29mei2021 - Statistik Deskriptif Dan Inferensial

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Statistika Deskriptif dan


Catherine Olivia Sereati

Magister Teknik Elektro
Unika Atma Jaya
Memberi cara proses
untuk penilaian dan
memperoleh pengambilan
insight baru keputusan
pada perilaku secara cermat
berbagai saat terdapat
fenomena variasi dan

• Q: Apakah ketidakpastian/variasi,
pengambilan statistik tidak
keputusan tidak bisa diperlukan  hanya
dilakukan secara perlu observasi tunggal
naluriah saja?
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Pembagian Statistik


Statistik Statistik
Deskriptif Inferensial
Data digambarkan Menggunakan Sampel
secara ringkas, untuk menarik
sehingga lebih mudah kesimpulan mengenai
dibaca dan bermakna suatu
Statistik Deskriptif
• Fitur penting dari data yang dikumpulkan
perlu diringkas dan dideskripsikan
• Metode deskriptif:
– Grafis: histogram, scatterplot
– Perhitungan ringkasan numerik: mean, deviasi
standar, koefisien korelasi, dsb
Statistik Inferensial
• Secara umum, statistik inferensial fokus
pada pengolahan data sampel sehingga
bisa mengambil keputusan atau
kesimpulan pada suatu populasi.
• Prosedur inferensial:
– Estimasi titik
– Pengujian hipotesis
– Estimasi dengan selang kepercayaan
Measures of Location
• Mean

 Median
◦ Duration of Beethoven’s Symphony #9:

◦ Median = 66.90
Measures of Variability
• Range : the difference between the highest and
lowest values.
• Sample variance: calculate how varied a sample is
Measures of Variability

Standard deviation :
measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values.
A low standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be close to
the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high
standard deviation indicates that the values are spread out over a wider
Measures of Variability

Sampel dengan measure of center yang identik,

tapi variabilitas berbeda
Probability, Sample Spaces & Events
• Probability :
– study of randomness & uncertainty
– provides methods for quantifying chances associated with
various outcomes
• Experiment: process which outcome is subject to
• Sample space of an experiment: collection of all
possible outcomes
• Event:
– Any subset of outcomes contained in the sample space S .
• Simple Event  exactly one outcome
• Compound event  more than one outcome
Example 1
Some Relations from Set Theory
• Complement of an event A
• Union of two events A and B, denoted A  B
(read: A or B)
• Intersection of two events A and B, denoted A
 B (read: A and B)
• Example:
Axiom, Interpretation, and
Properties of Probability
• Objective of probability: assign to each event A a
number P(A)  probability of event A  precise
measure of the chance that A will occur
• Axiom I : For any event A, P(A) > 0
• Axiom II : P(S) = 1
• If A1, A2, A3,..is an infinite collection of disjoint
events, then
P(A1 A2  A3 …) = 

 P A 
i 1
Interpreting Probability
• Let A = the event that a package sent in
California for 2nd day delivery actually
arrives within one day.
• The results from sending 10 such
packages are:
Interpreting Probability (2)
Conditional Probability
• Definition: for any two events A and B with
P(B) > 0, the conditional probability of A given
that B has occurred is defined by

P A  B 
P A | B  
P B 
Example II
• Complex components are assembled in a plant that
uses 2 different assembly lines, A and A’. Line A uses
older equipment than A’, so it is slower and less
reliable. Suppose on a given day line A has
assembled 8 components, of which 2 have been
identified as defective (B) and 6 as non-defective (B’),
whereas A’ has produced 1 defective and 9
nondefective components.
Example II – Cont’d
• Summary:

• State P(A), the probability of component from

line A is randomly selected
• State P(A|B), the probability of a defective
component from line A is selected
Example III
• Suppose that of all individuals buying a certain
digital camera, 60% include an optional
memory card in their purchase, 40% include
an extra battery, and 30% include both a card
and a battery. Consider randomly selecting a
buyer and let A = {memory card purchased}
and B = {battery purchased}. Then P(A) = 0.6,
P(B) = 0.4, P(AB) = 0.3.
Example III (cont’d)
• Given that the selected individual purchased an
extra battery, the probability that an optional
card was also purchased is
P A  B  0.3
P A | B     0.75
P B  0.4
 That is, of all those purchasing an extra battery,
75% purchased an optional memory.
 Similarly, P(battery|memory card) = 0.5
 Notice that P(A|B)  P(A), and P(B|A)  P(B)
Multiplication Rule

P  A  B   P  A | B   P B 
A and B are independent if and only if

P AB  P A  PB
Next :
Random variable

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