External Question (1996-2003)

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Pre-conception counseling
1. Discuss the importance and scope of pre-conception counseling. 10.2001 (A1)15%
2. Write short notes on preconceptual counseling. 4.1997 (B1)5%

Antenatal examination
1. Discuss the values of routine investigations in antenatal care. 4.2002 (A1)15%
2. Write short notes on symphysio-fundal height measurement. 10.1999 (B1)5%
3. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy. 4.1999 (B12)5%
4. Indications ofr oral glucose testing in antenatal clinic. 4.1998 (B7)5%
5. Risks factors to be detected in the first antenatal visit. 10.1996 (B4)5%

Antenatal blood tests

1. Write short notes on routine antenatal blood test. 4.2000 (B3)5%
2. Routine blood tests taken in the first antenatal visit. 1.1998 (B11)5%
3. Screening for thalassaemia in pregnancy. 1.1997 (B3)5%
4. Screening for hepatitis B surface antigen. 4.1996 (B7)5%
5. Management of primiparous lady with normal haemoglobin level but low Mean Corpuscular
Volume (MCV) antenatally. 10.1997 (B1)5%

1. Benefits of a routine 18 to 28 weeks ultrasound examination. 4. 2000 (B7)5%
2. Information that can be obtain during ultrasound scanning. 1.1997 (B14)5%

Minor disorder
1. Two minor discomforts in pregnancy and their management. 4.1999 (B3)5%
2. Common minor complaints of pregnancy. 4.1996 (B1)5%

Assessment of fetal well-being

1. Methods of antenatal assessment of fetal well-being. 10. 1999 (B5)5%
2. Monitoring of fetal well-being for pregnant woman with pregnancy beyond 41 weeks.
4.1998 (B9)5%
3. Discuss the various methods of monitoring fetal well-being in the antenatal periods. 4.1996
(A2) 15%

Fetal movement
1. Management of decreased fetal movement. 4.2001 (B4)5%
2. Discuss the management of a 24-year-old G1P0 woman complaining of decreased fetal
movement at 36 weeks gestation. 10.1999 (A1)15%
3. Write short notes on reduced fetal movements. 10.1997 (B5)5%
4. Management of decreased fetal movement at 39 weeks. 10.1996 (B5)5%

Uterine size
1. Write short notes on uterus bigger than date 1.2000 (B8)5%
2. Causes of uterine size larger than date. 4.1997 (B14)5%
3. Causes of uterine size smaller than date. 10.1996 (B1)5%

High heard
1. Causes of “high heard at term” in primigravida. 4.2003 (B5) 5%
2. Causes of “high heard” at term. 4.2000 (B5)5%
3. Cause of high presenting part at term. 10.1997 (B9)5%

Prenatal diagnosis
1. A 32-year-old lady at 15th week into her first pregnancy seeks your opinion on biochemical
screening for Down’s syndrome. How would you advise her? 4.2003 (A1)15%
2. Methods of antenatal screening for Downs’ syndrome. 4.2001(B14)5%
3. Biochemical screening for Down’s syndrome. 4.2000 (B9)5%
4. Indications and methods of prenatal diagnosis. 10.1998 (B4)5%
5. Methods to diagnose Down’s syndrome in pregnancy. 4.1998 (B5)5%
6. Write short notes on aminocentesis. 10.1997 (B2)5%
7. Counseling of parents with a baby died of hydrops foetalis due to haemoglobin Bart. 4.1997
8. Complications of amniocentesis. 1.1997 (B2)5%
9. Describe the indications and methods of Prenatal Diagnosis of fetal abnormalities. 10.1996

1. Two most common causes of anaemia in pregnancy in Hong Kong 4.2000 (B13) 5%
2. Management of antenatal anaemia. 10.1998 (B1)5%
3. Management of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. 10.1996 (B13)5%

