Long Short Question 銝剛 1

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Revsion 後 3 個月內採避孕措施以避免受孕。

Antenatal c. 提供輔導:
- 遺傳性疾病:作地中海貧血篩選及家族疾病史的探討。
- 曾有胎死宮中、畸胎或遺傳性病史,轉介內科或遺傳輔導診斷治
1. 試論孕前輔導的重要性和範圍。n(2001.10.A1)n(15%) 療。
孕前輔導是向一些準備為人父母者提供準備生育的輔導。目標是使他 d. 需要時轉介戎煙、戎酒服務。
們在身心方面能充份預備才計劃懷孕,可確保母胎皆有健康的發展。 助產士可透過孕前輔導協助夫婦作好計劃懷孕的準備,從而使母胎
孕前輔導的範圍如下: 皆有健康的發展。
a. 評估有否影響懷孕分娩的危險因素及作出適當的治療:
- 個人資料:年齡、性別、居所、職業及學歷。婦女理想的生育年
齡是 20-35 歲,35 歲以上者,可能較易有唐氏綜合症嬰兒,
應特別留意。而男性的年齡在 50 歲以上者,可能較易生育畸
- 健康史:服藥/煙/飲酒習慣、疾病史、過敏史、月經史、家族疾
- 身體檢查:身高、體重、脈搏、血壓、乳房、腹部、生殖道等。
- 小便檢查:有否蛋白尿、糖尿。
- 血液檢查:梅毒、愛滋病、乙型肝炎、德國麻疹等檢查,以便給
予適當治療。如有愛滋病病毒感染,給予孕前輔導及 ZDV 治療
- 精神科疾病:評估身心狀況。
b. 指導健康衛生常識和提供諮詢服務,包括:
- 夫婦雙方的心理準備,例如建立穩定的經濟狀況。
- 營養及飲食方面:指導飲食衛生,食物要煮熟;並攝取均衡
- 適量運動,鬆弛情緒。避免吸煙、飲酒、吸毒、飼養寵物。
- 改善工作環境:避免在空氣污染,有輻射或化學性的環境下
- 指導於懷孕前 3 個月停服避孕丸。如使用子宮環避孕者需先由
- 如對德國麻疹沒有免疫力,孕前需接受防疫注射,並在注射
1. nDiscoss n the n importance n and n scope n of n pre-concepton n coonseling.n Urine test: Any ablumiurea and glyceruria.
10.2001n(A1)15% Blood test: VDRL for syphyllis, HIV, Hepatts B status, rubella status,
treat accordingly. If couple with thalassaemia, counseling for further
INTRODUCTION prenatal diagnosis.
Pre-concepton counseling provided counseling services for couple
who planned to have baby. Aims of pre-concepton counseling is to b. Provide health informaton
ensure both partner are in optmum health when concepton occurs & Psychological prepraton for pregnancy such as economical status.
during the period of embryonic development in order to reduced Nutriton and diet: Balanced diet to promote health and keep optmal
prevalence of congenital abnormalites and ensure a well established, nutriton and body weight.
planned and wanted pregnancy and healthy mother and baby as fnal Habit: Regular exercise and avoide cigarete, alcoholic drink, drug
destnaton. abuse.
Environment: Avoide pollutant area and radioactve working
Scope of pre-concepton counseling are as followed: Discontnue contraceptve: Stop contraceptve pills 3 months before
concepton and arrange to remove IUCD by physician before.
a. Assess of risk factor Maintain a menstrual calendar: Make record on patern and duraton
Personal informaton: Age, sex, living, occupaton and educaton level. of menstrual cycle to ensure contracetonal status.
Optmal age for pregnancy between 20-35, there is increased chance If mother with rubella antbodies negatve, advice to have rubella
of having Down’s syndrome baby for woman about age 35 year old. vaccine 3 months befoe contracepton.
On the other hand, there is increased chance of having congental
abnormal baby for paternal age about 50 years old. When pregnancy c. Provide counseling
confrmed, should advice them to early screen for any congenital Cogental counseling: Screen for thalassaemia couple and any family
abornmality and prenatal diagnosis clinic. congental history.
Health history: drug abuse, cigarete and drinking habit, past medical If couple with history for intrauterine death, abnormal fetus and
and allergy history, menstrual history, family health history, immune congenital abnormally baby, make appropriate referral for medical and
status etc. History of drug abuse and cigarete many increased chance congenital clinic.
of having preterm and low birth weight baby, advice to quite smoking
should be given before concepton. For woman with DM, optmal d. Make appropriate referral for quite smoking and drinking clinic.
glucose level are advice to prevent big baby, insulin injecton instead
of oral hypoglycemic drugs may preferred to control for blood sugar
Physical examinaton: body hight, body weight, pulse, blood pressure, Midwife could well prepare the couple thru pre-conceptual counseling
breast, abdomen and genital tact are examine to rule out abnormality to ensure well planned concepton with optmal mother and baby
that causes difcult in delivery and high risk pregnancy. health during pregnancy.
prevalence of congenital abnormalites and ensure a well established,
2. 簡述孕前輔導nn(1997.4.B1)n(5%)
planned and wanted pregnancy and healthy mother and baby as fnal
孕前輔導是為一些準備為人父母者而設,使他們在身心方面能充份 destnaton.
a. 評估有否影響懷孕分娩的危險因素及作出適當的治療: Scope of pre-concepton counseling are as followed:
- 個人資料:年齡、性別、居所、職業及學歷。 a. Assess of risk factor
- 健康史:服藥/煙/飲酒習慣、疾病史、過敏史、月經史、家族疾 Personal informaton: Age, sex, living, occupaton and educaton level.
病史、免疫情況。 Health history: drug abuse, cigarete and drinking habit, past medical
- 身體檢查:身高、體重、脈搏、血壓、乳房、腹部、生殖道等。 and allergy history, menstrual history, family health history, immune
- 小便檢查:有否蛋白尿、糖尿。 status
- 血液檢查:Hb、MCV、梅毒、愛滋病、乙型肝炎、德國麻疹等檢查 Physical examinaton: BH, BW, pulse, BP, breast, abdomen and genital
- 精神科疾病:評估身心狀況。 tact are examine to rule out high risk pregnancy.
b. 指導健康衛生常識和提供諮詢服務,包括: Urine test: Any ablumiurea and glyceruria.
- 夫婦雙方的心理準備。 Blood test: Grouping, HB, MCV, VDRL, HIV, Hepatts B status, rubella
- 營養及飲食方面:指導攝取均衡飲食,以促進及維持健康; status, treat accordingly. If couple with thalassaemia, counseling for PDC
- 適量運動,鬆弛情緒。避免吸煙、飲酒、吸毒、飼養寵物。 b. Provide health informaton
- 改善工作環境:避免在空氣污染,有輻射或化學性的環境下 Psychological prepraton for pregnancy
工作。 Balanced diet: keep optmal nutriton and body weight.
- 指導於懷孕前 3 個月停服避孕丸。如使用子宮環避孕者需先由 Habit: Regular exercise and avoide cigarete, alcoholic drink, drug abuse.
Environment: Avoide pollutant and radioactve working environment.
Discontnue contraceptve: Stop contraceptve pills 3 months before
- 如對德國麻疹沒有免疫力,孕前需接受防疫注射,並在注射
concepton and arrange to remove IUCD by physician before.
後 3 個月內採避孕措施以避免受孕。
Maintain a menstrual calendar: Make record on patern and duraton of
c. 提供輔導: menstrual cycle to ensure contracetonal status.
- 遺傳性疾病:作地中海貧血篩選及家族疾病史的探討。
- 曾有胎死宮中、畸胎或遺傳性病史,轉介內科或遺傳輔導診斷 c. Provide counseling
治療。 Cogental counseling: Screen for thalassaemia couple and any family
d. 需要時轉介戎煙、戎酒服務。 congental history. If couple with history for intrauterine death,
助產士可透過孕前輔導協助夫婦作好計劃懷孕的準備,從而使母胎 abnormal fetus and congenital abnormally baby, make appropriate
皆有健康的發展。 referral for medical and congenital clinic.

d. Make appropriate refer for quite smoking and drinking clinic.

Prepare the couple thru pre-conceptual counseling to ensure well
2.nWritenshortnnotesnonnpreconceptoalncoonseling.n4.1997n(B1)5% planned concepton with optmal mother & baby health during pregnanc
Pre-concepton counseling aims is to ensure both partner are in
optmum health when concepton occurs & in order to reduced
2.n試述產前常規檢驗(測試)的價值。nn(2001.10.A1) n(2002.4.A1)n(15%) - 尿糖含量:尿糖試紙試驗呈>+兩次或以上時,作進一步檢查,以
產前常規檢驗是在首次產前檢查時,常規檢查的檢驗。目的是及 知是否妊娠期糖尿病的徵狀。
早診斷及治理所有危及母嬰健康及生命之情況與疾患。產前常規 c. 腹部檢查:觀察子宮之大小與妊娠期是否符合、胎兒之先露、胎心聲及
檢驗包括: 估計胎兒之大小等。如有異常,例如:子宮體積比妊娠期大或小、異常
a. 血液檢驗:初次檢查時抽血作一系列之常規檢驗。 先露、多胎妊娠、胎動過少或胎心聲異常,又或初胎孕婦於妊娠後期,
i. 血型:預知血型,以備失血時可迅速配血作緊急輸血,減 先露仍未銜接骨盆等,應作進一步診斷和處理。
少失血過多的危險。 d. 超音波掃描:在妊娠早期為孕婦作超聲波掃描胎心跳及胎頭雙頂徑,
ii.血色素計算/血球容積之計算:及早診斷貧血、地中海貧血。如 以確定妊娠及確立妊娠週數。在妊娠 18-20 週施行常規超聲波掃描可診
有輕度貧血,給予營養指導、鐵劑補充、維生素及葉酸。如 斷胎兒有否結構異常。
Hb 低於 10g/dl,須檢驗 Serum iron,TIBC 含量,給予治療,
並在妊娠中期及後期覆驗 Hb。如 MCV 低於 80f,則作 Hb
patern,以偵察是否 α 或 β 地中海貧血攜帶者,如屬地中
海貧血攜帶者則須替其丈夫作同樣之 檢驗。如雙方均為攜
iii. 梅毒反應試驗:及早診斷有否患上梅毒,如確定感染,及早
iv. Rh 因子:如為陰性反應,需詢問孕婦曾否有不明原因之死胎、
驗今胎有否同類免疫及產後 72 小時內為產婦注射 Ant-D
v. 乙型肝炎抗原檢驗:如屬乙型肝炎帶菌者,向孕婦解釋有關
vi. 風疹抗體值:如無免疫力須避免到人多擠迫地方,以防感染,
並於產後給予肌肉注射 Rubella Vaccine。
vii. 愛滋病病毒抗體測試:孕婦可選擇不作測試,如測試結果顯
b. 小便檢驗:
- 尿蛋白含量:每次產前檢查時作常規檢驗。尿蛋白試紙試驗呈>+
test educaton/ counseling & informed consent are needed. If test
1. . Discuss the values of routne investgatons in antenatal care. 4.2002 positve, educaton about HIV and treatment. Informed choice for
(A1)15% contnuous and terminaton of pregnancy. IV ZDV therapy
Aims of routne investgatons in antenatal care is to early detecton and intrapartum to prevent vertcal transmission to the baby.
treat high risk pregnancy. Routne investgaton included:
A Blood test: Routne blood taken in the frst booking visit. B. Urine Test
1. Blood group and rhesus factor: There is increased risk of Quick screening tool to detect abnormality and indicate further investgatons
haemorrhage in obstetrics, if blood group is known, compatble Routne exam for albumin and sugar in each AN FU indicate possibility of
blood transfusion can be given without delay. If mother is Rhesus urinary tract infecton, PET, GDM (need recheck if frst positve afer educate
negatve, there is a risk of Thesus isoimmunizaton, woman is on proper technique)
given ant-D immunoglobulin injecton winthin 72 hours afer An easy, simple, reproducible and reliable procedures.
Provide early detecton pregnancy complicaton, early treatment accordingly.
delivery or invasive procedures during pregnancy.
2. Haemoglobin & MCV to detect anaemia. If Hb<10g/dl, further
C. Abdominal examinaton
investgaton included serum iron, TIBC to rule out causes & Observe if fundal height correspond to gestatonal age, fetal size, lie &
manage accordingly. Screening of thalassaemia by MCV, if MCV presentaton, engagement and fetal heart heard. Detect any abnormalites
<80fL, suggest of Iron defcience anaemia or thalassaemia, further for further assessment, such as malpresentaton, multple pregnancy,
investgaton of Hb patern and husband blood investgaton decreased fetal movement.
needed. If both are thalassaemia, referral prenatal diagnosis
clinic. D. Ultrasound scan:
3. Hepatts B Surface Antgen: To screen for woman who ia a HBsAg Datng scan: To confrm Expectant Date of Confnement in early pregnancy
carrier. Babies whose mother is HBsAg+ve will be given HBIg and Morphlorogy scan: Done in 18-20 weeks to confrm any structural
HB vaccine at birth to prevent horizontal transmission. abnormalites of the baby.
4. VDRL (Venereal disease research laboratory): To screen for syphilis
so that early treatment will be given to afected couples. If screen
positve, refer for specifc blood test which is more reliable, e.g.
FTA. Screening for other STD also needed. Screening for VDRL
could prevent congenital syphilis and intrauterine death of the
5. Rubella antbodies: To check for the woman Rubella immunity. If
seronegatve, advice not to contact person with Rubella infecton.
Woman will be given Rubella vaccinaton afer delivery with 3
months reliable contracepton.
6. HIV antbodies test: To screen for woman with HIV infecton. Pre-
2.n評估骨盆nn(1996.10.B10)n(5%) gestaton as the pelvic foor muscle were sofen and could make
assessment more easily & reduce woman discomfort. Before pelvic
assessment, explain & reassurance the woman about the procedure.
骨盆內測盆多於妊娠 36 週施行,因此時骨盆底和陰道組織較軟,較容 Empty bladder frst. Woman lie in a lithotomy positon with only the
易檢查,孕婦也不會太痛苦。此方法不十分準確。檢查前排空膀胱,檢 examinaton area being exposed. Procedure done by obstestrician per
查時屈膝仰臥、雙腿分開,由醫生以無菌技術用指採法經陰道作檢查, virginally with 2 fngers with aspestc techniques.
以評估骨盆是否狹窄。 1. Pelvic inlet
1. 骨盆入口: The shape and size of the pelvic brim are frst assessed. The fore-pelvis
對角結合徑:從恥骨聯合下緣到  骨岬的距離,如除去恥骨寬度 is palpated to see if it is broadly curved (gynaecoid) or angulated
(約 1.5cm) ,便可測出產科結合徑,如手指接觸到骨岬,則可能 (android.)
產科結合徑較短。 The diagnoal conjugate (DC): Clinical pelvic assessment from lower
1. 骨盆腔: border of symphysis pubis to sacral promontory. DC minus 1.5cm equal
a. 後腔容積:從骨岬之彎度得知。 to obstetrical conjugate.
b. 骨盆腔的形狀:手指沿骨盆的側壁由上而下,可測到為聚合、 Obstetrical conjugate (OC) is the shortst distance from sacral
散開或垂直。 promontory to a point 1.25 cm down, on the posterior surface of
c. 坐骨棘間徑:坐骨棘像指節般圓突,如過尖或過突出,間徑 symphysis pubis. If fngers reached sacral promontory, which may
便減短,亦可從一邊坐骨棘到另一邊坐骨棘,以估計其間距離 indicated shorter OC.
d. 坐骨大切跡:如棘韌帶能容納兩指之闊度,則大切不會狹窄 2. Pelvic cavity
2. 骨盆出口: a. Sacral curve;b. Sacrospinous and; c. sacrotuberous ligaments
a. 出口前後徑:從恥骨聯合下緣到尾骨,可用中指估計出口前後 (breadth)d. Ischial spines (prominence)
徑之長度,亦可測到尾骨與骨間關節之活動性,因其可影響 Then feel the curve of the sacrum, the side walls of the pelvis, the
骨盆出口徑線。 prominence of the ischial spines and measure the distance between
b. 恥骨下角闊度:觸摸恥骨下枝,可評估恥骨弓之角度,如兩側 them. The width of the sacro-sciatc notch is estmated by palpatng the
之恥骨下枝間能有兩指闊度,則下角大於 90 度。 width of the sacro-spinous ligament which normally accommodates two
c. 出口橫徑(坐骨結節間徑) :屈指成拳狀置兩坐骨結節之間,如 fngers.
能宮納拳頭,闊度應適合。 3. Pelvic Outlet
a. Antero-posterior diameter of outlet: from the lower border of the
symphysis pubis to the tp of the sacrum
b. Subpubic angle (should be 90˚or more): by placing two fnger under it
and feeling the ischio-pubic rami
c. Transver diameter of the outlet (assess with closed fst on perineum):
placing the knuckles of the closed fst between the ischial tuberosites

n nAssessmentnofnpelvis.n10.1996n(B10)5%
n n
Aims to assess the pelvic capacity in relaton to the size of the fetal
head to decide the mode of delivery.Performed during 36wks of
3.n女性骨盆的重要徑線。 3.nImportantndiameternofnfemalenpelvic
1. 產科結合徑:由恥骨聯合上緣之內凸面至  骨岬中央的距離 , 1. Obstetrical n Conjogate: nShortest distance, from sacral
此徑線能準確表示兒頭進入骨盆之空間。骨盆入口前後徑線一 promontory to a point 1.25cm down, on the posterior surface
般是指產科結合徑。 of symphysis pubis
2. 對角結合徑:由恥骨聯合下緣至  骨岬的距離,若以此減去 2. Diagonalnconjogate: From lower border of symphysis pubis to
1.5cm 可估計出產科結合徑。 sacral promontory.
3. Obliqoe n diameter n of n inet: From sacro-iliac joint to the
3. 骨盆入口橫徑:兩側髂恥線的最大間徑。
opposite iliopectneal eminence
4. 骨盆入口斜徑:左右各一,左斜徑由左側  髂關節至右側 
4. Transversendiameternofninlet: The widest distance between the
iliopectneal lines
5. 骨盆腔橫徑:即坐骨棘間徑,長約 10-11cm,為骨盆最窄的徑
5. Anterior-Posteriorndiameternofnthenootlet: measured form the
lower border of the symphysis pubis to the lower border of the
6. 骨盆出口前後徑:恥骨聯合下緣至  尾關節的距離,平均約
長 11.5cm。
6. Transversendiameternofnthenootlet: Measured between either
7. 骨盆出口橫徑:兩側坐骨結節間的距離。
the ischial spines (IS) or the inner border of the ischial
8. 恥骨下角:兩側恥骨下枝在中間會合而成恥骨弓,其角度平
均為 90o。恥骨下角越大,越有利兒頭娩出。
7. Sobpobicnangle:nFormed by 2 public rami, >85

3. 第一次產前檢查陰道檢查之適應症。
- 確定妊娠:Goodell’s sign、Hegar’s sign
- 檢查子宮大小是否與孕齡相符
- 陰道溢液
- 檢查外生殖器有無異常,例如會陰靜脈曲張、感染
- 檢查內生殖道有無異常,例如畸形、瘤腫
- 檢查宮頸有無異常,例如糜爛
- 取柏氏塗片試驗

4.n試論助產士在產前護理護角色。(15%) (2) To ensure both partners are in optmom n health n when n concepton
occors n& doring n the n period n of n embryonic n development → ↓
congenital abnormalites, preterm labour, growth retarded bb & birth
妊娠、分娩、哺乳及護理嬰兒的常識。 hypoxia
助產士利用產前講座班指導個人及環境衛生,營養的攝取,給予孕婦諮詢的機會, (3) To build up a healthynlifestyle: nutriton, wt. control, ex & rest, no bad
協助孕婦對懷孕及分娩增加信心。指導孕婦按時覆診進行產前檢查,以得知妊娠進展, habits eg. smoking & alcohol
並及早發現及去除危害母胎的因素。當孕婦有疑問或健康問題時,向其給予相關建議, (4) In AN visit: identfy n age of couple (adv. Mat. Age?), past n health n &
例如懷孕期不適的處理。並透過產前講座班推行有關教育服務。助產士還藉著研究來 sorgicalnoperaton,npre-existngndisease,nhereditarynproblemsn→nrefer
促進孕婦的健康,改善產前護理服務。 genetcncoonselingnwhennnecessary, screening of unknown problems,
產前護理包括社會、心理、教育及醫學各方面。助產士在產前護理擔當多種角色。 provide physical check-up
社會方面:根據死胎及新生嬰兒死亡率之研究,得知社會階層越低者,死亡率越高。 (5) To provide psychologicalnpreparatons for the pregnant women: stress
在香港,很多孕婦來自社會中、下階層,大部份居住地方淺窄、人口稠密及衛生差的 & workload, childcare role, marital relatonship and fnance
環境中,這種環境可減弱孕婦的身體與精神健康。助產士需指導孕婦如何克服此等困 (6) Aims of AN care: to promote n & n maintain n good n physical n & n mental
maternal n health n & n normal n fetal n development, n early n detecton n &
釋分娩時有解痛方法以助其減痛,以助驅除孕婦之恐懼,給予明確的解釋、指導,並 adeqoatenmxnofnhighnrisknconditons, to prepare the woman for labour,
予以諮詢,幫助孕婦在心理上對生育增加信心。 lactaton & provide subsequent care of her bb
教育方面:所有孕婦皆樂意學習及做一切有利於嬰兒的事。助產士舉辦產前講座班, → a marked reducton in maternal & perinatal mortality
向孕婦教育有關保持身體健康、妊娠及分娩的簡單常識、產前及產後運動、分娩時肌肉 (7) In 1st AN visit: obtain detailed n hx: personal data (age of couple),
鬆弛方法及使用止痛劑的方法、母乳餵哺的優點及準備、育嬰常識、產後護理及家庭計 contracepton & mens hx, prev obs hx, personal med & surgical hx, fx
劃。 hx, present pregnancy, other informaton
醫學方面:助產士推廣產前護理的重要性,鼓勵孕婦儘早作首次產前檢查及定期覆 P/E: general appearance (color), body ht, short stature?, BMI, BP,
診。 urinalysis
1. 偵察與妊娠同時發生之疾病:助產士鼓勵孕婦及早見醫生,並透過問取病歷、量 - abdnexamnfor uterine size, fetal lie & presentaton, vaginal exam to
度體重、血壓、小便及血液檢查或一些特別檢查而超聲波而得知。如孕婦有貧血、 exclude infecton & genital tract abn.
糖尿病、原發性血壓高、風疹、梅毒、心臟病、腎炎等,宜及早診治,其次,輕微之 - Rootne nANn bloodn tests: Hb (anaemia), blood group and rhesus
factor, VDRL (STD?), rubella antbodies, HBsAg & HIV antbodies
2. 偵察妊娠期之併發症:例如先兆子、產前出血、宮內發育遲緩等。助產士替孕婦
- Determinaton of doendatenbynNaegele’snrole, datngnscan if early
3. 推行產前診斷異常胎兒:如家族史或其本人產歷中有遺傳疾患之嬰兒者,指導 (8) Provide sobseqoent nANn visits: 4-6 wkly tll 28wks, biwkly tll 36wks,
其及早作產前診斷,並提供輔導、鼓勵其提問及說出感受,給予安慰及解釋,以 wkly tll delivery, more frequent visits for at risk groups
助準夫母安心及抉擇。 (9) Provide healthnedon&ncoonseling: healthy lifestyle, advicenfornminor
4. 及早診斷及預防分娩期之困難:例如孕婦有骨盆狹窄、異常先露、或前有不良產 disorders, encourage to attendnANnclass, discuss on choice of infant
歷者(例如前有手術助產、曾有產前/產後出血產歷或曾施手術取胎盆等) ,應及早 feeding,npreparenfornlaboor, counsel for special problems
診斷並作適當之處理。 (10) Refer tonobsnfornmxnwhennproblemsnariseneg.nHT,nonsizendiscrepancy,n↓
助產士在產前護理擔當的角色有助孕婦認識有關妊娠、分娩、產後、哺乳及嬰兒的護理, FM,nspecialnIxnwhennnecessarynegnOGTT,nUSGnandnANnCTG
1 nDiscossnthenrolenofnnmidwifenrole
n nninnANncare
n n
(1) To start the pregnancy in goodnhealth & positve frame of mind → ↓
problem & anxiety
1. 妊娠期小便檢驗的價值。nn(2005.4.B6)n(5%) indicate further investgatons
妊娠期小便檢驗包括尿蛋白/糖含量,常規檢驗是在每次產前檢查 - Routne exam for albumin and sugar in each AN FU indicate possibility of
urinary tract infecton, PET, GDM (need recheck if frst positve afer
妊娠期小便含蛋白可能是泌尿道感染或先兆子的徵狀。在妊娠期 educate on proper technique).
如尿蛋白試紙試驗呈陽性時,需再覆檢,並在覆檢時指導孕婦留小 - If urine albumin recheck positve, further assessment on signs and
便前撤抵清潔外陰。如覆檢結果呈>+或以上時,需評估孕婦有否先 symptom of PET such as BP >140/90mmHg, severe oedema, headache,
兆子的臨床表徵,例如血壓>140/90mmHg、嚴重水腫、頭痛、視力 blurred vision. Also save mid-steam urine for cultural and sensitve for any
signs of infecton.
有否感染,以便作出適當的處理。 - If urine sugar checked positve, further assessment on signs and
妊娠期小便含糖可能是妊娠期糖尿病的徵狀。在妊娠期如尿糖試紙 symptom of GDM needed. Management according to severity.
試驗呈陽性時,需再覆檢,如覆檢結果呈>+或以上時,需安排孕婦 - Overall, routne urine test is n easy, simple, reproducible and reliable
作葡萄糖耐量測試以及早診斷妊娠期糖尿病,以便作出適當的處理。 procedures. It is inexpensive and non-invasive procedures not harm to
妊娠期小便檢驗有助篩檢妊娠期的併發症,可及早診斷及作出合適 maternal or fetal well-being. It can provide early detecton of
治療。因此妊娠期小便檢驗是十分重要。 complicaton of pregnancy thus the progress of disease can be monitored.
Thus, the perinatal mortality and maternal mortality can be reduced.

Aims of A/N care

1. Assess for pregnant woman physical & mental health
6.n產前檢查的四個目的 2. Ensure fetal growth, well-being, lie & presentaton
產前檢查的目的是: 3. To detect and treat conditons which would endanger the
1. 評估孕婦的健康狀況: life or impair the health of mother & baby
透過詢問個人病歷、家族史、月經情況、最後行經日期、以往產 4. Provide opportunites for pregnant woman to ask
歷,身體檢查,血液檢查,腹部檢查、陰道檢查、超聲波掃描等 questons & clear misconcepton
2. 評估胎兒的生長、康寧狀況、胎式及先露: 5. To educate the woman for labour, lactaton, and
量度宮底高度、聽診胎心聲、胎動情況、胎式、先露及銜接情況。 subsequent care of her child.
3. 監察可能危及母嬰生命及健康的疾病:透過問取病歷、量度體
4. 讓孕婦在覆診時有機會向醫護人員表達其在懷孕期間的感受,
- Urine test in pregnancy can be used to to confrm pregnancy.
Also, routne urine test is done in every subsequent antenatal visit..
Routne urine test is a quick screening tool to detect abnormality and
AN Blood Test ANnBloodnTest
1.n列出 7n項產前血液分析 1.nListnsevennantenatalnbloodntests
a. 血型 a. Blood grouping
b. Haemoglobin level + MCV 2. nAimsnofninvestgatonnofnA/Nnbloodn
b. 血色素計算
c. VDRL (Venereal disease research 1. Haemoglobin & MCV to detect anaemia. If Hb<10g/dl, further
c. 血球容積計算
laboratory) investgaton included serum iron, TIBC to rule out causes & manage
d. Rhesus factor
e. Rh 因子 accordingly. Screening of thalassaemia by MCV, if MCV <80fL, suggest
e. Hepatts B Surface Antgen
f. Rubella antbodies of Iron defcience anaemia or thalassaemia, further investgaton of
g. 風疹抗體值
g. HIV
h. 愛滋病病毒抗體測試 Hb patern and husband blood investgaton needed. If both are
thalassaemia, referral prenatal diagnosis clinic.
2. VDRL (Venereal disease research laboratory): To screen for syphilis so
1. 測血色素計算(Hb)及血球容積計算(MCV):可及早發現有否患上貧血 that early treatment will be given to afected couples. If screen
如 Hb 低於 10g/dl,須作進一步檢查,如 Srrum iron、TIBC,給予適 positve, refer for specifc blood test which is more reliable, e.g. FTA.
當 治 療 , 於 中 期 及 後 期 再 覆 驗 。 如 MCV 低 於 80f , 則 作 Hb Screening for other STD also needed. Screening for VDRL could
patern,以偵察是否 α 或 β 地中海貧血之攜帶者,如屬地中海貧血
攜帶者則須替其丈夫作同樣之檢驗。如雙方均為攜帶者,則需作產 prevent congenital syphilis and intrauterine death of the fetus.
前診斷,給予夫婦解釋及輔導有關對嬰兒之影響。 3. Rubella antbodies: To check for the woman Rubella immunity. If
2. 梅毒反應測試:可及早發現有否患上梅毒。如屬陽性反應,宜再驗 seronegatve, advice not to contact person with Rubella infecton.
3. 風疹抗體值:如沒有免疫力需於產後注射 Rubella vaccine,注射後 Woman will be given Rubella vaccinaton afer delivery with 3 months
須避孕 3 個月,如在妊娠 12 週內染上風疹,診斷後確定胎兒有感 reliable contracepton.
染,應考慮終止妊娠。 4. Blood group and rhesus factor: There is increased risk of haemorrhage
4. Rh 因子:如為陰性反應,詢問孕婦前曾否有不明原因之死胎,嬰
兒出生後有否嚴重貧血或黃疸死亡,宜作進一步檢驗今胎有否同類 in obstetrics, if blood group is known, compatble blood transfusion
免疫及產後 72 小時內為產婦注射 Ant-D Immunoglobulin。 can be given without delay. If mother is Rhesus negatve, there is a
risk of Thesus isoimmunizaton, woman is given ant-D
immunoglobulin injecton afer delivery or invasive procedures during

3.n產前常規血液檢驗 n(2000.4.B3)n(5%)n during the antental frst booking visit. Included the following.
產前常規血液檢驗是指初次產前檢查時抽血作一系列之常規檢驗。  Blood group and rhesus factor: There is increased risk of
ii.血型:預知血型,以備失血時可迅速配血作緊急輸血,減少 haemorrhage in obstetrics, if blood group is known, compatble
失血過多的危險。 blood transfusion can be given without delay. If mother is Rhesus
iii.血色素計算/血球容積之計算:及早診斷貧血、地中海貧血。如 negatve, there is a risk of Thesus isoimmunizaton, woman is given
有輕度貧血,給予營養指導、鐵劑補充、維生素及葉酸。如 Hb ant-D immunoglobulin injecton winthin 72 hours afer delivery or
低於 10g/dl,須檢驗 Serum iron,TIBC 含量,給予治療,並在 invasive procedures during pregnancy.
妊娠中期及後期覆驗 Hb。如 MCV 低於 80f,則作 Hb patern,  Haemoglobin & MCV to detect anaemia. If Hb<10g/dl, further
以偵察是否 α 或 β 地中海貧血攜帶者,如屬地中海貧血攜帶 investgaton included serum iron, TIBC to rule out causes &
者則須替其丈夫作同樣之檢驗。如雙方均為攜帶者,則須為孕 manage accordingly. Screening of thalassaemia by MCV, if MCV
<80fL, suggest of Iron defcience anaemia or thalassaemia, further
治理,以免影胎兒。 investgaton of Hb patern and husband blood investgaton
iv. Rh 因子:如為陰性反應,需詢問孕婦曾否有不明原因之死胎、 needed. If both are thalassaemia, referral prenatal diagnosis clinic.
前胎嬰兒出生後有否嚴重貧血或黃疸而死亡,需進一步檢驗  Hepatts B Surface Antgen: To screen for woman who ia a HBsAg
今 胎 有 否 同 類 免 疫 及 產 後 72 小 時 內 為 產 婦 注 射 Ant-D carrier. Babies whose mother is HBsAg+ve will be given HBIg and
Immunoglobulin(Rhogam)治療。 HB vaccine at birth to prevent horizontal transmission.
v. 乙型肝炎抗原檢驗:如屬乙型肝炎帶菌者,向孕婦解釋有關  VDRL (Venereal disease research laboratory): To screen for syphilis
預防措施,包括新生兒常規給予乙型肝炎預防疫苗外,還會 so that early treatment will be given to afected couples. If screen
立即給予免疫球蛋白注射。 positve, refer for specifc blood test which is more reliable, e.g.
vi.風疹抗體值:如無免疫力須避免到人多擠迫地方,以防感染, FTA. Screening for other STD also needed. Screening for VDRL
並於產後給予肌肉注射 Rubella Vaccine。 could prevent congenital syphilis & intrauterine death of the fetus.
 Rubella antbodies: To check for the woman Rubella immunity. If
seronegatve, advice not to contact person with Rubella infecton.
風險、嬰兒受感染的機會率、感染後的病程發展、父母病發而 Woman will be given Rubella vaccinaton afer delivery with 3
不能照顧嬰兒及夫婦所承受的心理壓力等,以便他們能作出 months reliable contracepton.
決定及準備。  HIV antbodies test: To screen for woman with HIV infecton. Pre-
test educaton/ counseling & informed consent are needed. If test
positve, educaton about HIV and treatment. Informed choice for
contnuous and terminaton of pregnancy. IV ZDV therapy
intrapartum to prevent vertcal transmission to the baby.

3. Write short notes on routne antenatal blood test. 4.2000 (B3)5%

Antenatal blood test is a series of blood taken for screening
4.n妊娠期篩檢地中海貧血。n(1997.1.B3)n(5%) Thalassaemia is one of the commonest hereditary blood disorders,
地中海貧血是一種遺傳性血液疾病,患者從父母遺傳了一個或多 incidence in HK about 5% for α-thal while 5% for β-thal.
個不正常的基因,使血紅蛋白內 α 或 β 珠蛋白鏈製造減少,引致 Thalassaemia carrier refers to individuals who are inherited for a
紅血球容易破裂,血色素降低而貧血。妊娠期常規檢驗血球容積計 thalassaemia mutaton. There is a reducaton in the amount ofα
算(MCV)可篩檢地中海貧血。如 MCV 低於 80f,作 Hb patern 以偵 globin and consequently a relatve excess of β globin. These
察屬 α 或 β 之地中海貧血之攜帶者,如屬地中海貧血攜帶者則須 individuals are usually clinically asymptomatc but may give rsie to
ofsprings afected by severe thalassaemia if the partner is also a
替其丈夫作 CBP 及 Hb patern 檢驗。如雙方均為攜帶者,則須為孕
carrier of the same type.
Antenatal blood test for MCV could screen for thalassaemia. If MCV
給予葉酸補充劑 e.g. 0.5mg folic acid daily + 鐵劑。減低身心壓力。處
<80f, further assessment on Hb patern required for diferentate α
or βtype of thalassaemia. If confrmed as carrier, need to invite
husband to take blood for CPB & Hb patern. If both couple are
thalasaemia carrier of the same type, prenatal diagnostc tests
5.n對一名產前 Hb n值正常、 MCV n值低的初產婦的處理 。nn(1997.10.B1) should be arranged for the pregnancy to exclude thalassaemia major
(5%) in the fetus. If prenatal diagnostc test result positve, that indicated
如 MCV 低於 80f,作 Hb patern 以偵察屬 α 或 β 之地中海貧血之 that the baby wil have α or β thalassaemia major, if α thal major,
攜帶者,如屬地中海貧血攜帶者則須替其丈夫作 CBP 及 Hb patern terminaton of pregnancy may consider. If β-thal major, the baby will
檢驗。如雙方均為攜帶者,則須為孕婦作產前診斷,並向夫婦解釋 gradually develop severe anaemia a few mothes afer birth. They will
及輔導有關對其嬰兒之影響。如結果顯示胎兒患有重型地貧,給予 need life-long blood transfusion and special treatment.
終止懷孕的選擇。伴隨缺鐵性貧血者,給予葉酸補充劑 e.g. 0.5mg
folic acid daily + 鐵劑。減低身心壓力。處理及預防感染,指導孕婦 If anaemia with iron defciency anaemis, advice to give folic acid
保持個人衛生,均衡飲食,多進食含豐富蛋白質的食物,以預防 0.5mg supplement daily. Advice decreased stress, treat infecton,
感染。 and educated on personal hygiene, balanced diet espically high
protein diet to prevent infecton.

Impotance of A/N blood for HbsAG antbodies
6.n產前檢查 HbsAgn及 Robellan的重要性。n A/N blood for HbsAg is very important. Hepatts B causes by hepatts
1. 產前檢查 HbsAg 的重要性: B virus. It can vertcally transmit from mother to newborn during
delivery. If Hepatts B surface antgen is positve in maternal blood,
產前檢查 HbsAg 是十分重要。乙型肝炎是由濾過性病毒引致,經
newborn have 70-90% chance of being infected. 85-90% newborn will
be chronic carrier of hepatts B. The virus will not transmit via
HbsAg,可診斷孕婦是否乙型肝炎帶菌者,如孕婦是乙型肝炎帶 placenta, but disseminate in the liquor and swallow of blood and
liquor by newborn during delivery, mucosa contact with maternal
休息及注意飲食,其新生兒除須常規給予預防乙型肝炎疫苗外 , blood and vaginal secreton can infected the newborn. The steps for
出生後亦應立即給予肌肉注射免疫球蛋白,以預防垂直傳染。此 Hepatts B preventon in newborn are antenatal screening of
外,亦可給予醫護人員警覺性,實施標準防護措施。 maternal HbsAg
& immunizaton programme for all newborn with Hepatts B vaccine
at birth, 1 moth and 6 month. For mother is HbsAg positve, extra
vaccine (Hepatts B immunoglobin) will be giving to baby within 12
hours afer birth to prevent infecton of HbsAg. Thus, A/N screening
for HBsAg is important.

2. 產前檢查 Rubella 的重要性: Impotance of A/N blood for Rubella antbodies

產前檢查 Rubella 是十分重要。Rubella 風疹,又稱德國麻疹,由 A/N blood for Rubella is very important. Rubella infecton is caused by
RNA virus of the togavirus family, transmited through the respiratory
RNA virus 引致,經呼吸道傳染。Rubella 對胎兒的影響有流產或
route. Consequences of rubella infecton included spontaneous
aborton or stll birth, intrauterine growth retardaton, congenital
兒。產前檢查 Rubella,可診斷孕婦是否已有免疫力。如孕婦無免 rubella syndrome causes heart defects, cataracts & deafness,
microcephaly, mental retardaton, microphthalmia or retnopathy and
射 Rubella Vaccine,注射後需避孕三個月,以預防下一次孕時 low birth weight baby.
A/N blood for rubella could screen for pregnant woman immune
status, counseling should be given for non-immune pregnant women,
avoid contact with infected person. Advice to have rubella vaccine in
postnatal period with 3 months reliable contracepton to prevent
being infected in the next pregnancy.

Abdnexam 10.1999 (B1)5%
Symphysio-fundal height measurement is used for estmate if the
1.n宮底高度的量度 n(1999.4.B1)n(5%) size of the uterus is corresponding to the gestatonal age.
1. 以左手手指(非指尖)量度宮底至劍突間的距離。如懷孕 36 週,子 Fingerbreadthsnmethods: In order to determine the height of the
宮底的位置剛好是在劍突下,懷孕 40 週(當兒頭進入骨盆腔後)宮 fundus the midwife places her hand just below the xiphisternum.
底位置則是劍突是下 3 或 4 根手指之距離。此測量方法較主觀。 Pressing gently, she moves her hand down the abdomen untl she
2. 麥化(McDonald)測量法:以軟尺(in cm)沿腹部曲線,量度恥骨聯 feels the curved upper border of the fundus, notng the number of
合邊緣與宮底頂端的距離。如孕期 20 週,子宮高度約在臍附近測 fngerbreadths that can be accommodated between the two.
出子宮底高約 20cm。孕期 22 週後,量度之宮底高度約為懷孕週 McDonaldnmethods:nAlternatvely, the distance between the fundus
數(±2cm) 。孕期少於 20 週以手指量度子宮底高會較(McDonald)測 and the symphysis pubis can be determined with a tape measure.
量法為準。 The top of the fundus is palpated, a tape is stretched from the top
of the symphysis pubis, over the abdominal curve, to the top of the
Measurements can be recorded in the pregnancy record or ploted
on a chart that gives average fndings for gestatonal age: a
symphysis-fundal height chart. For gestatonal age less than 20
weeks, fngerbreadths methods would be more accurate. From 22
weeks onwards, height of the fundus in cm is roughly equal to
weeks of gestaton (+/- 2cm).

3. List 3 steps on abdominal examinaton.

2.n列出三項腹部檢查的步驟n 1. Inspecton: Observe for size, shape, skin changes, scars & FM
1. 視診:觀察子宮大小、腹壁的外形、皮膚的顏色、胎動。 2. Palpaton: Fundal palpaton. Use fngerbreadths or McDonald
2. 觸診:以手指或麥化測量法量度子宮底高度,子宮底觸診或 methods to determine the the fundal height to
兩 側 觸 診 診 斷 胎 兒 的 先 露 及 胎 式 , 雙 手 觸 法 、 Fifh estmate the size of uterus with clinical hallmarks.
method、Pawlik 氏法診斷先露部、胎位及銜接情況。 Lateral palpaton to determined the fetal lie and
3. 聽診:透過聽覺利用管狀聽診器或胎兒脈搏探測器置於胎兒 presentaton. Pelvic palpaton to confrm the
上背位置,以確定胎兒的存活、胎位和胎向。正常的胎心率為 presentaton and if the presentng part is engaged.
110-160bpm。 Fifh method, Pawlik method.
3. Auscultaton: Place“Pinard’s fetal stethoscope/ the Doptone”
over side of foetal back and note the rate and
regularity of the fetal heart to assess the fetal well-
2. Write short notes on symphysio-fundal height measurement.
B4. n Clinical n oses n of n rootne n oltrasoond n in n the n second
1.n第二妊娠期常規性超音波掃描的臨床使用 (1999.10.B4)n(5%) trimester(1999.10.B4)n(5%)
第二妊娠期採用超音波掃描量度胎頭雙頂徑、頭圍、股骨長度及腹圍 USG can assess BPD, HC, FL and AC in second trimester of pregnancy.
可準確計算孕齡,亦能診斷異常妊娠,如多胎妊娠、流產。 The gestatonal age can be calculated accurately. It can also diagnose
妊娠 18-22 週是超聲篩查胎兒畸形的重要時期,能夠診斷兔唇、顎裂 abnormal pregnancy such as multple pregnancy or aborton.
及無腦兒等,可 It is a important period for USG during 18-22 weeks of gestaton.
評估胎兒生長狀況及康寧情況,亦可評估羊水量和診斷胎盆位置。 Structural problems such as clef lip and palate, anecephaly can be
除此之外,可作超聲介入性的診斷及治療,通過超聲引導,使介入 diagnosed. Fetal growth and well-being can be ascertained, placenta
性的診斷較安全,產前診斷方法有絨毛取樣、羊膜穿刺、臍血管穿刺 locaton can be assessed as well as the liquor volume.
取血。 Apart from these, USG can guide invasive procedures to perform safer
亦可替胎兒進行治療性手術,如宮內輸血、抽取胎兒肺積水。發現胎 such as amniocentesis, cordocentesis and chorionic villus sampling.
兒有嚴重畸形時,孕婦可選擇在 24 週前終止妊娠。 Therapeutc procedures such as intrauterine transfusion or aspiraton of
fetus pleural fuid. Severe malformaton can be detected earlier and
3.n超聲波監測胎兒的生長 allow therapeutc aborton (terminaton of pregnancy) before 24 weeks
超聲波監測胎兒的生長,在妊娠 7 - 12 週可量頂臀長度,12 - 24 週可 of gestaton.
量雙頂間徑。24 週後可量腹圍、頭圍與腹圍比例、股骨長度,推算胎兒

 Gestatonalnage can be dated most accurately at 12-24 weeks (2 nd
- 妊娠週數:在妊娠 4-6 週可測量妊娠囊大小,6-12 週測量頂臀 trimester) of gestaton by BPD. (Datng scan), head circumference,
徑估計孕齡。第二孕期可採用胎頭雙頂徑、頭圍、股骨長度作孕 femur length and abdominal circumference. This correct problem of
齡佔計。 wrong datng, prevent inducton of preterm labor and provide
- 胎兒結構及羊水量:妊娠 18-22 週施行胎兒結構超聲波掃描, baseline for growth monitoring.
可檢查胎兒結構及評估羊水量有否異常。  Abnormal n pregnancy can be diagnosed - trophoblastc disease /
- 胎兒康寧狀況:透過超聲波掃描作生物物理指標,及超聲波 molar pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, multple pregnancy can be
多普勒檢查,可評估胎盆血供情況及胎兒康寧狀況,可排除 identfed from 8 weeks gestaton onward.
胎死宮中。  Fetalnanatomy can easily be visualized around 18-22 weeks. Most
- 胎式及先露:超聲波掃描可確診,並找出可能原因,如異常 serious abnormality can be identfed – anacephalus, clef lip &
胎兒、羊水過多等。 pallet, choroids plexus cyst, nuchal translucency. (Morphologynscan)
- 胎盆位置及出血:產前出血時,可診斷胎盆位置及胎盆後有  Fetalnwellnbeing such as ultrasound dopper, biochemical profle
否出血,排除胎盆前置或胎盆早期剝離。  Aminotcn foidnvolome
 Placental n locaton (low-lying), maturity, angioma, abrupton and
liquor volume can be examined to ofer baseline data for future
 Look for oterinenabnormality such as pelvic tumor (fbroid).
 Prenatalndiagnosisnsuch as amniocentesis, cordocentesis, CVS
 Therapetcninterventon
 Mother’sndesirenfornreassorance also satsfed to reduce parental
 Fetalnlien&npresentaton

As more cost efectve to do USG once for all the above purposes if done
at 18-20 weeks, it is worth to arrange routne scan for mother at 18-20
weeks of gestaton. Therapeutc TOP can be done before 24 weeks of
gestaton if severe major abnormalites are detected to reduce perinatal
mortality. Subsequent follow up USG can be arranged later to exclude
placenta previae if low-lying was found.

4.n妊娠 18n至 22n週施行常規超音波檢查的好處(2000.4.B7) (5%) following advantages:
在第二妊娠期以超音波判斷孕齡相常準確。常規超音波在妊娠 18-22 週  Abnormal pregnancy can be diagnosed - trophoblastc disease / molar
pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, multple pregnancy can be identfed from 8
施行最理想。在 18-22 週時超聲篩查胎兒畸形更清晰,能檢出大多數的
weeks gestaton onward.
 Fetal anatomy can easily be visualized around 18-22 wks. Most serious
擇在 24 週前終止妊娠。
abnormality can be identfed – anacephalus, clef lip & pallet, choroids
plexus cyst, nuchal translucency. (Morphology scan)
計,誤差為+5-7 日。需要時腹圍亦可採用,作進一步評估,24 週後以
 Gestatonal age can be dated most accurately at 12-24 wks (2 nd
trimester) of gestaton by BPD. This correct problem of wrong datng,
prevent inducton of preterm labor & provide baseline for growth
的滿足。 monitoring.
 Placental locaton (low-lying), maturity, angioma, abrupton and liquor
vol. can be examined to ofer baseline data for future comparison.
 Look for uterine abnormality such as pelvic tumor (fbroid).
 Mother’s desire for reassurance also satsfed to reduce parental
Cost efectve to do USG once for all the above purposes if done at 18-20
5.n妊娠期糖尿病施行超聲波掃描的原因。n weeks, worth to arrange routne scan for mother at 18-20 weeks of
1. 確定妊娠週數:在妊娠 4-6 週可測量妊娠囊大小,6-12 週測量頂臀 gestaton. Therapeutc TOP can be done before 24 weeks of gestaton if
徑估計孕齡最準確。第二孕期 12-24 週可採用胎頭雙頂徑、頭圍、股 severe major abnormalites are detected. Subsequent follow up USG can be
骨長度作孕齡佔計,需要時可採腹圍作進一步評估。 arranged later to exclude placenta previae if low-lying was found.
2. 檢查胎兒結構:妊娠期糖尿病增加胎兒先天性畸形的風險,異常血 1. Confrm gestatonal age: Gestatonal age can be dated most accurately at
糖量、醋酮症,令胎兒器官育不全或不正常,例如脊柱缺陷、心臟 12-24 wks (2nd trimester) of gestaton by BPD. Previous date confrmaton
缺陷。 could be used for late gestatonal age reference.
3. 評估羊水量:孕婦血糖增高,使胎兒血糖亦增高,可能引起胎兒多 2. Morphology scan: There is increased risk for GDM to have congental
尿,導致羊水過多。如果胎兒有宮內發育遲緩,胎水過少情況亦可 abnormal baby, U/S could be used to identfed fetal structural
能出現。 abnormalites.
4. 評估胎兒康寧狀況:糖尿病控制差,令血糖不穩、酸中毒可引致胎 3. Amniotc fuid volume measure: For blood sugar pregnant woman, fetus
兒缺氧,及導致胎死宮中/死胎。超聲波掃描作生物物理指標評估胎 blood sugar also may increased and induce fetus urine & causes
兒康寧狀況,以及超聲波多普勒檢查可評估胎盆血供情況及胎兒康 polyhydramnions. For cases with IUGR, there may be  in aminiotc fuid
寧狀況,可排除胎死宮中。 and causes oligohydramnions.
5. 子宮體積與妊娠週數不相符:超聲波掃描確定妊娠週數。量度胎兒 4. Assess of fetal well being:
大小,有無胎兒過大或宮內發育遲緩。 5. Uterine size discrepancy
n n(5%) n n
USG is safe and optmal tme is to be done 18-22 weeks because of the
Minorndisordern During pregnancy, due to increased estrogen producton that causes
1.n妊娠期陰道分泌nn(5%) increase vaginal discharge, especially common in hot weather. It help to
妊娠期雌激素增加使陰道血管增生及腺體增殖而發大,黏液分泌增加 form muscus plug to seal cervical os to prevent infecton and keep
形成黏液塞堵塞住子宮頸口,有防止上行性感染病菌由陰道感染至子 amoniotc membrane intack. It is normal of increased vaginal discharge,
宮,以保護胎完及胎膜。 emphasize personal hygiene, wear light coton underwear, avoid tght
內褲,留意有否陰道炎之徵象,如有外陰痕癢、分泌液增加、呈異味應 trouses, take HVS for C/ST & treat accordingly.
2.n三種妊娠不適的原因 1. Hearburn:progesteronerelax cardiac sphincter, regurgitaton of
1. 胃灼熱:由於子宮增大,壓迫胃部;黃體素影響平滑肌,使賁門括 stomach contents into lower end of oesophagus. mechanical pressure
2. Morning Sickness: estrogen &hCG, fatgue, preparing meals & smelling
2. 牙齦出血:雌激素引致血管及牙齦組織增生、腫脹。
3. 便秘:黃體素影響,使腸蠕動減慢;服用鐵質藥的副作用;子宮使 fd
直腸受壓;個人的大便習慣。 3. Gum Bleeding:estrogen &progesteronegum sofen, dilataton of gum
capillaries Bleeding/Swollen gums
3.n兩種妊娠期的輕微不適及其處理nnnn(1999.4.B3)n(5%)n 4. Constpaton:Progesterone efectreduced gut motlity
下列是兩種妊娠期的輕微不適: 5. Haemorrhoids: Progesterone efectdilated veins, pressure efect (ut)
1. 晨吐:發生於懷孕 4-14 週。原因不明,可能由於心理、內分泌素影
6. Frequency of micturiton: Pressure efect from growing uterus
晨吐的處理: 7. Varicosites:Progesterone relaxes vascular smooth muscle, venours
少食多餐,減少進食調味品重的食物。早上起床前,吃少量鹹餅干 pressure. Mx: Legs elevated/ elastc stockings/ Exercise
多士。避免空腹時間過長,睡前吃小食以避免血糖過低。進餐時勿 8. Faintng: Supine hypotensions syndrome/Postural hypo/ Hypoglycaemia
飲大量飲料。給予安慰及心理支持。預防空胃,保持心境開朗,勿 9. Ankle oedema: General fuid retenton/ venous return uterine
2. 胃灼熱:由於子宮增大壓迫胄部。黃體素影響平滑肌使賁門括約 pressure
肌鬆弛,胃酸向上流入食道。 10. Leg cramps: Pressure efect of gravid uterus interferes circulaton of LL
胃灼熱的處理: Mx: dorsifexion/heat/massage/Xprolonged standing/Vit B Co
少食多餐,不宜過飽。避免刺激性的食物,如咖啡、辛辣食物。避 11. Backache: wt of uterusProgressive lordosis, sofening of pelvic
物。進食後不要立即躺下。需要時按醫囑給予中和胃酸藥物。 ligaments

1.n懷孕 38n週胎動減少之處理。n(2005.4.B5)n(5%) ManagementnofndecreasednFMnatn36-38nweeksnofngestaton
2.n懷孕 39n週胎動減少之處理。(1997.10.B5)n(1996.10.B5)n(5%) Decrease fetal movement may indicate nonreassurance fetal well-being,
3.n胎動減少的處理。n(2001.4.B4)n(5%) or at risk.
4.n簡述胎動減少。nn(1997.10.B5)n(5%)n Initally management:
5.n試論對一名第一次懷孕的婦女在妊娠 36 n週申訴胎動減少的處理 。 - Hospitalizaton, reassurance and support, inform obstetrician
(1999.10.A1)n(15%) - Psychological support – reassurance, explain management
胎動次數過少可能表示胎兒狀態欠佳且有危險的徵狀。胎動減少的處 - Doptone for reassurance frst, anxiety
理如下: - History taking – when aware decrease FM, how long & number of
a. 入院作進一步評估 kick in pass 12 hours. Gestaton, LMP, menstruaton regularity, frst
b. 通知醫生 date of positve pregnancy test, tme of frst kick felt. Medical and
c. 給予安慰、解釋 family history for screening of risk factors (drug abuse, smoking,
d. 聽診胎心聲,讓孕婦聽到胎心跳聲,以緩解其焦慮 hemorrhage, IUGR, congenital abnormality)
e. 資料查詢: - PE – VS: BP, T, AR, BW (refect fetal growth)
- 評估胎兒孕齡:末次行經日期、月經週期的規律性。妊娠檢驗呈 - Abd exam –SFH correlate with date (assess fetal size), fetal heart rate
陽性的日期。胎動初覺的日期。 & tone (assess fetal well-being), observe FM SFH correlate with date,
- 評估胎兒安寧狀態:問胎動情況、次數 fetal heart rate & tone, observe FM
- 健康史、家族史,有否患糖尿病 - NST/CTG – if reactve reassurance, kick chart, when to seek medical
f. 身體檢查: advice, discharge, await onset and follow up; if non-reassurance, Ix
- 腹部檢查:評估胎兒的生長,量度子宮大小是否與孕齡相符。
- USG –check AFI, Doppler
Management accordinly:
- 生命表徵:血壓、脈搏、體溫
g. 孕婦體重的增加:體重增加過少或不增加,表示可能胎兒生長緩
- If investgaton normal, NST reassurance, allow home, educated
慢。體重增加過多,胎兒可能過大。 about daily maternal assessment of fetal actvity by kick chart. From
h. 施行無壓力下測試 30 分鐘,以評估胎兒康寧狀況。 9am, count fetal movement to monitor fetal well-being at home.
i. 超聲波檢查評估羊水量,超聲波多普檢查胎盆供血情況,以評 When fetal movement reache 10-tmes, record the tme of the day in
估胎兒康寧狀況。 the chart provided, bring along the chart for Dr reference when
j. 隨後處理,按檢查結果處理。 follow up A/N clinic. If FM stll not reach 10 tmes at 9pm, ask the
- 檢查結果正常:無壓力下測試呈反應型,可給予孕婦出院,並 woman admit for further assessment.
指導孕婦觀察胎動情況及自行記錄。由 9am 開始,如胎兒活動達 - if fetal compromise suspected, discuss mode of delivery, either IOL
10 次,便在記錄表上的適當時間之空格填上顏色,並於每次覆診 or Em CS.
時,攜同記錄表給醫生參閱。指導孕婦如至晚上 9 時胎兒活動仍 - If fetus not viable, arrange IOL within 4 weeks. Close monitoring fetal
未足夠 10 次者,應入院觀察以確保胎兒安全。 conditon and ofer psychological support to mother.
- 檢查結果不正常,需給予心理支持,予以安慰、解釋:如無壓
Uterinensize A. Causes of uterine size bigger than date during pregnancy
Maternal causes:
1. 妊娠 28n週子宮體積妊娠週數大之原因及檢查。 - Unsure LMP, wrong date, short menstrual cycle
2. 簡述子宮體積妊娠週數大nn(2000.1.B8)n(5) - Uterine fbroid, ovarian mass
A.妊娠期子宮體積比妊娠週數大的原因: - GDM
1. 母親方面: Fetal causes:
- 末次行經日期不確、日子錯誤、月經週期短 - Molar pregnancy, multple pregnancy
- 子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫、盆腔腫瘤 - Polyhydraminos
- 妊娠期糖尿病 - Marcosomia/ big baby
2. 胎兒方面: - Fetal abnormally
- 葡萄胎、多胎妊娠、羊水過多 B.Management of uterine size bigger than date
- 胎兒過重/巨嬰 1. Assess for causes
- 先天性畸形,如水胎 a. Take history:
B.妊娠期子宮體積比妊娠週數大的處理: - Menstrul history: LMP, cycle patern
1. 評估:找出原因 - Medcial history: Any history of GDM
a. 問病史: - Obstetrical history: History of GDM & big baby
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期的規律 - Family history: DM?
- 內科疾病史:孕婦本身有否患糖尿病 b. Abdominal history: Size, abnormal fnding? Polyhydramnions,
- 產科史:曾患妊娠期糖尿病,曾產巨大嬰 multple pregnancy, abnormal mass
- 家族史:家庭成員有否患糖尿病
b. 腹部檢查:注意有否異常情況,如羊水過多、多胎妊娠、異常腫 2. Investgaton
塊 - U/S: confrm gestatonal age, fetal size, AFI, fetal abnormalites
2. 檢驗: - Oral glucose tolerant tset (OGTT), excluded DM
- 超聲波掃描:確定妊娠週數;量度胎兒大小;量度羊水指數 3 Specifc management
(AFI) 測量有否羊水過多;排除有否胎兒異常情況,例如水胎。 - GDM: diet control, monitor BSL, plan tme of delivery, insulin
- 口服葡萄糖耐量測試(OGTT),排除妊娠期糖尿病。 prn
3. 個別處理,按原因作出相對性的處理,例如: - Multple pregnancy: Diet advice, Plan tme & mode of delivery
- 妊娠期糖尿病:飲食調節控制血糖,計劃分娩時間,需要時給  Polyhydramnions:
予胰島素注射。 - Diet control & monitor BSL if causes from GDM.
- 多胎妊娠:飲食指導,計劃分娩時間。 - Series USG monitor, reducton of liquor TA via USG, indomethacin
- 羊水過多:妊娠期糖尿病導致者,飲食調節控制血糖,計劃分 x polyhydramnios

n nn(2000.1.B8)
3.n子宮體積比妊娠週數大的原因。n(1997.4.B14)n(5%) Caosesnofnoterinensizenbiggernthanndaten(1997.4.B14)n(5%)
1.母親方面: Causes:
1. Maternal – unsure LMP, wrong date, short cycle length / Uterine
(11) 末次行經日期不確、日子錯誤、月經週期短
fbroid, ovarian cyst, pelvic tumor / GDM
(12) 子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫、盆腔腫瘤
2. Fetus – mole / multple pregnancy / polyhydramnios /
(13) 妊娠期糖尿病
macrosmonia / congenital abnormality e.g. hydrops
2. 胎兒方面:
(14) 葡萄胎、多胎妊娠、羊水過多
(15) 胎兒過重/巨嬰
(16) 先天性畸形,如水胎
U>D fnd when SFH not corresponding to gestatonal age found during
2 妊娠 30n週子宮體積比妊娠週數大之處理。(2007.4.B6)(5%) abdomen exam.
1. 評估:找出原因 Causes:
3. Maternal – unsure LMP, wrong date, short cycle length / Uterine
a. 問病史:
fbroid, ovarian cyst, pelvic tumor / GDM
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期的規律
4. Fetus – mole / multple pregnancy / polyhydramnios /
- 內科疾病史:孕婦本身有否患糖尿病
macrosmonia / congenital abnormality e.g. hydrops
- 產科史:曾患妊娠期糖尿病,曾產巨大嬰
- 家族史:家庭成員有否患糖尿病
1. Assessment for causes
b. 腹部檢查:注意有否異常情況,如羊水過多、多胎妊娠、異常腫
a. History - menstrual, family (body build), medical, obstetric

b. Abdominal examinaton – polyhydramnios, multple / mole
2. 檢驗:
pregnancy, growth, uterine fbroid, ovarian cyst, pelvic tumor,
(1) 超聲波掃描:確定妊娠週數;量度胎兒大小;量度羊水指數
full bladder
(AFI) 測量有否羊水過多;排除有否胎兒異常情況,例如水胎。
2. Investgatons
(2) 口服葡萄糖耐量測試(OGTT),排除妊娠期糖尿病。
a. USG - datng, fetal parameters, AFI, fetal abnormalites –
3. 個別處理,按原因作出相對性的處理,例如:
hydrops, macrosomia
(3) 妊娠期糖尿病:飲食調節控制血糖,計劃分娩時間,需
b. OGTT r/o GDM
3. Treatment
(4) 多胎妊娠:飲食指導,計劃分娩時間。
 According to causes, e.g. frequent visits, admission for rest &
(5) 羊水過多:妊娠期糖尿病導致者,飲食調節控制血糖,計劃
assess, further investgatons, no pressure symptoms no treatment,
decide tme of delivery (spontaneous onset vs. IOL)
 Diet, exercise or insulin control, decide tme of delivery for GDM
 Decide tme & mode of delivery X multple pregnancy
 Series USG monitor, reducton of liquor TA via USG, indomethacin x
3 子宮體積比妊娠週數小的原因。n(1996.10.B1)n(5%)
1. 母親方面: Caosesnofnoterinensizensmallernthanndate.n(1996.10.B1)(5%)
(1) 社會因素:營養不良,藥物濫用,壓力,少年/高齡妊娠。 Maternal causes:
(2) 內科疾病:肺/心/腎的疾病,貧血,胎盆功能不足  Socail: Malnutriton, drug abuse, stress, Teenage/advanced maternal
(3) 產科情況:產前出血,先兆子,多胎妊娠 age
2. 胎兒方面:  Medical: Lung/Heart/Renal disease, Anaemia, Placetal insufciency
(4) 先天性異常
 Obstetrical: Antepartum hemorrhage, pre-clcampsia, multple
(5) 染色體異常
Fetal causes:
(6) 宮內感染  Congenital abnormalites & Chromosomal abnormalites
(7) 宮內生長遲緩  Intrauterine infecton
4 子宮體積比妊娠週數小  Intrauterine growth restricton
1. 原因: Uterinensizensmallernthanndate
(1) 末次行經日期錯誤、月經週期較長 Causes:
(2) 嬰兒遺傳性體形較小、宮內發育遲緩  Wrong LMP, Long menstrual cycle
(3) 羊水過小  Small for gestatonal age, IUGR
(4) 胎死宮中  Oligohydraminos
2. 處理:  Intrauterine dealth
a. 評估:問病史 Management:
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期  Assessment: History
- 家族史:家庭成員體格,是否體形較小,有否先天性畸型  Menstrual history: LMP, cycle
 Family history: Body built, congenital abnormalites
- 內科疾病史:有否患腎病、高血壓、心臟病、貧血
 Medical history: Renal/cardiac disease, hypertension, anaemia
- 產科史:有否患腎病、高血壓、心臟病、貧血  Obstetrical history: Renal, hypertension, cardiac, anaemai, pre-
b. 腹部檢查:量度子宮底高度;胎動情況 ecampsia
c. 超聲波掃描:確定妊娠週數。量度胎兒大小。量度羊水指數測量  Abdominal exam
有否羊水過小。  Fuanl height measure, fetal movement
d.排除有否胎兒異常情況。  Ultrasound
3. 隨後處理:  Confrm date, fetal size, AFI, exclude oligo
1. 按原因作出相對性的處理。  Exclude fetal abnormalites
2. 治療宮內感染,給予飲食指導,補充鐵質以治療貧  Subsequency management
血  Treat according to causes
3. 繼續監察胎兒:一系列超聲波掃描監察生長,胎動  Intra uterine infecton: Diet advice, iron supplement for
情況,胎兒心跳率監察(無壓力測試) anaemia
4. 引產/終止妊娠:如嚴重宮內生長遲緩  Monitor fetal well being: series U/S to monitor growth, FM,FHR
5. 分娩期:緊密監察胎兒情況,預備急救物品替新生
 Inducton/Terminaton of pregnancy: Severe IUGR
兒急救  Intrapartum: Close monitoring of fetal well-being, prepare for
6. 分娩後:替新生兒急救;檢查初生兒有否先天性畸 resuscitaton
型或感染情況;檢查胎盆異常情況,如栓塞及退化徵象。  Postpartum: Actve resuscitaton; check ofr fetal abnormalites,
signs of infecton, placenta abnormaliaites, calcifcaton.

n nnnn嬰兒帶來的問題n。(5%)n 1.nSGA
n nnnn嬰兒帶來的問題n。(5%)n
 RDS 新生嬰兒窒息:由於嬰兒出生前暴露於慢性缺氧環境。分  Respiratory distress symptom
 Aspiraton of meconium: Meconium stained liquore caused
 Aspiraton of meconium 吸入胎糞綜合徵:由於缺氧令肛門括 from relaxton of anus spinter, during labour processes, risk of
aspiraton of meconium.
 Polycethemia 紅血球過多症:血球容積增加 65%;血液黏稠度  Polycethemia:RBC increased 65%
增加,血循環減慢;可能因宮內缺氧刺激紅血球製造。  Neonatal jaundice:
 NNJ 新生嬰兒黃疸:紅血球製造過多  Hypoglycemia: Placental insufciency, decreased fetal liver
storage; increase RBC consumpton of glucose, hypothermia
 Hypoglycemia 血糖過低:因胎盆功能不足,胎兒肝內糖源貯
causes increased use of glucose
 Unstable temp: Lack of subcutaneous fat, insufcient to prevent
 Unstable temp 體溫不穩:由於下皮脂肪缺乏,保溫能力不足;
heat loss
 Infecton: IUGR, poor immunity; dryg skin causes break down of
 Infectons 感染:由於宮內發展遲緩,抵抗力差;乾燥及脫皮
skin, route for pathogen.

2.n宮內發育遲緩帶來之危險。 2.n宮內發育遲緩帶來之危險。
 Increased perinatal motality rate
 圍產期死亡率及發病率增加。
 RDS: Due to placenta insufciency, inadequate oxygen supply
 引致胎兒慢性缺氧:因胎盆功能不足,供氧不足。
 胎死宮內/死胎:例如妊娠期糖尿病血糖控制差,母體血糖過  IUD: Poor GDM control mother
 Fetal distress: Placenta insufciency, inadequate oxygen supply
 胎兒受困:因胎盆功能不足,胎兒宮內缺氧。  Respiratory distress syndrome
 新生兒窒息:由於嬰兒出生前暴露於慢性缺氧環境。分娩過程  Aspiraton of meconium: Meconium stained liquore caused
為最大的壓力來源。 from relaxton of anus spinter, during labour processes, risk of
 新生兒吸入胎糞綜合性病徵:由於缺氧令肛門括約肌鬆弛而 aspiraton of meconium.

