINATHA)
Council Act, 1981

Some important medicinal and aromatic of medicinal plants specific to respective

plants in international trade are given in countries and used locally in traditional
Table 3. There is, moreover, a wide range medicine.

Table 3: Common medicinal and aromatic plants exported from Southern Africa

Plant species Plant part(s) Exporting country(ies)

Agathosma betulina (Berg) Pill. Leaf South Africa

Aloe ferox Mill. Leaf South Africa
Bracenridgea zanguebarica Bark Mozambique
Gloriosa superba L. Seed Mozambique
Glycyrrhiza spp. Root South Africa
Harpagophytum procumbens DC. ex Meiss. Root Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique,
South Africa
Harpagophytum zeyheri Decne. Root Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia
Hypoxis ropperi Moore Root Swaziland
Jateorhiza palmata Miers Root Mozambique
Origanum spp. Leaf South Africa
Pelargonium sidoides DC. Leaf South Africa
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afz. Root Mozambique
Ricinus communis L. Seed Mozambique
Salvia spp. Flower South Africa
Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. Rhizome, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
Birtt. root
Sutherlandia fr utescens (L.) R. Br. Leaf South Africa
Tabernaemontana elegans Stapf. Seed Mozambique
Terminalia sericea Burch. Bark Mozambique
Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov. Bark Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa,
Xysmalobium undulatum R. Br. Root South Africa

Malawi and South Africa import 1993).

plant drugs from neighbouring countries The region has the highest concen-
because of their dwindling resources. tration of threatened plants in the world
Most of the plant material is sourced (Cowling and Hilton-Taylor, 1994). Among
through wild collection, while only a few the 17,000 endemic species, the existence
species are cultivated. Efforts have been of 13% of these species is threatened with
made to cultivate Warburgia salutaris extinction due to over-exploitation and
(Bertol. f.) Chiov., Siphonochilus habitat destruction. South Africa (45)
aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt. and registers the highest number of threatened
Agathosma spp. in South Africa, and plant species followed by Mozambique
Harpogophytum procumbens DC. ex Meiss (36), Angola (19), Malawi and Zimbabwe
in Namibia and Botswana. Leaf, root and (14 species each), (IUCN, 2000). These
bark are the most commonly collected parts figures continue to grow. It has been esti-
(Cunningham, 1997; Scholes and Walker, mated that 58 species had become extinct

by 1995, compared to 39 by 1980. The species found in Angola, 40 species are
number of endangered species has grown used in traditional medicine (Zola, 1999).
from 105 to 250 during the same period TMPs are the main health-care pro-
(Hilton-Taylor, 1996). In Cape Floristic viders in the country but they are not part
Province of South Africa alone there are of the national health-care programme.
1,430 threatened species and 26 species There are no official legislative or regula-
are already extinct. tory texts, training facilities or pro-
Many threatened plants are of me- grammes governing the practice of tradi-
dicinal importance: Harpagophytum tional medicine and no licensing procedure
procumbens DC. ex Meiss. from Botswana; for TMPs. Only a registry of TMPs is main-
Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. tained (WHO, 1992).
Birtt. from Namibia; and Warburgia
salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov., Ledebouria 6.3 Botswana
hypoxidoides , Mystacidium millaria , The Republic of Botswana is nestled
Ocotea bullata E. Mey., Aloe ferox (L.) between Namibia, South Africa, Zambia
Burm. f. from South Africa. Other threat- and Zimbabwe. In terms of biological di-
ened medicinal species are Artemisia afra versity, it is a relatively unexplored coun-
Jacq., Harpagophytum zeyheri Decne. , try. Besides the Kalahari Desert, the coun-
Hypoxis rooperii Moore and Sutherlandia try has vegetation in the zones neighbour-
frutescens (L.) R. Br. ing the desert, where the rainy conditions
favour the rich forest vegetation. A number
6.2 Angola of species from these zones are used for
Angola is located on the Atlantic medicinal purposes in traditional medicine.
coast of southern Africa and is bordered There are seven species of medicinal plants,
by Namibia to the south, Zambia to the which on the basis of phytochemical analy-
east and the Democratic Republic of Congo sis, are considered to be suitable for ob-
to the north. The climate varies from tropi- taining pharmaceuticals. These species are
cal in the north to subtropical in the south. Achillea millefolium L., Chenopodium
The natural vegetation consists of humid ambrosioides L., Datura inoxia Mill., Datura
tropical forests, savannahs and deserts. stramonium L., Ocimum americanum L.,
Most of the population in the coun- Ricinus communis L. and Strophanthus
try suffers from malnutrition and HIV/ kombe Oliv. This list is not comprehensive,
AIDS. Access to modern medicine and and in addition, there are over 20 plants
treatments is limited. Medicinal plants growing wild in Botswana which merit
meet the needs of rural people for health- evaluation from the industrial viewpoint.
care and are also a source of supplemen- Devil’s claw ( Harpagophytum
tary income. Among 235 classified tree procumbens DC. ex Meiss.) is an endemic