1. Causes of polyhydramnios. 1.1998 (B14)5%
2. Predisposing factors of polyhydramnios. 1.1997 (B4)5%

Diabetes mellitus
1. A 32-year-old woman in her first pregnancy was diagnosed to have gestational diabetes
mellitus at 28 weeks of gestation. She failed to achieve satisfactory sugar control while on
dietary treatment and insulin therapy was just started. How do you counsel this lady?
10.2000 (A1)15%
2. Antenatal management of gestational diabetes mellitus. 1.2000 (B1)5%
3. Typical appearance and complications of a neonate born to a diabetic mother. 4.1999
4. Discuss the effect and management of gestational diabetes mellitus. 10.1997 (A2)15%
5. Problems of babies born from an insulin dependent diabetic mother. 4.1997 (B7)5%
6. Complications of baby born to a diabetic mother. 1.1997(B12)5%

1. Discuss the management of severe pre-eclampsia at 36 weeks gestation. 10.2000 (A1) 15%
2. Signs and symptoms of impending eclampsia. 4.1998 (B11)5%
3. Maternal complications of eclampsia. 1. 1998 (B11)5%
4. Maternal risks of severe pre-eclampsia. 10.1997 (B6)5%
5. Management of eclampsia. 1.1997(B9)5%

Cardiac disease
1. Write short notes on cardiac output during pregnancy. .4.2000 (B1)5%
2. Management of a cardiac disease woman in labour 1.2000 (B9)5%
3. Management of a pregnant woman with chronic rheumatic heart disease during labour.

Intrauterine growth restriction

1. Factors contributing to intrauterine growth restriction. 10.2002(B2)5%
2. Diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation. 10.2000 (B8)5%
3. Causes of intrauterine growth retardation. 10.1998 (B13)5%
4. Diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation. 1.1998 (B3)5%

1. Write short notes on external version of breech at term. 10.2000(B10)5%
2. Modes of delivery for breech presentation. 10.1998(B8)5%
3. Causes of fetal mortality in external cephalic version for breech presentation.

1. Diagnosis of brow presentation during labour at term. 4.1998 (B6)5%

1. Causes of transverse lie at 36th week. 4. 1997 (B9)5%
1. The definition of compound presentation. 1.1997 (B1.iv)1%

1. A 24-years-old, 32 weeks gestation, primigravida lady who has no antenatal care is admitted
to the antenatal ward for per vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. Discuss the clinical
management of this lady. 10.1998(A1)15%
2. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis a management of major placenta praevia. 4.1998
3. Management of accidental haemorrhage (Abruptio placentae). 1.1998(B8)5%
4. Diagnosis of abruption placentae. 4.1996(B2)5%
5. A 30-year-old primigravida woman is having heavy vaginal bleeding at 32 weeks of
gestation. Discuss the causes and management of this case. 4.2004 (A1)15%

Hyperemesis gravidarum
1. Write short notes on hyperemesis gravidarum. 4.2001(B2)5%
2. Writeh short notes on hyperemesis gravidarum. 10.2000 (B2)5%
3. Causes of hyperemesis gravidarum. 4.1999 (B5)5%
4. Management of a pregnant woman with hyperemesis gravidarum at 8th gestational week.

1. Writhe short notes on rubella infection in pregnancy. 10.1998 (B6)5%
2. Management of a woman who is pregnant for 10 weeks and has Rubella contact. 10.1997

Chicken pox
1. Write short notes on chicken pox in pregnancy. 4.2001(B1)5%

1. Neonatal immunization against Hepatitis B. 10.1999 (B12)5%
2. Management of pregnant women found to have hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in
routine screening. 4.1998 (B2)5%

1. Infection control measures for pregnant women with HIV infection during labour. 4.2000
2. How to reduce the risk of HIV transmission from an HIV-infected mother to her baby.
10.2000 (B5)5%
3. Ways to decrease chance of maternal-fetal transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV ) 4.2004 (B2)5%

