How To Speed Up Ur PC

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Want more PC speed?

Learn How to Speed Up PC

Performance with 4 expert tips!

One of the biggest questions on the net is " How to speed up PC performance? ". Well we
have compiled the best tips and tricks for a phenomenal boost in PC speed. If you follow
these the for ways of how to increase PC speed, you should see a boost of anywhere
between 35-52.5% in performance speed based on industry standards.

1. Use a Registry Cleaner.

This will free up resources show you how to increase PC speed with a few clicks. This is
one of the best answers to "how to speed up PC performance?". These easy point and
click programs also defrag your hard drive and remove spyware. All that with the push of
a button weekly will keep your computer running at it’s original PC speed specs. There
are dozens of different registry cleaners software and registry cleaner tools available for
use with the registry, However only about 5 have really proven themselves based on user
support. One of the industry leaders is RegCure. It was last year's Most Popular PC
Repair product. RegCure is the easiest and best. It’s easy to get scammed with inferior
products so it’s best to choose a registry cleaner with an excellent record.For an in depth
comparison of the best registry cleaner on the market, click this link.

2. Defrag your hard drive

Over time, the data on your hard drive gets scattered. De-fragmenting your hard drive
puts your data back into sequential order, making it easier for Windows to access it. As a
result, the performance of your computer will improve. An excellent registry cleaner will
allow show you how to speed up your PC using defrag techniques. For Easy Steps to
Defrag your PC Click Here!. Remember that the hard drive is the cornerstone of your
system. If it is in trouble your system can collapse.
Tips to Speed Up Your Hard Drive Click Here! If you are interested in speed up your
computer on the net. Click the image below. If not read on.

3. Scan for Adware/Spyware and Viruses

These nasty little worms can wreak havoc on your PC speed. Detecting and cleaning
viruses is an excellent way to improve your system's performance and increase PC speed.
Registry cleaners will help to remove these buggers also!To Learn more a about the best
Spyware removal programs on the maket, Click this link

4. Adjust your computer’s Visual effects

Windows provides a number of resource hogging and interesting visual effects like
animated windows and fading menus. These effects, however, can slow down your
computer and kill your PC speed. By Altering your preferences and performance needs
you can learn how to increase PC Speed in seconds. This is one of Microsoft's tips on
how to increase PC speed and performance.Visit Adjust Visual Performance page for

A excellent registry cleaner can perform all but number 4. If you are serious about
learning how to speed up PC performance. Get a registry cleaner and let it do most of the
work. There are lot of registry cleaner choices on the market. Learn how to increase PC
speed organically and don't get scammed into spending thousands for a new PC.

Bonus Tips

Use a Window's Optimization Tool

Using a Windows Optimization tool can give you a big boost in the the performance
department. This takes the work out of your regular maintenance of organizing files,
defragging your hard drive and other optimization task. For Windows Optimization
Tools, Click Here!

Manage Your Startups

By managing your Windows startup programs and services you can free of vital CPU
resources that can re-allocated your PC performance. This is a quick and easy tweak learn
how to speed up PC CPU access time. Click Here to Learn how to speed up PC
performance by managing your Startups.

Clean Windows Temp Files

Your Windows Temp files can swell to enormous sizes. This will eat up free space that
could be allocated for applications you would like to use. Learn how to clean up your PC
of useless files

How to Speed Up Your Slow Internet Connection

Broadband internet connections have given access to instant information. However, slow
internet connection problems are becoming more common. The speed of your internet
connection is based on a number of factors. If any of these factors are hampered the
overall connection speed will slow. Some causes of slow internet connection are beyond
your control. However the majority of the problems that cause slow down can be easily
eliminated with a few maintenance task. Some of the factors directly affected your
internet net connection are modem speed, line quality, windows cache, security software
and the quality of your internet service provider. The tips below will help you to tweak
your system to get the best that your broadband has to offer.

Special Note: One of the major causes of slowdown on the net is spyware. So, before
you begin tweaking your setting. Make sure that your computer is free of spyware and
other nasty. Click here to learn how to Speed Up your PC and find what Errors can cause
your slow internet connection!