3.n宮內發育遲緩之診斷。nn(1998.1.B3)n(2000.10.B2)n(5%) DiagnosisnofnIUGRn(1999.1.B3)(2000.10.B2)
 Assessment: History
a. 問病史:  Menstrual history: LMP, cycle, 1st +ve pregnancy test
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期、驗孕呈陽性時間  Socail history: Drug abuse, lifestyle, smoking, diet habit, long
- 社會背景:藥物濫用,生活模式,飲食習慣,服用長期藥用藥物, term drug use etc ant-convulsant
如抗抽搐藥物  Family history: Body built, congenital abnormalites
- 家族史:家庭成員體型是否較細少,有否先天性畸型  Medical history: Renal/cardiac disease, hypertension, anaemia
- 內科疾病史:有否患腎病、高血壓、心臟病、貧血  Obstetrical history: Renal, hypertension, cardiac, anaemai, pre-
- 產科史:曾分娩輕磅嬰或異常嬰兒 ecampsia, history of LBW baby, abnormal baby
b. 身體檢查:  Physical exam
 P/E: thyroid/ cardiac/ lung disease
- 偵察異常情況,如甲狀腺/心臟/肺部疾病  Abd exam: Fuanl height measure, fetal movement; oligo
- 腹部檢查:子宮大小,羊水有否過小  Ultrasound
c. 超聲波掃描:確定妊娠週數,量度胎兒大小,診斷先天畸形,量  Confrm date, fetal size, AFI, exclude oligo, biophysical profle,
度羊水指數(AFI) 測量有否羊水過小,生物物理測試,多普勒檢 doper studies
查胎盆功能。  Exclude fetal abnormalites
d. 化驗室檢驗:血 OGTT/小便/病毒測試  Labatory studies: OGTT/ urine/ viruse studies

4.n宮內發育遲緩之原因。n(1998.10.B13)n(5%) Maternal causes:
5.n引致宮內發育遲緩的因素。n(2002.10.B2)n(5%)  Socail: Malnutriton, drug abuse, stress, Teenage/advanced maternal
1. 母親方面:  Medical: Lung/Heart/Renal disease, Anaemia, Placetal insufciency
 社會因素:營養不良,藥物濫用,壓力,少年/高齡妊娠。  Obstetrical: Antepartum hemorrhage, pre-clcampsia, multple
 內科疾病:肺/心/腎的疾病,貧血 gestaton
 產科情況:產前出血,先兆子,多胎妊娠 Fetal causes:
2. 胎兒方面:先天性異常、染色體異常、宮內感染  Congenital abnormalites & Chromosomal abnormalites
3. 環境因素:居於高海拔、低氣壓地方。曾接觸有害毒品。  Intrauterine infecton
 Intrauterine growth restricton
Environment causes:
 High attitude
 Low pressure
 Toxic substance

6.n簡述宮內發育遲緩。 b. 繼續監察胎兒:一系列超聲波掃描監察生長,胎動情況,胎兒
宮內發育遲緩足指胎兒在子宮內生長速率低於正常胎兒,胎兒在子 心跳率監察(NST)
宮內生長未能達到正常指標。 c. 引產/終止妊娠:如嚴重宮內生長遲緩
I. 引致宮內發育遲緩的原因: d. 分娩期:緊密監察胎兒情況,預備急救物品替新生兒急救
1. 母親方面: e. 分娩後:替新生兒急救;檢查初生兒有否先天性畸型或感染情
(5) 社會因素:營養不良,藥物濫用,壓力,少年/高齡妊娠。 況;檢查胎盆異常情況,如栓塞及退化徵象。
(6) 內科疾病:肺/心/腎的疾病,貧血
(7) 產科情況:產前出血,先兆子,多胎妊娠
2. 胎兒方面:先天性異常、染色體異常、宮內感染
3. 環境因素:居於高海拔、低氣壓地方。曾接觸有害毒品。
II. 宮內發育遲緩的影響:
i. 圍產期死亡率及發病率增加。
ii. 引致胎兒慢性缺氧、胎兒受困。
iii. 胎死宮內/死胎。
iv. 新生兒窒息、新生兒吸入胎糞綜合性病徵。
III. 宮內發育遲緩的處理:
1. 評估:
a. 問病史:
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期、驗孕呈陽性時間
- 社會背景:藥物濫用,生活模式,飲食習慣,服用長期藥用藥物,
- 家族史:家庭成員體型是否較細少,有否先天性畸型
- 內科疾病史:有否患腎病、高血壓、心臟病、貧血
- 產科史:曾分娩輕磅嬰或異常嬰兒
b. 身體檢查:
- 偵察異常情況,如甲狀腺/心臟/肺部疾病
- 腹部檢查:子宮大小,羊水有否過小
c. 超聲波掃描:
(8) 確定妊娠週數,量度胎兒大小,診斷先天畸形,量度羊水指數
d. 化驗室檢驗:血/小便/病毒測試
2. 隨後處理:
a. 按原因作出相對性的處理:e.g.治療宮內感染,給予飲食指導,
7.n一名婦人懷孕 36n週因宮內發育遲緩入院,試論其原因及處理。(10%) 評論宮內發育遲緩之原因及處理。
8.n評論宮內發育遲緩之原因及處理。 宮內發育遲緩足指胎兒在子宮內生長速率低於正常胎兒,胎兒
宮內發育遲緩足指胎兒在子宮內生長速率低於正常胎兒,胎兒在子 在子宮內生長未能達到正常指標。
宮內生長未能達到正常指標。 I. Causes of IUGR:
I. 引致宮內發育遲緩的原因: 1. Maternal causes:
1. 母親方面:  Social problem: Malnutriton, durg abuse,stress, adv/ teenage
 Medical disease: Lung, cardiac, renal disease, anaemia
 社會因素:營養不良,藥物濫用,壓力,少年/高齡妊娠。
 Obstetric causes: APH, pre-eclampsia, multple gestaton
 內科疾病:肺/心/腎的疾病,貧血 2. Fetal causes: congental abnomalites, chromosome mutaton,
 產科情況:產前出血,先兆子,多胎妊娠 intra-uterine infecton
2. 胎兒方面:先天性異常、染色體異常、宮內感染 3. Environment: High attitude, low pressure, drug abuse
3. 環境因素:居於高海拔、低氣壓地方。曾接觸有害毒品。 II. Management of IUGR:
II. 宮內發育遲緩的處理: 1. Assessment:
1. 評估: a. History:
a. 問病史: - Menstural:LMP, cycle patern, +ve pregnancy test date
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期、驗孕呈陽性時間 - Social: Drug abuse, lifestyle, smoker, long term drug use eg ant-
- 社會背景:藥物濫用,生活模式,飲食習慣,服用長期藥用藥物, convant
如抗抽搐藥物 - Family: small size family mem, congental problem
- 家族史:家庭成員體型是否較細少,有否先天性畸型 - Medical: Anaemia, Renal disease, hypertension, cardiac disease
- 內科疾病史:有否患腎病、高血壓、心臟病、貧血 - Obstetric: Prev LBW, abnormal baby
b. Physical exam:
- 產科史:曾分娩輕磅嬰或異常嬰兒
- Detect any abnormality, etc thyroid, cardiac disease
b. 身體檢查: - Abd exam: Ut size, oligohydramnios
- 偵察異常情況,如甲狀腺/心臟/肺部疾病 c. U/S:
- 腹部檢查:子宮大小,羊水有否過小  Confrm gestatonal age, fetal size, morphology, AFI for
c. 超聲波掃描: amniotc volume, biochemical profle, dopper to assess fetal
 確定妊娠週數,量度胎兒大小,診斷先天畸形,量度羊水指 well being
數(AFI)測量有否羊水過小,生物物理測試、多普勒以評估胎兒 d. Investgaton: blood, urine, virus
康寧狀況。 2. Subsequence management:
d. 化驗室檢驗:血/小便/病毒測試  Management accordingly: treat infecton, dietary advice, iron
2. 隨後處理: supplement for anaemia
a. 按原因作出相對性的處理:e.g.治療宮內感染,給予飲食指導,  Monitor fetal growth: Series U/S for fetal growth, Kcik count,
補充鐵質以治療貧血。 NST
b. 繼續監察胎兒:一系列超聲波掃描監察生長,胎動情況,胎  Inducton/ Terminaton of pregnancy: Sever IUCG/ fetal
Intrapartpum: Close monitor for fetal well being, prepare for
c. 引產/終止妊娠:如嚴重宮內生長遲緩 resusitaton
d. 分娩期:緊密監察胎兒情況,預備急救物品替新生兒急救 Postpartum: Resusitaton, Check for infecton & abnormalites,
e. 分娩後:替新生兒急救;檢查初生兒有否先天性畸型或感染 check for placenta
a. 足月時兒頭高的原因。n(1997.10.B9)n(2000.4.B5)n(5%)n c. nB5.nCaosesnofn“highnheadnatnterm”ninnprimigravidann(2003.4.B5)n(5%)
b. 初胎孕婦足月時兒頭高的原因。n(2003.4.B5)n(5%) a. Pelvis – deformity of pelvis, justo minor pelvic, inappropriate
1. 母親因素: pelvic shape cause CPD, tumor occupy pelvis hinder head
- 骨盆因素:骨盆狹窄、骨盆畸形、骨盆形狀不適合,出現頭盆不相 descend
稱。骨盆腔內腫瘤,阻礙兒頭下降。 b. Uterus – uterine fbroid, bicornuate uterus, uterine septum
- 羊水過多:胎兒活動範圍大 c. Liquor – polyhydramnions cause unstable lie, malpresentaton
- 羊水過少:胎兒沒有轉動空間 or malpositon; oligohydramnios cause no room for change to
- 子宮因素:子宮腫瘤、縱隔子宮、雙角子宮,供胎兒轉動空間小 vertex presentaton
- 膀胱脹滿 d. Bladder full
2. 胎兒因素: Fetus:
- 胎兒體積過大,胎兒沒有轉動空間。 a. Macrosomnia
- 兒頭過大、畸形:如腦積水、無腦兒,不能銜接骨盆入口。 b. Big head due to malformaton, hydrocephalus, anecephalus
- 枕後位 c. OP positon
- 多胎妊娠,胎兒細小,兒頭不能銜接骨盆腔。 d. Multple pregnancy, SGA cannot ft into pelvis
- 胎盆前置:胎盆位於子宮下段,阻礙兒下降 e. Placenta previae

1. Caosesnofn“highnheardnatnterm”ninnprimigravida.n4.2003n(B5)n5%
2. Caosesnofn“highnheard”natnterm.n4.2000n(B5)5%
3. Caosenofnhighnpresentngnpartnatnterm.n10.1997n(B9)5%
1. Maternal causes
Pelvic causes: contracted pelvis or relatvely small pelvis
Placental previa: placenta occupited the tower pole of the uterus
High parity: Engagement of multparous commence during
Polyhydramnios: Increased space for fetal movement
Oligohydramnios: Decreased space for fetal movement
Fibroid: the fbroid may hinder the descent of the head
2. Fetal causes
Marcosomia: Too large baby causes cephalo-pelvic disproporton
Fetal abnormailites: hydrocephalus, cojoined twins, these
resultng disparity between the size of the fetus & the pelvis.
Malpositon/malpresentaton: Large presentng diameter to
pelvic brim.
1.n產前診斷的適應証及方法 (1998.10.B2) n(5%)
- 35 歲或以上之孕婦
- 孕婦本人或家人曾有染色體異常或有遺傳病史
- 曾有超過兩次的自然流產
- 遺傳性的血液病,如地中海貧血、血友病等
- 曾產下有先天性缺陷的嬰兒
- 經超聲波檢查發現不正常胎兒
- 唐氏綜合徵普查結果異常
- 母自篩檢:甲型胎兒蛋白、uE3 & free βhCG、PAPP-A
- 侵入性檢查:在超聲引導下施行羊膜穿刺術、絨毛膜刺術或臍

NEWnQUESTIONSn(2007.4.B1)5% second trimester aborton.
B1.nOptonsnregardingnprenatalnscreeningn&ndiagnosisnofnDown’snsyndrome Amniocentesis – to aspirate 15-20ml amniotc fuid transabdominally
fornpregnantnwomannofnadvancednmaternalnagen(>=35nbynthentmenofnEDC) via a spinal needle under USG guided for analysis. The optmal tme to
Down’s syndrome is age related associated with advanced maternal age. It perform is 16-18 weeks. The miscarriage rate is 0.5-1%. Result is
is a result of failure of a pair chromosome 21 to separate during gamete available in 2-3 weeks. It has risk of Rh-isoimmunizaton, infecton,
cell division, giving rise to 2 daughter cells with uneven number of haematoma and leakage of liquor. It is relatvely safe and simple.
chromosome 24 & 22. Cordocentesis – to collect a sample of fetal blood from the umbilical
Screening methods include maternal age, family history, maternal serum vein transabdominally under USG guided. Best perform in 20-22 weeks.
screening, ultrasonography and combined integrated screening. The The miscarriage rate is <1%. Result is available in 1 weeks’ tme. There is
screening is positve when the calculated risk exceeds the cutof risk of cord laceraton. The advantage is can be perform over 20 weeks
determined by the laboratory or screening program (1/300). of gestaton.
- In 1st trimester (11-13 6/7 week), serum screening on beta human All of them are invasive procedures. There are risks of infecton,
chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG↑) & pregnancy associated plasma preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes, Rh-
protein-A (PAPP-A). In 2nd trimester (16-20 week), double test isoimmunizaton and haematoma cannot be excluded.
(alphafeto protein (AFP) & βhCG↑), triple test (AFP & βhCG↑ &
unconjungated estriol (uE3)), quadruple test (AFP, βhCG↑, uE3,
inhibin A↑).
- USG for ↑nuchal translucency at 10-14 weeks, routne fetal anomaly
scan at 18-22 weeks.
- Combines screening – one stop clinic for assessment of risk for DS
(OSCAR) at 11-14 weeks with the highest (90%) detecton rate, 1/300
high risk case will counsel for invasive diagnostc tests.
- Integrated screening – a new protocol in HA for AMA fetal screening.
NT at 10 3/7 – 13 6/7, BCH (AFP, βhCG) at 16-20weeks.
Increase sensitvity if more serum markers are used.

For AMA, high risk parents, previous spontaneous aborton, previous

abnormal child, family history, abnormal screening test result, there are 3
common methods to diagnose Down’s syndrome which are invasive
methods: chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, cordocentesis.
CVS – to take a small sample of chorionic villus from the developing
placenta transvaginally or transabdominally under USG guided for
analysis. The optmum tme to perform is 10-12 week. Miscarriage
rate is 1-2%. The result is available in 2 weeks. It has high miscarriage
rate and limb reducton of early CVS but can minimize and prevent
2.n產前胎兒康寧的評估方法n(1999.10.B5)n(5%) 分為 10 分。如檢查結果 8-10 分,表示胎兒健康。4-7 分表示
I.查詢病歷: 可能胎兒窒息,需複驗一次。<4 分表示很可能胎兒窒息,
a.健康史:個人及家族有無糖尿病、高血壓等內科疾患。 需考慮胎兒是否要立刻娩出。臨床現改良只以無壓力測試及
b. 孕產史:個人及家族孕產史,有無早產、宮內發育遲緩、多胞 羊水指數作評估。
1. History taking
a. 腹部檢查:
a. Medical – personal and family history of DM, HT
- 評估胎兒之生長:檢查子宮大小,量度宮底長度,妊娠後期
b. Menstrual – LMP, date of frst positve pregnancy test, tme of
宮高應每週上升約 1cm。
- 評估胎兒之狀態:胎心聲監察,如胎心跳過速(>160bpm) 或
c. Obstetrical – personal and family history of prematurity, IUGR,
過緩(<110bpm) 都顯示胎兒狀態可能欠佳。
multple pregnancy and congenital abnormality
b. 評估孕婦體重增加:
d. Current – fetal movement (kick count), complaints, advanced
- 如增加過少或不增加,胎兒可能生長緩慢。如增加過多,胎 age
兒可能過大。 2. Physical Exam
a. Body weight – growth retard or macrosomnia
IV.生物物理方法: b. Abdominal exam – fetal growth (SFH, size)
a. 監察胎動情況:指導孕婦自行記錄胎動情況,由每天 9am 開 c. Non stress test - fetal well-being monitoring afer 32 weeks of
始,如胎動達 10 次,便在時間表上記錄。如 12 小時內胎動少 gestaton
於 10 次、持續 8 小時沒有胎動或突然出現猛烈胎動後胎動迅速 d. USG – assess AFI & doppler
減少,需入院作進一步檢查。 e. Fetal acoustc stmulaton test – use in adjunct with NST, device
b. 電子胎兒心率監測: generate low frequency vibraton and buzz sound to induce
- 無壓力試驗(NST):適用於妊娠 32 週後,觀察胎心跳速率對胎 acceleraton and movement
動所產生的反應。以測胎兒康寧狀態。 f. BioPhysical Profle – assess fetal breathing, FHR, fetal
- 宮縮壓迫下試驗:評估胎盆血流及胎兒貯備功能。如檢查結果 movement, fetal tone and amniotc fuid volume, total score
有晚期減速或不定期減速,表示胎兒缺氧,以致酸中毒。 10. Result >8 is reassuring. Score 4-7 shows fetal distress need
- 聲音刺激試驗:用於分娩期胎兒睡眠時刺激胎心跳加速。 repeat testng. Score <4, fetal hypoxia is suspected and need
c. 超聲波掃描:準確度較高。 delivery.
i. 評估羊水量:過多或過少都可能胎兒異常,以超聲波
ii. 多普勒血流測定:胎兒、帶及血管進行血流測定,評
d. 生物理學分數檢查:測量胎兒狀態,包括胎兒肌肉張力、
compositon changes with gestatonal age and fetal maturity.
3.n羊水穿刺nn(1997.10.B2)n(5%) Thus, amniotc fuid analysis is useful to determine chromosomal
羊水穿刺是介入性產前診斷之一,在懷孕 16-18 週施行,收集羊水 disorder or fetalnkarotype in early pregnancy and to evaluate fetal
和胎兒細胞組成以確認胎兒有無遺傳性或染色體異常疾病。 health and maturity in mid and late pregnancy.
在超聲指引下,用脊柱穿刺針從腹部穿刺入子宮內抽取 15-20ml 羊 (Uses)The purpose of the procedure determines the appropriate
水作細胞培養及分析。 tming. If the procedure is for early fetal karotyping, it is
羊水穿刺的適應症包括:高齡孕婦、胎兒患有遺傳性和染色體疾病 performed between 16 and 18 weeks’ gestaton. In the second
的機會較高、孕婦曾有超過兩次的自然流產、前胎嬰兒有先天性異 part of pregnancy, amniotc fuid analysis can identfy fetal
常疾病、家族有遺傳病、篩檢結果異常。 hemolytc disease or intra-amniotc infectons. In late pregnancy
羊水穿刺的風險有羊水滲漏、感染、出血、RH 血型不合、流產。檢查 amniocentesis may be performed to evaluate fetal surfactant
前需告訴孕婦檢查的危險性、限制的優點。檢查前輔導需包括檢查 producton and respiratory system maturity.
的目的、時間、方法、結果可引致的影響。檢查結果異常需提供輔導。 Women at increased risk for having an infant with the
chromosomal disorder are candidates for amniocentesis in the
frst half of pregnancy. Indicators include: (Indicatons)
 Maternalnagenovern35nyears
1. 羊水穿刺的適應症:  Previoosnofspringnwithnchromosomalnabnormalites
- 高齡孕婦  Chromosomalnabnormalitesnpresentninneithernparent
- 胎兒患有遺傳性和染色體疾病的機會較高  Fetosnatnrisknfornprenantalndetectablenconditon
- 孕婦曾有超過兩次的自然流產  Fetos n at n risk n for n X-linked n conditon n in n which n prenatal
- 前胎嬰兒有先天性異常疾病 diagnosisnisnnotnavailable
- 家族有遺傳病  Ultrasoondnidentiednanatomicnabnormality
- 篩檢結果異常 (Counselling prior to procedure)
2. 羊水穿刺的風險:(1997.1.B2)n(5%) Amniocentesis is done with ultrasound guidance to identfy
- 羊水滲漏:穿刺引起 intrauterine contents and locate a pocket of amniotc fuid. Under
- 感染:無菌技術不足 aseptc technique, a 20 to 22 gauge needle is guided through the
- 出血:誤傷胎盆或血管 abdominal and uterine wall into the amniotc sac. Approximately
- RH 血型不合:RH-ve 母親懷有 RH+ve 胎兒 15-20cc amniotc fuid is withdrawn for fetal karotyping.
- 流產 0.5-1% (Complicatons:)
Amniocentesis is considered a safe procedure, but, like all
procedures, some risks are involved. The complicatons afer
amniocentesis include vaginal spotting, fuid leakage, or uterine
cramping; pregnancy loss or preterm birth and intra-amniotc
infecton, and in rare circumstance, direct injury to the fetus. The
rate of miscarriage varies between 0.5% to 1%.
1. nWritenshortnnotesnonnaminocentesis.n10.1997n(B2)5%n
(Defniton)Amniocentesis is the most common technique for
obtaining amniotc fuid for pre-natal diagnosis. Amniotc fuid
7.n唐氏綜合症的生化普查。(2000.4.B9)n(5%) 率 0.5-1%,可能有 Rh 血型不合、感染等情況。
唐氏綜合症的生化普查有母血篩檢、絨毛膜穿刺、羊膜穿刺、臍帶穿刺 - 臍帶穿刺:在懷孕 20-22 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取臍帶
a. 母血篩檢: 檢查母血血清標記,包括甲型胎兒蛋白 AFP、未連結雌 血以評估胎兒血液以作分析。優點是 1 星期可知結果。缺點
三醇 uE3、人類絨毛膜促性腺激素 free βHCG、甲型懷孕血漿蛋白 是有引致流產機會率 1%及可能造成臍帶損裂。
PAPP-A、甲型抑制素 Inhibin A。可在第一或第二孕期作篩檢。患唐氏
檢的實驗室決定,e.g.1 in 250, 1 in 300。
b. 合併篩檢:又稱一站式唐氏綜合症檢驗 OSCAR,在早孕期 11-136/7
的 βHCG、PAPP-A 水平,配合孕婦年齡、孕齡與染色體異常病史,
再以電腦計算胎兒患唐氏綜合病徵的機會率。準確率高達 90%。如
機會率高於 1/300,表示屬高危群。
c. 整合篩檢:對象是在第一、二期懷孕的婦女,35 歲以下要自費。配
合孕婦年齡、懷孕週數與染色體異常病史,在 11-136/7 週量度胎兒
頸項透明層厚度,及在 16-20 週驗孕婦血液中的 AFP、βHCG 水平。
如機會率高於 1/320,表示屬高危群。
d. 孕婦年齡 35 歲或以上,本人或家人曾有染色體異常或有遺傳病史,
- 絨毛膜穿刺:在懷孕 10-13 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取胎盆
組織作分析。優點是 2-3 週內可知結果。但流產的機會率較高 1-
- 羊膜穿刺:在懷孕 16-20 週施行,透過超聲引導下收集
相對較安全和無痛。缺點是 2-3 週才知結果,流產的機會
8.n於產前普查唐氏綜合病徵的方法。(2001.4.B14)n(5%) B14.nMethodsnofnantenatalnscreeningnfornDown’snsyndromen (2001.4.B14)
9.n妊娠期診斷唐氏綜合病徵的方法。(1998.4.B5)n(2004.10.B2)n(5%)n Down’s syndrome is age related associated with advanced maternal age.
It is a result of failure of a pair chromosome 21 to separate during gamete
產前普查唐氏綜合病徵的方法有母親的年齡、家族病歷、母血篩檢、超 cell division, giving rise to 2 daughter cells with uneven number of
聲檢查、合併篩檢 / 整合篩檢、絨毛膜穿刺、羊膜穿刺、臍帶穿刺。 chromosome 24 & 22.
a. 母血篩檢:檢查母血血清標記,包括甲型胎兒蛋白 AFP、未連結雌 Screening methods include maternal age, family history, maternal serum
三醇 uE3、人類絨毛膜促性腺激素 free βHCG、甲型懷孕血漿蛋白 screening, ultrasonography and combined integrated screening. The
screening is positve when the calculated risk exceeds the cutof
PAPP-A、甲型抑制素 Inhibin A,可在第一或第二孕期作篩檢。血清標 determined by the laboratory or screening program.
記↓AFP、↓uE3、↑βHCG、↓PAPP-A、↑Inhibin A 篩檢結果屬陽性, - In 1st trimester (11-13 6/7 week), serum screening on beta human
即表示胎兒屬高危,而訂定高危的機會則由篩檢的實驗室決定 , chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG↑) & pregnancy associated plasma
e.g.1 in 250, 1 in 300。 protein-A (PAPP-A). In 2nd trimester (16-20 week), double test
(alphafeto protein (AFP) & βhCG↑), triple test (AFP & βhCG↑ &
b. 超聲檢查:在 11-14 週後胎兒頸項透明層增厚有較高機會患唐氏綜 unconjungated estriol (uE3)), quadruple test (AFP, βhCG↑, uE3,
合病徵。鼻骨缺失是唐氏綜合病徵的另一個新標記。 inhibin A↑).
c. 合併篩檢:又稱一站式唐氏綜合症檢驗 OSCAR,在早孕期 11-136/7 週 - USG for ↑nuchal translucency at 10-14 weeks, routne fetal
施行。以超聲掃描量度胎兒頸項透明層厚度,並即時檢驗孕婦血液 anomaly scan at 18-22 weeks.
- Combines screening – one stop clinic for assessment of risk for DS
中的 βHCG、 PAPP-A 水平,配合孕婦年齡、懷孕週數與染色體異常病 (OSCAR) at 11-14 weeks with the highest (90%) detecton rate, 1/300
史,再用電腦計算胎兒患上唐氏綜合病徵的機會率。診斷的準確率 high risk case will counsel for invasive diagnostc tests.
高達 90%。如機會率高於 1/300,表示屬高危群。 - Integrated screening – a new protocol in HA for AMA fetal screening.
d. 整合篩檢:對象為在第一、二期懷孕的婦女,35 歲以下要自費。配合 NT at 10 3/7 – 13 6/7, BCH (AFP, βhCG) at 16-20weeks.
Increase sensitvity if more serum markers are used. For AMA, high risk
孕婦年齡、懷孕週數與染色體異常病史,在 11-136/7 週量度胎兒頸項 parents, previous spontaneous aborton, previous abnormal child, family
透明層厚度,及在 16-20 週驗孕婦血液中的 AFP、βHCG 水平。如機會 history, abnormal screening test result, there are 3 common methods to
率高於 1/320,表示屬高危群。 diagnose Down’s syndrome which are invasive methods: chorionic villus
e. 孕婦年齡 35 歲或以上,本人或家人曾有染色體異常或有遺傳病史 , sampling, amniocentesis, cordocentesis.
- CVS – to take a small sample of chorionic villus from the developing
曾有超過兩次的自然流產,有遺傳性的血液病,如地中海貧血、血 placenta trans-vaginally or trans-abdominally under USG guided for
友病等,曾有先天性缺陷的嬰兒或經超聲波檢查發現 有不正常 analysis. The optmum tme to perform is 10-12 week. Miscarriage rate is
胎兒者,需作進一步檢查以確診,可選擇下列其中一項檢查: 1-2%. The result is available in 2 weeks. It has high miscarriage rate and
- 絨毛膜穿刺:在懷孕 10-13 週施行,在超聲引導下抽取胎盆組織 limb reducton of early CVS but can minimize and prevent second
trimester aborton.
作分析。優點是 2-3 週內可知結果。缺點是流產的機會率較高 1- - Amniocentesis – to aspirate 15-20ml amniotc fuid trans-abdominally
2%,及可引致胎兒肢體缺損。 via a spinal needle under USG guided for analysis. The optmal tme to
- 羊膜穿刺:在懷孕 16-20 週施行,在超聲引導下收集羊水和胎兒 perform is 16-18 weeks. The miscarriage rate is 0.5-1%. Result is available
細胞培養及分析。優點是檢查過程較簡單,相對較安全和無痛。 in 2-3 weeks. It has risk of Rh-isoimmunizaton, infecton, haematoma and
leakage of liquor. It is relatvely safe and simple.
缺點是 2-3 週才知結果,流產的機會率 0.5-1%,可能有 Rh 血型 -Cordocentesis – to collect a sample of fetal blood from the umbilical vein
不合、感染等情況。 transabdominally under USG guided. Best perform in 20-22 weeks. The
- 臍帶穿刺:在懷孕 20-22 週施行,在超聲引導下抽取臍帶血以評 miscarriage rate is <1%. Result is available in 1 weeks’ tme. There is risk
估胎兒血液以作分析。優點是 1 星期可知結果。缺點是有引致流 of cord laceraton. The advantage is can be perform over 20 weeks of
產機會率 1%及可能造成臍帶損裂。
10.n一名三十二歲首度懷孕婦於妊娠十五週諮詢你對唐氏綜合症普查的意見。 評估胎兒血液以作分析。1 星期可知結果。引致流產機會率 1%
你將給她什麼建議?(2003.4.A1)n(15%)n A1.nAn32-year-oldnladynatn15 thnweeknintonhernirstnpregnancynseeksnyoor
向她提供有關唐氏綜合症的資料,提供選擇,幫助她作出合適的決定。 opinionnonnbiochemicalnscreeningnfornDown’snsyndrome.nHownwooldnyoo
並鼓勵她發問,給予正面的回饋,澄清疑慮,給予時間考慮,以便她作 advisenher?n(2003.4.A1)n(15%)
出選擇。 Down’s Syndrome is age related associated with advanced maternal age.
I. 提供唐氏綜合症的資料:唐氏綜合症與孕婦年齡相關,年紀越大的懷 It is a result of failure of a pair chromosome 21 to separate during gamete
有唐氏綜合症的胎兒機會越大。尤以 35 歲或以上。唐氏綜合症與第 cell division, giving rise to 2 daughter cells with uneven number of
21 對染色體有關,是最常見的三體綜合症,大概佔活產數的 1/700。 chromosome 24 & 22. Her risk of having Down’s baby at 32 year-old is
患有唐氏綜合症的孩子有獨特的樣貌,及不同程度的疾病,有機會 1/660 which is regarded as low risk.
Prenatal diagnosis (PND) can be introduced to her. The purpose of PND is
II. 普查的方法:
to diagnose fetal congenital abnormalites in early pregnancy. A screening
a. 母 血 篩 檢 : 檢 查 母 血 血 清 標 記 , 可 在 第 一 或 第 二 孕 期 檢 查
test is one which identfes increased risk or likelihood of a fetal
AFP 、uE3、free βHCG、PAPP-A、Inhibin A。檢驗結果呈陽性即表示胎兒
abnormality, evaluate in term of detecton rate (sensitvity) and false
屬高危,而訂定高危的機會則由篩檢的實驗室決定,e.g.1 in 250, 1
in 300。
positve rate (specifcity). Screening methods include maternal age, family
b. 合併篩檢:又稱一站式唐氏綜合症檢驗 OSCAR,在孕期 11-136/7 週施 history, maternal serum screening (BCH), ultrasonography (NT) and
行。利用超聲掃描量度胎兒頸項透明層厚度,並即時抽血檢驗母血 combined integrated screening. The screening is positve when the
βHCG、 PAPP-A,配合孕婦年齡、懷孕週數與染色體異常病史,再用 calculated risk exceeds the cutof determined by the laboratory or
電腦計算胎兒患上唐氏綜合病徵的機會率。診斷的準確率達 90%。如 screening program.
機會率高於 1/300,表示屬高危群。需要自費。 - In 1st trimester (11-13 6/7 week), serum screening on beta human
c. 整合篩檢:對象為第一、二期懷孕的婦女,35 歲以下要自費。配合孕 chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG↑) & pregnancy associated plasma
婦年齡、懷孕週數與染色體異常病史,在 11-136/7 週量度胎兒頸項透 protein-A (PAPP-A). In 2nd trimester (16-20 week), double test
明層厚度,及在 16-20 週驗孕婦血液中的 AFP、βHCG 水平。如機會率 (alphafeto protein (AFP) & βhCG↑), triple test (AFP & βhCG↑ &
高於 1/320,表示屬高危群。 unconjungated estriol (uE3)), quadruple test (AFP, βhCG↑, uE3,
d. 超聲檢查:在 18-22 週施行常規超聲檢查,可篩檢或診斷胎兒先天 inhibin A↑).
性的缺陷。在 11-14 週後胎兒頸項透明層增厚有較高機會患唐氏綜 - USG for ↑nuchal translucency at 10-14 weeks, routne fetal anomaly
合病徵。鼻骨缺失是唐氏綜合病徵的另一個新標記。 scan at 18-22 weeks.
e. 產前侵入性檢查:公立醫院只能顧及高齡、有異常產歷及懷有異常 - Combines screening – one stop clinic for assessment of risk for DS
染色體胎兒的孕婦。 (OSCAR) at 11-14 weeks with the highest (90%) detecton rate, 1/300
- 絨毛膜穿刺:在懷孕 10-13 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取胎盆組 high risk case will counsel for invasive diagnostc tests.
織作分析。優點是 2-3 週內可知結果。但流產的機會率較高 1-2%。 - Integrated screening – a new protocol in HA for AMA fetal screening.
及可引致胎兒肢體缺損。 NT at 10 3/7 – 13 6/7, BCH (AFP, βhCG) at 16-20weeks.
- 羊膜穿刺:在懷孕 16-20 週施行,透過超聲引導下收集羊水和胎
Increase sensitvity if more serum markers are used. There is stll 10%
false positve or false negatve rate. As she is already at 15 weeks of
缺點是 2-3 週才知結果,流產的機會率 0.5-1%,可能有 Rh 血型
gestaton, second trimester biochemical screening can be choose. In
additon, she can have routne fetal anomaly scan perform at 18-22 weeks
- 臍帶穿刺:在懷孕 20-22 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取臍帶血以
of gestaton to see any congenital structural abnormalites.
11.n李太,一名 30n歲孕婦,於妊娠 15n週往產前門診作檢查,她的姊姊剛 結構性超聲檢查需在 18-22 週施行,可篩檢或診斷胎兒先天性的缺陷。
產下一患唐氏綜合症的嬰兒,李太很憂慮她的嬰兒可能受影響。她欲 如胎兒有神經管缺損、心臟缺損、兔唇等,胎兒可能有先天性或染色
知道有否任何測試可令她安心。如你是一位向她提供輔導的助產士, 體缺損。頸項透明層增厚、脈絡膜叢囊腫、股骨短小,則是染色體異常
你會怎樣做?(2005.10.A2)n(15%) 的超聲標記,這類標記單獨存在時,可能只是小問題,但如果胎兒同
提供地方讓李太不受干擾,讓其舒發憂慮的情緒。助產士應表現出同 時擁有數項標記,胎兒異常的機會較高。
理心,運用輔導技巧,安撫其憂慮,需要時作較密的覆診、轉介社工 若篩結果顯示李太的胎兒屬高危或她希望確實知道胎兒是否患有唐氏
等跟進其情緒,審慎處理其潛在的憂慮。整個過程可鼓勵丈夫或家人 綜合症。她可選擇下列介入性產前診斷方法:
陪同,小心處理孕婦和家人的回答和反應。提供有關唐氏綜合症的資 - 羊膜穿刺:在懷孕 16-20 週施行,透過超聲引導下收集羊水和胎
料及介紹現行的測試方法,提供持續的支持。如檢查結果呈陽性或異 兒細胞培養及分析。優點是檢查過程較簡單,相對較安全和無痛。
常,需小心處理李太的情緒反應。 缺點是 2-3 週才知結果,流產的機會率 0.5-1%,可能有 Rh 血型不
提供唐氏綜合症的資料:唐氏綜合症與孕婦年齡相關,年紀越大的懷 合、感染等情況
有唐氏綜合症的胎兒機會越大。尤以 35 歲或以上。唐氏綜合症與第 21 - 臍帶穿刺:在懷孕 20-22 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取臍帶血以
對染色體有關,是最常見的三體綜合症,大概佔活產數的 1/700。患 評估胎兒血液以作分析。優點是 1 星期可知結果。缺點是有引致流
有唐氏綜合症的孩子有獨特的樣貌,及不同程度的疾病,有機會患有 產機會率 1%及可能造成臍帶損裂。
其他內科疾病。 助產士在提供有關資料後,需鼓勵李太發問,並給予正面的回饋,以
介紹現行的唐氏綜合症測試方法,包括篩檢及介入性方法。由於李太 澄清疑慮,給予時間考慮,鼓勵她與丈夫商量,以作出合適的選擇。
一步診斷。但由於合併篩檢及整合篩檢需在妊娠 14 週前施行,所以李
母血篩檢可在第二孕期檢查 AFP、uE3、free βHCG、PAPP-A、Inhibin A。檢
室決定,e.g.1 in 250, 1 in 300。
A2. n Mrs. n Lee, n a n 30-year-old n primigravida, n attends n the n antenatal rate, 1/300 high risk case will counsel for invasive diagnostc tests.
clinicnatn15nweeksngestaton.nHernsister,nwhonisnagedn38,nhasnjost - Integrated screening – a new protocol in HA for AMA fetal
given n birth n to n a n baby n with n Down’s n Syndrome. n Mrs. n Lee n is n very screening. NT at 10 3/7 – 13 6/7, BCH (AFP, βhCG) at 16-20weeks.
worriednthatnhernbabynmaynbenafected.nShenwooldnlikentonknownif Increase sensitvity if more serum markers are used. There is stll 10%
therenarenanyntestsnwhichncannreassorenher.nIfnyoonarenthenmidwife false positve or false negatve rate.
providing n the n coonseling n service n for n her, n what n woold n yoo n do? There are few methods to diagnose DS if the client is advanced
(2005.10.A2)n(15%) maternal age, high risk parents, has previous spontaneous aborton, has
previous abnormal child, has family history of DS or has abnormal
The counseling secton should be start with therapeutc screening test result. These include chorionic villus sampling,
communicaton to gain trust from the client frst. A quiet private amniocentesis, cordocentesis and fetoscopy but all are invasive
room should be arranged for the midwives to explore the client’s methods.
feeling and assess her problem. Counseling skills such as good eye 1. CVS – to take a small sample of chorionic villus from the
contact, squarely sit, open-ended questons, acceptance, paraphrase, developing placenta trans-vaginally or trans-abdominally under
refecton and empathy can be applied. USG guided for analysis. The optmum tme to perform is 10-12
It is followed by informaton provision related to Down’s Syndrome. week. Miscarriage rate is 1-2%. The result is available in 2 weeks. It
It is age related associated with advanced maternal age. It is a result has high miscarriage rate and limb reducton of early CVS but can
of failure of a pair chromosome 21 to separate during gamete cell minimize and prevent second trimester aborton.
division, giving rise to 2 daughter cells with uneven number of 2. Amniocentesis – to aspirate 15-20ml amniotc fuid trans-
chromosome 24 & 22. Her risk of having Down’s baby at 30 year-old abdominally via a spinal needle under USG guided for analysis. The
is 1/900, while her sister at age 38 is 1/170. optmal tme to perform is 16-18 weeks. The miscarriage rate is
As Mrs. Lee is very worried about her baby, prenatal diagnosis (PND) 0.5-1%. Result is available in 2-3 weeks. It has risk of Rh-
can be introduced to her. The purpose of PND is to diagnose fetal isoimmunizaton, infecton, haematoma and leakage of liquor. It is
congenital abnormalites in early pregnancy. A screening test is one relatvely safe and simple.
which identfes increased risk or likelihood of a fetal abnormality, 3. Cordocentesis – to collect a sample of fetal blood from the
evaluate in term of detecton rate (sensitvity) and false positve rate umbilical vein transabdominally under USG guided. Best perform in
(specifcity). Screening methods include maternal age, family history, 20-22 weeks. The miscarriage rate is <1%. Result is available in 1
maternal serum screening (BCH), ultrasonography (NT) and weeks’ tme. There is risk of cord laceraton. The advantage is can
combined integrated screening. The screening is positve when the be perform over 20 weeks of gestaton.
calculated risk exceeds the cutof determined by the laboratory or 4. Fetoscopy – a procedure for direct visualizaton of fetus via an
screening program. endoscopy. However, a high fetal loss rate of 5% and rarely
- In 1st trimester (11-13 6/7 week), serum screening on beta perform nowadays as superseded by other tests
human chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG↑) & pregnancy All of them are invasive procedures. There are risks of infecton,
associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A). In 2nd trimester (16-20 preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes, Rh-
week), double test (alphafeto protein (AFP) & βhCG↑), triple isoimmunizaton and haematoma cannot be excluded.
test (AFP & βhCG↑ & unconjungated estriol (uE3)), quadruple Mrs. Lee is at 15 weeks of gestaton, she can choice to have second
test (AFP, βhCG↑, uE3, inhibin A↑). trimester integrated screening if she is really worried for the fetus.
- USG for ↑nuchal translucency at 10-14 weeks, routne fetal
anomaly scan at 18-22 weeks.
- Combines screening – one stop clinic for assessment of risk for
DS (OSCAR) at 11-14 weeks with the highest (90%) detecton
12.n試述胎兒異常的產前診斷適應症及方法。nn(1996.10.A2)n(15%)n 胎兒的孕婦。
1. 胎兒異常的產前診斷適應症: - 絨毛膜穿刺:在懷孕 10-13 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取
- 高齡孕婦 胎盆組織作分析。優點是 2-3 週內可知結果。但流產的機會
- 胎兒患有遺傳性和染色體疾病的機會較高
- 孕婦曾有超過兩次的自然流產 率較高 1-2%。及可引致胎兒肢體缺損。
- 前胎嬰兒有先天性異常疾病 - 羊膜穿刺:在懷孕 16-20 週施行,透過超聲引導下收集羊
- 家族有遺傳病 水和胎兒細胞培養及分析。優點是檢查過程較簡單,相對
- 篩檢結果異常:母血篩檢結果顯示懷有患唐氏綜合病徵的胎兒
的機會率高。常規超聲檢查發現有染色體異常的超聲標記,例 較安全和無痛。缺點是 2-3 週才知結果,流產的機會率 0.5-
如包括頸項透明層增厚、脈絡膜叢囊腫、股骨短小及,鼻骨缺失 1%,可能有 Rh 血型不合、感染等情況。
2. 胎兒異常的產前診斷方法:
- 臍帶穿刺:在懷孕 20-22 週施行,透過超聲引導下抽取臍
a. 母 血 篩 檢 : 檢 查 母 血 血 清 標 記 , 可 在 第 一 或 第 二 孕 期 檢 查
帶血以評估胎兒血液以作分析。優點是 1 星期可知結果。缺
AFP、uE3、free βHCG、PAPP-A、Inhibin A。檢驗結果呈陽性即表示胎
點是有引致流產機會率 1%及可能造成臍帶損裂。
兒屬高危,而訂定高危的機會則由篩檢的實驗室決定,e.g.1 in
250, 1 in 300。
b. 合併篩檢:又稱一站式唐氏綜合症檢驗 OSCAR,在孕期 11-136/7
驗母血 βHCG、 PAPP-A,配合孕婦年齡、懷孕週數與染色體異常
確率達 90%。如機會率高於 1/300,表示屬高危群。需要自費。
c. 整合篩檢:對象為第一、二期懷孕的婦女。配合孕婦年齡、懷孕週
數與染色體異常病史,在 11-136/7 週量度胎兒頸項透明層厚度,
及在 16-20 週驗孕婦血液中的 AFP、βHCG 水平。如機會率高於
d. 超聲檢查:在 18-22 週施行常規超聲檢查,可篩檢或診斷胎兒先
天性的缺陷。在 11-14 週後胎兒頸項透明層增厚有較高機會患唐
e. 產前侵入性檢查:適合高齡、有異常產歷或懷有異常染色體
Anaemia e.g. 0.5mg folic acid daily + 鐵劑。處理及預防感染。邀請丈
夫作血檢 (CBP 及 Hb patern) 。如夫婦二人都是地貧基因
1.n妊娠期貧血的處理。n(1998.10.B1)n(5%)  帶者,下一代將有 25%機會是正常,50%機會成為地
妊娠期貧血是指孕婦血色素下降至<10g/dL,妊娠期貧血的處理如下: 貧基因帶者,25%機會患上重型地貧。應立即轉介往產
1. 評估:營養狀況、飲食習慣,有否腸胃道出血、地貧、其他內科疾病 前診斷及輔導。如結果顯示胎兒患有重型地貧,給予終
2. 身體檢查: 生命表徵。臨床表徵:臉色蒼白、無法集中注意力、耳鳴 止懷孕的選擇。
腹部檢查有否肝脾脹大。直腸檢查有否痔瘡。 c. 葉酸缺乏性貧血:給予葉酸補充劑 e.g. 0.5mg folic acid
1. 實驗室化驗: daily。
血 液檢 驗: 全血 圖檢 驗, 以 測 Hb 、MCV 、 MCH 及 MCHC 。 HB d. 維生素 B12 缺乏性貧血 :給予 Gyano-cobalamin 1gm
patern、serum Fe、serum Ferritn、TIBC。 I.M.I. daily
懷疑腸胃道出血,則作糞便化驗:ova & cyst, occult blood
尿液化驗:C & ST
2. 診斷及治療:
A. 根據血液檢驗結果作診斷。
a. 紅血素疾病之診斷:
- 缺 鐵 性 貧 血 : ↓ Hb 、 ↓ MCV(<80fL) 及
↓MCH,↑MCHC。↓Serum Fe、↑TIBC 及↓serum ferritn
(<35μg/dL) 。
- 地中海貧血:↓Hb、↓MCV(<80fL) 及↓MCH,MCHC 正
常。Hb patern 檢 驗結果:正常 HbA2,有 HbH (包括
inclusion bodies δ4 或 Hb Barts γ4) , 為 甲 型 地 貧 (α
thalassaemia)。如↑HbA2 及可能有 HbF,為乙型地貧(β
b. 巨幼紅細胞性貧血之診斷:
- 葉 酸 缺 乏 性 貧 血 : ↓ Hb 、 ↑ MCV(>100 fL) 及
↑MCH,↓serum folic acid。
- 維生素 B12 缺乏性貧血:↓Hb、↑MCV(>100 fL) 及↓vit
B12 level
B. 治療:
鼓勵進食高蛋白及含鐵之食物。在妊娠中期及後期作 Hb 評估。按
a. 缺鐵性貧血:給予口服鐵劑及 Vit. C。需要時給予肌肉注射
鐵劑。當 Hb 值降至< 6 - 8g/dL 及有不良表徵時,輸入 pack
b. 地中海貧血:伴隨缺鐵性貧血者,給予葉酸補充劑
n nnnn補充劑的適應症及併發症n。
Folate 補充劑的適應症:多胎妊娠、地中海貧血、葉酸缺乏性貧血、 4.n「妊娠期常規鐵質補充。」試論述以上論點。n(5%)**
營養缺乏症、服用抗抽搐藥物者。 懷孕期鐵質需求會大量增加 1000mg,當中因血量增加需 650-
Folate 補充劑的併發症:面潮紅、支氣管痙攣、黃色小便。 700mg,而其餘 250-300mg 供胎兒生長及發肓。在孕中期身體對
鐵質的吸收亦可增至 40%。
2. 妊娠期鐵質的補充。n(1999.10.B11)n(5%) 20%婦女在懷孕期會有鐵質缺乏。懷孕期鐵質的補充可以提升 Hb
B11.nIronnsopplementatonninnpregnancy 及 serum ferritn level。增加 Hb 及沒有鐵質缺乏的情況可以改善孕
Iron demand increase to 1000mg during pregnancy, 650-700mg is demand
from increase blood volume and the remaining 250-300mg is for fetal 婦的健康及康寧狀況。增加鐵質的儲備可以支持產後鐵質之流失。
growth. The iron absorpton ability increase 40% during pregnancy. 母體的鐵質水平可直接影響胎兒的儲備。低 Hb 較大機會造成新生
20% of the pregnancy women have iron defciency anaemia. Iron 兒早產及體重輕。鐵質補充劑可導致噁心、便秘、腹瀉等副作用。
supplementaton in pregnancy can increase Hb and serum ferritn levels.
On the other hand, increase physical ftness and wellbeing of pregnancy 低 Hb 是孕婦預期及正常的現象。懷孕期身體會增加鐵質的吸收,
women. Also, protect against small or empty iron stores postpartum by 可從食物攝取鐵質。e.g. 牛肉、肝臟等。增加或同時進食維生素 C 可
increase iron reserves. It also prevents LBW and preterm delivery. Iron can
be obtained from foods such as beef, liver, green leafy vegetables and need
to take with Vit C to enhance absorpton. 高 Hb 會使孕婦體內沒有血液稀釋,使身體運作錯誤,較大機會
However, side efects like nausea, constpaton, diarrhea and dose 造成先兆子或影響胎兒生長速度。
dependent. High Hb may result in absent haemodiluton, afect placenta 因此懷孕期常規給予鐵質補充雖然可提升妊娠後期的 Hb。研究指
functon and increase risk of PET and decrease fetal growth. As normal 出,低 Hb 是孕婦預期及正常的現象。沒有理據顯示懷孕期常規給
physiology of pregnancy increase iron absorpton, routne iron 予鐵質的補充對孕婦及胎兒有好處。孕婦高 Hb 會影響胎盆功能,
supplement has no proven signifcant positve or negatve efects on 較大機會引致先兆子及影響胎兒生長速度,所以只有缺鐵性貧
maternal or neonatal outcomes, selectve approach should be adopted. 血時,才需鐵質補充治療。

a. 生理性貧血:妊娠期血量增加,其中血漿增加 45-50%,而紅 a. Physiological anaemia: During pregnancy, Blood plasma vol increased
血球增加約 20%,使紅血球比血漿少,造成血液稀釋,形成
45-45%, RCB mass increased 20%, this causes decreased Hb &
b. 缺鐵性貧血: haematocrit and haemodiluton occur & causes physiological anaemia.
- 食物中鐵的攝入不足夠:食物營養不良、蛋白質不足、孕早 b.Iron defciency anaemia:
期噁心 / 嘔吐,腸胃對鐵的吸收不良、胃酸缺乏。
- 鐵的需求增加:懷孕、多胞胎懷孕。 - Indequate iron intake: Malnutriton, early pregnancy nausea &
- 體內儲鐵入不足:懷孕前月經過多、哺乳。多次懷孕、懷孕 vomitng, mal absorpton
間隔太密。 - Increase demand in pregnancy due to RBC mass expansion,
- 懷孕前 / 後的疾病:慢性感染、寄生蟲病、肝病、懷孕時血壓
高、懷孕前 / 後出血等。 menorrhagia
c. 地中海貧血:患者從父母遺傳了一個或多個不正常的基因, - Lack of storage: multple gestaton, frequent pregnancies
使血紅蛋白內 α 或 β 珠蛋白鏈製造減少,引致紅血球容易破
c. Thalassaemia: Inheredite one or more defects globin genes resultng
d. 鐮刀狀紅血球性貧血:患者從父母單方或雙方遺傳血液內含 in reduced haemoglobin content in red cells. Decreased α or β gloubin
異常血紅素,而令紅血球的結構改變成為似鐮刀長型細條狀。 causes haemolytc anaemia.
e. 葉酸缺乏性貧血:懷孕期需求增加,例如多胎懷孕、懷孕間隔
d. Sickle cell anaemia: Due to mutaton in β –globin chain. The resultng
酸、乙醇、洒精、璜胺類、口服避孕藥。 Hb molecule is less soluble when deoxygenated than normal Hb,
f. 維生素 B12 缺乏性貧血:維生素 B12 來源缺乏及吸收不良,偏食、 rendering the RBC distorted to sickled shape.
少吃肉類 / 肝 / 腎 / 蛋 / 牛奶和新鮮蔬菜、素食者。食物過份烹
e. Folic acid defciency anaemia: Caused from increased demand such
調,不當儲存。維生素 B12 拮抗劑使用:例如抗抽搐藥、新霉素
對氨基水楊酸、乙醇、洒精、璜胺類、口服避孕藥。 as multple pregnancy/ frequent pregnancies. Antconvulsant use, other
g. 某些疾病:紅斑狼瘡症、愛滋病 drug use
f. Vit B12 defciency: Malnutriton, malabsorpton, vegetatrian. Drugs
g. Other diseases such as SLE & HIV.

6.n在香港最常見的兩個妊娠期貧血的原因。(2000.4.B13)n(5%) TwonmostncommonncaosesnofnanaemianinnpregnancyninnHongnKong
在香港最常見的兩個妊娠期貧血是缺鐵性貧血和地中海貧血,這兩種 4.2000n(B13)n5%
貧血的原因如下: 1. Iron defciency anaemia account for 90% of anaemia in
A. 缺鐵性貧血的原因: pregnancy, most present in 3rd trimester when iron demand
- 食物中鐵的攝入不足:營養不良、食物的蛋白質不足、孕早期的 reaches peak. It is usually diagnosed on routn testng. Some
噁心/嘔吐。腸胃對鐵質的吸收不良、胃酸缺乏。 may present with anaemic symptoms. Causes of iron defciency
- 鐵的需求增加:懷孕、多胞胎懷孕。 anaemia include malnutriton, increased demand from
- 體內儲鐵不足:懷孕前月經過多、哺乳。多次懷孕、懷孕間隔太密 pregnancy or multple pregnancy, insufcient storage of iron or
- 懷孕前/後的疾病:慢性感染、寄生蟲病、肝病、妊娠期血壓高、 history of menorrhagia. Treatment will be simply by iron
2. Thalassaemia. The 2nd common cause of anaemia in pregnancy
B. 地中海貧血的原因:
in HK is thalassaemia. It is a hereditary disease. The severity of
從父母處遺傳了一個或多個不正常的基因,使血紅蛋白內 α 或
the conditon depends on whether the abnormal genes are
inherited from one parent or from both. There are also diferent
types of thalassaemia depending on whether the alpha or beta
globin chain synthesis is afected. Fetus of alpha thalassaemia
major is incompatble to extrauterine life, while fus of beta
thalassaemia major may result in cardiac failure and death in
early childhood. The carrier of alpha and beta thalassaemia
minor may produce an anaemia that is similar to iron defciency.
In pregnancy, oral iron and folate supplements are necessary in
order to maintain the iron stores.

5 何謂地中海貧血。
地中海貧血是其中一種常見的遺傳性血液病,並不會傳染。此病 Thalassaemia is one of the commonest hereditary blood disorders,
在地中海國家、中東及亞洲(包括香港) 常見。當中輕型地貧是香港 incidence in HK about 5% for α-thal while 3% for β-thal.
地中海貧血的病因是從父母處遺傳了一個或多個不正常的基因, Thalassaemia carrier refers to individuals who are inherited for a
使血紅蛋白內 α 或 β 珠蛋白鏈的製造減少,使血色素下降,造成 thalassaemia mutaton. There is a reducaton in the amount ofα
貧血。有甲型地貧及乙型地貧兩種。 globin and consequently a relatve excess of β globin. These
1. 甲型地貧由於缺乏一個或多個構成 α 珠蛋白鏈的基因,引致胎 individuals are usually clinically asymptomatc but may give rsie to
兒和新生兒 γ 鏈和成人 β 鏈過剩。香港流行病率 3-5%。有 4 種 ofsprings afected by severe thalassaemia if the partner is also a
carrier of the same type.
a. 輕型甲型地貧 α-thalassaemia minor:
1. α-thalassaemia had reducaton in the amount of one more α
- 異質結合體 Heterozygousα-thalassaemia2 (α+-thal):缺乏
globin, and consequently a relatve excess of γglobin & β
一個基因( -α/αα) 通常沒有貧血現象
globin 。The prevalence rate around 3-5% in Hong Kong。There
- 異質結合體 Heterozygousα-thalassaemia1(αo-thal):缺乏
are four diferent type:
兩個基因( - -/αα) 於懷孕時可能有貧血現象
a. α-thalassaemia minor:
- HbH disease (β4 ):缺乏三個基因( - -/-α) 輕度至嚴重貧
- Heterozygousα-thalassaemia2 (α+-thal): reduce of one (

-α/αα), usually clinically asymptomatc
b. 重型甲型地貧 α-thalassaemia major:
- Heterozygousα-thalassaemia1(αo-thal) : reduce of two
- 同 質 結 合 體 Homozygous α-thalassaemia - Hb Barts (γ4)
globin( - -/αα), anaemia may occurs during pregnancy
:缺乏四個基因( - -/--)。對胎兒的影響:水胎、胎死腹中
(haemo diluton)
- HbH disease (β4 ) : reduce 3 gloubin( - -/-α) mild to
severe anaemia
2. 乙型地貧由於異常基因產生所致。香港流行病率 2.5-3.1%。有 2
b. α-thalassaemia major:
a. 輕型乙型地貧 β-thalassaemia minor (β/β0):Heterozygous - Homozygous α-thalassaemia - Hb Barts (γ4) :absent of
conditon 有輕徵貧血現象 all four α-globin ( - -/--)。Hydrops, IUD or NND may occur.
Maternal: PET, obstructed labour, PPH due to abnormal
b. 重型乙型地貧 β-thalassaemia major (β0/β0) ,即 Cooley’s
anaemia:Homozygous conditon 有嚴重貧血現象,需終
2. β – thalassaemai Prevalence rate 2.5-3.1%. Two diferent type:
生接受輸血,通常於新生兒 4 - 6 個月大病發。
c. β-thalassaemia minor (β/β0) : Heterozygous conditon,
mild anaemic symptoms
d. β-thalassaemia major (β 0/β0) , Cooley’s anaemia :
Homozygous conditon, severe anaemia, occurs fews
months afer birth, required life-long blood transfusion.

6 妊娠期併發地中海貧血的重要性。n(2005.10.B3)n(5%) Thalassaemia is the second most common hereditary blood disorder in
地中海貧血是其中一種常見的遺傳性血液病,當中輕型地貧是香港貧 HK. It is common in Southern Chinese and SE Asians. It is a disease with
血症的第二位常因。 reduced globin chain synthesis due to defects in the globin genes,
地中海貧血的病因是從父母處遺傳了一個或多個不正常的基因,使血 resultng in reduced haemoglobin content in red cells.
紅蛋白內 α 或 β 珠蛋白鏈的製造減少,使血色素下降,造成貧血。妊 There are two types of thalasaemias, alpha 5% and beta 3%, most are
娠期併發輕型地貧可引致輕度至嚴重貧血。 carriers. The blood picture is low MCV, low MCH but normal MCHC. It is
若併發重型地貧可引致: diagnosed by Hb electrophoresis patern and DNA study of gene
胎兒方面:生長遲緩、水胎、胎死腹中或出生後快速死亡、Cooley’s mutatons for α & β –globin.
anaemia。 If mother have low MCV, husband need to screen for as well. As
母親方面:妊娠期嚴重貧血、感染、妊娠血壓高、阻產、產後出血。 thalassaemia is a autosomal recessive defects, even though they have
由於妊娠期併發地中海貧血引起的危險多,所以在產前併發地中海貧 normal Hb patern, no HbH granules and normal iron studies, low MCV
血會使母胎造成不良影響。 couple should be managed as α-α couple. If two carriers marry, their
children have 25% as major anaemia, 50% are carriers and 25% are
normal. α-thal fetus may develop into hydrops, die in late gestaton or
7 妊娠期 β-n地中海貧血的處理。n(5%) shortly afer birth. β-thal fetus may develop into Cooley’s anaemia.
- 營養教育:鼓勵進食高蛋白及含鐵之食物,如豆類、蛋類等。 Pregnancy carriers need vitamin supplement to maintain blood
- Dietary advice: high protein, iron diet. Etc beans, eggs generaton. Suspected carriers & partners need screening. If both
- 伴隨缺鐵性貧血者,給予葉酸補充劑 e.g. 0.5mg folic acid daily + 鐵 partner screening positve have higher chance for major thalssaemia
劑。 infant and need PND and counseling.
- 減低身心壓力。Decreased stress
- 處理及預防感染。Prevent infectons
- 邀請丈夫作血檢 (CBP 及 Hb patern) :Husband x blood
- 如夫婦二人都是地貧基因  帶者,應立即轉介往產前診斷及
- PDC for thalassaemias couples
- 在妊娠中期及後期作 Hb 評估。Monitor Hb during pregnancy
7. 妊娠期鐵性貧血的處理。(1996.10.B13)n(5%)
- 鼓勵進食高蛋白及含鐵之食物。e.g. 牛肉、肝臟等。增加或同時進
食維生素 C 有助增加鐵質吸收。
- 在妊娠中期及後期作 Hb 評估。
- 給予口服鐵劑及 Vit. C。
- 需要時給予肌肉注射鐵劑。
- 當 Hb 值降至< 6 - 8g/dL 及有不良表徵時,輸入 pack cell。
羊水過多是指在妊娠期的任何時期內,羊水量超過 1500ml。羊水過
a. 母親方面:
- 妊娠糖尿病/糖尿病:糖尿病者血糖增高,胎兒血糖亦增高,可能
- 母胎 Rh 血型不合:患兒貧血、水腫、尿量增加,胎盆增大,均可能
- 藥物:服用 lithium 以治療抑鬱症
- 宮內感染:TORCH 感染
b. 胎兒方面:
- 胎兒畸形:約 20-50%合併胎兒畸形
i. 神經管缺陷性疾病,以無腦兒、脊柱裂多見:腦脊膜裸露
ii. 上消化道畸形:食管或小腸閉鎖、肺發育不全時不能吞咽
iii. 水胎:由於 α 型地中海貧血。
- 多胎妊娠:
i. 多胎妊娠併發羊水過多是單胎妊娠的 10 倍,尤以單卵雙
ii. 孖胎轉輸:因單卵雙胎之間血管吻合,佔優勢的胎兒所得
c. 胎盆方面:
- 胎盆增大:如胎盆催乳激素受體減少,會造成羊水過多。
- 胎盆絨毛血管瘤:如胎盆絨毛血管瘤直徑達 5cm 以上者,易伴有
- 臍帶帆狀附著有時也可引起羊水過多。

羊水過少是指羊水較正常為少,約 500ml 以下。羊水過少的原因不明
1. 胎兒畸形及發育不全:先天性腎臟發育不全或缺損,
例如 Poter’s Syndrome。先天性肺發育不全:羊水少,沒有羊水給
2. 妊娠過期,胎盆功能衰退。
3. 胎盆功能不足,血流供應差,使胎兒宮內發育遲緩。
e. 胎膜早破,羊水持續流出。
f. 藥物:如使用 indomethacin 過久
g. 胎死宮中

Diabetesnmellitosnn B9. n Typical n appearance n and n complicatons n of n a n neonate n born n to n a
1.n患糖尿病母親的新生嬰兒的典型特徵及併發症。n(1999.4.B9)n(5%) GDM mothers have typical newborn characteristcs such as
患糖尿病母親的新生嬰兒的典型特徵是巨大嬰。因母親血糖控制不 macrosomnia. As poor control of maternal blood glucose level, baby will
好。嬰兒特徵:面色潮紅。肥胖、皮下脂肪積聚。體內器官(除腦外)增 manifest with:
大。頭髮濃密。胎盆較大臍帶較粗。 Heavy & plump
患糖尿病母親的新生嬰兒的併發症: Excessive fat, rounded face, the shoulders may be disproportonally
a. 早產嬰:胎兒康寧狀況不理想,提早引產或行剖腹產。 broad
b. 產傷:因嬰兒過重,於分娩時出現兒肩難產,引致攸孛氏癱瘓 Skin red, abundant hair
Erb’s palsy、鎖骨骨折。 Large placenta & cord
c. 呼吸困難綜合病徵:原因尚未明,可能由於表面劑形成受阻或 Baby is prompted to complicatons of:
早產。 1. Prematurity: non-reassuring fetal well-being resulted early inducton
d. 先天性缺損:異常血糖量、醋酮症,令胎兒器官發育不全或不正 or caesarean secton
常,引致脊柱缺陷等。 2. Birth injury: macrosomnia, shoulder dystocia more likely to occur,
e. 宮內發育遲緩:胎盆供血差。 more likely have Erb’s palsy, fracture clavicle etc.
f. 血糖過低:因嬰兒體內胰島素量高,離開母體後不能再獲得糖 3. Respiratory Distress Syndrome: prematurity with reduce surfactant
份供應。 producton
g. 紅血球過多症:胎兒受刺激,紅血球增多,使出生後肺血流緩 4. Congenital abnormality: abnormal serum glucose level cause early
慢,令嬰兒出現呼吸困難症狀。 organogenesis, organ development defects such as neural tube
h. 新生嬰兒黃疸:紅血球破壞後,膽紅素上升,引致黃疸,嚴重 defects, caudal regressive syndrome
時可能有腦核性黃疸。 5. Hypoglycemia: fetal insulinemia in uterus, no more glucose supply in
i. 血鈣過少:可能因早產 extra-uterine life
6. IUGR: fetal insulinemia cause fetal hypoglycemia
3.n患有妊娠期糖尿病母親的新生兒併發症。n(1997.1.B.12)n(5%) 7. Polycythaemia: RBC stmulate to produce
8. NNJ: polycythaemia newborn breakdown the excessive RBC,
increase serum bilirubin; severe case can cause kernicterus
9. Hypocalcemia: likely due to prematurity
10. Increased perinatal motality

吃糖尿餐後仍未能有效地控制血糖,需使用胰島素治療,你如何輔 1. Provide privacy & quite environment for counseling
導此名女士?(2000.10.A1)n(2002.10.A1)nn(15%) 2. Intro self & state aims for counseling
初胎孕婦患上妊娠期糖尿病轉吃糖尿餐後仍未能有效地控制血糖, 3. Sit comfortely with quare angle, decrease stress
婦了解患病的原因及處理,並澄清她的疑慮,現述對該孕婦的輔 4. Encurage to voice out feeling. Actvely listening with
導: empathy, show understanding.
1. 安排寧靜房間作輔導,以保障私隱。
5. Keep eye contact
2. 介紹自己,表明是次輔導的目的。
3. 提供舒適座椅,雙方坐下,保持近距離,面對角度有 60-120 6. Assess for diet habbit
度,以免對之有壓迫感。 7. Stress importance of diet control
4. 鼓勵孕婦說出對患上妊娠期糖尿病的感受。留心傾聽,用感同
8. Referral diettan, daily Kcal intack for 30Kcal/Kg/day, three
示意。 main meals with three snack per day. Corbonhydrate: Fat:
5. 與孕婦保持眼神接觸,讓對方感受到正在聆聽。 Protein rato as = 50%:30%:20% for adequate Kcal &
6. 評估孕婦的飲食情況,對飲食調整的遵重性。
nutriton to control for blood sugar level. Advoide food high
7. 如孕婦對飲食調整不了解,指導其飲食調整。
8. 介 紹 與 營 養 師 洽 商 攝 取 量 , 卡 路 里 的 攝 取 約 為 in fat & fred diet. Don’t skip meal.
30Kcal/Kg/day,每日進食應包括三餐主餐及三次小食。碳水化 9. Educate about acton & reacton of insulin, storage, injecton
method. Bring along sweet to prevent signs of hypoglycemia.
飲食,避免刺激性及油膩食物。 Educate about sings of hypoglycemia.
9. 指導其胰島素的作用、副作用、儲存方法、注射方法、注射器的 10. Educate home self monitoring of blood sugar level
眼花、出汗、手震等症狀,可即時補充糖份。示範胰島素注射 11. Hospital follow up on tme. Educate about personal hygiene
的方法,並指導孕婦練習。鼓勵孕婦發問。 to prevent infecton
10. 指導監察血糖控制,教導孕婦作家居自我監察。
12. Provide questons tme for woman to clear concepts.
11. 指導孕婦依時覆診,如有不適需回院診治。注意個人衛生以預
12. 給予發問的時間,鼓勵孕婦發問。

6.n妊娠期糖尿病的產前處理。nn(2000.1.B1)n(5%) nAntenatal nnmanagement
n nnn ofngestatonal ndiabetes
nn nnn mellitos.nn (2000.1.B1)
1. 內科處理: 5%
1. Medical management
a. 飲食調整:介紹與營養師洽商攝取量,以給予足夠熱量及營養
a. Dietary advice: Refer to dietcian for counseling of Kcal intake, to
以維持血糖濃度穩定。卡路里的攝取約為 30Kcal/Kg/day,每日
matain stable blood sugar level (GSL). Daily Kcal intack for
30Kcal/Kg/day, three main meals with three snack per day.
Corbonhydrate: Fat: Protein rato as = 50%:30%:20% for adequate Kcal
& nutriton to control for blood sugar level. Advoide food high in fat &
a. 胰島素治療:如飲食治療不足以控制血糖在合理水平,由醫生
fred diet. Don’t skip meal.
b. Insulin therapy: If diet fail to control BSL, administer insulin as
prescribed. Bring alone sweet to prevent hypoglycemia. Educate about
症狀) ,可即時補充糖份。
sign and symptom of hypoglycemia.
b. 監察血糖控制成效:監察血糖、糖尿及醋酮尿。27-32 週覆檢葡
c. Monitor efect: Monitor BSL, urine sugar& ketones. Repeat OGTT in
萄糖耐量試驗,定期檢查 sugar profles 及 HbA1c,HbA1c 維持
27-32gestaton, check sugar profles& HbA1c, educated self-monitoring
在 6-8%以下,正常 4-6%。教導孕婦作家居自我監察。
2. 產科處理:
2. Obstetric Management:
a. 安排往醫院作監察及分娩:因其為高危險性妊娠,應由產
d. Follow up in hospital clinic: GDM is high risk pregnancy, should be
科及內科醫生聯合診視,使母胎均獲得良好照顧。監察併 seen in clinic by team includes obstetrician, specialist DM nurs, midwife
發症之發生:e.g. 血壓高、羊水過多、感染,按情況監察及
& dietcian. Monitor complicaton: e.g. High BP, polyhydramnions,
給予適當治療。 infecton, provide treatment accordingly.
b. 胎兒狀態及康寧狀態:以超音波素描,可評估胎兒大小, e. Monitor fetal well-being: U/S to assess fetal size & weight,
估計胎兒之重量,妊娠週數,胎兒有否畸形及羊水過多等 gestatonal age, excluded fetal abnormalites.
以連續性胎心聲速率或胎動記錄,及透過超音波素描,觀 f. Time & mode of delivery: Decided depending on maternal conditon
- Vaginal delivery:
c. 分娩方式及時間:按母胎情況來定
 Nil GDM complicaton, fetal conditon well, inducton of labour afer
- 陰道分娩: 40 weeks of gestaton.
. 如糖尿病已受控制及無併發症,胎兒生長及狀態良好,  Poor control GDM or complicaton arise, C/S at 38 wks gestaton
可正常陰道分娩,如妊娠 40 週後仍未能自然分娩,可  El C/S: Arranged electve caesarean secton for suspected CPD, bad
作引產。 obstetrical history, breech delivery to minimize maternal & fetus
. 如糖尿病不受控制及有併發症,於妊娠 38 週引產。 trauma.
- 選擇性剖腹產:如有顯著頭盆不相稱、產歷不良、臀先露

7.n患糖尿病母親的飲食建議。n(5%) DietarynadvicentonGDMnwomen
介紹與營養師洽商攝取量,以給予足夠熱量及營養以維持血糖濃度  Referal to diettan counsult for Kcal intake
穩定,卡路里的攝取約為 30Kcal/Kg/day,少量多餐,每日進食應包  Explain the aim of dietary control to women
括三餐主餐及三次小食。攝取碳水化合物:脂肪:蛋白的比例  Plan the diet with women (partnership)
=50%:30%:20%。指導均衡飲食以攝取足夠之營養。定時定量飲食  Emphasize the importance of 1800 cal diet: well balanced
進食時細嚼慢嚥。鼓勵進食高纖維食物,如紅米、麥片、水果蔬菜和 diet, high fber diet, avoid faty & sweeten food, avoid
豆類。避免刺激性及油膩食物,少用煎炸方法烹調和減少吃動物脂 drinking alcohol and smoking
肪如肥肉、牛油和骨湯。飲食宜清淡,避免太多調味品及減少吃加  Consistent tming: 3 main meals & 3 snacks per day to
工食品,如罐頭食品、醃製的肉和菜。 maintain constant blood sugar level. Corbonhydrate: Fat:
Protein rato as = 50%:30%:20% for adequate Kcal & nutriton
to control for blood sugar level. Advoide food high in fat &
fred diet. Don’t skip meal.
 Observe S/S of hypoglycaemia
 Explain the need of performing hemo-glucostx at home

8.n試論妊娠期糖尿病的處理及成效。n(1997.10.A2)n(15%) - 配血備用。
妊娠期糖尿病可能是由於胎盆催乳激素對胰島素之對抗作用使血糖增 - 密切監察血糖,以血糖水平來決定給予胰島素輸入之劑量,維
高,若孕婦之胰島腺功能未能分泌較多量之胰島素,則不能令血糖水 持血糖 5-7mmol/L。維持母親血糖水平,可預防新生嬰兒血糖過
平下降,致令糖份由尿液中流失。 低。
孕婦患有妊娠期糖尿病,對母胎及新生嬰兒均會帶來不良影响。對孕婦 - 護理前後洗手,施行陰道檢查及接產時嚴格執行無菌技術。可預
的影响有羊水過多、血管疾病如血壓高、酮症及血糖過低、易有感染、分 防感染。
娩困難增加儀器助產的風險及貧血。對胎兒的影响有胎兒過大、宮內發 - 施行選擇性剖腹產者,手術當天切勿給予胰島素注射。
育遲緩、死胎及畸形。而對新生嬰兒的影响有早產、產傷、呼吸困難綜合 - 決定分娩方式:
病徵、血糖過低、紅血球過多症、血鈣過少、死亡率及發病率較高。在懷 ˙陰道分娩:如糖尿病已受控制及無併發症,胎兒生長及狀態良
孕期便要開始作出相應的處理,便可減少這些風險,妊娠期糖尿病的 好,可正常陰道分娩,如妊娠 40 週後仍未能自然分娩,可
處理及成效有: 作引產。如糖尿病不受控制及有併發症,於妊娠 38 週引產。
A. 產前處理: ˙選擇性剖腹產:如有顯著頭盆不相稱、產歷不良、臀先露等,
a. 產前教育:向孕婦教育有關妊娠期糖尿病的病因、對孕婦及胎兒的影 安排選擇性剖腹產以減少分娩可能造成母胎之損害。
響及處理方法,使她們能配合,從而減少併發症。 - 密切監察:
b. 內科處理:維持孕婦血糖水平,可避免血糖過高導致胎兒過大。 ˙胎兒情況:連續性胎心聲及宮縮監察記錄、羊水顏色,監測有無
- 飲食調整:介紹與營養師洽商攝取量,以給予足夠熱量及營養以 胎兒受困症狀
維持血糖濃度穩定,卡路里的攝取約為 30Kcal/Kg/day,每日進食 ˙產婦情況:觀察產婦有無血糖過低、糖尿或醋酮尿及生命表徵,
應包括三餐主餐及三次小食。攝取碳水化合物:脂肪:蛋白的比 以排除或及早治理糖尿病併發症
例=50%:30%:20%。指導均衡飲食以攝取足夠之營養,定時定 ˙分娩進展:以測知有否難產、阻產之出現,如 8 小時內未能分娩,
量飲食,避免刺激性及油膩食物。 需通知醫生,決定是否需施行剖腹產
- 監察血糖控制成效:監察血糖、糖尿及醋酮尿。監察孕婦血糖水平 - 新生嬰兒方面:
定期檢查 sugar profles 及 HbA1c,HbA1c 維持在 6-8%以下,正 娩出後立即抽吸口鼻內之羊水及分泌物。立即保,施行急救 ,
常 4-6%。教導孕婦作家居自我監察。 轉介兒科醫生診視。
- 不可給予口服降血糖藥。 監察血糖、體及呼吸,有否血糖過低、體過低或呼吸困難綜
- 胰島素治療:如飲食治療不足以控制血糖在合理水平,由醫生處 合徵之徵狀,以及早診斷及治療。儘早餵哺。以預防血糖過低、
方胰島素治療,通常結合長效及短效胰島素。治療期間帶備糖果, 體過低或呼吸困難綜合徵。
以便在血糖低的情況時,可即時補充糖份。 C. 產褥期:
c. 產科處理: - 給予靜脈輸入 syntocinon 40u in 500ml Normal Saline,以預
- 安排往醫院作監察及分娩:因其為高危險性妊娠,應由產科及內 防產後出血。
科醫生聯合診視,使母胎均獲得良好照顧。監察併發症之發生: - 指導產婦均衡飲食,多進水份,保持個人衛生,每次如廁
e.g. 血壓高、羊水過多、感染,按情況監察及給予適當治療。 後沖洗會陰,勤換衛生巾。以預防感染。
- 胎兒狀態及康寧狀態:以超音波素描,可評估胎兒大小,估計胎 - 指導注意飲食,產後六星期作產後檢查及葡萄糖耐量測試
兒之重量,妊娠週數,胎兒有否畸形及羊水過多等。以連續性胎 以診斷糖尿病。
心聲速率或胎動記錄,及透過超音波素描,觀察胎兒活動以評估 - 指導產後母親計劃生育,建議可行的避孕方法。並在下次計
其康寧狀態。 劃妊娠前,應作孕前護理,以促進健康作好懷孕的準備。並
B. 分娩期: 諮詢醫生以決定是否適合懷孕。
- 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入葡萄糖。
9.n試論助產士在減少患有妊娠期糖尿病的孕產婦之圍產期死亡率所擔當 - 胰島素治療:如飲食治療不足以控制血糖在合理水平,由醫生處
的角式。(15%) 方胰島素治療,通常結合長效及短效胰島素。治療期間帶備糖果 ,
圍產期死亡是指死胎或嬰兒出生後一星期內死亡者。圍產期死亡的原因有 以便在血糖低的情況時,可即時補充糖份。
先天性畸形、早產、分娩期窒息、感染及產傷等。孕產婦患有妊娠期糖尿病, h. 產科處理:
胎兒均有上述危險,而且風險較一般正常孕婦高。在懷孕期作出相應的處 - 往醫院作監察及分娩:因其為高危險性妊娠,應由產科及內科醫
理,便可減少患有妊娠期糖尿病的孕產婦之圍產期死亡率,助產士應協 生聯合診視,使母胎均獲得良好照顧。監察併發症之發生:e.g. 血
助孕產婦了解此病對妊娠、胎兒、分娩、產後各方面的影響及相關的處理方 壓高、羊水過多、感染,按情況監察及給予適當治療。
法,使她們能配合,從而減少併發症,及達至母胎健康。 - 胎兒狀態及康寧狀態:以超音波素描,可評估胎兒大小,估計胎
助產士在減少患有妊娠期糖尿病的孕產婦之圍產期死亡率所擔當的角式 兒之重量,妊娠週數,胎兒有否畸形及羊水過多等。以連續性胎
如下: 心聲速率或胎動記錄,及透過超音波素描,觀察胎兒活動以評估
13. 孕前:指導婦女均飲食、適當運動,以促進及維持健康,作好懷孕 其康寧狀態。
的準備。 - 分娩方式及時間:以超聲波評估胎兒生長參數,按母胎情況來
14. 妊娠期: 定,不可過早或過遲分娩。
a. 推廣產前護理的重要性,指導儘早作首次產前檢查,鼓勵定期覆診 ˙陰道分娩:如糖尿病已受控制及無併發症,胎兒生長及狀態良
推廣母乳餵哺的優點。 好,可正常陰道分娩,如妊娠 40 週後仍未能自然分娩,可作
b. 篩檢高危群: 引產。如糖尿病不受控制及有併發症,於妊娠 38 週引產。
- 替孕婦驗小便含糖測試,如檢查結果呈>+兩次以上或高危孕婦 ˙選擇性剖腹產:如有顯著頭盆不相稱、產歷不良、臀先露等,安
(如年齡 35 歲或以上、當有不明原因死胎、肥胖、家族糖尿病史、子 排選擇性剖腹產以減少分娩可能造成母胎之損害。
宮體積比妊娠週數大、羊水過多),施行葡萄糖耐量測試,以助診 3. 分娩期:
斷妊娠期糖尿病 - 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入葡萄糖,配血備用,密切監察血糖,以血
- 檢查結果空腹血糖>7mmol/L、餐後 2 小時血糖>11.1mmol/L 表示患 糖水平來決定給予胰島素輸入之劑量。
有妊娠期糖尿病。 - 護理前後洗手,施行陰道檢查及接產時嚴格執行無菌技術。施行
d. 每次產前檢查替產婦測量血壓、驗小便(糖及蛋白)、磅體重、檢查 選擇性剖腹產者,手術當天切勿給予胰島素注射。
水腫情況、施行腹部檢查,檢查子宮大小,評估胎兒大小、胎心聲、 - 密切監察:
先露及銜接情況。以監察孕婦及胎兒康寧情況,有無併發症。 ˙胎兒情況:連續性胎心聲及宮縮監察記錄、羊水顏色,監測有無胎
e. 孕婦有疑問或健康問題時,例如施行產前診斷前或胎兒異常時, 兒受困症狀
提供輔導、鼓勵其提問及說出感受,給予解釋。 ˙產婦情況:觀察產婦有無血糖過低、糖尿或醋酮尿及生命表徵,以
f. 向孕婦教育有關妊娠期糖尿病的病因、對孕婦及胎兒的影響、處理 排除或及早治理糖尿病併發症
方法。 ˙分娩進展
g. 內科處理: - 新生嬰兒方面:娩出後立即抽吸口鼻內之羊水及分泌物,立即保,
- 飲食調整:介紹與營養師洽商攝取量,以給予足夠熱量及營養以 施行急救,轉介兒科醫生診視。監察血糖、體及呼吸,有否血糖
維持血糖濃度穩定,卡路里的攝取約為 30Kcal/Kg/day,每日進食 過低、體過低或呼吸困難綜合徵之徵狀,以及早診斷及治療。儘
應包括三餐主餐及三次小食。攝取碳水化合物:脂肪:蛋白的比 早餵哺。
例=50%:30%:20%。指導均衡飲食以攝取足夠之營養,定時定量 15. 產後:日後較易有糖尿病,指導注意飲食,產後六星期作產後檢查及
飲食,避免刺激性及油膩食物。 葡萄糖耐量測試以診斷糖尿病。
- 監察血糖控制成效:監察血糖、糖尿及醋酮尿。監察孕婦血糖水平, 16. 家庭計劃:指導產後母親計劃生育,建議可行的避孕方法。並在下次
於 27-32 週 覆 檢 葡 萄 糖 耐 量 試 驗 , 定 期 檢 查 sugar profles 及 計劃妊娠前,應作孕前護理,以促進健康作好懷孕的準備。
HbA1c,HbA1c 維持在 6-8%以下,正常 4-6%。教導孕婦作家居自 助產士在減少患有妊娠期糖尿病的孕產婦之圍產期死亡率所擔當的角式有
我監察。 助孕婦明白妊娠期糖尿病對妊娠及胎兒的影響,給予適當輔導,陪伴孕婦
- 不可給予口服降血糖藥 渡過妊娠期、監察及處理併發症,是不可缺少的角式。
- 有糖尿病家族史
- 高齡孕婦
- 肥胖(BMI>30)
- 是胎懷疑巨嬰
- 羊水過多
- 曾生產巨嬰(>4Kg)
- 曾有妊娠期糖尿病或葡萄糖耐量異常
- 前有不明原因死胎、新生嬰兒死亡或先天性異常
- 糖尿正性反應兩次或以上
- 解釋檢查的原因及目的
- 安慰孕婦
- 取得口頭同意
- 檢查前禁食 8 小時
- 抽取第一次血檢驗空腹血糖
- 抽血後,即時飲一杯含 75 克的葡萄糖水
- 飲葡萄糖水後不可進食任何食物
- 兩小時後抽取第二次血檢驗
- 空腹血糖值<7.0mmol/L 及餐後兩小時血糖值>7.8-11.0mmol/L 屬葡萄
- 空腹血糖值>7.0mmol/L 及餐後兩小時血糖值>11.1mmol/L 屬妊娠期
- 一般處理:
良好,可讓其作正常陰道分娩,如 40 週後仍未能自然分娩,可作引
產。如血糖水平不能控制及有併發症,則於 38 週引產。如有顯著頭盆