medicinal plant of commercial importance is used for curing sexually transmitted dis-
in the Kalahari Desert. Its roots and rhi- eases. Many medicinal plants have become
zomes have been sold on the European mar- endangered due to over-exploitation for
ket as a source of raw material for domestic use and export (Walter, 2001).
antirheumatic medicaments (Lewington, Traditional medicine is integrated
1993). The commercial harvesting of the into the national health-care system. The
species has depleted up to 66% of the plant Natural Therapeutic Practitioners Act of
population in its natural habitat 1976 regulates the practice of traditional
(Cunningham, 1997). medicine in the country (Anonymous,
TMPs, popularly known as Ngakas, 1978). The Lesotho Universal Medicine
provide health-care services primarily to and Herbalist Council is responsible for
the rural population. About 95% of the promoting, controlling and improving the
3,100 TMPs comes from rural areas and facilities for and training of the TMPs
is officially accepted under the National (Anonymous, 1981).
Development Plan of 1976-81 (Staugard,
1989). Traditional medicine has not been
6.5 Malawi
integrated into the modern health-care sys- Malawi registers a wide range of cli-
tem. The Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy matic, edaphic and geographic conditions.
(Amendment) Act of 1987 outlines the reg- It has a great diversity of vegetation rang-
istration requirements for TMPs in Bot- ing from savannah in the dry lowlands to
swana. open woodland on infertile plateaus and es-
carpments, and evergreen forests on the
6.4 Lesotho highlands. Human activities have signifi-
Lesotho is a small country sur- cantly altered the natural vegetation, the
rounded on all sides by South Africa. About swamp vegetation has given way to agri-
two-thirds of the country is mountainous cultural species and much of the original
and the rest is temperate grassland. Me- woodlands have been cleared.
dicinal plants play a crucial role in fulfill-
ing the health-care needs of rural commu- Traditional Systems of Medicine
nities. Among the many medicinal plant Traditional medicine is the most
species found in the flora of Lesotho, Di- popular and dominant medical system in
anthus spp., Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Malawi, especially in the rural areas
Chitt. and Berkheya setifera DC. are of (Maliwich, 1997). Limitations to govern-
great importance in the traditional medi- ment health services like drug shortage,
cine system. Dianthus spp. are tradition- an insufficient number of hospitals, and an
ally used to promote cleaning of the blood unfavourable modern medical doctor-to-
stream. Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt. patient ratio of 1 : 50,000 have contrib-

uted to the reliance on traditional medi- petersiana Bolle., Er ythrophleum
cine. The state government has recognized suaveolens (Guill & Perrot) Brenan and
the contribution of TMPs and the benefits Erythrina abyssinica DC. is an emerging
of collaboration between modern and tra- problem in the country.
ditional medical communities to the na-
R&D Activities
tion’s health-care system (Hauya, 1997).
TMPs are involved in the national health- The National Herbarium and Botanic
care programme and health workers are Gardens (NHBG) is the principle author-
trained in traditional medicine (WHO, ity on botanical and related research in Ma-
1992). There are traditional medicine as- lawi. The National Herbarium, located in
sociations, the largest of which is the Herb- Zomba, was established in 1987 by merg-
alists’ Association of Malawi with about ing the herbaria of the University of Ma-
2,000 members (Maliwich, 1997). lawi and the government Department of
Forestry. It has two regional herbaria lo-
Medicinal Plant Resources cated at Lilongwe and Mzuzu, and three
In Malawi, local consumption of me- botanic gardens in Zomba, Lilongwe and
dicinal plants is more important than their Mzuzu. The NHBG is the head of the Na-
sale on the market. However, these plants tional Biodiversity Committee and Clearing
constitute an important source of income for House Mechanism of the Convention of
rural communities (Nyirenda, 1993). Most Biodiversity for accessing and exchange of
of the population prefers to consult TMPs information on biological diversity. The
who use a variety of medicinal plants in their National Herbarium houses a collection of
preparations. In southern Malawi, local over 90,000 plant specimens, with informa-
communities use 20 plant species as medi- tion on their phenological details, geographi-
cine. cal distribution and uses. These botanic gar-
Securidaca longipedunculata Fres. is dens are also involved in the conservation of
an important medicinal plant of common rare and endangered plant species.
and widespread use in Malawi. Its fresh The NHBG conducts research on eco-
leaves are traditionally used for wound nomic botany, medicinal plant biodiversity
healing, cough, bilharzia, venereal diseases and assessment of the efficacy of plant pes-
and snakebites, and dry leaves are used for ticides, ethnobotanical studies on medici-
headaches. nal plants used in maternal and child health
Accelerated deforestation is the ma- care. In addition, it is also working on the
jor factor for loss of biodiversity in Ma- documentation of medicinal and aromatic
lawi. It is also causing the loss of poten- plant diversity and traditional knowledge
tial medicinal plants. The over-exploita- of their use.
tion of Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl., Cassia