Check your internet speed

You can check your internet connection by hover your mouse pointer over the internet
connection icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. A pop up window will
display your internet connection. You can also click the icon to launch the Properties

The graphic shows a connection that is using a wireless router so in addition to your
internet speed, log on duration and status, you will also see the signal strength. You can
get more accurate test by using online broad band test sites. If you are getting 80% of
your ISP advertised speed, You are in good shape. There is usually a standard loss of 10-
20% speed due to line quality. So if your are supposed be getting 1.5mbs and your
internet speed runs around 1.25mbs, you have a good connection.

4 Steps to Speed A Slow Internet Connection.


First step in speeding up your slow internet connection to tweak your internet options. To
launch the internet options utility follow the the direction below:
1.Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Double Click Internet Options
4. Click Settings under Browsing History
The task here is to make your web cache as small as possible. The less disk space your
reserve for your temporary files is less data that your computer needs to search through.
This action can easily award you a faster connection on the net.
5. Reduce the Disk Space to Use to the minimum recommended amount or as low as
your desire.


Deleting your web cache is a good way to speed up a slow internet connection. These
files take up valuable resources that could be used to for a better net surfing experience.
Remember that while you are online many files in the web cache are active. Cookies are
loaded in your browsers and constantly update themselves. Also your computer will
search through the temp files to match the latest version of a web page. So, by clearing
the web cache you cut down on the work your PC needs to do thus speeding up your slow
internet connection. Remember to shutdown the browser when deleting the cache.
Because what files are open will not be deleted. Here how to delete your temporary
internet files.

Manual steps to erase your temporary internet files.

1. Quit Internet Explorer, Firefox, or any other web browser

2. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Internet Options.
3. On the General tab, click Delete Files under Temporary Internet Files.
4. In the Delete Files dialog box, click to select the Delete all offline content check box ,
and then click OK.
5. Click OK.

If you prefer not to delete all the files you can selective search each category and delete.
The temporary files are broken up into six categories. To view your internet files follow
the steps below:
In Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Choose Internet Options from the Tools menu.
3. Click the General, Under Temporary Internet Files, Click Settings.
4.Click View Files
5. Delete selected files

The goal here is to cut down on the files your computer needs to search through.
Alternate methods can be used to clear the web cache and other unnecessary data. Check
out Clean Up A Slow Computer for more tips.

One of the biggest culprit of slow internet connections. Is your web browser's settings.
When you log on to a web page, your computer is assaulted with data it needs to organize
and present in an orderly manner. This information takes time to load. So, the more
information the longer it takes to load. However you tweak a number of settings to
decrease the time it takes to load a web page. By reducing the amount of animation and
scripts. You can see drastic increases in your internet surfing.
1.Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Double Click Internet Options
4. Click Settings
5. Scroll down to Multimedia.
6. You can reduce the options in order to increase speed at which web pages are loaded.
By restricting your browser to display only text is the fastest option.


A slow internet connection is often a software related problem and not the fault of your
ISP. Buying more bandwidth is always going to help. Slow down is a normal result of
having security software like an anitvirus on your computer. The software must
constantly update it files and signatures. All this information is logged in your computer.
The majority of the information is placed in your registry.

When your antivirus performs a scan. It produces a log. This log can be up to 100
megabytes of information each. The registry holds all this info. The addition of the info is
not the major problem. Its that the information is placed in many places in your registry.
This causes fragmentation of files. Your computer's operating system must search
through the massive files in the registry constantly. If the registry is error-filled,
fragmented, or bloated with unnecessary and duplicate files, you will have major
slowdown. Organize and keep it maintained, the problem will most likely be solved. You
can scan to see the condition of your registry and see what resources you can unlock
resources.Click Here to SCAN your registry

Also you should try to see what processes are loaded when your computer starts. Often
the antivirus will check your email, scan, and even update at the same time. This may be
occurring everytime you start up your PC. These acts can last as long as 3 hours. They
may be running silently in the background without your knowledge. Maintain them by
following the directions below or by tweaking the settings in your antivirus:

1. Open your Start menu.

2. Click Run
3. In the command screen type msconfig.exe
4. In the system configuration utility,click either service or startup
tab5. Uncheck all programs that you dont want to load win the antivirus is starting
6. Click OK


The browser is configured to load one web page or "request" a time. You can alter these
settings to increase the amount of information that can flow into Firefox's pipeline.

1.Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the
following entries:

network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining

2. Alter the entries as follows:

Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”

Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”

Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. This means it will

make 30 requests at once.