Post date
1. Management of pregnancy that reaches 41 weeks gestation. 10.1997(B7)5%

Teenage pregnancy
1. Problems with teenage pregnancy. 10.2000 (B13)5%

Elderly primigravida
1.Problems with elderly primigravida. 4.2004 (B3)5%

Grand multipara
1. Risk of grand multiparity. 10.1997(B12)5%

Twin pregnancy
1. Complications of twin pregnancy. 4.1996 (B4)5%

Other (antenatal)
1. Causes of abdominal pain in late pregnancy. 10.2001(B4)5%
2. Iron supplementation in pregnancy. 10.1999 (B11)5%
3. Aims of antenatal talk. 4.1999 (B10)5%
4. A 30-year-old primigravida is diagnosed to have pregnancy at 16 weeks of gestation. Outline
the clinical management for her during pregnancy and labour. 4.1999 (A1)15%
5. Write short notes on incompetent cervix. 10.1998 (B3)5%
6. Write short notes on amniotic fluid. 4.1998 (B12)5%
7. Glycosuria at 20th gestational week. 4.1997(B5)5%
8. The definition of Naegele’s Rule. 1.1997(B1i)1%
9. Diagnosis of pregnancy. 1.1997 (B7)5%
10. Causes of proteinuria complicating pregnancy. 1.1997(B8)5%
11. Assessment of pelvis. 10.1996 (B10)5%

Labour Pain relief
1. Pain management during labour. 1.2000 (B14)5%
2. Discuss different methods of pain relief during labour. 10.1999(A2)15%
3. Different methods of pain relief during labour. 10.1998 (B5)5%
4. Discuss various methods of pain-control during labour. 4.1997 (A1)15%

Epidural analgesia
1. Strategies to promote epidural analgesia in labour. 4.2003 (B1)5%
2. Complications and side effects of Epidural analgesia. 10.2001(B3)5%
3. What are the indications for epidural analgesia in labour? How does it affect the incidence
of instrumental delivery? 4.1999(A1)15%
4. Advantages and disadvantages of epidural analgesia for pain relief in labour. 10.1997 (B8)5%
5. Advantages and disadvantages of epidural analgesia for labour pain relief. 4.1996 (B10)5%

1. Write short notes on episiotomy. 4.2002 (B5)5%
2. Write short notes on third degree tear. 4.2001 (B11)5%
3. Discuss the role of episiotomy in modern obstetrics. 10.2000 (A2)15%
4. Complications of episiotomy. 4.2000 (B4)5%
5. Value of episiotomy. 10.1998 (B7)5%
6. Write short notes on the definition of perineum. 1.1997 (B1.v)1%

1. Management of a labouring woman found to have an abnormal intrapartum CTG. 10.2001
2. Write short notes on admission test. 10.2000 (B4)5%
3. Criteria for a reactive cardiotocography. 4. 2000 (B11)5%
4. Variable decelerations in fetal heart tracing during labour. 10.1999 (B3)5%
5. Features of a reactive non-stress test. 4.1999 (B1)5%
6. Management of a pregnant woman found to have an abnormal intrapartum
cardiotocogram. 4.1997 (B12)5%

Third stage of labour

1. Active management of the third stage of labour. 4.1999 (B8)5%
2. Management of prolonged third stage of labour. 10.1998 (B9)5%
3. Causes and management of retained placenta. 4.1998 (B14)5%
4. Write short notes on placenta. 1.1997 (B13)5%
5. Examination of placenta and umbilical cord after delivery. 10.1996 (B2)5%

1. Discuss your management of a 22 years old lady admitted for leakage of liquor at 28 weeks
of gestation. 4.2000 (A2) 15%
2. Management of a pregnant woman who complaines of leakage of amniotic fluid at 40
weeks of gestation. 10.1999 (B13)5%
3. Discuss the management of premature rupture of membranes in a primigravida at the
maturity of 30 weeks? 1.1997 (A2)15%