Trade and Marketing care. The ratio of modern medical doc-
Trade in medicinal plants in Malawi tors to patients is 1 : 50,000, in contrast
is less open. Most of the trade takes place to TMPs to patients ratio of 1 : 200.
at local markets. The country exports sig- Mozambique does not have a legal
nificant quantities of Jateorhiza spp. par- framework for governing the practice of
ticularly to neighbouring countries such as traditional medicine, and no licensing pro-
Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and cedure exists for official approval of tradi-
Zimbabwe. In a survey, a total of 44 me- tional medical practices and remedies
dicinal plant species were found at the (WHO, 1992). The Department of Health
Limbe market for export to South Africa is responsible for undertaking collabora-
(Maliwich, 1997). Malawi also imports tive programmes with TMPs. A number
raw material from neighbouring countries of collaborative programmes with district
as a result of depletion of its own resources. or provincial health authorities have been
sponsored by non-governmental organiza-
6.6 Mozambique tions (Clarke, 1998a).
The Republic of Mozambique is situ-
ated on the eastern coast of southern Af- Medicinal Plant Resources
rica. The dominant vegetation types of the The country has approximately 5,500
country are savannahs and secondary for- plant species and about 10% of them are
ests which cover about 70% of the total used in the traditional systems of medicine.
area. It is one of the eight poorest coun- TMPs handle a wide range of diseases
tries in the world with an average gross (WCMC, 1992). A countrywide survey of
domestic products (GDP) growth rate of common and broadly used medicinal plant
3.8% (estimate, 2000). Modern health- species in local remedies recorded the use
care facilities are scarce and limited, and of 39 species in the Tonga region and 46
most of the population relies on traditional in the Tinonganine, Kumbane Nirte, Tanga
medicine for their health-care needs. Even and Jabula regions. Among these, the most
major diseases such as diarrhoea, malaria, common are Warburgia salutaris (Bertol.
sexual and respiratory complaints are f.) Chiov., Balanites maughamii Sprague,
treated with traditional medicine. Tarenna spp., Securidaca longipedunculata
Fres., Zanthoxylum spp., Bridelia cathartica
Traditional Systems of Medicine
Bertol. f., Swartzia madagascariensis Desv.,
In Mozambique, about 80% of the Indigofera spp., Xylotheca kraussiana
population uses traditional medicine for Hochst., Acridocarpus natalitius Juss.,
health-care needs (Nhatumbo and Soto, Brachylaena huillensis O. Hoffm., Ochna
1994). Traditional medicine is both a spp. and Garcinia livingstonei T. Anders.
popular and dominant system of health Medicinal plants are considered to

play a decisive role in slowing down infec- Aloe spp., Ansellia gigantea Reichb.,
tions (diarrhoea, pneumonia and skin in- Ceropegia ampliata (E. Mey.), Diospyros
fections) related to the opportunistic AIDS mespiliformis Hochst ex A. DC., Dalbergia
virus. In Mozambique and elsewhere in melanoxylum Guill. & Perr. and Spirostachys
Africa, Sarcostemma viminale R. Br. is africanus Sond. are the most threatened
widely used against impotency. Prunus medicinal plant species in the country
africana (Hook. f.) Kalkm. and Hypoxis (Bandeira et al., 1999; Fato, 1995; Diallo
rooperi Moore are used in prostate hyper- et al., 1999).
trophy. The root and bark of Acacia
R&D Activities
nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile, Annona
senegalensis Pers ., Elephantorrhiza Despite a long history of medicinal
elephantina Skeels. and Sclerocarya birrea plant use in Mozambique, research in this
(A. Rich.) Hochst. are frequently used by field is still in its infancy and concentrated
local people to treat diarrhoea (Gelfand, mostly in ethnobotanical work (Jansen and
1985; Scott et al., 1996; van Wyk et al., Mendes, 1990, 1991). Special focus is on
1997). Traditional medicine has proved the plants traditionally used in curing ma-
effective in treating malaria, the second jor disorders like diarrhoea, malaria, res-
main cause of the high mortality rate in piratory complaints and sexual diseases.
the country. Rauvolfia caffra Sond. and The Office of Medicinal Plant Studies of
Bridelia cathartica Bertol. f. are tradition- the Ministry of Health and the Eduardo
ally used to treat headaches and pains in Mondlane University are gathering infor-
bone articulation associated with malaria. mation on plant species used by local peo-
The leaves of Bridelia cathartica Bertol. f. ple to treat common diseases. Some phy-
and Salacia kraussii Harv. have shown tochemical works on antimalarial plants
some antimalarial activity in scientific in- and essential oils have been undertaken and
vestigations (Jurg et al., 1991; Figueiredo published (Jurg et al., 1991; Figueiredo
et al., 1998). et al., 1998; Pagula et al., 2000). Future
The whole Ansellia gigantea Reichb. research in medicinal plants should cover
plant is used in the treatment of asthma in species with antibacterial and molluscicidal
southern Mozambique, and Opuntia spp. activity (Ndamba et al., 1994; Oketch-
are largely used as expectorants against Rabah and Dossaji, 1998; Eloff, 1999).
bronchitis and coughs (Fato, 1995). The The main constraint in developing the
bark of Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) traditional medicine sector is the reluc-
Chiov. is used against coughs and colds, tance of TMPs to disclose information on
Momordica balsamina L. for emesis associ- medicinal plant species and the methods
ated with fever, and Spirostachys africanus used to prepare remedies. And there is a
Sond. against headaches. lack of planned research in the field of phy-

tochemistry, pharmacology and pharma- dered by South Africa to the south, An-
cognosy. gola and Zambia to the north and Bot-
swana and Zimbabwe to the east. Its land-
Trade and Marketing
scape varies from vast expanses of desert
Mozambique, has a fairly large and sand dunes to rock formations in the
number of medicinal plants, but provides south, contrasting starkly with the
only a few species to the international savannahs and woodlands of the central
market. On a domestic level, medicinal region and the lush and forested scenery
plants play a key role in primary health of the northeast. The oldest desert in the
care, particularly in rural areas (Verzar world, the Namib Desert, stretches along
and Petri, 1987; Jansen and Mendes, the entire western coast of the country,
1991). Medicinal plants are gathered from while the Kalahari Desert runs along the
forests in small quantities by the rural com- southeastern border with Botswana.
munities and sold to traders at the main The climate varies from arid and
markets located in urban centres: semi-arid to subtropical with the generally
Nampula, Beita, Quelimane and Maputo. temperate desert coast sometimes offering
High transportation costs result in low fog-ridden days with temperatures between
profits in medicinal plant trade. Informal 5 and 20°C. The central, southern and
trade takes place among neighbouring coastal areas constitute some of the most
countries, mostly South Africa and Zim- arid landscapes south of the Sahara.
babwe (Birgham et al., 1996). In the The sustainable use of natural prod-
southern part of the country, Warburgia ucts is an important but underdeveloped
salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov. and Securidaca sector in Namibia. Medicinal plants are
longipedunculata Fres. are the medicinal used by rural people to a large extent to
plants most in demand (Halafo, 1996; fulfill their health-care needs and to pro-
Adamo et al., 1997). Most of the medici- vide income to local communities. In the
nal plant material used in traditional medi- Tsumkwe district in the Otjozondjupa re-
cine is traded on the urban market (Cunnin- gion, for example, more than 80 plant spe-
gham, 1997). The increased demand for cies are used for treating about 30 ailments
raw material on the herbal market has re- (Leger, 1998).
sulted in over-exploitation of plant re- Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum pro-
sources. cumbens DC. ex Meiss. and H. zeyheri
Decne.) is a significant biological resource,
6.7 Namibia which has been exported from Namibia for
The Republic of Namibia is a vast and several decades. Harpagophytum procum-
sparsely populated country, situated along bens DC. ex Meiss. grows exclusively in
the south Atlantic coast of Africa and bor- the regions bordering the Kalahari Desert,