3. Finally, right-click the black space and select "New" and choose Integer. Name it
“nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the
browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
Top ways to boost PC speed on the internet!

Everyone hates slow internet access

Learning how to boost PC speed on the net can save you tons of time and frustration.
There can be many reasons why you suffer from a slow internet connection. However,
you can boost PC speed on the internet by using some simple maintenance techniques

The biggest question is why has your internet surfing speed slowed down. One of the
major reasons is the reduction of bandwidth. This can occur over time. One reason for the
loss is the amount of programs you have running in the background that have access to
internet. You may not be aware that these programs are eating up your precious
bandwidth. Windows even secretly reserves your bandwidth for operations that are
seldom in use. So, lets take the proper steps to freeing your bandwidth and increase your
PC speed on the internet. There are programs such that will give you an instant boost in
PC speed Regcure Registry Cleaner that will do most of the work for you.

The best ways to boost PC speed on the internet.

1. Eliminate Index.dat files

These nasty critters are a danger to your privacy and your PC speed. Index.dat are secret
files are that record all your web surfing activity. These files can grow up to a hundred
Megabytes. As these files grow in size, your internet access speed slows. Boost PC speed
on the net by eliminating these files.

Learn how to boost PC Speed on the Net by deleting Index.dat files

2. Install a Firewall

This a very simple task that gives your computer complete control of what programs have
access to the net. By controlling your outgoing and ingoing traffic, you can exponentially
boost PC speed on the internet. There are tons of good firewalls on the market. They are
easy to install and have extremely user friendly interfaces. Zone Alarm is rated #1 by PC
Magazine and PC World because it expert control and user interface. It also endorsed by
users worldwide. Its a good start for a novice.Firewalls will net surfing speed
dramatically. This is a must for PC speed and privacy. Read more about firewall click

3.Use a Proxy

A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you
are accessing. The servers saves files that are most often requested by thousands of
Internet users in a special database, called “cache”. Therefore, proxy servers are able to
boost PC speed on the net by allowing your computer to use this "cache of saved data".
This essentially means your computer does not have to load the website or information
that you are seeking because it already existed on the server's hard drive.

You can use a web based proxy or set up one manually on your PC. It takes less than ten
minutes to do this. However you will have to a do this each time you log onto the net. Or
set your computer to run through a proxy each time it logs on to the net. This can be done
with a few clicks manually or you can download a proxy/firewall software package. If
you are novice and would like learn the ABCs of how to boost PC speed on the net with a
proxy. Click Here to learn the ABCs of Proxies


Increase your web browser speed

First you should being using Firefox web browser. Download an Add-on called
FasterFox . This add-on will allow your tweak your browser to increase net surfing speed
Manage your Startup

By managing your startup programs and services your can conserve bandwidth used for
downloading and internet surfing. The programs and services run silently in the
background but they eat up precious bandwidth. Click here to manage your startups and
boost pc speed on the

The most important thing you need to know to erase PC


Want to Erase PC history?

Not if Microsoft can help it! Internet Privacy groups have long been protesting against
Microsoft Index.dat file. This file is hidden on your computer and contains all
information from the Web sites that you have ever visited. Every URL, and every Web
page is listed there.

This hidden file also keeps a record of all of the email that has been sent or received
through Outlook or Outlook Express. The index.dat files cannot be deleted or allow
you to erase PC history easily, because this technology is always open when Windows
(usually the explorer.exe process) is running. Open or "locked" files cannot be deleted in
any way when the process using them is running. Also, when this files grow as large as
100MB, it degrades your web performance.

Index.dat files can almost impossible to locate. If you are in Windows, even with "Show
hidden files and folders" enabled, index.dat files are not visible and cannot be found.
These files are invisible because they have been designated as system files. System files
and folders are treated differently in DOS and Windows. because of this variation they
become effectively invisible in traditional search methods. Moreover, it makes it almost
impossible to permanently erase PC history.