11.n一名 35n歲 G2P1n的婦人於妊娠 28n週作產前檢查,其於一週前施行 定期檢查 sugar profles 及 HbA1c,HbA1c 維持在 6-8%以下,正常 4-
n nnnFBSn7.5mmol/Ln、
n n2hr.ppn9.5mmol/L
n n。n 結果顯示什麼?試論n 6%。教導孕婦作家居自我監察。
其產前處理。(15%) - 不可給予口服降血糖藥
妊娠 期 OGTT 檢查 結果 禁食血糖 > 7.0mmol/L 及 / 或餐後 2 小時血糖 - 胰島素治療:如飲食治療不足以控制血糖在合理水平,由醫生處方胰
>11.1mmol/L 便可診斷為妊娠期糖尿病。因此這名孕婦的 OGTT 檢查結 島素治療,通常結合長效及短效胰島素。治療期間帶備糖果,以便在
果顯示她是患上妊娠期糖尿病。 血糖低的情況時,可即時補充糖份
妊娠期糖尿病可能是由於胎盆催乳激素對胰島素之對抗作用使血糖增 產科處理:
高,若孕婦之胰島腺功能未能分泌較多量之胰島素,則不能令血糖水 - 安排往醫院作監察及分娩:因其為高危險性妊娠,應由產科及內科醫
平下降,致令糖份由尿液中流失。 生聯合診視,使母胎均獲得良好照顧。監察併發症之發生:e.g. 血壓高
孕婦患有妊娠期糖尿病,對母胎及新生嬰兒均會帶來不良影响。對孕婦 羊水過多、感染,按情況監察及給予適當治療。
的影响有羊水過多、血管疾病如血壓高、酮症及血糖過低、易有感染、分 - 胎兒狀態及康寧狀態:以超音波素描,可評估胎兒大小,估計胎兒之
娩困難增加儀器助產的風險及貧血。對胎兒的影响有胎兒過大、宮內發 重量,妊娠週數,胎兒有否畸形及羊水過多等。以連續性胎心聲速率
育遲緩、死胎及畸形。而對新生嬰兒的影响有早產、產傷、呼吸困難綜合 或胎動記錄,及透過超音波素描,觀察胎兒活動以評估其康寧狀態。
病徵、血糖過低、紅血球過多症、血鈣過少、死亡率及發病率較高。在懷 - 分娩方式及時間:以超聲波評估胎兒生長參數,按母胎情況來定,
孕期作出相應的處理,便可減少這些風險,因此需向孕婦教育有關妊 不可過早或過遲分娩。
娠期糖尿病的病因、對孕婦及胎兒的影響及處理方法,使她們能配合, ˙陰道分娩:如糖尿病已受控制及無併發症,胎兒生長及狀態良好,
從而減少併發症。對這名孕婦的產前處理如下: 可正常陰道分娩,如妊娠 40 週後仍未能自然分娩,可作引產。如
內科處理: 糖尿病不受控制及有併發症,於妊娠 38 週引產。
- 飲食調整:介紹與營養師洽商攝取量,以給予足夠熱量及營養以維 ˙選擇性剖腹產:如有顯著頭盆不相稱、產歷不良、臀先露等,安排選
持血糖濃度穩定,卡路里的攝取約為 30Kcal/Kg/day,每日進食應包 擇性剖腹產以減少分娩可能造成母胎之損害。
- 監察血糖控制成效:監察血糖、糖尿及醋酮尿。監察孕婦血糖水平,
a. 替高危孕婦作進一步檢查,高危孕婦包括:
- 有糖尿病家族史
- 高齡孕婦
- 肥胖(BMI>30)
- 是胎懷疑巨嬰
- 羊水過多
- 曾生產巨嬰(>4Kg)
- 曾有妊娠期糖尿病或葡萄糖耐量受損
- 前有不明原因死胎、新生嬰兒死亡或先天性異常
- 糖尿正性反應兩次或以上
b. 臨床徵象:糖尿、多食、口渴、尿頻、體重減輕、外陰痕癢。但不一定可
c. 小便篩檢:產前檢查行小便常規試紙測試含糖量,如糖尿正性反應
d. 血糖檢驗:
- 血糖檢驗:妊娠 27- 32 週作篩選,如>11.1mmol/L 為糖尿病
- 禁食血糖檢驗:如>7.0mmol/L 為糖尿病
- HbA1C 作篩選,正常為 4 – 6%
- 葡萄糖耐量試驗:如禁食血糖> 7.0mmol/L 及/或餐後 2 小時血
糖>11.1mmol/L 為糖尿病。

妊娠期血壓高發生在妊娠 20 週後,伴有初發的蛋白尿,稱為先兆子。
輕性先兆子  可沒有自覺症狀,通常血壓高為最先症狀。血壓高至
140/90mmHg 或以上,妊娠後期漸漸增加。蛋白尿,於 24 小時內含量
>300mg 或試紙試驗呈> +。水腫:隱性 - 體重增加過度。顯性 - 見於足踝、
重性先兆子血壓高至 160/110mmHg 或以上,蛋白尿 5g/24hrs(試紙試
驗 3 +),頭痛(前額、雙顳骨) 、眩暈。視力模糊、見黑影、閃光、視網膜水腫
噁心嘔吐、上腹痛(肝痛) 。尿少(500ml/24/hrs/30ml/hr) 。肌酸肝增加。呼
吸可能困難(肺水腫徵象) 。血小板減少。嚴重及通常為全身性水腫。

ii. 血小板:血小板減少,由於微血管溶血性貧血,血管內皮受損,血管
iii. 尿酸:慢性高血壓患者中尿酸升高不明顯,先兆子癇患者併發腎衰竭

先兆子是妊娠特有的疾病,發生於妊娠 20 週後,且隨分娩結束而
- 可沒有自覺症狀,通常血壓高為最先症狀
- 血壓高至 140/90mmHg 或以上,妊娠後期漸漸增加
- 蛋白尿,於 24 小時內含量>300mg 或試紙試驗呈> +
- 水腫:隱性 - 體重增加過度。顯性 - 見於足踝、手指面頰等
- 血壓高至 160/110mmHg 或以上
- 蛋白尿 5g/24hrs(試紙試驗 3 +)
- 頭痛(前額、雙顳骨)、眩暈
- 視力模糊、見黑影、閃光、視網膜水腫
- 噁心嘔吐、上腹痛(肝痛)
- 尿少(500ml/24/hrs/30ml/hr)
- 肌酸肝增加、血小板減少
- 呼吸可能困難(肺水腫徵象)
- 嚴重及通常為全身性水腫

- 心血管系統:腦血管意外、散播性血管內凝結、靜脈血栓形成
- 腎臟:腎衰竭
- 肝臟:黃疸、肝衰竭
- 中樞神經:腦水腫、子
- 呼吸系統:喉部水腫、肺水腫

妊娠期高血壓發生於妊娠 20 週後,連續兩次血壓高至 140/90mmHg 或
以上,或舒張壓高於 110mmHg 以上,沒有蛋白尿。妊娠期高血壓危險
- 心血管系統:腦血管意外、散播性血管內凝結、靜脈血栓形成
- 腎臟:腎衰竭
- 肝臟:黃疸、肝衰竭
- 中樞神經:腦水腫、子
- 呼吸系統:喉部水腫、肺水腫
- HELLP Syndrome (Haemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Low Platelet)
- 溶血:紅血球難通過痙攣的小血管,因而變形及破壞
- 血小板減少:微血管溶血性貧血,血管內皮受損,血管膜暴露,血
- 肝酵素 AST(SGOT) 或 ALT(SGPT) 升高:肝細胞受損,肝酵素由細胞
- 宮內發育遲緩
- 輕磅嬰
- 缺氧
- 早產
- 新生嬰兒窒息
- 死胎/ 新生嬰兒死亡率高

妊娠期血壓高發生在妊娠 20 週後,血壓高至 160/110mmHg 或以上,蛋
白尿 5g/24hrs(試紙試驗 3 +),頭痛、眩暈。
HELLP Syndrome (溶血、血漿肌酸肝增加、血小板減少)。

8.n一名首次懷孕的婦女,於妊娠 32 n週往產前門診作檢查時,檢查血壓
n nnn140/90n,試述在產前門診對她的處理
n n。
妊娠第 20 週之後的高血壓,連續兩次血壓高至 140/90mmHg 或以上
或舒張壓高於 110mmHg 以上,及蛋白尿於 24 小時內含量>300mg 或
試紙試驗呈> +,是屬於輕性先兆子的徵狀。這名孕婦連續兩次血壓
高至 140/90mmHg,故懷疑是先兆子徵狀,對她的處理如下:
a. 問病歷:有否原發性高血壓、糖尿病、腎病等
b. 家族史:母親曾否有先兆子、心血管疾病
c. 是否過胖、營養不良
d. 檢查有否頭痛、視力模糊、噁心嘔吐、上腹痛、水腫、蛋白尿等先兆
e. 施行無壓力測試以監察胎兒康寧狀況、超聲波監察胎兒生長
f. 如沒有顯注水腫、蛋白尿等,可在家療養,指導足夠休息,宜左
g. 教 導 孕 婦 在 家 自 行 量 度 及 記 錄 血 壓 , 如 血 壓 持 續 兩 次
h. 每星期覆診,指導並注意惡化症狀出現,如頭痛、視力模糊、噁心
i. 指導留意及記錄胎兒活動
j. 如症狀加深,即入院治理

9. 妊娠期血壓高的處理。
a. 問病歷:有否原發性高血壓、糖尿病、腎病等
b. 家族史:母親曾否有先兆子、心血管疾病
c. 是否過胖、營養不良
d. 檢查有否頭痛、視力模糊、噁心嘔吐、上腹痛、水腫、蛋白尿等先兆子
e. 施行無壓力測試以監察胎兒康寧狀況、超聲波監察胎兒生長
f. 如沒有顯注水腫、蛋白尿等,可在家療養,指導足夠休息,宜左側臥,
g. 教導孕婦在家自行量度及記錄血壓,如血壓持續兩次>140/90mmHg,
h. 每星期覆診,指導並注意惡化症狀出現,如頭痛、視力模糊、噁心嘔吐
i. 指導留意及記錄胎兒活動
j. 如症狀加深,即入院治理

10. 一名孕婦入院時血壓 1)140/90,2)140/100mmHgn的處理。 7. 監察症狀:
- 每 2-4 小時量血壓
11. 試述對一名孕婦血壓>170/110n之處理。 - 每天兩次探體溫、脈搏、呼吸
12. 試論孕婦在妊娠 36n週出現嚴重先兆子的處理 。n(2005.10.A1) - 每天磅體重、檢查水腫程度
(15%) - 驗蛋白尿,記錄飲入排出量,注意小便量,每小時測量
13. 試論妊娠 36n週有嚴重先兆子的處理。n(2000.10.A1)n(15%)** - 監察及記錄有否加深症狀,有異常需報告醫生
妊娠期血壓高發生在妊娠 20 週後,血壓高至 160/110mmHg 或以 8. 計劃分娩時間:母親及胎兒情況而定。不可讓妊娠過期,必要
上、尿含蛋白 5g/24hr 或試紙試驗呈 3+、頭痛、上腹痛及視力模糊 時引產。
是重性先兆子的徵狀。這名孕婦連續兩次血壓高至 9. 計劃分娩方針:
140/90mmHg,而且高至 140/100mmHg,故懷疑是重性先兆子 - 以陰道分娩為首要選擇,以 Bishop score 評分來決定可否
徵狀,對她的處理如下: 陰道產,止痛以硬膜外麻醉較佳,有助降低血壓
1. 安置於清靜房間,臥床休息,鼓勵採側臥式。 - 剖腹產適應症:持續抽搐或出現急症(如胎盆早期剝離)、胎
2. 給予解釋、安慰,使能盡量鬆弛休息。 兒受困、宮頸未成熟
3. 評估: 10. 分娩期處理:
a. 孕婦方面: - 第一產程:密切觀察母胎情況、產程進展,需足夠鎮痛,
- 腹部檢查,子宮大小與妊娠期是否相符,有否水腫、上腹痛 控制水份輸入,配血,有需要行剖腹產術
- 驗血,例如尿素、尿酸、肌酸酐,以察知腎功能、肝功能、凝 - 第二產程:可行會陰切開術,甚至儀器助產以縮短產程。
血機制 注意嬰兒窒息程度,重性者應有兒科醫生在場救復甦
- 其他,如眼底鏡檢查、膝關節反射 - 第 三 產 程 : 嬰 兒 娩 出 後 , 避 免 sytometrine , 可 給 予
b. 胎兒方面: syntocinon,密切檢查血壓、蛋白尿,繼續給予足夠鎮靜劑、
- 胎動情況 降血壓藥,尤以產後初 48 小時
- 連續性胎心跳測量記錄(無宮縮壓逼下胎心跳記錄試驗) 11. 產後:
- 超聲波多普檢查胎盆供血情況 - 初期除一般護理外,注意足夠休息、睡眠、症狀進展、血壓、
4. 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入補充體液、配血 水份進出量,每小時量小便(<30ml 需通知醫生)
5. 按醫囑插入自流導尿管 - 產後 24-48 小時,症狀會消退,情況好轉
6. 按醫生處方給予藥物,例如: - 於產後首 24 小時,會有抽搐發生的危險。MgSO4 靜脈輸入
- 降血壓藥物:注射 Hydralazine, labetalol 或口服 Nifedipine, 應持續至產後/抽搐後 24 小時。
aldomet 維持舒張壓在 90-110mmHg。 - 產後 6 週檢查時,須留意血壓是否正常
- 預防抽搐藥物:Valium, Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) 。 - 新生嬰兒轉送到新生嬰兒加護病房繼續監察,注意呼吸及
給予 MgSO4 時需定時檢查膝腱反射是否減弱及消失; 餵哺情況。
呼吸每分鐘不可少於 16 次;尿量不可少於 30ml/hr;治
療時必須準備 Ca 劑作為解毒劑(IV 10ml of 10% calcium DiscossnthenMxnofnseverenpre-eclampsianatn36nweeksngestaton.n(2000.10.A1)n
gluconate over 10 minutes) ;腎功能不全時應減量或停藥; (15%)**
有條件時監測血鎂濃度;產後 24 小時停藥。
Assessment: Assess the maternal conditon, BP, pulse, respiraton every 15 asymptomatc, conditon improved, BP under controlled and the fetus is
minutes, CVP, pulse oximeter. Signs and symptoms of impending eclampsia, remote from term, expectant management will be adopted.
signs of placental abrupton, signs of labour onset. Assess the fetal If the maternal conditon is worst or fetal distress, either Caesarean
conditon by contnuous electronic fetal heart monitoring. secton or inducton would consider.

Investgaton: Take blood for CBP, RFT, LFT, electrolytes, platelet count, In fst stage of labour, nursed in calm & quiet environment, avoid
coagulaton profle, X-match, urate & Cr. stmulaton like sounds & strong light.
Woman keep NPO, IV infusion & X-match
Woman nursed in a quiet room of delivery suite with ft tray and Close observaton on maternal conditon (S/S of impending eclampsia),
resuscitaton facilites ready at bed side. Experienced midwives/ medical fetal conditon & progress of labour. Adequate pain relief, epidural is
staf in atendance. Group all nursing procedures to avoid unnecessary perfered.
disturbance to the woman. Woman kept NPO with strict IV infusion.
Foley’s catheter inserted to monitor urine output hourly and test for In second stage of labour, prophylactc instrumental delivery to shorten
protein. 2nd stage if required. Paediatrician standby.
Ant-hypertensive treatment to control BP. Aims to reduce SBP < 160mmHg
and DBP <100mmHg, but not too far or too fast. In third stage of labour, no ergometrime or its derivatve should be
e.g. Hydralizaine: Potent smooth muscle relaxant leading to vasolidaton. given. Give Syntocinon instead. Deliver the placenta by CCT.
Bolus: 5mg IVI every 15 mins (up to 20mg)
Infusion: 100 mg in 100ml NS, ttrate against BP. Watch out for eclampsia which on occur within 48 hours of delivery.
Labetalol Contnuous maternal observaton, vital signs, signs of impending
Nifedipine eclampsia, urine output, PPH, complicaton of PET. Gradual withdrawal
Antcovulsant give to prevent convulsion. of drugs depending on the progress of woman. Contraceptve advice
e.g. MgSO4: vasolidataton in vascular bed. Check BP at postnatal visit.
Loading dose: IV bolus infusion of 4gm over 20mins.
Maintentance dose: IV infusion at 1gm /hr tll 24hr afer delivery of
last convulsion.
Observaton for MgSO4 toxicity.
Diazepan: depresses retcular actvatng system.
IV bolus by infusion at 3 mg/hr, maximum up to 10mg/hr.

General midwifery care, Provide personal hygiene e.g. cleansing, swabbing.

When the women is well sedated and the BP is under controlled, the
terminaton of pregnancy need decide, mode of delivery depends
cervical status & severity of the conditon. If the woman become
A1. n Discoss n the n management n of n severe n pre-eclampsia n at n 36 n weeks’ vasodilataton, IVI 5mg Q15min bolus, 100mg in 100mlNS
n n ttrate against BP
PET is a HT (Severe: SBP>=160mmHg or DBP>=100mmHg) (PET: >=140/90) ٠ Close observe maternal (LRFT, S&S of abrupto placetae &
unique to pregnancy diagnosed afer 20 weeks of gestaton, eclampsia) and fetal conditon
With new onset proteinuria (Severe: >5g/24 hours or dipstck>+++) (PET: ٠ Decide tme & mode of delivery if stable (according to gestaton,
>=300mg/24 hours or dipstck >=+), cervical conditon & severity of conditon). If stable, asymptomatc
Serum creatnine >=90mmol/L, and remote from term, expectant management; if maternal or fetal
HELLP syndrome, distress, expedite LSCS.
Signs of headache, dizzy, blurred vision, nausea vomitng, dyspnoea, ٠ Steroid to enhance fetal lungs maturity if remote from term
decrease UO, hyperfexia * If in labour - NPO, IVF, foley
Eclampsia (seizure) may also occurs. * Close observaton (BP, P, R, hourly UO, urinestx for alb & ket,
BP usually return to normal postpartum. eclampsia S&S, placenta abrupton S&S, CVP, SaO2, CFHM)
* Antconvulsant to prevent convulsion, monitor RR, SaO2 &
PET causes 3-4 % maternal mortality. In mother, CNS disturbance like patella refex meanwhile
irritability, headache, visual disturbance, eclampsia, CVA. Also causes CHF,  MgSO4: vasodilataton to peripheral vascular system, 4mg
pulmonary edema, ARF, liver failure, HELLP syndrome, decrease IVI bolus over 20min, 1mg/hr tll 24 hours afer delivery
uteroplacental perfusion (placenta abrupto, IUGR, IUD), DIC. or last convulsion, observe for toxicity
In fetus, it causes IUGR, LBW baby, hypoxia, prematurity, birth asphyxia,  Diazepam: depress retcular actvatng system, 3mg/hr IVI
IUD. bolus, maximum up to 10mg/hr
* General care (perineum hygiene care)
1. The woman should be hospitalized for monitoring and treatment. Inform * Adequate pain relief (EA)
obstetrician upon admission. * Prophylactc instrumental delivery to shorten the second stage
2. Assessment (antcipaton, & referral) * Pediatrician standby
a. History taking – family, medical history, signs of complains (impending ٠ No ergometrine or its derivatves. Use syntocinon instead. CCT to
eclampsia, sign of placenta abrupto, signs of labor onset) deliver placenta.
b. Physical Exam ٠ Watch for eclampsia post delivery 48 hours, BP, UO hourly (dieresis
٠ Maternal conditon – BP, P, RR, CVP, SaO2, BW, IO, urinalysis signs of is a good sign of recovery), level of consciousness, PPH & PET
٠ Fetal conditon – CFHM, CTG, USG, Doppler, SFH, FM, conditon.
c. Investgaton ٠ Gradual withdrawal of drugs/ sedatves.
٠ CBP, RFT (urate, cr cl), LFT, electrolytes, plt, coagulaton profle, cross ٠ Inform parents baby conditons to promote bonding
match ٠ Contraceptve advice.
3. Psychological support ٠ PN visit to check BP
4. Antcipaton MW needs to atend constantly, encourage partners to involve in the
٠ nurse in a quiet room with ft set and resuscitaton facilites for rest, care and keep them informed of updated progress of maternal and fetal
organize nursing procedures to avoid unnecessary disturbance conditons. Adequate sedaton maintained to eliminate risk of
٠ experienced midwives and medical staf in atendance constantly postpartum eclampsia. Anthypertensive drugs need to contnue if BP
٠ Slowly reduce BP stll high. Emergency tray need to standby bedside & watch out for
٠ Anthypertensive treatment aim at SBP<=160mmHgm, eclmapsia, VS, UO, PPH for 48 hours of delivery. Gradual withdraw of
DBP<=100mmHg (hydrallazine, labetolol, aldomet) drugs. Mother should be keep inform of baby conditons. PN visit need
- Hydrallazine: potent smooth muscle relaxant leading to to check BP again.
14. 妊娠 30n週血壓 1)140/90、2)160/100mmHgn的處理,如何決定 量小便,如每小時小便<30ml,需通知醫生
- 監察及記錄有否加深症狀,有異常需報告醫生
11. 計劃分娩的時間:
妊娠期血壓高發生在妊娠 20 週後,血壓高至 160/110mmHg 或以上、
尿含蛋白 5g/24hr 或試紙試驗呈 3+、頭痛、上腹痛及視力模糊,是重 . 視乎母親及胎兒情況而定:
性先兆子的徵狀。這名孕婦連續兩次血壓高至 140/90mmHg,而 母親方面:症狀持續如伴隨上腹痛、頭痛、視力模糊、尿
且高至 140/100mmHg,故懷疑是重性先兆子  徵狀,對她的處理
少<30ml/hr、肝酵素 SGOT/SGPT↑、持續抽搐或出現急症
1. 安置於清靜房間,臥床休息,鼓勵採側臥式。 (如胎盆早期剝離)、宮頸未成熟
2. 給予解釋、安慰,使能盡量鬆弛休息。 胎兒方面:胎兒受困
3. 評估:
c. 孕婦方面: . 必要時施行剖腹產
- 腹部檢查,子宮大小與妊娠期是否相符,有否水腫、上腹痛 12. 剖腹產術:
- 驗血,例如尿素、尿酸、肌酸酐,以察知腎功能、肝功能、凝血機 . 術前解釋手術原因及風險、禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入補充體液

- 其他,如眼底鏡檢查、膝關節反射 配血,密切觀察母胎情況、控制水份輸入,插入導尿管
d. 胎兒方面: 監察小便量,通知新生嬰兒深切治療病房預留病床
- 胎動情況 . 麻醉:以硬膜外麻醉或脊髓麻醉較佳,可降低血壓。
- 連續性胎心跳測量記錄(無宮縮壓逼下胎心跳記錄試驗)
- 超聲波多普檢查胎盆供血情況 . 施行手術時繼續給予 MgSO4 靜脈輸入,密切監察母親生命
7. 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入補充體液、配血 表徵,血壓、脈搏、呼吸等
8. 按醫囑插入自流導尿管
. 嬰兒出生時,注意嬰兒窒息程度,需有兒科醫生在場救復
9. 按醫生處方給予藥物,例如:

- 降血壓藥物:注射 Hydralazine, labetalol 或口服 Nifedipine, aldomet
維持舒張壓在 90-110mmHg。
- 預 防 抽 搐 藥 物 : Valium, Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) 。 給 予
MgSO4 時需定時檢查膝腱反射是否減弱及消失;呼吸每分鐘不可
少於 16 次;尿量不可少於 30ml/hr;治療時必須準備 Ca 劑作為解
毒劑(IV 10ml of 10% calcium gluconate over 10 minutes) ;腎功能不
全時應減量或停藥;有條件時監測血鎂濃度;產後 24 小時停藥。
10. 監察症狀:
- 每 2-4 小時量血壓
- 每天兩次探體溫、脈搏、呼吸
- 每天磅體重、檢查水腫程度
- 驗蛋白尿,記錄飲入排出量,注意小便量,每小時測
重性先兆子症狀加深,血壓高至 160/110mmHg 或以上,全身性水
腫,蛋白尿更嚴重(試紙試驗 3 +/4+),尿量減少(500ml/24hrs)。視線不

- 產婦死亡:死亡率 3-4%。
- 產前出血:胎盆絨毛退行性變化、出血和梗死,導致胎盆早期剝離。
- 急性腎衰竭:腎小血管水腫、阻塞,腎小球缺氧、壞死
- 呼吸系統:窒息、肺水腫、支氣管炎
- 心臟衰竭:心肌缺血、間質水腫
- 腦出血
- 肝細胞破壞、出血:靜脈竇內壓增加,導致門靜脈出血,肝細胞出血壞死
- 散播性血管內凝結:血小板減少導致凝血功能障礙
- 意外咬傷舌頭、趺傷等

3.n妊娠 38n週子發作的處理。n(5%)** h. 繼續 MgSO4 靜脈輸入 1g/hr 至產後或抽搐後 24 小時,並監
4.n子的即時處理。(1997.1.B9)n(5%)nn5.n子的處理。n(5%) III. 抽搐控制後之分娩處理:
6.n分娩期抽搐的即時處理。(5%)*** 1. 產前期:檢查母、胎情況,注意分娩開始徵象,及早決
子是由重性先兆子併發,情況嚴重,屬產科急症。原因不明,可能由 定分娩方針。
於腦水腫、缺血。血壓會顯著升高,但有 20%患者血壓正常,舒張壓 2. 分娩期:
<90mmHg。有抽搐、昏迷症狀,表示中樞神經受影響。可發生在妊娠後期, - 注意母、胎情況(生命表徵、SaO2、胎心聲);
但多出現於分娩期或產褥初期。 - 給予足夠鎮痛,宜採用硬膜外麻醉;
I. 即時處理: - 通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒施救復甦。
a. 通知醫生。
- 如在第一產程,尤以早期,待穩定後即行剖腹產。
b. 防受傷、窒息,不可離開產婦,圍上床欄,用舌壓或類似物品放
入口腔,上、下牙床之間,以防咬傷舌頭。 - 如進第二產程,即行儀器助產以縮短產程。
c. 保持氣道暢通,使頭低、半伏臥或頭側向,施行抽吸及施氧,建 c.產褥期:
立靜脈導管,給予靜脈輸入。 - 48 小時內較易有子發作。
d. 按醫囑給予藥物: - 繼續 MgSo4 infusion 至產後 24 小時。
e. 抗抽搐藥物:如 Magnesium Sulphate MgSO4; Valium 10mg I.V.I. in - 繼續監察生命表徵(血壓、脈搏、心跳、呼吸、SaO2) 、小
2 min,需要時可於 15-30 分鐘重覆注射 I.V.I. 3mg/Kg/24hrs(避免 便量、膝腱反射。
>20mg) 。 - 給予足夠鎮痛、休息。暫時由護士照料嬰兒。
f. 降血壓藥:如 Hydrallazine - 給予心理支持,安慰產婦及其家人。
g. 其他:如利尿劑以減肺水腫 e.g. Lasix。Digitalis 以治理心衰竭 - 指導往家庭計劃指導會作適當避孕。
NaHCO3 以矯正酸中毒。 - 產後檢查:注意有否後遺症,例如持續血壓高、蛋白
h. 聽診胎心聲、無壓力測試、超聲波掃描以評估胎況
i. 通知家人,解釋及安慰。
II. 子癇發作後的處理:
a. 插入自流導尿管,每小時量尿量及驗蛋白尿。
b. 每 15 分鐘量度血壓、脈搏、呼吸、SaO2、清醒程度及準確記錄進入
c. 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入液以補充體液。
d. 避免騷擾患者,安置於單人清靜房間,上床欄,護理時,動作要
e. 按時抽吸咽喉涎液,以保持氣道暢通及每小時轉換位置以防併發
f. 注意併發症發生,例如產前出血、胎盆早期剝離、心衰竭、
g. 配血及取血檢驗,例如 CBP、LFT、RFT、PT/APPT etc.
Cardiacndisease Managementnofnancardiacndiseaseninnlaboorn(2000.1.B9)(5%)
- The aim should be to make the labour as easy and non-stressful as
1.n患心臟病的產婦在分娩時的處理 (2000.1.B9)n(5%) possible. A coordinated team approach with good communicaton
2.n患充血性心臟病的產婦在分娩時的處理 (1998.1.B9)n(5%) between the midwife, obstetrician, cardiologist, neonatologist,
1. 避免引產,盡量待自然作產及陰道分娩,以避免感染發生。 anaesthetst, the woman and her family is essental.
2. 預防性抗生素:曾患心肌炎、曾作心臟瓣膜手術者,於作產開始 - In frst stage: Inducton of labour is carried out only when there is a good
obstetric indicaton. To reduce the risk of infecton & bacterial
endocardits, prophylaxis antbiotcs are usually given during onset of
labour, inducton of labour, rupture of membranes & one hour before
3. 臥式:半坐臥式或左側臥式。
operaton. Blood taking for cross match and resuscitaton equipment
4. 配血及預備救急物品。 should be prepared for emergency.
5. 小心靜脈輸入溶液量,避免體液過多,限制體液輸入。 - Cardiac output is infuenced by the positon of labouring woman. Avoid
6. 足夠止痛劑,硬膜外麻醉最理想。如服用抗凝血劑,不可採用硬 lithotomy positon and help the woman to fnd a positon that is
膜外麻醉術。 comfortable, such as well propped up with pillows and lef lateral
7. 嚴密產程觀察: positon.
 生命表徵:體溫、血壓、心跳。 - Adequate sedaton and analgesia are necessary to ensure that the
 心臟監察儀。血氧定量法。進出量量度。 woman obtains sufcient rest and is not distressed by pain. Epidural
8. 心力衰歇的產婦,在第一產程末給予利尿劑,約宮頸擴張八至 analgesia may be useful but not suitable for woman with antcoagulant
九厘米時給予,以減少體液過剩。 and it is important to watch out for tachycardia due to decrease of cardiac
9. 第二產程以手術助產縮短產程,減少母親用力。避免第二產程延 output.
長。 - Close monitoring include the measurement of temp, pulse, RR, BP &
10. 第三產程嚴禁 syntometrine 注射,必要時只可考慮 syntocinon 5 urine output. Restrict of IV to prevent the develop of pulmonary oedema.
unit IVI。以臍帶牽引法小心娩出胎盆,檢查胎盆完整,如胎盆滯 Pulse oximetry may be utlized to assess arterial haemoglobin saturaton.
留會增加感染機會。 The use of cardiac monitor and inserton of a central venous pressure
catheter may be required in woman with moderate to severe heart
- In second stage: This should be short without unde exerton on woman
with cardiac diases. Midwife should encourage the woman to breathe
normally and follow her natural desire to push. Episiotomy should be
resorted to if there is delay due to perineal rigidity. Furthermore, forceps
or vacuum may be used to shorten the second stage if the maternal
conditon deteriorates.
In third stage: Oxytocic drugs are given only with great cauton. Use of
syntocinon but avoid ergometrine & syntometrine because sudden strong
uterine contradton may direct increase of uterine circulaton of blood
which may increase the cardiac load.

3.n妊娠期心輸出量 nnn(2000.4.B1)n(5%)n Write short notes on cardiac output during pregnancy. .4.2000 (B1)5%
妊娠期的心輸出量由第一妊娠期開始增加至 24 週達高峰,心輸出量增 The increase in cardiac output ranges from 30 t0 50% in pregnancy, from
an average of 5L/min before pregnancy to approximately 7L/min by the
加 45%至 7L/min。妊娠期心輸出量增加是由於心博量及心跳速率增加所
20th week; thereafer the changes are less dramatc.
致。心跳速率增加始於第一妊娠期,直至第三妊娠期增加 29%(約
100/min)。懷孕婦女心跳速率每分鐘增加 10-15 次,大約每分鐘 75-90
The increased cardiac output allows blood fow to the kidneys, brain and
次。懷孕初期心博量增加 10%,增加至 20 星期達高峰直至足月。生產時
coronary arteries to remain unchanges, while the distributon to other
心輸出量再增加 34%,由於子宮收縮,使約 500ml 血液流入心臟。生產
organcs varies as pregnancy advances.
後的心輸出量 12L/min,約持續兩天,十天後回復至懷孕前。
The increased cardiac ouput is due to increases in both stroke volume and
heat rate. The increase in heat rate begins in the 7 th week and by the third
trimester it has increased by 10-20%. Heart rates are typically 10-15bpm
faster than those of the non-pregnant women, increasing from about 75
to 90bpm.

胎兒縱軸與子宮縱軸成 90 度為橫產式。
胎兒縱軸與子宮縱軸成 45 度為斜產式。


3. 妊娠 36n週橫產式的原因。n(1997.4.B9)n(5%)
橫產式是指胎體縱軸與母體縱軸相垂直。妊娠 36 週橫產式的原因有:
a. 產婦方面:
- 曾分娩 5 胎或以上
- 腹壁過度鬆弛,如懸垂腹時子宮前傾,使胎體縱軸偏離產道,
- 胎盆前置,阻礙胎體縱軸銜接
- 子宮畸形,阻礙胎兒銜接
- 羊水過多,胎兒活動範圍增加
- 骨盆狹窄
b. 胎兒方面:
- 多胎妊娠:第一胎兒娩出後,第二胎兒較易轉為橫產式。
- 死胎:胎兒失去肌彈性,致身體屈成團狀,橫臥於宮下段
- 胎兒畸形,如無腦嬰


ECV ECV (2005.4.B2) (5%)
- External Cephalic Version is a method to correct abnormal lie and
1.n足月臀先露的腹外倒轉術 (2000.10.B10)n(5%) convert malpresented fetus to longitudinal lie with cephalic
2.n腹外倒轉術nn(2005.4.B2)n(5%) presentaton on abdomen externally afer 36/37 weeks.
腹外倒轉術是透過孕婦腹壁及子宮將橫產式或臀先露轉成為頭產式, - As normal vaginal delivery is safer than other modes of deliveries,
以利自然分娩。 ECV can reduce incidence of instrumental and operatve delivery,
1. 可於妊娠期及分娩期施行。 reduce number of breech delivery as well. Cost efectve to ofer for
- 約於妊娠期 36-37 週施行,以增加臀先露自然轉為頭先露的機 choice.
會,減低自然轉回為臀先露的可能,如失敗,可行剖腹術。 - Perform also for second twin before rupture of membrane
- 分娩期施行於雙胞妊娠,等一胎兒娩出後,第二胎為橫產式且 - Preparatons: no contraindicaton assess, VS, NST, Bld group, Rh
胎膜未穿時可施行。 factor, X-match, consent, prepare for emergency lscs, fast 6 hours,
2. 腹外倒轉術的適應症:將臀先露轉為頭先露、將橫產式或斜產式轉 tocolytc, analgesic, empty bladder. CTG is needed to monitor the
為頭先露。 fetal wellbeing before during and afer the procedures. USG is
3. 絕對禁忌症:分娩成立、胎膜穿破、胎盆前置、頭盆不相稱、胎兒水 needed to confrm the presentaton before and afer the procedure.
腦症、宮內發育遲緩、異常胎心聲及宮縮記錄、多胎妊娠之妊娠期、 It is done by skilled obstetrician in a well equipment ward.
孕婦高血壓、超音波素描診斷或懷疑胎兒臍帶繞頸、胎死腹中。 - Risks: uterine rupture, placenta abrupto, cord entanglement, fetal-
4. 相對禁忌症:子宮瘢痕、子宮異常(如縱隔子宮、雙角子宮) 、羊水過 maternal transfusion, Rhesus isoimmunizaton, preterm labor,
多、羊水過少。 premature rupture of membrane and abnormal CTG.
5. 腹外倒轉術之危險: - Procedures: USG presentaton and positon, each hand grapes one of
- 產婦方面:輕微痛楚;產前出血,引致母胎轉輸;胎盆早期剝 the fetal poles, elevate presentng part from pelvis and displace
離;胎膜早破;子宮瘢痕引致子宮破裂;羊水栓塞。 laterally, butocks gently guided towards fundus, monitor maternal
- 胎兒方面:短暫心跳減慢;早產;臍帶脫垂;產前出血、臍帶脫 BP & P, FHR. USG post procedure, mode of delivery counsel if fail,
垂或纏頸引致胎兒缺氧或窒息;腹外倒轉術施行失敗或日後轉 CTG, watch complicaton, FU, reassurance.
回橫產式。死胎及新生嬰兒週期死亡率高。 - If mother has severe PET, placenta previa, CPD and hydrops are
absolute contraindicaton for ECV. IUGR, cord round neck, IUD,
uterine scar, abnormal uterus, liquor problems are relatve
contraindicatons for ECV.
- If ECV failed, mother can proceed to vaginal breech delivery or
caesarean secton. If fetal bradycardia or nonreassurance,
emergency c/s should be arranged. If ECV success, repeat CTG, home
and wait for spontaneous onset of labor or for inducton.

APH 描鑑別胎盆位置、有否剝離,如胎盆早期剝離可見胎盆後出
1. 一位二十四歲初次懷孕而沒有接受產前護理的婦女在三十二週時 血。
因陰道出血及腹痛入住產前病房,試論對該名婦女的臨床處理。 - 抽血檢驗全血圖、凝血功能及 Kleihauer test。
(1998.10.A1)(15%) d. 給予心理支持,解釋。
妊娠 24 週至分娩前之陰道出血稱為產前出血。產前出血是一種緊急現 e. 保守治療:
象,不僅對孕婦造成生命威脅,對胎兒亦會造成影響。產前出血是造成 - 監察孕婦康寧狀況:監察血壓、脈搏、宮縮及腹痛情況、留衛
孕婦死亡的最大原因。產前出血的原因有:胎盆前置:胎盆位於子宮下 生巾,監察出血量。監察有否出血性休克徵狀,如脈搏快而
段,因提早剝離而出血 弱、皮膚蒼白或濕冷、血壓下降。觀察及記錄出入量、衛生墊
胎盆早期剝離:胎盆位於正常位置,因提早剝離而出血 的數量及出血情況。出血有否復發、血色素,治療貧血
胎盆以外因素:例如陰道感染、宮頸糜爛、子宮破裂、血管前置 - 監察胎兒康寧狀況:施行一連串胎心聲及宮縮監察、胎動記
及原因不明。 錄,超聲波掃描評估胎兒生長及監測宮內發育遲緩。
而妊娠期腹痛伴隨陰道出血可能是早產跡象。 - 按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇 e.g. Bethamethesone 12mg Q24h
這名沒有接受產前護理的初孕婦在 32 週時出現陰道出血及腹痛,如處 x 2,以促進胎兒肺部發育。按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇,以
理不當,對母胎有極大的危險,對這名孕婦的臨床處理如下: 促進胎兒肺部發育。
a. 如大量出血及孕婦有休克症狀,立即施行急救: f. 如出血量少或出血停止,排除胎盆前置後,以雙葉窺器施行陰
- 通知醫生,通知其它護士增緩。 道檢查宮頸有否損傷。g. 確定出血原因後的處理:
- 救治休克,矯正凝血功能及補充體液:保持孕婦平臥,保温, - 不明原因出血:出血量少,母親情況穩定,胎兒康寧,可出
施氧,禁食,建立兩條大的靜脈輸入導管,以 pump set 給予 院。安排定期覆診。
靜脈輸入液以補充體液。配血備用,檢驗血色素、凝血功能、腎 - 胎盆前置:第一型:持續停止出血 3 天,母親生命表徵穩定,
功能,以監察血液容積、血紅素值及電解質變化,若血紅素低 胎兒康寧,可出院。安排定期覆診。第二、三及四型,建議孕
至 8gm/dl,則輸血。如有纖維蛋白原降低,給予靜脈輸入新鮮 婦留院至分娩。
冰凍血漿 FFP。 - 安排孕婦絕對臥床休息。
- 插入中央靜脈導管以監察液體補充,監察體液情況,以免體液 - 胎盆提早剝離:如出血停止及沒有其它併發症,可出院。安
過多。 排定期覆診。
- 插入自留導尿管,每小時監測小便量。 h. 計劃分娩的時間及方式:
- 給予心理支持。 - 如無法控制出血或孕婦申訴有腹痛均行緊急剖腹取兒術。
b. 初步安頓孕婦後,需問歷史以作評估及診斷。 - 不明原因出血:妊娠 38 週施行引產。
- 確定孕齡:末次行經日期、早期超聲波檢查、胎動情況 - 胎盆前置:第一型可陰道分娩。第二、三及四型,安排足月時
- 出血時間、份量 剖腹產。
- 有否腹部受創、血壓高病史,是次妊娠有無妊娠期血壓高、胎 - 胎盆提早剝離:
盆前置 ‧如大量出血,胎兒仍生存需立即行剖腹產。施行緊急剖腹產
- 臨床徵狀:出血情況、陰道出血、出血顏色,有否腹痛 /子宮 時,通知 NICU 預留床位,通知兒科醫生到場替產兒急救,
收縮 新生兒以溫箱轉到 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。如胎兒已死亡則
c. 身體檢查: 自然陰道分娩。
- 腹部檢查:輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符, ‧如出血量少,保守療法,監察母胎情況及出血量。
腹部有否觸痛、彊硬有無宮縮,先露部下降程度及胎式,以 ‧如出血停止及沒有其它併發症,妊娠 38 週施行引產。
評估有無異常先露或卧式。 i. 產後需注意產後子宮收縮情況,因產前出血屈積而致宮縮不好,
- 行胎心聲及宮縮監察以評估胎兒康寧狀況。 會導致產後出血。給予靜脈輸入 40 unit syntocinon in 500ml 及按
- 未確定出血原因前,禁止行陰道及肛診檢查。 摩以助宮縮。並監察血壓、脈博、呼吸及出血量。
- 超音波:曾否作早期超音波素描及檢查結果。作超音波素 j. 向夫婦兩人解釋及安慰。
- 胎盆血液供不足:例如孕婦血壓高、先兆子癎、吸煙、濫用藥物
- 多胎妊娠或羊水過多子宮過渡膨脹:羊水過多時羊膜穿破,或多胎

3.n一位 30n歲初胎孕婦在懷孕 32n週時,陰道突然大出血。試論其出血的原 衛生巾,監察出血量。監察有否出血性休克徵狀,如脈搏快而
因及處理。 (2004.4.A1)n(15%) 弱、皮膚蒼白或濕冷、血壓下降。觀察及記錄出入量、衛生墊的
妊娠 24 週至分娩前之陰道出血稱為產前出血。產前出血是一種緊急現象, 數量及出血情況。出血有否復發、血色素,治療貧血
不僅對孕婦造成生命威脅,對胎兒亦會造成影響。產前出血是造成孕婦死 - 監察胎兒康寧狀況:施行一連串胎心聲及宮縮監察、胎動記錄,
亡的最大原因。產前出血的原因有:胎盆前置:胎盆位於子宮下段,因提 超聲波掃描評估胎兒生長及監測宮內發育遲緩。
早剝離而出血 - 按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇 e.g. Bethamethesone 12mg Q24h x
胎盆早期剝離:胎盆位於正常位置,因提早剝離而出血 2,以促進胎兒肺部發育。按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇,以促
胎盆以外因素:例如陰道感染、宮頸糜爛、子宮破裂、血管前置 進胎兒肺部發育。
及原因不明。 f. 如出血量少或出血停止,排除胎盆前置後,以雙葉窺器施行陰道
這名沒有接受產前護理的初孕婦在 32 週時出現陰道出血,如處理不當, 檢查宮頸有否損傷。g. 確定出血原因後的處理:
對母胎有極大的危險,對這名孕婦的臨床處理如下: - 不明原因出血:出血量少,母親情況穩定,胎兒康寧,可出
a. 如大量出血及孕婦有休克症狀,立即施行急救: 院。安排定期覆診。
- 通知醫生,通知其它護士增緩。 - 胎盆前置:第一型:持續停止出血 3 天,母親生命表徵穩定,
- 救治休克,矯正凝血功能及補充體液:保持孕婦平臥,保温,施 胎兒康寧,可出院。安排定期覆診。第二、三及四型,建議孕
氧,禁食,建立兩條大的靜脈輸入導管,以 pump set 給予靜脈輸 婦留院至分娩。
入液以補充體液。配血備用,檢驗血色素、凝血功能、腎功能,以 - 安排孕婦絕對臥床休息。
監察血液容積、血紅素值及電解質變化,若血紅素低至 8gm/dl, - 胎盆提早剝離:如出血停止及沒有其它併發症,可出院。安排
則輸血。如有纖維蛋白原降低,給予靜脈輸入新鮮冰凍血漿 FFP。 定期覆診。
- 插入中央靜脈導管以監察液體補充,監察體液情況,以免體液過 h. 計劃分娩的時間及方式:
多。 - 如無法控制出血或孕婦申訴有腹痛均行緊急剖腹取兒術。
- 插入自留導尿管,每小時監測小便量。 - 不明原因出血:妊娠 38 週施行引產。
- 給予心理支持。 1. 胎盆前置:第一型可陰道分娩。第二、三及四型,安排足月
c. 初步安頓孕婦後,需問歷史以作評估及診斷。 時剖腹產。
- 確定孕齡:末次行經日期、早期超聲波檢查、胎動情況 - 胎盆提早剝離:
- 出血時間、份量 ‧如大量出血,胎兒仍生存需立即行剖腹產。施行緊急剖腹產
- 有否腹部受創、血壓高病史,是次妊娠有無妊娠期血壓高、胎盆 時,通知 NICU 預留床位,通知兒科醫生到場替產兒急救,
前置 新生兒以溫箱轉到 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。如胎兒已死亡則自
- 臨床徵狀:出血情況、陰道出血、出血顏色,有否腹痛 /子宮收縮 然陰道分娩。
c. 身體檢查: ‧如出血量少,保守療法,監察母胎情況及出血量。
- 腹部檢查:輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部有 ‧如出血停止及沒有其它併發症,妊娠 38 週施行引產。
否觸痛、彊硬有無宮縮,先露部下降程度及胎式,以評估有無異 i. 產後需注意產後子宮收縮情況,因產前出血屈積而致宮縮不好,
常先露或卧式。 會導致產後出血。給予靜脈輸入 40 unit syntocinon in 500ml 及按
- 行胎心聲及宮縮監察以評估胎兒康寧狀況。 摩以助宮縮。並監察血壓、脈博、呼吸及出血量。
- 未確定出血原因前,禁止行陰道及肛診檢查。 j. 向夫婦兩人解釋及安慰。
- 超音波:曾否作早期超音波素描及檢查結果。作超音波素描鑑別
- 抽血檢驗全血圖、凝血功能及 Kleihauer test。
d. 給予心理支持,解釋。
e. 保守治療:
- 監察孕婦康寧狀況:監察血壓、脈搏、宮縮及腹痛情況、保留
a. 問歷史:出血時間、份量,有否腹部受創及病史 (如血壓高)。胎妊
b. 臨床徵狀:出血情況、陰道出血、出血顏色,有否腹痛
c. 胎心聲與宮縮監察,子宮活動增加,靜止壓增加
d. 腹部檢查:輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部
e. 超音波:作超音波素描鑑別胎盆剝離,可見胎盆後出血。
f. f. 確定之診斷乃產後檢查胎盆發現有胎盆後血塊

5.試描述嚴重胎盆早期剝離的臨床徵狀、診斷及處理n(1998.4.A2)n(15%) - 檢驗全血圖、凝血功能及 Kleihauer test。
胎盆早期剝離是指胎盆於胎兒娩出前與子宮剝離,胎盆位置正常,但 c. 如不足月,需按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇以促進胎兒肺部發育。
提早剝離而引致出血。 d. 確定胎盆提早剝離後,計劃分娩:
胎盆早期剝離的臨床徵狀: - 如大量出血:
a. 突發性腹部劇痛。 ‧胎兒仍生存需立即行剖腹產。施行緊急剖腹產時,通知 NICU
b. 子宮收縮情況:持續收縮,或增加收縮頻率 預留床位,通知兒科醫生到場替產兒急救,新生兒以溫箱轉到
c. 腹部脹大、硬實,胎肢難觸摸,胎心聲難聽診,先露可銜接 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。
d. 出血量與休克不成正比例 ‧如胎兒已死亡則自然陰道分娩。
e. 可能有陰道出血(鮮紅或暗紅色) - 如出血量少,可施行引產。
f. 胎兒受困 /死亡(如有大量出血) e. 產後需注意產後子宮收縮情況,因產前出血屈積而致宮縮不好,
g. 大量出血可致母親出血性休克 會導致產後出血。給予靜脈輸入 40 unit syntocinon in 500ml 及按
胎盆早期剝離的診斷: 摩以助宮縮。並監察血壓、脈博、呼吸及出血量。
a. 評估有無休克的徵象,檢查生命表徵:血壓、脈搏、呼吸、體温 f. 向夫婦兩人解釋及安慰。
b. 問歷史:出血時間、份量,有否腹部受創及病史 (如血壓高)。胎妊期
有無血壓高。 6. 產前出血的定義及診斷。
c. 臨床徵狀:出血情況、陰道出血、出血顏色,有否腹痛 7..n懷孕 30n週陰道出血的診斷。
d. 胎心聲與宮縮監察,子宮活動增加,靜止壓增加 妊娠 24 週至分娩前之陰道出血稱為產前出血。產前出血的診斷如
e. 腹部檢查:輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部有否 下:
觸痛、彊硬。 a. 評估有無休克的徵象,檢查生命表徵:血壓、脈搏、呼吸、體温
f. 超音波:作超音波素描鑑別胎盆剝離,可見胎盆後出血。 b. 問歷史:
g. 確定之診斷乃產後檢查胎盆發現有胎盆後血塊 - 出血時間、份量血液的顏色(鮮紅/暗紅),有否血塊及血塊之
胎盆早期剝離的處理: 大小
a. 如大量出血及孕婦有休克症狀,立即施行急救: - 出血時正在做什麼、出血時有無宮縮、有無胎動
- 通知醫生,通知其它護士增緩。 - 有否腹部受創、腹痛
- 救治休克,矯正凝血功能及補充體液:保持孕婦平臥,保温, - 是否第一次出血
施氧,禁食,建立兩條大的靜脈輸入導管,以 pump set 給予 - 最近性交的時間
靜脈輸入液以補充體液。配血備用,檢驗血色素、凝血功能、腎 - 有否內科病歷
功能,以監察血液容積、血紅素值及電解質變化,若血紅素低 b. 問產歷:
至 8gm/dl,則輸血。如有纖維蛋白原降低,給予靜脈輸入纖維 - 評估孕齡:末次行經日期、早期超聲波檢查
蛋白原、新鮮冰凍血漿 FFP。 - 懷孕次數、分娩次數
- 插入中央靜脈導管以監察液體補充,以免體液過多。 - 是胎妊娠有無妊娠期血壓高、胎盆前置、羊水過多
- 插入自留導尿管,每小時監測小便量。 c. 腹部檢查:
- 給予心理支持。 - 輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高與孕齡相符,腹部有否觸痛、彊硬
b. 身體檢查: - 聽胎心聲。
- 輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部有否觸痛、 - 禁止作陰道檢查及直腸檢查
彊硬、有無宮縮,先露部下降程度及胎式,以評估有無異常先 e. 超音波檢查:
露或卧式。 - 鑑定胎盆位置,如有胎盆前置可診斷胎盆前置之程度。
- 行胎心聲及宮縮監察以評估胎兒康寧狀況。 - 如為胎盆早期剝離,可見胎盆後出血
- 未確定出血原因前,禁止行陰道及肛診檢查。
- 作超音波素描鑑定胎盆位置。
8..n懷孕 30n週產前出血的原因、觀察及處理。 超聲波掃描評估胎兒生長及監測宮內發育遲緩。
妊娠 24 週至分娩前之陰道出血稱為產前出血。在懷孕期間出血是一種 - 按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇 e.g. Bethamethesone 12mg Q24h
緊急現象,不僅對孕婦造成生命威脅,對胎兒亦會造成影響。產前出血 x 2,以促進胎兒肺部發育。按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇,以
是造成孕婦死亡的最大原因。產前出血的原因有:胎盆前置:胎盆位於 促進胎兒肺部發育。
子宮下段,因提早剝離而出血 g. 如出血量少或出血停止,排除胎盆前置後,以雙葉窺器施行陰道檢
胎盆早期剝離:胎盆位於正常位置,因提早剝離而出血 查宮頸有否損傷。
胎盆以外因素:例如陰道感染、宮頸糜爛、子宮破裂、血管前置 h. 確定出血原因後的處理:
及原因不明。 - 不明原因出血:出血量少,母親情況穩定,胎兒康寧,可出
產前出血如處理不當,對母胎有極大的危險,產前出血的臨床處理如 院。安排定期覆診。
下: - 胎盆前置:第一型:持續停止出血 3 天,母親生命表徵穩定,
a. 即時入院。 胎兒康寧,可出院。安排定期覆診。第二、三及四型,建議孕
b. 入院後即時之處理: 婦留院至分娩。
- 孕婦方面:通知醫生。觀察生命表徵(血壓、脈搏)有休克者,即 - 安排孕婦絕對臥床休息。
救治之。保留衛生巾,評估出血量、顏色,有否血塊或組織。 - 胎盆提早剝離:如出血停止及沒有其它併發症,可出院。安
- 胎兒方面:聽胎心聲、評估胎兒康寧狀況、監測有否受困及評估 排定期覆診。
孕齡。 i. 計劃分娩的時間及方式:
- 需要時施行急救,通知其它護士增緩,施氧,禁食,建立兩條 - 如無法控制出血或孕婦申訴有腹痛均行緊急剖腹取兒術。
大的靜脈輸入導管,以 pump set 給予靜脈輸入補充體液。插入 - 不明原因出血:妊娠 38 週施行引產。
自留導尿管測量小便量。 2. 胎盆前置:第一型可陰道分娩。第二、三及四型,安排足月
- 血液檢驗:配血、檢驗全血圖、血色素、凝血功能及腎功能。監察 時剖腹產。
血液容積、血紅素值及電解質變化,若血紅素低至 8gm/dl,則 - 胎盆提早剝離:
輸血。 ‧如大量出血,胎兒仍生存需立即行剖腹產。施行緊急剖腹產
c. 作初步診斷: 時,通知 NICU 預留床位,通知兒科醫生到場替產兒急救,
- 問歷史:出血時間、份量,有否腹部受創、腹痛,有否內外科疾 新生兒以溫箱轉到 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。如胎兒已死亡則
病。 自然陰道分娩。
- 產歷:懷孕次數、分娩次數,曾否有多胎妊娠、葡萄胎、胎盆前置 ‧如出血量少,保守療法,監察母胎情況及出血量。
- 輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部有否觸痛、彊 ‧如出血停止及沒有其它併發症,妊娠 38 週施行引產。
硬。 j. 產後需注意產後子宮收縮情況,因產前出血屈積而致宮縮不好,
- 如情況許可下作超音波素描鑑定胎盆位置。 會導致產後出血。給予靜脈輸入 40 unit syntocinon in 500ml 及按
g. 安排孕婦絕對臥床休息。 摩以助宮縮。並監察血壓、脈博、呼吸及出血量。
h. 給予心理支持,解釋。 k. 向夫婦兩人解釋及安慰。
i. 保守治療:
- 監察孕婦康寧狀況:監察血壓、脈搏、宮縮及腹痛情況、保留衛
- 監察胎兒康寧狀況:施行一連串胎心聲及宮縮監察、胎動記錄
a. 如大量出血及孕婦有休克症狀,立即施行急救:
- 通知醫生,通知其它護士增緩。
- 救治休克,矯正凝血功能及補充體液:保持孕婦平臥,保温,
施氧,禁食,建立兩條大的靜脈輸入導管,以 pump set 給予
至 8gm/dl,則輸血。如有纖維蛋白原降低,給予靜脈輸入纖維
蛋白原、新鮮冰凍血漿 FFP。
- 插入中央靜脈導管以監察液體補充,以免體液過多。
- 插入自留導尿管,每小時監測小便量。
- 給予心理支持。
b. 身體檢查:
- 輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部有否觸痛、
- 行胎心聲及宮縮監察以評估胎兒康寧狀況。
- 未確定出血原因前,禁止行陰道及肛診檢查。
- 作超音波素描鑑定胎盆位置。
- 檢驗全血圖、凝血功能及 Kleihauer test。
d. 向孕婦給予心理支持。
e. 如不足月,需按醫囑給予肌肉注射類固醇以促進胎兒肺部發育。
f. 計劃分娩時間及方式:
- 如大量出血:
‧胎兒仍生存需立即行剖腹產。施行緊急剖腹產時,通知 NICU
到 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。
- 如出血量少或停止出血,可施行引產。
g. 產後需注意產後子宮收縮情況,因產前出血屈積而致宮縮不好,
會導致產後出血。給予靜脈輸入 40 unit syntocinon in 500ml 及按
h. 向夫婦兩人解釋及安慰。
妊娠 37 週後便是足月。孕婦有陰道出血,劇烈腹痛及休克,而休克
a. 如大量出血及孕婦有休克症狀,立即施行急救:
- 通知醫生,通知其它護士增緩。
- 救治休克,矯正凝血功能及補充體液:保持孕婦平臥,保温,
施氧,禁食,建立兩條大的靜脈輸入導管,以 pump set 給予
至 8gm/dl,則輸血。如有纖維蛋白原降低,給予靜脈輸入纖維
蛋白原、新鮮冰凍血漿 FFP。
- 插入中央靜脈導管以監察液體補充,以免體液過多。
- 插入自留導尿管,每小時監測小便量。
- 給予心理支持。
b. 身體檢查:
- 輕手作腹部檢查,檢查宮高是否與孕齡相符,腹部有否觸痛、
- 行胎心聲及宮縮監察以評估胎兒康寧狀況。
- 未確定出血原因前,禁止行陰道及肛診檢查。
- 作超音波素描鑑定胎盆位置。
- 檢驗全血圖、凝血功能及 Kleihauer test。
d. 向孕婦給予心理支持。
e. 計劃分娩的時間及方式:
- 如大量出血:
‧胎兒仍生存需立即行剖腹產。施行緊急剖腹產時,通知 NICU
到 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。
- 如出血量少,可施行引產。
f. 產後需注意產後子宮收縮情況,因產前出血屈積而致宮縮不好,
會導致產後出血。給予靜脈輸入 40 unit syntocinon in 500ml 及按
g. 向夫婦兩人解釋及安慰。
Hyperemesisngravidarom nB2.nHyperemesisngravidaromnn(2000.10.B2)n(2001.4.B2)n(5%)n
1.n妊娠劇吐。(2000.10.B2)n(2001.4.B2)n(5%) Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe vomitng conditon during pregnancy.
妊娠劇吐是妊娠期間的一種嚴重嘔吐現象,於妊娠 4-10 週期間出現,多 It usually occurs at 4-10 weeks of gestaton and subsides before 20 weeks
於 20 週前消失。嚴重嘔吐會造成脫水、電解物不平、體重下降及可威脅 of gestaton. Severe vomitng can cause dehydraton, electrolytes
孕婦生命安全,必須入院治療。 imbalance, severe weight loss (>5% pre-pregnant BW), and endanger
妊娠劇吐的原因不明,誘因有: maternal life. It needs to be admited.
a. 心理因素:對妊娠恐懼或厭煩、精神緊張、情緒不穩、生活不安定、社 1. Causes - unknown, precipitate causes include:
Psychological – anxiety, stress, ambivalence towards pregnancy, atenton
b. 內分泌因素:
- 人類絨毛膜促性腺激素、雌激素、黃體素濃度高,引致劇吐
seeking, a previous history of hyperemesis gravidarum, nulliparity
- 尤其見於葡萄胎、多胎妊娠 Endocrine factor – high level of estrogen and human chorionic
- 甲狀腺毒性:free T3/T4 高、TSH 低 gonadotrophin (multple pregnancy, molar pregnancy), thyroid
c. 新陳代謝因素:碳水化合物代謝改變,使血糖濃度低,孕婦在很餓時 dysfuncton
易有噁心現象 Metabolic factor – vit B defciency, disturbance of CHO metabolism
妊娠劇吐的處理: Others – sudden increased body weight, Helicobacter pylori infecton
- 入院治療:嘔吐不受控制或出現電解物不平者 2. Management
- 臥床休息
- Admission
- 禁食 24 小時或以上
- 補充體液,營養及維持電解物平:靜脈輸入葡萄糖水、生理鹽水 、 - Rest
維生素 - Fastng 24 hours or more
- 密切觀察血液中的電解質、血色素、尿素、血糖、肝功能試驗 - Electrolyte replacement, IVF
- 藥物療法: - Monitor serum electrolyte, haemoglobin level, ketone, glucose and
 止嘔劑:如 Avomine 25mg td, Maxolon 10mg po/IM liver functon
 鎮靜劑:如 Sparine 50mg td - Medicine such as antemetc (maxolon), sedatve (phenergan) and
 補充劑:Vit B6 supplements (vitB6)
- 護理措施:
- Nursing care:
 讓病人安心及讓她對本身發生噁心嘔吐症狀有所認識。告訴她
噁心的現象是正常的、健康的,而且會在懷孕期間自然消失。  Acknowledge cause of vomitng, reassurance
輕徵的嘔吐對胎兒不致有害且將會改善  Referral clinical psychologist or psychiatric specialist
 需要時轉介:臨床心理專家、精神科醫生  Psychological support, encourage to share
 心理上的支持:鼓勵說出心底感受,給予適當支持  Rest
 促進休息,避免疲倦  Keep I&O, observe vomitng and hydraton status
 準確記錄飲入排出量,觀察嘔吐情況,有否脫水  Oral hygiene
 口腔護理:保持口腔清潔,於嘔吐後漱口  Monitor temperature, pulse, RR, BW, urine ketone and albumin
 密切觀察:體溫、脈搏、呼吸、體重
 Start with fuid diet when conditon improved; frequent litle
 檢查小便:醋酮、蛋白質
 情況好轉,可先給流質飲食。小量多餐,漸次增加食量。進食 meal, increase amount gradually, stop IVF
情況好轉,可停止靜脈輸入。 - Discharge advice: dietary advice, lifestyle modifcaton, rest, family
 出院指導:飲食指導及改善生活習慣。如需要給予止嘔劑。鼓勵休 support, AN FU.
2.n對一名妊娠 8n週出現妊娠劇吐孕婦的處理。nn(1997.4.B3)n(5%) precipitatng factor, endocrine factor, metabolic factor of vit B def,
- 入院治療:嘔吐不受控制或出現電解物不平者 medical causes, abnormal (multple / molar) pregnancy or
- 臥床休息 obstetrical causes should be ruled out.
- 禁食 24 小時或以上  Physical assessment. Eatng habit, lifestyle, degree that afect job,
- 補充體液,營養及維持電解物平:靜脈輸入葡萄糖水、生理 BW, hydraton status (BP), ketonuria, MSU (UTI), pregnancy
鹽水、維生素 wellbeing (USG, kick count, CTG, Doppler), starvaton, blood for
electrolytes imbalance & CBP, LRFT, thyroid functon & amylase
- 密切觀察血液中的電解質、血色素、尿素、血糖、肝功能試驗
- 藥物療法:  Dietary advice to avoid emetogenic or faty spicy foods, kitchen
 止嘔劑:如 Avomine 25mg td, Maxolon 10mg po/IM smell, hold iron supplement, frequency small bland high
 鎮靜劑:如 Sparine 50mg td carbohydrate foods, sit up when eat, small amount fuid with
 補充劑:Vit B6 food, eat dry snacks before get out or going to bed. Lifestyle
- 護理措施: advice to minimize stress, relieves tense with light exercise, move
 讓病人安心及讓她對本身發生噁心嘔吐症狀有所認識。告 slowly, rest properly & promote family support.
訴她噁心的現象是正常的、健康的,而且會在懷孕期間自  Antemetcs drugs, sedatves, vitamin B6 supplement, ginger,
然消失。輕徵的嘔吐對胎兒不致有害且將會改善 acupuncture can be advice. Most important is regular follow up
 需要時轉介:臨床心理專家、精神科醫生 to assess if vomitng stll presence in late pregnancy.
 給予心理上的支持:鼓勵說出心底感受,給予適當支持 For severe case:
 促進休息,避免疲倦  Keep the patent NPO with intravenous therapy to correct
 密切觀察:體溫、脈搏、呼吸、體重、嘔吐情況,有否脫水
dehydraton and electrolyte imbalance.
 Vitamin and minerals supplements such as Vit B should be given.
 口腔護理:保持口腔清潔,於嘔吐後漱口
 Ant-emetc and sedatves can be given for rest.
 準確記錄飲入排出量  Nursing observaton include BW, ketouria, mental status, VS, fetal
 檢查小便:醋酮、蛋白質 conditon (kick count, CTG, USG, Doppler), history taking (vomitng
 情況好轉,可先給流質飲食。小量多餐,漸次增加食量。 frequency, severity, duraton, other associated discomfort,
進食情況好轉,可停止靜脈輸入 precipitatng factors, anxiety and fears, family support).
- 出院指導:  Resume oral intake gradually once vomitng ceases, oral fuids and
飲食指導及改善生活習慣。需要時服止嘔劑。鼓勵休息,及鼓 foods may be gradually reintroduced (clear fuid, fuid diet, normal
勵家人多加支持。繼續按時作產前檢查。 sof to solid food), IV drip can be removed it diet tolerated well.
 Discharge if tolerate oral regime and regain weight
Management n of n a n pregnant n woman n who n is n admitted n with n repeated  Advice on discharge include: dietary advice, diettan referral for
n n(1997.4.B3)n(5%) individualized optmal diet plan, prn ant-emetc, encourage rest
If excessive nausea and vomitng occur between 4 to 10 weeks of and family support, atend A/N visits as scheduled. Promote
gestaton, we should rule out the likelihood of hyperemesis gravidarum physical comfort and prevent recurrence.
although the incidence is very rare. When hospitalizaton is indicated, it is  If conditon persists and deteriorates causing liver and renal
usually due to poor controlled vomitng, with dehydraton, ketonuria or damage, develop neurological signs, psychosis and fetal
electrolyte imbalance occur. compromise, terminaton of pregnancy is indicated but it is very
For mild case: rare.
 History taking regarding Vomitng frequency, severity &
duraton, psychological status, family support, nulliparity,
3.n妊娠劇吐的原因。(1989.10.B5)n(1999.4.B5)n(5%) Mostly, the cause is unknown. Precipitatng factors are:
妊娠劇吐的原因不明,誘因有: 1. Psychological factors – anxiety, stress, ambivalence towards
a. 心理因素:對妊娠恐懼或厭煩、精神緊張、情緒不穩、生活不安定 pregnancy, atenton seeking, previous history of hyperemesis
社會地位低、經濟條件差 gravidarum, economic, social status
b. 內分泌因素: 2. Obstetrical factors – nulliparity, increase body weight, high level
- 人類絨毛膜促性腺激素、雌激素、黃體素濃度高,引致劇吐 estrogen and human chorionic gonadotrophin (multple pregnancy,
- 尤其見於葡萄胎、多胎妊娠 molar pregnancy)
- 甲狀腺毒性:free T3/T4 高、TSH 低 3. Endocrine factors – thyroid dysfuncton, primary hyperthyroidism,
c. 新陳代謝因素:碳水化合物代謝改變,使血糖濃度低,孕婦在 primary hyperparathyroidism
很餓時易有噁心現象 4. Metabolic factor – bit B defciency, disturbance of CHO metabolism
5. Medical – Helicobacter pylori infecton, GE, hernia, UTI, appendicits,
IO, peptc ulcer

Morning Sickness Hyperemesis
晨吐 妊娠劇吐
發生時間 多發生於清晨空腹時 不限於晨間
Time Occur in early morning Not refne to morning
症狀 有噁心但不嚴重,間有嘔 噁心嘔吐頻繁
S/S N&V Frequently N & V

Diet Not afect appette Cannot resume diet,
飲食情況 不太影響飲食 不能進食,導致脫水
體重 體重減輕少 體重減輕超過孕前 5%
Weight Slight wt loss only Wt loss >5%
持續時間 在妊娠 12 週前後自然消失 嘔吐現象持續超過 12 週
Duraton Diminished <12 wks Vomit cont’ afer 12
日常生活 一般不影響日常生活與工 一般不能  作,須他人照
作 顧
Daily Not afected Self care problem
治療 不需特別治療 嚴重者需入院治療
Treatment No treatment requrired Admit for sever cases

1.n產前檢查 Robellan的重要性。 A/N blood for Rubella is very important. Rubella infecton is caused by
Rubella 風疹,又稱德國麻疹,由 RNA virus 引致,經呼吸道傳染, RNA virus of the togavirus family, transmited through the respiratory
潛伏期 2-3 星期,臨床徵象有丘疹、發熱、疲倦、關節痛及淋巴腫脹。 route. Consequences of rubella infecton included spontaneous aborton
Rubella 對胎兒的影響有:流產或胎死宮中;宮內生長遲緩;先天 or stll birth, intrauterine growth retardaton, congenital rubella syndrome
性風疹症導致多系統疾患,眼、心臟、耳缺陷,小腦症、智力遲緩、 causes heart n defects, n cataracts n & n deafness, n microcephaly, n mental
小眼球、運動機能障礙、視網膜病、體重過低兒。 retardaton,nmicrophthalmianornretnopathynandnlownbirthnweightnbaby.
感染,並於產後給予肌肉注射 Rubella Vaccine,注射後,須避孕三 A/N blood for rubella could screen for pregnant woman immune status,
個月。如在妊娠初 12 週內染上風疹,檢驗結果呈強度陽性,經診斷 counseling should be given for non-immune pregnant women, avoid
確定胎兒有感染者,應考慮作治療性終止妊娠。 contact with infected person. Advice to have rubella vaccine in postnatal
假如產婦感染 Rubella(血清檢驗 IgM 呈陽性),分娩期需安排隔離, period with 3 months reliable contracepton to prevent being infected in
嬰兒出生後需檢查有無先天性風疹症之徵狀,臍血化驗 Rubella the next pregnancy.