whereas H. zeyheri Decne. grows in the lished to facilitate the registration process
northern part of the country (Schmidt et of TMPs. The Ministry of Health and So-
al., 1998). These plants are traditionally cial Services and the World Health Organi-
used in analgesic and anti-inflammatory zation jointly conducted studies on scien-
remedies. In recent decades, there has been tific evaluation, standardization and regu-
a growing international demand for the lation of traditional medicine practices in
roots of Harpagophytum procumbens DC. Namibia in 1997, which led to the devel-
ex Meiss . and H. zeyheri Decne. for opment of the 1998 draft of the Traditional
antirheumatic use. The increased demand Healers Bill. The Bill established the Tra-
of pharmaceutical companies is mostly met ditional Healers Council. The Council
from wild collections and a little from cul- should oversee the registration and regu-
tivation (Schmidt et al., 1998; Kuipers, lation of traditional medicine, supervise
1997). This has resulted in reduction of and control the practice of TMPs, foster
plant population of Harpagophytum research in traditional medicine and pro-
procumbens DC. ex Meiss. on its natural vide loans to TMPs (WHO, 1992).
sites from 1,000 to 2,000 plants per hec- TMPs in Namibia, who are mostly
tare in the 1970s to less than 10 plants natives of other African countries, are not
per hectare in 1986 (Cunningham, 1997). registered and are operating without guide-
lines from the Ministry of Health and So-
Traditional Systems of Medicine
cial Services. All TMPs, except traditional
Traditional medicine is a popular birth attendants, undergo one to three years
health-care system in Namibia, which was of apprenticeship.
legalized in 1990. The Namibia Eagle
Trade and Marketing
Traditional Healers Association was cre-
ated as a result of major restructuring in The annual medicinal plant trade is
1990 and since then, the Ministry of Health worth about US$ 5.8 mn. Namibia is the
and Social Services has been trying to in- biggest exporter of devil’s claw
tegrate traditional medicine into the mod- (Harpagophytum procumbents DC. ex
ern health-care system. Meiss.) with over 90% of the trade, and
TMPs are the major health-care pro- the annual export value is US$ 0.95 mn
viders in the country. Their importance (Raimondo, 2002; Cole, 2001). The ex-
can be seen from their number, which port of dried roots of devil’s claw from
ranges from 1 per 300 to 1,000 people in Namibia started in 1962. Since then, the
different regions of the country (Anony- annual export volume has risen rapidly
mous, 2000). from 28 tonnes in 1973, to 600 tonnes in
In 1996, the Namibian Traditional 1998, 400 tonnes in 2000 and 700 tonnes
Medical Practitioners Board was estab- in 2002 (Cole, 2001; Raimondo, 2002).

In 1998, the devil’s claw trade earned for- ceeds supply and thereby puts more pres-
eign revenue of approximately US$ 1.6 mn sure on the indigenous genetic resources
(FAO, 1998). The main importers are of medicinal value.
France, Germany and South Africa and the
demand in Spain, Switzerland and the UK Traditional Systems of Medicine
is also increasing significantly. In South Africa, traditional medicine
Most devil’s claw is harvested in com- is a parallel system to western health care
munal areas, where an estimated 10,000 and rising in popularity. TMPs are deeply
to 12,000 families depend on its trade for interwoven into the fabric of cultural and
their livelihood. About 4 to 5 kg of fresh spiritual life in South Africa. They play a
tubers yield one kg of dry material. The crucial role in providing health care to
international price for dried devil’s claw about 80% of the population (Clarke,
tubers was US$ 2.5 per kg in 2000. Over 1998). The increasing importance of tra-
the past two decades, the international ditional medicine in the country can be seen
price has dropped by 85% in US$ terms. from the number of TMPs, which has in-
creased from 200,000 in the early 1990s
6.8 South Africa to 350,000 in the late 1990s (Maliehe,
South Africa is located at the south- 1993). The ratio of TMPs to population is
ernmost tip of the African continent and 1 : 700 to 1 : 1,200 as compared to 1 :
shares its border with Botswana, Mozam- 17,400 for modern medical doctors. The
bique, Namibia and Zimbabwe. It is cost of traditional medicine is reimbursable
classed as the third richest country in under health insurance plans.
biodiversity in the world and the fifth eco- In order to practise traditional medi-
nomically richest region in Africa (DEAT, cine, TMPs from South Africa and a number
1997). The country encompasses a range of neighbouring countries are registered
of vegetation types, from arid shrub land with the Traditional Healers’ Organization
and semi-desert, through savannahs and (Hess, 1998; Ministry of Health, 1990).
woodlands, to coastal and alpine forests. Complementary medicines (dietary
Cape Floristic Province (with 45% of the supplements, vitamins and herbal rem-
region’s plant species) and Succulent Karoo edies) are regulated under the South Afri-
are the two internationally recognized hot can Medicines and Medical Devices Regu-
spots for biodiversity in South Africa latory Authority, 1998.
(Cowling and Hilton-Taylor, 1994). The National Department of Agricul-
South Africa has the potential to be- ture, through the National Plant Genetic
come a world leader in the development of Resource Committee, governs traditional
medicinal products from indigenous plants. medicine in the country. Under the Re-
Demand for medicinal plants generally ex- construction and Development Pro-