Even after the user has taken the steps to erase PC history files, clear the internet
cache folder, temporary internet files folder, and history folder, the index.dat files
on Windows continue to store all visited web addresses and cookies and temporary
files. In essence Microsoft has made has a very slippery critter that will hide from your
attempts to erase PC history.
If this information makes you uncomfortable and it should. Number one: you should
think about switching to the Firefox, a free browser which dose not contains such
technology. Number two: use advanced techniques to erase PC history and index.dat
files. I highly suggest you invest in a evidence erasing software if you feel nervous about
your email or website history. This will perform a disk sanitation. This technology
encrypts and delete your history. This method permanently eliminates all history from
ever being recovered from your hard disk. Even the FBI cant get to it.

How to manually locate and delete your index.dat files

On a Windows 95 or 98 computer these files are located in the following locations:

WINDOWSTemporary Internet Filesindex.dat
WINDOWSHistoryindex.datWINDOWSTemporary Internet Filesindex.dat

In Windows 2000 and Windows XP there are several index.dat files in these

Documents and SettingsCookiesindex.dat

Documents and SettingsLocal


Documents and SettingsLocal

Documents and SettingsLocal

Documents and SettingsLocal

Internet FilesContent.IE5index.dat

How many times do you have to delete PC internet

history files?
The answer is six. In order to delete PC internet history, these five major memory dumps
must be purged. The five internet history folders are your internet browser history, your
computer’s web cache, Autocomplete, browser history and cookies. The secret index.dat
file makes the sixth.

All six internet history data hogs remember every web page viewed, every article read,
every movie, every pictures and any little file that may have caught our attention. This
information is easily accessible to all who use your computer. So the first thing we need
to categorically delete PC internet history. One Click Delete PC Internet History
Software is Available. Click to Learn More.



Web Cache- is also known as the temporary internet folder. It contains your
temporary internet files.The web cache is the primary folder that holds your previously
viewed web pages and images.


Browser History-This folder contains every url you have typed in the address bar or
visited over a given period of time. This information leaves the biggest web tracks. So,
you want to immediately eliminate it.

AutoComplete-This is an extension of your browser history. When you type in URLs in

your web browser, previously entered urls will appear in the drop down box. This feature
shows every place you've been on the net. You can delete individual entries or fully
disable it using an auto erase history feature. I recommend the latter.

Forms and Passwords-This is a great time saver, but it eradicates any sense of PC
security. Choose the remember the password option and beware that anyone can see this
from your browser.By learning how to delete PC internet files, you will become aware
that passwords should be stored elsewhere not on your computer. You can protect them
with a password in Firefox and Netscape, but IE doesn't offer this. Hmm...I wonder why?

Cookies-there is certainly nothing sweet and tasty about this little fellow. Cookies
identify you on certain web sites. Although some cookies can be useful, They majority
act as tiny little covert spies, secretly watching your browsing activity. Declare war on
this bastards as soon as possible.

Index.dat- Is an active folder used by Microsoft Window's Internet Explorer. This data in
this secret human-unreadable file keeps an active log of all the websites you have visited.
This log contains urls and web quires recently opened files. This file is very difficult to
delete. Performing standard Windows' history delete will not eliminate this file. It is a
secret file designed to avoid traditional cleaning methods. Index.dat also keeps a record
of all email you have received through Outlook Express.

Select which area you would like to manually clean from the from above and left menu.
You may want to keep some information so take precautions and backup any sensitive
data if you are planning to fully delete PC internet history files. If you are interesting in
"tricking out" your PC to automatically delete PC internet history check out.

Why should you Erase Windows History?

To protect your privacy and increase PC speed with a
few easy clicks.
There are a only few steps to completely erase Windows history. Your Temporary
internet files store the largest amount of history data on your PC. This file can grow
extremely large and eventually degrade your PC's overall performance.

Temporary Internet files, also known as the web cache, stores all your previous
downloads. This includes movies, software, music and other files accessed from the
internet. If you want to free up space, protect your privacy, or hide your downloads from
someone who has access to your PC, its is very important that you take steps erase PC
history, especially your temporary internet folder.

Why does Windows store this information?

The main reason is the cache permits your web browser to download only the content that
has changed since you last viewed a Web page, instead of downloading all the content for
a page every time it is displayed. So, it was originally designed to give you a faster net
experience. However over time the opposite occurs. If you don't erase Windows history
your computer will eventually suffer from low memory.

You can delete your Web cache manually with the steps below. This process can grow
tiresome. If you are interested in a automatic solution using budget software to erase
Windows history, invest in a privacy software. This will erase windows history in all 6
major areas were PC information is stored.