2.n對一名懷孕 10n週曾接觸德國麻疹患者的孕婦的處理。n(1997.10.B11)
Management of a pregnant woman with 10 weeks gestaton who has a
contact history with rubella.n(1997.10.B11)n(5%)
- 給予安慰、解釋 - Explain & reassure
- 問歷史:接觸德國麻疹患者的時間,孕婦本身對德國麻疹有沒
- History of contract: Detail contract history for immune status,
tme & duraton of contact
- 如沒有免疫力者,檢驗:
- If non immuneed, investgated for
. 臨床徵狀:丘疹、發熱、關節痛、淋巴腫脹
- Clinical feacures: maculopapular rash, fever, malaise, joint pain &
. 出疹前 7 日或退疹後數天取鼻咽拭子檢驗。
swelling, lymphadenopathy
. 血清檢驗:HAI (haeagglutnaton-inhibiton test) 、IgG、IgM - Blood for HAI (Haeagglutnaton-inhibiton test), IgG, IgM
- IgM 化驗結果+ve 表示受感染。懷孕 10 週約有 80-90%胎兒有先 - IgM +ve indicaton infected status. If diagnosis is confrmed,
天性感染德國麻疹。診斷確立後,向夫婦提供輔導,給予終止 around 80-90% of fetus acquired congenital rubella if infected during
妊娠的選擇。作產前診斷,施行絨毛膜穿刺以診斷胎兒有否異 10 wks of gestaton. Counseling of couples of the possible efects on
常。 the fetus. Therapeutc aborton ofered if necessary.
- If there is doubt about diagnosis, refer for prenatal diagnosis for
confrmaton fetal status.

3. 懷孕期感染德國麻疹。n(1998.10.B6)n(5%) Rubella infeion is pregnancyn(1998.10.B6)n(5%)
德國麻疹是由 RNA 病毒經呼吸道傳染。潛伏期 2-3 星期。臨床徵象包 Rubella infecton is caused by RNA virus of the togavirus family,
transmited through the respiratory route. Incubaton period of rubella is
括丘疹、發熱、疲倦、關節痛及淋巴腫脹。感染 7-21 日內 IgG 迅速升
around 2-3 weeks. Clinical features included maculopapular rash, fever,
高,其後漸降回免疫水平。感染後數日可度量血液內 IgM 水平,7-
malaise, joint pain & swelling, lymphadenopathy. IgG level increased
10 日達高峰,其後下降,感染 4-5 週後完全消失。
rapidly for 7-21 days, then level of. IgM could be detected a few days
a. 懷孕期感染德國麻疹對胎兒的影響:
afer onset of S/S, the level of IgM reach peak level at 7-10 days and
- 流產或胎死宮中
diminished in 4-5 weeks tme.
- 宮內生長遲緩
- 先天性風疹症:引致多系統疾患。白內障、心臟缺陷、聽覺缺失。其
Consequences of rubella infecton included spontaneous aborton or stll
birth, intrauterine growth retardaton, congenital rubella syndrome
causes heart n defects, n cataracts n & n deafness, n microcephaly, n mental
b. 懷孕期感染德國麻疹的處理:
懷孕 10 週約有 80-90%胎兒有先天性感染德國麻疹。診斷確立後
A/N blood for rubella could screen for pregnant woman immune status,
counseling should be given for non-immune pregnant women, avoid
contact with infected person. Advice to have rubella vaccine in postnatal
- 新生嬰兒的處理:
period with 3 months reliable contracepton to prevent being infected in
. 隔離嬰兒,護理前後洗手
the next pregnancy.
. 檢查有無先天性風疹症的微狀
. 取臍血或抽血化驗 IgM
If suspected of infected with rubells, managed as follow.
. 如有先天性畸形,儘早轉介專科會診
- Explain & reassure
. 儘早檢查有無聽覺缺失,並給予助聽器及轉介特殊教育
- History of contract: Detail contract history for immune status,
. 頻密覆診以診斷遲發的異常及跟進病情
tme & duraton of contact
- If non immuneed, investgated for
- Clinical feacures: maculopapular rash, fever, malaise, joint pain &
swelling, lymphadenopathy
- Blood for HAI (Haeagglutnaton-inhibiton test), IgG, IgM
- IgM +ve indicaton infected status. If diagnosis is confrmed,
around 80-90% of fetus acquired congenital rubella if infected during
10 wks of gestaton. Counseling of couples of the possible efects on
the fetus. Therapeutc aborton ofered if necessary.
If n there n is n doobt n aboot n diagnosis, n refer n for n prenatal n diagnosis n for

Chickennpox B1.nChickennpoxninnpregnancyn(2001.4.B1)n(5%)
Chicken pox also known as Varicella infecton. Varicella-zoster is a DNA virus
1.n簡述妊娠期患上水痘nn(2001.4.B1)n(5%) highly contagious with incubaton period of 10-21 days. Infectous period
水痘是由濾過性病毒經呼吸道及接觸傳染,潛伏期 10-21 日,由出疹 start from 1-2 days before onset of rash and last untl the vesicles crust
前 48 小時至水泡結痂為傳染期。 over.
孕婦患上水痘對胎兒的危險:妊娠 20 週前感染水痘,有 2%胎兒受 Non-immuned pregnant women are at risk for the associated complicatons
感染,會有先天性水痘徵,導致腦小症、眼睛缺損等。妊娠 20 週後 and mortality when they contact varicella. If mother infected before 20
感染,嬰兒出生後首幾個月內會有類似帶狀泡疹症。生產前 5-21 日 weeks of gestaton, fetus may have 2% chance infected causing congenital
感染,大部份嬰兒不受感染。 varicella syndrome. It causes microcephaly, eye defects, mental retardaton
孕婦患上水痘的處理: etc. If mother infected afer 20 weeks of gestaton, newborn may develop
-隔離孕婦,安排獨立房間。作產期間安排隔離房間分娩。 herpes zoster few months afer birth. Infecton can be lethal in 20-30%
-出疹 24 小時內給予 Acyclovir 外用 infant if maternal infecton occurs from 5 days before to 2 days afer
-受感染之孕婦孕齡少於 20 週者,於受感染 5 週後作超聲波偵查有否
When women infected with Varicella –
 Referred to AED and do not admit to O&G wards. Isolaton afer
-提供輔導及聆聽申訴 admission in single room
-如已足月,延遲分娩 5-7 日,讓胎兒有機會獲得經由胎盆而至的抗體  Administer acyclovir within 24 hours afer development of rash
-由內科醫生會診  Arrange fetal morphology scan at 18-22 weeks for women infected
-新生嬰兒的處理:由兒科醫生檢查新生嬰兒有沒有先天性異常 before 20 weeks (at least 5 weeks afer the infecton)
-母親於生產前 5 日或產後 2 日感染,其嬰兒需注射 VZIg,新生嬰兒  Counsel the women regarding the risk of congenital varicella and other
available facts to assist women in decision making
如有感染,以 Acyclovir 治療  Delay delivery untl 5-7 days afer the onset of maternal illness to allow
for passive transfer of antbodies.
 Consult pediatrician to exam the baby
 If maternal infecton is within 5 days before and 2 days afer delivery,
VZIg is recommended for the baby, treat baby with acyclovir if
1. n 對 一 名 孕 婦 於 產 前 血 液 檢 查 時 發 現 為 乙 型 肝 炎 帶 菌 之 處 理 。
neonatal infecton occurs.
- 提供健康教育健康教育:產前講座解釋有關預防措施,鼓勵足夠 DiscossnthenmanagementnofnanhepattsnBncarriernpregnantnwoman
休息及注意飲食,教育注意個人衛生以頂預防感染。 (1998.4.B2)n(5%)
- 護理時執行標準防衛措施:普及性隔離措施,護理前後洗手。 1. Health talks to mother – counsel risk of HBV infecton / carrier
- 嬰兒出生時即時處理:抽吸口、鼻之涎液,抹去眼、面及身體上之 2. Universal precauton procedure, handwashing
羊水及血液,洗澡。 3. Preventon of neonatal infecton – remove maternal blood from
- 嬰兒出生 12 小時內注射乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白及注射乙型肝炎預防 newborn immediately afer birth, adequate sucton, early bath,
疫苗。嬰兒接受免疫注射後才開始母乳餵哺。 4. Immunizaton program within 12 hours afer birth
5. Lamivudine to decrease risk of vertcal transmission
6. No additional risk in BF should be stresses

HIV hygien
- Consider mode of delivery at late pregnancy to determine caesarean
1.n減低人類免疫缺乏病毒(HIV)的母胎傳播方法。(2004.4.B2)n(5%) or vaginal delivery.
2.n如何減低 HIVn的母親傳播此病毒給其嬰兒的機會。n(2000.10.B5)n(5%) - Caesarean secton preferred as this could decreased the chance of
- 產前普及測試 HIV vertcal transmission during labour
- 給予抗病毒治療(AZT 或 ZDV)
- 預防早產 Intrapartum
- 治療絨毛膜羊膜炎、性傳染疾病 - Stricts blood precauton & standard infecton control measures
- 避免產前 / 生產時作侵入性程序,如絨毛膜穿刺、羊膜穿刺、臍帶穿刺 - Avoid high risk procedures which may transmission HIV to the fetus
腹外胎位倒轉術 such as artfcal rupture of membrane, scalp electrode inserton, fetal
- 行選擇性剖腹產術,可減少 50%之母胎傳播,但必須在作產及穿水 blood sampling
前施行 - Contnue intravenous ant-retroviral therapy when onset of labour
- 延遲人工穿水 commence
- 嬰兒娩出後,儘快夾臍、斷臍及抹去嬰兒皮膚上的母體體液 - If SROM, consider emergency caesarean for prevent leaking >4hrs
- 切勿母乳餵哺 because it will increase the risk of vertcal transmission
- Episiotomy not a routne procedure
n n
- Preventon of neonatal infecton by remove maternal blood from
newborn immediately afer birth, adequate sucton, early bathing
- Promote health informaton & educaton before planning pregnancy
- Baby referred for paediatrics care & checking the infant HIV status
- Educaton about safe sex practces & prevent sexual transmission diseases
afer 18 months
- Educaton in correct use of condom
- Give prophylaxis ant-retroviral therapy and follow-up by paediatrician
- Promote the important of investgaton before married
for the preventon and early detecton of complicatons
- Explain that breast-feeding is strongly discouraged afer birth causes of
- Screening test for all pregnancy mother to early detect the diseases
high risk transmission of HIV.
- Counseling before provide the blood test.
- If the result is positve, Counsel for contnuaton of pregnancy
- If baby is wanted, ant-retroviral therapy could be started from 14 wkrs of
- Advice regular follow tup to monitor disease progress of HIV infecton
- Minimize high risk procedures (ECV, amniocentesis)that would cause
fetal-maternal blood contact such as amniocetesis, CVS, cordocetesis
- Screening for other sexually transmited infecton
- Observaton of any obstetric complicaton
- Advice on general health & lifestyle such as dietary, exercise &
3.n染有人類免疫力缺乏病毒的產婦在分娩時的感染控制措施 。(2000.4.B2) doringnlaboor.n4.2000n(B2)5%

Genearl measures
a. 實施普及性隔籬措施,以免接觸患者之血液、宮頸及陰道分泌物、 a. Adopton of standard precautons, especially with blood, cervical and
羊水 vaginal secretons & amniotc fuids.
b. 使用用完即的儀器及用具 b. Use of disposable equipment or instruments, consumables
c. 嚴格執行籬患者、儀器消毒 / 滅菌、處理及棄置醫療廢物 c. Proper patents isolatons, disinfecton or sterilizaton, handling and
d. 適當地穿著保護性衣物,如帽、眼罩、口罩、護面罩、防水保護衣、膠圍 disposal of medical wastes should be executed per protocol.
裙、靴、鞋套、雙層手套 d. Appropriate use of protectve wears like caps, googles, face masks,
e. 切勿套回針套 visors, water-proof gowns, boots, shoe cover, etc.
f. 施行人工破膜術時避免羊水濺出 e. Re-sheathing needles with caps is strictly prohibited.
g. 不可由經驗不足的職員(如醫科生、助產士學生、實習生) 接產
h. 會陰縫補:不可由實習生施行;縫補時使用陰道壁牽引器輔助 Specifc measure to incorporate depend on mode of delivery.
i. 施行子宮探查術或人工取胎盆術使用長手套
j. 施行剖腹產術時需:傳遞利器(如刀、針) 時,切勿直接以手傳遞。 f. For normal spontaneous delivery, care should be taken to avoid
使用鈍的針或釘(staplers) 作縫合。使用鉗來拿針。斷臍時避免血液 splashing of liquor, and to reduce interventons (e.g. no ARM)
濺出。 g. Deliveries should not be conducted by inexperienced staf like
medical students, pupil midwives, etc.
h. Repair of episiotomy can be done with assistants with vaginal wall
i. And to wear long gloves in case of uterine exploraton or manual
removal of placenta.
j. For cesarean secton, measures include careful transfer of needles
and avoid passing by hand. And to use blunt point needles, staples,
and use dissectng forceps to pick up needles. Avoid blood splashing
during cord cutting.

4.n孕婦有 HIVn感染的產前處理。n(2005.4.B4)n(5%) nANnmanagementnofnwomennwithnHIVninfectonn(2005.4.B4)n(5%)
n n
a. 與孕婦商討懷孕的意向:終止妊娠 / 繼續懷孕 - Psychological counseling – keep confdentality, help to disclose to
partners, counsel couple, clarify misunderstanding and concerns
b. 找出其他高危因素:如濫用藥物、吸煙
- Opton of TOP or contnue pregnancy
c. 高危患者作篩檢:
- Contact tracing, prevent infecton
- 性傳染疾病患者:如滴蟲病、梅毒、疣、皰疹、淋病
- Minimize high risk procedures (ECV, amniocentesis)
- 子宮頸病變 / 子宮頸癌
- Screen for other STDs, pap smear, hepatts
- Toxoplamosis 弓蟲症、巨細胞病毒感染、乙 / 丙型肝炎
- Encourage compliance to regular follow-up / FU Q2weeks before 36
d. 避免作侵入性的診斷或治療檢查,如絨毛膜穿刺、羊膜穿刺、臍帶
weeks with NST
- Check baseline CD4, viral load, CPK, LRFT regular monitor and
e. 定期覆診:36 週前每 2 週覆診,期後每星期覆診
observe s/s
f. 懷孕初期作超聲波檢查以確定孕齡及測胎兒生長以作基準
- Ant-retroviral therapy afer 14 weeks
g. 定期作連串超聲波監察胎兒生長,需要時施行胎心聲及宮縮監察以
- Consult specialist
- Hospitalizaton if symptomatc
h. 有併發症時入院治療
- USG and CTG to monitor fetal well-being, baseline date and growth
i. 與 HIV 專科醫生商討給予抗病毒治療予母親及新生兒 - Counsel mode of delivery – SVD no episiotomy, best c/s
j. 檢查 CD4 細胞數量以作基準,需要時在第一、二、三妊娠期測 CD4 / - Counsel no BF post delivery
CD8 細胞數量
k. 給予 ZDV 治療:
- 視乎母胎情況
- 第一妊娠期給藥之安全性未能確定,故 12 週後才給予
- 監察藥物之副作用:
. 前血檢 CBP、LFT、CPK 以作基線準
. 星期血檢 CBP X 1 個月,期後每 4 星期
. 星期血檢 LFT、CPK
. 時增加血檢之次數
- 如 有 下 列 情 況 需 停 藥 : Hb<8gm
%、Platelet<100 、Granulocyte<0.75、ALT / AST>5 x upper limit of

5. 「懷孕的婦女必須作 HIV n感染篩選檢查。」試論述以上論點 。
HIV 人類免疫缺乏病毒可引起後天免疫力缺乏症(AIDS),HIV 主要
HIV 是世界性的流行病,在東南亞國家發病率迅速增加,而 24 -
44 歲患者的死亡率增加。異性性傳播數字增加,使女性可能在懷
毒傳染給嬰兒,母嬰傳染的機會率為 15-40%。母嬰垂直感染,產
感染的 2/3,可經胎盆使胎兒受感染;向上感染胎兒因胎膜穿破;
產前愛滋病病毒抗體測試(現行 ELSIA test),孕婦可選擇不作測試,
Western Blot test 以確立診斷。
HIV 感染篩選檢查的好處:教導孕婦認識 HIV,除去謬誤;知道
感染 HIV 的狀況;可及早給予治療;減低傳播風險;減低母嬰垂
HIV 感染篩選檢查的壞處:精神壓力,擔心患病被歧視、失去工
因此及早診斷 HIV 感染和接受抗病毒治療可減少疾病傳染的風險,
婦女必須作 HIV 感染篩選檢查是可行的方法,但必須向孕婦解釋

過期妊娠是指以有規律的 28 日月經週期來計算,由最後行經日期
起計算,妊娠期超過 42 星期者。
a. 確定妊娠週數,詢問孕婦的最後行經日期之準確性、月經週期之
b. 腹部檢查宮底高度,及檢視早期超聲波以助確定預產期。
c. 監察胎兒康寧狀況,監察胎動記錄,施行無壓力測試、超聲波多
d. 決定分娩方針:胎兒康寧者行引產,如懷疑胎兒過大或胎兒受

2.n妊娠 41n週的處理n(1997.10.B7)n(5%)
a. 評估孕齡是否正確:詢問孕婦的最後行經日期之準確性、月經
b. 監察胎兒康寧狀況,監察胎動記錄,施行無壓力測試、超聲波
c. 低風險者行引產,檢查 Bishop score 評估宮頸成熟度,陰道檢
查 Bishop score 評估宮頸位置、柔軟度、擴張情況、宮頸管長度
及先露部與坐骨棘的關係,如得分少於 6 分者,給予陰道塞劑
prostagladin 以刺激分娩。
d. 如胎兒不康寧、懷疑胎兒巨大或胎兒受困者行剖腹產
Teenagenpregnancy Teenagenpregnancy
1.少年妊娠的問題 (2000.10.B13)n(5%)
少年妊娠是指 19 歲以下懷孕期,16 歲以下懷孕的併發症最多。少年妊 Problemsnassociatednwithnteenagenpregnancy
1. 內科方面 » Nutritonal defcit, aborton
» Iron defciency anemia
- 貧血:缺乏營養引致缺鐵性貧血、缺乏葉酸和蛋白質。
» Lack of AN care
- 藥物濫用:如酒精、吸毒。
» High risk of TOP
- 性病:由於性濫交引致淋病、疹、念珠菌、梅毒。
» STDs: syphilis
2. 社會方面
» PET, abrupton placenta
- 經濟問題:沒有固定工作,缺乏經濟支持。
» CPD as not mature develop pelvis
- 教育問題:教育程度低、輟學。
» Pre-term labor
3. 產科方面
» LBW baby – IUGR, prematurity, perinatal mortality
- 沒有產前護理,不能及早診斷及治療異常。
2. Social
- 人工流產機會高。
» Sexually transmited disease
- 妊娠期高血壓,因年幼、身體未完全發育成熟及身體不能適應初胎
» Prolong dependency on parent
» Drop out of school
- 宮內生長/發育遲緩,因營養不良、缺乏休息。早產、不足月嬰或圍
» Stress – legal, social isolaton, fnance, childbearing
» Increase social burden
- 頭盆不相稱,因骨盆未完全發育成熟。
» Marital breakdown: Unmarried
- 生殖道產傷,因器官未成熟,對宮頸、陰道、骨盆底肌不利。
» Smoking, alcohol & substance abuse
- 產後問題:母親與嬰兒關係欠佳、虐兒情況增加、孤兒、精神問題
» Risk of child – poor school adjustment, increase incidence if
intellectual impaired, behavioural problem, child abuse

1.n年長初胎面對的問題 (2004.4.B3)n(5%)
年長初胎是指 35 歲或以上才懷第一胎。年長初胎比年輕者較易患併發

1. 妊娠期血壓高 2. 頭盆不相稱
3. 增加助產機會 4. 早產
5. 先天性畸形 6. 流產
7. 宮內發育遲緩 8. 妊娠期糖尿病

1.n分娩次數過多的產婦之風險。(1997.10.B12)(5%) Problemsnofngrandmoltpara
曾分娩五次以上之婦人分娩次數過多的產婦。分娩次數過多的產婦 Antenatal
的風險有: - Minor disorder are exaggerated e.g. hemorrhoid, heartburn, varicose
妊娠期: vein, nausea vomitng, backache.
a. 易有輕微不適症狀,如痔瘡、靜脈曲張 - Prone to iron defciency anemia (folate & iron defciency as frequent
b. 易有貧血,常見有缺鐵性貧血,因為頻密分娩,鐵質儲備不 and repeat pregnancies, dietary defciency)
足 - Increase aborton rate (may due to poor maternal health)
c. 心臟病:孕婦年紀較大,易有心衰歇 - Most probably advanced maternal age, more prone to GDM, PIH etc.
d. 先兆子  :分娩次數多的產婦年紀較大,較多患有慢性血壓 (decrease vessel wall elastcity), cardiac disease
高 - More chance to have chromosomal disorder such Down’s syndrome.
e. 產前出血:多數由於意外出血及胎盆前置 - More prone to APH due to placenta previa.
分娩期: - More chance of multple pregnancy (high fertlity, increase incidence
a. 異常先露:由於懸垂腹使胎式不穩 produce more than one ovum at a tme).
b. 頭盆不相稱:妊娠次數越多,胎兒體型越大 Intrapartum
c. 子宮破裂:如有阻產發生宮縮會更強,而分娩次數過多的產婦  Pendulous abdomen due to lax abdominal wall & uterus, easier to
的宮壁較弱、易穿破 have unstable lie, malpresentaton.
產褥期:  Preterm labor (poor health, heavy workload, potental obstetric
a. 產後出血:由於產後宮縮不良 complicatons)
b. 產婦及胎兒死亡率增加  As a result, risk of obstructed labor, prolong labor, early ROM, cord
proplase increase.
 More at risk of CPD (increase baby size in subsequent pregnancy,
lumbar lordosis decrease obstetric conjugate), operatve delivery
 Precipitate labor and rupture uterus (abnormal uterine acton).
- Risk of retained placenta (hypotonic contracton, precipitate labor,
- PPH, more aferpain (uterine atony)
- Infant more chance of congenital abnormalites (DS), LBW, birth

1. 問病史:
2. 監察:
體重:妊娠 16 週後增加較快
3. 腹部檢查:
- 視診:腹部比妊娠週數大、妊娠紋多、呈圓形
- 觸診:宮底高度比妊娠週數大、胎兒肢體多、有 3 個以上球形物
- 聽診:兩個人同時聽胎心聲,相差約 10bpm
4. 超音波掃描:妊娠 6-8 週可見兩個妊娠囊

2.n一位三十歲初胎懷孕婦人於懷孕十六週時被診斷為雙胎妊娠,描術對 和缺點,指導深呼吸及鬆弛技巧,需要時給予吸入 Entonox、肌肉注
其在懷孕期及分娩期的臨床處理。 (1999.4.A1)nn(15%) 射 Pethidine 或硬膜外麻醉。
雙胎妊娠是多胎妊娠的其中一種。雙胎妊娠乃在子宮內有兩名胎兒存在。 5. 給予情緒上的支持。向產婦提供及指導有關產科程序、護理措施的訊
雙胎妊娠容易引致各種併發症,因此應給予特別的處理。對此名雙胎妊娠 息。讓家人陪產以促進產婦舒適及給予鼓勵。
孕婦的臨床處理如下: 第二產程:
I. 懷孕期: 由醫生協助接生,兒科醫生在場施救。預備 2 個嬰兒急救車、2 份真空抽
a. 產前檢查:到設備良好及有新生嬰兒深切治療部(NICU)之醫院登記 吸機及急救用具。在宮頸全開至最薄時施行陰部神經阻塞術及會陰切開
作產前檢查,頻密之產前護理,可及早發現併發症狀,及早治療。 術。第一個嬰兒如常娩出,留意出生時間,但不可注射子宮收縮藥物,
b. 心理:給予支持、鼓勵,以減輕憂慮。鼓勵參加產前講座。指導其準 清除嬰兒呼吸道之涎液,夾緊臍帶,即時由兒科醫生施行急救。隨之以
備兩兒物品。 超聲波施行腹部檢查以知第二兒之臥式,聽第二兒胎心聲及探察宮縮,
c. 足夠休息:促進胎兒生長,以防早產,減輕受壓症狀,促進血液 需要時會給予低劑量 Syntocinon drip。觀察產程進展,可行羊膜穿刺術。
循環,如有併發症出現,需住院休息。 鼓勵孕婦迸氣用力。需要時可給予手術助產。兩嬰兒出生時以不超過 10-
d. 飲食:高蛋白、高纖維飲食,多進食含維生素、鈣與鐵質、葉酸之食 15 分鐘為理想。兩兒出生後即時由兒科醫生施行急救,如有異常或早產
物。 者需轉送至新生嬰兒加護病房或 NICU 繼續觀察及治療。
e. 藥物:按醫囑給予 Vitamin C、Folic acid、Feso4,以防貧血。 第三產程:
f. 檢驗:於第一次產前檢查、妊娠 32 週及產後檢驗血色素,定時作 第二兒娩出後替產婦注射 IMI Syntometrine 1Amp 以助子宮收縮。盡快將
超音波素描(於 34 週後每週一次),妊娠 26-28 週檢驗血液葡萄糖耐 臍帶鉗住及剪斷臍帶。分別在兩條臍帶抽血替兩個新生兒作新生嬰兒普
量測試。 查及血氧分析。用臍帶牽引發娩出胎盆。胎盆娩出後,按摩子宮以確定其
g. 一般之觀察:每次產前檢查測量血壓,脈搏,小便常規,體重, 收縮良好。小心檢查胎盆是否完整,胎膜與羊膜情況。按醫囑給予
監測受壓症狀如水腫。觀察有否併發症。 Syntocinon 靜脈輸入促進宮縮,及靜脈注射預防性抗生素。觀察宮縮留意
h. 決定分娩方式,如兩胎兒皆頂先露,可行陰道分娩,安排於妊娠 有否產後出血。
38 週引產。否則需行剖腹產。 懷有雙胎妊娠的孕婦及胎兒常有併發症發生,故此等孕婦應往設備完善
i. 若有任何併發症發生,例如先兆子,必須入院治療,監察血壓、 的醫院登記、接受產前檢查及分娩,以監察併發症之發生,並及早治療。
II. 分娩期:
1. 通知醫生及 NICU。
2. 禁飲食、給予靜脈輸入。抽血作血色素化驗及配血以備用。
3. 評估及記錄:
a. 產婦方面:血壓、脈搏、體溫等生命表徵。小便檢驗,有否蛋白、
b. 胎兒方面:潛伏期間歇地監察胎心聲。活動期接駁連續性胎心聲
c. 產程進展:先露部下降程度、宮頸口擴張之大小、宮縮之強度、
4. 止痛方法:按待產婦的需要,與她討論各止痛方法的用處、優點
A1.nAn30-year-oldnprimigravidanisndiagnosedntonhaventwinnpregnancynatn16 ٠ Hospital confnement for triplets or above from 24 weeks
weeks n of n gestaton. n Ootline n the n clinical n management n for n her n doring ٠ Electve c/s on 34 weeks
pregnancynandnlaboor(1999.4.A1)nn(15%) Labor Management (For vaginal delivery)
When more than one fetus simultaneously developed within the uterus is ٠ Inform obstetrician, pediatrician and NICU
called multple pregnancy. It can be twins, triplets, quadruples etc. It can be ٠ Fastng, IVF and cross-match
monozygotc or dizygotc, monochorionic, dichorionic, monoamniotc, ٠ USG confrm lie & presentaton to avoid interlocking (cephalic &
diamniotc etc. longitudinal)
Twins pregnancy can have certainnproblems. ٠ Manage by experienced obstetrician, pediatrician, anesthetst, midwives
1. Maternal ٠ Adequate pain relief – prefer EA, rest
٠ Increase minor discomfort like nausea vomitng, dizziness, backache, ٠ CFHM of 2 fetus, positoning
urinary smptoms, anaemia, varicose vein, hypotension etc. ٠ Augmentaton, monitor progress and uterine contracton
٠ Increase risk of miscarriage, PIH/PET, GDM, preterm, operatve ٠ Observe maternal conditons, VS, monitor UO
delivery, APH, PPH ٠ Prepare equipments for 2 or more babies
2. Fetal ٠ Prepare for c/s in case of emergency (NPO, IVF, X-match)
٠ LBW infants, IUGR, Prematurity - Adequate episiotomy
٠ Fetal hypoxia - Clamp cord securely
٠ Prolapse cord - Label twin 1
٠ Perinatal mortality / IUD - Note interval between twin delivery, deliver as quick as possible
٠ Vanishing twin, multfetal reducton, selectve fetocide (30min)
٠ Congenital malformaton (conjoint twin) - Perform abdominal exam to confrm lie & auscultate FHR
٠ Twin-twin transfusion - Monitor progress, PV, prevent cord prolapse
3. Obstetrical - ECV, ARM, (internal cpodalic version), wait return uterine
٠ Malpresentaton contracton
٠ Interlocking twin, Conjoint twins - If vertex, accelerate SD & deliver by MW, otherwise, obstetrician
٠ Cord entanglement - If abnormal lie or complicate, c/s
Antenatal Management - Alert for undiagnosed 2nd twin (fundal height, abd exam, note
1. Maternal compromise)
٠ Early diagnosis and refer to hospital with NICU for confnement - Use of syntocinon untl 2nd twin delivered
٠ PDC (risk of pregnancy, high operatve risk & difculty, mode of ٠ Note risk of PPH (actve mx by oxytocic, CCT)
delivery, Dx MCMA, congenital abnormality), AN educaton ٠ Placenta for histology, examine and identfy type of twins
٠ counsel parents for problems and give practcal advice for extra babies ٠ Close observe maternal conditon
٠ Frequent FU ٠ Repair episiotomy
٠ Monitor maternal conditon (BW, urine tests, BP), CBP & OGTT ٠ Newborn resuscitaton & examinaton
٠ Extra rest, Diet educaton (well balanced, minor disorders ٠ Neonatal screening
exaggeraton; vit C folate, iron as prescribed) ٠ Documentaton
٠ Detect GDM, HT, anaemia ٠ Monitor maternal & newborn conditons (VS, involuton, lochia, breast,
2. Fetal legs, eliminaton, psychological, Hb, sepsis)
٠ Early USG (confrm zygosity, chorionicity, datng) ٠ Psychological support
٠ Serial USG (detect complicaton, growth monitoring & morphology - PN exercise
scan) - Assist, educate & supervise motherhood adjustment
٠ Close monitor fetal growth and well-being - MCHC/PN FU, twin support group
3. Obstetrical - Encourage to care baby as individuals
٠ Determine delivery tme & counsel mode of delivery(IOL at 38 weeks) MW needs to observe maternal conditon, CFHM & the delivery process.
a. 產前檢查:指導頻密產前檢查,以偵測出妊娠合併症並及早治
b. 飲食指導:少量多餐。飲食中應含大量的維生素與蛋白質,需要
c. 促進休息:增加休息時間,休息或睡覺時宜採左側臥,以增加
d. 預防背痛:注意日常姿勢以預防背痛,鼓勵作產前運動。
e. 預防靜脈曲張:穿著彈性襪可減輕及預防靜脈曲張的不適。
a. 妊娠期不適較嚴重,例如妊娠劇吐
b. 後期有受壓症狀,如足踝水腫、靜脈曲張,由於過大子宮壓迫
c. 患先兆子機會較高,可能因子宮過大和胎盆賀爾蒙增加導致
d. 貧血:胎兒需兒大量鐵質,貧血症狀比一般孕婦常見且較嚴重
e. 產前出血:因胎盆大較易佔據子宮下段,導致不同程度的胎盆
前置。妊娠誘發性高血 壓易導致胎盆早期剝離
f. 羊水過多:由於同卵雙胞胎與母體間血管的吻合面積增加,導
g. 自發性流產:由於先天性缺陷、胎盆著床不良或發育不良所致
h. 胎盆功能不足引致胎兒受困、胎兒死亡而致紙樣胎塊
i. 畸形機會高,如連體嬰
j. 兩兒互相輸血

a. 妊娠期不適較嚴重,例如妊娠劇吐
b. 後期有受壓症狀,如足踝水腫、靜脈曲張,由於過大子宮壓迫
c. 患先兆子 機會較高,可能因子宮過大和胎盆賀爾蒙增加導
d. 貧血:胎兒需兒大量鐵質,貧血症狀比一般孕婦常見且較嚴

e. 產前出血:因胎盆大較易佔據子宮下段,導致不同程度的胎
f. 羊水過多:由於同卵雙胞胎與母體間血管的吻合面積增加,
g. 自發性流產:由於先天性缺陷、胎盆著床不良或發育不良所致
h. 胎盆功能不足引致胎兒受困、胎兒死亡而致紙樣胎塊
i. 畸形機會高,如連體嬰
j. 兩兒互相輸血

1. 產前:
- 妊娠期不適較嚴重,例如妊娠劇吐。
- 後期有受壓症狀,如足踝水腫、靜脈曲張。
- 患先兆子機會較高。
- 貧血、產前出血、羊水過多、早產。
- 胎盆功能不足引致胎兒受困、兩兒互相輸血、胎兒死亡而致
2. 分娩期:
- 臍帶脫垂機會大:因異常先露,胎兒細小不能銜接骨盆
- 產程延長:宮縮不良
- 臍帶脫垂:常見於羊水過多、異常胎位,或第二兒先露部過高
- 非診斷方雙胎妊娠:引致第二兒有危險,如窒息、臍帶脫垂、
3. 產褥期:
- 產後出血:因胎盆大、子宮過度膨脹、宮肌縮復困難
- 子宮復舊不良
- 精神疲倦,易引致產後抑鬱
I. 多胎妊娠帶來的問題:
1. 產前:
- 妊娠期不適較嚴重,例如妊娠劇吐。
- 後期有受壓症狀,如足踝水腫、靜脈曲張。
- 患先兆子機會較高。
- 貧血、產前出血、羊水過多、早產。
- 胎盆功能不足引致胎兒受困、兩兒互相輸血、胎兒死亡而致紙
2. 分娩期:
- 臍帶脫垂機會大:因異常先露,胎兒細小不能銜接骨盆
- 產程延長:宮縮不良
- 非診斷方雙胎妊娠:引致第二兒有危險,如窒息、臍帶脫垂、
3. 產褥期:
- 產後出血:因胎盆大、子宮過度膨脹、宮肌縮復困難
- 子宮復舊不良
- 精神疲倦,易引致產後抑鬱
II. 多胎妊娠第二產程的處理:
a. 由醫生協助接生,兒科醫生在場施救。
b. 預備 2 個嬰兒急救車、2 份真空抽吸機及急救用具。
c. 第一個嬰兒如常娩出,留意出生時間,但不可注射子宮收縮
d. 聽胎心聲及探察宮縮,如沒有阻產情況,會考慮給予低劑量
Syntocinon drip。
e. 觀察產程進展,可行羊膜穿刺術。鼓勵孕婦迸氣用力。
f. 需要時可給予手術助產。
g. 兩嬰兒出生時以不超過 10-15 分鐘為理想。
h. 嬰兒娩出後立即急救及保溫。

a. 通知產科醫生
b. 通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救,準備急救車、真空抽吸機及
c. 停止 Syntocinon 輸入
d. 隨之以超聲波施行腹部檢查以知第二兒之臥式,以縱軸臥式
e. 聽胎心聲及探察宮縮,如沒有阻產情況,會考慮給予低劑量
Syntocinon drip。
f. 觀察產程進展,可行羊膜穿刺術。鼓勵孕婦迸氣用力。需要時
g. 兩嬰兒出生時以不超過 10-15 分鐘為理想。如第二兒為臀先露,
羊膜未穿破者由醫生施行臀牽引術 Enternal podalic version,
h. 嬰兒娩出後立即急救及保溫。
i. 第三產程處理:
- 第二兒娩出後替產婦注射 IMI Syntometrine 1 Amp 幫助子宮收
- 盡快將臍帶鉗住及剪斷臍帶。
- 分別在兩條臍帶抽血替兩個新生兒作新生嬰兒普查。
- 用臍帶牽引發娩出胎盆。
- 胎盆娩出後,按摩子宮以確定其收縮良好。
- 小心檢查胎盆是否完整,胎膜與羊膜情況。
- 按醫囑給予 Syntocinon 靜脈輸入促進宮縮,及靜脈注射預防性
- 觀察宮縮留意有否產後出血。
- 記錄整個生產過程。

Weightngainninnpregancy B12.nMaternalnweightngainndoringnpregnancyn(1999.4.B12)nn(5%)
Weight gain during pregnancy can help to estmate the growth of fetus.
1.n妊娠期孕婦體重增加nn(1999.4.B12)nn(5%) Increased body weight composed of fetus, placenta, liquor, uterus,
妊娠期孕婦體重增加,可作為胎兒生長是否滿意之指標。體重增加包括 breast, fat, blood and body fuid.
胎兒、胎盆、羊水、胎盤、增大之子宮及乳房、脂肪積聚、血液和與細胞外 The ideal body weight gain should be 12.5kg in the whole pregnancy. It
液。 depends on the BH, body build, family trend and pre-pregnancy body
妊娠期間,理想的體重增加應是 12.5 公斤(kg)。要視乎母體身高,骨骼 weight of the mother. In frst trimester, BW increase about 1-2kg, follow
構造,及妊娠前體重而定。其中第一期妊娠增加 1-2 公斤,其後每週 by a 0.5kg/week untl term. In sum, he frst 20 weeks increase 2.5kg and
0.5 公斤直至懷孕結束。通常前 20 週增加約 2.5kg,後 20 週增加約 the following 20 weeks increase 10kg.
10kg。 Twin pregnancy mother will have about 16-20.5kg increase in BW. In
懷雙胞胎之總體重增加 16-20.5kg,在第二及第三妊娠期每星期增加 second and third trimester, BW increase 0.7kg/week.
0.7 公斤。 If women BMI <17 kg/m2 , BW need to be increase more. If
如孕婦偏瘦 BMI<17kg/m2 ,妊娠期的體重需增加較多。如孕婦過肥 BMI>25kg/m2, BW need to be increase lesser.
BMI>25 kg/m2,妊娠期的體重只需輕微增加已屬正常。

2.n懷孕期體重增加及成份 The ideal body weight gain should be 12.5kg depending on pregnancy
懷孕期間,理想的體重增加應是 12.5 公斤(kg)。要視乎母體身高, woman BH, body build, family trend & pre-pregnancy body weight. In
骨骼構造,及妊娠前營養狀態而定。其中第一期妊娠增加 1-2 公斤 frst trimester, BW increase about 1-2kg, follow by a 0.5kg/week untl
其後每週 0.5 公斤直至懷孕結束。通常前 20 週增加約 2.5 公斤,後 term. In sum, he frst 20 weeks increase 2.5kg and the following 20
20 週增加約 10 公斤。懷雙胞胎之總體重增加 16-20.5 公斤,在第 weeks increase 10kg. Twin pregnancy mother will have about 16-20.5kg
二及第三妊娠期每星期增加 0.7 公斤。 increase in BW. In second and third trimester, BW increase 0.7kg/week.
Component as followed:
懷孕期體重增加的成份如下: Component Weight(kg)
成份 重量(公斤) Breat 0.4
乳房 0.4 Fat 3.5
脂肪 3.5 Placenta 0.6
胎盆 0.6 Fetus 3.4
胎兒 3.4 Amonitc fuid 0.6
羊水 0.6 Uterus 1.0
子宮 1.0 blood vol 1.5
增加血液 1.5 Extracellar fuid 1.5
細胞外液 1.5 Total 12.5
合共 12.5

Exercise 2.n妊娠期運動。(1996.10.B3)nn(2002.3.B3)n(5%)n
妊娠期的體力活動和體育運動。(1999.10.B8)n(5%) 準備,因此是很重要的,適合孕婦的活動包括:
a. 日常活動:
- 一般的活動在沒有妊娠合併症的孕婦是可進行的。一切家務操
英文版本 - 散步是孕婦最適當的運動,可到公園進行,多吸新鮮空氣,避
b. 產前運動:懷孕 16-20 週可開始施行。例如深呼吸運動、強化腰
B8.nPhysicalnexercisenandnsportndoringnpregnancyn(1999.10.B8)n(5%) 產前運動的目的是:
- 促進血液循環,刺激腸蠕動,可預防便秘。
Exercise can promote circulaton, improve sleeping quality and appette,
- 增強背部肌肉的張力,以減輕腰背痛。
strengthen muscle tone, and prepare for delivery. Thus, exercise is essental
- 增強腹肌、骨盆肌,支托脹大的子宮,以保護胎兒成長。
to pregnancy women. Appropriate exercises include:
- 訓練產婦於分娩時放鬆肌肉,以減輕分娩時的疼痛。
1. Daily Actvites – - 增強產道彈性,以利生產時胎兒順利通過產道。
 All actvites as usual for non-complicated pregnancy women. The purpose of antenatal exercise are to maintain maternal ftness and
General household job can be carry out except climb up and lifing muscle tone, improves self-image and increased a sense of control, to
heavy objects. control weight gain, improves postpartum recovery, prevent or relieves
 Walking is a good exercise, especially at park to breath fresh air. minor pregnancy disorders or discomfort such as constpaton, varicose
Avoid crown place and polluted area. veins and back pain. In summary, exercise in pregnancy let the woman have
2. Antenatal exercise – start from 16-20 weeks of gestaton. Examples like a beter physical and psychological preparaton for the delivery.
deep breathing and pelvic foor exercise.
Aims of AN exercises The exercise can be start at 16-20 weeks untl 32 weeks. The exercise
 Increase circulaton, stmulate peristalsis, prevent constpaton include pelvic foor exercise, exercise to back and abdominal muscle,
 Strengthen up back muscle to alleviate or prevent back pain strengthening inner thigh muscle, and breathing exercises. Walking,
 Strengthen abdominal muscle, pelvic foor muscle, support growing swimming, yoga are also suggested.
uterus and protect fetus for growth
 Training relaxaton during labour, reduce labour pain The exercise should be performed from milk to moderate, and stop once
the women become fatgue or exhauston. Afer the frst trimester, avoid
 Increase vaginal wall elastcity, aid efcient and efectve labour when
doing exercise in supin positon. Exercises that may afect the body
fetus passing through.
balancewhich poses a risk to the mother and fetus should be avoided.

Before exercises, take an adequate diet andd ensure adequate hydraton.

During exercise, wear comfortable clothing, avoid too humid or too hot
environment, and keep the pulse not exceeding 140 bpm.Aggressive
exercises such as tennis, cycling, running are avoided.
Othersn(antenatal) b. 胎動初覺的日期:初產婦於 18 週以後,歷產婦於妊娠 16
1.n懷孕期評估孕齡的方法。 初期的胎動並不明顯,因此以此方法評估孕齡並不可靠。
a. 計算孕齡:計算預產期可助測定妊娠週數。 - 超聲波掃描:在早期施行,評估孕齡甚為準確
- 末次行經日期計算:以月經週期為 28 天計算,排卵於經期前 早期(妊娠 12 週前):
14 天發生,故此以末次行經日期起計算,加 280 天便是預產期, i.妊娠 5-6 週可見胚囊
如月經週期較長者,應加上延長的日數。 ii. 妊娠 8-12 週量度頂臀長度,計算孕齡
- Nagale’s rule:將最後一次月經開始的第一天日期加 9 個月,再 中期(妊娠 12 週後):
加 7 天;或減 3 個月,再加 7 天,所待結果便是預產期。舉例 i. 妊娠 8-12 週量度雙頂骨間徑,計算孕齡
a. 假如末次行經日期是 2006 年 2 月 1 日:
日 月 年
末次行經日期 1 2 2006
+ 7 9
預產期 8 11 2006
a. 假如末次行經日期是 2005 年 10 月 30 日:
日 月 年
末次行經日期 30 10 2005
+ 7 -3 + 1
預產期 6 8 2006
- 妊娠推算曆(gestaton calculator):如確知末次行經日期,可讀
b. 其他方法:假如末次行經日期不能確定,月經週期不規則,可使
- 妊娠徵象:以各徵象出現的日期來推算
早期(妊娠 12 週前):
i. 小便妊娠檢驗呈陽性反應
ii. 懷孕徵象:例如晨吐、乳房變化、尿頻
中期(妊娠 12 週後):
a. 量度宮底高度:用軟尺量度宮底沿著腹部的孤度至恥
骨聯合上方部位 ,在妊娠 20-21 週時,宮底高度約
A1. n Discoss n how n yoo n woold n persoade n a n 20-year-old n women, n in n her n irst
2.nn描述女性型骨盆 pregnancy,nwhonsmokesn30ncigarettesnandayntongivenopnsmokingninnpregnancy.
女性型骨盆入口呈圓筒形。腔內坐骨棘圓突,側壁平行且直,骨 Smoking is the most commonly abused substance in the society. Most women
彎曲度良好。出口之前後徑長,橫徑適宜,恥骨弓圓闊約 90 度。為 know the hazards of smoke and even dislike smoking itself, but they liked the
女性正常的骨盆,最適宜分娩,胎頭屈曲良好,多為枕前位。 social, psychological and physical efects of the cigaretes. They use cigaretes to
“organize” their social interacton, project a good self image, suppress emoton
(comforter, a friend, a dependable partner), cues for rest and relaxaton, control
3.n吸煙對懷孕的害處。(5%) levels of boredom or ‘clam their nerves’; infuence by husbands, partners, family
吸煙對懷孕婦女的害處: members and friends. All are factors that contribute to the difculty if giving up
smoking. Steps of interventons include asking her smoking status, advice to quit,
一般婦女健康較差,維生素及擴物質的吸收不足,易引致肺炎、 assist to quit and arrange follow up for her.
產科方面,易引致自發性流產、早期破水、早產、胎盆剝離、前置胎盆 In antenatal period, midwives should be promptly recognized the problem.
吸煙對胎兒的害處: Pregnancy is considered an ideal tme and a good motvator to stop smoking. In
易引致流產、胎死腹中、新生嬰兒死亡、宮內發育遲緩、體重過輕 order to help for smoking cessaton, the needs of the women and reason they
smoke should be assessed. Educate the hazardous efect of smoking to herself and
嬰兒猝死症。有研究顯示,母親吸煙對嬰幼兒有長期的影響,他 her fetus. Nicotne in smoke causes vasoconstricton. Tar is a carcinogens and
們會較矮小、心智發展較慢。 carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that decrease oxygen transportaton. Mothers
are at risk of poor health due to malnutriton, vitamin and minerals defciencies,
chest infecton and thrombo-embolic disorders. PROM, preterm labour, aborton
Harmfolnefectsnofnsmokingninnpregnancy and abrupton placenta, placenta previa are likely to occur. Fetus easy hypoxia to
- Nicotne in smoke causes vasoconstricton. death results in aborton and IUD. IUGR, LBW baby, sudden infant death
- Tar is a carcinogens. syndrome, developmental delay and higher risk of subsequent nicotne
- Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that decreases oxygen dependence are resulted.
transportaton. Individual counseling is most efectve. Referral for professional counseling may be
- Mothers are risk of poor health due to malnutriton, vitamin and needed. It should be positve and responds to her needs. Help in supportve way
minerals defciencies, chest infecton and thrombo-embolic disorders. that build her self-esteem, legitmizes the difculty of quitting and encourage her
PROM, preterm labour, aborton and abrupton placenta, placenta to maintain a strong sense of purpose and directon. Building up a correct and
previa are likely to occur. positve mind towards quit smoking is essental. Give choice to her to stop or cut
down the number of cigarete, smoke low tar or low nicotne brands. Refer her to
- Fetus easy hypoxia to death results in aborton and IUD. IUGR, LBW smoke cessaton programe, ofer nicotne replacement therapy. Diversional
baby, sudden infant death syndrome, developmental delay and higher therapy is another way to help by reducing the frequency os smoking untl
risk of subsequent nicotne dependence are resulted. decrease and eventually quit smoking.

Family support should be encouraged and positve reinforcement is needed for

positve performance and sustaining of good behavior. It also ensures complicance
to therapy. Maternal and fetal conditons should be closely monitor.

In postnatal period, heavy smokers are not recommended to breasteed. As

nicotne is found in breast milk, it decreases milk supply and causes newborn
irritable, restless, tachycardia and diarrhea. Explain to her that passive smoke is
danger and providing a healthy environment for the baby for growth is important.
5.n試論妊娠三十週有蛋白尿的原因及處理。 妊娠 20n週蛋白尿n(1997.4.nB5)n(5%)
6.n妊娠 20n週蛋白尿n(1997.4.nB5)n(5%) 妊娠期蛋白尿是指 24 小時的尿量內,蛋白質濃度達 300mg/L 或以
妊娠期蛋白尿是指 24 小時的尿量內,蛋白質濃度達 300mg/L 或以上; 上;或在兩次相隔 4 小時的中流尿 / 導尿,均找出蛋白質濃度超過
或在兩次相隔 4 小時的中流尿 / 導尿,均找出蛋白質濃度超過 1g/L 或 1g/L 或 2+ (reagent strip)。
2+ (reagent strip)。 Causes:
妊娠期蛋白尿原因:  Contaminaton: by vaginal discharge, container for urine
a. 污染:尿液被陰道溢液污染 specimen
b. 妊娠期蛋白尿:生理性現象,沒有其他症狀,只在妊娠期間歇性  Gestatonal proteinurea:Physiological causes
發生。  Renal problems: e.g. 腎小球腎炎、腎盂腎炎
c. 腎病:e.g. 腎小球腎炎、腎盂腎炎  Urinary tract infecton
d. 感染:泌尿道感染  Pre-eclampsia: 血管痙攣及血流減少,血管通透性增加,導致
e. 先兆子:血管痙攣及血流減少,血管通透性增加,導致蛋白尿 蛋白尿。
指導孕婦再留中流尿覆驗蛋白成份,並在留小便前撤抵清潔外陰。如中 Management:
流尿含蛋白: Ask client to save a mid-stream urine afer vulval cleansing for
- 通知產科醫生; rechecking
- 留中流尿作細菌培養及敏感試驗;在顯微鏡下找出尿液有否膿細胞; - Consult obstetrician:
- 入院,臥床休息(左側); - Admit for bed rest
- 密切監察血壓高及水腫情況,有否先兆子的徵狀; - Observe for signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia and oedema, check
- 每次小便驗蛋白; blood pressure for any hypertension with proteinuria
- 驗 血 : urea, creatnine, uric acid, cholestrol level & albumin/ globulin - Check urine for proteinuria
rato 以測腎功能。 - Send MSU x C/ST if rechecked to be +ve, full course of antbiotc as
- 如持續性蛋白尿,非因先兆子  或感染,留三天早上中流尿檢驗 prescribed and recheck urine culture for complete clearance
- Investgaton & blood test: urea, creatnine, uric acid, cholesterol level
& albumin/ globulin rato to test renal functon.
- If persistant proteinuria, if not causes by pre-eclampsia, save AFB x 3
and early morning urine for signs of TB.

n nnnn的定義n。(1997.1.nB.1.i)n(1%)
Nagele’s Rule 是預產期推算方法之一,其推算方法有如下:
末次行經日期+7 天-3 個月+1 年(預產期於明年)。假如末次
行經日期是 2006 年 2 月 1 日:
日 月 年
末次行經日期 1 2 2006
+ 7 9
預產期 8 11 2006
- 末次行經日期+7 天+9 個月(預產期於今年)。假如末次行經日
期是 2005 年 10 月 30 日:
日 月 年
末次行經日期 30 10 2005
+ 7 -3 + 1
預產期 6 8 2006

妊娠期蛋白尿是指 24 小時的尿量內,蛋白質濃度達 300mg/L 或以上;
或在兩次相隔 4 小時的中流尿 / 導尿,均找出蛋白質濃度超過 1g/L 或
2+ (reagent strip)。
a. 污染:尿液被陰道溢液污染
b. 妊娠期蛋白尿:生理性現象,沒有其他症狀,只在妊娠期間歇性
c. 腎病:e.g. 腎小球腎炎、腎盂腎炎
d. 感染:泌尿道感染
e. 先兆子:血管痙攣及血流減少,血管通透性增加,導致蛋白尿

1. 腎臟體積增大:因為懷孕期血流增加,使腎血流增加,腎臟間質
2. 腎盂、腎盞、輸尿管擴張:
- 妊娠期胎盆產生大量雌激素及黃體素。雌激素使膀胱、輸尿管
- 增大的子宮對輸尿管的機械性壓迫:由於妊娠子宮右旋,臨
- 增大的子宮使膀胱位置改變,容易引起排尿不暢或使尿液倒
3. 腎血流量及腎小球濾過率增加:
- 妊娠期血量增加,心排出量增加及腎血管阻力降低。腎血流
量增加使腎小球濾過率平均增加 50-60%,引致尿素氮、肌酸
- 腎小球濾過率增加,電解質、葡萄糖及其他物質極大量濾出,

10. 產前指導。 Antenatal educaton
Antenatal classes aim at promote and maintain good physical and mental
產前指導的目的是教育孕婦有關妊娠、分娩、哺乳及護理嬰兒的常 health during pregnancy; early detecton and management of high risk
識的方法,可透過產前講座班、個人輔導、派發單張推行有關教育。 conditons; prepare women for labour, lactaton and subsequent baby
由於孕婦樂意學習及做一切對嬰兒有益的事情,尤以初胎孕婦,應 care. Thus, the following classes are best selected as the key topics for
給予的指導包括: antenatal educaton.
- 懷孕期保持身體健康、個人衛生及飲食、營養攝取。 “Pregnancy change” can prepare the women themselves both physically
- 妊娠及分娩的知識。 and psychologically to the changes ahead & decrease psychological stress.
- 介紹產前及產後運動。 “ Pregnancy and Nutriton” is a simple but complex topic to the
expectng parents and their families. It aids to correct misconcepton and
- 分娩時如何放鬆肌肉及使用吸入止痛氣。
provide update informaton for maternal and fetus health.
- 產前期乳房的護理。 “ Delivery process” is a fear but expectng moments for inexperienced
- 灌輸母乳餵哺的優點及哺乳的準備。 mother. It prepares them ways to reduce labour pain and whats going on
- 育嬰常識。 in the delivery suite to increase their trust and confdent, gain
- 產後護理、家庭計劃。 cooperaton during delivery.
“Breasteeding advantages” is another topic best to include. Family and
women like to learn everything about the baby. It is a good chance to
introduce the breast milk for them to consider in postnatal period.
“Newborn care” is a essental topic that every parents want to learn. It
reduce infant mortality and morbidity by ofering home safety issues and
crucial caring skills to all audiences.
“Family planning” can provide care on social aspect in order to control
family size according to individual needs. It is directly related to the
quality of life of a family and the growth of children. The maternal
physical and psychological health can be afected especially in lower
socio-economic classes
產前講座的目的的是教育孕婦有關妊娠、分娩、哺乳及護理嬰兒的 nB10.nAimsnofnantenatalntalknnnn(1999.4.nB10)n(5%)n
常識的方法,包括: Antenatal talk aims at provide educaton to pregnant women
- 懷孕期保持身體健康、個人衛生及飲食、營養攝取。 regarding pregnancy, delivery, breasteeding and infant care especially
- 妊娠及分娩的知識。 the nullipara women. Counseling service, health educaton can be
- 介紹產前及產後運動。 carried out, pamphlets and video can be provided. Content include:
- Healthy lifestyle, hygiene care and diet advice
- 分娩時如何放鬆肌肉及使用吸入止痛氣。 - Pregnancy physical and psychological changes
- 產前期乳房的護理。 - Delivery process
- 灌輸母乳餵哺的優點及哺乳的準備。 - Antenatal and Postnatal exercise
- 育嬰常識。 - Pain relief during labour
- 產後護理、家庭計劃。 - Breast changes and breast feeding promoton
- Advantages and skills in breasteeding
- Infant care & Postnatal caren&nFamily planning
Antenatal classes aim at promote and maintain good physical and mental
health during pregnancy; early detecton and management of high risk
conditons; prepare women for labour, lactaton and subsequent baby
care. Thus, the following classes are best selected as the key topics for
antenatal educaton.
“Pregnancy change” can prepare the women themselves both physically
and psychologically to the changes ahead and decrease psychological
“ Pregnancy and Nutriton” is a simple but complex topic to the
expectng parents and their families. It aids to correct misconcepton and
provide update informaton for maternal and fetus health.
“ Delivery process” is a fear but expectng moments for inexperienced
mother. It prepares them ways to reduce labour pain and whats going on
in the delivery suite to increase their trust and confdent, gain
cooperaton during delivery.
“Breasteeding advantages” is another topic best to include. Family and
women like to learn everything about the baby. It is a good chance to
introduce the breast milk for them to consider in postnatal period.
“Newborn care” is a essental topic that every parents want to learn. It
reduce infant mortality and morbidity by ofering home safety issues and
crucial caring skills to all audiences.
“Family planning” can provide care on social aspect in order to control
family size according to individual needs. It is directly related to the
quality of life of a family and the growth of children. The maternal
physical and psychological health can be afected especially in lower
socio-economic classes.

11. 妊娠後期腹痛的原因。nn(2001.10.B6)nn(2006.10.B2)n(5%) nB4. n Caoses n of n abdominal n pain n in n late n pregnancynnnn(2001.10)(2006.10.B2)
n n
1. 產科因素: (5%)
1. Obstetrical causes
- 分娩徵狀:子宮規律性收縮,伴隨現血或穿水
 Signs of labour onset – regular uterine contracton accompany show
- 羊水過多:子宮壁過份伸展引致腹痛,臨床見子宮體積比妊娠週
and leaking
- 胎盆早期剝離:胎盆施後血塊形成,宮肌損傷引致觸痛,觸診腹  Polyhydramnios – overdistension causing abdominal pain (clinically
部硬 uterus size bigger than date, difcult to palpate fetus and auscultate
- 先兆子:肝被膜腫脹引致右上腹痛,有血壓高、蛋白尿 fetal heart)
- 子宮破裂:突發性劇烈腹痛,子宮肌損傷引致劇痛,多見於分娩  Early placenta abrupton – retroplacental clot behind placenta, uterine
次數過多、前有剖腹產或子宮瘢痕的孕婦 lesion cause pain, and abdominal exam found it hard
2. 非產科因素:  Pre-eclampsia – Liver hypertrophy cause upper abdominal pain,
- 婦科問題:子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫、宮內感染 accompany with hypertension and proteinuria
- 內科問題:腸胃炎、脂肪肝、膽囊炎、腎盂腎炎  Rupture uterus – sudden severe abdominal pain from uterine rupture
- 外科問題:蘭尾炎、胰腺炎、腸道阻塞 wound, usually occurs in multparaous or women with previous
- 意外:創傷 uterine scar
2. Non-obstetricial causes
 Gynaecological problem – twistng of uterine fbroid, ovarian cysts,
uterine infecton
 Medical problem – gastroenterits, faty liver, cholecystts,
 Surgical problem – appendicits, pancreatts, intestnal obstructon
 Accident – trauma (domestc violent, car accident)
常識的方法,包括: Antenatal talk aims at provide educaton to pregnant women regarding
- 懷孕期保持身體健康、個人衛生及飲食、營養攝取。 pregnancy, delivery, breasteeding and infant care especially the
- 妊娠及分娩的知識。 nullipara women. Counseling service, health educaton can be carried
- 介紹產前及產後運動。 out, pamphlets and video can be provided. Content include:
- 分娩時如何放鬆肌肉及使用吸入止痛氣。 - Healthy lifestyle, hygiene care and diet advice
- 產前期乳房的護理。 - Pregnancy physical and psychological changes
- 灌輸母乳餵哺的優點及哺乳的準備。 - Delivery process
- 育嬰常識。 - Antenatal and Postnatal exercise
- 產後護理、家庭計劃。 - Pain relief during labour
- Breast changes and breast feeding promoton
- Advantages and skills in breasteeding
- Infant care & Postnatal caren&Family planning
13.nn簡述羊水。(1998.4.nB12)n(5%) the embryo to form an amniotc cavity, the wall of the amniotc
羊水是澄清的體液,存集於胚胎之內層細胞羣裡而成為羊膜腔, cavity is the amnion. As more fuid accumulates the amnion is
腔壁是羊膜。羊水增加使羊膜與絨毛膜相連。足月時羊水量約為 brought into contact with the chorion. At term the amount of liquor
500-1500 毫升。羊水含有水份、蛋白質、糖、氯化物、鈉、氮,還有 amnii is about 500-1500ml. The fuid is clear and contains water,
胎漿、毳,及由胎兒皮膚與羊膜剝脫之上皮細胞。羊水的主要功用 protein, sugar, chloride, sodium and non-protein nitrogen. Besides,
是保護胎兒,幫助胎兒維持體温,平均壓力,及使胎兒有自由活 it also contains small pieces of vernix caseosa, a few lanugo hairs
動。分娩時在未羊膜穿破前,羊水囊能幫助宮頸口之擴張。 (hairs of the skin of the newborn) and desquamated epithelial cells
from the fetal skin as well as the amnion itself. The functon of the
amniotc fuid is mainly protectve. It assists in maintaining an even
14.n簡述子宮閉鎖不全。(1998.n10.nB3)n(5%) temperature, equalizing pressure and allowing free movements of
子宮頸閉鎖不全是導致習慣性流產的主要原因,其臨床徵狀包括: the fetus. During labour it also helps to dilate the cervix as long as it
- 宮口無痛性擴張及變薄 is stll enclosed as a bag of water by the intact membranes.
- 陰道感染及胎膜破裂
- 子宮短暫的痙攣或收縮
- 15%在第二妊娠期流產(16-18 週)
- 每次妊娠持續的時間減少
- 營養不良
- 曾接受宮頸活組織檢查或擴張術
- 宮頸創傷
- 先天性宮頸缺陷
- 患者之母親曾使用 diethylstllbestrol 治療先兆流產
- 內科治療:針對病因治療
- 外科治療:Shirodkar 氏縫合法縫合宮頸:全身麻醉,將胎膜後置
子宮內,以不吸收的縫線圍繞宮頸或宮頸內口結紮,於 12-18
週施行,縫線在 38 週拆除,或有早產跡象時拆除,否則縫線會

Amniotcn foidn(1998.4.B12)n5%
Amniotc fuid is a clear fuid accumulated in the inner cell mass of
1. 妊娠可疑診斷,有下列表徵可懷疑是懷孕:
變深) 、陰道分泌增加。
2. 妊娠可能診斷,有下列表徵可能是懷孕:
- 腹部膨大:懷孕 12 週腹部漸進隆起。
- 子宮雜音:懷孕 16 週起在子宮上腹部聽診可聽到。
- 胎動初覺:歷產婦懷孕 16 至 18 週,初產婦懷孕 18 至 20 週,感
- 子宮的變化:
a. Goodell’s sign:懷孕第 6 週開始,子宮頸變軟。
b. Hegar’s sign:懷孕第 6 週開始,子宮峽部即妊娠後期之子宮下
c. Chadwick’s sign:由於血量增加,懷孕第 8-12 週開始,骨盆腔
‧子宮無痛性收縮(Braxton Hick’s contracton):懷孕 16 週開始,子
宮出現不定期、無痛性收縮,到懷孕 35 週後,可能更強,這種收
- 陽性妊娠反應:胎盆形成後產生人類絨毛膜性腺激素,存在於血
3. 妊娠確實診斷,有下列表徵可確實是懷孕:
- 胎心聲:妊娠 5 至 6 週經超音波可見胎兒心臟搏動;10 週時可用
- 兒脈搏:24 週時可用胎兒聽診器聽到。正常胎心聲每分鐘為 120
至 160 次。
- 胎兒肢體:妊娠 24 週時可觸摸到胎兒頭顱和四肢。
- 胎動:妊娠 22 週時檢查者可感覺到胎動。
- 超音波掃描:妊娠 5 至 6 週可利用超音波掃描顯示胚囊。

 Other - Massage and touch, Music therapy, TENS, Hydrotherapy,
Laboor Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Heat and cold, Hypnosis
LaboornPainnrelief  Advantages – natural methods that will not afect fetal well-being,
1.n分娩期各種鎮痛方法 (1998.10.B10) (5%)n(2000.1.B14)n(5%) control by mother
1. 非藥物方法  Disadvantages – not encourage pain killing efect
心理支持:鼓勵、安慰、教導、親人陪伴分娩。 Pharmacological methods
其他:舒適的臥式。TENS。深呼吸及放鬆運動、健體球、催眠、針灸  Inhalatonal analgesia –consttuents 50% nitrous oxide and 50%
減壓衣、水療 water birth、音樂、按摩、香薰。 oxygen. Breath in via lung into blood and transmit to CNS for
優點:自然、對胎兒無影響 systematc pain relief. Can be apply at all stages of labour. 20s efectve
缺點:止痛效能不足 and maximal efect at 60s.
2. 藥物方法  Adv: Easy to use, autonomy, conscious, oxygen provider, safety to
系統的/全身的: fetus, can use in all stages of labour
 Dis: Tachypnoea, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, thirsty, unstable
a. 肌肉注射 Pethidine (50-100mg):常用於第一、二產程以減痛。 analgesic efect, air polluton
b. 吸入法:安桃樂 Entonox,可用於各產程。吸入法: Entonox 成  Systemic analgesia – opioids (pethidine) through IMI
份為 50%nitrous oxide 笑氣+50%oxygen 氧氣,由肺吸入經血流  Adv: economic, quick & efectve at 20 min and maximal efect at
至中樞神經系統使全身止痛,可使用各產程。 60min, simple procedure, not afect uterine contracton, rare
優點:生效迅速(約 20 秒),停止吸入後效力迅速消失。由產婦 serious side-efect
自行控制。含氧量高,並少有抑制呼吸。  Dis: dizzy, nausea, vomitng, reduce gastric emptying, sleepy,
缺點:長時間或重覆使用面罩,使孕婦口唇乾燥、疲倦、暈眩、 confuse, reduce not kill pain, across placenta and suppress fetus
思睡。造成空氣污染。 breathing afer birth, mother with impair clotting profle,
局部: hypertension and drug abuse are not recommended
硬膜外麻醉:對第一、二產程的產痛有相當好的止痛作用。於第二  Regional analgesia – epidural analgesia (marcain, fentanyl), spinal
至第三腰椎或第三至第四腰椎硬膜外腔穿刺,放置硬膜外導管, analgesia (fentanyl, pethidine), combined spinal epidural analgesia,
連接止痛機或自我控制輸入儀給藥,加入不同配方、低劑量的局 paracervical block, pudendal block. Best efect during the frst and
second stage of labour. Puncture at L2-3 & L3-4 to epidural spaces,
部麻醉劑(如 marciane、Fentanyl)。 place catheter in-situ to instll drugs, connect to external machine and
硬膜外麻醉的優點:較安全,令產婦較寧靜及有正面的分娩經歷。 control release by the women
不影響胎兒。有助妊娠期高血壓的產婦降低血壓,能有控制血壓。  Adv: quick & long-lastng response, very good analgesia provide
需要時可即施行剖腹產。患有心臟病、不足月分娩、有呼吸道疾患 positve labour experience, no need for repeat injecton (except
之產婦亦適宜。 refll), not suppress CNS, conscious, safety to mother (cardiac
硬膜外麻醉的缺點:延長第二產程,及產婦用力不好,增加儀器 disease, respiratory disease) & fetus (prematurity), fexible to top
助產之機會。導致頭痛、背痛、低血壓、小便困難。 up for emergency operaton, indicate for hypertension, PET or
cardiac case
Non-pharmacological n methodsn – n easy, n aotonomy, n not n restrict  Dis: need to cooperate with anesthetst, may damage spinal
mobilizaton,nsafentonmothernandnfetos nerve, slip out of catheter, short term backache, itchiness,
 Antenatal preparaton – educaton & LW orientaton shivering, vomitng, LL numbness, prolong second stage of labour,
 Psychological support –encourage, reassure, educate, emotonal & retenton of urine, increase instrumental delivery, hypotension &
physical accompany by husband, relatve, friend and midwife afect FHR, 1% have headache, mother with spinal problem, fever
 Breathing and relaxaton exercise – low / middle / upper level or deranged clotting profle are not recommended
 Mobilizaton & positoning – lateral, pillows under waist  local analgesia – perineal infltraton
 Birth Ball – aid muscle relax, speed up cervical dilataton, gravidity aid
fetal head engagement and rotaton, reduce backache
5.n試論分娩期各種鎮痛方法。 n(1997.4.A1)n(1999.10.A2)n(15%) 低劑量的局部麻醉劑(如 marciane、Fentanyl)。
分娩期疼痛的主要來源自子宮收縮,隨產程進展疼痛的強度會增加 硬膜外麻醉的優點:較安全,令產婦較寧靜及有正面的分娩經
使待產婦帶來難以忍受的疼痛感。這種疼痛的經驗會令待產婦感到焦慮 歷。不影響胎兒。有助妊娠期高血壓的產婦降低血壓,能有控制
而長時間待產亦會妨礙待產婦休息,使其過度疲累。助產士應陪伴待產 血壓。需要時可即施行剖腹產。患有心臟病、不足月分娩、有呼吸
婦、給予支持,提供合適的鎮痛護理,以促進其舒適。 道疾患之產婦亦適宜。
在使用鎮痛方沒之前應評估待產婦的需要,並與她討論各種止痛方法 硬膜外麻醉的缺點:延長第二產程,及產婦用力不好,增加儀
的用處、優點和缺點,並讓她自由選擇各種鎮痛方法。 器助產之機會。導致頭痛、背痛、低血壓、小便困難。
TENS:以低電極流經皮膚通往神經線。將 4 塊電極板置於 T10-L1 及
S2-S4 處(於脊椎相距約 5cm,由產婦按需要自行控制。
其他:深呼吸及放鬆運動、催眠、針灸、減壓衣、水療 water birth、音
a. 止痛劑:肌肉注射 Pethidine (50-100mg),作用於脊髓後鞍部的疼
收縮。適用於第一、二產程。可用拮抗劑 Naloxone (Narcan)解除對
b. 吸入法: Entonox 成份為 50%nitrous oxide 笑氣+50%oxygen 氧氣,
優點:生效迅速(約 20 秒),停止吸入後效力迅速消失。由產婦自
c. 局部:
A2.nDiscossndiferentnmethodsnofnpainnreliefndoringnlaboor contracton, rare serious side-efect
Labour pain originates mainly from regular uterine contractons, increase  Disadvantages: dizzy, nausea, vomitng, reduce gastric emptying,
severity and frequency along with labour progress. The pain makes the sleepy, confuse, reduce not kill pain, across placenta and suppress
mother feeling anxiety, hinder rest and make the mother tre. Midwives in fetus breathing afer birth, mother with impair clotting profle,
caring a laboring woman should ofer support and appropriate pain relief hypertension and drug abuse are not recommended
methods to promote comfort. Assess the needs of the women, discuss c. Regional analgesia – epidural analgesia (marcain, fentanyl), spinal
various methods including applicaton, advantages and disadvantages to analgesia (fentanyl, pethidine), combined spinal epidural analgesia,
allow choice from the women. paracervical block, pudendal block. Best efect during the frst and
1. Non-pharmacological methods – easy, autonomy, not restrict second stage of labour. Puncture at L2-3 & L3-4 to epidural spaces,
mobilizaton, safe to mother and fetus place catheter in-situ to instll drugs, connect to external machine and
a. Antenatal preparaton – educaton & LW orientaton control release by the women
b. Psychological support –encourage, reassure, educate, emotonal &  Advantages: quick & long-lastng response, very good analgesia
physical accompany by husband, relatve, friend and midwife provide positve labour experience, no need for repeat injecton
c. Breathing and relaxaton exercise – relieve tension, low / middle / (except refll), not suppress CNS, conscious, safety to mother
upper level (cardiac disease, respiratory disease) & fetus (prematurity),
d. Mobilizaton & positoning – lateral, pillows under waist fexible to top up for emergency operaton, indicate for
e. Birth Ball – aid muscle relax, speed up cervical dilataton, gravidity hypertension, PET or cardiac case
aid fetal head engagement and rotaton, reduce backache  Disadvantages: need to cooperate with anesthetst, may damage
f. Other - Massage and touch, Music therapy, TENS, Hydrotherapy, spinal nerve, slip out of catheter, short term backache, itchiness,
Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Heat and cold, Hypnosis shivering, vomitng, LL numbness, prolong second stage of labour,
 Advantages – natural methods that will not afect fetal well-being, retenton of urine, increase instrumental delivery, hypotension &
control by mother afect FHR, 1% have headache, mother with spinal problem, fever
 Disadvantages – not encourage pain killing efect or deranged clotting profle are not recommended
2. Pharmacological methods d. local analgesia – perineal infltraton
a. Inhalatonal analgesia –consttuents 50% nitrous oxide and 50%
oxygen. Breath in via lung into blood and transmit to CNS for
systematc pain relief. Can be apply at all stages of labour. 20s efectve
and maximal efect at 60s.
 Advantages: Easy to use, autonomy, conscious, oxygen provider,
safety to fetus, can use in all stages of labour
 Disadvantages: Tachypnoea, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, thirsty,
unstable analgesic efect, air polluton
b. Systemic analgesia – opioids (pethidine) through IMI
 Advantages: economic, quick & efectve at 20 min and
maximal efect at 60min, simple procedure, not afect uterine
n nnnn給藥n oxygen. Breath in via lung into blood and transmit to CNS for
Entonox 成份為 50%nitrous oxide(笑氣)+50%oxygen(氧氣)。給藥途徑為以 systematc pain relief. Can be apply at all stages of labour. 20s efectve
and maximal efect at 60s.
1. 作用:由肺吸入經血流至中樞神經系統使全身止痛,可使用各產  Advantages: Easy to use, autonomy, conscious, oxygen provider,
程。 safety to fetus, can use in all stages of labour
2. 生效迅速(約 20 秒) ,45 至 60 秒效能最高,停止吸入後效力迅速  Disadvantages: Tachypnoea, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, thirsty,
消失。由產婦手持面罩自行控制,使用時面罩與面頰緊合,在陣 unstable analgesic efect, air polluton
3. 優點:含氧量高,並少有抑制呼吸。不影響胎兒心跳率。
4. 缺點:長時間或重覆使用面罩,使孕婦口唇乾燥、疲倦;長時間
7.n分娩期 Pethidinen止痛。 Pethidine (50-100mg) intramuscularly
肌肉注射 Pethidine (50-100mg):快速生效並具有效止痛功能 15-20  Advantages: economic, quick & efectve at 20 min and maximal
分鐘開始作用,1 小時最高蜂,每 4 至 6 小時按醫囑給藥,常用於 efect at 60min, simple procedure, not afect uterine contracton,
第一、二產程以止痛,作用於脊髓後鞍部的疼痛接受體。使用時必 rare serious side-efect
須準備拮抗劑 Naloxone。  Disadvantages: dizzy, nausea, vomitng, reduce gastric emptying,
注射時間:產程成立,嬰兒出生前一小時內避免注射。 sleepy, confuse, reduce not kill pain, across placenta and suppress
以 Pethidine 止痛優點: fetus breathing afer birth, mother with impair clotting profle,
- 快速生效,具有效止痛功能 hypertension and drug abuse are not recommended
- 不影響子宮收縮
- 拮 抗 劑 可 挽 救 藥 物 對 新 生 兒 呼 吸 的 影 響 e.g. Naloxone
以 Pethidine 止痛缺點:
baseline variability
- 出生時抑制呼吸
- 神經反應受影響:敏感度低,吸吮動作較差,難盡早成功母乳
Inhalatonal analgesia –consttuents 50% nitrous oxide and 50%
8. 助產士在第一產程鎮痛方面的角式。nn(2006.10.A1)n15% nDiscoss n the n midwifen’nn role n in n pain n relief n in n irst n stage n of n laboor.n
分娩期疼痛的主要來源自子宮收縮,隨 產程進展疼痛的強度會增 (2006.10.A1)
到焦慮,而長時間待產亦會妨礙待產婦休息,使其過度疲累。助產士 Labour pain mainly came from strong rhythmic uterine contracton. The
在第一產程的鎮痛方面擔位很多角式。 labour pain increase during throughout the labour processes and ultmately
教導及輔導:在妊娠期助產士透過個人輔導及產前講座,向孕婦提 causes an undurable pain feeling. The labour pain causes anxiety and
供各種鎮痛方法的資料,包括使用方法、好處及影響,讓孕婦有充份 restlessness that causes maternal exhauston & distress. Midwife plan many
的時間考慮、咨詢及選擇合適的鎮痛方法。 role regarding pain relief in the frst stage of labour.
孕婦的需要,提供合適的護理及評估護理的成效。助產士陪伴待產婦 Educator: Conduct individual counseling & anetenal talk to introduce
給予安慰及支持,評估待產婦的疼痛程度,提倡及指導待產婦使用 diference kind of pain methods during labour, its advantages &
非藥物性的鎮痛方法。例如協助孕婦採側臥,以枕頭承托腰部,以促 disadvantages and the efect on labour. Let the pregnant woman choose
進其舒適。教導深呼吸、放鬆及健體球運動。鼓勵丈夫或親人陪伴分娩 the most appropriate pain relief methods and ask queston.
此外,助產士會向待產婦解釋各種藥物性鎮痛方法的作用、優點及缺 Supportor: Assess women need during labour. Support & counseling given.
點,給予其發問的時間,並解答她的疑問,給予相關建議,使其對 Assess pain level & advocate the use of diferent pain relief methods during
各種藥物性鎮痛方法有一定的概念,以便待產婦按其需要自行選擇。 1st stage of labour. E.g, change positon, deep breatng exercise, ft ball use.
待產婦選擇使用 Entonox 止痛氣吸入時,助產士會指導待產婦自行手 Encourage husband & family member accompany and provide physical help
持面罩,吸入時面罩與面頰緊合,在陣痛時開始吸入,直至子宮鬆 (such as back rubbing) to help to relif pain. Moreover, explain diferent kind
弛使可停止,如待產婦口唇乾燥或嘔吐,便會協助產婦作口腔料理。 of pain relief methods & its advantages & disadvantges & the efect on
當待產婦要求注射止痛劑 Pethidine,助產士給藥後會準備拮抗劑 labour to the women.
協助:當待產婦需要接受硬膜外麻醉術時,助產士會協助麻醉科醫 Assistant: Assist in the use of entonox, change positon, administer
生施行,並協助待產婦採側臥姿,醫生插入小膠管及注入局部麻醉 pethidine as prescribed. Or if the woman choose the procedure of epidural
藥後。助產士會協助固定小膠管,並密切測量及監察待產婦的血壓、 analgesia, assist anathesian to positon the women and perform the
脈搏、呼吸、胎心聲及產程進展。並監察有否頭痛、背痛、低血壓、小便 procedure. Observe for any site efect arise afer administer of epidural
困難等副作用。 anathesia.
並監察待產婦的血壓、脈搏、呼吸、胎心聲及產程進展。此外,助產士 Observer: Monitor woman conditon, pain relief efect, efcany afer
會進行科研來促進及改善分娩期鎮痛的使用及護理。 administer diferent kind of pain relief method. Observe for blood pressure,
pulse rate, respiraton rate, fetal heart rate & CTG patern, labour progress.

