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CIE-3 DBMS Question bank

1) Which normal form is based on the concept of transitive dependency? Explain with an
example the decomposition into 3NF.
2) What do you mean by closure of attribute? Write an algorithm to find closure of

3) Explain multivalued dependency. Explain 4NF with an example.

4) Explain any Two informal quality measures employed for a relation schema Design?
Explain lossless join property.
5) Explain BCNF with an example.
6) with neat diagram, explain the various states of transaction execution
7) Explain the problems that can occur when concurrent transactions are executed, give
example for each.
8) What are the ACID Properties? Explain any One?

9) What is the functional dependency? find the minimal cover using the minimal cover
algorithm for following functional dependency
F={AB -> D, B-> C, AE -> B, A -> D, D ->EF}
10) Consider two sets of functional dependencies:
F={A -> C, AC ->D,E->AD , E->H}
G={A - > CD, E-> AH}
Find the equivalence.
11) What is a schedule? Explain with example serial, non-serial and conflict serializable
12) What is 2 phase locking? Describe with an example

13) What is deadlock? How do you deal with it? What are dead lock prevention protocols?

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