Manual steps to erase your temporary internet files.

1. Quit Internet Explorer, Firefox, or any other web browser

2. Click Start, click "Control Panel", and then double-click "Internet Options".
3. On the General tab, click "Delete Files" under Temporary Internet Files.
4. In the Delete Files dialog box, click to select the "Delete all offline content" check
box , and then click OK.
5. Click OK.
To insure that you delete the web cache make sure the delete all off-line content is

Make sure you read how to securely delete files in all major history storage areas.
Although, temporary history files hold the most data. There are other major areas
that you should address if you want to

Cover Your Tracks!

5 easy steps to clear URL history
If you don't clear URL history files, your web browser automatically keeps a detailed
record of all web sites you've visited usually for more than forty days. The history feature
enables you to have a more exact internet surfing experience.

For example, each time you type in a word into the URL address bar, a previously viewed
website appears in the drop down menu of your browser. If someone has previously
visited, This URL will show for all URL you enter beginning with the
letter "H". Clear URL history to avoid the web browser from displaying your
previous URL entries.

However if you want to eliminate only specific private searches from your URL history
because there are other users of your PC who would like their URLs logged, you can
selectively clear URL history files.

Special Note: Even though you have followed the steps to delete your URL history, it
can still be recovered by a savvy PC user. This is the result of Windows recover
technology. Only editing your registry manually or using third party software such as a
registry cleaner tool or privacy software will allow you to permanently clear URL history

Manually Clear URL History with Internet Explorer

Deleting Internet Explorer's entire History listHere's how to delete Internet Explorer's
entire History list:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Choose Internet Options from the Tools menu.
3. Click the "Clear History" button.

Internet Explorer immediately clears the sites and pages you've visited

To stop Internet Explorer from keeping the list altogether, continue to step four,

4. Set the "Days to keep pages in history" setting to "0".

Deleting individual entries from the History list. If you'd like to keep the History
enabled for convenience you are able to delete individual sites from the History by doing

1. Open Internet Explorer and press Ctrl H to "History" menu.

2. Right-click the individual site you'd like to purge and select Delete from the pop-up
3. Choose Yes to confirm the deletion.

Manually Clear URL History in Firefox

Deleting Firefox's entire History list

1. Open Firefox.
2. Choose Internet Options from the Tools.
3. Click the Privacy button
Clear History.

Firefox immediately "forgets" the sites and pages you've visited.

To stop Firefox from keeping the list altogether, continue to step five, below.

5. Set the "Days to keep pages in history" setting to "0".

"Want to Speed Up Your PC ?"

Manage our Startup Programs.

Read on to find out how...

By simply managing your start up programs and services, you can speed up your PC
performance considerably. This adjustment should affect boot your CPU access time and
your internet speed. Following the steps below to speed up computer access time by
micromanaging your start up programs and services.

If you want a defrag software tool. A registry cleaner is a great piece of software that will
perform a defrag regularly and optimize your PC for performance and speed. Click here
for a free scan.

However be careful to not uncheck any vital programs that could halt your PC startup. If
this happens just simply restart your computer in "Safe Mode" and re-enable the program
and services. Also remember to close all applications. Open applications are will not get

1. Open your Start menu.

2. Click Run
3. In the command screen type "msconfig.exe"
4. In the "system configuration utility",
click either "service" or "startup" tab
5. Uncheck all programs that your are no longer using.
6. Click "OK"

Dont know which process or program do what? To find out more about the what each
process and program does on your PC. Visit the

Here is a list of programs and services you dont need unless your are running a network.
They are safe to remove from your startup configuration. The removal of these features
will speed up your PC during the startup

Unnecessary for Startup

Computer Browser
Fast User Switching
Human Interface Access Devices
Indexing Service (Slows the hard drive down)
Net Logon (unnecessary unless networked on a Domain)
Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)
Remote Procedure Call Locater
Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
SSDP Discovery Service (this is for the utterly pointless
"Universal P'n'P", & leaves TCP Port 5000 wide open)
Telnet (disabled for extra security)
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Upload Manager
Windows Time
Wireless Zero Configuration (for wireless networks)

Speed Up a Slow Hard Drive

Constant accessing, noisy and freezing are all symptoms of a slow hard drive. A big fast
hard drive is a must for any modern PC. The hard drive acts as the primary storage unit
for all your data. And you would like to retrieve your files and access your programs as
fast as possible. Each new generation of PCs offers bigger hard drives. However an
oversize cluttered drive just is a big slow hard drive. Nevertheless, you can easily
maintain the quality of your hard drive and learn how to avoid experiencing slow hard
drive problems. One of the easy ways to clean up your hard drive's clutter is to use a
registry cleaner. Click here to learn more! You can use a Registry Clenaer to elimintate
clutter that causes slow hard drive problems, Click here to learn more!