Resercher: Conduct research to investgaton the efcancy of diferent kind

of pain relief method during labour for future use.

Epidoralnanalgesia Side-efects:
 May damage spinal nerve
1.n硬膜外麻醉的併發症和副作用 (2001.10.B3) (5%)n  Misplaced / fallen out of catheter
1. 穿刺時誤損血管或硬腦膜或脊神經組織。  Short term backache, 1% have headache,
2. 注射時藥物誤入蜘蛛膜下腔。  Pruritus
3. 神經性阻滯使血壓過低、下肢運動受阻、膀胱失功能,小便困難。  Shivering
4. 藥物過量造成中毒或藥物不足致麻醉失敗。  Vomitng
5. 延長第二產程,及產婦用力不好,增加儀器助產之機會。  LL numbness & reduce mobility
6. 母體血壓低,血供給胎兒減少,使胎心跳率減慢。  Retenton of urine & increase catheterizaton
7. 頭痛、背痛  Reduce maternal sensaton & urge (absence Ferguson’s refex)
8. 噁心、嘔吐、搔癢、顫抖  Increase instrumental delivery
 Hypotension & afect FHR
B3.nComplicatonsnandnside-efectsnofnEpidoralnAnalgesia Midwives should have clear and good understanding on concept of pain.
Epidural analgesia (marcain, fentanyl, naropin) is one kind of regional Knowing the acton, efects, advantages and disadvantages of various pain
analgesia (spinal analgesia (fentanyl, pethidine), combined spinal epidural relief methods. Educate the women in antenatal class on birth process and
analgesia, paracervical block, pudendal block). A catheter is put into the relaxaton technique. Provide informed choice for them to select pain relief
epidural space an drugs are injected between L2&3 / L3&4 by anesthetst methods. Provide support during labor with informaton, encourage,
with “loss of resistance” technique to atain analgesic efect by selectve physical & hygiene care. Encourage family support. Aware professional
block the nerves from uterus with minimal interference with labour responsibilites & parameters of practce regarding alternatve pain relief
progress. Certain complicatons and side-efects need to consider when methods, practce within their defned scope of practce.
choosing EA.
1. Hypotension: local anaesthetcs block the sympathetc vasoconstrictor
fbres resulted vasodilataton, BP drop is followed, utero-placental
perfusion decrease and fetal bradycardia as a result.
2. Bloody Tap: puncture of an epidural vessel, LA injected may be
absorbed into the circulatory system cause local anaesthetc toxicity
(lip & tongue parasthesia, drowsiness, twitching and leading to
convulsion, cardiac and respiratory arrest).
3. Dural Tap: puncture of dura mater, leakage of cerebral spinal fuid
resulted (postural headache, nausea & vomitng, diplopia,
photophobia & tnnitus)
4. Total spinal block: when the catheter is intrathecal (entered the
subarachnoid space), cause unable to breath, numbness and
weakness of her arms and hands, BP drop and bradycardia, cardio-
respiratory arrest)
2.n推行分娩期硬膜外麻醉的策略 (2003.04.B1) (5%) nB1.nStrategiesntonpromotenepidoralnanalgesianinnlaboornnnn(2003.04.B1)n n(5%)n
a. 面見選擇硬膜外麻醉的產婦:評估其選擇硬膜外麻醉的原因、其
 Strategies start from frst antenatal booking. During antenatal period,
對硬膜外麻醉的了解程度,並澄清其誤解。 midwives can introduce diference method of pain relief especially the
b. 提供硬膜外麻醉的資訊:透過產前講座、派發小冊子 / 單張、播 advantages of EA. Questons can be raised during subsequent
放錄影帶來介紹硬膜外麻醉的成效、優點、缺點及施行的程序。 antenatal visits.
c. 安排硬膜外麻醉的施行:由產科醫生初步評估產婦是否適合,
 Antenatal talk / video to introduce functon, procedures, advantages
轉介麻醉科醫生作進一步評估及解釋。 and disadvantages of EA
d. 安排與曾施行硬膜外麻醉的產婦分享經驗。  Informaton booklets / educaton leafets can be ofered for discussion
with family. Midwives can stress the beneft of ‘painless’ analgesia.
 Sharing secton for the mother with EA experience to share their
 Posters regarding the advantages, indicatons and methods of EA
should be posted in OPD waitng area, AN ward and labor ward.
Pamphlets can be printed and given to every mother that come on frst
AN booking.
 At antenatal ward during early labor, midwives can advice mothers to
have EA especially with those indicated: PIH, multple pregnancy,
breech presentaton, long & exhaustng labor.
 Every laboring woman should have EA informaton and selecton right
 Obstetric department should liaise with anaesthetc department to
negotate a more comprehensive cover of EA service in labor ward. For
instant, extend the service from ofce hour to 24 hours coverage,
increase manpower in labor ward to aid close observaton need of EA
 Woman that selects EA in labour should be interviewed. Assess her
reason to select EA, her understanding of EA and clarify
 Arrange EA procedure. Obstetrician assess the woman preliminarily,
referral to anesthetsts assessment and explanaton.

低劑量的局部麻醉劑(如 marciane、Fentanyl)。
- 止痛效果佳,使產婦對分娩有正面的感受
- 較安全及可令產婦較寧靜
- 所用的藥物不會影響胎兒
- 有助降低血壓,能有效地控制妊娠高血壓的產婦的血壓過高情

- 有需要作剖腹手術時可立即施行
- 適合心臟病、不足月分娩、有呼吸道疾患的產婦
- 需要有麻醉科醫生當值才能施行
- 使產婦沒有分娩的實際經驗
- 增加儀器助產的風險
- 帶來頭痛、背痛、小便困難

4. n 分 娩 期 硬 膜 外 麻 醉 的 適 應 證 為 何 ? 這 如 何 影 響 儀 器 助 產 的 機 會 率 ? spinal nerve, slip out of catheter, short term backache, itchiness,
shivering, vomitng, LL numbness, prolong second stage of labour,
(1999.4.A1) (15%) retenton of urine, increase instrumental delivery, hypotension &
硬膜外麻醉是於第二至第三腰椎或第三至第四腰椎硬膜外腔穿刺,放置硬膜 afect FHR, 1% have headache, mother with spinal problem, fever or
外導管,連接止痛機或自我控制輸入儀給藥,加入不同配方、低劑量的局部 deranged clotting profle are not recommended
麻醉劑(如 marciane、Fentanyl)。 It is indicated in the following conditons:
分娩期硬膜外麻醉的適應証包括: 1. Maternal request – some women with lower pain tolerance, anxiety
a. 正常作產孕婦解痛,尤適用於: mother,and even normal laboring women can request, but various
b. 不足月產,可使孕婦放鬆,減少胎兒受壓,增加血氧供應; hospitals have diferent quota or tme restricton on EA service due to
c. 妊娠期高血壓,可降低血壓,減少產婦受困; manpower resources problem
d. 產程緩慢,沒有頭盆不相稱或阻產才可使用;
2. Malpositon – abnormal positon such as OP positon may have higher
e. 孕婦較緊張,對痛覺特別敏感者適用;
chance of prolongs labour both in frst and second stage
f. 胎死宮中,先確定沒有凝血問題才可施行。
3. Malpresentaton – abnormal presentaton such as breech may also
need more tme during labour to perform maneuvers
4. Multple pregnancy – twin pregnancy that allow vaginal delivery may
盆底肌的結實有助兒頭屈曲及回轉,但是硬膜外麻醉會減低骨盆底肌之彈性 also need more tme for manipulaton, ascertain second twin conditon
及兒頭前進,因此施行硬膜外麻醉會使兒頭不能全屈及兒頭前進被阻,使產 and positon
婦沒有宮縮及便急感覺,導致第二產程延長,增加儀器助產的機會。此外硬 5. Pregnancy induced hypertension – a potent pain relief method that
膜外麻醉會使 Fergussion Refex 被抑制 / 阻斷,使產程延長,亦會增加儀器助 reduce tension of the women, it reduces exaggerate of the HT
產的機會。 conditon; also a hypotensive side-efect is accomplish.
因此分娩期施行硬膜外麻醉會醉減低骨盆底肌之彈性、使兒頭不能全屈及阻 6. IUD – to exclude no thrombolic disorder, to reduce psychological
礙兒頭前進、減低產婦對宮縮帶來之便急感,使產程延長,增加儀器助產的 trauma
機會。 EA will afect the incident of instrumental delivery because:
A2.nWhatnarenthenindicatonsnfornepidoralnanalgesianinnlaboor?nHowndoesnit 1. The pelvic foor muscle is relaxed. The chance of malpositon of the
n nnnnnn
n n(15%)
n n fetus increase as the fexion of head poor due to relaxed pelvic foor
Epidural analgesia is a kind of regional anesthesia. It is a very good pain muscle, it may increase tme need for descend, prolong labour and
relief method during the frst and second stage of labour. The anesthetst end up for instrumental delivery.
will puncture at L2-3 & L3-4 into epidural spaces, place catheter in-situ to 2. The mother has no urge to bear down and poor maternal efort also
instll drugs, connect to external machine and control release by the prolongs the second stage that needs instrumental delivery to
women. The usual drugs are marcain & fentanyl. intervene.
 Advantages: quick & long-lastng response, very good analgesia 3. The Ferguson Refex will be inhibited. Uterine contracton stmulate
provide positve labour experience, no need for repeat injecton the refex to stretch the cervix for full dilataton, the cervix then
(except refll), not suppress CNS, conscious, safety to mother stmulate the endogenous oxytocin to release and maintain a good
(cardiac disease, respiratory disease) & fetus (prematurity), fexible uterine contracton, as a result a sense of urge to bear down. However,
to top up for emergency operaton, indicate for hypertension, PET EA inhibit the refex and result prolongs labour as no pushing efort
or cardiac case sense by the mother.
 Disadvantages: need to cooperate with anesthetst, may damage
1.n會陰切開術的價值nn(1998.10.B7) (5%)
開術是在宮頸擴張至 10cm 至最薄,並有宮縮時剪開會陰,被剪開的會
需要時才施行。Cochrane 的研究顯示限制性施行會陰切開術會減低會陰

2.n會陰切開術的併發症 (2000.4.B4)n(5%)
1. 增加第三或第四度撕裂傷的危險。
2. 增加傷口破裂及感染的危險。
3. 增加血液流失
4. 增加血腫之形成。
5. 疼痛和水腫影響產後排尿及排便。
6. 不理想的傷口癒合:增生瘜肉、傷口癒合不對稱、外陰口狹窄。
7. 長期問題:產後性感不快。

2.Complicatons of episiotomy. 4.2000 (B4)5%

Complicatons include:
1. Trauma to anal sphincter or rectal mucosa when third degree tear
2. Wound breakdown when infecton occur or because of poor repair
3. Increased blood loss during cutting of episiotomy
4. Hematoma formaton when bleeder not properly ligated
5. Perineal wound pain, which will cause difculty in micturiton and
6. Wound infecton when not properly cared
7. Dyspareunia

3.n試論會陰切開術在現今科學的角色。 (2000.10.A2)nnnn(15%)
初產婦在自然分娩中常規程序。會陰切開術是在宮頸擴張至 10cm 至最
65%產婦施行此手術,初產婦中更多於 90%施行。直至現在,這項手術
列為常規手術。Cochrane 的研究顯示限制性施行會陰切開術將會減低會

4.n第三度會陰撕裂 (2001.4.B11)nn(5%) B11.nThirdndegreentear
會陰撕裂傷的分類是根據組織受傷的程度而定。第三度會陰撕裂是指會 A severe type of perineum trauma, involves external anal sphincter and the
陰裂傷自皮膚和陰道的黏膜層、肌肉層擴及至肛門括約肌。 posterior vaginal wall. It needs to be repaired by obstetrician.
預防會陰撕裂傷的方法:產前均衡營養、作會陰肌肉運動,在第二產程 If untreated pelvic foor trauma, long-term efects include stress
時產婦與接產者合作。 incontnence of urine / faeces, dyspareunia due to multple or poor scar
發生第三度會陰撕裂需通知醫生、安慰產婦;預備產婦進入手術室縫補 formaton, cystocele (prolapsed of posterior wall of urinary bladder into
傷口:禁飲食、建立靜脈輸入給予輸入液,由醫生在麻醉下替產婦縫補 anterior vaginal wall), urethrocele (prolapsed of urethra, usually into
傷口。給予靜脈注射抗生素。 anterior vaginal wall), rectocele (herniaton of anterior rectal wall into
術後監察出血量、生命表徵、傷口有否紅腫、疼痛程度、需要時按醫囑給 posterior vaginal wall due to injury to levator ani muscles), uterine
予止痛葯。保持傷口清潔乾爽,定時/ 大小便後沖洗會陰傷口、更換衛 prolapsed (descent of uterus into vagina may be visible at vaginal orifce).
生巾,指導產婦清潔及護理會陰傷口。 Preventon of pelvic foor trauma starts from antenatal period. Maintain
good nutriton and health, pelvic exercise to improve muscle tone, health
educaton to prepare physically, psychologically on labour process,
breathing technique in labour & delivery and methods of pain relief. During
labour, adequate pain relief to prevent maternal unnecessary pushing,
avoid early pushing before fully of cervix to prevent edema of cervix and
overstretching of pelvic foor muscle and pelvic ligaments. In second stage,
use alternatve birthing positons to decrease pressure on perineum,
encourage the mother to bear down spontaneously, use selectve rather
than routne episiotomy, skilful delivery over fetal head and shoulder
(maintan fexion of head, pant when crowning, wait for anterior shoulder to
rotate and come to lie under the pubic arch) to reduce perineal trauma.

5.n會陰切開術 n(2002.4.B.5)nn(5%)
頸擴張至 10cm 至最薄,並有宮縮時剪開會陰,被剪開的會陰肌肉有球
1. 適應症:
e. 需加快產程的產婦:如胎兒受困、肩難產、高血壓
f. 避免骨盆底受傷:巨嬰、前有第三/四度撕裂傷產

g. 需儀器助產:真空吸引、產鉗
h. 避免胎兒腦部受損:早產兒
i. 避免骨盆底肌過度擴張:減少日後張力性失禁
2. 好處:
a. 對母親:
- 助降低母體分娩時骨盆底的壓力,減少骨盆底肌鬆弛的現象,
- 切口較齊,便於縫合,加速傷口癒合
- 減低因外陰口太窄而造成嚴重的撕裂傷
b. 對胎兒:
- 亦可縮短第二產程,加快經陰道自然分娩,避免危及胎兒
- 降低母體分娩時骨盆底的壓力,可預防胎兒腦部受傷,對早產
3. 缺點:
a. 增加第三或第四度撕裂傷、傷口破裂及感染的危險
b. 增加血液流失及血腫之形成
c. 疼痛和水腫影響產後排尿及排便
d. 不理想的傷口癒合,e.g.增生瘜肉、傷口癒合不對稱、外陰口狹窄
e. 長期問題,e.g.產後性感不快

6. n 採 用 常 規 或 有 限 制 使 用 會 陰 切 開 術 , 那 一 個 是 較 佳 的 選 擇 ?
在香港亦有會陰切開術的研究,林家慧等在 2005 年的研究結果顯示接

7.n常規會陰切開術與限制式的比較 1 Routne episiotomy
a. Perform to all laboring women in second stage
常規會陰切開術 限制式會陰切開術
b. Increase chance of third and fourth degree tear
需要施行手術的情況 不論任何母嬰情況, 當胎兒情況不理想。
c. Increase wound laceraton, risk of infecton and suturing rate
d. Increase bleeding, formaton of hematoma and poor wound
產生的損傷 增加第三/第四度撕裂 減少會陰後損傷、增加
傷的危險 會陰前損傷
2 Restrictve episiotomy
傷口破裂/感染的危險、 增加 減少
a. Perform when fetal compromise to speed up delivery
b. Reduce perineum trauma but increase risk of anterior perineum
血液流失/血腫之形成、 增加 減少
c. Reduce healing complicaton and short term perineum pain
嚴重陰道撕裂、疼痛、水 與限制式沒分別 與常規沒分別
d. Reduce bleeding
3 No diference in long term perineum pain, dyspareunia, urine
incontnence and fetal outcome



CTG nB3.nVariablendeceleratonsninnfetalnheartntracingndoringnlaboornnnn(1999.10.B3)
n n
1.n分娩期胎心率圖顯示有不定期減速 (1999.10.B3)n(5%) Variable deceleraton in fetal heart rate has no relatonship with uterine
不定期減速指胎心率減速的發生與宮縮沒有固定關係。不定期減速時胎 contracton. It is variable in shape, size and sometmes in tming with
心率曲綫的下降和回升均較迅速而形狀不一,但多於下降前後有加速 respect to each other. The fetal heart rate drop and return normal slowly,
現象(呈 m 型) ,常見於第二產程。主要由於臍帶血流受阻。 usually have litle acceleraton just before and afer deceleraton (appear
在第一產程發生: like a ‘M’ shape patern) at second stage of labour. It is associated with
- 檢查監察儀放置的位置是否正確,協助產婦靠左側臥式 hypoxia due to umbilical cord compression.
- 立刻停止/減少合成催產素之注入 In frst stage of labour –
- 通知醫生  Adjust toco-transducer and USG transducer, turn women to lef lateral
- 如產婦有低氧現象給予面罩吸氧 positon
- 通知家人及向其解釋  Stop or reduce syntocinon infusion
- 準備靜脈輸入、配血、全血圖檢查、陰道檢查、內監察胎心跳儀  Inform obstetrician
及胎血取氧  Administer oxygen if signs of hypoxia
- 繼續監察胎兒及產婦情況  Inform women and relatves
- 醫生到達時再次評估胎兒及產婦情況  Contnuous monitor fetal and maternal conditons and labour progress
- 按醫囑施行靜脈輸入、配血,施行陰道檢查以排除臍帶脫垂的  Prepare for emergency measures – fastng, IVF, blood for CBP and
可能,評估產程狀況 cross match
- 需要時放置內監察胎心跳儀或作胎血取氧測胎兒含氧情況,如  Reassess by doctor, PV to exclude cord prolapsed
化驗結果 pH 值於 7.20 至 7.25,須於 30 分鐘後重覆測試;如  Internal fetal heart rate monitoring (fetal scalp electrode), fetal blood
pH 值低於 7.20,須安排緊急產剖腹產手術 sampling
- 需要時安排緊急產剖腹產手術。  If pH <7.2 or any emergency conditons, emergency caesarean secton
在第二產程發生: should be arranged.
- 通知醫生 In second stage of labour –
- 盡快協助娩出胎兒:確保足夠或加大會陰切開,鼓勵產婦盡力  Inform obstetrician
生產,準備輔助儀器助產  Speed up delivery, evaluate episiotomy and enlarge as need
- 通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救  Prepare instrumental delivery equipment, encourage pushing
- 預備新生嬰兒急救物品  Inform pediatrician standby at delivery
- 如儀器助產失敗,立即行剖腹產  Prepare resuscitaton equipment and resuscitaire
嬰兒娩出後:  Emergency caesarean secton if fail instrumental delivery
- 替新生兒抽吸其口鼻內之羊水 Post-delivery
- 觀察新生兒的呼吸、心跳、肌肉彈力、導管插鼻的反應及膚色  Oral pharyngeal sucton for the newborn to clear liquor and blood
- 給予 free fow O2,需要時替新生兒急救  Observe and assess RR, AR, color, muscle tone and refex response
 Administer free fow oxygen, start resuscitaton is non-vigorous
底線速率:介乎 110-160bpm
在 20 分鐘內,胎心跳率加速 2 次或以上
在 20 分鐘內,有 2 次或以上胎動,每次胎動時加速至少 15bpm,持續
至少 15 秒
底綫波動:介乎 5-25bpm

 Baseline heart rate: 110-160bpm
 Acceleraton: 2 tmes on 20 minutes
 Fetal Movement: 2 tmes on 20 minutes
 Variability: 5-25 bpm
 No deceleraton

3.n反應良好的胎兒心跳及宮縮監察圖應具備的條件nn(2000.4.B11) (5%)
1. Baseline heart rate: 10-160bpm
2. Variability: 5-25 bpm
3. Fetal movement: 2 tmes on 20 minutes, FHR 15pbm , last 15
4. No deceleraton
5. Uterine contracton: 3-4 in 10 minutes

4.n分娩 期出現異 常連續性胎心 聲及宮縮監察的處理 。(1997.4.B12) B5. n Management n of n a n laboring n woman n foond n to n have n an n abnormal
(2001.10.B5)n(5%) In frst stage of labour –
分娩期出現異常連續性胎心聲及宮縮監察的處理方法:  Adjust toco-transducer and USG transducer, turn women to lef lateral
在第一產程發生: positon
- 檢查監察儀放置的位置是否正確,協助產婦靠左側臥式;  Stop or reduce syntocinon infusion
- 立刻停止/減少合成催產素之注入;  Inform obstetrician
- 通知醫生;  Administer oxygen if signs of hypoxia
- 如產婦有低氧現象給予面罩吸氧;  Inform women and relatves
- 通知家人及向其解釋;  Contnuous monitor fetal and maternal conditons and labour progress
- 準備靜脈輸入、配血、全血圖檢查、陰道檢查、內監察胎心跳儀  Prepare for emergency measures – fastng, IVF, blood for CBP and
及胎血取氧; cross match
- 繼續監察胎兒及產婦情況。  Reassess by doctor, PV to exclude cord prolapsed
- 醫生到達時再次評估胎兒及產婦情況;  Internal fetal heart rate monitoring (fetal scalp electrode), fetal blood
- 按醫囑施行靜脈輸入、配血,施行陰道檢查以排除臍帶脫垂的 sampling
可能,評估產程狀況;  If pH <7.2 or any emergency conditons, emergency caesarean secton
- 需要時放置內監察胎心跳儀或作胎血取氧測胎兒含氧情況,如 should be arranged.
化驗結果 pH 值於 7.20 至 7.25,須於 30 分鐘後重覆測試;如 In second stage of labour –
pH 值低於 7.20,須安排緊急產剖腹產手術。  Inform obstetrician
- 需要時安排緊急產剖腹產手術。  Speed up delivery, evaluate episiotomy and enlarge as need
在第二產程發生:  Prepare instrumental delivery equipment, encourage pushing
- 通知醫生。  Inform pediatrician standby at delivery
- 盡快協助娩出胎兒:確保足夠或加大會陰切開,鼓勵產婦盡力  Prepare resuscitaton equipment and resuscitaire
生產,準備輔助儀器助產。  Emergency caesarean secton if fail instrumental delivery
- 通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救。 Post-delivery
- 預備新生嬰兒急救物品。  Oral pharyngeal sucton for the newborn to clear liquor and blood
- 如儀器助產失敗,立即行剖腹產。  Observe and assess RR, AR, color, muscle tone and refex response
嬰兒娩出後:  Administer free fow oxygen, start resuscitaton is non-vigorous
- 替新生兒抽吸其口鼻內之羊水。 newborn
- 觀察新生兒的呼吸、心跳、肌肉彈力、導管插鼻的反應及膚色。
- 給予 free fow O2,需要時替新生兒急救。

5.n入院測試 nn(2000.10.B4)n(5%)nnn nB3.nAdmissionntestnnnn(2000.10.B4)n(5%)nnn
入院測試是短暫的連續性胎心率監測,孕婦有作產現象入院後立刻施 Admission test is an intrapartum CTG. It is a short, usually 15-30minutes
行,約監測 15-30 分鐘,以及早發現胎兒情況異常。於孕婦腹壁上放置 contnuous fetal heart monitoring made immediately on admission for
探測器,利用超聲波和多普勒測定胎心率的變化,並描記在記錄紙上。 labour case. It gives a beter impression for fetal conditon than
若測試有疑或測試後有異常,應延長連續監察的時間。此方法可觀察 intermitent FHR auscultaton. It aims to pick up the apparently low-risk
及記錄胎心率的動態變化,以了解胎心率與宮縮之關係,評估胎兒的 women whose fetuses are compromised on admission, and suspicious or
情況及安危。較間歇性聽診法好,可提供較多資料以協助診斷準確。適 abnormal test should indicate CFHM. It provides base line for triage to
合低風險的孕婦。 determine whether the women are in actve labour and monitor in either
呈反應型的連續性胎心率監測:胎心跳底綫為 110-160bpm 之間,底綫 antenatal ward or labour ward.
波動為 5-25bpm 之間,胎兒對外界刺激有反應:20 分鐘內有 2 次或以 When tracing is reassuring, intermitent auscultaton can be proceeding.
上胎動,20 分鐘內有 2 次或以上加速,無減速。 When tracing is nonreassuring, further actons are indicated to be carry out

正常的胎心聲及宮縮監察的胎心跳底綫為 110-150bpm;底綫波動為 5-
25bpm;胎兒對外界刺激有反應:20 分鐘內有 2 次或以上胎動,20 分
鐘內有 2 次或以上加速;無減速現象;無宮縮過烈,10 分鐘內約有 3-4

是現時常用的方法。記錄速度以 1cm/min 及 3cm/min,需記錄日期、時
直接連續性胎心率記錄。必須待宮頸擴張 1cm 或以上才足夠放入內電板
加速、減速 、胎 動及宮縮 情況。如有胎心率異常,包括心 跳過速
(早期減速、晚期減速、不定期減速) 或正弦型圖案,則表示胎兒受困。

8.n試論分娩期常規使用連續性電子胎心聲監察及其在產科護理上的影 使用連續性電子胎心聲監察雖然減省了人手,助產士仍會與產婦保持接
1.n第三產程的積極處理nn(1999.4.B8)n(5%) nB8.nActvenmanagementnofnthenthirdnstagenofnlaboornnnn(1999.4.B8)n(5%)n
第三產程由嬰兒出生後至胎盆娩出為止,所需時間約為三十鐘。第三產 Third stage of labour start when birth of newborn untl the delivery of
程採用積極處理法,可預防產後出血。 placenta, tme limited is 30 minutes. Actve management of third stage of
1. 給 予 預 防 性 子 宮 收 縮 藥 物 : 子 宮 收 縮 藥 物 syntocinon 或 labour can prevent PPH.
sytometrine,亦胎兒前肩娩出後,替產婦注射。 1. Administer oxytocic drugs such as syntocinon (bolus IVI 5-10 units) and
2. 盡快將臍帶鉗住及剪斷:嬰兒出生後,先將臍帶以兩鉗鉗住,然 syntometrine (IMI 1ml). Injecton afer the delivery of anterior shoulder
or the entre baby and ensure no undiagnosed second twin in uterus.
No syntometrine in case with cardiac or respiratory diseases.
3. 用臍帶牽引發娩出胎盆:
2. Early clamp and cut cord.
a. 左手置於恥骨聯合之上,以姆指及其他四指緊握子宮下段,
3. Controlled cord tracton to deliver the placenta when signs of placenta
separaton are noted
b. 同時右手握著臍帶及血管鉗向下牽拉,初時輕輕牽引,然後
٠ Lef hand over symphysis pubis, guard the lower region of the
uterus and push the uterus upward
c. 如臍帶太緊,胎盆未能即時娩出,可每隔數分鐘重覆牽引一次
٠ Right hand hold the cord with the artery forceps and downward
tracton applied, start from litle tracton and add force constantly,
4. 按摩子宮以確定其收縮良好。
slowly circular moton and pull it out
٠ If unable to perform, wait for few minutes and try once again. Do
2.nnn第三產程延長的處理nnnnnnn(1998.10.B9) (5%) not forcibly pull it out to prevent snapped cord or uterine inversion
4. Uterine massage to rub up contracton

胎兒娩出後超過半小時,胎盆仍未娩出,則稱為第三產程延長,第三 Managementnofnretainednplacenta
Retained placenta is the placenta could not delivered afer 30 of delivery of
產程延長之處理如下: the baby, this is seen prolonged third stage of labour. Management as
1. 通知醫生 followed:
2. 助產士施行: 1. Informed obstetrician and anesthetst
Midwifer performed:
- 解釋及安慰母親 2. Reassurance & explanaton the conditon to the mother
- 評估產婦情況:膀胱,生命表徵(血壓、脈搏、體溫及呼吸),宮 3. Assess maternal conditon, bladder, vital signs (BP/P/T/RR) & uterine
4. Empty bladder
- 預備施行人工手術取胎盆(MROP):通知家人、麻醉科醫生,禁 5. Try to delivery control cord tracton (CCT) again
食,準備靜脈輸入、配血及助子宮收縮藥物。 When obstetrician arrived:
6. Asseses for uterine contracton, placenta separaton, delivery with CCT
- 觀察胎盆分離徵象:如有,可嘗試臍帶牽引法以娩出胎盆。
7. If failed to delivery the placenta, prepare MROP ; NPO, IVF, X-match…
3. 醫生到診: 8. Entonox
- 評估情況:宮縮,胎盆,±臍帶牽引法。 9. Close monitoring bleeding and hemodynamics
10. Prepare for operaton – anesthetst, consent, antbiotcs..
- 如 仍 未 能 娩 出 胎 盆 , 由 醫 生 施 行 MROP (Manual removal of 11. Administered syntocin& antbiotcs as ordered afer MROP
placenta):向產婦解釋,並請其簽署手術同意書。麻醉科醫生 12. Observe uterine consistency, bleed, PPH
13. Exploratory laparotomy if placenta accreta diagnosed. May need
uterine artery ligaton and leave in situ or hysterectomy
- MROP 過程:全身或半身麻醉下進行。以絕對無菌技術施行。取
4. 胎盆娩出後,按醫囑給予 Syntocinon 靜脈輸入促進宮縮,及
5. 如診斷為植入性胎盆,持續大產出血則需施行全宮切除術
hysterectomy。或以保守 性治療方式結紮子宮動脈,讓胎盆留

4.n胎盆滯留的原因及處理。n(1998.4.B14)n(5%) Causes of retained placenta:n(1998.4.B14)n(5%)
a. 胎盆滯留的原因: - Full bladder
胎盆已剝離但仍滯留:膀胱脹滿、子宮上段狹窄環、臍帶折斷、產 - Snapped cord,
程延長 / 急產 - Prolonged labour/ Precipitatng labour
胎盆不能剝離:子宮收縮無力、子宮肌瘤、歷產婦、子宮瘢痕、曾 - Uterine atony
有宮內感染、植入性胎盆 - Uterine fbroid/scar
b. 胎盆滯留的處理: - Multparous
3. 通知醫生 - Intrauterine infecton
- Placenta increta
4. 助產士施行:
- 評估產婦情況:生殖道出血情況,有否休克徵象,測量生命 Managementnofnretainednplacenta
表徵(血壓、脈搏、體溫及呼吸),評估膀胱、宮縮情況。如膀胱 - Retained placenta is the placenta could not delivered afer 30 of
delivery of the baby, this is seen prolonged third stage of labour.
Management as followed:
- 預備施行人工手術取胎盆(MROP):通知家人、麻醉科醫生,禁 - Informed obstetrician and anesthetst
食,準備靜脈輸入、配血及助子宮收縮藥物。 - Midwifer performed:
- Reassurance & explanaton the conditon to the mother
- 觀察胎盆分離徵象:如有,可嘗試臍帶牽引法以娩出胎盆。
- Assess maternal conditon, bladder, vital signs (BP/P/T/RR) &
3. 醫生到診: uterine contracton.
- 評估情況:宮縮,胎盆,±臍帶牽引法。 - Empty bladder
- Try to delivery control cord tracton (CCT) again
- 如 仍 未 能 娩 出 胎 盆 , 由 醫 生 施 行 MROP (Manual removal of - When obstetrician arrived:
placenta):向產婦解釋,並請其簽署手術同意書。麻醉科醫生 - Asseses for uterine contracton, placenta separaton, delivery with
會診。建立靜脈輸入及送出配血。 CCT
- If failed to delivery the placenta, prepare MROP ; NPO, IVF, X-
- MROP 過程:全身或半身麻醉下進行。以絕對無菌技術施行。取 match…
出胎盆後,檢查胎盆完整。注射助子宮收縮藥物。 - Entonox
- Close monitoring bleeding and hemodynamics
4. 胎盆娩出後,按醫囑給予 Syntocinon 靜脈輸入促進宮縮,及靜
- Prepare for operaton – anesthetst, consent, antbiotcs..
脈注射預防性抗生素。觀察宮縮留意有否產後出血。 - Administered syntocin& antbiotcs as ordered afer MROP
5. 如診斷為植入性胎盆,持續大產出血則需施行全宮切除術 - Observe uterine consistency, bleed, PPH
- Exploratory laparotomy if placenta accreta diagnosed. May need
hysterectomy。或以保守 性治療方式結紮子宮動脈,讓胎盆留
uterine artery ligaton and leave in situ or hysterectomy

5.n簡述胎盆。n(1997.1.B13)n(5%) 簡述胎盆。n(1997.1.B13)n(5%)
胎盆是胎兒與母體間進行物質交換的重要器官,也是胚胎與母體組 Placenta is the important organ which provide channels for maternal-fetal
織的結合體。它支援着胎兒在子宮內成長及發育。胎盆是在卵子受 substance exchanges/transfer, which also the site of connecton between
精約三星期後開始發育,至十二星期才能提供全面功能。 mother & fetus. The placenta support the growth of the fetus in-utero life.
足月的胎盆為一扁形直徑約 20 厘米,中央厚度約 2.5 厘米,重量約 The placenta begins to develop at 3 weeks afer fertlizaton and complete
為胎兒體重的 1/6。胎盆有胎兒面及母體面。胎兒面是光滑亮藍色, functon at 12 weeks.
面呈暗紅色,狀似海棉,內有 18 – 20 子葉,每子葉由無數的絨毛 At term the placenta is circular in shape measuring 20cm in diameter, and
簇造成,內有大量胎兒血管。其中有些子葉可能被一層薄而呈灰色 2.5cm in thickness. It weights about 1/6 of fetus weight (400g). There are
的蛻膜遮蓋着。 two surfaces, the fetal and maternal. The fetal surface is smooth and shiny
胎盆的功能: and is covered by the amnion which may be peeled of. Numerous fetal
a. 供給胎兒氧氣及養料 vessels are seen on this surface. The maternal surface is dark red and
b. 使胎兒排出二氧化碳及廢物 spongy. It consists of 18-20 cotyledons which are composed of masses of
c. 分泌荷爾蒙,包括大量絨毛膜促性腺激素、雌激素及 chorionic villi carrying numberous fetal vessel. A careful examinaton may
黃體素,亦分泌催乳激素。 reveal a thn grayish layer of decidua covering some of the cotyledons.
d. 傳送免疫球蛋白 IgG 給胎兒
Functon of the placenta:
 Respiraton : Provide oxygen
 Nutriton: provide nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals
and vitamins) to the fetus
 Excreton: Discharge carbon dioxide, fetal metabolic waste, urea, uric
acid & products of broken down RBC to mother maternal blood
 Endocrine role: Produce hCG to maintain the corpus luteum in early
weeks, oestrogen & progesterone from 3 rd weeks onwards, hPL rises as
hCG falls untl 36 weeks
 Protecton: Provide antbodies such as IgG to fetus, limited barrier to
most bacteria
 Immunological: the trophoblast has unique immunological propertes
that render it immunologically inerta s a maternal antgenic response
does not occur

第三產程是指胎兒娩出後至胎盆娩出為止,所需時間約為三十鐘。此 Managementnofnthirdnstagenofnlaboor
段時間處理不當會使產婦有危險,因此需採用積極方法處理第三產 Third stage of labour is start afer the delivery of the baby to the
程,以預防產後出血。助產士在第三產程的觀察及處理如下: delivery of the placenta. It normally last less than 30 minutes. Actve
a. 給予子宮收縮藥物:子宮收縮藥物 syntocinon 或 sytometrine, management of the third stage of labour could prevent the risk of post-
在胎兒前肩娩出後,替產婦注射。 partum hemorrhage. Midwife’s management 3rd stage of labour as
b. 盡快將臍帶鉗住及斷臍 followed:
c. 觀察胎盆剝離的徵象:
- 宮底硬實,在臍部稍下處可觸到。 a. Administer syntocinon or sytometrine afer delivery of the
- 子宮體收縮硬實、呈球形,子宮底升高至臍上,因胎盆剝離 shoulder to promote uterine contracton
降至子宮下段,下段擴張而子宮體被推向上,呈狹長形。 b. Early clamp & cut cord
- 剝離之胎盆降至子宮下段,外陰可見伸長之臍帶。 c. Observer for signs of placenta separaton
- 鮮血自陰道流出。 d. Delivery the placenta with control cord tracton methods
- 用手掌在產婦恥骨聯合上方輕壓子宮下段時,外露臍帶不再 when signs of placenta separaton occurs
回縮。 e. Massage uterus to promote good uterine contracton
- 胎盆可能在外陰處出現。 f. Assess & record blood loss
d. 有胎盆剝離的徵象時,以臍帶牽引法協助胎盆娩出胎盆。 g. Assess & check genital tract for tear, wound, repaired as
e. 按摩子宮以確定其收縮良好。 needed.
f. 評估及記錄總失血量。 h. Provide comfort & warm
g. 檢查陰道、子宮頸有無撕裂傷,如有則縫補。 i. Monitor vital signs: BP/P/ shock syndrome
h. 料理產婦舒適,保溫。 j. Monitor uterine contracton, vaginal blood discharge
i. 監測生命表徵:血壓、脈搏、面色。監察有無休克徵象。 k. Check for completeness of placenta & membranes
j. 監察子宮收縮情況、陰道出血量。 l. Record delivery and fetal conditon.
k. 檢查胎盆、胎膜和臍帶。
l. 記錄生產及胎兒情況。

Discuss the complicatons and management of PROM in a primigravida at 30
Leakingn weeks of gestaton. (PPROM) (1997.1.A2)
1.n試論你對一名 22n歲婦人在妊娠 28n週羊水滲出的處理 (2000.4.A2)(1997.1.A2)
羊膜於妊娠 37 週前自然穿破是足月前羊膜早破現象。羊膜早破是指羊膜在分娩  Maternaln–nchorioamnionits,npretermnlaboor,nplacentalnabropton,n
開始前穿破。足月前羊膜早期穿破容易引致臍帶脫垂、羊膜炎、胎兒宮內感染及 increasenoperatvendelivery,npsychologicalnproblemsnrelatedntonpoorn
早產。這名孕婦在妊娠 28 週便出現羊水滲出,故須提供適切的處理,有關處理 fetalnootcome,npostpartomnendometrits
如下:  Fetaln–nneonatalninfecton,nOligohydramnios,ncordnprolapse,n
a. 立即入院,安慰。通知醫生。
b. 問歷史:健康史、產歷、症狀、申訴、穿水情況及時間。 malpresentaton,nnprematoritynproblems,npolmonarynhypoplasian
c. 檢查:體溫、脈搏、血壓、胎心聲及宮縮監察。 Management:
d. 陰道檢查:醫生以雙葉窺器施行陰道檢查作確立性診斷,如咳嗽時有液體  Hospitalizaton,nreassorance,nInformnobstetrician
從陰道流出,或以 Nitrazine paper/Amnicator 測試呈陽性,即可確診為羊膜  Conirmndiagnosisn-nSpecolomnexamn(avoidnPV)npoolingnofnliqoor,nbear
downntonnotenforn foidnleaking,namniostckntest.nConirmnpresentaton,
e. 檢查是否有宮內感染徵象,監察體溫、脈搏,抽血化驗 WBC 及 DC,取中流 cervicalnstatos,nmembrane,nHVSn&nCxnatnthensamentme
尿作細菌培養。腹部檢查,是否有子宮局部硬實情況,檢查胎兒大小、臥式。  AssessnHistoryn–nfetalnage,ntmenofnSRM,nliqoorncharacteristcs,nriskn
注意分泌物之顏色及氣味。有無胎心跳率過速。 factorsn(incompetentnos,nmalpresentaton,ninfecton,npreterm,npostn
f. 決定分娩或繼續妊娠: amniocentesis),ninfectonnsignsnandnsymptomsn(fever,ntachycardia,n
- 若胎兒<2kg 而無宮內感染情況,則可用保守性療法。期間羊膜若穿破超過
24 小時,則給予預防性抗生素,減少絨毛膜炎、產褥熱及胎兒感染。 oterinentenderness,nofensivenvaginalndischarge,nincreasenWCC,nfetaln
- 若已出現宮內感染即立刻引產/選擇性剖腹產(如胎兒不康寧) 。作產期間 tachycardia)
監察產程進展,需兒科醫生在場準備替早產兒急救。通知 NICU 預留床位。  Maternaln–nVSn(fever,ntachycardia),nabdomennexam,noterinen
g. 保守性療法期間之觀察 contracton,nPVnloss&nliqoorndrain,nWBCncoont,nvaginalnswab,npadn
- 母親方面:嚴密觀察體溫,脈搏,有否早產跡象。嚴密檢驗 WBC/DC。腹 record
分泌及宮內口拭子作細菌性培養。  Fetalnwell-being–nCTG,nMSL,nkickncoont,nserialnUSG
- 胎兒方面:每日數算胎動,定時施行非壓迫性試驗。定時作超音波檢查,  USGn–nconirmnoligohydramnios,nfetalnwell-being,nsizenandnmatority
觀察胎兒生長及羊水量。  24-33n6/7nweeksn–nexpectantnmanagementnifnnoninfectonnsignsnorn
- 如羊水停止滲出,沒有感染徵狀,胎兒康寧,孕婦可出院。並指導她避免 fetalndistress,navoidnonnecessarynPV,nsteroid,nprophylactcnantbiotcsn
觸痛或收縮、羊水流出或陰道分泌物混濁、有異味者須立即入院。 (tonredocenchorioamnionits,npostpartomnfever,nneonatalninfecton,n
h. 治療:給予肌肉注射類固醇以促進胎兒肺部成熟。若有任何感染徵狀,給 prolongnpregnancynovern7ndays),ntocolytcnifnindicated,nmaternalnandn
予抗生素,及隨時作剖腹產或引產。羊膜穿破超過 24 小時,給予預防性抗 fetalnmonitoring,nhygienencare
生素,減少絨毛膜羊膜炎、產褥熱及胎兒感染。  Psynpreparenfornpretermndelivery,nexplainnmanagement
i. 給予心理支持,向孕婦解釋治療方針,可能面對引產、剖腹產及早產新生
 Amnioinfosionnprn
j. 作產期間的處理:  IfnnonCx,nwaitnontln37nweeksnifncontnooosnleakingninnhospitalnwithn
- 監察有無胎兒受困、產婦受困、產程進展、羊水顏色 closenmonitoring.nDischargenifnresealingnofnmembranesn&nnon
- 預備新生嬰兒急救物品,通知兒科醫生到場施救 infectoosnsigns,navoidnintercoorse.
- 抽吸嬰兒口、鼻之羊水,需要時施氧、給予刺激,轉送至 NICU 繼續觀察。  If Cx arise / fetal compromise, IOL / cs, NNU and paediatrician
現穿水情況,必須入院檢查及治療,以保障孕婦及胎兒的安全。 informed

3. n 試 論 你 對 一 名 孕 婦 在 妊 娠 40 n週 申 訴 羊 膜 滲 出 早 破 的 處 理 。 B13.nManagementnofnanpregnantnwomannwhoncomplainsnofnleakagenof
(1999.10.B13)n(5%) amniotcn foidnatn40nweeksnofngestaton
a. 給予安慰。通知醫生。 a. Reassure, inform obstetrician
b. 問歷史:最後一次月經日期,以診斷妊娠週數是否正確。健康史、 b. History taking – LMP, obstetrical, medical history; tme and conditon
產歷、症狀、申訴、穿水情況及時間。 of leaking; other complains (show)
c. 檢查:體溫、脈搏、血壓、胎心聲及宮縮監察。胎動情況。 c. Physical exam – Bp, P, T, FH, FM, uterine contracton (note signs of
d. 陰道檢查:醫生以雙葉窺器施行陰道檢查作確立性診斷,如咳嗽 infecton)
時有液體從陰道流出,或以 Nitrazine paper/Amnicator 測試呈陽性, d. Abdominal exam – size, lie & positon, uterine contracton
即可確診為羊膜早期穿破。同時觀察宮頸、羊膜情況,檢查先露部、 e. Vaginal exam – speculum to confrm diagnose. Ask the women to
有否臍帶脫垂。取宮內口拭子作細菌性培養。 cough and observe liquor drain out, or use nitrazine
e. 檢查是否有宮內感染徵象,監察體溫、脈搏,抽血化驗 WBC 及 paper/amnicator. Observe cervical status, membrane, presentng
DC,取中流尿作細菌培養。腹部檢查,是否有子宮局部硬實情況, part, exclude cord prolapsed. Take HVS as well and aware color and
檢查胎兒大小、臥式。注意分泌物之顏色及氣味。有無胎心跳率過速。 odor of discharge.
f.超聲波掃描測量羊水量。 f. IX - Blood for CBP & DC, MSU, USG to check AFI
g. 決定分娩或繼續妊娠: g. Decide tme and mode of delivery
- 若無宮內感染情況,則可用保守性療法。期間若羊膜穿破超過 24  If no signs of labour or infecton, conservatve management
untl term. Monitor maternal T, P, signs of labour onset, liquor
amount, color and odor. Monitor fetal movement, NST
- 若已出現宮內感染即立刻引產/選擇性剖腹產(如胎兒不康寧) 。作
 Administer antbiotcs if leaking over 24 hours to reduce risk of
chorioamniots, neonatal infecton, pueperium fever, IOL if
NICU 預留床位。
complicatons arise or at term.
h. 保守性療法期間之觀察
 If signs of infecton noted, IOL or emergency caesarean secton.
- 母親方面:嚴密觀察體溫,脈搏,有否分娩跡象。會陰墊觀察羊
 During labour, monitor fetal and maternal conditon and labour
progress. Prepare resuscitaton equipment. Inform pediatrician
- 胎兒方面:胎動計算,定時施行非壓迫性試驗。
and NICU. Actve resuscitaton afer birth and NICU care.
k. 給予心理支持,向孕婦解釋治療方針,可能面對引產、剖腹產及新 Placenta swab for culture.
生兒問題。 h. Psychological support, explain treatment plan, IOL, caesarean
l. 作產期間的處理: secton and neonatal problem
- 監察有無胎兒受困、產婦受困、產程進展、羊水顏色
- 預備新生嬰兒急救物品
- 嬰兒娩出後抽吸嬰兒口、鼻之羊水,需要時施氧、給予刺激,如羊
膜穿破超過 24 小時,取胎盆拭子及新生嬰兒拭子作細菌性培養 ,

4. 一名初產婦在妊娠 30n週時,羊膜早破的併發症及處理。n(15%) -抽吸嬰兒口、鼻之羊水,需要時施氧、給予刺激,轉送至 NICU 繼
羊膜於妊娠 37 週前自然穿破是羊膜早期穿破現象。足月前羊膜早期穿 續觀察。
破容易引致臍帶脫垂、羊膜炎、胎兒宮內感染及早產。這名初產婦在妊 足月前破水對孕婦及胎兒均會帶來危險及併發症,因此孕婦在懷孕
娠 30 週便出現羊水滲出,故須提供適切的處理,有關處理如下: 期間如出現穿水情況,必須入院檢查及治療,以保障孕婦及胎兒的
a. 立即入院,安慰。通知醫生。
b. 問歷史:健康史、產歷、症狀、申訴、穿水情況及時間。
c. 檢查:體溫、脈搏、血壓、胎心聲及宮縮監察。
d. 陰道檢查:醫生以雙葉窺器施行陰道檢查作確立性診斷,觀察
e. 檢查是否有宮內感染徵象,監察體溫、脈搏,抽血化驗 WBC 及
f. 決定分娩或繼續妊娠:
- 若胎兒<2kg 而無宮內感染情況,則可用保守性療法。期間羊膜
若穿破超過 24 小時,則給予預防性抗生素,減少絨毛膜炎、產
- 若已出現宮內感染即立刻引產/選擇性剖腹產(如胎兒不康寧) 。
通知 NICU 預留床位。
g. 保守性療法期間之觀察
- 母親方面:嚴密觀察體溫,脈搏。嚴密檢驗 WBC/DC。腹部檢查,
- 胎兒方面:每日數算胎動,定時施行非壓迫性試驗。定時作超
h. 治療:給予肌肉注射類固醇以促進胎兒肺部成熟。若有任何感
24 小時,給予預防性抗生素,減少絨毛膜羊膜炎、產褥熱及胎
i. 給予心理支持,向孕婦解釋治療方針,可能面對引產、剖腹產
j. 作產期間的處理:
- 監察有無胎兒受困、產婦受困、產程進展、羊水顏色
- 預備新生嬰兒急救物品,通知兒科醫生到場施救
1. 對妊娠 30n週不足月產的治療及監察 (2000.10.B6) (5%)
2.n妊娠 30n週早產的治療及監察 (1998.1.B5) (5%)
懷孕 37 週前分娩屬於不足月產,對妊娠 30 週不足月產的治療及監
1. 若宮頸口擴張<4cm,制止分娩:
a. 給與子宮鬆弛劑:- 靜脈輸入 Ritodrine / Salbutamo / Terbutaline
– β2 agonists。或- 口服 Nifedipine,Atosiban & NSAID。以延遲
24-48 小時分娩。減低不足月嬰的危險。
- 觀察藥效及副作用、產婦生命表徵宮縮情況、胎兒康寧情況。
- 盡量減少騷擾及作陰道檢查因會刺激宮縮。
- 停止輸入(±轉口服):減低子宮收縮藥物,宮縮已達 6-12 小時
或注射最後一次 steriod 達 24 小時。
b. 給與 steriod 藥物:Betamethasone 12mg IMI Q24H x 2 does 或
Dexamethasone 6mg IMI Q12H x 4 does。以刺激 Surfactant 產生,
2. 宮縮停止:給予口服 Bricanyl Durule 5mg bd x 1-2wks。
3. 不能制止妊娠:
讓分娩進行。頂先露盡量陰道自然分娩,避免真空吸引術 。如
臀先露體重少於 1-1.5kg 則剖腹產。
4. 若宮頸口擴張>4cm,可讓分娩進行:
給與 steriod 藥物,以促進胎兒肺部成熟度。禁食,配血,建立
2.n處理早產的有效葯物 (2000.1.B3)nn(5%)
a. Steriod 藥物:可於妊娠 24-34 週內給予。
- 目的:刺激 Surfactant 產生,增加胎兒肺成熟度,減低呼吸
困難綜合病徵 RDS、顱內出血 IVH、壞死性腸炎 NEC 及
- 劑 量 : Betamethasone 12mg IMI Q24H x 2 does 或
Dexamethasone 6mg IMI Q12H x 4 does。24 小時生效,48 小
時效能最高,維持 1 星期。
b. 子宮鬆弛劑:給藥準則,宮縮發生在妊娠 24 至<34 週、宮頸擴
- 靜脈輸入 Ritodrine / Salbutamo / Terbutaline – β2 agonists。或
口服 Nifedipine,Atosiban & NSAID
- 目的:延遲 24-48 小時分娩。減低不足月嬰的危險。
- 作用:阻止子宮平滑肌收縮。
- 副作用:心悸、氣促、血壓低、血糖過低、肺水腫。

早產是指懷孕 37 週前的分娩。
1. 問病史:
- 月經史:末次行經日期、月經週期、驗孕呈陽性時間、計算預產期
- 個人背景:年齡、婚姻狀況、吸煙、酗酒、藥物濫用,生活模式,飲
- 家族史:家庭成員體格,有否先天性畸型
- 內科疾病史:有否患高血壓、心臟病、甲狀腺機能亢進、糖尿病
- 產科史:曾分娩早產兒
- 腹痛情況
2. 身體檢查:
- 宮縮探測:無壓力測試
- 陰道檢查:宮頸擴張情況
3. 檢驗:
- 超聲波掃描:確定妊娠週數;量度胎兒大小;診斷先天畸形;量
- 化驗室檢驗:血(全血圖、白血球值) ,小便(中流尿) ,陰道拭子
- 呼吸困難綜合病徵
- 顱內出血
- 動脈導管未閉
- 壞死性小腸結腸炎
- 感染
- 新生嬰兒死亡
- 慢性肺部疾病
- 智力遲緩、小腦麻痺
- 視網膜病變

1.n引產的危險 (2000.10.B)nn(2005.10.B5) (5%) nB5.nRisksnofnindoctonnofnlaboornn(2000.10.B)nn(2005.10.B5)
n nnnnn
n n(5%)
n n
IOL is to stmulate uterine contractons before the spontaneous onset of
如下: labour, with or without ruptured fetal membranes for the purpose of
I. 一般危險 accomplishing birth. The risks of inducton are:
- 引產失敗:產程進展緩慢、無進展或預料不到的頭盆不相 1. General –
 Fail inducton: efectve uterine actvity not established or maintained,
稱而需行剖腹產。 slow or no progress of labour
- 早產:因評估胎兒成熟度不正確或母親問題而過早引產。  Increase operatve delivery
 Amniotc fuid embolism (rare)
II. 內科方面:
2. Medical –
- 靜脈輸入催產素 Syntocinon,如用藥過劇,會使宮縮過  Uterine hyperstmulaton, cause fetal distress, uterine rupture,
強導致急產、子宮痙攣收縮會使胎兒受困缺氧,嚴重時可 precipitate labour
 Neonatal jaundice
 Water intocifcaton (electrolyte imbalance, hypotension)
- 催產素使產婦水份滯留引致中毒,導致電解物不平衡、血 3. Surgical –
壓低,亦會引致新生嬰兒黃疸。  Intrauterine infecton
 Cord prolapsed
III. 外科方面:羊膜穿刺術會增加胎兒受困、胎兒窒息、臍帶脫  Abrupton placentae

2.n試論引產的常用方法。(10%) 產、子宮痙攣收縮會使胎兒受困缺氧,嚴重時可導致胎兒死亡,若有
引產是以人工方法使分娩開始,目標是陰道產。引產的適應症是當懷孕 子宮瘢痕亦會增加子宮破裂的機會。
下列情況: - 催產素使產婦水份滯留引致中毒,導致電解物不平衡、血壓低,亦會
1.妊娠過期:如孕婦末次行經日期準確,而其月經週期為規則之28日,懷孕 引致新生嬰兒黃疸。
超過42週而未有分娩開始。 3. 外科方法所引起的併發症:羊膜穿刺術會增加胎兒受困、胎兒窒息、臍
2.母親病患:如高血壓、糖尿病、慢性腎炎(心臟病除外)。 帶脫垂、感染的機會。
4. 胎兒情況欠佳:如宮內發育遲緩、胎兒畸形、RH 因子不配合。
1. 內科方法:
- 靜脈滴注合成催產素(syntocinon) 刺激子宮收縮:只作靜脈滴
注Syntocinon drip,如胎膜已穿破,IUD等需作引產時用。
- 陰 道塞 入前列 腺素 PGE2,PGF2 ,使 宮頸成 熟 , 以便 翌日 進行
Combined Inducton。
2. 外科方法技術: 多適用於前胎剖腹產的孕婦,只作人工破膜術。
- 人工破膜術:以助先露部緊貼宮頸,誘發宮頸分泌前列腺素
3. 合併方法Combined Inducton:由醫生施行人工破膜術,靜脈滴注
Syntocinon drip。
坐骨棘關係,按照 Bishop Score 評值這 5 項來鑑定宮頸成熟程度。以決
定需否採用 PGE2 塞劑或採用人工破膜術。由醫生作陰道檢查後評分。
如分數過半,引產成功機會大,Bishop Score 滿分是 13 分。
1. 一般併發症:
- 引產失敗:產程進展緩慢、無進展或預料不到的頭盆不相稱而需行
- 早產:因評估胎兒成熟度不正確或母親問題而過早引產。
2. 內科方法所引起的併發症:
- 靜脈輸入催產素 Syntocinon,如用藥過劇,會使宮縮過強導致急


5. 足月時引產的方法nn(1997.1.B6)n(5%)
1. 內科方法:
- 靜脈滴注合成催產素(syntocinon) 刺激子宮收縮:只作靜脈滴
注Syntocinon drip,如胎膜已穿破,IUD等需作引產時用。
- 陰 道塞 入前列 腺素 PGE2,PGF2 ,使 宮頸成 熟 , 以便 翌日 進行
Combined Inducton。
4. 外科方法技術: 多適用於前胎剖腹產的孕婦,只作人工破膜術。
- 人工破膜術:以助先露部緊貼宮頸,誘發宮頸分泌前列腺素
5. 合併方法Combined Inducton:由醫生施行人工破膜術,靜脈滴注
Syntocinon drip。
坐骨棘關係,按照Bishop Score評值這5項來鑑定宮頸成熟程度。以決定
數過半,引產成功機會大,Bishop Score滿分是13分。

6.n影響成功引產的因素 (1999.4.B4)n(5%) B4.nFactorsnafectngnsoccessnofnindoctonnofnlaboor
1. 胎兒的孕齡:因為過期妊娠胎頭顱骨鈣化,不能變形,會造成生 1. Gestatonal age
2. Parity
2. 孕婦的分娩次數:分娩次數越多,產程越短 3. Maturity (Favourability or ripeness) of the cervix (Bishop score can
reach 6/13 or above increase successful rate)
3. 宮頸的成熟度:Bishop score 6 分以上
4. Method chosen for inducton. If AROM (surgical) used alone, onset
4. 引產的方法:人工破膜術 + 靜脈輸入 syntocinon 者產程較短
of contracton is unpredictable and long intervals may occur. It
5. 緊急情況:母/胎出現受困時,需停止引產,立即施行緊急剖腹產
AROM plus syntocinon (combined), inducton to delivery interval is
5. Urgency of conditon such as mother’s life at risk or fetal
compromise (IUGR, decrease FM, abnormal umbilical artery blood
fow, Rhesus isoimmunisaton, PET)
1. Obstetric conditon – prolonged pregnancy, PET, GDM,
previous scar, tumor, medical problems
2. Gestatonal conditon – mild abrupton placentae,
chorioamnionits, genital infecton, unstable lie, PROM
3. Fetal conditon – IUD, severe fetal abnormality, suboptmal
antepartum cardiotocography

7.n試論引產的適應症、方法及併發症。n(1996.10.A1)n(15%) 若有子宮瘢痕亦會增加子宮破裂的機會。
引產是利用各種人工方法令分娩開始,目標是陰道產。引產的適應症是 - 催產素使產婦水份滯留引致中毒,導致電解物不平衡、血壓低,亦會
包括下列情況: 引致新生嬰兒黃疸。
1.妊娠過期:如孕婦末次行經日期準確,而其月經週期為規則之28日,懷孕 3. 外科方法所引起的併發症:羊膜穿刺術會增加胎兒受困、胎兒窒息、臍
超過42週而未有分娩開始。 帶脫垂、感染的機會。
4.胎兒情況欠佳:如宮內發育遲緩、胎兒畸形、RH 因子不配合。
1. 內科方法:
- 靜脈滴注合成催產素(syntocinon) 刺激子宮收縮:只作靜脈滴
注Syntocinon drip,如胎膜已穿破,IUD等需作引產時用。
- 陰 道塞 入前列 腺素 PGE2,PGF2 ,使 宮頸成 熟 , 以便 翌日 進行
Combined Inducton。
2. 外科方法: 多適用於前胎剖腹產的孕婦,只作人工破膜術。人工破膜
3. 合併方法Combined Inducton:由醫生施行人工破膜術,靜脈滴注
Syntocinon drip。
坐骨棘關係,按照 Bishop Score 評值這 5 項來鑑定宮頸成熟程度。以決
定需否採用 PGE2 塞劑或採用人工破膜術。由醫生作陰道檢查後評分。
如分數過半,引產成功機會大,Bishop Score 滿分是 13 分。
1. 一般併發症:
- 引產失敗:產程進展緩慢、無進展或預料不到的頭盆不相稱而需行
- 早產:因評估胎兒成熟度不正確或母親問題而過早引產。
2. 內科方法所引起的併發症:
- 靜脈輸入催產素 Syntocinon,如用藥過劇,會使宮縮過強導致急
1. 前列腺素的作用:
- 增加宮頸之成熟度
- 剌激子宮收縮
- PGE2:用於引產,作用於宮頸及宮肌
2. 劑量:Prostn E2 tablets 1.5mg(歷產婦) / 3mg(初產婦)
3. 副作用:宮縮過劇導致胎兒受困
4. 助產士責任:
- 給藥前須施行 NST 評估胎兒狀況
- 給予陰道栓劑後 1 小時或產婦申訴有陣痛時,重覆施行
- 指導產婦接受陰道栓劑後 1 - 2 小時,須臥床休息,以助
- 宮縮過烈,從陰道取回剩餘藥物
- 4 - 6 小時後再評估宮頸狀況

9. 引產的禁忌症。nn(1996.4.B13)n(5%)
- 一般禁忌症:骨盆狹窄、頭盆不相稱、異常先露、頂先露而頭高
- 藥物引產的禁忌症:前有剖腹產歷、妊娠次數過多之產婦
- 手術引產:胎死腹中

BishopnScore B6.nBishopnScore
Bishop score is to assess the maturity of cervix by means of dilataton,
n nnnn給分制n (1998.1.B6)n(2001.4.B6) (5%) efacement, fetal head staton, cervix consistency and positon.
Bishop Score 是根據宮口擴張的大小、宮頸硬度、頸管長度、宮頸位置及 0 1 2 3
先露部與坐骨棘關係。來鑑定宮頸的成熟程度,Bishop Score 之評分如 Dilataton 0 1-2 3-4 5-6
下: Efacement 0-30% 40-50 60-70 80+
引產分值 0 1 2 3 Staton -3 -2 -1/0 +1/+
宮口擴張(cm) 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 2
宮頸硬度 硬 中度 軟 Consistency Firm Medium Sof --
頸管長度(cm) >2 1-2 0.5-1 <0.5 Positon Posteri Central Anterior --
宮頸位置 後方 中間 前方 or
先露部與坐骨棘關係 -3 -2 -1,0 +1,+2
醫生會替孕婦施行陰道檢查,依據 Bishop Score 鑑定宮頸的成熟程度。 Obstetrician performs PV, assess cervix maturity by Bishop Score. Adding
把 5 項評分值相加,如評分值在 6 - 13,表示宮頸成熟,不需使用前列 up the 5 score. If score 6-13, cervix is favourable, no need for
腺素引產;如評分值少於 6,則需使用前列腺素引產。 prostaglandins inducton. If score below 6, cervix is unfavourable and
need prostaglandin to prime or mature the cervix for inducton by
changing the structure of connectve tssue.

Caesareannsecton 而剖腹產是在麻醉下以外科切開腹部及宮壁,取出宮腔內之胎兒、胎
盆及胎膜。剖腹產可能引致的併發症有很多。包括麻醉意外 /失敗、藥
1. 「母親的要求可以成為施行剖腹產的理由。」試論述以上論點。 物過敏 /過量、吸入性呼吸道感染。出血:子宮無力,收縮不良,引致
(2002.4.nA2)n(15%) 不能控制之大量出血,需切除子宮。泌尿道損傷:膀胱、輸尿管受損。
2. 一名健康正常 28n歲初次懷有單胎的孕婦,妊娠 28n週,要求以選 腸胃道受損。術後可能有肺擴張不全、肺炎、麻痺性腸梗塞、深層血栓
擇性剖腹產分娩。你會如何處理這情況?(2000.n4.nA1)nn(15%) 克。 再次妊娠時可能導致子宮疤痕裂開或破裂,粘連胎盆需切除
在香港大部份孕婦要求施行剖腹產的原因包括:由於文化的影響, 子宮,再次剖腹分娩。而粘連亦會使受孕力下降,慢性疼痛綜合症。
有些孕婦較迷信,她們以為選擇吉日及時間分娩可為嬰兒帶來幸運。 還有瘢痕形成。產婦死亡率比正常分娩增加四倍。
大部份孕婦對生產的痛楚感到恐懼,她們認為陰道分娩時的痛楚時 而且麻醉藥物會影响胎兒呼吸。剖腹產之嬰兒未能如經陰道產之嬰兒
間很長,而剖腹產的痛楚時間較短。還有就是心理因素,包括害怕陰 受到陰道壓迫,以助擠出肺內之粘液或羊水,易有呼吸困難之情況,
道檢查、陰道分娩帶來併發症如小便失禁 / 壓迫性尿失禁,影响她們 如於妊娠 39 週前行剖腹產,會增加風險。手術過程可能造成嬰兒表面
的決擇。 創傷。
針對以上原因,助產士應澄清孕婦的誤解,讓孕婦了解正常分娩、各 助產士鼓勵產婦採自然生產方式來分娩。助產士需讓孕婦增加對自然
種止痛方法、剖腹產帶來的併發症及陰道產與剖腹產的比較,讓她在 陰道分娩的認識及其好處,減少她們在不明白或未了解時作決定。增
得到足夠的資訊,才考慮是否採剖腹產。 強產前教育孕婦讓他們明白分娩期可利用各種鎮痛方法止痛。此外,
首先正常分娩是一個自然過程,是胎兒準備好出生才會出現的。雖然 如有異常情況如異常先露,可施行腹外倒轉術,成功轉為頭先露後可
自然分娩的痛楚比剖腹產時的痛楚強烈,但大部份產婦均能使用不 陰道產。前胎剖腹產者,排除禁忌症,亦可嘗試陰道產。分娩期由助
同種類的鎮痛方法止痛,如呼吸運動、吸入止痛氣 Entonox、健體球運 產士專責照顧,提供心理支持及持續護理,按需要給予足夠鎮痛,告
動、硬膜外麻醉及注射止痛劑 Pethidine 等。大部份孕婦只知道生產時 知產程進展,使孕婦對陰道分娩有更多了解和安心。這樣便可協助孕
的痛楚,但忘卻了產後痛、子宮收縮帶來的痛楚等。剖腹產比陰道產 婦作出正確的分娩選擇。
的傷口痛楚時間較長,當剖腹產的麻醉藥效力消失後,傷口痛楚會 因此不贊成母親的要求可成為施行剖腹產的理由,除非有其他適應症。
感強烈,需要靠自控止痛器或注射止痛劑才能鎮痛。而陰道產的會陰 因為剖腹產引致的併發症多,產後母親傷口較痛,影響日常活動及帶
傷口痛楚時間較短及輕微,只在需要時才使用口服止痛藥鎮痛。 來不適,較少精神照顧嬰兒有礙親子關係的建立。
此外,需向孕婦解釋陰道產與剖腹產的分別。 母親要求施行剖腹產,應先了解其要求的原因,並向她提供有關資訊,
研究證實自然分娩是一個自然過程,當胎兒為出生作好準備,身 才能讓母親作出合適的決定。
Caescreannsectonncannbenjostiednonnmaternalnreqoestnalone.n15% experienced many advantages. First to decreased complicaton form
anatheastst from C/S. Secondly, there is less blood losss compare to C/S,
In Hong Kong, reasons for maternal request to have caescrean secton and fnally, the risk of wound infecton greately reduced due to beter
included: cultural infuence as they could plan the date and tme for circulaton in vaginal episiotomy wound than the abdomine. The fetus was
caescrean secton. Some of them might fear of the intra-partum pain being compress during NSD, that could help to expelled amniotc fuid
causes they afraid of the long waitng tme and pain during awaitng for inside lung & help to prevent aspiraton and respiratory depress syndrome.
normal vaginal delivery. In additon, some of them afraid of per vaginal Mother could look and the baby and have skin to skin contact with the baby
examinaton and the complicaton brought from normal vaginal delivery immediately, this would be an unforgetable experience of the mother.
such as stress and urine incontnent. Thus, improve mather and child bonding. Moreover, NSD normally required
shorter hospital stay afer delivery.
Midwifery should take a role to clear the abovementoned misconceptons.
Allow the woman understand the normal delivery (NSD), various methods For the caesarean secton, delivery of the baby is by the incision thru the
of pain control, the complicaton of caescrean secton (C/S) and the abdomin into the uterus under anaesthesia. There could be risk of
comparison between NSD & C/S. Allow them to get enough informaton complicaton such as fail anaesthesia, allergry or overdose of medicaton,
before make decision on the mode of delivery. bleeding from atonic uterus, & may result in total hysterectomy. There
could be another risk of injury to neibour organs such as bladder & colon
First of all, NSD is a normal process, its occurred when the fetus well- etc. Afer the surgery, may causes complicaton from OT such as
prepared. Although pain experienced for NSD is greater than C/S, most of pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis, would infecton etc. There would be
the woman can cope well with the labour pain with diferent pain control scar leave in uterus and may causes risk of uterine tear in the next
methods such as deep breathing exercise, Entonox inhalaton, ft ball pregnancy. Caesarean secton incrased maternal motality increased four-
exercise, pethidine intramuscular injecton or epidural anesthesia. Most of fold compare with NSD. The anaesthesia used drugs also may depressed
the woman concentrate only on the labour pain, and ignored the afer pain fetus respiratory, C/S baby may experience difcultly to clear amniotc fuid
come from the strong uterine contracton afer delivery. The wound pain in airways as there lung had not been compressed. Thus, C/S may have RDS.
from C/S is longer than NSD, when the anesthesia efect disappear, pain
from wound would be exaggerated, may required more potent pain relief Midwife should advocated woman to try NSD as NAS experienced many
methods. Conversely, wound pain & afer pain from NSD is shorter and beneft. Midwifery could educate about the diference between NSD & C/S,
more endurable. Pain killer only required when necessary. provide opportunites to clear mis conceptons and introduce various
methods of pain relief during in labour.
In additon, midwife need to introduce the diference between normal
vaginal delivery and caesarean secton. Overall, excluding those with pregnancy complicaton or indicated,
caesarean secton should not be justfed on maternal request. Due to there
Research evidenced that NSD is a normal processes, well the fetus ready, are many complicaton from caesarean secton, would pain from C/S may
they will automatcally go into labour, thru the processes of uterine afect daily living & child care. Mother request for C/S should fully informed
contracton, the cervix become sof, eface & dilate, descent of fetus and about the pro and cons of both NSD and C/S before making decision on
fnally expelled from the mother vaginal. Normal vaginal delivery their own.
3. 剖腹產術的常見適應症。n(1996.4.B12)n(5%)
A. 母親方面:
a. 前有剖腹產歷者:
- 前胎剖腹產的適應症仍存在,例如骨盆狹窄
- 前有兩次剖腹產
- 前胎為古典式剖腹產
b. 頭盆不相稱
c. 骨盆腫瘤或宮頸癌造成阻產
d. 曾施行某些婦科手術而子宮有痂痕者,尤以宮上段有子宮瘤
e. 曾施行陰道重建手術
f. 患有陰道感染,如泡疹二型,而分娩時有發病
g. 產科併發症:
h. 內科疾患:嚴重的心血管或呼吸道疾病
i. 引產失敗、試產失敗、產程延長及宮縮無力
B. 胎兒方面:
a. 臍帶脫垂
b. 異常先露:肩先露、額先露、面先露頦後位、臀先露不宜作腹外
c. 胎兒受困
d. 巨嬰
e. 輕磅兒(1 – 1.5kg)
f. 胎兒畸形,如水胎

4. 剖腹產的麻醉方法及其好處。n(1998.4.B3)n(5%)

5. 古典式剖腹產的壞處。n(1998.4.B8)n(5%)
- 手術時間較長
- 易傷及胎盆
- 手術時失血較多
- 因惡露流入腹腔而引致腹膜炎、腸粘連
- 在以後之妊娠時,子宮瘢痕破裂機會較大
- 增加死亡率及病發率


1. 子宮瘢痕試產。n(2000.1.nB.6)n(5%)
a. 前次剖腹產伴有子宮破裂
b. 超過一次剖腹產
c. 骨盆較正常偏小
d. 今胎有產科問題:
- 母親方面:先兆子、妊娠期糖尿病、產前出血
- 胎兒方面:異常胎位、宮內發育遲緩或過大
e. 今胎是多胞胎
a. 會陰傷口痛楚
b. 子宮疤痕破裂
c. 瘢痕試產失敗,需施行緊急性剖腹產
a. 向產婦解釋試產的原因、施行過程、併發症及試產失敗的處理。
b. 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入以補充體液
c. 配血備用
d. 行連續性胎心聲及宮縮監察
e. 嚴密監察產程進展及母胎情況
f. 讓產婦自行選擇止痛方法
g. 需要時可以硬膜外麻醉作止痛,但需留意會隱藏子宮破裂之
h. 如需引產,只可給予低劑量催產素,並密切監察宮縮、產程進

2. 試論對一位曾接受剖腹產的婦女在產前、分娩及產後的處理。n(2001.4.A2)n(15%) 壓、脈搏、面色。
a. 產前:
- 找出前次剖腹產的原因
- 排除剖腹產的適應症不再發生
- 施行骨盆電腦掃描,以排除頭盆不相稱
- 評估胎兒重量
- 於妊娠 36 週與孕婦商討分娩方式,包括痂痕試產及剖腹產之優點及
- 指導孕婦觀察子宮疤痕撕裂的徵狀
- 指導孕婦如有子宮收縮、現血及羊膜穿破等作產徵狀,應即入院
- 不可讓妊娠過期,必要時行引產
b. 分娩期:
- 第一產程:禁食,給予靜脈輸入以補充體液,配血備用。施行腹部
測量生命表徵及小便醋酮量。 監察胎兒康寧狀況,施行連續性胎心
- 第二產程:繼續監察產婦 /胎兒情況及產程進展。必要時施行儀器助
- 第三產程:採積極處理方法。
- ˙給予子宮收縮藥物 syntocinon 或 sytometrine。
- ˙避免施行宮底壓法。
- ˙監察胎盆剝離的徵象,有胎盆剝離的徵象時,以臍帶牽引法協助胎
- ˙按摩子宮以確定其收縮良好。
- ˙檢查產道有否破裂。
- ˙監察有否子宮破裂之症狀,例如胎盆娩出後子宮收縮良好但不斷有
- ˙料理產婦舒適,保溫。監測生命表徵:血壓、脈搏、面色。監察有無休
- ˙監察子宮收縮情況、陰道出血量。
- ˙檢查胎盆、胎膜和臍帶。
- ˙記錄生產及胎兒情況。
c. 產後:
- 留意子宮收縮、產後出血。保留衛生巾,觀察出血情況。監測生命表徵:血
A2.nDiscossnonnthenantenatal,nintrapartomnandnpostpartomnmanagement P/N:UC, BP/P, Pad record, Obs bleeding, hemorrhage, wound, Vital sign.
Women with previous Caesarean secton, her old uterine scar has risk of
rupture during labour especially those received classical caesarean secton
previously. Thus, the women need to be care in hospital setting in her
antenatal period and during labour.
 Assess previous Caesarean secton reason
 Rule out indicatons of caesarean secton
 CT pelvimetry to rule out CPD
 Assess fetus weight
 Decide mode of delivery with mother at 36 weeks (TOS, advantage
and complicatons of repeated caesarean secton)
 Educate admission immediately if any signs of labour onset (show,
leaking, uterine contracton)
 Not allow post-term pregnancy, IOL if indicated
During labour
1. First stage – fastng, IVF, cross-match. Abdominal exam, pain relief (EA).
Low dose syntocinon infusion, monitor maternal (VS, urine ketone,
uterine contractons) and fetal status (CFHM, color of liquor) and
labour progress. PV to assess fetus presentaton, positon, staton of
fetal head, cervical status. If slow or no progress or signs of uterine
rupture (abd pain, PV bleed, tachycardia, hypotension), inform dr
2. Second stage – monitor maternal &fetal conditon, labour progress. In
case of emergency, speed up delivery with instrument or Em caesarean
3. Third stage
- Administer syntocinon or syntometrine
- Avoid fundal pressure
- Observe signs of placental separaton, CCT to deliver placenta
- Uterine massage to ensure good contracton
- Exam genital tract for lesion
- Observe signs of uterine rupture (PV bleed, shock)
- Comfort care, VS monitoring, Observe uterine contracton and
bleeding amount
- Check placenta completeness
n n
 Visceral and vessel injury
 Wound complicatons (pain, bleeding, hematoma, adhesion, dehiscence,
 Febrile morbidity
 Thromboembolism
 Increase risk of repeat caesarean secton
 Increase risk of maternal mortality
 Scalp or facial laceratons
 RDS: The fetus was not being compress during LSCS, their lung was not
compressed, so aspiraton of amniotc fuid may occurs and causes
respiratory depress syndrome.