1. Treatment and monitoring of premature labour at 30 weeks gestation. 10.2000 (B6)5%
2. Drugs that can be useful in the management of preterm labour. 1.2000 (B3)5%
3. Acute neonatal complications of a baby born preterm at 28 weeks gestation. 4.1998 (B1) 5%
4. Treatment and monitoring of premature labour at 30 weeks’ gestation. 1998 (B5)5%
5. The definition of preterm labour. 1997 (B1. iii)1%

Induction of labour
1. Risks of induction of labour. 10.2000 (B1)5%
2. Factors affecting success of induction of labour. 4.1999 (B4)5%
3. Uses of Prostaglandins in induction of labour. 4. 1998 (B13)5%
4. Discusses the indications, methods and complications of induction of labour. 10.1996
5. Contraindications to induction of labour. 4.1996 (B13)5%

Bishop Score
1. Write short notes on Bishop score. 4.2001 (B6)5%
2. Wrtie short notes on Bishop score. 1. 1998 (B6)5%

Caesarean section
1. “Caesarean section can be justified on maternal request alone.” Discuss this statement.
4.2002 (A2)15%
2. A healthy 28-year-old primigravida with an uneventful singleton pregnancy at 38 weeks’
gestation requests elective Caesarean section at term. How would you deal with this
matter? 4.2000 (A1)15%
3. Causes of fever after Caesarean section. 4.1999 (B11)5%
4. Methods of anaesthesia for Caesarean section and their advantages. 4.1998 (B3)5%
5. Disadvantages of Classical Caesarean section. 4.1998 (B8)5%
6. Common indications of Caesarean section. 4.1996 (B12)5%

Trial of scar
1. Discuss on the antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum management of a woman with
previous Caesarean section. 4.2001 (A2)15%
2. Write short notes on trial of scar. 1.2000 (B6)5%
3. Antenatal management of a woman with a previous Caesarean section. 10.1998 (B14)5%
4. Management of a woman with a previous L.S.C.S. scar in labour. 4.1997 (B11)
5. Indications of Caesarean section in a pregnant woman with previous Caesarean section.
1.1997 (B10)5%

Slow progress
1. Management of primigravida with slow progress of first stage of labour. 4.2002 (B1)5%
2. Management of primigravida with slow progress of first stage of labour. 4.1998 (B4)5%

1. Diagnosis and management of cephalopelvic disproportion. 1.2000 (B4)5%
2. Diagnosis of cephalopelvic disproportion. 1.1997 (B5)5%

Cord prolapse
1. Management of prolapse cord. 1.2000 (B2)5%
2. Causes and management of cord prolapse. 1.1998 (B1)5%
3. Describe the cause and management of cord prolapse at term. 4. 1996 (A1) 15%
4. Management of cord prolapse. 4.2004 (B1)5%

Shoulder dystocia
1. Management of shoulder dystocia. 10.2002 (B1)5%
2. Midwife’s management of shoulder dystocia. 4.2001 (B7)5%
3. Immediate management of shoulder dystocia. 10.1999 (B2)5%
4. Emergency management of shoulder dystocia. 10.1997 (B4) 5%
5. Management of shoulder dystocia. 4.1996 (B6)5%

Others (labour)
1. Labour presenting with occipito-posterior position. 4.2003 (B3)5%
2. Physiological changes of the uterus during the first stage of labour. 10.2002 (B4)5%
3. Significance of vaginal examination during labour. 10.2001(B2)5%
4. Write short notes on fetal blood sampling. 4.2001 (B5)5%
5. Write short notes on Partogram. 4.1999 (B7)5%
6. What is fetal distress? Discuss its diagnosis and management during labour? 10.1998
7. Pros and cons of home confinement. 4.1998(B10)5%
8. Discuss the role of midwife in the management of normal labour. 1.1998 (A1)15%
9. Management of labour with MSL. 10.1997 (B13)5%