STEP #1: Scan Your Hard Drive

One of the major causes of a slow hard drive is errors. Some hard drives errors can be
caused by the bumping your PC. This can actually cause physical damage to the hard
drive. The damage is known as a bad sector. A very slow hard drive is usually the result
of this phenomenon. Bad sector cause your hard drive to constantly try to read
inaccessible information. Running Check Disk will help you determine if your hard
drives has bad sectors.

1. Click the Windows button and open the Computer folder.

2. Find and Select your hard drive, right click the hard drive icon.
3. Choose Properties from the drop down list.
4. In the Local Disk Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab.
5. Click the Check Now button.
6. For maximum cleanup click "Automatically fix..." and "Scan for ..."
7. If you see new dialog window, click Schedule disk check to start.

Switch FAT to NTFS-- You can increase your hard drive speed by switching FAT to
NTFS. The NTFS configurations provides increased security, file–by–file compression,
quotas, and even encryption. The default setting for XP may be set to FAT which is
slower system. However if you have Vista converted to the NTFS16 or NTFS32
Unfortunately, current Windows version don't pack in a Registry Cleaner to check errors
in your registry you have to hunt and seek them manually if you don't have a cleaner.
STEP #2: Clean Up Your Hard Drive

Each file on your computer is stored in more than one place. A slow hard drive has
useless and abandoned files stored in multiple places on your computer. This is similar to
having a very messy room. When you are in a rush and need to find your keys. It will
take forever to find them. Same goes for finding files in your hard drive.

1. Click the Windows button and open the Computer folder.

2. Find and Select your hard drive, right click the hard drive icon.
3. Choose Properties from the drop down list.
4. In the Local Disk Properties dialog box, click the Disk Cleanup tab.
5. Choose Files from all users on this computer.
6. Click OK after the check box for all the files you want to delete.
Choosing More Options will give you the chance clean up your slow hard drive from
programs and shadow copies. Note that shadow copies are used as system of back up that
can save your files once deleted. This makes data recovery easier but causes slow hard
drive problems. So, proceed with caution.
The Registry is your hard drives largest filing system. Any errors or corrupted files can
cause everything from hard drive problems to sluggish startup and shutdowns. Slow hard
drive problems occur because the CPU will constantly access the hard drive for
information that has to be immediately delivered. If the registry is fragmented and
unorganized your CPU will stall and your hard drive constantly cycles through your
registry system. The new answer to this hard drive problem is using registry cleaners. For
the leaders in the best personal registry cleaners, Click here

STEP #3: Defragment Your Hard Drives

1. Open the Start Menu

2. Click on Computer
3. Right Click your hard drive icon.
4. Scroll down to the Properties.
5. In the Properties Menus, Open the Tools menu.
6. Choose Defragment Now.
7. In the Disk Deframenter menu. Click on Defragment
The image displays a hard drive with a large amount of fragmented data. This is
demonstrated by the collection of broken bars. Each color indicates different data fields,
files, and blocks of data. In "healthy" computer, one with little fragmentation, the disk
defragmenter would display a collection of large continuous blocks consisting of one
The result of the defragmentation process demonstrates a collection of large contiguous
colors fields. This is an indication that large amounts of similar data have been group in
specific locations on the hard drives thus making the data easily accessible and
eliminating one of the major causes of fragmented hard drive syndrome.

How to Defrag a Computer

It is very important learn how to defrag a computer into your routine computer
maintenance schedule. Why?- Because performing this action on your computer can
extend the life of your PC by years and exponentially increase your PC performance. ,
Follow these easy how to steps to defrag a computer with a few simple clicks. To
Eliminate the clutter of useless files and errors that cause slowdown, you may want to use
a Registry Cleaner.