gramme, the National Department of craft and to test their remedies. It has
Health formulates drug policy to promote also signed an agreement with the healers
the safe and effective use of quality essen- to ensure that traditional remedies remain
tial traditional medicines, to document and affordable to the poor and do not get pat-
scientifically validate traditional medi- ented by multinational pharmaceutical
cines, and educate and train TMPs. companies.
Unregistered traditional healers In order to popularize medicinal and
practising traditional medicine are liable aromatic plants, the South African Post
to be fined and/or imprisoned for up to one Office has issued postage stamps bearing
year. The National Department of Arts, South Africa’s indigenous medicinal plants
Culture, Science and Technology provides such as stalked bulbine (Bulbine frutescens
funds for research in traditional medicines (L.) Willd.), wild dagga (Leonotis leonurus
(Mayeng, 1999). Ait. f.), wild garlic (Tulbaghia violacea
Harv.), pig’s ear (Cotyledon orbiculata L.),
State Efforts in Development of Traditional
wild ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus
Systems of Medicine
(Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt.), red paintbrush
In 1998, the South African parlia- ( Scadoxus puniceus ), cancer bush
ment decided to involve TMPs in achiev- (Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R. Br.), Afri-
ing major goals in primary health care. In can potato (Hypoxis rooperii Moore), bitter
the same year, the parliament passed Act aloe (Aloe ferox (L.) Burm. f.) and sour fig
132 of the South African Medicines and (Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N. E. Br.).
Medical Devices Regulatory Authority Bill,
covering the registration and regulation of Medicinal Plant Resources
traditional medicines (Gray, 1998). Ef- Of the 68 vegetation types in South
forts are being made to introduce separate Africa, there are 22,000 species of vascular
legislation to control herbal and traditional plants, of which 80% are endemic (DEAT,
medicine. Registers have been opened for 1997; Low and Rebelo, 1996). Approxi-
herbalists, Ayurvedic and Chinese medi- mately 3,000 species are of medicinal value
cines, and many others. South Africa al- and are used by an estimated 200,000 in-
lows the importation of traditional digenous TMPs (van Wyk et al., 1997).
Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. The Most of the medicinal plant material
National Reference Centre for Traditional is sourced from wild collection. Only a few
Medicine was also established under the medicinal plants are cultivated. The culti-
National Department of Health. vated species include Warburgia salutaris
The Medical Research Council has (Bertol. f.) Chiov., Siphonochilus
opened a research centre for traditional aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt. and
healers in Delft, Cape Town to survey their Agathosma spp.

The practice of over-harvesting and standardization are scarce. The entire in-
habitat destruction has endangered the dustry uses simple technology.
existence of many medicinal and aromatic The scarcity of popular plants has led
plants of high commercial importance. The to their undersupply, with considerable in-
endangered plants are Siphonochilus crease in product prices, imports and use
aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt. , of substitutive plants. Furthermore, there
Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov., has been an increase in the use of destruc-
Ledobouria hypoxidoides, Mystacidium tive harvesting techniques, which aim to
millaria, Ocotea bullata E. Mey. and Aloe maximize the harvest from declining plant
ferox (L.) Burm. f. stocks in order to maintain income levels.
Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.)
R&D Activities
Bl. Birtt. is a slow growing plant with limited
National Botanical Institute (NBI)
distribution and its demand exceeds supply.
Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.) Chiov. is The National Botanical Institute was
the most valuable traditional medicine. established in 1989–the result of merging
About 95% of the resource base of Ocotea the Botanical Research Institute and the
bullata E. Mey. has been depleted for its National Botanic Gardens. The Institute
bark. Aloe ferox (L.) Burm. f. is a species is engaged in the exploration of the South
of international importance in the cosmetic African biodiversity for its sustainable utili-
and personal care products industry. zation and conservation. The ethnobotany
The unsustainable and intensive har- programme of the Institute includes natu-
vesting from wild stocks is a serious threat ral products research on important Zulu
to the biodiversity of medicinal plants in medicinal plants. It also takes care of the
South Africa and its neighbouring coun- conservation of over-exploited medicinal
tries. There is a lack of significant resource plants, their sustainable use and develop-
base management, and plant production ment, and the documentation of medicinal
and economics of associated markets. The and economic uses of these plants. The
conditions at the markets are generally poor. National Medicinal Plants Database
The lack of storage facilities and trading (MEDBASE), developed by the Institute,
infrastructures frequently results in spoiled holds floristic, phytochemical and ethno-
raw material as well as wastage and dete- pharmacological information on the 300
rioration of the products quality. There is most important plants of South Africa.
no legislation regarding the registration
Council for Scientific and Industrial
and certification of traded products.
Research (CSIR)
The processing and development of
products is extremely limited. Value addi- The Council for Scientific and Indus-
tion to the products and efforts to ensure trial Research is the largest community and

