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Manganese is an essential trace mineral which helps to maintain normal bone structure and fight
harmful free radicals. It is required by the body to convert protein and lipid into energy. Manganese aids
proper food digestion and help promote optimal functions of the thyroid gland.

Arginase is an essential manganese dependent enzyme which is required by the liver for detoxifying
ammonia generated during amino acid metabolism. Manganese is mainly found in bones, the liver,
pancreas and kidneys. Manganese deficiency can lead to poor glucose tolerance, reproductive system
complications and bone malformation. Manganese can be obtained in various forms including,
manganese salts (gluconate and sulfate) and manganese chelates.

Deficiency of this mineral generally occurs due to malabsorption or poor dietary intake. Whole grains,
Rye, soybeans, brown rice, spinach and oats are some of the food sources which can provide adequate
amount of manganese in the diet.

Manganese should be consumed in moderate levels; otherwise overdose of it can lead to several health
complications. Manganese toxicity increases the risk of impotency, neurological and psychiatric

Manganese benefits

Manganese is an essential micronutrient which plays a beneficial role in maintaining healthy nerves and
help body synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol.

Bone Health: It facilitates the formation of bones, cartilage and lubricating fluid in the joints and thus
reduces the risk of joint related complications such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and
rheumatoid arthritis. Manganese helps to activate enzymes known as glycolsyltranserferases and
xylosyltransferases. These enzymes facilitate healthy bone formation. It is an effective mineral, and aids
in increasing the mineral density of spinal bone, especially in post-menopausal women.  

Glucose support and brain health: It plays a crucial role by regulating blood sugar levels and also
facilitates the production of blood clotting factors. It plays an important role in brain development and
improves balance, movement, and fine motor coordination.

Antioxidant protection against free radicals: It promotes antioxidant activity in the body through
manganese dependent enzyme known as Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). This enzyme
protects tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Metabolism: It plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. It also
enhances the metabolic activity of vitamins such as Vitamin E and Vitamin B1. Manganese is an essential
trace element which interacts with all B complex vitamins to tackle psychological and nervous disorders
such as anxiety, irritation and depression.
Enhanced Thyroid functions: Manganese helps to improve thyroid functions and thus reduces the risk of
hypothyroidism. It enhances the production of thyroid hormone known as thyroxin, which is required
for maintaining the healthy nerve tissues.

Reproductive health and fertility: Manganese plays a vital role in maintaining reproductive health and
facilitates the production of sex hormones. It enhances the production of sperm and thus helps to
improve fertility especially among men.

Premenstrual syndrome: Manganese helps to regulate hormone levels during menstrual cycle and
prevents heavy bleeding. It also reduces the risk of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women by boosting
the activity of serotonin. Serotonin is an essential neurotransmitter which helps to alleviate symptoms
associated with PMS such as depression, mood swings, headaches, and irritability.

Activator of essential enzymes: Manganese activates enzymes which are necessary for certain
physiological processes and helps the body to absorb several key nutrients such as biotin, thiamin,
ascorbic acid, and choline.

Inflammation and sprains: It also helps to prevent strains, inflammation and sprains by increasing the
antioxidant activity of Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD).

Diabetes: It plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels and helps prevent impaired glucose
tolerance. It can improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics and help regulate blood sugar level.

Heart Health: manganese helps to regulate normal blood rhythm and promotes healthy blood pressure.
It also protects the artery linings from oxidative stress caused due to free radicals and may prove
beneficial in the treatment of coronary artery disease.

Manganese nutrition

Manganese is an essential micronutrient which is needed for needed for healthy skin, bone, and
cartilage formation, as well as glucose tolerance. Severe manganese deficiency can lead to abnormal
gait, osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes. Diet rich in manganese will help in maintaining
cardiovascular health and also increase the elasticity of arteries and blood vessels. Vitamin K deficiency
is usually caused due to inadequate absorption or when the diet lacks in essential vitamins and
nutrients. Following is the list of foods which contain adequate amount of manganese.