How to defragment your computer hard drive in Windows

1. Open the Start Menu

2. Click on My Computer
3. Right Click your C: drive or your hard drive image.
4. Scroll down to the "Properties" Click
5. In the Properties Menus, Open the "Tools" menu.
6. Choose Defragment Now.
7. In the Disk Deframenter menu. Click on "Defragment"
The image displays a computer that is suffering from a large amount of fragmented data.
This is demonstrated by the collection of broken bars. Each color indicates different data
fields, files, and blocks of data. In "healthy" computer, one with little fragmentation, the
disk defragmenter would display a collection of large continuous blocks consisting of one
Performing an "Analysis" after to to see to the overall improvement in organizing your
data. Your PC speed should significantly improve. Defragging a computer is just one of
the steps in speed up your PC.

......More Computer Speed Tips

One of the best computer speed tips is to cut down on all the processes that burden your
CPU. Windows has a lovely interface. Fading icons, drop down shadows, animate
windows are just a few of the fancy features. However, these features are completely
unnecessary to your computer performance. All these features bog down your CPU. So, if
you would like to increase your Windows speed eliminate some of these options. Here is

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2.Click System.
3.Find the Advanced tab and Click
4.Under Performance, Click Settings
5.Under Visuals Effects, you may choose from a list of options such as Adjust for best
performance or custom. If you choose Adjust for best performance all the features will
be unchecked.
I recommend choosing the Adjust for best performance option. However if you feel
Windows is missing some flare, choose Custom. Then you can individually add
whatever features you like to jazz up your Windows appearance.

How to clean up a slow computer??

Windows has the ability to store a lot of useless data. It's your task to clean up old and
corrupted computer files regularly to avoid slow down. Here are a list of tools and areas
you can focus on to free up resources. It is highly recommend that you try using a registry
cleaner as a clean up an maintenance tool. A corrupted registry is often the main cause of
a slow computer.

Disk Cleanup--This tool allows you to clean up compressed and unnecessary files
collected during Windows operations. Windows has deemed these files safe to delete.
This files can be anything from your temporary internet files to programs no longer in


1. Click Start
2. Programs
3. Accessories
4. System Tools
5. Click Disk Cleanup.

Under the More Options tab, you can clear data under three categories. This is highly
recommended if you want to free up more space for performance speed. With just a few
clicks you can learn how to clean up a slow computer in multiple areas.

Windows Registry--This is a store house of data that your computer has collected via
normal operations. Your windows registry keeps a log of all updates, installation, de-
installation on your computer. The registry can grow to a massive size. You can manually
eliminate these files by typing regedit into the Run command line. However, this can be
highly dangerous for your system if a mistake is made in deletion. Its better to get a good
registry cleaner to do the job for you. Check out this review page. Use the free scan if you
pick up more than a 30 errors. Consider cleaning your registry immediately to create a lot
of free space and speed.

Internet Files/ Cookies/ and Temp Files-- Surfing the net can cause our PC to collect a
lot of useless data. This information needs to be flushed out regularly for normal
operations and RAM to be used efficiently. Learn How to clean up a slow computer by
erasing internet files.
How to increase PC performance
Everybody wants his system to work at a high speed. Thus by taking care of
certain small things system speed can be boosted. System performance
depends on number of factors such as RAM, startup programs, contents in
temporary folder and so on. Here are some tips to increase system speed:

1) Run Disk Cleanup at least once a month to delete the temporary and
obsolete files. The more number of temporary files in the Temp folder,
slower will be its performance. It can be done in two ways either by using
CCleaner software or by using Windows System Tools’ Disk Cleanup
utility by going to StartAll ProgramsAccessoriesSystem
ToolsDisk Cleanup. Follow the instructions thereafter.

2) Use Defragmentation utility to defragment the partitions of the hard disk.

Defragmentation helps you in arranging your data on the hard disk in
contiguous locations. Thus it leads to better and faster disk access. This
can also be done in two ways by using Defraggler. You can also use Disk
Defragmenter utility provided by Windows by going to StartAll
ProgramsAccessoriesSystem ToolsDisk Defragmenter.
Follow the instructions thereafter

3) Sometimes right click menu appears late. Download ShellExView software.

This helps you in disabling some of the components of the menu thereby
increasing the speed of the right click. One more thing can be done,
uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers option
by going to ToolsFolder OptionsView tab.