industry-oriented scientific organization. project has been funded by the Department
It was established in 1945 as a statutory of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology
scientific research council for R&D work. of South Africa (DACST), which has re-
Currently it undertakes approximately cently been divided into the Department of
10% of all R&D activities and acts as a Arts and Culture and the Department of
key source of information and technology Science and Technology.
solutions for South Africa and member
Technology and Human Resources for
countries of the Southern African Devel-
Industry Programme (THRIP)
opment Community.
The Technology and Human Resources
South African Traditional Medicines
for Industry Programme strives to improve
Research Group (SATMeRG)
the competitiveness of South African in-
The South African Traditional Medi- dustry by supporting scientific research,
cines Research Group was established in technology development and technology
1997 to promote the rational use of tradi- diffusion activities, and enhancing the qual-
tional medicine. It is a joint venture of the ity and quantity of appropriately skilled
Division of Pharmacology of the Univer- people. It is managed collectively by the
sity of Cape Town and the School of Phar- National Research Foundation (NRF) and
macy of the University of the Western the Department of Trade and Industry
Cape. The South African Medical Research (DTI) of South Africa.
Council funds the activities of the Group.
Traditional Medicine Programme
The School of Pharmacy of the University
of the Western Cape runs the Pharmaco-
poeia Monograph Project aimed at the de- The Traditional Medicine Programme
velopment of monographs of medicinal was started in 1994 at the University of
plants used in traditional medicine. Two Cape Town, in collaboration with the Uni-
monographs on Leonotis leonurus and Olea versity of Durban-Westville, the Kenya
africana herbs have been developed and Medical Research Institute in Nairobi,
published and 58 others are being devel- Kenya, the WHO Collaborating Centre for
oped. A project on antimalarial drugs from Adverse Drug Event Monitoring in
medicinal plants of southern Africa has Uppsala, Sweden and the Royal Botanic
been undertaken by a consortium consist- Gardens, Kew, the UK. It aims at pro-
ing of the Medical Research Council, the moting cultural, health, environmental, sci-
universities of Cape Town, Pretoria and entific and socio-economic benefits from
Western Cape, the National Botanical In- the development, conservation and sustain-
stitute, and the Council of Scientific and able use of east and southern African me-
Industrial Research of South Africa. The dicinal plants. The main activities of the

Programme include the development of an 1993). National annual demand registers
all-Africa network of traditional medicines, 20,000 tonnes of medicinal plant material
inventories of indigenous rural and tribal worth US$ 60 mn (Manders, 1998). De-
knowledge of traditional medicines, and mand for medicinal plant material in in-
articulation of national policy for the con- digenous medicines often exceeds supply.
servation, control, regulation and use of There are estimated 27 mn consum-
traditional medicine in South Africa. ers of indigenous medicine in the country.
The Department of Botany of the Each household spends between 4 to 6% of
Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, annual income on indigenous medicine and
is working on the identification of South services. Massive demand is generated in
African plants of medicinal value. In as- terms of number and volume of plant mate-
sociation with South Africa Druggists Ltd., rial. Plant products are marketed either as
a privately owned company, the University self-medications or as prescription products.
is exploring African medicinal plants for These products are traded in residential ar-
the development of new products and the eas dominated by black consumers or at
preparation of standards for quality, safety transport nodes in urban areas.
and efficacy of finished products. It is also Durban is an important market in
developing agro-techniques for commercial South Africa, which forms the hub of an
cultivation of industrially important me- active regional trade in indigenous medi-
dicinal and aromatic plants (van Wyk et cine popularly known as muthi plants. One
al., 1997). The privately owned company, thousand and five hundred tonnes of tradi-
BioNatural, in collaboration with CSIR is tional medicines are sold annually. The
carrying out scientific research on African industry is worth about US$ 0.22 mn per
medicinal plants. Moreover, in collabora- year. There are approximately 1,500
tion with Biochemical and Scientific Con- TMPs and 14,000 people employed in the
sultants and Biomox Pharmaceuticals trade. Indigenous healers prescribe an-
companies, it is fostering R&D in African nually 4 mn products worth US$ 14.58
medicinal plants. mn. The nine most popular medicinal
plants sold at the Durban market are
Trade and Marketing
Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh., Bowiea
Traditional medicine is a growing volubilis Harv. ex Hook. f., Curtisia dentata
industry and forms the basic source of health C. A. Smith, Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.)
care and livelihood. More than 700 plant Chitt., Haworthia limifolia Marloth, Ocotea
species are actively traded for their medici- bullata E. Mey., Scilla natalensis Planch.,
nal uses throughout South Africa. Multi- Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl.
million-dollar trade takes place between Birtt., and Warburgia salutaris (Bertol. f.)
rural sources and urban markets (Maliehe, Chiov.