Manganese rich food sources:

 Nuts, whole grains, dried legumes

 Cereals, pasta, butternuts
 Almonds, Brazil nuts, Oats, sesame seeds
 Blackberries, blackcurrants, orange, prickly pears
 Dates, grape fruits
 Mulberries, Okra
 Bok Choy, Kale, beans, turnip, sprouts
 Brussels, spinach, celery, parsnip, Swiss chard
 Cheddar cheese, perch, Pollock, soy beans, sour cream
 Goat milk, eggs, caviar, sardines, pineapple
 Rice, white, long grain
 Turkey, beef, lamb, chicken
  Broccoli, cauliflower.

Manganese deficiency

Manganese is an essential mineral which plays a vital role in several metabolic activities and helps
promote growth and development. Lack of manganese can lead to stunted growth, bone malformation,
weakness and infertility. The recommended daily allowance for adults is 8 to 11 mg of zinc. Manganese
deficiency generally occurs due to malabsorption or poor dietary intake.

Bone deformities and muscle contraction: Manganese deficiency can lead to impaired growth, skeletal
abnormalities and may affect muscle coordination and balance.

Anemia: Deficiency of manganese in the body can affect iron absorption, which can lead to iron
deficiency anemia.

Severe deficiency conditions in infants: Severe manganese deficiency in infants can cause convulsions,
and even paralysis, blindness and deafness.

High blood pressure: Low manganese content in the body can elevate blood pressure which can
increase the risk of cardiac arrest or a heart attack.

Affect immune system: Deficiency of manganese may affect the production of immune system cells and
makes the body more vulnerable to infections and stress.

High blood sugar levels: Manganese deficiency can lead to impaired glucose tolerance (high glucose
levels) as it affects the functioning of insulin. Severe manganese deficiency can also increase the risk of

Atherosclerosis: Deficiency of manganese can lead to atherosclerosis which is caused due to the buildup
of fatty deposits inside the arteries. It is one of the major risk factor that leads to coronary heart
diseases (CHD) and other cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Scaly rash and depressed hair growth: manganese deficiency can cause scaly rashes, hair loss and scaly

Infertility: Deficiency of manganese in men can lead to infertility, decreased sperm production and
delayed sexual maturity.

Insomnia and premenstrual irritability: insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity and restlessness with constant
movement, panic attacks and premenstrual irritability. 
Manganese deficiency symptoms

Manganese is an essential mineral which is required for several metabolic activities and helps promote
growth and development. Severe deficiency of this mineral can lead to cardiovascular disease, heart
arrhythmias, diabetes, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis and osteoporosis. Some of the
common signs and symptoms associated with manganese deficiency include:

 Urinary spasm
 Panic attacks
 Numbness and tingling
 Palpitations
 Hearing trouble
 Muscular contraction
 Poor eyesight
 Shivers and tremors
 Severe cramps
 Impaired growth
 Impaired reproductive functions
 Sweating
 Fast heart beats
 Fatigue
 Nausea
 Dizziness
 Agoraphobia

Manganese overdose

Manganese is essential for normal growth and development but excess of this mineral can interfere with
the absorption of dietary iron and may lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Manganese in surplus quantity is
excreted in bile and pancreatic secretion. Excessive manganese intake can also lead to hypertension,
cirrhosis and Parkinson’s disease. Common symptoms which are associated with manganese overdose

 Lethargy
 Hallucinations
 Hives
 Nausea
 Liver damage
 Muscle spasm
 Monotone voice
Manganese supplement

Manganese supplements play a vital role in the production of certain enzymes which are necessary for
the metabolism of proteins and fats. Manganese supplements enhance insulin activity and thus avoid
diseases that are caused due to insulin resistance. Supplementation of this mineral is beneficial in
suppressing sharp rise in blood sugar levels. It helps to help to boost immune system and stabilize the
metabolic rate. These supplements enhance fertility which is important for healthy sperms production
and sex drive. Manganese supplements also help to prevent oxidative stress which is caused due to free
radicals. Manganese supplementation also helps improve symptoms related to depressions such as
confusion, anxiety, mental fatigue and depressed mental state. These supplements help in keeping hair
healthy and prevent hair loss. It also enhances memory and other brain and nerve functions.
Manganese supplements help strengthen tendons, tissues, ligaments and bones. Manganese
supplementation is also beneficial for women as it reduces the risk of menstrual cramps and PMS. It is a
potent antioxidant mineral which prevents the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, epilepsy, schizophrenia,
arthritis, and osteoporosis.

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