4) You can disable File Indexing and achieve some better results. This service
selects information from documents and files and creates an index of
searchable keywords on hard disk. This feature can be disabled by right
clicking the C: partition and choose Properties. Uncheck Allow Indexing
Service to index this disk for fast file searching. Next click Apply and then
OK button.

5) You can reduce the boot up time by disabling unnecessary services

running in the background during and after startup. To accomplish this go
to StartRunType MSCONFIG. Click startup tab and uncheck and
suspicious or unwanted service. Click OK and then restart your PC.

6) Animations may provide a good view but they also degrade some system
performance. They can be disabled by:

a) Go to Control Panel.
b) Click System icon.

c) In the dialogue box thus opened click Advanced Tab.

d) Click settings button under Performance section.

e) Uncheck the desired animation schemes.

7) Uninstall any unnecessary program installed on the system which runs in

the background using Add/Remove Programs.

Always keep the anti virus software updated.

9) Installing more number of fonts on the system degrades its performance.

Generally 500 is enough, above which it may cause some issues.

10) If RAM is less then 512 MB then it must be upgraded for better results. It
can be upgraded to 1GB/2GB and so on according to the need.

11) Keep the system clean by opening it and removing dust inside the cabinet
at least once in 6 months.

12) Keep the video and motherboard chipset drivers updated.

13) You can also remove all Spyware stuff from you system. Take the help of
your Anti Virus software.

Increase Your System Performance with a few Basic

Windows XP Tweaks

Windows XP is currently the most popular operating system for personal computers and
comes in two broad categories--XP Home and XP Pro. XP home is designed for home
users who do not need the more heavyweight corporate applications such as a web server
but still require a scalable and reliable operating system. While Windows XP runs well
out of the box, there are tricks that can be used to optimize your installation. There are
great Windows XP tweaks that involve broadband settings, registry entries, and other
under utilized components of WinXP.
While this first group of tips can not properly be considered Windows XP tweaks,
they are so important that they should be included in any guide that discusses
WinXP performance and efficiency. The single most important thing you can do
to ensure to WinXP performance is to make sure that your computer is free from
viruses, trojans, spyware, and other pieces of software that could serve to slow
down or otherwise compromise the functioning of your WinXP computer. The
first thing that you should do, particularly if you have an always on broadband
connection, is to install a firewall. A firewall locks down the software entry points
(called ports) that applications use interact with your computer. Ports are simply
numbers that, when combined with your internet protocol (IP) address, specify a
single channel of network communication. Some ports should usually be open,
such as port 80 which allows web HTTP communication to occur, but others
should be locked unless they are needed by a legitimate program. By default, the
entire range of ports is open to the world on a WinXP machine. A firewall blocks
all unused ports and lets the WinXP user decide which ports to open. WinXP
service pack 2 contains a firewall that is on by default. Another member of this
class of Windows XP tweaks is to install anti virus and anti spyware software.
These programs can clear up the malicious pieces of software that siphon of your
WinXP machine's performance.

Once you have implemented the above vital Windows XP tweaks, it is time to
look at other performance based steps that you can use. The WinXP registry is a
centralized data structure that WinXP programs, including WinXP itself, use to
store configuration data. The registry can quickly become crowded and hence
more slow to search. Particularly if you remove unused programs that do not
uninstall properly, they may leave behind garbage in the registry that can cause
registry searches to slow. Since registry searches can occur at any time during
program execution (particularly during start up), a clogged WinXP registry can
cause the entire system to slow. There are numerous free and share ware programs
out there that can help you clean your WinXP registry. It is not advisable to muck
around the registry yourself, and always be sure to back up your registry before
making any changes.

Another important class of Windows XP tweaks is to keep your hard drive

defragmented. Hard drives become fragmented when application programs save
different parts of files in different places on your hard drive. For example, in order
to maximize available space, WinXP may decide to save part of your file in
different places on the hard drive. This means that access time for that file will
become slow. Over time, your hard drive can accumulate many such fragmented
files and generally become a mess. This can slow your computer down a great
deal. Fortunately, it is easy to de-fragment your hard drive using built in WinXP
utilities. The process can take a number of hours to complete, so many people
choose to de-fragment their hard drive overnight. .

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