At the Faraday market in Central interest of pharmaceutical companies for
Johannesburg, traders sell 400 tonnes of their medicinal value.
finished herbal medicines annually at a Although short supply has not alarm-
turnover of US$ 0.52 mn. Most of the ingly raised the prices, the country’s 400
plant material is harvested from KwaZulu medicinal plants are in danger unless cul-
Natal province and over 4,000 tonnes of tivation is encouraged. The shortage of
medicinal plant material worth US$ 13 mn domestic supply has encouraged imports
is traded annually. Out of a total of 1,000 from neighbouring countries, particularly
species used for medicinal purposes in the from Mozambique. The drugs prepared
area, more than 400 are traded at the ur- from medicinal plants are sold directly to
ban markets in KwaZulu Natal (Kuipers, the patient by the traditional healers, but
1997). About 20,000 to 30,000 people are also available at the muthi shops or at
derive their livelihood from medicinal plant open-air muthi markets.
trade. Most of the people involved are Pharma Natura, Bioforce Interna-
black rural women, the most marginalized tional and Natura Homoeopathic Company
sector in South African society. The me- are the three main South African compa-
dicinal plant industry therefore plays a nies involved in the herbal product busi-
critical role in empowering a large number ness. The South African subsidiary of
of rural women. The plant collectors sell Solgar, USA markets about 140 dietary
medicinal plant material to TMPs worth supplements, vitamins and herbal remedies
US$ 5.76 mn a year. In the province, the in South Africa out of 530 different prod-
dispensed value of the medicine made from ucts that it manufactures.
these plants is estimated at about US$ Aloe ferox (L.) Burm. f., Agathosma
48.02 mn a year. If these values were ex- spp., Harpagophytum procumbens DC. ex
trapolated to South Africa, the traditional Meiss . , Pelargonium sidoides DC.,
medicine industry could be generating up Xysmalobium undulatum R. Br., Glycyrrhiza
to US$ 220 mn revenue. Apart from these spp., Origanum spp., Salvia spp., Euphorbia
large quantities of plants, extracts are also resinifera Berg. and Siphonochilus
sold in an informal way. aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt. are the
The underground parts (roots, tubers, medicinal plants in the international trade.
rhizomes and bulbs) are the dominant me- Quantities of Swartzia madagascariensis
dicinal plant material sold at the markets. Desv. are exported mainly to Lesotho (Lange,
African potato (Hypoxis spp.), wild ginger 1997; Cunningham, 1993). South Africa
(Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. also imports raw material from neighbour-
Birtt.), cape bush willow (Sutherlandia ing countries as a result of depletion of its
frutecens) and devil’s claw (Harpagophytum own natural resources.
procumbens DC. ex Meiss.) have aroused the South Africa is one of the tea pro-

ducing countries of the world and about with the Swaziland Genetic Resources Cen-
half of the domestic demand is met from tre at the Malkerns Research Station, has
its own production. Annual tea produc- undertaken studies on in-situ conservation
tion is up to 4 tonnes per hectare, com- of Hypoxis rooperi Moore, a plant used for
pared to the famous Darjeeling tea, which HIV/AIDS (Dlamini, 1999). A nursery of
produces a quarter of this yield. South Af- medicinal plants has been established in
rican tea has lower levels of aroma and the Hhohho region in the Nkomati River
flavour and is therefore ideal for ice-tea valley. The important medicinal plant spe-
making. cies in the nursery are Euphorbia ingens
E. Mey., Callilepis leptophorbia, Ficus
6.9 Swaziland thonningii Bl. and Phoenix reclinata Jacq.
Swaziland is a small, land-locked Medicinal plants of commercial im-
country bordered by South Africa and Mo- portance are Warburgia salutaris (Bertol.
zambique. The country surprisingly supports f.) Chiov., Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. &
a wide range of ecological zones, from sa- Zeyh. and Siphonochilus aethiopicus
vannah scrublands in the east to rain forests (Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt. Warburgia salutaris
in the northwest. Hardwood forests domi- (Bertol. f.) Chiov. is exported to South Af-
nate the western highlands. rica and Mozambique (Cunningham, 1993
Traditional medicine is the dominant and 1997). Hypoxis rooperi Moore (Afri-
system of health care. The ratio of TMPs to can potato), which is used locally for the
total population is 1 : 110, in comparison to treatment of HIV/AIDS, is smuggled to
1 : 10,000 for modern medical doctors (Cun- South Africa. Wild ginger (Siphonochilus
ningham, 1993). The practice of traditional aethiopicus (Schweinf.) Bl. Birtt.) is much
medicine in the country is regulated by the in demand in Europe.
Natural Therapeutic Practitioners Regula-
tions of 1978 (Ministry of Health, Swazi-
6.10 Zambia
land, 1978) and TMPs are integrated with Zambia borders with Angola to the
the primary health-care programme of the west, Congo to northwest, Tanzania to the
country (WHO, 1992). However, there is northeast, Malawi to the east and Bot-
no official training or programme in tradi- swana, Mozambique, Namibia and Zim-
tional medicine (WHO, 1992). babwe to the south. Most of the country is
The Ministry of Agriculture and Co- covered by moist savannah woodland where
operatives has carried out studies on me- broadleaf deciduous trees grow far enough
dicinal properties of indigenous tree spe- apart to allow grasses or other plants of
cies within the National Forest Research medicinal value to grow on the woodland
Plan (1993-2002). The Swaziland Na- floor.
tional Trust Commission, in collaboration The inability to afford and access