3. 前有剖腹產的婦女在妊娠期間的處理。n(1998.10.B14)n(5%)
- 找出前次剖腹產的原因
- 排除剖腹產的適應症不再發生
- 施行骨盆電腦掃描,以排除頭盆不相稱
- 評估胎兒重量
- 於妊娠 36 週與孕婦商討分娩方式
- 指導孕婦觀察子宮疤痕撕裂的徵狀
- 指導孕婦如有子宮收縮、現血及羊膜穿破等作產徵狀,應
- 不可讓妊娠過期,必要時行引產

4. 對一名前有子宮下段橫式切開剖腹產的婦女在分娩期間的處理 。
- 第一產程:禁食,給予靜脈輸入以補充體液,配血備用。施行
低劑量。監察產婦康寧狀況,測量生命表徵及小便醋酮量。 監
- 第二產程:繼續監察產婦 /胎兒情況及產程進展。必要時施行
- 第三產程:採積極處理方法。
˙給予子宮收縮藥物 syntocinon 或 sytometrine。

5. 前有剖腹產婦女的剖腹產適應症。n(1997.1.B10)n(5%)
A. 選擇性剖腹產的適應症:
- 前胎為古典式剖腹產
- 曾施行某些婦科手術而子宮有痂痕者,尤以宮上段有子
- 頭盆不相稱
- 臀先露不宜作腹外胎位倒轉術
- 前有兩次剖腹產
- 母親要求
- 前胎剖腹產的適應症仍存在,例如骨盆狹窄
- 骨盆腫瘤或宮頸癌造成阻產
- 曾施行陰道重建手術
- 產前出血:第二、三、四型胎盆前置,胎盆早期剝離
B. 緊急性剖腹產的適應症:
- 患有陰道感染,如泡疹二型,而分娩時有病發
- 嚴重先兆子癎
- 產前大量出血:第二、三、四型胎盆前置,胎盆早期剝離
- 內科疾患:嚴重的心血管或呼吸道疾病
- 引產失敗、試產失敗、產程延長及宮縮無力
- 異常先露:肩先露、額先露、面先露頦後位
- 巨嬰
- 輕磅兒(1 – 1.5kg)
- 胎兒畸形,如水胎
- 臍帶脫垂
- 胎兒受困
- 異常先露:肩先露、額先露、面先露頦後位,有作產徵象

1.n初產婦第一產程進展緩慢的處理 (1998.4.B4)nn(2002.4.B1)nn(5%)
第一產程是指由子宮有規律性宮縮至宮頸全開至 10cm。初產婦第一產程
進展緩慢是指超過 14-16 小時。或宮頸擴張每小時少於 1.2cm,或進入活
躍期後,宮頸口不再擴張 2 小時或以上。初產婦第一產程進展緩慢可能由
a. 通知醫生
b. 評估:
- 婦產科病歷,有沒有婦科腫瘤,身材是否矮小(懷疑頭盆不相稱) 、長
- 腹部檢查:宮縮情況,是否微弱或不協調。先露部下降程度,先露部
- 陰道檢查:宮頸情況,是否未成熟,硬或擴張緩慢,甚至水腫。先露
c. 其他處理:
- 禁食,靜脈輸入,防止產婦脫水、受困。
- 每二、三小時排尿,檢驗有否醋酮尿,蛋白尿等。
- 保持膀胱空虛,必要時導尿
- 給予心理支持,安慰產婦
- 給予適當鎮痛劑
- 假產者:分娩未開始,給予解釋,安慰
- 宮縮不良者:給予心理支持,安慰產婦。給予適當鎮痛劑。如胎膜完
如頭盆不相稱,給予 Syntoncinon drip,刺激宮縮。
- 頭盆不相稱:兒頭嚴重變形或水腫,是頭盆不相稱的徵狀,即行剖
- 先露異常:面先露頦後位,,即行剖腹產。
d. 監察:
- 產婦方面:按時檢查血壓,脈搏,呼吸及體溫。
- 胎兒方面:用連續性宮縮及胎心跳記錄儀監察宮縮,胎心聲,胎動
- 產程進展:對促進分娩的反應。按時作腹部及陰道檢查,注意先露部
- 如產程於 2 小時仍無進展,或期間出現產婦/胎兒受困,則行剖腹產。

2.n試論分娩期進展緩慢的原因及處理。n(15%) 擴張或擴張少,或先露部高或不下降則有可能是頭
分娩期進展緩慢對母嬰方面有嚴重的影響。及早找出原因,作出診斷、 盆不相稱,需要剖腹產。
跟進及處理可有效把母嬰之危險降低。 c. 禁食,靜脈輸入,防止產婦脫水,受困。
分娩進展緩慢,是指第一產程時子宮有規律收縮至子宮頸完全擴張至 d. 保持膀胱空虛,必要時導尿;每 2、3 小時排尿,檢驗有否醋酮尿,
10cm 時,初產婦比正常 14-16 小時長,,歷產婦則比正常 6-8 小時長。 蛋白尿等。
影響分娩期進展緩慢的原因有︰ e. 給予適當鎮痛劑。
1. 宮縮︰ f. 給予心理支持,安慰產婦。
低張性子宮收縮 – 於 10 分鐘內子宮收縮少於 2-3 次或子宮收縮壓 g. 假產者︰分娩未開始,臨床少見,如宮頸未成熟,分娩未成立,
力少於 10mmHg。可根據發生時期分為原發性和繼發性宮縮無力。 給予鎮痛劑,解釋,安慰。給予鎮痛劑,有助宮頸軟化和加強宮縮
原發性宮縮無力於產程一開始即出現,因發生在潛伏期,需排除 h. 宮縮不良者︰產婦方面,給予心理支持,安慰產婦。給予適當鎮痛
假產。繼發性宮縮無力,於產程開始子宮收縮正常,進展到活躍期 劑。如胎膜完整,同時施行人工破膜術。如為宮縮無力或轉弱,排
以後宮縮張度轉弱,使產程緩慢,多伴有異常先露或胎位、頭骨不 除危險因素如頭盆不相稱,給予 Syntoncinon drip 刺激宮縮。
相稱。 i. 監察︰
高張性子宮收縮 – 於兩次宮縮間沒有適當的鬆弛時間,使子宮內 產婦方面︰ 按時檢查血壓、脈膊、呼吸及體溫。
靜止壓超過 15mmHg。子宮收縮時多處同時收縮或各自收縮、或子 胎兒方面︰ 用連續性宮縮及胎心聲監察宮縮、胎心聲、胎動情況
宮中段的收縮大於下段的收縮。 並注意羊水顏色,必要時,取胎兒頭皮血驗酸鹼度,
2. 產道︰ 以確定有否酸中毒及其程度。有否兒頭變形及其程度
輕度骨盆狹窄而先露正常,給予試產;骨盆底組織硬、不易伸展; 產程進展︰ 對促進分娩的反應。按時作腹部檢查,注意先露部下
宮頸口擴張緩慢或停滯,見於宮頸未成熟或宮頸水腫;骨盆腔內 降情況,有否水腫,宮頸口擴張程度等。如產程進展
有腫瘤;子宮異常;膀胱漲滿。 仍緩慢,則有剖腹產之需要。
3. 胎兒︰異常先露,位置;胎兒過大;胎兒過大;胎兒畸形,如無 及早發現引致產程緩慢的原因,尋求適當的處理方法,如遇頭盆不相
腦兒,腦積水。 稱等異常情況即進行剖腹產,嚴密觀察,則有效降低產程延長之併發
4. 精神心理因素︰對分娩有恐懼,精神過度緊張;個人體質弱,體 症,確保母嬰健康。
5. 其他︰產婦曾接受鎮痛藥物,如注射 Pethidine 或硬膜外麻醉藥物
a. 通知醫生。
b. 評估︰
腹部檢查︰ 檢查宮縮是否弱或不協調;先露部高,於分娩成立
陰道檢查︰ 宮頸成熟度,硬或擴張是否緩慢甚至水腫。
時,歷產婦則歷時超過 30 分鐘。如進行硬膜外麻醉術,初產婦為 2 小
時,歷產婦為 1.5 小時。
1. 宮縮︰第一產程進展緩慢之原因延續,如宮縮無力、低張性或高張
2. 骨盆︰出口稍窄、會陰組織緊、膀胱漲滿。
3. 胎兒︰稍大或異常,異常先露如持續枕後位,面先露。
4. 精神心理因素︰對分娩有恐懼、精神過度緊張、個人體質弱、體力
5. 其他︰因產婦正進行硬膜外麻醉鎮痛導致向下迸氣不力。

Malpresentaton/Malpositon - 按不同機轉接產
1.n枕後位置分娩 (2003.4.B3) (5%) ˙長迴轉至枕前位:如長迴轉於此時開始,則產程會較長,枕部向前
枕後位是指胎兒的先露為正常的頂部,兒頭較闊之枕部在骨盆之後 長迴轉至枕前位,可作陰道分娩。
部,即橫徑之後方。以右枕後較左枕後多見。 ˙持續性枕後位面向恥骨產:宮縮良好,可作陰道分娩,但要有足
枕後位置的分娩時的徵狀: 夠大的會陰切開口,以減少撕裂機會。先助兒頭屈曲,令枕部先
- 胎膜早破
- 兒頭下降緩慢 娩出,使其以較小徑線娩出,再握雙顳骨,助兒頭伸展,令額、
- 產程進展緩慢 面、頦額娩出。
- 產婦有尿頻、嚴重背痛
- 於第一產程末產婦有提早向下迸氣的需要
- 待產婦腹部較平坦,臍下凹陷,看似膀胱脹滿 行剖腹產。
枕後位置的分娩的處理: ˙先露部改變:兒頭屈曲改變,成為伸直或向後伸,令先露改變。部
a. 第一產程:
- 給予心理支持、陪伴及鼓勵產婦
- 指導產婦避免向下迸氣,免令宮頸損裂 為頦前位,可作陰道分娩;如為頦後位,則要施行剖腹產。
- 指導產婦可隨意轉換臥式或採側臥,以減少骨神經所受之壓力 , c. 第三產程:
- 觀察: - 因產程較長,可能有宮縮無力,須小心檢查胎盆是否完整,有否產
母親情況:生命表徵、小便有否含醋酮等,以測知產婦有否受困 後出血
情況出現 - 給予子宮收縮劑促進宮縮
臍帶脫垂等,以測知有否胎兒受困及頭盆不相稱、產傷之可能性 - 檢查產道有否損傷
產程進展:宮縮情況、宮頸擴張、兒頭下降、胎位變動等,以防 - 觀察有否產褥併發症,例如產後出血、感染
- 詳細檢查新生兒有否產傷
- 藥物促進分娩:
˙給予足夠鎮痛,例如注射 pethidine、entonox 吸入、硬膜外麻醉
˙保持膀胱空虛,每 2-3 小時排空膀胱一次,需要時導尿,以避免
b. 第二產程:
- 確立宮頸全開
- 密切監察母胎情況,有否受困 1.nLaboornpresentngnwithnoccipito-posteriornpositon (2003.4.B3) (5%)
- 如產程延長,即通知產科醫生 Occipito-posterior positon is a malpositon. It is a vertex presentaton with
occiput directed posteriorly. The possible course and outcome of OP positon are:
Clinical presentatons during labour includes:
1. Early rupture of membranes 1. Long anterior internal rotaton: 80-90% of the case (commonest)
2. Slow decent of head good uterine contracton » fexion & descend » occiput touch pelvic foor
3. Slw progress of labour frst & rotate to front (OA positon) » normal delivery
4. Severe backache & frequent urinaton
5. Strong urge to push at the end of frst stage 2. Short internal rotaton: 10% of the case
待產婦腹部較平坦,臍下凹陷,看似膀胱脹滿 Uterine contracton » descends with no fexion » sinciput touches pelvic
Management of OP positon during labour: foor frst & rotate to front (DOP positon) » face to pubes delivery
a. 1st stage
1. Psychological support 3. Persistent OP positon
2. Educate avoid early pushing to avoid cervical tear DOP » descend with no fexion, no rotaton » face to pubes delivery with
3. Help to frequent chaning of positon, prevent back pain & pressure episiotomy
on vagual nerve
4. Augmentaton of labour if slow progress 4. Deep transverse arrest
5. Adequate pain relief such as epidural analgesia. Week uterine contracton / Android pelvis » atempted long rotaton &
descend with partal fexion & incomplete rotaton » arrested in ischial
Observe: spine level » prolonged 2nd stage » manual rotaton of occiput / forceps / VE
Maternal conditon: Vital sign, urine ketone for sings of maternal / CS
Fetal conditon: FHR, liquor colour, moulding & caput, any cord prolapse 5. Conversion to face or brow presentaton
to rule out any suspicious of CPD, birth trauma Uterine contracton » extension occurs
Labour progress: UC, cervical dilaton, descent, fetus positon, prevent »Complete extension » face presentaton / mentum anterior » SVD / FD /
prolong labour, manage accordingly. CS (rare)
Drugs: Syntocinon to augment labour progress if hypotonic UC, prevent »Incomplete extension » brow presentaton / mentum posterior » CS
prolong 1st stage c. 3rd stage of laobur
Adequate pain relief such as pethidine, epidural analgesia
NPO with IV fuid supplement - May prolonged 2nd stage, check for completeness of placent & blood loss
Empty bladder 2-3 hourly to avoid full bladder impende labour progress - Give syntocinon if required
b. 2nd stage: - Check for any birth trama
- Confrm fully dilate cervix
- Monitor maternal & fetus conditon - Check for any complicaton such as PPH & infecton
- Inform obstetrician if prolonged - Check any birth truma for the newborn
- Delivery with diferent mechanism

2.n臀先露的分娩方式 (1998.10.B8)n(5%)
1. 臀陰道產
2. 下列情況可施行腹外倒轉術至頭先露:
- 無骨盆狹窄。
- 胎兒少於 3.5kg,無畸形。
- 胎姿:完全臀式或雙足伸直式,頭屈曲良好。
- 無不良產歷,如流產、剖腹產。
- 今次懷孕:無特別疾病,如先兆子癎、高血壓、心臟病、甲狀腺
3. 如腹外倒轉術成功轉至頭先露,可施行陰道產。
4. 如腹外倒轉術失敗需施行選擇性剖腹產。

顴骨,以頦為指示點。銜接徑線為頦下前囪徑 9.5cm。

5.n足月臀先露的風險。n(2006.10.B5)n(5%) Risknofnvaginalnbreechndeliveryn(2006.Oct.B5)
前臀,指示點,銜接徑線為雙股骨粗隆間徑 10cm。 Breech is the fetus in longitudinal lie with butocks occupying the lower
臀先露的併發症如下: pole of uterus.
1.產婦方面: a. maternal –
a. 助產機會高:因胎頭阻塞,會陰和軟組織伸張劇烈或使用儀器
b. 產後出血:子宮子宮頸和陰道撕裂傷、子宮收縮無力引致出血。 prolonged labor (uterine inerta),
obstructed labor (impacted breech),
c. 感染:由於胎膜早期破裂、產程延長及分娩困難、大量出血、組
increase cervical vaginal laceratons / birth trauma (instrumental delivery),
increase sepsis (early ROM),
2. 胎兒方面: increase operatve delivery (cord prolapse)
a. 圍產期死亡率較高:約 4-5 倍於正常先露
b. 胎兒窒息
b. fetal –
- 臍帶脫垂:由於先露部無法緊貼骨盆出口而造成
- 臍帶受壓:頭部娩出時壓迫到臍帶 hypoxia (due to cord compression, delay head delivery, early placental
separaton and head entrapment), asphyxia or neonatal pneumonia (early
- 兒頭娩出前胎盆已剝離
breathing), ICH (rapid decompression of the afer-coming head),
- 過早呼吸,吸入異物,阻塞氣道:兒身娩出後,皮膚接觸到
冷空氣,剌激嬰兒呼吸 birth injuries (rupture internal organ, fracture humerus, clavicle, femur,
nerve injury, sof tssue damage, bruise)
c. 產傷:
- 顱內受損
- 關節脫位
- 骨折
- 神經受損:e.g. Erb’s palsy
- 內臟器官破裂
- 生殖器官水腫及挫傷

6. 臀先露的種類。
a. 完全臀先露:胎姿全屈,可陰道產
b. 不完全臀先露:
- 雙足直伸式:可陰道產,以 Pinard’s Manoeuvre 娩出雙足
- 雙手直伸式:可陰道產,以 Lovset’s Manoeuvre 娩出雙手
- 足垂式:不可陰道產,需行選擇性剖腹產
- 膝先露:不可陰道產,需行選擇性剖腹產

面部。發病率約為 1:500。
1. 胎兒畸形:例如無腦兒或甲狀腺腫、頸部腫瘤、頸部伸展肌過份
2. 臍帶過短或臍帶繞頸:令兒頭屈曲不良。
3. 骨盆狹窄或頭盆不相稱:令兒頭進入骨盆腔時,雙頂骨圓突受
4. 頂先露枕後位置:妊兒頭屈曲不良,下降時兒枕進入窩,雙
5. 因懸垂腹時,宮縮壓力指向面頰而非枕部,引致兒頭伸展。
6. 額先露:於分娩時,由於宮縮壓力,可能令其改變成面先露。
7. 其他伴隨因素:例如子宮下段畸形、腫瘤、或胎盤前置令兒頭銜
1. 第一產程:要注意母胎情況,避免受困,及留意產程進展。
2. 第二產程:頦前位時,若無頭盆不相稱,產程良好,有可能自
3. 產後:觀察有否產褥併發症,例如產後出血、感染。
4. 新生嬰兒:觀察有否併發症,例如產傷、黃疸、窒息。

8.n臀先露分娩胎兒的風險。(5%) 角形,而肛門與坐骨粗隆則成一直線。
3. 超聲波素描,可知兒頭與兒脊之關係得知。
a. 圍產期死亡率較高:約 4-5 倍於正常先露
b. 胎兒窒息
- 臍帶脫垂:由於先露部無法緊貼骨盆出口而造成
- 臍帶受壓:頭部娩出時壓迫到臍帶
- 兒頭娩出前胎盆已剝離
- 過早呼吸,吸入異物,阻塞氣道:兒身娩出後,皮膚接觸到
c. 產傷:
- 顱內受損
- 關節脫位
- 骨折
- 神經受損:e.g. Erb’s palsy
- 內臟器官破裂
- 生殖器官水腫及挫傷

1. 腹部檢查:因兒頭極度仰伸,入骨盆受阻,兒身伸直,宮底位
頦前位 頦後位
視診 如枕後位 如枕前位
觸診 可觸及肢體,易誤為枕後 枕背間有凹陷,枕部易誤為額
位 部
聽診 因兒胸緊貼母腹壁,胎心 因兒身伸展,緊貼母脊柱,胎
聲由胸部傳出,故易聽到 心較遙遠而弱,故較難聽到
2. 陰道檢查:
- 先露部高、柔軟及不規則,前水囊較脹滿。
- 胎膜穿破後,可觸及口、鼻、眼眶下脊及顴骨,但易與臀先露
1.n骨盆不相稱的診斷及處理 (2000.1.B4)nn(5%)
1. 詢問歷史
 病歷:孕婦之骨盆、脊柱、或下肢曾否患病或損傷。曾否患有軟骨
 產歷:前有否剖腹產,懷疑因引產失敗、產程延長。曾否有儀器助
2. 外貌與身材:如一腿縮短、或髖關節硬化、或脊柱畸形而引致步態
異常者,應懷疑骨盆畸形。矮小婦女(<1.5 meters) 。如婦人矮胖、頸
3. 腹部檢查:初產婦足月時,兒頭仍未銜接。異常先露,可能因兒頭
4. 超音波素描:測知兒頭徑線,以知兒頭有否過大。胎兒大小。
5. 骨盆內測量(Internal pelvic assessment):此法診斷骨盆狹窄不十分
6. X 光/電腦素描骨盆測量(確立診斷骨盆狹窄) 。
7. 分娩時症狀:分娩開始後,兒頭仍未銜接。先露部高,可能有胎膜
度重疊、兒頭過度水腫。嚴重者會出現斑德氏環(Bandle’s ring)。促進
- 通知產科醫生、麻醉科醫生。
- 停止靜脈輸入催產素、禁飲食、給予靜脈輸入液、配血。
- 評估骨盆不相稱程度,如兒頭輕度變形及水腫、顱骨輕度重疊,可
- 準備新生兒急救物品,需要時通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救。
2.n分娩期頭盆不相稱的臨床診斷。n(1997.1.B5)n(2000.1.B4)n(5) DiagnosisnofnCPDn(1997.1.B5)n(2000.1.B4)n(5)
- 產前懷疑徵象:矮小婦女,身高<1.5 米 Cephalopelvic disproporton (CPD) should be a retrospectve diagnosis,
actual diagnosis should only be made afer a fail trial of labour. In antenatal
- 分娩開始後,兒頭仍未銜接
period and during labour, a mother can be suspected of CPD only
- 先露部高,可能有胎膜早破
CPD is manifested with the following signs clinically. First, despite good
- 宮縮良好產程進展緩慢或無進展:先露部不下降,宮頸口擴張緩
慢或不擴張 uterine contractons, there is no or slow progress of labour. Fetal head is
- 分娩受阻引致:初產婦宮縮可能轉弱,歷產婦宮縮可能轉為過強, not descent, cervix is not well-applied to the presentng part and a result of
可能出現產婦或胎兒受困,嚴重時出現 Bandl’s ring high presentng part. There is excessive formaton of caput and moulding
score. Cervix dilataton may be slow down or cessaton noted. The
- 兒頭顯著變形、顱骨過度重、兒頭過度水腫
- 促進分娩後,分娩記錄圖出現活躍期停滯,多見於初產婦 partogram shows secondary arrest even afer augmentaton. It was
assumed that there is no malpositon or malpresentaton of presentng part
3.n頭盆不相稱的原因。 but the above signs were happened. Bandl’s ring is also confrmatve sign.
頭盆不相稱是指兒頭過大不能通過大小正常的骨盆腔,或骨盆狹窄 In antenatal period, if maternal disease and deformity of spine and pelvis
不能讓大小正常的胎兒通過。頭盆不相稱的原因如下: was recorded, mother was short stature and clinically big baby was
a. 產婦因素: suspected, CPD is likely to be suspected if the above clinical signs happen.
- 骨盆因素:骨盆狹窄、骨盆畸形、骨盆形狀不適合
- 矮小婦女(身高<1.5 米),易有細小狹窄的骨盆
- 骨盆、脊柱或下肢曾有患病或損傷
- 歷產婦呈懸垂腹
b. 胎兒因素:
- 胎兒體積過大,可能由於遺傳、營養、內分泌等影響
- 兒頭過大、畸形,例如腦積水
- 妊娠過期:胎頭顱骨比正常較鈣化變硬,以致通過產道時適應性


a. 早期:
- 子宮收縮良好,但產程進展緩慢
- 胎膜早破,因先露部不能緊貼宮頸口
- 陰道檢查:先露部高、前水囊脹及伸長。如為頂先露,胎頭會有水
- 產婦不適:背痛、疲倦、煩燥不安,因分娩時間長
b. 末期:
- 產程無進展或進展緩慢,歷產婦的宮縮轉為強直性收縮以克服阻
- 產婦受困:因分娩時間長,出現體溫升高、脈搏增快、小便量減少
- 胎兒受困:胎心跳過快或出現減速
- 陰道檢查:陰道乾及熱。先露部水腫。宮頸前唇水腫。
- 以下情況不應發生,因為只有疏忽才會出現:
- 經過長時間的收縮而產程無進展,使子宮變得無力,最後產婦會

Cordnprolapse nCnordnprolapsenmanagement
n n
1.臍帶脫垂的處理 (2000.1.B2)n(2004.4.B1)n(5%)
臍帶脫垂是指羊膜已破,臍帶在先露以下,是產科急症。臍帶脫垂時 When the cord lie below the presentng part with membranes rupture,
處理如下: immediate delivery if fetus alive.
a. 立刻通知醫生、增緩護士、兒科醫生、麻醉科醫生及手術室。 » Positon in lateral positon with butock elevated with few
pillows / knee-chest / trendelengburg / exaggerated Sim’s
b. 請孕婦側臥,乘高床尾或用枕頭乘高臀部。或採用辛氏臥式乘 positons.
高其臀部,或採用膝胸臥式。以減低臍帶受壓及增加供血量。 » Call for help (obstetrician, assistant, medical aid) at the same tme
» Stop syntocinon infusion
c. 安慰孕婦,聽胎心聲。
» Administer oxygen
d. 施氧予孕婦。 » Explain and reassurance
e. 如在陰道檢查時發現,應以手指抬高先露部,以減少臍帶受壓, » Tocolytc – ivi ritodrine 6mg in 10ml NS over 2-3 min
» Gentle replace cord into vagina once / warm saline towel cover to
avoid spasm
直至胎兒娩出。 » If detect during PV, fngers remain inside to push presentng part
f. 若臍帶脫垂至外陰,用溫暖之生理鹽水暖敷臍帶,以免臍帶接 up / Bladder instlled with NS (only use in the community during
transfer) untl baby delivered
觸冷空氣而刺激血管收縮。 » Assess stage of labour
g. 行陰道檢查,以評估宮口擴張程度,手勢要輕柔,以免臍帶受  If not fully, immediate prepare NPO IVF and crush C/S
 If fully, expedite delivery by forceps / breech extracton with
h. 決定分娩方式: » Fetal heart monitoring
- 宮口未全開者:若仍有胎心聲,胎兒仍生存者,即立刻行 » paediatrician S/B for resuscitaton
» If fetus not viable, vaginal delivery
» documentaton.
- 宮口已全開者:若仍有胎心聲,胎兒仍生存者,即行產鉗
i. 通知家人,解釋及安慰。
j. 嬰兒娩出後,即行急救,評估胎兒呼吸、心跳情況,必要時轉
k. 記錄
3. 臍帶脫垂的原因。
- 異常先露:臀先露,先露部不能銜接,先露與骨盆間有空隙,
- 羊水過多:羊膜穿破後把臍帶沖出
- 多胎妊娠:胎兒體積細,先露與骨盆間有空隙,使臍帶有機會
- 不足月產:胎兒體積細,先露與骨盆間有空隙,使臍帶有機會
- 骨盆狹窄:先露部不能銜接,先露與骨盆間有空隙,使臍帶有
- 歷產多胎:骨盆前傾,使先露部於足月時未銜接
- 臍帶過長:羊膜穿破後把臍帶沖出

1. 臍帶脫垂的原因:
- 異常先露:臀先露,先露部不能銜接,先露與骨盆間有空隙,
- 羊水過多:羊膜穿破後把臍帶沖出
- 多胎妊娠:胎兒體積細,先露與骨盆間有空隙,使臍帶有機會
- 不足月產:胎兒體積細,先露與骨盆間有空隙,使臍帶有機會
- 骨盆狹窄:先露部不能銜接,先露與骨盆間有空隙,使臍帶有
- 歷產多胎:骨盆前傾,使先露部於足月時未銜接
- 臍帶過長:羊膜穿破後把臍帶沖出
2. 臍帶脫垂的處理:
a. 立刻通知醫生、增緩護士、兒科醫生、麻醉科醫生及手術室。
b. 請孕婦側臥,乘高床尾或用枕頭乘高臀部。或採用辛氏臥式乘高
c. 安慰孕婦,聽胎心聲。
d. 施氧予孕婦。
e. 如在陰道檢查時發現,應以手指抬高先露部,以減少臍帶受壓 ,
f. 若臍帶脫垂至外陰,用溫暖之生理鹽水暖敷臍帶,以免臍帶接
g. 行陰道檢查,以評估宮口擴張程度,手勢要輕柔,以免臍帶受
h. 決定分娩方式:
- 宮口未全開者:若仍有胎心聲,胎兒仍生存者,即立刻行剖腹
- 宮口已全開者:若仍有胎心聲,胎兒仍生存者,即行產鉗助產,
i. 通知家人,解釋及安慰。
j. 嬰兒娩出後,即行急救,評估胎兒呼吸、心跳情況,必要時轉送
k. 記錄

a. 立刻通知醫生、增緩護士及兒科醫生、電召救護車、通知醫院產房及
b. 請孕婦側臥,乘高床尾或用枕頭乘高臀部。或採用辛氏臥式乘高其
c. 安慰孕婦,聽胎心聲。
d. 施氧予孕婦。
e. 如在陰道檢查時發現,以溫暖生理鹽水注入膀胱以承高先露部,以
g. 行陰道檢查,以評估宮口擴張程度,手勢要輕柔,以免臍帶受刺激。
h. 決定分娩方式:
- 宮口未全開者:若仍有胎心聲,胎兒仍生存者,準備立即行剖
- 宮口已全開者:若仍有胎心聲,胎兒仍生存者,即行產鉗助產 ,
k. 記錄

Shoolderndystocian 與 Rubin 或 Woods 旋轉法反向旋轉兒肩。
1. 肩難產的即時處理。n(1997.10.B4)n(1999.10.B2)n(5%)n - R = remove the Posterior Arm:先確定兒背朝向,若胎兒背在右側
2. 兒肩難產的處理。n(1996.4.B6)n(2002.10.B1)n(2005.10.B2)n(5%) 用右手,在左側用左手。順著後臂往下達到肘部(通常在胎兒胸前)。
3. 助產士對兒肩難產的處理。n(2001.4.B1)n(5%) 在肘部使手彎曲,使前臂由胸前娩出,勿直接抓手拉出,因會導
肩難產是指在分娩過程中兒頭娩出後,兒肩受阻,無法通過骨盆腔, 致骨折。
引致分娩困難、受阻。臨床上兒頭娩出後,需要用其他的輔助方式 - R = Roll the Patent:把產婦轉為四肢著床位,以增加骨盆前後徑。
才能讓肩膀娩出;兒頭娩出到身體娩出的時間超過 60 秒。兒肩難產 轉動及重力作用有利於解除嵌頓。接產者輕輕向下牽拉,以娩出後
乃危及母嬰的產科急症。 肩。
分娩期肩難產的即時處理以 HELPERR 口訣來娩出兒肩: h. 產後處理:
a. H = Help:保持冷靜,尋求幫助。啟動針對兒肩難產的醫院常規 - 嬰兒方面:施行急救復甦,評估窒息程度。檢查嬰兒有無產傷
通知增緩,增加助產士,通知產科醫生、兒科醫生到場替新生 例 如 鎖 骨 骨 折 、 Erb’s palsy 。 需 要 時 轉 往 新 生 嬰 兒 加 護 病
兒施救、麻醉人員到場協助處理。 房/NICU
b. 停止促進子宮收縮藥物 (如使用中) 。排除有否臍帶纏頸過緊, - 產婦方面:安慰產婦。採取積極第三產程處理,胎盆娩出後,
兒頸有否異常。清 理胎兒呼吸道。 檢查產道及子宮頸有無撕裂、損傷,加以縫補。監測血壓、脈搏
c. 將產婦臀部升高,或移至床邊,採取膀胱截石臥式以利娩出 出血量。觀察有無產褥併發症之發生,尤以產後出血、感染。
及操作。 - 記錄:兒頭及兒身娩出時間,通知醫生及其到達時間,曾使
d. 安慰產婦及向其解釋。 用的操作。嬰兒出生及急救後的情況、apgar score。
e. 繼續 HELPERR 口訣: 解釋:向夫婦二人解釋及作出安慰、事件經過及其處理、胎兒情況,
- E = Episiotomy:評估需否進行會陰切開或加大會陰切開之切口。 並給予輔導。
- L = Legs:以 McRobert’s 操作,產婦雙手抱大腿或抱膝,盡力屈
- P= Pressure:助手在產婦恥骨上加壓,使胎兒前肩內收,進行
加壓 30 - 60 秒。
 McRobert’s 操作與婦恥骨聯合上加壓,由助手在產婦恥骨
- E = Enter: 手(食指及中指)進入產婦之陰道
 Rubin 操作法(Rubin Maneuver),用力於胎兒肩胛骨,令肩
膀內收並旋轉到斜徑上,繼續 McRobert’s 操作。
 Woods 旋轉操作(Woods Screw Maneuver),從陰道前方進入
到胎兒後肩的前部。向恥骨輕輕旋轉兒肩。結合 Rubin 操作
 反向 Woods 旋轉法,從陰道後方進入到胎兒後肩的後部。
B7.nMidwife’snmanagementnofnshoolderndystocia pubis with adducton
1. Notes warning signs afer fetal head delivered - a relatvely large 12. nRnemove posterior arm – most traumatc, follow posterior arm down
head and fat bulky face, no resttuton of fetal head, ‘turtle sign’ to elbow, fex forearm at elbow, sweep / bring forearm across fetal
that fetal head retracts against maternal perineum and difculty chest
is noted in accomplishing external rotaton of fetal head, gentle 13. nRnoll to all four positon – ‘knee-chest positon’ to increase pelvic
downward tracton fail to efect delivery of anterior shoulder. diameter and release impacton by movement and gravity, deliver
2. (HELPERR) posterior shoulder frst with downward tracton, follow anterior
3. Keep calm and call help – obstetrician, paediatrician, anesthetst, shoulder upward, and downward toward mother’s abdomen
midwives. 14. Last Resort – Zavanelli maneuver, symphysiotomy, deliberate clavicle
4. Withhold syntocinon fracture & cleidotomy. Each maneuver should above 30s.
5. Exclude CRN, fetal neck abnormalites 15. Afer deliver, actve management of 3rd stage, observe PPH, infecton
6. Clear baby’s airway with sucton. Inform mother conditon to gain and exam genital tract trauma and blood loss. Pediatrician is
cooperaton. standby for baby resuscitaton, exam birth injury and asphyxia, to
7. nEnvaluate need for enlarge / make episiotomy, followed by non- NICU care. Documentaton maneuvers, tme and persons involved,
invasive maneuvers. Empty bladder. baby conditon. Explain & reassurance to parents.
8. Lithotomy positon, lower / of bed end
9. nLnegs fexed into McRoberts Maneuver – hyperfexion maternal
thigh against maternal abdomen with pushing to straighten the
sacrum promontory relatve to lumbar spine, decrease angle of
inclinaton, increase size of anterior-posterior diameter of outlet
10. Apply external suprapubic pressure – use fnger and palm fst on
anterior shoulder to displace it (adduct the bisacromial
diameter)behind the symphysis pubis to induce trunk rotaton
frst by one steady force, if failed, followed by rocking moton to
dislodge the shoulder. L+P are used if stll failed.
11. nEnnter the vaginal & perform maneuvers – Invasive maneuvers by
a. Rubin maneuver – 2 fngers to back of anterior shoulder,
push forward to adduct fetal bisacromial diameter, turn
shoulder to oblique positon
b. Woods’ Screw Maneuver – 2 fngers to front of posterior
shoulder rotate backward towards symphysis pubis 180,
abduct posterior shoulder
c. Reverse Woods’ Screw Maneuver – hand behind the
posterior shoulder, rotate 180 forward towards symphysis
Fetalnhead 4.n頭先露的重要兒頭徑線。
a. 枕下前囪徑:由枕下至前囪 9.5cm
b. 頦下前囪徑:由頦下至前囪 9.5cm
頦下前囪徑 = 枕下前囪徑 = 9.5cm = 雙頂間徑 c. 枕下額徑:由枕下至前頂中部 10cm
頦頂徑 = 13.5cm d. 頦下頂徑:由頦下至頂之最隆突處 11.5cm
枕額徑 = 頦下頂徑 = 11.5cm e. 枕額徑:由枕骨隆突至前頂 11.5cm
枕下額徑 = 10cm f. 頦頂徑:由頦之尖端至頂之最隆突處 13.5cm
雙顳間徑 = 8.2cm g. 雙顳間徑:兩側顳骨之間 8.2cm
h. 雙頂間徑:兩側頂骨之間 9.5cm

1. 頂骨變形:向後踏著枕骨、左右互踏、向前踏著額骨
枕下前囟徑 9.5cm、枕額徑 10cm
2. 正常情況,兒頭屈曲良好,枕下前囪徑縮短,頦頂徑增長。(枕前
3. 胎頭屈曲欠佳,枕額徑縮短,頦下前囪徑增長。(枕後位)
4. 胎頭半屈半曲,頦頂徑縮短,枕下額徑增長。(額先露)
5. 胎頭全伸,頦下前囪徑縮短,枕額徑增長。(面先露)

兒頭之構造(由外而內) :
1. 皮膚
2. 結締組織
3. 腱膜
4. 鬆軟結締組織
5. 骨膜
6. 頭骨

NRFS (Fetalnbloodnsampling) (2001.4.B5)nnnnn(5%)
1.n胎兒頭皮血(Fetalnbloodnsampling) (2001.4.B5)nnnnn(5%) Fetal blood sampling is a method to look for fetal well-being by taking
胎兒頭皮血 pH 值亦與胎兒臍靜脈血及臍動脈血相近。因此,以這方法 sample of fetal blood from fetal scalp to check with the acid-base conditon
of the central circulaton. The reliability of fetal heart rate monitoring can
胎兒頭皮血檢驗之適應證包括:臨床之胎兒受困象徵,如羊水含胎糞、 be therefore increased by evidence of fetal distress.
胎兒感染,如母親有乙型肝炎或 HIV 陽性時,不建議施行用。 Indicatons for fetal blood sampling included signs of fetal distress,
胎血取 氧的 正常 pH 值為 7.35 至 7.45 ,酸中 毒前 期 pH 值為 7.20 至 meconium stained liquor, non reassuring CTG. This is an invasive procedure
which may causes fetal scalp hemorrhage and infecton. If mother with HIV
7.25,酸中毒時 pH 值少於 7.20。如第一產程出現酸中毒前期,須 30 分
or HBsAg +ve, this procedure not recommended.
Normal pH range from 7.35 to 7.45, pre-acidotc conditon is pH 7.2-7.25,
for pH <7.2 means acidotc. It is a sign of fetal distress. If fetal blood sample
2.n可能引致胎兒受困的六個原因 is acidotc in 1st stage of labour, crush C/S may arranged. In FBS found in 2 nd
1. 宮縮過烈使子宮胎盆供血不足 Placentaninsofciency stage of labour, instrumental assisted delivery may consider.
2. 妊娠過期或早期胎盆剝離使胎盆功能不足 PlacentanAbropto
3. 母血含氧量不足 MaternalnHypoxia B5.nFetalnbloodnsamplingn(2001.4.B5)nnnnn(5%)nvibi
4. 臍帶受壓使臍帶輸氧功能受阻 Cordncompression
Fetal scalp blood pH value is same as fetus umbilical blood. Thus, FBS is a
5. 胎兒有嚴重先天性心血管疾病/畸形 Fetalnabnormalites
reliable indicator to monitor intrauterine fetal distress.
6. 胎兒宮內感染 Intraoterineninfecton FBS is indicated when clinically fetal distress (meconium stained liquor,
abnormal fetal heart rate, suboptmal CTG). It is an invasive procedure and
increase chance of infecton. It is not recommended for mother who is
hepatts B carrier or HIV positve.
Normal fetus blood pH is 7.35-7.45, pre-acidosis is 7.20-7.25 , severe
acidosis is <=7.20. If acidosis detected during frst stage of labour, repeat
FBS in 30minutes and prepare for emergency caesarean secton. If acidosis
detected in second stage of labour, speed up delivery by encourage pushing
or instrumental delivery.

3.n何謂胎兒受困?試論其於分娩過程的診斷及處理。 (1989.10.A2) 帶脫垂的可能。按醫囑施行靜脈輸入、配血。
- 需要時放置內監察胎心跳儀或作胎血取氧測胎兒含氧情況。如化
(15%) 驗結果 pH 值於 7.20 至 7.25,須 30 分鐘後重覆測試或安排緊急剖
胎兒受困是指胎兒宮內受某些原因引起的慢性或急性缺氧的應激反應。 腹產手術。
胎兒受困的病因有: 第二產程胎心率監察異常:
a. 宮縮過烈、母體低/高血壓、胎盆功能不足導致子宮胎盆供血不足。 - 通知醫生。
b. 嚴重心臟病、嚴重貧血、急性失血、呼吸系統疾病、吸煙、子、發熱、 - 確保足夠或加大會陰切開,以盡快協助娩出胎兒。鼓勵產婦盡力
使用鎮靜劑或麻醉導致母血含氧量不足。 生產。
c. 宮內臍帶受壓導致臍帶輸氧功能受阻。 - 準備輔助儀器協助生產。
d. 胎兒因素:如嚴重先天性心血管疾病、畸形、不足月、宮內感染、缺 - 通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救。
血症。 胎兒娩出後:
胎兒缺氧會引致酸中毒。胎兒輕度缺氧時,刺激交感神經使血壓及心率 - 立即抽吸其口鼻,給予刺激,促進其建立呼吸。
上升,暫無明顯代謝障礙及器官損害。若持續缺氧,會刺激迷走神經使 - 觀察新生兒的呼吸、心跳、肌肉彈力、導管插鼻的反應及膚色。
心率減慢、心肌收縮力減弱。由於腎灌注量不足,減少尿液形成和羊水 - 抹乾其身上之羊水,以暖毛巾包裹其身體以保暖,需要時給氧或施
胎兒在宮內缺氧出現酸中毒,反射性地引起迷走神經興奮使腸蠕動增 行救急。
強及肛門括約肌鬆弛,以致胎糞排出污染羊水。胎兒喘息樣深呼吸增加 b. 檢視羊水性質:
吸入糞染羊水。胎兒腦缺血、水腫出血可致腦功能受損。 檢視羊水的顏色,羊水正常呈半透明,染糞時呈淡綠 /深綠 /黃褐。在
臨床表徵包括胎心跳率異常、胎動減少或消失、羊水含胎糞及酸中毒。 胎膜破裂時,可觀察胎糞污染羊水的程度來判斷胎兒宮內受困的情況
分娩過程中胎兒受困的診斷及處理如下: 輕度羊水含胎糞是足月胎兒常見的正常生理現象。中度至嚴重的羊水
a. 胎心率監察: 以間歇性胎心率聽診法或接駁連續性電子胎心率監察 含胎糞有七成機會引致嚴重的胎兒不良結果。若胎兒心跳率不正常且
儀作胎心率監察。間歇性胎心率聽診法:於分娩過程的不同時段作 伴隨羊水含胎糞,會增加其酸中毒及出生後須緊急急救的機會。羊水
記錄,第一產程每隔 15 分鐘或每次宮縮後監察,第二產程每隔 5 含胎糞最大的危險是胎兒於宮內或娩出時吸入染糞之羊水,引致吸
分 鐘 或 每 次 宮 縮 後 監 察 。 如 胎 心 跳 過 速 (>160bpm) 或 過 緩 入含胎糞羊水綜合症。
(<110bpm) 或宮縮後心跳減慢>15bpm,持續>15 秒,便可診斷為 發現羊水含胎糞的處理:
胎兒受困。 - 通知醫生。
胎兒受困的處理方法: - 禁止產婦飲食。準備靜脈輸入、配血 /全血圖檢查。
第一產程胎心率監察異常: - 通知家人及解釋。
- 檢查監察儀放置的位置是否正確,協助產婦靠左側臥式。立刻 - 準備施行稀釋染糞羊水,以減少吸入含胎糞羊水綜合症。
停止或減少合成催產素之注入。 - 以連續性電子胎心率監察儀嚴密監察胎兒情況,若發現多於 2 個
- 通知醫生。 表徵顯示胎兒受困 (如伴隨胎心率異常) ,應盡快須安排緊急剖腹
- 如產婦有低氧現象給予面罩吸氧。 產手術 (如情況不太嚴重,可先作胎血取氧)。如產程理想,通知
- 通知家人及解釋。 兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救。
- 準備靜脈輸入、配血、全血圖檢查、陰道檢查、內監察胎心跳儀 - 胎兒娩出後,助產士應吸清胎兒呼吸道內之羊水及其他分泌物。
及胎血取氧。 由兒科醫生插入 ET tube,連接 meconium aspirator 替嬰兒吸清呼
- 繼續監察胎兒及產婦情況。 吸道內之羊水及其他分泌物。需要時施氧。
- 醫生到達時再次評估胎兒及產婦情況,施行陰道檢查以排除臍 - 觀察新生兒的呼吸、心跳、肌肉彈力、導管插鼻的反應及膚色。
- 按醫囑替嬰兒插入胃管施行胃灌洗,觀察抽出液之顏色。
c. 胎血取氧:
胎兒缺氧與胎兒宮內酸中毒有明顯的相關性。胎兒頭皮血 pH 值亦
需要立即終止妊娠時,應結合胎兒頭皮血 pH 值作綜合判斷。
- 胎血取氧的正常 pH 值為 7.35 至 7.45,酸中毒前 pH 值為 7.20
至 7.25,酸中毒時 pH 值少於 7.20。
- 如在第一產程 pH 值於 7.20 至 7.25,須安排緊急剖腹產手術。
- 如在第二產程 pH 值低於 7.19, 則盡快協助娩出胎兒,通知兒

Syntocinon is the trade name of synthetc oxytocin.
1.n合成催產素在產科上的臨床使用及其引起的併發症(1999.10.B14)(5%) It acton to stmulates the smooth muscle of the uterus producing rhythmic
現常用之合成催產素為 Syntocinon。 contractons. Is also promotes milk ejecton (let down) refex.
肌上皮細胞以快速產生排乳反射。對血管平滑肌有鬆弛作用。 Indicaton:
適應症: Inducton of aborton and molar pregnancy
- 妊娠期終止懷孕:例如過期流產 Inducton of labour for post term gestaton without signs of labour, PPROM
- 分娩期: To augument labour for slow progress with hypotonic uterine contracton
˙引產:妊娠 41 週仍未有作產跡象、早期破水超過 24 小時 To improve efciency of uterine contracton to control PPH
˙促進分娩:產程緩慢 To facilitate milk ejecton by intransal spray
- 產後: Advantage: Fast onset of acton
˙刺激宮肌收縮,控制產後出血 Act immediately when given IV; within 2.5 mins when given IM last for 30-
˙助乳汁射出 60mins
使用合成催產素的好處:效力快速,肌肉注射 2 分鐘後有效,靜 Disadvantage: Hyperstmulaton causes uterine rupture, abrupton
脈滴注 30 分鐘後有效。 placentae, laceraton of Cx, vagina due to rapid labour, Uterine atony & PPH
使用合成催產素的缺點:導致宮縮過烈,引致劇痛,分娩時有子 when the oxytocin is discontnued. Water intoxicaton efect caused by
宮破裂之危險,胎盆早期剝離,分娩過速致產傷,產後子宮無力 antdiuretc, transient hypotension due to rapid IV bolus administraton
致出血,水份積存,噁心嘔吐,藥物過敏,暫時性低血壓,水中 postpartum.
毒,嚴重者昏睡、昏迷。宮縮過烈使胎兒缺氧,藥物引致胎兒膽紅 Uterine hypertonicity may causes fetal hypoxia  too hard/frequent
素過高。 contracton lead to insufcient circulaton, hyperbilirubinaemia.
a. 確保劑量準確。 Ovservaton: Explain procedure to mother
b. 監察及記錄宮縮和產程進展,如宮縮過烈,須減慢速率或停止 a. Titrate the doses of the syn infusion to atain gd ut cont. using protocols
輸入。 b. Assess FHR, BP/P, intensity, frequency & duraton of uterin contracton
c. 每 15 分鐘觀察及記錄胎心跳速率監察。 before each increase in the oxytocin infusion rate
d. 監察產婦情況,如血壓、飲入排出量、鎮痛是否足夠、出現併發症 c Record all assessment & infusion rate in the partogram.
e. 如有胎兒受困、宮縮多於每 2 分鐘一次、宮縮持續多於 60 秒或宮 d. Assess cervical dilaton as needed
縮間沒有足夠的鬆弛,則須停止靜脈輸入合成催產素。 e. Pain relief
g. STOP when fetal distress, hypertonic UC, duraton of UC >60s, insufcient
relaxaton of the uterus between contractons.

Clinical n oses n and n complicatons n of n syntocinon n in n obstetrics.

2.n對第一產程接受 syntocinonn滴注孕婦的護理 - 防止及治療流產/產後出血。
第一產程接受 syntocinon 滴注是內科引產或促進分娩的方法。對第一產 - 子宮無力及復舊不全。
程接受 syntocinon 滴注孕婦的護理如下: 禁忌症:胎兒未娩出前;嚴重高血壓;心臟病(尤其是二尖瓣狹窄) ;血管
1. 解釋用藥原因及施行程序。Explain procedure to mother 疾病;肝/腎受損;哮喘。
2. 劑量 : 正 確 施行 靜 脈輸入 ,每 15-30 分鐘增加 輸入 滴率, 由 1- 助產士責任:在多胎妊娠時,須於最後一嬰兒娩出後才可注射。產後出血
2mu/min 起增加,直至宮縮維持每 2 分鐘一次,持續不多於 45 秒,
不多於 12-30mu/min。確保劑量準確,使用 infusion pump 或 syringe
pump 輸入。確保輸入喉管無屈接、受壓及保持暢通。
3. 監察及記錄宮縮:以腹外診或探測器監察宮縮,頻率、強度、收縮
4. 監察產程進展,如宮頸擴張、兒頭下降及變形情況,特別注意有否
5. 監察胎兒情況:每 15 分鐘觀察及記錄胎心跳速率,注意羊水有否
6. 監察產婦情況:每半小時測量生命表徵,血壓、脈搏,監察血壓有
否過高或過低;飲入排出量,有否脫水或水份過多,鼓勵每 2-3 小
7. 停止止子宮收縮劑輸入的情況:胎兒受困、宮縮多於每 2 分鐘一次、
宮縮持續多於 60 秒或宮縮間沒有足夠的鬆弛。
8. 協助保持個人衛生及維持舒適。
9. 如引產失敗,產程進展緩慢、產程無進展(宮頸>2 小時不擴張) 或預

Syntometrine 含有 Ergometrine 0.5mg + Syntocinon 5units。
優點:結合 Syntocinon 的快速作用,緩和 Ergometrine 之強而持久的作
用。肌肉注射 2 分鐘有效,持續 3 小時。
- 防止產後出血。
Lie – longitudinal
n nnnn的分娩機制n。 Attitude – fexion
i. 胎兒為縱軸臥式,姿勢全屈,先露為頭,先露部頂,指示點為枕, Presentaton – vertex
位置左枕前,銜接徑線為枕下前囪徑、雙頂間徑各為 9.5cm。 Positon – lef occipito-anterior
ii. 當產婦有良好宮縮,胎兒下降,胎姿屈得更好。當先露部的最大 Denominator – occiput
徑線雙頂間徑及枕下前囪徑進入骨盆上口,是為銜接。 Presentng part – posterior part of right parietal bone
iii. 此時枕對著骨盆之左邊閉孔,額對著右邊的髂關節,矢狀縫位 Engaging diameter – suboccipito-bregmatc 9.5cm
iv. 繼續有良好宮縮,胎兒下降,當領先點枕觸及骨盆底肌就會向前 Afer the onset of labour, with good uterine contractons, descent takes
轉 1/8 圓周,此時枕對著恥骨聯合,額對著骨彎,矢狀縫位於 place with increasing fexion. The sub-occipito-bregmatc diameter
骨盆出口之前後徑之上。 engages with the occiput pointng to the lef iliopectneal eminence and
v. 繼續有良好宮縮,胎兒下降,當枕下前囪徑及雙頂間徑露出外陰, the sinciput to the right sacroiliac joint.
The occiput reaches the pelvic foor frst & rotates one-eighth of a circle
forwards along the lef side of the pelvis and lies just behind the
vi. 枕於恥骨聯合下娩出,額、面、頦於會陰前露出,兒頭伸直,頭在
symphysis pubis.
The occiput escapes under the pubic arch and the head is crowned.
vii. 繼續有良好宮縮,當前肩觸及骨盆底肌就會向前轉 1/8 圓周,頭 The sinciput, face and chin sweep the perineum and the head is born by
同時在外作大迴轉,此時前肩對著恥骨聯合,後肩對著骨彎, extension.
viii. 有良好宮縮,前肩於恥骨聯合下娩出,後肩於會陰前娩出,兒身 Resttoton: n takes place and the occiput turns one-eight of a circle to
側屈彎向母腹娩出。 the mother’s lef to align itself with the shoulders.

With further descents, the shoulders enter in the lef oblique diameter
of the pelvic cavity. The anterior shoulder reaches the pelvic foor frst &
rotates one-eigthth of a circle forwards along the right side of the pelvis.

This internal rotaton of the shoulders is accompanied by the external

rotatonnofnthenhead. The occiput turns a further one-eighth of a circle
to the mothers’ lef.

The shoulders are lying in the antero-posterior diameter of the outlet.

The anterior shoulder escapes under the pubic arch, the posterior
shoulder sweeps the perineum and the body is born by a movement of
lateraln fexion towards the mother’s abdomen.

Operatvendelivery 真空吸引助產的適應症。
1.n使用 lownforcepsn的必要條件。(5%) a. 第二產程延長:Prolonged 2nd stage of labour
- 產婦困倦 Poor maternal efort
低產鉗的使用: - 藥物鎮痛:硬膜外麻醉者 Epidural Anaesthesia
在外陰見到兒頭,即是兒頭已到達會陰之水平。其矢狀縫位於骨盆 - 軟產道阻力導致胎頭不下降
出口之前後徑上。此時最適合用短彎鉗。 - 胎位異常:如持續快枕後位 / 枕橫位 Mal positon etc OP
使用 low forceps 的必要條件:
b. 縮短第二產程:Shorten 2nd stage of labour
a. 兒頭已銜接入骨盆,並到達會陰之水平
- 產婦因素:產婦患心臟病、肺疾病或先兆子。產婦受困。
b. 排除頭盆不相稱 - Maternal: Cardiac disease, TB, PET, maternal distress
c. 宮頸必須全開 - 胎兒因素:不可靠的胎心率圖形。胎兒受困需在第二產程時立即結
d. 胎膜已穿破 束分娩。
e. 排空膀胱 - Fetal: non-reasusraning CTG, sign of fetal distress during 2nd stage of
f.施麻醉:陰部神經阻塞術 labour.
g. 頂先露,面先露頦前位
h. 有宮縮

2. n 試 述 產 鉗 的 功 能 及 其 組 成 部 分 。 產 鉗 的 分 類 及 適 應 症 為 何 ? on the fetal head and thus to help to extract the child. This is the primary
(2004.10.A1)n(15%) functon of the forcepts. It also works as a protectve cage for the fetal
產鉗是用以牽引兒頭而助其娩出的器具。可用作控制兒頭產出之速 head and gives the obstetrician the means to control therate of delivery
度以免兒頭突然迫出,所以有保護兒頭之作用,。 of the head so that it is not expelled suddenly.
產鉗由左右二葉構成。放入產婦骨盆左側者為左葉。葉是產鉗夾 The forceps consistsn foornparts, twonblades,nlefn&nright,nshank,nlockn&
骨盆曲,則為適應產道之彎曲。葉與柄由中部連結。中部之長短 handle. The lef blade is the one which when applied lies on the lef side
因各種產鉗而異。產鉗放入後,兩葉由栓交合。 of the maternal pelvis. The blade is that part of the forceps which grasps
the foetal head and it has a double curvature, the cephalic which
1. 低產鉗:在外陰見到兒頭,即是兒頭已到達會陰之水平。其矢狀
縫位於骨盆出口之前後徑上。此時最適合用短彎鉗。 corresponds to the foetal skull and the pelvic which adapts to the natural
2. 中產鉗:兒頭已銜接,其最低部分在坐骨棘之水平。用以迴轉兒 curve of the birth canal. Thenblades are connected to the handles by the
shanks which are of variable length depending on the type of forceps.
3. 高產鉗:兒頭未銜接,用於娩出臀產式之後產頭。
產鉗的適應症: Afer applicaton the blades are held together by the lock.
1. 第二產程延長:
壓於產道及會陰而受損傷。 Classifcaton of forceps:
2. 母親患併發症: 1. High forceps: Fetal head not engaged, great danger & damage
- 如產婦患心臟病、肺結核或甲狀腺毒症,在第二產程時,可 2. Mid forceps: the foetal head is engaged and the leading part of
- 產婦患先兆子,為母嬰安全,亦應施鉗,因胎兒多數已有 the skull is at the level of the ischial spines
受困現象。 3. Low forceps: the lowest part of the skull is at S+2 level
3. 胎兒患併發症:
4. Outlet forceps: the scalp is visible at the introitus, the skull has
- 胎兒受困是產鉗最普遍的適應症。
- 如臍帶脫垂,胎兒有窒息之危險,宮頸亦已全開,應立即施 reaches the pelvic foor
鉗助產。 Indicaton for forcepts delivery:
- 不足月嬰施鉗助產,因產鉗葉可保護柔軟之兒頭。
1. Pronged 2nd stage of labour (commonest indicatons)
- 臀產式施鉗控制後產頭娩出速度
2. Maternal complicaton (cardiac, TB, thyrotoxicosis) reduce strain
3. Foetal complicaton (distress/ prolapse of cord/ afer coming
head in breeach delivery)
The obstetric forceps is an instrument which is used to apply tracton
DIC nObstetricncaosesnofnnDIC
n nn(2004Apr.nB6)
n n
DIC is an acquired hemorrhagic syndrome in which there is widespread
1.n導致彌漫性血管內凝血(DIC)的產科原因。n(2004.4.B6)n(5%) clotting in small vessels of the body, leading to consumpton of the clotting
彌漫性血管內凝血是廣泛微血管血栓形成,導致循環阻礙、凝血因 factors and platelets s that bleeding and thrombosis are occurring
子消耗及繼發性纖維蛋白溶解而引起的出血、休克及器官功能衰竭 simultaneously.
因有: Causes are secondary to some underlying diseases. Release of
- 羊水栓塞: thromboplastns actvates local coagulaton and fbrinolysis system, leading
- 羊水含大量凝血活素,當羊水進入血液時,可啟動凝血系統, to producton of fbrin degradaton products contribute to coagulaton
誘發彌漫性血管內凝血。 defect by inhibitng fbrin polymerizaton.
- 凝血因子被消耗,導致纖維蛋白原過低。 1. Obstetric complicatons e.g. Amniotc Fluid Embolism
- 胎盆早期剝離:
- 胎盆後血塊形成,消耗纖維蛋白原,導致纖維蛋白原過低。 2. Massive hemorrhage e.g. abrupto placenta
- 受損的蛻膜組織可釋放大量凝血活素,由於此時胎盆附著處
的血竇開放,凝血活素不斷進入母血循環,導致血管內凝血、 3. Retained dead fetus longer than 4 weeks
- 纖維蛋白原過低及纖維蛋白降解物過高,引致宮肌收縮減少。 4. Sepsis (intrauterine infecton) – bacteria toxin damage vessels
- 胎死宮中:
- 長期(>4 週) 滯留在宮內的胚胎及胎盆組織,可緩慢釋放凝血 5. Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia – vessels damage
- 膿毒:
- 例如感染性流產、羊膜腔感染、產褥感染
- 格蘭氏陰性菌所引起的感染較易發生彌漫性血管內凝血。格
- 嚴重先兆子:
- 血管痙攣性收縮,機體各器官缺血、缺氧、內皮細胞受損,

1.n分娩期間陰道檢查的重要性 (2001.10.B2)nn(5%) nB2.nSigniicancenofnvaginalnexaminatonndoringnlaboornnnn(2001.10.B2)nn(5%)n
後的情況。 Vaginal examinaton is a pelvic examinaton in which the perineum, pelvis
1. 第一產程可協助評估產程進展,診斷胎兒先露、胎兒位置、先露部 and cervix are being examined. It helps to provide important data in the
之下降程度及評估宮頸口擴張之進展,及確定進入第二產程。 evaluaton of the pregnant or laboring woman.
2. 探測胎膜情況:可知胎膜是否完整或穿破,穿破後可引流羊水以 In antenatal period, VE can exclude uterine / genital anormaly, aid for
觀察其顏色。觸診前水囊。 cervical assessment (malignancy, polyps, incompetent, before IOL), assess
3. 胎膜穿破時可排除產科急症,診斷有否臍帶脫垂、異常先露。 complicatons (PROM) & taking specimens.
4. 評估陰道壁情況:柔軟及易伸展之組織有助胎兒娩出,如感覺緊 During intrapartum period, VE help to confrm labour onset, perform
amniotomy, confrm leaking, assess labour progress, perform fetal
開術。 monitoring procedure, confrm full dilataton of cervix, identfy fetal
5. 在胎兒受困時,可監測產程進展、宮頸及羊水情況,決定分娩方針 presentaton and positon, exclude cord prolapsed, exam genital tract and
remove retained product of gestaton.
6. 產程廷長時得知兒頭變形程度,亦可找出原因。
In postpartum period, VE check episiotomy wound complicaton
7. 雙胞胎第一胎兒娩出後,可確定第二胎之先露是否正常。
(hematoma), check uterus involuton and check the vagina and cervix
return to pregravid state.