Postpartum haemorrhage
1. A 34-year-old woman had just delivered her 3rd child. She looked pallor and lethargy. Heavy
bldding per vagina was noted after the delivery of placenta. How would you manage?
4.2003 (A2)15%
2. Initial management of postpartum haemorrhage. 4. 2002 (B6)5%
3. Use of Prostaglandin in primary postpartum haemorrhage. 10.2000 (B12)5%
4. Causes of secondary postpartum haemorrhage. 4.2000 (B10)5%
5. A woman is having heavy vaginal bleeding in the labour ward fifteen minutes after a normal
vaginal delivery. Please discuss the causes and management. 1. 2000 (A1)15%
6. Causes of primary postpartum haemorrhage. 10.1999 (B7)5%
7. Discuss the prevention and management of primary postpartum haemorrhage. 10.1997 (A1)
8. Management of primary postpartum haemorrhage. 4.1997 (B8)5%
9. Management of primary postpartum haemorrhage from uterine atony. 4.1996 (B11)5%

Retention of urine
1. Possible reasons for acute retention of urine after delivery. 10.2000 (B9)5%
2. Management of postpartum urinary retention. 10.1999 (B9)5%
3. Common causes of urinary retention after delivery. 4.1997 (B2)5%

1. Combined oral contraceptive pills as contraception. 4.2001 (B14)5%
2. Write short notes on postpartum contraception. 10.2000 (B7)5%
3. Counselling of a woman who wishes to have postpartum sterilization. 1.2000 (B13)5%
4. Contraceptive advice given to gestational diabetes mellitus mother. 4.1999 (B2)5%
5. Counselling on postpartum sterilization. 1. 1998 (B4)5%
6. Advice given to a lady with normal findings in the postnatal clinic before prescribing
combined oral contraceptive pills. 10.1997 (B3)5%
7. Counselling for postpartum sterilization. 1. 1997 (B11)5%
8. Counselling for postpartum sterilization 10.1996 (B8)5%
9. Advantages of combined oral contraceptive pills. 4.1996 (B14)5%

Emotional problems
1. Write short notes on Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scales. 10.2002 (B6)5%
2. “Postpartum depression is a long-neglected condition in Hong Kong.” Discuss the role of the
midwife in the light of this statement. 4.2001 (A1) 15%
3. Writhe short notes on postpartume blue. 10.2000 (B11)5%
4. Symptoms of postpartum depression. 4.2000 (B8)5%
5. Write short notes on postnatal depression. 10.1998 (B12)5%
6. Write short notes on postnatal depression. 1.1998 (B2)5%
7. Write short notes on puerperal disorder. 10.1996 (B14)5%
8. Postnatal depression is one of the major maternal morbidities. In Hong Kong, its prevalence
rate is around 10%. As a midwife, how can you help to prevent this problem? 4.2004

1. Four specific feeding techniques you should recommend to a breast-feeding woman with
sore nipples. 10.2002 (B5)5%
2. Management of a lactating mother with inadequate milk supply. 4.2002 (B4)5%
3. Management of breast engorgement in breast-feeding mother. 4.2000 (B12)5%
4. The difficulties in increasing breast-feeding rate in Hong Kong. 1.2000 (B7)5%
5. The role of midwives in promoting breast-feeding. 10.1999 (B6)5%
6. Non-pharmacological methods of lactation suppression. 4.1999 (B14)5%
7. Maternal problems causing difficulties in breast-feeding. 10.1998 (B10)5%
8. What are the advantages of breast-feeding? Discuss how you promote breast-feeding in your
clients. 4.1997(A1) 15%
9. Discuss the role of midwives in the promotion of breast-feeding. 1.1997 (A1)15%
10. Benefits of breast-feeding. 4.1996 (B3)5%