modern health facilities has strengthened State (Naur, 2001). There is no formal
the utilization of medicinal plants. Tradi- training in traditional medicine at the
tional medicines are used and accepted by medical institutes and traditional medicine
about 70% of the population, regardless is not covered by insurance.
of ethnic, religious or social background.
Medicinal Plant Resources
Traditional medicine is widely practised in
urban centres (Cunningham, 1997). Prac- Zambia has about 6,000 species of
tice is recognized and supported by the Tra- vascular plants many of which have found
ditional Healers Practitioners Association, common and widespread use in rural and
founded in 1978. The Association has more urban centres for their medicinal values
than 35,000 registered members (Mudon- (IPGRI, 2002). About 78 medicinal plant
do, 2000). It controls the practice of tra- species have been identified in the Central
ditional medicine. Traditional medicines Copperbelt and Luapula provinces, with
are not integrated with mainstream medi- common use in traditional systems of medi-
cines or the national health-care system. cine. The root and bark are plant parts in
However, the Traditional Birth Attendants demand for the preparation of traditional
and the Community Health Care Workers remedies. As a consequence of deforesta-
practise at the level of primary health care. tion and population growth, many valuable
The National Drug Policy has a chapter on medicinal plant species are collected from
traditional medicines, which discusses the very distant places (Nswana, 1996).
materia medica but not the practice of tra-
Trade and Marketing
ditional medicines (Mudondo, 2000).
TMPs provide health care to eco- In Zambia, annual trade in tradi-
nomically weak, rural, poor and urban tional medicine is worth over US$ 43 mn
populations. In 2001, Zambia had about (Nswana, 1996). Trade generally takes
900 modern medical doctors and a very place within and between neighbouring
large number of traditional healers countries. Pterocarpus angolensis DC. is
(40,000) for a population of 10 mn. As a used by TMPs and is also exported. Its
result, most of the Zambian population rely supply to traditional healers is affected by
upon TMPs for their health care (Nswana, competing uses such as timber logging
1996). About 60% of registered tradi- (Cunningham, 1997). Other locally used
tional healers are women. An estimated medicinal plants are Eulophia petersiana
20 to 25% of the population is HIV posi- and Selaginella imbricata (Forssk.) Spring
tive. Traditional healers are part of the ex Decne. (Cunningham, 1993).
Technical Committee on Natural Remedies Zambia has vast potential to develop
for HIV and Other Related Diseases and its production of essential oils. SDK Es-
are under the direct control of the Head of sential Oils Company, based at Kitwe, pro-

duces lemon grass, eucalyptus, geranium traditional medicine to prevent abuse or
and pine oils. The company has also de- quackery, and cooperates with the Minis-
veloped herbal balm with proved efficacy try of Health to establish better working
in the treatment of skin diseases such as relations between traditional and medical
herpes zoster and kaposis sarcoma. There practitioners (Cavender, 1988; Ushewo-
are many other companies involved in es- kunze, 1984; Chavundka, 1986).
sential oil production in Zambia. In 1997, In 1994, there were 24,000 TMPs
the Traditional Healers and Practitioners in Zimbabwe that increased to over 55,000
Association (THPAZ) signed a five-year in 2000 (Amooti-Kyomya, 1994; Matondo,
contract with an American company to 2000). In 1981, the Natural Therapists
assist research in traditional medicine and Act and the TMPs Council Act were en-
herbs under the auspices of the United acted to regulate the practice of traditional
States Agency for International Develop- medicine (Ministry of Health, 1982,
ment (USAID). 1982a).
TMPs are registered with the TMPs
6.11 Zimbabwe Council under the responsibility of the Min-
Zimbabwe is located between South istry of Health. Only registered TMPs are
Africa and Zambia. Its 11,3 mn popula- entitled to practise traditional medicine.
tion registers the highest number of HIV/ The practice of an unregistered TMP is an
AIDS cases. The deterioration of the pub- offence and punishable by up to two years
lic health-care system and the escalating imprisonment and/or a fine. The Council
cost of drugs mean people rely on TMPs. has the authority to cancel or suspend the
Around 10% of the country’s flora is uti- registration of TMP if found guilty of im-
lized in the preparation of traditional rem- proper or disgraceful conduct.
edies (Birgham et al., 1996).
Medicinal Plant Resources
Traditional Systems of Medicine
Zimbabwe has more than 500 plant
Traditional medicine has been inte- species of medicinal value. The Zimbabwe
grated into the national health-care sys- National Traditional Healers Association
tem. The Zimbabwe National Traditional (ZINATHA) deals with the production of
Healers Association (ZINATHA) acts herbal medicinal products and, apart from
within the framework of the TMPs Coun- fulfilling domestic demand, it exports to
cil Act of 1981. The Association is re- the European Union. Zimbabwe has the
sponsible for promoting research, develop- capacity to give a meaningful contribution
ing knowledge of traditional medical prac- to the fight against HIV/AIDS and to come
tice and granting loans to associations or up with local solutions through research,
persons. It also supervises the practice of evaluation and development of promising

traditional remedies. present and future generations.
The practice of over-harvesting, de- There is, unfortunately, a non-condu-
forestation and the lack of appropriate cive legal and policy environment, inad-
propagation techniques of commercially equate scientific information on medicinal
used medicinal plants has hampered their plants, and a lack of formal links between
sustainable use. The 70,000 hectares of traditional medicine and biodiversity.
woodland cleared for agricultural purposes
Trade and Marketing
during the last few decades have adversely
affected medicinal plant diversity. One of the most important medicinal
plants of Zimbabwe is Warburgia salutaris
R&D Activities
(Bertol. f.) Chiov., which has become both
The Traditional Medicinal Plant Re- expensive and endangered due to high de-
search and Development Trust of the state- mand and limited distribution (Cunnin-
owned Blair Research Institute carries out gham, 1997). Other medicinal plants with
bio-medical and clinical trials on promis- limited distribution in the eastern highlands
ing local natural herbal therapies for HIV/ are Spirostachys africanus Sond.,
AIDS and other diseases. The Trust also Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guil & Perrot)
undertakes activities of protection, pres- Brenan and Phyllanthus engleri Pax
ervation and developing of indigenous me- (Cunningham, 1993).
dicinal knowledge and know-how for

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