2.n第一產程時子宮的生理轉變 n(2002.10.B4)n(5%)
1. 子宮肌肉收縮與縮復:短暫性收縮,使肌纖維變厚;每次收縮使
2. 宮縮擴散的極性與宮底優勢:
極性 - 收縮之波動有固定方向,由上而下,宮縮以宮底最強、最持
宮底優勢 - 收縮由宮角開始,向內及向下移動,直至中間相遇,聯
3. 間歇性及規律性的宮縮:規律而間歇性的,子宮肌肉可於二次收
壓維持 30-90mmHg,兩次宮縮間有休息,有規律性宮縮, 每 2-3
分鐘宮縮一次,每次維持 40-60 秒。
4. 子宮上段與下段形成:子宮上段縮復,使宮下段纖維放鬆及伸展,
5. 宮頸消失及頸口擴張:子宮收縮與縮復,使宮頸逐漸縮短而消失,
6. 現血:指分娩開始前或後陰道出現的血及黏膜樣分泌物,由於宮
7. 全羊水壓力:羊膜完整時,宮縮的壓力隨羊水平均分佈於子宮及
8. 水囊之形成:子宮收縮時,部份羊水流入胎兒先露部先方,形成
9. 破水:前水囊於分娩第一期末始穿破,當宮頸接近全開,前羊水

1. 陣痛:分娩開始時有規律之宮縮使孕婦感到腹痛。剛開始時間歇頗
2. 現血:可能出現現血,開始前或後陰道出現的血及黏膜樣分泌,
3. 破水:可能出現破水,前水囊於分娩第一期末始穿破,當宮頸接

4.n第一產程期間的護理 7. 提供情緒支持和有效的調適:
第一產程是由子宮有規律收縮至子宮頸完全擴張至 10cm。第一產程期 給予情緒上的支持。家人陪產以促進產婦舒適及給予鼓勵。觸摸、按摩
間的護理如下: 以促進舒適。向產婦提供及指導有關產科程序、護理措施的訊息。安排
1. 評估及記錄: 休息時間。
d. 產婦方面:血壓、脈搏、體溫等生命表徵。小便檢驗,有否蛋白
e. 胎兒方面:胎心聲及宮縮監察、羊水顏色,防治胎兒受困。
f. 產程進展:先露部下降程度、宮頸口擴張之大小、宮縮之強度、
2. 促進休息和舒適:
a. 潛伏期:鼓勵產婦下床走動,利用呼吸和放鬆技巧及舒適姿勢
b. 活動期:疼痛增加,儘可能鼓勵產婦下床走動,或建議其轉換
3. 促進膀胱排泄:
4. 分娩期間的姿勢:
5. 促進營養和水份攝入:
6. 止痛方法:
方法包括吸入 Entonox、肌肉注射 Pethidine 及硬膜外麻醉。
1. 第一產程:由子宮規律收縮至子宮頸完全擴張至 10cm。可區分為
潛伏期、活動期及過渡期。潛伏期宮縮較弱,子宮頸擴張 0-3cm,
初產婦歷時 6-8 小時,歷產婦歷時 4-5 小時。活動期宮縮及陣痛增
強,子宮頸擴張 3-8cm,初產婦歷時 4-5 小時大約每小時擴張
1cm,歷產婦需時 2-3 小時大約每小時擴張 1.5cm。過渡期宮縮強
烈,子宮頸擴張 8-10cm。臨床徵狀:陣痛、現血、破水、宮頸變化
2. 第二產程:由宮頸全開至嬰兒完全娩出。初產婦歷時 1 小時,歷
產婦歷時 30 分鐘。以兒頭下降程度來區分為潛伏期、活動期及過
3. 第三產程:由嬰兒出生後至胎盆娩出為止。嬰兒娩出後,子宮繼

1. 陣痛:分娩開始時有規律之宮縮使孕婦感到腹痛。剛開始時間歇頗
2. 現血:可能出現現血,開始前或後陰道出現的血及黏膜樣分泌,
3. 破水:可能出現破水,前水囊於分娩第一期末始穿破,當宮頸接
4. 宮頸變化及逐漸擴張:宮頸組織變軟、變薄、長度變短。宮外口由
第一產程:由子宮規律收縮至子宮頸完全擴張至 10cm。

第一產程開始於子宮規律的收縮,直至子宮頸完全擴張至 10cm。助
1. 胎兒情況:
- 監察胎心聲:間歇性聽診、電子監測器(正常胎胎心聲 110-
150bpm) ,留意有無過緩、過速或減速
- 注意羊水顏色:正常為清澈,胎兒受困時含胎糞、胎盆早
- 兒頭變形及水腫程度及其程度
- 防治胎兒受困(如胎心聲異常、羊水量異常或含胎糞) ,必
2. 產程進展:
- 按時作腹部檢查:監察宮縮情況,先露部下降程度(先露部
- 陰道檢查:監察宮頸口擴張情況,是否擴張緩慢或水腫。
- 宮縮監察:頻率、強度、持續時間,有否高張性、不協調或
低張性子宮收縮,正常宮縮為 10 分鐘內不超過 4 次
- 如使用合成催產素引產或促進分娩者,須留意對引產或促
3. 產婦情況:
- 生命表徵:體、脈搏、血壓、呼吸,如有血壓高須避免於
第二產程注射 syntometrine、留意小便含蛋白及水腫程度等
- 小便情況:留意排出量,檢查有否含蛋白、醋酮,如有含
- 疼痛情況:評估產婦的需要,與其討論各種止痛方法的用
- 情況者異常,須立刻通知醫生。

分娩期准許進食的弊處:如產程欠佳,或胎兒 /產婦受困,需立即
Mendelson’s syndrome,雖然少見,但仍會發生。而且分娩期間,使
用 Entonox、Pethedine 等止痛藥物,均有可能引致嘔吐,如分娩期

1. 臍帶:
2. 胎膜之血管:
3. 胎膜:將胎膜覆蓋整個胎盆,小心檢查胎膜是否完整。如胎膜不
3 日後仍無胎膜排出,或惡露繼續呈紅色,或出血異常,應小心評
4. 胎盆:除去母體面的血塊並量度血量。將胎盆平放,如胎盆完整,
5. 最後磅胎盆重量,並把檢查結果記錄於分娩記錄上。

11.n分娩期乙型肝炎防護。 PreventonnofnHepattsnBndoringnlaboor
乙型肝炎屬於濾過性病毒感染。乙型肝炎有垂直感染傳播胎兒的危 Hepatts B causes by hepatts B virus. It can vertcally transmit from
險。若母親 HBsAg 及 HBeAg 呈陽性,新生嬰兒有 70-90%機會感染乙 mother to newborn during delivery. If Hepatts B surface antgen is positve
型肝炎,而 85-90%受感染的嬰兒會成為慢性帶菌者。乙型肝炎病毒 in maternal blood, newborn have 70-90% chance of being infected. 85-90%
newborn will be chronic carrier of hepatts B. The virus will not transmit via
或損口接觸母親的血液或陰道溢液會感染胎兒。分娩期乙型肝炎防 placenta, but disseminate in the liquor and swallow of blood and liquor by
護如下: newborn during delivery, mucosa contact with maternal blood and vaginal
a. 檢查孕婦產前篩選 HbsAg,替沒有作產前檢查者抽血作篩選 secreton can infected the newborn. The steps for Hepatts B preventon in
HbsAg。 newborn are:
1. Antenatal screening of maternal HbsAg
b. 執行標準防衛措施,護理前後洗手,接觸分泌物時帶手套,需
2. Hepatts B vaccine at birth, 1 moth and 6 month
c. 替新生嬰兒作乙型肝炎的防疫注射:嬰兒出生、1 個月及 6 個
If mother is HbsAg positie
月注射 HB vaccine
1. Health educaton to HbsAg positve mother
d. 乙型肝炎帶菌之孕婦之處理:
2. Universal precauton, washing hand
- 嚴格執行標準防衛措施,護理前後洗手。
3. Avoid invasive procedure e.g. fetal blood sampling
- 嬰兒出生時即時處理:抽吸口、鼻之涎液,抹去眼、面及身
4. Immediate oropharyngeal sucton, swab liquor and blood over eye,
face and body, early bath
- 嬰兒出生 12 小時內注射乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白。嬰兒出生、1
5. Hepatts B immunoglobin to baby within 12 hours afer birth
個月及 6 個月給予 HB vaccine。嬰兒接受免疫注射後才開始
6. Give vaccine before start BF
7. Educate family wash hand before and afer care the baby

12. 急性子宮內翻之原因及併發症。nn
a. 第三產程處理不當:外力使子宮內陷。
. 產後不正確或過度按壓宮底,以企圖逼出胎盆
. 胎盆粘連或殖入:胎盆未剝離時,過份牽拉臍帶
. 臍帶纏頸或過短:兒頭分娩時過度牽拉臍帶,造成子宮翻出
a. 站立分娩,因胎兒體重對胎盆臍帶的牽拉作用。
b. 先天性子宮發育不良或產婦過度衰弱,在產程中腹內壓增加,
c. 使用 MgSO4 助子宮鬆弛
- 休克:劇痛造成神經性休克
- 產後感染:敗血症或人工操作引致
- 原發性產後出血:子宮壁鬆弛導致宮縮不良

13.n分娩期羊水含胎糞的處理。(1997.10.nB.13)n(5%) nB1. n Management n of n laboor n with n meconiom-stained n liqoornnn n(1997.10.
n n
羊水含胎糞最大的危險是胎兒於宮內或娩出時吸入染糞之羊水, nB.13)n(5%)nn(2007.9)
n n
引致吸入含胎糞羊水綜合症。分娩期羊水含胎糞的處理: MSL is one of the possible sign indicates fetus may has fetal distress due
- 通知醫生。禁止產婦飲食。準備靜脈輸入、配血 /全血圖檢查。 to hypoxia in-utero. Fetal hypoxia stmulates the vagus nerve response
- 安慰產婦,解釋及支持。通知家人及解釋。 and increase gut peristalsis. Relaxaton of internal and external sphincter
- 準備施行稀釋染糞羊水,以減少吸入含胎糞羊水綜合症。 lead to passage of meconium. The passage of meconium is not a risk itself
- 以連續性電子胎心率監察儀嚴密監察胎兒情況,若發現多於 2 to the fetus, but aspiraton of the meconium in-utero or at birth into fetal
個表徵顯示胎兒受困 (如伴隨胎心率異常) ,應盡快須安排緊急 lung is associated with clinical disease ranging from mild transitory
剖腹產手術 (如情況不太嚴重,可先作胎血取氧)。如產程理想, respiratory distress to severe respiratory compromise (MAS). Thus,
通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救。 preventon of MAS is vital to improve perinatal mortality and morbidity.
- 胎兒娩出後,助產士應吸清胎兒呼吸道內之羊水及其他分泌物。 - Inform obstetrician for further assessment,
由兒科醫生插入 ET paediatrician to standby for resuscitaton during delivery and
- tube,連接 meconium aspirator 替嬰兒吸清呼吸道內之羊水及 midwives to monitor maternal fetal conditons.
其他分泌物。需要時施氧。 - Prepare for emergency interventon – NPO, IVF, X-match & CBP
- 觀察新生兒的呼吸、心跳、肌肉彈力、導管插鼻的反應及膚色。 - Reassurance, explain, support
- 按醫囑替嬰兒插入胃管施行胃灌洗,觀察抽出液之顏色。 - Close monitor labor progress, fetal well-being and deterioraton of
- 記錄。必要時把新生兒轉送新生嬰兒加護病房繼續觀察。 conditon (partogram, CFHM)
- Preventon of meconium aspiraton syndrome
 Explain & prepare for amnioinfusion (to dilute meconium in the
amniotc fuid & try to reduce risk of MAS)
 paediatrician to standby for resuscitaton during delivery
 Early thorough sucton before crying afer birth. Intrapartum
sucton before should delivery is no longer recommend
 Direct endotracheal sucton immediately (direct visualizaton
using laryngoscope, inserton of tracheal tube – 3 to3.5cm if
term newborn, sucton with meconium aspirator)
- In case of nonreassuring FH patern, decide for cesarean secton if 2
signs of fetal distress are viewed
- Provide warm via overhead radiant warmer, quick wrap and dry up
the body with warm towel to avoid cold distress, hypothermia that
will increase oxygen consumpton.
- Positon to snifng positon., oxygen prn
- VS observaton, NICU, CXR, ABG, documentaton, explanaton,
reassurance and promote bonding.
- Stomach washout before feeding
14. 簡述自然分娩。
10. 產後多與嬰兒共處,皮膚接觸能為嬰兒保暖,亦有助調節心律和
陰道自然分娩是一個自然過程,當胎兒為出生作好準備,身體便 呼吸。母嬰同室有助母嬰互相認識,及母親可了解嬰兒的舉動和
會自然進入分娩期,透過規律的宮縮,使宮頸變薄、擴張、胎兒下 需要,作為母乳餵哺的好開始。
降、娩出。自然分娩是於生產時試圖減少醫療的干預,尤其是使用 當分娩出現異常問題時,需了解所建議的醫療措施之好處與壞處,
麻醉藥物及外科措施,包括會陰切開術、儀器助產及剖腹產。 然後作出選擇。
1. 選擇一個支持自然分娩和自己覺得舒適的地方分娩。
2. 選擇一個支持和提倡自然分娩的照顧者,很多婦女都感到由
3. 不要要求或同意引產,除非有臨床需要。容許身體自然進入分
4. 分娩期開始後,保持自由走動,這樣會較舒適,而產程進展
5. 選擇一個可以為自己和伴侶提供持續性的情緒及心理支持的人
6. 採用間歇性胎心跳監察,或使用不妨礙活動的胎兒監察方法。
7. 按自己的需要來進食和進水。分娩期開始後,應適量進食和進
8. 使用非藥物性的止痛方法,很多婦女認為溫水浴和花灑浴有
9. 分娩時不要臥著,儘量保持直立姿勢(如坐、蹲或站立)、四肢著
15.nn簡述分娩記錄圖。n(1999.4.B7)n(5%) nB7.nPartogramnnnn(1999.4.B7)n(5%)n
分娩記錄圖是一個以圖表方式在分娩第一期作有系統的監察,摘要地描 Partogram is a graphic record of progress of labour and salient features in
述分娩過程中所發生的事、進展及確認有不良的分娩情況。 mothers and fetuses. It composes of fetal record, maternal record and
record of “progress of labour”.
A. 產程進展:
1. 子宮頸口擴張:第一產程可分為 1. Fetal record - FHR, liquor amount and color, caput and moulding
- 潛伏期:規律宮縮開始至宮頸管及宮頸口擴張 3cm,通常不會 2. Maternal record – BP, P, T℃; urine output, albumin, ketone; drugs
超過 8 小時 and IVF used
- 活躍期:宮頸口由 3cm 擴張至 10cm,宮頸口擴張速度平均每小 3. Labour progress –
時為 1cm。初產婦宮頸擴張約每小時 1.2cm,歷產婦約每小時 a. Cervix dilataton: In frst stage of labour, latent and actve phase will
1.5cm。活躍期又分加速期、最大加速期(最大斜率期)、減速期 be presented on a graphic chart. Latent phase shows cervix from 0-
2. 兒頭下降(先露部下降): 3cm within 8 hours; actve phase shows cervix from 3-10cm, average
d. 兒頭顱頂骨最低點平在坐骨棘平面時,以 “0” 表達,在坐骨
rate 1.2 (nulliparity) – 1.5 (multparity) cm/hour.
棘平面上 1cm 時,以 “-1” 表達,在坐骨棘平面下 1cm 時,
以 “+1” 表達。 b. Fetal head descend:
e. 將子宮頸口擴張和兒頭下降二者分別聯線,宮頸口擴張線由 ٠ The widest presentng transverse diameter passed through the
左向右,自下而上。兒頭下降曲線由左向右,自上而下。二者 pelvic brim is called engagement. In a well fexed attitude, with
交叉。 cephalic presentaton, the vertex of the fetus reach the ischial
- 子宮收縮: spine level is call staton 0. If the vertex above the ischial spine
a. 頻率:以 10 分鐘計算,每格代表一次宮縮,表示 10 分鐘內之 1cm is noted as “-1”; the vertex below the ischial spine 1cm is
宮縮次數。 noted as “+1”. It is poted with a circle on the graph from lef to
b. 持續時間,以不同的明暗指示。
right and up to down.
B. 胎兒情況:
1. 胎心跳率 ٠ The cervical dilataton is poted with a contnuous line together
2. 羊水量及顏色 with fetal head descend from lef to right and down to top.
3. 兒頭變形 c. Uterine contracton is recorded as numbers in 10 minutes with a bar
C. 產婦情況: chart on the partogram. The severity is presented with density of the
1. 體溫、脈搏及血壓 bar.
2. 小便:排出量、蛋白、醋酮 It serves as an ‘early warning system’ to detect slow progress of labour,
3. 藥物及靜脈輸入
assists in decision on augmentaton and terminaton of labour, increase
A. 由於所有資料都分別清晰記錄於同一紙張上,故對任何異常情況能 quality and regularity of all maternal and fetal observatons in labour,
一目了然,從而能作出即時之診治,有效地預防產程延長,減少母 early recognize cephalopelvic disproporton and decrease bulk of
胎之損害。 documentaton.
B. 記錄圖是利用數字及簡單文字顯示,故可節省人力,免用冗長文字
C. 屬客觀性的記錄,有助訊息之交流。
D. 可預測第二產程之開始。
E. 富教育之價值。

17. 試論助產士在處理正常分娩的角式。n(1998.1.A1)n(15%)
18. 家居分娩的好處及壞處。n(1998.4.B10)n(5%)
19. 王太,一名二十八歲初次懷孕的教師,於妊娠三十六週時被證實胎
她的助產士,試論在分娩期間你會如何照顧她。 (2004.A 2)n(15%)
盆、母體和胎兒因素影響。若懷有死胎,通常於 2-3 星期內有自然作
a. 安排獨立房間,保障私隱,但避免使她感到被隔離,鼓勵丈夫陪
b. 嚴密監察母體的生命表徵,情緒狀況,宮縮情況,產程進展(避免
c. 持續告知產程進展及給予心理支持,聆聽王太申訴,陪伴她
d. 提供足夠及持久的止痛方法,如肌肉注射 pethidine,以減輕母親
e. 在宮頸全開時,協助生產,如正常分娩一樣接產
f. 不施行羊膜穿刺術以免增加感染的機會
g. 避免作不必要的會陰切口
h. 分娩後,詳細檢查及送標本到實驗室作進一步化驗:
- 死胎之腐化程度,有否先天性畸型
- 臍帶及胎盆有否異常表徵或結構,取胎盆拭子作細菌培植
- 取死胎拭子作濾過性病毒檢查
i. 替嬰兒潔淨及穿上整齊衣服並包裹好
j. 讓父母選擇是否即時看、或抱、或觸摸嬰兒,將嬰兒帶給父母之前
k. 如有需要,安排時間讓父母與嬰兒單獨相聚
l. 提供有關嬰兒的紀念物品:如腳印、一撮頭髮及嬰兒照片
m. 詳細記錄有關資料及保留嬰兒照片作將來參考

Postnatal Caosesnofnsecondarynpostpartomnhaemorrhagen(2000.4.B10)n(5%)
Postpartomnhaemorrhagen Mostnlikelynoccornbetweenn10-14ndaysnaferndelivery
1.n繼發性產後出血的原因 n(2000.4.B10)n(5%) 1. Retained products of concepton e.g. Fragment of the placenta /
1. 妊娠產物遺留 e.g. 胎膜、胎盆組織,導致子宮復舊不良。 membrances, subinvoluton of the uterus
2. 感染:由於部份胎膜或胎盆組織或血塊遺留於宮內,有利於 2. Infecton: POC favour bacteria growing
病菌繁殖。 3. placental site, tear site, wound
3. 凝血塊溶解:胎盆位,撕裂處,傷口。 4. Bleeding of uterine fbrio
4. 纖維肌瘤出血。 5. Cervical cancer
5. 宮頸癌,絨毛膜癌(通常於第五週後出血)。
2.n原發性產後出血的原因 n(1999.10.B7) (5%) nB7.nCaosesnofnprimarynpostpartomnhaemorrhagennn n(1999.10.B7)n(2007.4.B3)
n n
n n
1. 子宮收縮不良:
1. Atonic uterus – major 90% cause of PPH. In multparous women,
- 歷產多胎、多胎妊娠、羊水過多、胎兒過大。
multple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, macrosomnia, APH, placenta
- 產前出血、胎盆前置。
previa, prolong labour, atonic uterus, precipitate labour, GA, uterine
- 產程延長。
fbroid, improper management of third stage, fundal pressure,
- 全身麻醉使宮肌鬆弛。
overstmulated uterus (IOL), uterine inversion, full bladder or poor
- 急產:宮肌未回復縮復。
maternal general health. (overdistension of uterus, mechanical
- 第三產程處理不當:胎盆未娩出前,過度刺激子宮,引致急
obstructon in uterus, injury or over-manipulaton of uterus causes
uterine atony)
- 膀胱脹滿。
2. Trauma to genital tract – vaginal tear, cervical tear, perineum tear,
- 子宮內有異物阻礙宮縮:胎盆或血塊滯留,宮內瘤腫。
instrumental delivery; hematoma (vaginal, vulva, pelvic ligaments);
- 宮內感染。
rupture uterus (previous caesarean), acute uterine inversion obstruct
- 膀胱脹滿。
2. 損傷性:
3. Tissue retained – incomplete or retained placenta, placenta accrete /
increta / percreta, tumor or fbroid (mechanical obstructon afects
uterine contractlity)
4. Thrombolic disorder – drug induced (warfarin), low platelets, DIC, AFE
3. 凝血機能不全 Blood coagulaton disorders
(thromboplastns in liquor enter maternal blood), IUD over 4 weeks,
纖維旦白元過低,因大量出血(藥物引致如 Warfarin,本身有肝病)
Placenta previa (less muscle fre to contract in lower uterine segment),
abrupton placenta (blood infltrate uterine muscle afect contracton),
4. 組織滯留:胎盆子葉。植入性胎盆。
5. Chorioamnionits

Sulprostone 500 mcg in 100ml normal saline 靜脈輸入
Prostaglandin F2 IMI 或宮肌注射
Hemabate 250mcg deep IMI/宮肌注射,每 15 分鐘重覆注射,最高
劑量可達 2mg 或 8 劑量

4.n一產婦於正常分娩後十五分鐘,陰道有大量出血。試論其出血的原因及處 Syntocinon 5 units IVI or Syntometrine 1 ampoule IMI 及靜脈
輸入 Syntocinon40units in 500ml Normal Saline 以刺激子宮
理。n (2000.1.A1)nn(15%) 收縮。如仍未能止血,按醫囑給予 Sulprostone:500mcg in
正常分娩後 24 小時內,生殖道出血達 500ml 以上稱為原發性產後出血。 100ml in Normal Saline 靜脈輸入。
產後出血可引致產婦休克,嚴重者會死亡,故需即時處理。原發性產後 2. 抽血檢驗:Hb、CBP、凝血功能、L/RFT、配血。如凝血障礙,
出血的原因有: 靜脈輸入新鮮冰凍血漿。若血色素低於 8g/dl 則輸血。
i. 子宮收縮不良:
3. 若胎盆未娩出:待子宮收縮後,盡快嘗試用臍帶牽引法娩
- 歷產多胎、多胎妊娠、羊水過多、胎兒過大。
- 產前出血、胎盆前置。 4. 檢查胎盆是否完整,如胎盆組織滯留,協助醫生施行人工
- 孕婦本身健康狀況差。
- 產程延長:宮肌疲倦引致宮縮力弱。
5. 檢查生殖道,如有撕裂,儘快縫合傷口。如有陰道血腫,
- 急產:宮肌未回復縮復。
- 第三產程處理不當:胎盆未娩出前,過度刺激子宮,引致急
6. 仍未能止血者行雙手壓子宮法以助子宮收縮。
7. 不能控制之出血:剖腹手術子宮穿破者,縫補子宮、子宮
- 膀胱脹滿。
- 子宮內有異物阻礙宮縮:胎盆或血塊滯留,宮內瘤腫。
h. 整過程要注意心理支持,安慰。期間亦要通知家人。
- 宮內感染。
i. 產後初期產婦軟弱,疲倦,嬰兒需代飼。但可抱給母親看。
ii. 損傷性:
iii. 凝 血 機 能 不 全 : 纖 維 旦 白 元 過 低 , 因 大 量 出 血 ( 藥 物 引 致 如
Warfarin,本身有肝病) ,散發性血管內凝血),羊水栓塞,胎死腹
iv. 組織滯留:胎盆子葉、植入性胎盆。
a. 立即呼叫增緩護士,通知醫生。
c. 同時立即揉捏子宮並注意出血情況。
d. 嚴密觀察產婦之生命表徵,及早發現休克。若有休克現象立即
e. 預備物品:急救車、助子宮收縮藥物、配血及血液檢驗、陰道窺
f. 導尿放置尿管:測量尿量。
g. 盡快找出原因:
1. 探察子宮:若子宮收縮不良,揉捏子宮。按醫囑給予
placenta.n Primary PPH has incidence rate of 3-5% in vaginal delivery women.
5.n一名 34n歲婦人剛產下第三胎,她看來蒼白昏睡,胎盆娩出後,陰道 Bleeding over 500ml from genital tract within 24 hours afer delivery is primary
postpartum haemorrhage. PPH is a potental serious complicaton for mother and
嚴重出血,你將如何處理。4.2003n(A.2)n15% common cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. It causes hypovolemic shock
正常分娩後 24 小時內,生殖道出血達 500ml 以上稱為原發性產後出 and even death if not recognize promptly and treat immediate.
Caoses:n The physiologies mainly categorized into overdistension of uterus,
血。這名婦人在胎盆娩出後陰道嚴重出血,是原發性產後出血的徵狀 mechanical obstructon to uterus, injury and over manipulaton of the uterus.
產後出血可引致產婦休克,嚴重者會死亡,故需即時處理。原發性產 - Atonic uterus – major 90% cause of PPH. In multparous women, multple
後出血的處理: pregnancy, polyhydramnions, macrosomnia, APH, placenta previa, prolong
labour, atonic ut, precipitate labour, improper Mx of 3rd stage, fundal
a. 立即呼叫增緩護士,通知醫生。 pressure, overstmulated uterus, ut inversion, full bladder or poor maternal
b. 同時立即揉捏子宮並注意出血情況。 general health.
- Trauma to genital tract – vaginal tear, cervical tear, perineum tear,
c. 嚴密觀察產婦之生命表徵,及早發現休克。若有休克現象立即救 instrumental delivery; hematoma (vaginal, vulva, pelvic ligaments); rupture
治休克,施氧、保暖,建立靜脈輸入導管,給予靜脈輸入液以補 uterus (previous caesarean), acute uterine inversion,
充體液。 - Tissue retained – causes mechanical obstructon to good uterine contractlity;
incompleted or retained placenta, placenta accrete / increta / percreta,
d. 預備物品:急救車、助子宮收縮藥物、配血及血液檢驗、陰道窺 tumor or fbroid
器檢查。 - Thrombolic disorder – causes clotting defect; drug induced (warfarin), low
platelets, DIC, AFE, IUD over 4 weeks, APH, abrupton placenta (blood
e. 導尿放置尿管:測量尿量。 inflitrate into uterine muscle afectng uterine contractons), PET
f.盡快找出原因: - Chorioamniotts
 探察子宮:若子宮收縮不良,揉捏子宮。按醫囑給予 Management:
1. Call for help, inform obstetrician
Syntocinon 5 units IVI or Syntometrine 1 ampoule IMI 及靜 2. Observe vital signs, detect signs of shock and treatment immediately.
脈輸入 Syntocinon40units in 500ml Normal Saline 以刺激子  head down, oxygen, keep warm, fuid replacement
 Prepare resuscitaton equipment (e-trolley, drugs for uterine contracton, x-
宮收縮。如仍未能止血,按醫囑給予 Sulprostone:500mcg match), vaginal speculum examinaton
in 100ml in Normal Saline 靜脈輸入。 3. Uterine massage to rub up uterine contracton
 抽血檢驗:Hb、CBP、凝血功能、L/RFT、配血。如凝血障礙, 4. Repeat oxytocin drugs
5. Insert foley, monitor IO (to empty the bladder), Measure blood loss
靜脈輸入新鮮冰凍血漿。若血色素低於 8g/dl 則輸血。 6. Rule out causes & treat accordingly
 檢查胎盆是否完整,如胎盆組織滯留,協助醫生施行人 a. Uterine atony: check uterine contracton, administered prescribed
syntocinon (syntocinon 5 units IVI, syntometrine 5IU IMI, syntocinon
工手術取胎盆。 30units in 500ml NS infusion), sulprostone 500mcg in 100mlNS infusion
 檢查生殖道,如有撕裂,儘快縫合傷口。如有陰道血腫, or hemabate.
拆除縫線,由醫生再縫補傷傷或放入引流。 b. Tissue retained: Check completeness of placenta, MROP if RPOG.
c. Trauma: Check genital tract for tear and trauma, repair wound, resuture
 仍未能止血者行雙手壓子宮法以助子宮收縮。 and drain of haematoma by obstetrician.
 不能控制之出血:剖腹手術子宮穿破者,縫補子宮、子宮 d. Thrombolic disorder: Blood for Hb, CBP, INR, LRFT, x-match. FFP or PC or
WB transfusion if indicated.
動脈倒塞術;結紮子宮動脈、骼內動脈、全宮切除術。 7. Bimanual compression
g. 整過程要注意心理支持,安慰。期間亦要通知家人。 8. Uterine packing
h. 產後初期產婦軟弱,疲倦,嬰兒需代飼。但可抱給母親看。 9. Surgical repair rupture, ligaton to internal iliac artery / uterus artery.
Hysterectomy as last resort if the above measures failed
10. Psychological support and reassurance to women and families
11. Help in postpartum baby care with bonding concerns
nA2.nAn34-year-oldnwomannhadnjostndeliverednhern3nnnnn child.nShenlookednpalorn
and n lethargy. n Heavy n bleeding n per n vagina n was n noted n afer n the n delivery n of
a. 立即呼叫增緩護士,通知醫生。
b. 同時立即揉捏子宮並注意出血情況。
c. 嚴密觀察產婦之生命表徵,及早發現休克。若有休克現象立即救治
d. 預備物品:急救車、助子宮收縮藥物、配血及血液檢驗、陰道窺器檢
e. 導尿放置尿管:測量尿量。
- 探察子宮:若子宮收縮不良,揉捏子宮。按醫囑給予 Syntocinon
5 units IVI or Syntometrine 1 ampoule IMI 及 靜 脈 輸 入
Syntocinon40units in 500ml Normal Saline 以刺激子宮收縮。如仍
未能止血,按醫囑給予 Sulprostone:500mcg in 100ml in Normal
Saline 靜脈輸入。
- 抽血檢驗:Hb、CBP、凝血功能、L/RFT、配血。如凝血障礙,靜脈
輸入新鮮冰凍血漿。若血色素低於 8g/dl 則輸血。
- 若胎盆未娩出:待子宮收縮後,盡快嘗試用臍帶牽引法娩出胎
- 檢查胎盆是否完整,如胎盆組織滯留,協助醫生施行人工手術
- 檢查生殖道,如有撕裂,儘快縫合傷口。如有陰道血腫,拆除縫
- 仍未能止血者行雙手壓子宮法以助子宮收縮。
- 不能控制之出血:剖腹手術子宮穿破者,縫補子宮、子宮動脈倒
g. 量度出血量,監察生命表徵。
h. 整過程要注意心理支持,安慰。期間亦要通知家人。
i. 產後初期產婦軟弱,疲倦,嬰兒需代飼。但可抱給母親看。

6. 原發性產後出血的初步處理。n(2002.4.B6)nn(5%)
a. 立即呼叫增緩護士,通知醫生。
b. 同時立即揉捏子宮並注意出血情況。
c. 嚴密觀察產婦之生命表徵,及早發現休克。若有休克現象立即
d. 預備物品:急救車、助子宮收縮藥物、配血及血液檢驗、陰道窺
e. 導尿放置尿管:測量尿量。
f. 盡快找出原因:
- 探察子宮:若子宮收縮不良,揉捏子宮。按醫囑給予
Syntocinon 或 Syntometrine 及靜脈輸入點滴 Syntocinon 40u
in500ml Normal Saline 以刺激子宮收縮。如仍未能止血,按
醫囑給予 Sulprostone:500mcg in 100ml in Normal Saline 靜脈
- 抽血檢驗:Hb、CBP、凝血功能、L/RFT、配血。如凝血障礙,
靜脈輸入新鮮冰凍血漿。若血色素低於 8g/dl 則輸血。
- 若胎盆未娩出:待子宮收縮後,盡快嘗試用臍帶牽引法娩
- 檢查胎盆是否完整,如胎盆組織滯留,協助醫生施行人工
- 檢查生殖道,如有撕裂,儘快縫合傷口。如有陰道血腫,
- 仍未能止血者行雙手壓子宮法以助子宮收縮。
- 不能控制之出血:剖腹手術子宮穿破者,縫補子宮、子宮
g. 量度出血量,監察生命表徵,記錄。
h. 整過程要注意心理支持,安慰。期間亦要通知家人。
i. 產後初期產婦軟弱,疲倦,嬰兒需代飼。但可抱給母親看。

7. 子宮無力引致的原發性產後出血的處理。n(1996.4.B11)n(5%)
a. 立即呼叫增緩護士,通知醫生。
b. 同時立即揉捏子宮並注意出血情況。
c. 嚴密觀察產婦之生命表徵,及早發現休克。若有休克現象立即
d. 預備物品:急救車、助子宮收縮藥物、配血及血液檢驗、陰道窺
e. 導尿放置尿管:測量尿量。
f. 盡快找出原因:
- 探察子宮:若子宮收縮不良,揉捏子宮。按醫囑給予
Syntocinon 或 Syntometrine 及靜脈輸入點滴 Syntocinon 40u
in500ml Normal Saline 以刺激子宮收縮。
- 如仍未能止血,按醫囑給予 Sulprostone:500mcg in 100ml in
Normal Saline 靜脈輸入。
- 抽血檢驗:Hb、CBP、凝血功能、L/RFT、配血。若血色素低於
8g/dl 則輸血。
- 仍未能止血者行雙手壓子宮法以助子宮收縮。
- 不能控制之出血:剖腹手術子宮穿破者,縫補子宮、子宮
g. 量度出血量,監察生命表徵,記錄。
h. 整過程要注意心理支持,安慰。期間亦要通知家人。

8. 試論原發性產後出血的預防及處理。10.1997n(A.1)n15% a. 子宮收縮不良
原發性產後出血是產科上的急症,嚴重時可危及產婦的生命。原發性產 i. 探察子宮︰若子宮收縮不良,揉揑子宮。按醫囑給予
後出血是指於產後 24 小時內生殖道出血量在 500ml 或以上。不論輕重, Syntocinon 5units 1v1 or Syntomertrine 1 amp 1M1 及靜脈輸
都必須即時作出適當治療。 入 Syntocinon 40 units or 500ml Normal Saline 以助子宮收縮。
原發性產後出血的預防方法有︰良好的產前護理,於產前治療併發症 如 未 能 止 血 , 按 醫 囑 給 予 Sulprostone 500mcg in 100ml
如貧血;易引致產後出血者,一律於醫院掛號分娩;給予健康教育, Normal Saline 靜脈輸入。
使產婦有健康的身體;如有不良產歷如產前出血者,預先配血。 ii. 若胎盆未娩出,待子宮收縮後,盡快嘗試用臍帶牽引法娩
1. 預防子宮收縮不良︰ 出胎盆。若失敗,在產婦情況穩定下施行人工手術取胎盆。
產期︰ 良好技術處理各產程,避免產程延長;除非有禁忌症出 iii. 仍未能止血者,進行雙手壓子宮法以助子宮收縮。
現,否則以肌肉注射 Symtometrine 積極處理第三產程; b. 產傷︰檢楊生殖道,如有撕裂,儘快縫合傷口。如有陰道血腫應
前胎有產後出血,曾分娩五次或以上、巨嬰、多胎妊娠、 拆除縫線,由醫生再縫補傷口或放入引流。
羊水過多、胎盆早期剝離、手術取胎盆者、產程過長之分 c. 凝血障礙
娩後這些因素等期有產後出血者,需配血及於產後給予 i. 抽血檢驗︰ CBC 凝血功能,L/RFT、配血。如凝血障礙,靜脈
預防性之靜脈輸入 Syntocinon infnoion;接產方法正確; 輸入新鮮冰凍血漿。若血色素低於 8g/dl 則輸血。
小心娩出胎盆保持膀胱空虛。 ii. 不能控制之出血︰剖腹手術子宮穿破者,縫補子宮,子宮
產後︰ 觀察子宮復舊,會陰血腫情況;糾正貧血;指導個人衛 動脈倒塞;結紮子宮動脈,骼內動脈,全宮切除術。
生,預防感染。 d. 組識滯留︰檢查胎盆是否完整,如胎盆組織滯留,協助醫生施
2. 產道創傷︰包括宮下、宮頸、陰道撕裂、會陰切開術之會陰傷口。如 行人工手術取胎盆。
前胎剖腹產,令胎痂痕試生,監察宮縮強度及密度,避免宮縮過 7. 整個過程要注意心理支持,安慰。期間亦要通知家人。
烈造成子宮破裂。避免宮頸口未全開前接產;監察產程進展,防止 8. 產後初期產婦軟弱,疲倦,嬰兒需伐飼,但可抱給母親看。
急產接生,選擇適當時間施行限制性會陰切開術。 產後醫察出血量是非常重要的,早期診斷原發性產後出血,給予適當的
3. 凝血障礙︰彌漫性管內凝血、羊水栓塞、胎死宮中超過 4 星期、產 處理和治療,可防止其惡化,保障產婦安全。
4. 組織滯留︰胎盆滯留引致子宮收縮受阻而出血,分娩半小時內娩
1. 立即呼叫增援護士,通知醫生。
2. 同時立即揉揑子宮,並注意出血情況。
3. 嚴密觀察產婦之生命表徵,及早發現休克,施氧,保暖,建立靜
4. 預備物品︰急救車,助子宮收縮藥物、配血及血液檢驗,陰道窺器
5. 導尿放置尿管,測量尿量。
6. 盡快找出原因!
A2. n Discoss n the n caoses n and n management n of n primary n postpartom 16. Insert foley, monitor IO (to empty the bladder)
n n 17. Measure blood loss
Primary PPH has incidence rate of 3-5% in vaginal delivery women. 18. Rule out causes & treat accordingly
Bleeding over 500ml from genital tract within 24 hours afer delivery is e. Uterine atony: check uterine contracton, administered prescribed
primary postpartum haemorrhage. PPH is a potental serious complicatons syntocinon (syntocinon 5 units IVI, syntometrine 5IU IMI,
for mother and common cause of maternal motality and morbidity. It syntocinon 30units in 500ml NS infusion), sulprostone 500mcg in
causes hypovolemic shock and even death if not recognize promptly and 100mlNS infusion or hemabate.
treat immediate. f. Tissue retained: CCT if placenta not yet delivery. MROP if fail.
Causes: Check completeness of placenta.
The physiologies mainly categorized into overdistension of uterus, g. Trauma: Check genital tract for tear and trauma, repair wound,
mechanical obstructon to uterus, injury and over manipulaton of the resuture and drain of haematoma by obstetrician.
uterus. h. Thrombolic disorder: Blood for Hb, CBP, INR, LRFT, x-match. FFP or
6. Atonic uterus – major 90% cause of PPH . In multparous women, PC or WB transfusion if indicated.
multple pregnancy, polyhydramnions, macrosomnia, APH, placenta 19. Bimanual compression, uterine packing
previa, prolong labour, atonic uterus, precipitate labour, improper 20. Surgical repair rupture, ligaton to internal iliac artery / uterus artery.
management of third stage, fundal pressure, overstmulated uterus Hysterectomy as last resort if the above measures failed
(IOL), uterine inversion, full bladder or poor maternal general health. 21. Psychological support and reassurance to women and families
7. Trauma to genital tract – vaginal tear, cervical tear, perineum tear, 22. Help in postpartum baby care with bonding concerns
instrumental delivery; hematoma (vaginal, vulva, pelvic ligaments);
rupture uterus (previous caesarean), acute uterine inversion,
8. Tissue retained – causes mechanical obstructon to good uterine
contractlity; incompleted or retained placenta, placenta accrete /
increta / percreta, tumor or fbroid
9. Thrombolic disorder – causes clotting defect; drug induced (warfarin),
low platelets, DIC, AFE, IUD over 4 weeks, APH, abrupton placenta
(blood inflitrate into uterine muscle afectng uterine contractons), PET
10. Chorioamniotts
12. Call for help, inform obstetrician
13. Observe vital signs, detect signs of shock and treatment immediately.
 head down, oxygen, keep warm, fuid replacement
 Prepare resuscitaton equipment (e-trolley, drugs for uterine
contracton, x-match), vaginal speculum examinaton
14. Uterine massage to rub up uterine contracton
15. Repeat oxytocin drugs
Retentonnofnorine Caosesnandnmanagementnofnpostpartomnorinarynretenton.n10.2000n(B.9)n5%
1. 產後急性尿瀦留的可能原因。n10.2000n(B.9)n5%  Compression of fetal head during labour that induce the bruises and
2. 後尿瀦留的常見原因。4.1997n(B.2)n5% edema of bladder neck, as a result incomplete emptying of bladder.
產後尿瀦留常見於分娩後第一天。產後尿瀦留是指分娩後無法自行排尿  Sensaton of bladder flling decreased if the woman had undergone
或由於每次解小便時無法自行排尿或無法完全排空,使膀胱過度脹滿 EA/SA. This can have an efect on the neurological sensors that control
urine release and fow.
引起餘尿問題,易致感染,而且會影响子宮收縮造成產後出血。產後尿  Inadequate fuid intake.
瀦留的常見原因包括:  Painful perineum
a. 產後卧床休息,使產婦不方便排尿。  Recumbent positon. Difculty in using bedpan.
b. 產後傷口痛,使產婦害怕排尿。  Difculty in mobility.
c. 生產過程使膀胱受到牽拉、損傷或壓迫,造成膀胱敏感度減弱。 Management:
d. 妊娠時黃體素使膀胱張力變差,產後尿量增加。 History taking:
e. 使用全身或局部麻醉以致膀胱神經控制受抑制。  Any risks factor such as urinary tract infecton since prenatal.
 Undergone epidural or spinal anaesthetc during labour or performed
f. 陰唇、陰道及膀胱三角肌肉水腫、充血將尿道內阻塞,出現排尿困
caesarean secton.
難的情況。  Complicated labour such as prolong labour, cephalopelvic disproporton,
g. 分娩時,由於膀胱黏膜組織受傷、水腫與充血,容易受細菌感染。 hypertonic uterine contracton.
h. 生產前或過程中,導尿時無菌技術不足,引入細菌導致細菌感染。  Performed of episiotomy
 Fastng or restricton of fuid intake before delivered.
Postnatal exam in the uterus consistency, fundal height and positon to
detect full bladder.
 Check amount of urine output and exclude distension with overfow
 Pain score of perineum, episiotomy wound or abdominal wound
Nursing care:
 Explain and reassure the woman
 Provide privacy and tme, assist to sit up if using bedpan
 Wheel to toilet with use of commode if possible
 Initate urinaton by sounds of running water or pouring warm water over
vulval area
 Ensure sufcient fuid intake
 Analgesia for pain, encourage adequate exercise & assist early mobility
 If all atempts fail and the woman could not pass sufcient quantty,
catheterizaton once is needed.
 Afer catheterizaton, if the woman stll could not pass urine, keep foley
inserton for two days may be needed to release the bladder.
 Foley care to prevent urinarytract infecton, such as swabbing, keep the
urine beside bag below the level of bladder
 Training of urinaton afer remove of foley.
3.nnn產後尿瀦留的處理。.n10.1999n(B.9)n5%  Increase fundal height and shif aside
a. 評估宮底高度、惡露量和尿潴留的徵象,包括:  Increase lochia amount
- 宮底上升且位置移到右邊  Palpate distend area over symphysis pubis
- 陰道流血量增加  Frequency urinaton with amount <50ml or overfow incontnence
- 觸診恥骨聯合上方有一腫塊(是脹滿的膀胱),叩診脹大的
膀胱出現過度的回響 2. Inital Management
- 尿瀦留造成尿液溢流的徵兆或經常(不到一小時就有一次)  Administer analgesics
排出少量尿液(每次少於 50 毫升)  Provide privacy
b. 協助產婦自行解尿:  Assist get out of bed and go to toilet
- 給予口服止痛藥  Warm water to wash perineum
- 提供排尿時的隱密性  Pressure over symphysis pubis
- 協助起床至廁所解尿  Listen to running water
- 用溫水沖洗會陰部
- 加壓於恥骨聯合上方 3. Subsequent management
- 讓產婦聽流水聲  Catheter once with aseptc technique if mother fail to void on her
c. 產婦無法自行解尿或有持續排出多次少於 50 毫升尿液時,以 own
無菌技術導尿:  If drainage less than 800ml, remove the catheter, advice fuid intake,
- 如導出尿量少於 800 毫升,無需保留導尿管,指導產婦於 another try within 6 hours.
六小時內嘗試自行解尿。  If drainage over 800ml, keep the catheter, clamp the catheter,
- 如如導出尿量超過 800 毫升,則保留自流導尿管,並夾住 redrain afer 1 hour to preserve bladder tension and protect from
尿管,一小時後鬆開尿管籍由重力引流,以保護膀胱張力 quick pressure release intra-abdominally. CSU specimen.
且避免快速的腹內減壓。取尿液標本送化驗室作細菌及敏  If UTI, administer antbiotc.
感培養。如有泌尿道感染,給予抗生素治療。約 24 - 48 小時  Try of foley afer 24-48 hours when vulva edema subside, try void
後,當膀胱及陰唇水腫減輕後,可拔除自流導尿管。指導 within 6 hours, encourage fuid. If stll fail to void, reinsert catheter,
產婦於六小時內嘗試自行排尿,並鼓勵其多進水份。若產 administer medicine.
並給予改善膀胱張力的藥物。 4. Encourage fuid intake, regular toiletng to avoid over distended
d. 鼓勵產婦多進水份,以協助沖洗膀胱,稀釋尿液中的細菌。 bladder
e. 鼓勵產婦經常排空膀胱,以避免尿液鬱積和膀胱過度膨脹。
f. 指導產婦良好會陰護理和勤換衛生巾,如厠後清潔會陰部,使 5. Educate perinea hygiene care, swabbing directon, coton underwear,
用衛生紙時由前往後擦拭,穿著棉質內衭以利通風,保持個人 bathing

1. Assessment
Exercises Postnatalnexercisesn(2003.4.B4)5%
Postnatal exercises aim at:
1.n產後運動。nnn(2003.4.B4)(5%) Restore abdominal, back & pelvic foor muscle tone, prevent incontnence
產後運動有助預防及減輕因生產而引起的不適,並促進產婦身體復 Aids involuton of uterus, support uterus
原。 Prevent venous stasis & thrombosis, improve circulaton
產後運動的目的: Help to restore pre-pregnant fgure
- 增進靜脈血液循環,以預防靜脈鬱滯、靜脈血栓形成及肺栓塞之危 Increase circulaton, enhance peristalsis to prevent constpaton
險。 Promote a sense of well-being
- 強化會陰肌肉,預防小便失禁。
- 增強背部肌肉的張力,防治腰背痛。
For mothers of normal spontaneous delivery, they can start postnatal
- 增加骨盆血液循環,有助子宮復舊及傷口癒合。
exercise as soon as they ambulate.
- 促進血液循環,刺激腸蠕動,可預防便秘及增進食慾。
For mothers of caesarean secton, they can start some when they
- 增強腹壁、骨盆肌肉的張力,以支持子宮,防止子宮後傾。
ambulate, and can partcipate in all sort of postnatal exercise afer removal
- 增加產婦的滿足感。
of sutures (about 1 week) when no complicatons arise.
1. 骨盆底肌運動
Types of exercises include:
2. 增強腰腹運動
1. Pelvic foor muscle exercises
3. 收縮子宮 2. Abdominal tghtening
助產士的責任: 3. Prone lying
- 指導產婦施行產後運動的方法及注意事項
4. Kneeling rolling
- 提倡產婦施行產後運動
5. Deep breathing
6. Circulatory exercise
7. Maintain good posture
Midwife responsible for:
Educaton about methods on postnatal exercise
Advocate postnatal mother partcipate in P/N exercise.

1.n產後避孕 n(2000.10.B7)n(5%)
間復原,婦女產後約在 3-4 星期有首次排卵,未有月經也可能已經有
- 假如產後母親現正以母乳餵哺嬰兒,而她具備下列條件:
˙嬰兒於 6 個月以下
- 指導她母乳餵哺無月經避孕法能有可靠的避孕效用,而且不會影響
- 如她未能符合以上條件,指導她使用避孕套、口服單一賀爾蒙、注
她可在產後 6 星期開始服用單一賀爾蒙避孕丸。需要時可指導她到

2.n以混合型口服避孕丸作避孕 (2001.4.B12)nn(5%) nB12. n Combined n oral n contraceptve n pills n as n contraceptonn(2001.4.B12)
n n
混合型口服避孕丸含雌激素及黃體素。其避孕的原理是: (5%)
1. 抑制排卵:抑制下丘腦分泌促性腺激素的功能,使濾泡刺激素和激 COC contained estrogen and progestogen. It is a hormonal method of
黃體素減少。減低腦下垂體對激黃體素分泌素的反應,而不出現排 contracepton that inhibits ovulaton, change in the endometrium
卵前激黃體素峰,可抑制排卵。 preventng implantaton and altering cervical mucus thickness and
2. 改變宮頸黏液性狀:使黃體素上升,減少宮頸黏液量而增加黏調度。 impenetrable to sperms.
而拉絲度下降,不利精子穿透。 COC is reliable, reversible, convenient, non-intercourse-related method. It
3. 改變子宮內膜形態與功能:使黃體素上升,可抑制雌激素對子宮內 relief premenstrual tension, dysmenorrhoea and reduce incidence of iron
膜增殖變化,造成子宮內膜分泌不良,不利受精卵著床。 defciency anemia. It also decrease occurrence of ovarian cysts and
服用方法:混合型口服避孕丸有 21 粒及 28 粒裝兩種,服用方法亦不同 benign breast changes.
- 21 粒裝:月經週期第 1 天或第 5 天(不論月經已否停止) 便開始服食, Side-efects of COC include nausea, vomitng, fuid retenton (minor
weight gain), chloasma, breast tenderness, headache, depression, mood
每天一粒,定時服食,直至服完整包為止。在服完第 21 粒後,隔一
changes, change in libido, suppression lactaton. Potental hazards include
兩天便會來經,停藥 7 天後不論月經已否停止,也需開始服用第二
thromboembolism, coronary artery or cerebral vascular disease, HT,
impaired liver functon, metabolic efects on glucose tolerance, small
- 28 粒裝:月經週期第 1 天或第 5 天(不論月經已否停止) 便開始服食,
increase risk of breast and cervical cancer.
As a result, some people should avoid using COC. People with
thromboembolic disease, varicose vein, coronary artery or cerebral
- 初次服用避孕丸的婦女,無論服用 21 或 28 粒裝,若在月經週期的
vascular disease, liver disease, malignancy, suspected pregnancy,
第一天開始服用,理論上便可抑制排卵,發揮避孕效用。若在第 5
abnormal bleeding, HT, DM, obesity, age>45, smoker>35 and depression.
天開始服用,則在服用 14 天後才有避孕功效。因此在首兩週內必須

各種避孕方法的成效率(以每年每 100 個婦女使用計算)
避孕方法 失敗率(%)
男性結紮手術 <0.1
女性結紮手術 0.1-0.4
口服避孕丸 - 混合荷爾蒙避孕 0.1-0.8
- 單一荷爾蒙避孕 0.5-10.0
避孕注射針 - 混合荷爾蒙避孕 0.2-0.4
- 單一荷爾蒙避孕 0.1-0.6
子宮環 0.4-2.5
男性避孕套 2-12
女性避孕套 5-21
含有鋅、銅或黃體素,有傘型及 T 型,傘型需 5 年更換,T 型需 3 年
或 10 年更換。產後 6-8 星期由醫生評估才能配載。經月過多、曾有心
子宮環避孕的優點:避孕效果佳,成功率達 98-99%。避孕功效即時
戴環後需注意事項:戴環後 6-8 星期及每年需作身體檢查。來經時

8. 口服混合性避孕丸的優點。n(1996.n4.nB14)n(5%)

5.n產後結紮手術前的輔導。 couple to provide details for their reason for their request. Considerate
6.n產後結紮手術的輔導。(1996.10.B8)nn(1997.1.B11)n(1998.1.B4)n(5%) their background: age of the couple, possibility of other methods, no. &
7.n希望接受產後絕育手術的婦女的輔導。(2000.1.B13)n(5%) age of their children, the marital status ( sexual, social, fnancial), any
產後結紮手術前的輔導/對一希望接受產後絕育手術的婦女的輔導 transmit inherited disese, medical disease which pregnancy might
1. 女性產後絕育手術是雙側輸卵管結紮手術是一種永久避孕方法, endanger her life, possible death of existng children. We should
透過切斷或封閉輸卵管,使精子與卵子不能相遇。 acknowledge the irreversibility of the operaton.
2. 評估: A simple descripton of the methods for both male & female, technique,
- 夫婦的年紀、採用其他避孕方法的可行性
- 現有子女數目 possible complicatons & failure rate of the operaton should be provided.
- 夫婦的婚姻關係 We can introduce other alternatve methods available. We should obtain
- 夫婦二人有否嚴重身體疾病而絕對不宜生育,例如遺傳
an informed consent between couples.
- 夫婦對現有子女死亡的看法 For female sterilizaton, ther are laparoscopy, mini-laparotomy & tubal
3. 術前輔導 ligaton. It can be done any tme providing the woman is not pregnant.
- 安排夫婦一同商議
- 鼓勵他們提供更多有關資料作為考慮參考:例如婚姻狀 The complicatons are complicatons of general anesthesia, wound
況、結紮原因等 bleeding & infecton, recanalizaton & ectopic pregnancy. It has
- 給予有關結紮手術的資料: immediately efectve & long term contracepton.
1. 手術不可逆轉
2. 術前準備 For male sterilizaton, it is easier, safer & cheaper operatons, but is
3. 手術步驟:全身麻醉,製造腹部切口,進入腹腔, irreversible. It is done under local anesthesia. The complicatons are
haematoma, infecton and psychological sequelae.
4. 術後之影響:激素分泌將不受影響,性功能不受影
5. 手術的危險性及併發症:疼痛,麻醉併發症,出血,
6. 其他處理方法:其它的避孕方法(避孕套、口服避孕
藥、避孕針、子宮環) 、男性絕育手術(輸精管結紮手
術) 、腹腔鏡雙側輸卵管結紮手術
7. 需婦女簽署同意書
The counseling should involve the couples. We should encourage the
9.n向一名產後檢查結果正常的婦女處方口服混合性避孕丸前所提供的 影響避孕丸的效用,請加用避孕套。
建議。(1997.n10.nB3)n(5%) - 計劃接受手術。
1. 向其解釋混合性口服避孕丸含雌激素及黃體素。 - 發現自己或家庭成員患有糖尿病、血壓高、心臟病、中風、血栓塞或
- 能抑制排卵。亦可令子宮內膜產生變化,使受精卵無法著
床。亦可增加宮頸分泌物的黏調度,使精子難於穿過黏液,進 其他內外科疾病。
- 停止服用後,即可在短期內回復生育能力。避孕丸亦可減
- 副作用:初期可能會有噁心、輕微陰道出血、乳房漲痛、
2. 指導服用方法:混合型口服避孕丸有 21 粒及 28 粒裝兩種,服
- 21 粒裝:月經週期第 1 天或第 5 天(不論月經已否停止) 便開始
服食,每天一粒,定時服食,直至服完整包為止。在服完第 21
粒後,隔一兩天便會來經,停藥 7 天後不論月經已否停止,
- 28 粒裝:月經週期第 1 天或第 5 天(不論月經已否停止) 便開始
- 初次服用避孕丸的婦女,無論服用 21 或 28 粒裝,若在月經週
若在第 5 天開始服用,則在服用 14 天後才有避孕功效。因此
- 服用期間如有嘔吐或腹瀉,均應在兩星期內每次性交加用外
- 若漏服一次,應在記起時立即補服漏服的一粒,然後再在每
他外用避孕方法。若在開始服藥的首 5 天內,連續漏服兩粒或
3. 建議服用混合性避孕丸期間,每年定期進行身體檢查。
4. 如有下列情況,需諮詢醫生意見:
- 腹瀉、嚴重腹痛、需要服用其它藥物(例如某些抗生素),可能會
10.n對妊娠期患糖尿病母親的避孕指導 (1999.4.B2)n(5%) B5.nCommonnreasonsnfornfailorenofncontraceptonn避孕失敗的常見原因
安排產後 6 星期抽血作葡萄糖耐量測試,如結果正常,避孕方法如 Postpartum women have frst ovulaton at about 3-4 weeks postpartum
常。如葡萄糖耐量測試結果顯示患有糖尿病者,避孕指導如下: period. Thus, ovulaton may occur before frst return of menstruaton.
- 使用避孕藥時應小心,因混合性賀爾蒙避孕丸可影響母親對 Contracepton is needed before sexual actvites to avoid incidental
糖耐量及抑制乳汁分泌。 unplanned pregnancy. Reliable methods of contracepton included
- 人乳哺飼者可服單一黃體素避孕丸,例如 Microlut。 hormonal methods (oral contraceptve pills, monthly injectable),
- 可使用避孕套。 intrauterine contraceptve device, mechanical barrier (condom),
- 配戴子宮環可能會增加宮內感染機會。 breasteeding amenorrhoea method and sterilizaton.
- 如有兩個或以上子女,家庭已完整,可考慮絕育。
For hormonal methods include oc pills and injecton, failure reasons are
noncompliance for daily regime, forget of injecton monthly, not start pills
at 3-4 weeks in postpartum period and not use extra contracepton method
in frst 2 weeks afer resume of co pills.
IUCD failure may be cause of misplacement, unknown falling out, expired
device or not reinsert at 6-8weeks postpartum period.
B2.nContraceptvenadvicengivenntonangestatonalndiabetesnmellitosnmother Condom failure may due to expired condom, damage condom and
Arrange PN FU at 6 weeks for OGTT. If result normal, any contracepton improper use (use afer genital contact, no reuse, remove afer ejaculaton
methods she like can be used. If OGTT result indicates DM established, immediately).
advices can be given as followed: For breasteeding amenorrhoea method, failure reasons include either the
1. Cauton in selecton contracepton pills, COC contains estrogen that mother not exclusively breasteed her baby including night feed, baby has
afects her glucose tolerance and inhibit breast milk producton. already 6 months old or even older or return of menstruaton in
2. Breast feeding mother can select POP such as Microlut postpartum period. Some couple use natural family planning methods, but
3. Condom can be an alternatve high failure rate due to irregular cycle, stress, loss of motvaton and
4. IUCD will increase risk of intrauterine infecton unaware self body.
5. If family already completed with 2 children, couple compromised can Surgical method failure rate is very low, but may be not immediate sterility
select sterilizaton. afer vasectomy. Also, chance of recanalizaton stll exist.
6. Ensure DM is well controlled before embarking on next pregnancy.

Emotonalnproblemsnnn Postpartum depression is a kind of depression with similar signs and symptoms
of depression. The earliest onset is 2-3 weeks; usually afer 6 weeks. It can last
1. 「產後抑鬱在香港一直被忽視。」試就此說論述助產士應有之角色。 for several weeks or months; sometmes as long as 1-2 years, afects around
10-15% of childbearing women. It appears to be no single cause, probably
mult-factorial and a combinaton of biological (hormonal change),
產後抑鬱是抑鬱症的其中一種,症狀與一般抑鬱症相似。在產後 2-3 psychological (stress, role change) and social factors (relatonship). Proper
星期內可出現,常見於產後 6 星期,可持續數星期或月甚至 1-2 年, medical and psychological therapy can treat over 80% of the afected women.
發生率 10-15%。主要是由於分娩期間荷爾蒙轉變影響產婦情緒,以及 Recurrence rate in next pregnancy is 50%.
產婦心理因素、壓力、角色轉變、人際關係問題等。超過 80%患者在適 Postpartum depression in HK is always be neglected, people are not familiar
當藥物及心理治療後症狀得以緩解或消失,再次懷孕的產後抑鬱復 and misunderstand the problem. Improper n management of postpartum
發率可達 50%。 depression can cause disturbance and negatve efects to women, baby and
產後抑鬱在香港一直被忽視,甚至避而不談,是因為對此症的認識 even family. Midwives require goodncoonselingnskills to handle this problem,
不足及誤解所致。產後抑鬱若處理不當,對產婦、嬰兒及家人都有極 adopt roles of promoter, educator, screening, counselor, follow and referral.
大負面的影響,所以作為助產士應以積極態度及良好的輔導技巧來 Midwives help in prenatal promoton in family planning, stabilize economic
status, recognize parents’ responsibilites and prepare them for pregnancy.
Educate knowledge to women and families including physiological change in
pregnancy, labour process, pain relief and infant care to reduce anxiety.
助產士在孕前推廣訂立生育計劃、建立穩健的經濟基礎、認識母親的 Encourage husband and partner accompanies and partcipate the talk, it aids
責任,為懷孕作準備。並在產前指導孕婦認識有關妊娠期的生理變化、 more easy adaptaton to postnatal life and reduce stress.
分娩過程、分娩期的止痛方法及嬰兒護理的知識,以減輕焦慮。鼓勵 Midwives also need to partcipate in training regarding postnatal depression
丈夫一同參加產前講座,使孕婦對分娩有一定的概念,有助適應產 care and knowledge, contnuous care can be provide throughout the course of
後生活及減輕壓力。 pregnancy and afer delivery. This can ofer psychological support to the family.
此外,助產士參加處理產後抑鬱的培訓,以加強有關認識,並在妊 Encourage mother to rest and ask for help in baby care if she is feeling sick.
娠期、分娩期及產褥期向孕產婦提供持續護理,給予心理支持,教導 Encourage family partcipaton in baby care and household jobs to ensure
產婦產後護理及育嬰知識。鼓勵產婦休息,在其身體不適或有併發症 adequate rest of the women. Encourage the women to share baby care
時協助照顧嬰兒。並鼓勵家人分擔照顧嬰兒及家務,以確保母親有足 experience with friends and relatves.
夠休息。鼓勵產婦與朋友或其他產婦分享照顧嬰兒的經驗。 Encourage women and husbands and families to build up good
鼓勵產婦與丈夫及家人建立良好的溝通,以促進了解,加強支緩。並 communicaton, enhance mutual understanding and support. Encourage share
在妊娠、產後期間遇到情緒波動時與他人分享,尋求解決方法,有困 of emoton during pregnancy and afer delivery, seek soluton and help from
難時找專業人士協助。助產士需了解產婦情緒波動的原因,擔當聆聽 professionals if difcultes encounter. Midwives need to assess the reason
者角色,以紓緩產婦緊張情緒及了解其需要,給予輔導及支持性治療 behind that the women mood fuctuate, actve listener to relieve her tension
and aid relax, counsel and support appropriately.
產後以 SDSS 及 EPDS 篩查產婦有否產後抑鬱的症狀。SDSS 用於產後 1-
Postnatal SDSS and EPDS screening tools help to screen for underlying
5 天,分數超過 8 分或以上便屬高危。EPDS 用於產後 6 週,分數超過
depressive problems. SDSS applies in 1-5 days postpartum, score 8 or above is
9 分或以上便屬高危。如在病房發現可即時評估及轉介精神科醫生或 high risk group. EPDS applies at 6 weeks postpartum, score 9 or above in
社工等給予支持性治療。如已出院需致電產婦作輔導,從而給予適切 Chinese society is high risk group. Proper referral to psychiatric assessment and
的轉介及持續跟進治療,如有嚴重情緒問題可轉介精神科醫生或社 social worker supportve therapy as early as we can. If women already
區精神科護士。 discharge, phone follow upand refer community psychiatric service if needed.
2. 簡述產後抑鬱。(1998.1.B2)n(1998.10.B12)n(5%) PND occurs at 2-3 weeks postnatal, common at 6 weeks and last for weeks,
產後抑鬱是抑鬱症的其中一種,症狀與一般抑鬱症相似。在產後 2- months to years. Hormonal changes, psychological stress, role change,
relatonship and fnance problems all precipitate PND. As it is commonly
3 星期內可出現,常見於產後 6 星期,可持續數星期或月,甚至 1-
seen in 6 weeks postpartum, preventon is very important.
2 年,發生率 10-15%。
Good antenatal preparaton:
- Educaton program on PND (family plan, pregnancy changes, delivery
process, pain relief, infant care knowledge) and encourage couple to
- 情緒低落、感到難過、憂鬱或無故哭泣,容易發怒。
- 容易緊張,引致失眠或在睡夢中驚醒。
- support for women and husbands
- 對任何事都提不起興趣,食慾不振,或暴食以致體重驟升。
- Inform women the stresses in parentng, important of asking help,
- 覺得自己不中用,對未來十分悲觀。
advantages of talking feeling to others & possible adverse emoton
- 過份擔心自己的孩子,或對孩子失去興趣。 afer delivery, source of help
- 思想負面,甚至討厭孩子,認為生育帶末不幸。 - Identfy high risk group (screening)– history of AN or PN depression,
- 嚴重時會有妄想病徵,甚至出現自殺和殺嬰的念頭。 observaton or screening, ofer counseling
診斷方法: Intrapartum care:
- 找出高危群:查詢病史包括家族史、前有否患產後抑鬱症、妊 - Adequate informaton and support
娠次數、不良產歷、是胎妊娠併發症。 - Positve encourage and praise
- 產後以 SDSS、EPDS 作篩查,高危者作跟進輔導 - Minimize psychological trauma
- 病徵。 - Early detecton of abnormality
- 採用美國精神病學會在《精神疾病的診斷與統計手冊》(DSM)中 Postpartum care:
制定的產後抑鬱診斷標準。病發於產後 4 週內以 DSM IV 診斷。 - Identfy at risk group e.g. listen, outreach service
病發於產後 6 週內以 ICD 診斷。 - Good postnatal care and support
治療: - Encourage rest with PN exercise
- 提供輔導及心理支持。 - Encourage family support and helper
- 幫助母親照顧嬰兒,讓母親擁有私人時間或給予她更多朋輩 - Educaton and supervision on self and infant care
或社區支持也很重要。 - Provide infant care if mother feeling sick
- 與其他患有產後抑鬱症的母親交流經驗,可改善病情。 - Avoid confict advice
- 轉介產科醫生、臨床心理專家、精神科醫生 - Introduce self-help group or support group, hotlines
- 嚴重患者之治療: - Close monitor emoton response (screening) e.g. EPDS
˙輔導和心理治療 - Midwives should ofer contnuous care from antenatal to postnatal
˙入院治療 period, understand the emotonal& psychological changes of a
˙有需要時採用抗抑鬱藥、電驚厥療法 pregnancy woman, care her physical discomfort, be an actve listener,
understand& support are best treatment, proper referral of counseling

n n
3. nEdinborghnPostnatalnDepressionnScalen。(2002.10.nB6)n(5%) reported questonnaire and the best known screening tools for postnatal
愛丁堡產後抑鬱量表(EPDS) 是一個篩查產後抑鬱的問卷,於產後 6 depression. The best tme for assessment is 6 weeks afer delivery. The
aims of the assessment is to screen for high risk cases for postnatal
鬱量表的目的是找出高危患者。 depression.
每項內容分數是根據症狀的嚴重程度而計分,分 4 級評分(0 - 3 分) The scoring is in 4-likert scale according to severity, from 0-3.
。如項目標有(*)者(即第 3, 5 - 10 題) ,則分數逆轉為 3, 2, 1 及 0 分。 Interpretaton based on the tota score (sum of all questons). The cut of
point for detectng depression is 12/13. There is translated & validated
將 10 題得分相加為總分,總分相加>13 分者可能患有不同程度的
Chinese version has been established & a 9/10 cut-of point is suggested
產後抑鬱症。中文翻譯版本建議以 9/ 10 分為界限點。
for local use.
- 如在病房發現即時評估,提供輔導及心理支持。
Management of hight risk cases:
- 幫助母親照顧嬰兒,讓母親擁有私人時間或給予她更多朋輩
1. Provide immediate psychological support and counseling if found in
- 與其他患有產後抑鬱症的母親交流經驗,可改善病情。
- 轉介產科醫生、臨床心理專家、精神科醫生或社工等給予支持
2. Ensure adequate rest & supervision on baby care
性治療。 3. Postnatal support groups may be helpful
- 如已出院需致電產婦作輔導,從而給予適切的轉介及持續跟
4. Make appropriate referral to obstetrician, psychologist, psysiatric doctor
進治療,如有嚴重情緒問題可轉介精神科醫生或社區精神科 and social worker.
護士。 5. Postnatal hotlines or face to face individual counseling
- 嚴重患者之治療: 6. An outreach service can be established to visit women at risks
˙輔導和心理治療 7. For severe cases: Admit for hospitalizaton, counseling and ant-
˙入院治療 depressive medicaton as required.
Postpartum depression affects approximately 10% of new mothers and is associated with
increased risk of future depression, problems with infant bonding, child development,
inattention to pediatric preventive practices, and healthcare utilization. Screening for
depression typically occurs at the four- to six-week obstetric visit, but detection can be
problematic. A study by Heneghan and colleagues examined pediatricians' detection of
maternal depression during children's health visits. The research, which was published in the
December 2000 issue of Pediatrics, showed that only 29% of mothers with high levels of
depressive symptoms were detected based on clinical indicators alone.

The EPDS is a 10-item screening questionnaire that is completed in minutes by mothers and
then scored by clinicians. It has been validated across several cultures and countries for
detection of postpartum depression. The EPDS asks about depressive symptoms within seven
days of administration. Sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 90% has been reported in a
community sample at 12 weeks postpartum at a score of 10 or higher, according to a study by
Boyce and colleagues published in the September 1993 issue of the Australia and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. It has not been validated for use in pediatric settings.