Puerperal pyrexia
1. 3 days after vagianl delivery, a postpartum woman developed a temperature of 38.6C.
Discuss the possible causes and management. 10.2001 (A2)15%
2. Discuss the causes, predisposing factors, clinical features, investigations and management of
puerperal pyrexia. 1.1998 (A2)15%
3. Causes of puerperal pyrexia. 10.1996 (B12)5%

Postpartum care
1. Postpartum care after vaginal delivery. 4.1999 (B13) 5%
2. Discuss the role the midwife in early postpartum care in hospital. 4. 1998 (A1) 15%

Newborn resuscitation
1. Resuscitation of a flaccid newborn with thick meconium-stained liquor and poor respiratory
effort at birth. 4. 2003 (B2)5%
2. Resuscitation of asphyxia baby. 1.1998(B7)5%
3. Write short notes on neonatal resuscitation. 1.2000 (B12)5%
4. Resuscitation of newborn. 4.1997(B6)5%
5. Resuscitation of newborn. 4.1996(B5)5%

Apgar score
1. Write short notes on Apgar score and the scoring system. 10.2000(B3)5%
2. Write short notes on Apgar score. 10.1998(B2)5%
3. Write short notes on Apgar score. 10.1997(B10)5%

Neonatal infection
1. Symptoms and signs of neonatal sepsis. 10.2002 (B3)5%
2. Prevention of neonatal infection. 10.2001(B6)5%
3. Clinical features of neonatal sepsis. 4.2000 (B6)5%
4. Causes of neonatal infection. 10.1996 (B9) 5%

Neonatal jaundice
1. Write short notes on neonatal jaundice. 4.2001(B8)5%
2. Write short ntoes on physiological neonatal jaundice. 10.1999 (B10)5%
3. Write short notes on neonatal jaundice. 10.1997 (B14)5%
4. Causes of neonatal jaundice. 4.1996(B9)5%

G6PD deficiency
1. Counseling to mother whose baby has G6PD deficiency. 4.2000 (B14)5%
2. G6PD deficiency in newborns. 10.1998(B11)5%

1. Prevention of neonatal hypothermia. 4.2002 (B2)5%

1. Definition and common causes of maternal mortality. 10.2001 (B1)5%
2. Write short notes on perinatal mortality rate. 4.2001 (B10)5%
3. Commonest causes of maternal mortality. 1.2000 (B5)5%
4. Factors affecting perinatal mortality. 4.1999 (B6)5%
5. Definition and causes of perinatal mortality. 1.1998 (B13)5%
6. Definition and causes of maternal death. 4.1997 (B10)5%
7. The definition of neonatal death. 1. 1997 (B1 ii)1%
8. Definition and causes of perinatal mortality. 10.1996(B6)5%
9. Management of mother with neonatal death. 10.1996 (B11)5%
10. Definition and causes of maternal death. 4.1996 (B8)5%

1. Code of midwifery practice. 4.2003 (B6)5%
2. The obstetric unit you are working is going to set up a “Midwife-led Birth Centre” and you
are asked to draft guidelines for recruiting cases to this centre. Describe the criteria you
would include and the reasons. 10.2002 (A2) 15%
3. Write short notes on prevention of litigation in midwifery. 4.2001 (B13)5%
4. Write short notes on midwives clinic. 10.2000 (B14)5%
5. Write short notes on midwifery research. 1.2000 (B10)5%
1. Write short notes on postnatal exercise. 4.2003 (B4)5%
2. Exercise in pregnancy. 3. 2002 (B3)5%
3. Physical exercise and sport during pregnancy. 10.1999 (B8)5%
4. Writhe short nots on antenatal exercise. 10.1996 (B3)5%

Birth rate
There is a decline in the birth rate of Hong Kong during the past few years. How can a midwife
help to increase the number of delivery in her hospital? 1.2000 (A2)15%

1. Clinical uses and complications of syntocinon in obstetrics. 10.1999 (B14)5%

Unbooked case
1. Problems of “unbooked case”. 4.2001 (B3)5%


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