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Mental Health &

Wellbeing Report


Damith Senadheera

The aim of this policy is to lay out the set of measures by which the Department of Education
and Training recognizes risks involved and assists in the implementation of appropriate
initiatives to handle and support the mental health and wellbeing of employees in its workplace
environments. The Department's goal is to keep people feeling extremely good and performing
well at work, to remove the stigma associated with mental illness in the office, and to help
workers stay at work.
 Under their scope of responsibilities, conduct risk assessments and implement the
recommendations – Every 6 Months
 Ensure that management and employees are communicating effectively, especially
when there are organizational and procedural changes – Every 6 Months
 Ensure that personnel are aware of their responsibilities and are properly trained. To
guarantee that employees are not working too hard, keep track of their working hours
and overtime – Every 6 Months
 Use the HSE Stress Management return to work questionnaire to arrange return-to-
work meetings. – Every 2 Months
 Receive training on appropriate management practices and health and safety as
needed. - Yearly


The Department has designated mental wellbeing as a mandatory concern that must be
controlled in all Departmental employment. It must be recorded in the Occupational Health
and Safety Risk Register at work. The allocated degree of risk should be documented in the
OHS Risk Register and/or Risk Assessment Template, or something similar.
A recorded risk analysis must be undertaken in cooperation with Management or the
Leadership team, using the Risk Assessment Form or similar, if the underlying risk level in the
OHS Risk Register is classified 'High' or 'Extreme.'
The Managers are in charge of making sure that all staff are aware of the risk controls and treat
ments in place to manage mental health and wellbeing at work. 
This can be accomplished by finalising an OHS induction prior to starting work and empowerin
g employees to provide feedback on hazards and also giving out the staff with;
• A file of the OHS Risk Register and finalized risk assessments, as well as the chance to ask 
questions and take part in subsequent meetings. Questions should focus on learning about:
• Describe your most recent client work. • Have you had any problems or situations that have
impacted your stress levels or emotional health? If that's the case, what should you do? • How
do you believe you dealt with these problems or occurrences? • How do you believe you could
have done things differently? • What steps do you think we should take to help you manage
your stress and emotional well-being in relation to the concerns or situations you've described?
• How would you like to assist your own anxiety levels and psychological well-being in relation
to the challenges or incidents you've explained?


Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) provide assistance to employees who are

experiencing personal or employment issues. Counseling, referrals, and follow-up services are
common forms of assistance. Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are mostly focused on
mental health, personal finance, legal help, and free child care issues.
 Explain how an EAP can benefit - Employees are frequently uninformed of the
facilities and benefits available to them at work. Unaddressed problems might lead to a
drop in production as employees' well-being deteriorates. During the induction
programme, as well as at internal events like workplace festivals, this information
should be communicated.
 Emphasize the non-disclosure clause in the EAP provider's agreement - One of
the most critical aspects of EAPs is privacy. When employees realize that their privacy
is protected by federal and state regulations, they seem to be more willing to use
services. One method to accomplish this is to encourage staff to use any online EAP
services, which provide an additional layer of safety and anonymity.
 Taking the utilization of your mid-level managers - Companies should provide
training on EAP services and general workplace tools to mid-level management. Mid-
level managers work with their staff on a daily basis and are better equipped to see


Being able to do a self-assessment and reflect on one's own behavior is a key aspect of
monitoring and evaluating stress and emotional wellness in others.
The following are some examples of reflective behavior methods.
 SWOT Analysis - If you make the most of your abilities, you are more likely to succeed
in life. Similarly, if you know what your shortcomings are and how to control them so
that they don't affect your work, you'll have less problems. So, how do you go about
recognizing these strengths and weaknesses, as well as the possibilities and dangers
that arise as a result of them? SWOT Analysis is a valuable tool for accomplishing this.
 Journals and Reflection Entries - These allow you to reflect on and analyze your
ideas and behaviors by recording your emotions and opinions.
 Checklists - This might be a pre-existing tool from your company or something you
create yourself to assist you assess your skills and talents.
 Questions for Self-Reflection - 'What do I realize now after this encounter?' and 'How
does this effect my future practice?' are examples of reflective inquiries.

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