4. nEdinborghnPostnatalnDepressionnScalen。(2002.10.nB6)n(5%)
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a 10-item self-
5. 產後抑鬱的預防。(2005.10)n(5%) PND occurs at 2-3 weeks postnatal, common at 6 weeks and last for weeks,
months to years. Hormonal changes, psychological stress, role change,
relatonship and fnance problems all precipitate PND. As it is commonly seen
產後抑鬱是抑鬱症的其中一種,症狀與一般抑鬱症相似。在產後 2- in 6 weeks postpartum, preventon is very important.
3 星期內可出現,常見於產後 6 星期,可持續數星期或月,甚至 1- Good antenatal preparaton:
2 年。主要是由於分娩期間荷爾蒙轉變影響產婦情緒,以及產婦心 - Educaton program on PND (family plan, pregnancy changes, delivery
理因素、壓力、角色轉變、人際關係問題等。雖然產後抑鬱常見於產 process, pain relief, infant care knowledge) and encourage couple to
後 6 星期,但若在產前開始預防成效會更佳。 partcipate
預防產後抑鬱的方法: - support for women and husbands
孕前訂立生育計劃、建立穩健的經濟基礎、認識母親的責任,為懷 - Inform women the stresses in parentng, important of asking help,
孕作準備。提供良好的產前護理,產前教導孕婦認識有關妊娠期的 advantages of talking feeling to others & possible adverse emoton afer
生理變化、分娩過程、分娩期的止痛方法及嬰兒護理的知識。鼓勵 delivery, source of help
丈夫一同參加產前講座,避免有太大轉變。鑑別高危群,透過病歷 - Identfy high risk group (screening)– history of AN or PN depression,
監察及篩檢,給予輔導。 observaton or screening, ofer counseling
分娩期給予足夠的資訊,正面的支持和鼓勵,足夠的鎮痛,以減 Intrapartum care:
少心理創傷。 - Adequate informaton and support
產後教導嬰兒護理,並在產婦不適時協助照顧嬰兒。鼓勵與丈夫、 - Positve encourage and praise
家人或陪月員分擔照顧嬰兒及家務,做產後運動,多結交有孩子 - Minimize psychological trauma
的朋友以得到更多支持。鼓勵在妊娠、產後期間遇到情緒波動時主 - Early detecton of abnormality
動與他人分享,尋求解決方法,有困難時找專業人士協助。 Postpartum care:
作為助產士應加強對孕產婦在妊娠及產後情緒轉變及心理需要的 - Identfy at risk group e.g. listen, outreach service
認知。給予產前產後健康教育,持續護理,加強對孕產婦的了解, - Good postnatal care and support-
護理身體上的不適。產後以 SDSS 及 EPDS 篩查產後抑鬱的高危產婦 - Encourage rest with PN exercise
了解產婦情緒波動的原因,擔當聆聽者角色,給予輔導及支持性 - Encourage family support and helper
治療,並在需要時作轉介。 - Educaton and supervision on self and infant care
- Provide infant care if mother feeling sick
- Avoid confict advice
- Introduce self-help group or support group, hotlines
- Close monitor emoton response (screening) e.g. EPDS
- Midwives should offer continuous care from antenatal to postnatal
period, understand the emotional and psychological changes of a
pregnancy woman, care her physical discomfort, be an active listener,
understand& support are best treatment, proper referral of counseling
6. 簡述產後情緒低落。n(2000.10.B11)n(n5%)
心理因素、壓力、角色轉變、人際關係問題等。平均約有 50%的產婦
會感到情緒低落。這種情緒通常在 3 - 5 天出現。

7. 簡述產後精神病。(1996.10.B14)n(n5%)
落 / 產後抑鬱處理不當而致,大約每一千名嬰兒出生,有一至兩

8. 產後抑鬱的病徵。(2000.4.B8)n(5%)
- 情緒低落、感到難過、憂鬱或無故哭泣,容易發怒。
- 容易緊張,引致失眠或在睡夢中驚醒。
- 對任何事都提不起興趣,食慾不振,或暴食以致體重驟升。
- 覺得自己不中用,對未來十分悲觀。
- 過份擔心自己的孩子,或對孩子失去興趣。
- 思想負面,甚至討厭孩子,認為生育帶末不幸。
- 嚴重時會有妄想病徵,甚至出現自殺和殺嬰的念頭。

9. 產後抑鬱是產婦主要病患之一。它的病發率在香港約為 10%,作為 而給予適切的轉介及持續跟進治療,如有嚴重情緒問題可轉介精神
產後抑鬱是抑鬱症的其中一種,症狀與一般抑鬱症相似。在產後 2-
3 星期內可出現,常見於產後 6 星期,可持續數星期或月甚至 1-2
年,發生率 10-15%。
理因素、壓力、角色轉變、人際關係問題等。超過 80%患者在適當藥
率可達 50%。
產後以 SDSS 及 EPDS 篩查產婦有否產後抑鬱的症狀。SDSS 用於產
後 1-5 天,分數超過 8 分或以上便屬高危。EPDS 用於產後 6 週,分
數超過 9 分或以上便屬高危。如在病房發現可即時評估及轉介精神
Breast-feeding (B12)5%
a. Emphasize to the mother that frequent nursing and correct
1.n母乳餵哺的母親乳脹的處理 (2000.4.B12)nn(5%) atachment are the most efectve way to relieve breast engorgement.
1. 餵哺前: b. Hot compress, massage or warm shower before feeding will allows
- 熱敷乳房或以溫水淋浴,但避免敷及乳頭及乳暈部份。 relax of muscle and promote milk fow.
- 按摩乳房。 c. For tense and engorged areola, manual expression of some milk
- 如乳頭非常腫脹,先用手擠去少量乳汁以減少乳房的張力。 before nursing can make it sof an allow the baby for easier
2. 繼續頻密授乳。 atachment.
3. 穿戴有承托力之胸圍。 d. Cold compress in-between feed can relieve pressure of the breasts
4. 兩次餵哺之間,冷敷乳房,以減輕腫脹。 and promote comfort.
5. 需要時給予止痛藥 panadol。 e. Wear supportve brassiere.
f. Give analgesic such as panadol as required.
2. nManagementnofnanlactatngnmothernwithninadeqoatenmilknsopply.n4.2000n
2.n授母乳母親乳汁不足的處理nn(2002.4.B4)n(5%) (B4)5%
1. 評估母親乳汁不足的原因:是否因脫水、營養或休息不足、心理因 1. Reassure the mother that every woman can produce enough breast milk
素如焦慮 /擔憂、乳房的情況或沒有給予乳房刺激(如嬰兒吸啜不 for one or even two babies and rare not produce milk.
足) 2. Assess and discuss with the mother reason of poor milk supply. Because
2. 與母親討論乳汁不足的原因,助其解決 of not suckling efectvely or enough tme, poor nutriton, dehydraton or
3. 指導母親增加乳汁的方法,鼓勵母親勤哺乳,促進乳汁分泌。 psychological anxiety.
4. 按嬰兒需要而哺乳,讓嬰兒吸啜以滿足其需求,增加乳汁分泌。 3. Counsel to build confdence that she can produce enough breast milk
5. 每次輪流餵哺每一邊乳房,以確保每個乳房得到足夠刺激,增加 4. Explain to let the baby feed on demand, suck more & suck longer, feed
乳汁分泌。 at night
6. 確保嬰兒含接姿勢正確,以刺激乳房產生足夠母乳。 5. Keep near her with skin-to-skin contact.
7. 產婦保持放鬆的心情、舒適可增加乳汁產量。 6. Ensure good atachment, suggeston on proper positoning of
8. 維持足夠營養及多進水份。高蛋白,每天額外攝取 500cal,每天 breasteeding
7. If mother cannot actvely nurse her baby, use milk pump or hand
8-10 杯水 / 流質,包括牛奶、果汁、湯、水等。
expression to provide stmulaton and milk removal
8. Encourage proper nutriton and sufcient fuid intake (extra 500cal/day,
8-10 glasses of fuid)
9. Encourage rest and relaxaton
10. BF frst before ofer supplementary food if needed, maintain balanced
diet. Extra 500 cal and water daily.
11. If baby refuse to suck on empty breast, try feedline
Educate mother to monitor baby weight gain and urine output
1. nManagementnofnbreastnengorgementninnbreast-feedingnmother.n4.2000n
1. 早哺乳:分娩後半小時開始母乳餵哺,新生兒出生後一小時最機
2. 母嬰同室:母親與嬰兒 24 小時在一起,是母乳餵哺的重要措施,
3. 按需哺乳:按嬰兒需要而哺乳,不規定次數和時間。讓嬰兒吸啜
4. 避免給予補充餵哺:補充人工餵哺會影響嬰兒吸吮能力,嬰兒含
5. 保持足夠母乳:確保嬰兒含接姿勢正確,以刺激乳房產生足夠母

乳頭破損常於產後 4-5 天出現,由於嬰兒吸吮方法或抱嬰姿勢不正確
1. 確保抱嬰兒的姿勢正確,嬰兒的頭部及身體應成一直線,嬰兒身
2. 確保嬰兒吸吮方法及位置正確,嬰兒的下巴應緊貼乳房,口部張
3. 餵哺時,如有痛覺可能含接不正確,可以尾指放入嬰兒咀角,使
4. 餵哺後,在乳頭上塗少許母乳,待其風乾。
5. 避免用肥皂洗擦乳頭。

a. 母乳餵哺無月經避孕法:是可靠的避孕效用,但具備下列
˙嬰兒於 6 個月以下
b. 避孕套,必須在陰莖接觸女性陰道之前戴上。
c. 子宮環:可於產後 6-8 星期由醫生評估後戴上。
d. 服用賀爾蒙:口服或注射含單一賀爾蒙避孕丸/製劑,不
影響乳汁分泌,可於產後 6 星期開始使用。有雌激素的避孕藥不

乳頭破損常於產後 4-5 天出現,由於嬰兒吸吮方法或抱嬰姿勢不正確
1. 找出引致乳頭破損之原因。
2. 讓嬰兒吸吮未有破損的一側乳房,待催產素反射機制運作良好後,
3. 評估及確保嬰兒吸吮方法及位置正確。
4. 鼓勵母親繼續母乳餵哺。
5. 餵哺後,在乳頭上塗少許母乳,待其風乾。
6. 乳頭破裂嚴重者,暫停以乳頭破裂的一側乳房餵哺,以電泵或手把
7. 安慰其乳頭破裂於數天後會好轉,可繼續母乳餵哺。

7. 助產士在提倡母乳餵哺的角式。n(1999.10.B6)n(5%)
 在妊娠期: B6.nThenrolenofnmidwivesninnpromotngnbreastnfeeding(1999.10.B6)n(5%)
 助產士鼓勵孕婦計劃以餵哺嬰兒。 During pregnancy
 鼓勵孕婦參加產前講座,以認識有關母乳餵哺的知識。在產前講座 1. Encourage women to plan for breasteeding
告知孕婦有關母乳餵哺的知識,如母乳餵哺的優點、乳房結構及泌 2. Encourage to partcipate AN class, telling BF knowledge, advantages,
乳生理等。 breast structure and physiology of breast milk producton
 鼓勵孕婦在產前檢查時提出疑問。 3. Encourage asking queston regarding BF
 在產後期: Postpartum
 助產士協助母親在產後一小時內與嬰兒作肌膚接觸及儘早餵哺。
1. Skin-to-skin contact in frst hour afer delivery
 於產後房實行母嬰同室,使母親能按嬰兒需要餵哺。
 指導母親母乳餵哺的基本技巧,如餵哺前的準備、扶抱嬰兒的技巧、 2. Rooming-in in postnatal ward, mother can atend the need of infant
常用的餵哺姿勢、引導嬰兒吸吮乳房的方法、嬰兒正確的含接姿勢、 3. Educate skills in BF, preparaton, holding methods, atachment signs,
餵哺次數 /時間及乳房護理。 frequency of feed
 鼓勵母親多休息、頻密餵哺。 4. Encourage rest and feed alternatvely
 指導母親評估嬰兒餵哺足夠的方法:嬰兒餵哺後表現很滿足。每天 5. Educate way to assess baby is enough, 6 napkins wet / day at least,
有六次以上小便。大便軟及黃色。體重在出生後 10 天至兩星期內能 sof loose yellow stool, regain BW at birth at day 10.
恢復出生時的體重。 6. Avoid artfcial feed and teats, prevent nipple confusion
 指導母親不要使用人工奶咀安慰嬰兒,以及避免給予補充餵哺。以
7. Maintain adequate milk supply by: feed on demand, proper
 教導母親保時足夠乳汁的方法:按嬰兒需要餵哺,確保嬰兒含接姿 atachment, enough fuid intake
勢正確,母親保持足夠的營養及水份。 8. Balance diet, high protein, extra 500kcal/day, fuid not less than 8-
 指導母親採均衡飲食,多吃高蛋白食物。每天額外吸取 500kcal(每 10glasses including milk, juice, soup and water
天 3000kcal)。增加流質吸收,每天不少於 8 – 10 杯水 / 流質,包括 9. Afer each feed, express litle milk on nipple and allow air dry to
牛奶、果汁、湯及清水等。 protect
 指導母親母親餵哺後,塗少許乳汁在乳頭之上,待其自然風乾,以 10. If mother separate with baby, educate milk pump and expression to
保護乳頭。 maintain milk producton, storage milk
 如母嬰暫時分離,指導母親擠出乳汁、保存乳汁及維持乳汁分泌的
11. Praise all BF mothers
 鼓勵母親持續餵哺母乳。 12. Encourage BF untl 2 years old
 介紹認識其它母乳餵哺的母親,以互相支持及分享經驗。 13. Encourage family support
 教育大眾,使社會人士對母乳有認知。鼓勵家人支持母親餵哺母乳。 14. Introduce support group
 稱讚所有以母乳餵哺的母親。 15. Seek advice from professionals if fnd difcultes or mind change
 鼓勵母親要改變主意餵奶粉時,先尋求醫護人員幫助,例如當她担 16. Refer MCHC to follow BF
心自己母乳不足或餵哺母乳有困難 / 問題時。 17. Introduce family planning, POP or lactatonal amenorrhoea method
 如有需要,轉介母親予支緩母乳餵哺的組織。
 提供適合的家庭計劃指導。如嬰兒從出生開始頻密餵哺,從沒給予
 母親出院回家時,轉介母嬰健康院繼續跟進母乳餵哺的成效。
a. 診治或消除其原因:
 患病:使用適當抗生素 / 藥物治療感染。如有需要,轉介醫生處理
教導母親擠出母乳,以杯 / 管餵嬰兒直至他可以再開始母乳餵哺。
 痛:
- 由產鉗術、真空吸引術導致的瘀傷引起的疼痛:幫母親找出一個
- 鼻塞:教導母親如何清理。建議這數天內少量多餐。
- 口腔有損:給予藥物治療 e.g. gentan violet / nystatn
 藥物鎮靜:告訴母親有關原因。
 母乳過多:由於含接不良所引起。教導母親每次只餵一邊乳房;
 轉變使嬰兒感不安:與母親討論有關原因,可否減少與母親分隔
 表面上拒絕母乳餵哺:
- 覓食表現:告之母親此乃正常現象。幫母親把嬰兒身體貼近自
- 易分心:建議母親在較靜的地方餵哺。
 自動斷奶:確定嬰兒吃足夠食物。建議母親於其它方面給嬰兒較
b. 幫助母嬰重新享受母乳餵哺:
 時常把嬰兒放在母親身傍:儘量由母親自己照顧嬰兒,其它家務
睡 / 床。
 當嬰兒有需要時就授乳:當嬰兒顯示出有興趣吃奶時。嬰兒於睏
 幫助嬰兒吸啜乳房:擠奶到嬰兒口中。找一個令嬰兒容易含接乳
房的位置。於哺乳時避免擠壓嬰兒頭後部 / 搖動乳房。
 用杯餵哺直至嬰兒再開始母乳餵哺:先擠出人奶,用杯餵哺。如

9.n由母親方面引致哺乳困難的因素。n(1998.10.B10)n(5%) 手擠去少量乳汁及減少乳房的張力。在兩次餵哺之間,冷敷乳房,以
由母親方面引致哺乳困難的因素有: 減輕腫脹。穿戴有承托力的胸圍。需要時每四小時給予止痛藥 Panadol。
a. 乳頭平坦、乳頭凹陷:大部份乳頭會於妊娠後期 / 產後初期會自動 g. 乳瘡:由於乳腺炎處理不當發展而成。處理方法與乳腺炎相同。
b. 乳頭太長及乳頭過大:使嬰兒含接較困難,可指導母親讓嬰兒含啜
c. 乳腺阻塞:常於產後 3 – 5 天出現,由於乳房充血和水腫;嬰兒吸
藥 Panadol。
d. 乳頭損裂:常於產後 4 – 5 天出現,由於嬰兒不正確的吸吮方法 /
e. 乳汁不足:由於嬰兒吸吮不足而致。
f. 乳腺炎:由於乳脹處理不當發展而成。
10.n非藥物性抑制乳汁分泌的方法。n(1999.4.B14)n(5%) B14. n Non-pharmacological n methods n of n lactaton
a. 漸進地減少餵哺的次數 soppression(1999.4.B14)n(5%)
b. 避免吃幫助上奶的食物,如雞湯、魚湯及豬蹄湯等 1. Reduce feeding frequency
c. 避免按摩乳房 2. Avoid food aid milk producton e.g. chicken soup, fsh soup; advice hot
d. 每天飲 2 – 4 杯熱薄荷茶 mint tea
e. 冷敷乳房 15 – 20 分鐘 3. Avoid manipulaton on breasts
f. 穿戴有承托力的胸圍 4. Cold compression on breast 15-20 minutes
5. Supportve brassiere

11.n試論助產士在提倡母乳餵哺的角式。n(1997.1.A1)n(15%) 母乳;
母乳餵哺為嬰兒及母親帶來不少好處,例如母乳能增強嬰兒抗病能力、 - 稱讚所有以母乳餵哺的母親;
易消化及吸收;可促進母嬰感情;及有助母親子宮收縮,減少出血等。 - 鼓勵母親要改變主意餵奶粉時,先尋求醫護人員幫助,例如當她
因此助產士有責任提倡母乳餵哺,助產士在母乳餵哺的角色十分重要。 担心自己母乳不足或餵哺母乳有困難 / 問題時;
 在妊娠期: - 如有需要,轉介母親予支緩母乳餵哺的組織;
- 助產士鼓勵孕婦計劃以餵哺嬰兒;
- 提供適合的家庭計劃指導。如嬰兒從出生開始頻密餵哺,從沒給
- 鼓勵孕婦參加產前講座,以認識有關母乳餵哺的知識。並在產
前講座告知孕婦有關母乳餵哺的知識,如母乳餵哺的優點、乳 餵哺是十分可靠的避孕方法。否則母親可選擇服用單一賀爾蒙避
房結構及泌乳生理等; 孕丸或使用避孕套等;
- 鼓勵孕婦在產前檢查時提出疑問。
- 母親出院回家時,轉介母嬰健康院繼續跟進母乳餵哺的成效。
 在產後期:
- 助產士協助母親在產後一小時內與嬰兒作肌膚接觸及儘早餵
- 於產後房實行母嬰同室,使母親能按嬰兒需要餵哺;
- 指導母親母乳餵哺的基本技巧,如餵哺前的準備、扶抱嬰兒的
含接姿勢、餵哺次數 /時間及乳房護理;
- 鼓勵母親多休息、頻密餵哺;
- 指導母親評估嬰兒餵哺足夠的方法:嬰兒餵哺後表現很滿足。
每天有六次以上小便。大便軟及黃色。體重在出生後 10 天至兩
- 指導母親不要使用人工奶咀安慰嬰兒,以及避免給予補充餵哺
- 教導母親保時足夠乳汁的方法:按嬰兒需要餵哺,確保嬰兒
- 指導母親採均衡飲食,多吃高蛋白食物。每天額外吸取
500kcal(每天 3000kcal)。增加流質吸收,每天不少於 8 – 10 杯
水 / 流質,包括牛奶、果汁、湯及清水等;
- 指導母親母乳餵哺後,塗少許乳汁在乳頭之上,待其自然風
- 如母嬰暫時分離,指導母親擠出乳汁、保存乳汁及維持乳汁分
- 鼓勵母親持續餵哺母乳;
- 介紹認識其它母乳餵哺的母親,以互相支持及分享經驗;
- 教育大眾,使社會人士對母乳有認知。鼓勵家人支持母親餵哺

12.n母乳餵哺的益處。n(1996.4.B3)n(5%) - 減低患乳腺癌及卵巢癌的危險
母乳餵哺的益處: C. 對社會資源:
A. 對嬰兒: - 環保,減少廢物堆積:如奶瓶、奶咀、奶粉罐等。直接餵哺,
1. 母乳是嬰兒的最佳的食品,母乳含足夠嬰兒需要的營養: 不用奶具,減少污染。
- 嬰兒的抗病能力增加,可省去嬰兒的醫療費用及父母請假
- 蛋白質比配方乳較容易消化,其酪蛋白與乳清蛋白比例為
- 所含的胺基酸 Cystane 及 Taurine,有助腦部發育
- 比配方乳含較多乳糖
- 含足夠的必需脂肪酸有助腦及神經發展
- 含脂肪酶可促進脂肪消化及吸收
- 含少量鐵質比配方乳所含的鐵質較容易吸收
- 含足夠的維他命
2. 母乳含有可防御疾病的成分:
- 免疫球蛋白:如分泌型 IgA、IgA、IgG、IgM、IgE、IgD 等,提
- 干擾素:增加巨噬細胞功能,抗病毒
- 乳鐵蛋白:有抑菌作用
- 巨噬細胞、淋巴細胞、白血球:直接吞噬病原
- 母乳促進腸內雙歧乳酸杆菌生長,使腸道 pH 下降,抑制
3. 預防食物敏感:分泌型 IgA 對腸胃道粘膜有保護作用
4. 感情結合:母嬰關係密切。減少嬰兒哭鬧。
5. 新鮮、溫度適中
6. 減少患尿布疹的機會
7. 成長後不會太易過重
8. 發育:兒童期智商測驗評分較高
B. 對母親:
- 母親感情滿足。
- 經濟、方便,支出比吃奶粉少
- 增進母嬰感情、情緒滿足
- 促進母親子宮收縮,減少出血,促進復原減低患貧血機
- 健康較佳,於更年期最不易有骨質疏鬆症
- 可較快消耗母親在懷孕期儲備的脂肪,提早恢復體型
- 延遲排卵期,使月經延遲,有自然調節生育作用
Benefts of breast-feeding. 4.1996 (B3)5%
Benefts of breast milk for the infant included:
Breast milk is suited perfectly to the human infant. It is readily
available and easily digested, the compositon changing during a feed
and with the age of the infant. Breast milk contains long-chain
polyunsaturated faty acids essental for development of the
neurologic system in the frst year of life. Secretory immunoglobulin A
(IgA) is the major antbody in human milk and causes lower incidence
of gastrointestnal and upper respiratory infectons. Othe benefts
include decreased incidence of necrotzing enterocolits, ulceratve
colits, Crohn’s disease, sudden infant death syndrome, and childhood
cancers and a reduced risk of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Benefts of breasteeding for the mother included:

Decreased postpartum hemorrhage
Increased weight loss postpartum
Decreased risk of premenopausal breast cancer
Decreased risk of ovarian cancer
Decreased osteoporosis
Lcataton amenorrhea
Later return of fertlity
Increased maternal-infant bonding

Other benefts of breasteeding included:

Decreased health care costs
Increased productvity in the workplace
Decreased absenteeism
Signifcant reducton in infant morbidity and mortality
No usage of land resources or chemicals that add to polluton
No waste added environmentally

13.n母乳餵哺的好處是什麼?試論你怎樣向你的對象提倡母乳餵哺。 - 鼓勵孕婦提出疑問。
 產後期:
(1997.4.A1)n(15%) - 協助母親在產後一小時內與嬰兒作肌膚接觸及儘早餵哺。
a. 母乳餵哺的好處: - 於產後房實行母嬰同室,使母親能按嬰兒需要餵哺。
 對嬰兒方面: - 指導母親母乳餵哺的基本技巧,如餵哺前的準備、扶抱嬰兒的
- 母乳是獨特的食物,能提供嬰兒生長及發育所需的營養,蛋白 技巧、常用的餵哺姿勢、引導嬰兒吸吮乳房的方法、嬰兒正確的
質比配方乳較容易消化,比配方乳含較多乳糖。含脂肪酶可促 含接姿勢、餵哺次數 / 時間及乳房護理。
進脂肪消化及吸收。含少量鐵質比配方乳所含的鐵質較容易吸 - 鼓勵母親多休息、頻密餵哺。
收。含足夠的維他命。 - 指導母親評估嬰兒餵哺足夠的方法:嬰兒餵哺後表現很滿足。
- 母乳含免疫球蛋白能增強嬰兒抗病能力,例如避免腹瀉、呼吸 每天有六次以上小便。大便軟及黃色。體重在出生後 10 天至兩
道感染和中耳炎等。 星期內能恢復出生時的體重。
- 母乳含 Cystane 及 Taurine,有助腦部發育,吃母乳的嬰兒較聰 - 指導母親不要使用人工奶咀安慰嬰兒,以及避免給予補充餵哺。
明。母乳含足夠的必需脂肪酸是腦部及神經系統發育所需。 以免影响嬰兒的吸吮能力,及產生乳頭混亂。
- 母乳能有效預防過敏症。很多嬰兒因對牛奶蛋白質敏感而導致 - 教導母親保時足夠乳汁的方法:按嬰兒需要餵哺,確保嬰兒含
過敏症。 接姿勢正確,母親保持足夠的營養及水份。
- 母親與嬰兒經常親密接觸,有助嬰兒建立安全感。 - 指導母親採均衡飲食,多吃高蛋白食物。每天額外吸取
- 母乳的成份及乳量會隨嬰兒身體所需而自動調整。如:夏天含 500kcal(每天 3000kcal)。增加流質吸收,每天不少於 8 – 10 杯水
較多水份,冬天有較高脂肪。 / 流質,包括牛奶、果汁、湯及清水等。
 對母親方面: - 指導母親母親餵哺後,塗少許乳汁在乳頭之上,待其自然風乾,
- 嬰兒吸啜時引發產生催產素,有助母親子宮收縮,減少出血, 以保護乳頭。
促進復原減低患貧血機會。 - 如母嬰暫時分離,指導母親擠出乳汁、保存乳汁及維持乳汁分
- 母乳餵哺有助消耗母親在懷孕期儲備的脂肪,提早恢復體型。 泌的方法。
- 減低患乳腺癌、卵巢癌及骨質疏鬆症。 - 鼓勵母親持續餵哺母乳。
- 持續餵哺母乳,可延遲排卵期,使月經延遲,有自然調節生 - 介紹認識其它母乳餵哺的母親,以互相支持及分享經驗。
育作用 - 介紹母親母乳支持團體。
- 增進母嬰感情及母親的情緒滿足。
- 嬰兒的抗病能力增加,可省去嬰兒的醫療費用及父母請假的
 對社會方面:
- 有助環保:減少廢物堆積,如奶瓶、奶咀、奶粉罐等。直接餵哺,
b. 向對象提倡母乳餵哺的措施:
 妊娠期:
- 鼓勵孕婦參加產前講座
- 在產前講座告知孕婦有關母乳餵哺的知識,如母乳餵哺的
14.n一名以母乳餵哺母親有乳頭損裂時,你會推薦給她的四種特殊的餵 Advises to prevent sore nipples (2002.10.B5)n(5%)
a. 讓嬰兒吸吮未有損裂的一邊乳房,待其催產素反射機制運作良好後, Common on 4-5 days due to poor positoning and latch on of the baby on
b. 常轉換哺乳姿勢,避免乳頭同一位置經常受壓。 - Breast on unafected site frst, wait for oxytocinon efect and let
down refex, then start the afected site.
c. 嬰兒吸啜時,切勿強行拉出乳頭。指導母親餵哺後,塗少許乳汁在
- Ensure right baby holding; good atachment with signs of chin touch
breast, wide open mouth, lower lip turn outward and suck on areola
d. 如乳頭嚴重損裂,暫停以損裂的一邊乳房餵哺,以電泵或手擠奶,
rather than nipple so that more areola seen above the mouth than
- Break the sucton before removing baby mouth from breast
- To apply expressed breast milk to nipples and allow to dry afer each
feeding to promote healing
- If sever sore nipples, withhold breasteeding with the afected site
- Try expressed breast milk or milk pump
- Cup feeding the baby
- Avoid soap, lotons, ointments and stmulants irritate to nipples

15.n在香港提升母乳餵哺率的困難。n(2000.1.B7)n(5%)n 棄母乳餵哺。
在香港提升母乳餵哺率的困難有: 香港大部份女性都是職業女性,而現時法定產假大約
a. 社會方面: 兩個多月,當產假完結後婦女上班又得不到僱主支持,
- 由於文化的影响,母乳餵哺未普及,婦女於公眾場所
- 公眾場所沒有設置母乳餵哺室,使母親帶來不便。
- 缺乏母乳餵哺支援,母親在遇到母乳餵哺的問題時,
- 市面上配方奶廣告泛濫,政府缺乏監管。
- 政府對推廣母乳餵哺投放的資源不足,使市民未能正
b. 醫院方面:
- 由於人手短缺,沒有足夠人手來配合推廣母乳 餵哺的政
- 醫護人員對母乳餵哺的技巧亦未能正確掌握,因此在教
- 醫護人員未積極鼓勵產婦以母乳餵哺。
- 產婦在留院期間,容易獲得配方奶作補充餵哺,因而減
c. 家庭方面:
- 家庭在推廣母乳餵哺佔重要角色,如冢庭成員缺乏母乳
- 配方餵哺觀念於七、八十年代甚為普遍,導致年長的長輩
- 家人的傳統思想對母乳餵哺持錯誤觀念,認為會影响身
d. 產婦方面:
- 產前得不到足夠的母乳餵哺資料,使產婦未能了解母乳
- 產後因疲倦、傷口疼痛及其他理由而拒絕及早授乳,
- 產婦在授乳過程中欠缺耐性、恆心及成功感,因而放
B4. n Ways n to n increase n the n rate n of n soccessfol n breasteeding n in n mothers  Praise all BF mother
deliveringninnyoornonit  Encourage to seek help when difcultes encounter
Breasteeding ofers many benefts to mothers and newborns. Newborn  Family planning, lactaton amenorrhoea method or POP
immunity can be enhanced, milk is more easily to be digest and absorb,  Refer MCH and ofer hotlines for support upon discharge
motherhood bonding can be strengthened, uterine contracton triggered
and reduce postpartum haemorrhage. Midwives need to act for increase
BF rate.
In antenatal period,
 Encourage BF through AN visit, educaton classes and pamphlets
 Encourage AN classes, introduce BF knowledge, benefts, breast
structures and lactaton refex etc.
 Prompt any queston regarding BF during AN visit
In postnatal period,
 Early feed within 1 hour afer delivery and ofer skin-to-skin contact in
labour ward
 Rooming-in in postnatal ward
 Educate BF skill and knowledge. For instance, preparaton before feed,
holding methods, proper atachment, feeding frequency and duraton
 Encourage rest and feed on demand
 Educate assessment on newborn signs of full, observe number of wet
napkins, texture of stool and BW observaton
 Advice no artfcial teat and supplements to avoid nipple confusion
and decrease intake
 Educate mother sustain BF by feed on demand, proper latch-on and
enough fuid intake and nutriton
 Encourage high protein diet, extra 500kcal/day, at least 8-10 glasses of
 Advice express own breast milk to apply on nipples and allow air dry
afer each feed to protect from sore.
 If mother need to be separate with the baby, educate breast milk
expression, pumping, storage and sustaining producton methods,
encourage contnue feeding
 Introduce BF support group for sharing
 Encourage family support
Poerperalnpyrexia - 靜脈血栓:抽血作 PT /APTT 化驗,給予抗凝血劑治療如 heparin,按照化驗結果
1.n一婦人於陰道分娩後第三天,體溫上升至攝氏 38.6 C。試論其可能原因和處理方法。 調校劑量。給予止痛藥,臥床休息及乘高患肢。當痛及腫減退後,可漸進式活
(2001.10.A2)nn(15%) 動。
產褥熱是指分娩後 14 天內,產婦的體溫在 38oC 或以上。產褥熱是產褥期的異常情況 產褥熱令產婦帶來不適及延長其產後復原的時間,因此助產士在處理分娩時
之一,若果是產褥感染引起的發熱,會引致敗血症,嚴重者可引致產婦死亡,故須 必須嚴格執行無菌技術,協助及指導產後婦女施行傷口護理,以預防產褥熱
找出發熱的原因,給予適當的治療。 的發生,並監察感染之徵象及作出適當的處理。
I. 產褥熱的原因有:
a. 感染: A2. n 3 n days n afer n vaginal n delivery, n a n postpartom n woman n developed n a
生殖道感染:宮內感染。 temperatorenofn38.6.nDiscossnthenpossiblencaosesnandnmanagement.
非生殖道感染:泌尿道感染、乳房感染、靜脈炎。 Pueperium pyrexia defnes as body temperature >=38 for any 2 records
b. 產後的反應
c. 乳脹:乳腺管阻塞,引起反應而發熱 afer frst 24 hours tll 10days afer delivery. Untreated pyrexia will lead to
d. 同期發生之疾病:上呼吸道感染 septcemia and maternal death. It is important to know the causes and
II. 產褥熱的處理: treat promptly.
a. 通知醫生,行鑑別診斷,找出發熱原因: 1. Sepsis (Genital tract infecton, endometrits, 2 PPH) – low resistance
取標本作檢驗:喉部拭子、中流尿、宮頸拭子、肺部 X 光、全血檢驗及血培養
(anemia), exhauston, ascending infecton, placental site infecton,
基。 retained product of gestaton
b. 代為照顧嬰兒,讓產婦充足休息。 2. Extra-genital tract infecton – UTI due to CU, cystts due to bladder
c. 心理照顧:解釋、安慰,緩解憂慮。 bruising or urine retenton, breast infecton, wound infecton, venous
d. 護理前後洗手,預防交互傳染。 thromboembolism, superfcial / deep vein thrombosis (stasis of blood
e. 評估產前、分娩及產後記錄,查核有否破水超過 24 小時、產程延長、曾施行
硬膜外麻醉、儀器助產或人工取胎盆術等。 increase coagulaton), PE, chest infecton (prolong bed rest, anesthesia)
f. 聽取產婦之伸訴,如惡露過多、有異味,會陰傷口痛楚增加,乳脹,腳痛 3. Breast conditon – mastts, breast engorgement, abscess, sore nipples
小便困難,咳嗽或胸痛。 4. Concurrent disease – URI, viral / bacterial, surgical conditons,
g. 隨後按醫囑給予廣效性抗生素治療,如嚴重者,給予大劑量靜脈注射抗生 concurrent infecton (hepatts, GE, pancreatts…)
5. Reactonary fever
h. 發熱病人之護理:監察體溫及生命表徵,鼓勵多進水份,保持空氣流通,
指導注意個人衛生,需要時立即更換濕衣服,保持充份休息,作溫水沐浴 Management:
需要時按醫囑給予退熱藥物。  Assessment: mother complain, risk factor & AN conditon
i. 飲食:進食易消化及輕性的食物,足夠水份,注意營養之攝取。 (anemia, medical illness, infecton) & intrapartum factors (PROM,
j. 不同引致之原因,而作出適當之處理: prolong labor, EA, instrumental / operatve, MROP, CU), TOCC
- 會陰傷口感染:行傷口換症及取傷口拭子化驗,指導每次大小便後
由前向後清潔、以暖水沖洗會陰及勤換衛生巾。  PE: VS, color, throat chest heart exam, PN exam (breast, uterus,
- 泌尿道感染:多進水份,給予抗生素治療。 leg, abd wound, perineum, lochia, void)
- 乳脹:  Ix: CBP / WCC / ESR, bld culture, MSU, throat & wound swab,
˙母乳餵哺之母親:鼓勵頻密餵哺,評估餵哺的姿勢,確保正確。可 HVS, nipple swab, sputum, CXR
 Further management: Inform doctor, assess source and severity,
- 乳腺炎:母乳餵哺之母親暫停餵哺母乳,取母乳作細菌培養,定時排清乳汁。 isolaton, handwashing, febrile care (diet, rest, comfort),
有膿腫時行放膿手術 commence antbiotcs, specifc care (baby care, psychological
- 乳房組織炎:抗生素治療 support, diet & hydraton).
- 靜脈炎:抗生素治療
2.n產褥熱的原因nn(1996.10.B12)nn(2005.4.B1)n(5%) nCaosesnofnnPoerperalnpyrexia
n nn(1999.10.B12)
n nnn(2005.4.B1)n(5%)n
1. Sepsis (Genital tract infecton, endometrits, 2 PPH) – low resistance
a. 感染: (anemia), exhauston, ascending infecton, placental site infecton,
- 生殖道感染:宮內感染 retained product of gestaton
- 非生殖道感染:泌尿道感染、乳房感染、靜脈炎 2. Extra-genital tract infecton – UTI due to CU, cystts due to bladder
bruising or urine retenton, breast infecton, wound infecton, venous
b. 產後的反應 thromboembolism, superfcial / deep vein thrombosis (stasis of blood
c. 乳脹:乳腺管阻塞,引起反應而發熱 increase coagulaton), PE, chest infecton (prolong bed rest,
d. 同期發生之疾病:上呼吸道感染、腸胃炎
3. Breast conditon – mastts, breast engorgement, abscess, sore nipples
4. Concurrent disease – URI, viral / bacterial, surgical conditons,
concurrent infecton (hepatts, GE, pancreatts…)
5. Reactonary fever
6. Thrombophlebits

3. 剖腹產後發熱的原因 (1999.4.B11) (5%)

a. 感染:泌尿道感染,呼吸道感染,乳房感染(如乳頭損裂) ,靜脈 nB11.nCaosesnofnfevernaferncaesareannsectonnnnn(1999.4.B11)nnn n(5%)
nn n
炎,腹下部傷口感染。 1. Sepsis (Genital tract infecton, endometrits, 2 PPH) – low resistance
b. 反應性:產後疲倦,因新陳代謝增加,手術後抵抗力弱。麻醉性發 (anemia), exhauston, ascending infecton, placental site infecton,
retained product of gestaton
熱。 2. Extra-genital tract infecton – UTI due to CU, cystts due to bladder
c. 乳脹:乳腺管阻塞,引起反應而發熱。 bruising or urine retenton, breast infecton, wound infecton, venous
thromboembolism, superfcial / deep vein thrombosis (stasis of blood
d. 同期發生之疾病:呼吸逍感染、腸胃炎。
increase coagulaton), PE, chest infecton (prolong bed rest,
3. Breast conditon – mastts, breast engorgement, abscess, sore nipples
4. Concurrent disease – URI, viral / bacterial, surgical conditons,
concurrent infecton (hepatts, GE, pancreatts…)
5. Reactonary fever
6. Thrombophlebits

4.n試論產褥熱的原因、臨床特徵、檢查及處理n(1998.1.A2)n(15%) b. 代為照顧嬰兒,讓產婦充足休息。
產褥熱是指分娩或流產後 14 天內,產婦的體溫在 38 C 或以上。產褥熱 c. 心理照顧:解釋、安慰,緩解憂慮。
是產褥期的異常情況之一,若果是產褥感染引起的發熱,會引致敗血 d. 護理前後洗手,預防交互傳染。
症,嚴重者可引致產婦死亡,故須找出發熱的原因,給予適當的治療。 e. 評估產前、分娩及產後記錄,查核有否破水超過 24 小時、產程延
I. 產褥熱的原因有: 長、曾施行硬膜外麻醉、儀器助產或人工取胎盆術等。
a. 感染: f. 聽取產婦之伸訴。
- 生殖道感染:宮內感染 g. 隨後按醫囑給予廣效性抗生素治療,如嚴重者,給予大劑量靜脈
- 非生殖道感染:泌尿道感染、乳房感染、靜脈炎 注射抗生素治療。
b. 分娩後的反應 h. 發熱病人之護理:監察體溫及生命表徵,鼓勵多進水份,保持空
c. 乳脹:乳腺管阻塞,引起反應而發熱。 氣流通,指導注意個人衛生,需要時立即更換濕衣服,保持充份
d. 同期發生之疾病:呼吸道感染、:如扁桃腺炎、腸胃炎 休息,作溫水沐浴,需要時按醫囑給予退熱藥物。
II. 產褥熱的臨床特徵: i. 飲食:進食易消化及輕性的食物,足夠水份,注意營養之攝取。
i. 分娩或流產後 14 天內,產婦的體溫在 38 C 或以上 j. 不同引致之原因,而作出適當之處理,如會陰傷感染。
j. 全身性:疲倦、肌肉疼痛、食慾不振、寒顫、冒汗 產褥熱令產婦帶來不適及延長其產後復原的時間,因此助產士在處
k. 局部性:接其原因而產生,e.g. 乳脹時乳房痛、硬實。 理分娩時必須嚴格執行無菌技術,協助及指導產後婦女施行傷口護
III. 產褥熱的檢查: 理,以預防產褥熱的發生,並監察感染之徵象及作出適當的處理。
a. 全身性檢查:喉部、聽診心肺、乳房、腹部、會陰傷口、陰道、腿部檢
b. 取標本作檢驗:喉部拭子、中流尿、宮頸拭子、肺部 X 光、全血檢驗 Postpartomncare
及血培養基。 1. 觀察及記錄生表徵,監測有否感染徵狀。
IV. 產褥熱的處理: 2. 觀察及記錄傷口癒合情況,有否血腫、紅、腫、異常分泌物。
3. 保持會陰清潔,協助未能下床之產婦常規及大、小便後以溫水作會陰沖洗。
a. 通知醫生,行鑑別診斷,找出發熱原因: 4. 鼓勵產婦作會陰肌肉運動,以促進會陰血液循環,減少腫脹。
作全身性檢查:喉部、聽心肺、乳房、腹部、會陰傷口、陰道、及 5. 指導產婦保持個人衛生,於大、小便後自行作會陰沖洗,勤換衛生巾。
6. 按醫囑需要時給予止痛藥。
腿部檢查 7. 有感染徵狀須通知醫生,處方抗生素,必要時再次縫補傷口。
取標本作檢驗:喉部拭子、中流尿、宮頸拭子、肺部 X 光、全血
Discoss nhencaoses,n predisposingnfactors,nclinicalnfeatores,ninvestgatons cellulites
andnmanagementnofnpoerperalnpyrexia.n(1998.1.A2)n15% 6. Deep vein thrombosis:painful and swollen of calf
Pueperium pyrexia defnes as body temperature >=38 for any 2 records 7. Cold or infuenza: sore throat, headache, cough with or not with sputum,
afer frst 24 hours tll 10days afer delivery. Untreated pyrexia will lead to running nose
septcemia and maternal death. It is important to know the causes and 8. Elevated of WBC and ESR, positve culture result.
treat promptly. Management
Causes: Hisotry taking:
1. Sepsis (Genital tract infecton, endometrits, 2 PPH) – low resistance  Full history of antenatal record and obstetric dlivery. Find out the
(anemia), exhauston, ascending infecton, placental site infecton, possible risk factors, such as the health conditon, length of labour,
retained product of gestaton instrumentaton used, sutures required, was the placenta complete, was
2. Extra-genital tract infecton – UTI due to CU, cystts due to bladder there any bleeding during or afer delivery.
bruising or urine retenton, breast infecton, wound infecton, venous  Symptoms complained by the woman
thromboembolism, superfcial / deep vein thrombosis (stasis of blood  Identfy the source of infecton and assessment of the severity
increase coagulaton), PE, chest infecton (prolong bed rest, anesthesia) Physical exam
3. Breast conditon – mastts, breast engorgement, abscess, sore nipples  Vital signs include temperature, pulse rate, respiraton rate, blood
4. Concurrent disease – URI, viral / bacterial, surgical conditons, pressure and skin colour
concurrent infecton (hepatts, GE, pancreatts…)  Exam of throat, heart and chest for signs of infecton
5. Reactonary fever  Postnal exam include palpaton of the uterus to assess size and
6. Thrombophlebits tenderness, assessment of abdominal or perineal wounds and lochia,
Predisposing factors: exam of breast and legs for possible thrombosis.
1. History of antenatal infecton, poor nutriton, anaemia, chronic Laboratory iniestgatons:
conditon  Blood studies: Full blood count, CBP, WBC diferentate
2. Intrapartum factors include: prolonged labour, operatve deliveries,  Culture: throat swab, wound swab, high vaginal swab, blood, MSU
laceraton or tear of genital or urinary tract, intrauterine manipulaton,  Chest X-ray
prematurity rupture of membrane, prolonged leaking, incomplete  Ultrasound scan may be required to rule out retained products of
placenta which performed manual removal of the placenta, frequency concepton.
vaginal exam and catheterizaton of bladder. Nursing care:
3. Postpartum factors include: breast engorgement, urinary retenton,  Explain and reassure the woman
poor hygienic and haemorrhage, consequent haematomas act as an  General care for febrile patent
infectve facous.  Care for specifc infecton
Clinical features  Contact isolaton if necessary or provide a good ventlate environment
1. A temperature of 38 or higher occur in any 2 of the frst 10 days  Supportve care includes rest, give ice packs, analgesia, hydraton,
postpartum, exclusive of the frst 24 hours. General malaise, anorexia, adequate nutrient, care of the infecton wound
rapid pulse. Chills and rigor.  Prone positon to encourage lochia drainage
2. Genital tract infecton: tender uterus, profuse and foul smelling of Specifc management:
lochia, subinvoluted and painful perineum  Antbiotc therapy, usually start with a broad-spectrum and change to the
3. Urinary tract infecton: frequency, dysuria, haematuria appropriate one when result is available (UTI, infected wound, mastts)
4. Wound infecton: redness, edema, pain, purulent drainage, gapping of  Localized wound incision and drainage
wound  Cont’ monitoring of the woman’s conditon and response to treatment.
5. Mastts: painful, hard, rd breast may have abscess, nipple trauma and  Help to express breast milk if caused by breast engorgement
2.n陰道產後的產褥期護理 (1999.4.B13)(5%) nB13.nPostpartomncarenafernvaginalndeliverynnnn(1999.4.B13)(5%)n
分娩後之六星期為產褥期,在此段時期的護理如下: 6 weeks postpartum is called pueperium. The care includse:
1. 確保產婦有充分休息及睡眠; 1. Adequate rest and sleep
2. 產後休息 24 小時後,鼓勵產婦離床活動,以促進惡露排泄及子宮 2. Mobilizaton 24 hours afer delivery, enhance drainage of lochia and
復舊,亦可減少尿瀦留及便泌之發生。 uterine involuton, reduce incidence of urinary retenton and
3. 每日觀察及記錄脈搏及體溫、宮底高度、惡露之色質量、乳房、乳頭 constpaton
會陰傷口的情況,並監察有否痔瘡及靜脈炎。 3. Encourage void within 8 hours post delivery. Catheter once if fail. If
4. 哺乳產婦需高蛋白、高纖維素之均衡飲食,多進水份。一般產婦需 bladder cannot empty, foley is needed for 24-48 hours.
均衡飲食。 4. Daily observe body temperature, pulse, fundal height, lochia amount
5. 鼓勵產婦於產後 8 小時內小便。如產後 8 小時內未能排小便,便需 and color, breast, nipple and perineum wound; observe for DVT and
替其導尿。如導尿後仍未能排小便,則需放置導尿管於膀胱內 24 hemorrhoid
小時。 5. High protein & fber diet, plenty of water, balanced diet. Extra
6. 產後第三天應有大便,鼓勵產婦自行往廁所大便,高纖維飲食, 500kcal/day for breasteeding women
多進水份,如有便秘,按醫囑給予輕瀉劑如 senokot 或 dulcolax 6. Bowel open at day 3 postpartum, encourage regular bowel habit, high
supp. fber diet and water. Seek medical aid if severe constpaton for mild
7. 乳房護理:哺乳產婦需於餵哺後把剩餘乳汁窄出,按摩及熱敷乳 laxatves
房使乳腺管通,使用母乳餵哺之胸圍,多進水份。不選擇哺乳的 7. Breast care – massage and hot pad to ease drainage of milk, enough
產婦不可按摩乳房,不需增加水分攝取,穿具支持性的胸圍。 water and appropriate BF bra. Supportve bra for non breasteeding
8. 保持會陰清潔,協助及指導產婦大、小便後由前向後拭抹,作會陰 mother and avoid manipulaton.
沖洗,勤換衛生巾。保持個人衛生,鼓勵產婦作沐浴,每天更換衣 8. Hygiene – perineum washing afer each void and bowel open untl
服。 lochia stop. Swab from front to back, change napkin regularly, bath
9. 產後痛,需要時按醫囑給予口服止痛藥物,如 Panadol。 and change clothes daily
10. 指導及鼓勵產婦在產後第二天開始作產後運動,促進血循環、防血 9. Aferpain – analgesics as prescribed
栓,助生殖器官復舊,恢復骨盆底肌之張力。 10. Postnatal exercise – start on day 2, increase circulaton, prevent
11. 評估情緒狀態,給予心理支持。 thrombolic disease, aid involuton and resume muscle tone
12. 教導產婦嬰兒護理,包括沐浴、更換尿片、餵奶的技巧、臍帶護理等 11. Mood change – care psychological need, support, reassurance
13. 給予家庭計劃指導。 12. Educaton – infant care (bething, napkin changing, feeding, cord care),
14. 指導於產後 6 星期後作產後檢查。 family planning, Fu at 6 weeks.

產後最初 1 小時,是產後出血常發生的時段。助產士需監察母親子
期後需確保產婦有充分休息及睡眠;產後休息 24 小時後,鼓勵產
鼓勵產婦於產後 8 小時內小便。如產後 8 小時內未能排小便,便需
替其導尿。如導尿後仍未能排小便,則需放置導尿管於膀胱內 24 小
進水份,如有便秘,按醫囑給予輕瀉劑如 senokot 或 dulcolax supp.
母親如有產後痛,需要時按醫囑給予口服止痛藥物,如 Panadol。
向產婦給予家庭計劃指導。指導於產後 6 星期後作產後檢查。

1. 子 宮 大 小 : 由 剛 分 娩 時 15×12×7.5cm , 於 6 星 期 後 回 復
2. 重量:產後 1 星期 500 克,2 星期 200 克,6 星期 60 克。
3. 宮底高度:產後在臍部處,每天下降 1cm,1 星期降至臍部與恥骨聯
合之間,2 星期降至骨盆腔內。
4. 宮內膜:產後宮內壁粗糙、充血。蛻膜之海綿層隨惡露排出,基底層
增生成新宮內膜。胎盆位置需 8 星期才完成恢復。
5. 惡露:維持 3-4 星期,鹼性、有異味、非臭味,比一次月經多,隨日
a. 第 1-4 日:紅色惡露:鮮紅色,成份有血、羊膜碎屑、蛻膜,約
b. 第 5-9 日:漿液性惡露:淺紅色後期轉棕黃色,成份有少量血、
傷口滲液、白血球,約 10-25ml。
c. 第 10-15 日:白色惡露:白色,成份有少量粘液、白血球、上皮
細胞碎屑,約 10ml。
6. 宮頸:宮下段消失,1-2 星期後回復成峽部。剛分娩後之宮頸會有水
腫、軟,宮內口產後漸漸閉合,宮外口產後 10-14 日閉合、轉硬及可
容納 1 隻手指,形狀改變成一長形開口。

2.n異常惡露。(2001.n4.B9)n(n5%) B9.nAbnormalnlochian(2001.4.B9)(5%)
正常及一般情況下,產後首天至第四天之惡露為鮮紅色、量多,在第五 Lochia is normal discharge from the uterus afer delivery composed of red
至十日轉為淺紅色、量漸減。其後轉為褐色、橙黃色,大約 2-3 星期完結。 blood cells, leukocytes, fbrin and shreds of deciduas. It reduces gradually
餵哺母乳者可能時間較長。惡露之多少及持續時間因人而異。 with amount vary between 240-270ml, lasts 10-21 days without blood
如惡露不斷流出、惡露排出過多或有大血塊,均是異常惡露,是產後出 clots, fesh with no ofensive or foul smell. First 3 days postpartum,
moderate amount bright red color (rubra). From 5-7 days onward, small
血的徵狀,因可能有蛻膜遺留,需評估子宮收縮情況,如子宮收縮無 amount brownish or pinkish color (serosa). From 1 to 3 weeks onward,
力,需按摩子宮以助收縮及排出惡露,注射 ergometrine,抽血驗血色 scanty amount creamy or white color (alba). Breasteeding mother may
have longer duraton. Any conditons deviate from normal as described
素,檢查血壓、脈搏,如血色素降至 8 以下需輸血,保留衛生巾以監察
above is abnormal lochia.
出血情況,鼓勵產婦休息,協助產婦照顧嬰兒,繼續監察生命表徵及 If lochia contnuous to drain out, large amount with clots, it is a signs of
出血情況。 postpartum haemorrhage. RPOG may be suspected. Uterine contracton
should be assessed. If uterine atony detected, uterine massage,
ergometrine injecton, blood for CBP, check BP, P. If anemic with Hb below
8 g/L, blood transfusion may need. Midwives should help to keep pad
record, encourage rest, assist in baby care, monitor vital signs and
bleeding conditons.

3.n一對夫婦剛 下一名因 HaemoglobinnBart n水胎死亡的嬰兒,試論對 帶者,25%機會患上重型地貧。
12. 給予發問的時間,並對其關注的問題給予解釋
他們的輔導。nn(1997.4.B13)n(5%) 13. 建議他們日後懷孕應作產前診斷檢查,如結果顯示胎兒患有重
1. 靜房間作輔導,以保障私隱 型地貧,給予輔導及終止懷孕的選擇。
2. 介紹自己,告知是次輔導目的
3. 提供舒適座椅,雙方坐下,保持近距離,面對角度約 60-120 度,
4. 評估夫婦對胎兒死亡的情緒反應
5. 給予心理支持:鼓勵夫婦說出內心感受,留心聆聽,用感同身受的
6. 與母親保持眼神接觸,讓對方感受到正在聆聽
7. 透過面部表情、點頭示意,來表達明白對方的情況
8. 認同母親的感受,安慰母親,表達同理心及告訴她作為母親擔心自
9. 向夫婦解釋胎兒死亡的原因:胎兒患有重型甲型地貧,以致水胎,
10. 評估夫婦對甲型地中海貧血的認識
11. 針對他們的了解,提供資料,例如:
- 甲型地中海貧血是其中一種常見的遺傳性血液病,並不會傳染。
- 甲型地中海貧血的病因是從父母處遺傳了一個或多個不正常的基因,
使血紅蛋白內 α 珠蛋白鏈的製造減少,引致胎兒和新生兒 γ 鏈和成
人 β 鏈過剩,使血色素下降,造成貧血。
a. 輕型甲型地貧:
- 異質結合體:缺乏一個基因通常沒有貧血現象
- 異質結合體:缺乏兩個基因於懷孕時可能有貧血現象
- HbH disease:缺乏三個基因輕度至嚴重貧血
b. 重型甲型地貧:
-日後懷孕下一代將有 25%機會是正常,50%機會成為地貧基因
4.n產後抽搐的即時處理。(1997.4.B4)n(5%) - 注意併發症發生,例如產前出血、胎盆早期剝離、心衰竭、肺水腫
子是由重性先兆子併發,情況嚴重,屬產科急症。原因不明,可能由 等,及早治理。
於腦水腫、缺血。血壓會顯著升高,但有 20%患者血壓正常,舒張壓 - 配血及取血檢驗,例如 CBP、LFT、RFT、PT/APPT etc.
<90mmHg。有抽搐、昏迷症狀,表示中樞神經受影響。可發生在妊娠後期, - 繼續 MgSO4 靜脈輸入 1g/hr 至產後或抽搐後 24 小時,並監察有
但多出現於分娩期或產褥初期。產後抽搐的即時處理如下: 否毒性反應,注意呼吸率、小便量及膝腱反射。
- 通知醫生。 抽搐控制後之處理:
- 防受傷、窒息,不可離開產婦,圍上床欄,用舌壓或類似物品放入口 a. 48 小時內較易有子發作。
腔,上、下牙床之間,以防咬傷舌頭。 l. 繼續 MgSo4 infusion 至產後 24 小時。
- 保持氣道暢通,使頭低、半伏臥或頭側向,施行抽吸及施氧,建立靜 m. 繼續監察生命表徵(血壓、脈搏、心跳、呼吸、SaO2) 、小便量、膝腱
脈導管,給予靜脈輸入。 反射。
- 按醫囑給予藥物: n. 給予足夠鎮痛、休息。暫時由護士照料嬰兒。
- 抗抽搐藥物:如 Magnesium Sulphate MgSO4; Valium 10mg I.V.I. in 2 o. 給予心理支持,安慰產婦及其家人。
min,需要時可於 15-30 分鐘重覆注射 I.V.I. 3mg/Kg/24hrs(避免>20mg) p. 指導往家庭計劃指導會作適當避孕。
。 q. 產後檢查:注意有否後遺症,例如持續血壓高、蛋白尿。
- 降血壓藥:如 Hydrallazine
- 其他:如利尿劑以減肺水腫 e.g. Lasix。Digitalis 以治理心衰竭。NaHCO3
- 通知家人,解釋及安慰。
- 插入自流導尿管,每小時量尿量及驗蛋白尿。
- 每 15 分鐘量度血壓、脈搏、呼吸、SaO2、清醒程度及準確記錄進入排出
- 禁飲食,給予靜脈輸入液以補充體液。
- 避免騷擾患者,安置於單人清靜房間,上床欄,護理時,動作要輕
- 按時抽吸咽喉涎液,以保持氣道暢通及每小時轉換位置以防併發症。
Neonate - 如情況無改善而心跳每分鐘少於 60-80 次,需立即進行心臟按
1.n嬰兒出生時軟弱、發紺、心跳 100/minn的處理。n(5%)n
- 如仍無改善,需以藥物治療,可經臍靜脈 /靜脈 / 氣管內導管
- 嬰兒娩出後,開動計時器,即時通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救
給 藥 , 常 用 急 救 藥 物 有 epinephrine 、 sodium bicarbonate 及
- 替嬰兒保暖:即時抹去嬰兒身上的羊水,並以暖毛巾包著其身體
- 監察及記錄嬰兒對措施的反應、急救過程的每一過步驟及曾使
- 擺位:將嬰兒平臥,其頸部略微提高 (肩下用布或毛巾乘高 2-
- 把嬰兒置於孵箱把嬰兒轉送新生嬰兒加護病房作進一步監察及
- 抽吸分泌物:先吸口腔然後鼻。避免劇烈抽吸或插管過深,以引起
- 向父母解釋嬰兒的情況及對急救措施的反應。
次抽吸 3-5 秒。
- 提供觸覺刺激:揉擦背部、彈打足心或提供氧氣
- 快速評估嬰兒情況:呼吸、心跳速率及膚色,若無反應、呼吸暫停
- 這最初步驟不應超過 30 秒
- 建立呼吸通氣:保持呼吸道暢通及位置正確,給予 100%氧氣
(O25L/min)。如無反應,查閱母親施 4 小時內曾否接受抑制呼吸的
藥物,如有者,給予 Narcan neonatal IMI 0.01mg/kg/BW。每 30 秒
- 如無反應或心跳每分鐘少於 100 次,給予正壓呼吸器,須使用大
小合適的氧氣面 罩,面罩 要完全覆蓋口鼻,用 ambu bag 提供
100%氧氣,Bagging(呼吸速率)每分鐘 40-60 次。
- 如 Bagging 後情況未改善,由醫生插入氣管內導管,連接正壓呼吸
器(Ambu bag) 提供 100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40-60 次。如心跳每
分鐘超過 100 次及胸腔有上升及下降(約 1cm)則表示氣管內導管呼

2.n新生嬰兒的復甦法。n(1996.4.B5)n(1997.4.B6)n(2000.1.B12)n(5%)n bag 提供 100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40-60 次。
a. 新生嬰兒的復甦法的目的是: - 如 Bagging 後情況未改善,由醫生插入氣管內導管,連接正壓
- 使肺部擴張 呼吸器(Ambu bag) 提供 100%氧氣,壓力 30-35cmH2O,Bagging
- 增加 PaO2 以增加肺氣泡透氣、心輸出量 每分鐘 40-60 次。如心跳每分鐘超過 100 次及胸腔有上升及下降
- 減少散熱 (約 1cm)則表示氣管內導管呼吸有效。
- 將耗氧量減至最低 心臟按壓:如情況無改善而心跳每分鐘少於 60-80 次,需立即進行
b. 施行前準備甦法儀器: 心臟按壓法。心臟按壓每分鐘 120 次,與呼吸通氣之比率為 3:
輻射熱源保溫台(resuscitaire)、計時器、抽吸器、各種大小之抽吸管、胎糞 1。當心跳率達每分鐘 80 次,可停止心臟按壓。
抽吸器、氧氣喉、新生兒氧氣罩(各種大小的面罩)、新生兒喉鏡及葉片(足 藥物治療:如仍無改善,需以藥物治療,可經臍靜脈 /靜脈 / 氣管
夠電池、燈泡)、各種內徑的新生嬰兒氣管內導管(2.0、2.5、3.0 及 3.5)、一 內導管給藥,常用急救藥物有 epinephrine、sodium bicarbonate
次 性 針 筒 及 急 救 藥 物 (Naloxne Hydrocholorite 、 Adrenaline 、 Sodium 及 dextrose。
Bicarbonate、Dextrose 5%等) 記錄及評估:監察及記錄嬰兒對措施的反應、急救過程的每一過步
c. 新生嬰兒的復甦法的施行方法: 驟及曾使用的藥物。
 穩定新生嬰兒情況的最初步驟:
- 嬰兒娩出後,開動計時器
- 替嬰兒保暖:即時抹去嬰兒身上的羊水,並以暖毛巾包著其身體
- 擺位:將嬰兒平臥,其頸部略微提高 (肩下用布或毛巾乘高 2-
- 抽吸分泌物:先吸口腔然後鼻。避免劇烈抽吸或插管過深,以引起
次抽吸 3-5 秒。
- 提供 觸 覺刺 激 :揉擦 背部、 彈打 足心或提供 氧氣 (free fow O2
- 快速評估嬰兒情況:呼吸、心跳速率及膚色,若無反應、呼吸暫停
- 如無兒科醫生在場,馬上通知醫生
- 這最初步驟不應超過 30 秒
- 保持呼吸道暢通及位置正確,給予 100%氧氣(O25L/min)。如無反應
查閱母親施 4 小時內曾否接受抑制呼吸的藥物,如有者,給予
Narcan neonatal IMI 0.01mg/kg/BW。每 30 秒評估一次呼吸、心跳速
- 如無反應或心跳每分鐘少於 100 次,給予正壓呼吸器,須使
用大小合適的氧氣面罩,面罩要完全覆蓋口鼻,用 ambu
Neonate cerebral damage.
Newbornnresoscitaton Transfer the neonate to resusciateire in inital stage. Put under radiant
warmer. Remove wet linen, wrapped and dry to avoid undue ovygen
1. Resuscitaton of a faccid newborn with thick meconium-stained liquor consumpton.
and poor respiratory efort at birth. 4. 2003 (B2)5%
2. Resuscitaton of asphyxia baby. 1.1998(B7)5% The baby was placed in a suspine and head down positon with slighted
3. Write short notes on neonatal resuscitaton. 1.2000 (B12)5% extended neck to prevent increase central venous pressure.
4. Resuscitaton of newborn. 4.1997(B6)5% Perform gentel sucton to avoid vagal stmulaton that induce apnoed and
decrease heart rate. A meconium aspirator was adapted to sucton catheter
for deep suctoning before coughing or crying. In order to aspirated the
The inital steps in a resuscitaton situaton includen thermal meconium-stained liquor as much as possible.
management, positoning, soctoning, and tactlenstmolaton. A tactle stmulaton was performed to stmulate the spontaneous respiraton
1. Place the infant under a radiantnwarmer to prevent heat loss. by (rubbing of back) dry and wrapped with warm towel. Rubbing of back and
ficking of sole of feet. If spontaneous respiraton established with cycnosis,
2. nPositon non
n back or side with neck n slightly n extended n to n open n the 5L free oxygen was introduced.
airway. Afer 15-30 seconds, the spontaneous respiraton, and HR less than 100/mins
3. nSoctonnnthe mouth and then the nose to remove secretons. or fetal distress, started assisted ventlaton (intermiten positve pressure
4. nDryntheninfantnnand remove wet linens. ventlaton): IPPV. A well-ftting mask cover the nose & mouth with 5L 100%
5. Evaluate respiratory efort, heart and color. oxygen was given via the Ambu bag. With the rate of 40 beats/mins.
 If the newborn is cyanotc with spontaneoosnrespiraton and a A contnuous evaluaton done every 15 second. If spontaneous respiraton
heart n rate n >100 beats per minute, free n fow n oxygen is restore and heart rate more than 100 beats/ minutes. Discontnue IPPV and
administered. change to O2 maks.
 The cyanotc infant with spontaneous respiraton has a low If the HR within 60-100 beats/min, and respiratory efort absence. Tracheal
tube was inserted. A 5L 100% oxygen given assisted with IPPV. Afer 15-30
oxygen saturaton and needs additon of oxygen to enhance seconds, reassess the heart rate, colour, respiraton.
perfusion. But ventricular functon is okay. The respiratory restore with HR less htan 60 beats/ mins, the external cardic
 If apneanorninadeqoatenbreathing is present or the heartnratenisn<! compresson start with assisted IPPV. The newborn placed in fat surface, by
00 beats per minute, bagnandnmasknventlaton is provided. encircling the chest with fngers under spine and thumb on lower third of
 If the infant is apneic, both ventlaton and perfusion need sterum. If press 1/3 of AP diameter with rate 3:1 of compression to
ventlaton. Reassess further 15-30 sec, the heart rate stll absence, the
support. medicaton was used.
 If the heartnratenremainsn<60nbeats per minute afer 30nseconds Adrenaline was a cardic stmulant for enhasing cardic contracton despite 60
of positvenpressorenventlaton,nchestncompressions are initated. sec. of chest compression and fully ventlaton by IPPV stll unsuccessful.
 If the infant does not respond, medicatons n and n volome Drugs to be given by intramuscular.
If its caused by metabolic acidosis, sodium bicarbonate was in use. Also if the
expanders are used. reasons is due to respiratory distress secondary to maternal nacrotc
 If neonates most “arrest” scenarios are respiratory in origin rather suppression. Narcan was given intramuscular. Furthermore, Dextose was
than cardiac, as in older children and adults. infuse given in case of hypoglycaemia.
 Positve response of the infant to resuscitatve eforts is indicated by
increasing heart rate, spontaneous respiratons, and improved color. Finally, document the whole processes of Resuscitaton with clear
documentaton of methods, O2, cardiac compression and drugs used.
Reassure and counsel about the conditon to both parnent.
Early recognite and prompt acton was performed to minize the fetal
3.n對一名 ApgarnScoren4n分的嬰兒施行復甦術。(5%) bicarbonate 及 dextrose。
e. 監察及記錄:嬰兒對措施的反應、急救過程的每一過步驟及曾使
4.n對一名呼吸停止的嬰兒施行復甦術。(1998.1.B7)n(5%) 用的藥物。
a. 穩定新生嬰兒情況的最初步驟:
- 嬰兒娩出後,開動計時器
- 替嬰兒保暖:即時抹去嬰兒身上的羊水,並以暖毛巾包著其身體
- 擺位:將嬰兒平臥,其頸部略微提高 (肩下用布或毛巾乘高 2-
- 抽吸分泌物:先吸口腔然後鼻。避免劇烈抽吸或插管過深,以引起
次抽吸 3-5 秒。
- 提供 觸 覺刺 激 :揉擦 背部、 彈打 足心或提供 氧氣 (free fow O2
- 快速評估嬰兒情況:呼吸、心跳速率及膚色,若無反應、呼吸暫停
- 如無兒科醫生在場,馬上通知醫生
- 這最初步驟不應超過 30 秒
b. 建立呼吸通氣:
- 保持呼吸道暢通及位置正確,給予 100%氧氣(O25L/min)。如無反應
查閱母親施 4 小時內曾否接受抑制呼吸的藥物,如有者,給予
Narcan neonatal IMI 0.01mg/kg/BW。每 30 秒評估一次呼吸、心跳速
- 如無反應或心跳每分鐘少於 100 次,給予正壓呼吸器,須使用大
小合適的氧氣面罩,面罩要完全覆蓋口鼻,用 ambu bag 提供
100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40-60 次。
- 如 Bagging 後情況未改善,由醫生插入氣管內導管,連接正壓呼吸
器(Ambu bag) 提供 100%氧氣,壓力 30-35cmH2O,Bagging 每分鐘
40-60 次。如心跳每分鐘超過 100 次及胸腔有上升及下降(約 1cm)
c. 心臟按壓:如情況無改善而心跳每分鐘少於 60-80 次,需立即進行心
臟按壓法。心臟按壓每分鐘 120 次,與呼吸通氣之比率為 3:1。當心
跳率達每分鐘 80 次,可停止心臟按壓。
d. 藥物治療:如仍無改善,需以藥物治療,可經臍靜脈 /靜脈 /
氣 管 內 導 管 給 藥 , 常 用 急 救 藥 物 有 epinephrine 、 sodium
5.n對一名出生時羊水含濃稠胎糞,呼吸無力且呈軟弱之初生嬰兒的急救法(2003.4.B2)n(5%) B2. n Resoscitaton n of n a n faccid n newborn n with n thick n meconiom-stained
- 即時通知兒科醫生到場替新生兒急救 liqoornandnpoornrespiratorynefortnatnbirth
- 嬰兒娩出後,開動計時器
Neonatal resuscitaton helps the newborn to establish spontaneous
breathing so as to sustain their life. Resuscitaton methods depend on
- 留臍血作血氧分析,以測有否酸中毒
newborn’s AR, RR, color, gestaton and any MSL.
- 替嬰兒保暖:即時抹去嬰兒身上的羊水,並以暖毛巾包著其身體,以防熱散失 ٠ Inform pediatrician standby at delivery.
把嬰兒放置於輻射熱源保溫台(resuscitaire)上。 ٠ Get things ready, wash hand and put on gloves to receive the delivered
- 擺位:將嬰兒平臥,其頸部略微提高(肩下用布或毛巾乘高 2-3cm),以打開呼吸 newborn.
道 ٠ Quick transfer the newborn to the resuscitaire.
- 抽吸分泌物:先吸口腔然後鼻。避免劇烈抽吸或插管過深,以引起迷走神經反 ٠ Rapid assessment for AR, RR, color, muscle tone, refex (Apgar score)
射,使心跳減慢及停止呼吸。抽吸壓力<100cmH2O,每次抽吸 3-5 秒。由醫生插
٠ Start tmer and resuscitaton
٠ Each allots need 30s follow by evaluaton of AR, RR, color. Count AR, RR
入氣管內導管,連接 meconium aspirator 抽吸含胎糞之羊水
for 6s *10
- 提供觸覺刺激:揉擦背部、彈打足心或提供氧氣(free fow O2 5/min/L) ٠ Provide warm via overhead radiant warmer, quick wrap and dry up the
- 快速評估嬰兒情況:呼吸、心跳速率及膚色,若無反應、呼吸暫停或只有喘氣, body with warm towel to avoid cold distress, hypothermia that will
要立刻施行進一步復甦術 increase oxygen consumpton.
- 這最初步驟不應超過 30 秒 ٠ (ABC)Positon to snifng positon.
- 建立呼吸通氣:保持呼吸道暢通及位置正確,給予 100%氧氣(O25L/min)。如無 ٠ Direct tracheal sucton is recommended by direct visualizaton using
反應,查閱母親施 4 小時內曾否接受抑制呼吸的藥物,如有者,給予 Narcan
laryngoscope, inserton of tracheal tube {3-3.5cm if term newborn},
perform sucton with meconium aspirator at 100mmHg)
neonatal IMI 0.01mg/kg/BW。每 30 秒評估一次呼吸、心跳速率及膚色。
٠ If AR>100, administer free fow oxygen for poor respiratory efort and
- 如無反應或心跳每分鐘少於 100 次,給予正壓呼吸器,須使用大小合適的氧氣 cyanotc untl color turn pink.
面罩,面罩要完全覆蓋口鼻,用 ambu bag 提供 100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40- ٠ Maintain spontaneous respiraton by gentle tactle stmulaton
60 次。 includes, back rubbing, slapping or ficking the back of the feet.
- 如 Bagging 後情況未改善,由醫生插入氣管內導管,連接正壓呼吸器(Ambu bag) ٠ If stll cyanotc with AR>100, intermitent positve pressure ventlaton
提供 100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40-60 次。如心跳每分鐘超過 100 次及胸腔有上 (IPPV) by mask and ambu bag (100%O2, 30-40mmHg start, then 15-20
升及下降(約 1cm)則表示氣管內導管呼吸有效。
mmHg maintain, keep 40RR/min), may need intubaton (CPAP).
٠ If stll cyanotc with AR<60, IPPV together with chest compression by 2
- 如情況無改善而心跳每分鐘少於 60-80 次,需立即進行心臟按壓法。心臟按壓每
fngers or thumb methods (3 compressions:1 breath, each cycle 2s, 120
分鐘 120 次,與呼吸通氣之比率為 3:1。當心跳率達每分鐘 80 次,可停止心臟 events in 1 minutes), may need intubaton.
按壓。 ٠ If AR stll<60, administer adrenaline (0.1-0.3ml/Kg, 1:20000) via ETT,
- 如仍無改善,需以藥物治療,可經臍靜脈 /靜脈 / 氣管內導管給藥,常用急救 UV, IV or IMI, sodium bicarbonate for metabolic acidosis, glucose to
藥物有 epinephrine、sodium bicarbonate 及 dextrose。 correct hypoglycemia and volume expander, naloxene for narcotc, may
- 監察及記錄嬰兒對措施的反應、急救過程的每一過步驟及曾使用的藥物。 need amniophylline
- 把嬰兒置於孵箱把嬰兒轉送至新生嬰兒加護病房/NICU 作進一步監察及治療。
٠ Once evaluaton if OK, supportve care and post resuscitaton care
٠ VS observaton, NICU, CXR, ABG, documentaton, reassurance and
- 向父母解釋嬰兒的情況及對急救措施的反應。
promote bonding.
6.n一名嬰兒出生時軟弱、發紺,心跳 100/min,呼吸 30/min,在分娩時羊 0.01mg/kg/BW。每 30 秒評估一次呼吸、心跳速率及膚色。
水含胎糞,試論其原因及處理。(15%) - 如無反應或心跳每分鐘少於 100 次,給予正壓呼吸器,須使用
原因是由於胎兒在宮內缺氧出現酸中毒,反射性地引起迷走神經興奮 大小合適的氧氣面罩,面罩要完全覆蓋口鼻,用 ambu bag 提

使腸蠕動增強及肛門括約肌鬆弛,以致胎糞排出污染羊水。胎兒喘息 供 100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40-60 次。

樣深呼吸增加,吸入糞染羊水。 - 如 Bagging 後情況未改善,由醫生插入氣管內導管,連接正壓

對這名嬰兒的處理如下: 呼吸器(Ambu bag) 提供 100%氧氣,Bagging 每分鐘 40-60 次。如

- 通知兒科醫生在場準備替新生兒急救 心跳每分鐘超過 100 次及胸腔有上升及下降(約 1cm)則表示氣

- 嬰兒娩出後,開動計時器 管內導管呼吸有效。

- 取臍血作血氧測試,正常 pH 值為 7.35 至 7.45,酸中毒前 pH 值為 - 如情況無改善而心跳每分鐘少於 60-80 次,需立即進行心臟按

7.20 至 7.25,酸中毒時 pH 值少於 7.20 壓法。心臟按壓每分鐘 120 次,與呼吸通氣之比率為 3:1。當

- 替嬰兒保暖:即時抹去嬰兒身上的羊水,並以暖毛巾包著其身體 心跳率達每分鐘 80 次,可停止心臟按壓。

以防熱散失。把嬰兒放置於輻射熱源保溫台(resuscitaire)上。 - 如仍無改善,需以藥物治療,可經臍靜脈 /靜脈 / 氣管內導管

- 擺位:將嬰兒平臥,其頸部略微提高 (肩下用布或毛巾乘高 2- 給 藥 , 常 用 急 救 藥 物 有 epinephrine 、 sodium bicarbonate 及

3cm),以打開呼吸道。 dextrose。

- 抽吸分泌物:先吸口腔然後鼻。避免劇烈抽吸或插管過深,以引起 - 監察及記錄嬰兒對措施的反應、急救過程的每一過步驟及曾使

迷走神經反射,使心跳減慢及停止呼吸。抽吸壓力<100cmH2O,每 用的藥物。

次抽吸 3-5 秒。由醫生插入氣管內導管,連接 meconium aspirator - 把嬰兒置於孵箱把嬰兒轉送至新生嬰兒加護病房/NICU 作進一

抽吸含胎糞之羊水。 步監察及治療。

- 提供觸覺刺激:揉擦背部、彈打足心或提供氧氣 (free fow O2 5L - 向父母解釋嬰兒的情況及對急救措施的反應。

- 快速評估嬰兒情況:呼吸、心跳速率及膚色,若無反應、呼吸暫停
- 這最初步驟不應超過 30 秒
- 建立呼吸通氣:保持呼吸道暢通及位置正確,給予 100%氧
氣(O25L/min)。如無反應,查閱母親施 4 小時內曾否接受抑制
呼 吸 的 藥 物 , 如 有 者 , 給 予 Narcan neonatal IMI
NEWnQUESITONn(2007.4.A2) breathing so as to sustain their life. Resuscitaton methods depend on
A2.nDiscossnthenpossiblencaosesnofnasphyxianneonatorom.nAsnanmidwife,n newborn’s AR, RR, color, gestaton and any MSL.
hownwooldnyoonmanagensochncase? ٠ Inform pediatrician standby at delivery.
Birth asphyxia / perinatal depression occur as a result of intrapartum ٠ Get things ready, wash hand and put on gloves to receive the delivered
asphyxia. Gaseous exchange is impaired leading to hypoxaemia, newborn.
hypercapnia and metabolic acidosis. Impaired gaseous exchange may cause ٠ Quick transfer the newborn to the resuscitaire.
by intrapartum fetal distress relate to maternal, obstetrical, fetal and ٠ Rapid assessment for AR, RR, color, muscle tone, refex (Apgar score)
placental factors. ٠ Start tmer and resuscitaton
Causes: ٠ Each allots need 30s follow by evaluaton of AR, RR, color. Count AR, RR
1 Maternal factors for 6s *10
 Diabetes ٠ Provide warm via overhead radiant warmer, quick wrap and dry up the
 HT (eclampsia), hypotension (APH, EA, supine hypotension) body with warm towel to avoid cold distress, hypothermia that will
 Vascular disease increase oxygen consumpton.
 Anemia, haemorrhage ٠ (ABC)Positon to snifng positon.
 Drug use (excessive uterine acton - prolonged / obstructed ٠ Sucton with 100mmHg (If MSL, direct tracheal sucton is
labour) recommended by direct visualizaton using laryngoscope, inserton of
 Hypoxia from pulmonary, cardiac or neurological diseases tracheal tube {3-3.5cm if term newborn}, perform sucton with
 Infecton meconium aspirator)
2 Placental functon ٠ If AR>100, administer free fow oxygen for poor respiratory efort and
 Placental infarcton or fbrosis (Post term) cyanotc untl color turn pink.
 Placental abrupton, severe placental previae ٠ Maintain spontaneous respiraton by gentle tactle stmulaton
 Cord accidents (cord entanglement, oligohydramnio cause IU cord includes, back rubbing, slapping or ficking the back of the feet.
compression, true knot, cord prolapse), abnormal cord inserton ٠ If stll cyanotc with AR>100, intermitent positve pressure ventlaton
 Abnormal umbilical vessels (IPPV) by mask and ambu bag (100%O2, 30-40mmHg start, then 15-20
3 Fetal factors mmHg maintain, keep 40RR/min), may need intubaton (CPAP).
 Anaemia, Hydrops ٠ If stll cyanotc with AR<60, IPPV together with chest compression by 2
 Infecton (meningits) fngers or thumb methods (3 compressions:1 breath, each cycle 2s, 120
 IUGR events in 1 minutes), may need intubaton.
 Congenital abnormality ٠ If AR stll<60, administer adrenaline (0.1-0.3ml/Kg, 1:20000) via ETT,
 Prematurity, postmaturity (hypothermia, birth trauma) UV, IV or IMI, sodium bicarbonate for metabolic acidosis, glucose to
4 Others factors correct hypoglycemia and volume expander, naloxene for narcotc, may
 multple pregnancy need amniophylline
 rupture uterus, operatve delivery ٠ Once evaluaton if OK, supportve care and post resuscitaton care
 malpresentaton or malpositon ٠ VS observaton, NICU, CXR, ABG, documentaton, reassurance and
Neonatal resuscitaton helps the newborn to establish spontaneous promote bonding.
1. Write short notes on Apgar score and the scoring system. 10.2000(B3)5%
n nnnn氏給分制n(nn阿帕嘉評分法n)n n (1997.10.B10) n (1998.10.B2) 2. Write short notes on Apgar score. 10.1998(B2)5%
3. Write short notes on Apgar score. 10.1997(B10)5%
n nnnn氏給分制n(nn阿帕嘉評分法n)nn及其計分方法nnn(2000.10.B3) WritenshortnnotesnonnApgarnscorenandnthenscoringnsystem.n10.2000(B3)5%
Apgar 氏給分制是用來評估新生兒出生後第一分鐘和第五分鐘的 Assess general condition of the term baby after birth at 1 and 5 mins with 5
身體狀況。這種評估方法及其計分如下: parameters.
現象 0分 1分 2分 Signn/nScore 0 1 2
呼吸 全無 慢且不規則 佳而啼哭 HR Absent <100bpm >100bpm
心跳 全無 慢(<100/分鐘) 正常(>100/分鐘) RR Absent Slow, irregular Good /
肌肉彈力 軟弱 四肢略呈屈曲 四肢活潑運動 crying
反 射 : 導 管 無反應 面部肌肉收縮 咳或噴嚏 Mosclentone limp Some fexion of Actve
插鼻的反應 limbs
膚色 青藍、灰 身體粉紅但肢體藍 全身粉紅 Re fex None Minimal Cough /
白 response n to grimace sneeze
Apgar 氏給分制為新生兒作出生後 1 分鐘之情況評估,評估後將分 Color Blue / Body pink, Completely
數加起來。10 分表示嬰兒在最佳狀態。7 分或以上表示有極輕微窒 pale extremites blue pink
息。4-6 分表示有輕度窒息。4 分以下表示有嚴重窒息。 The American Pediatric Gross Assessment Record (APGAR) provides a rapid
在嬰兒出生後的第 5 分鐘要再評估一次,以便更充分掌握新生兒 assessment of the need for resuscitaton based on ivencriteria: Heartnrate,
的狀況和窒息程度的資料,看看窒息情況有否改善,從而預測未 respiratorynrate,nmosclentone,nre fexnirritability,nandncolor. The record is taken
來的情況。 at 1 nminute and at 5nminotes. Each criterion is scoredn 0,n1,norn2. An overall
score of 0-3nindicates severendistress,n4-6nindicates moderatendifcolty, andn7-
10 indicates adeqoatenadjostment. A score of 10nisnrare. The APGAR score was
developed to provide a method of assessing an infant at birth.

血檢:CBP、I/T rato,CRP,凝血功能、D-Dimer、FDP
X 光:肺部、腹部
取氣管、鼻咽、胃分泌物:作 viral ttre 或抗體測試
- 呼吸急速 / 困難 / 暫停
- 心跳過速 / 心跳過慢
- 體溫過低 / 體溫過高
- 昏睡 / 對刺激容易產生反應
- 發紺 / 蒼白 (因為血循環差)
- 血壓低
- 代謝性酸中毒
- 腸胃吸收差 / 腹脹
- 早發性新生嬰兒黃疸
- 皮膚損傷
- 肝脾脹大

3. 預防新生嬰兒感染的方法。(2001.10.B6)n(2005.10.B1)n(5%) nB6.nPreventonnofnneonatalninfectonnnnn(2001.10.B6)n(2005.10.B1)n(5%)n
Preconcepton – maternal immunizaton (hepatts, rubella)
a. 孕前免疫注射:e.g. 對德國麻產沒有免疫的婦女,在計劃懷孕 Antenatal –
前注射預防疫苗,並在注射後 3 個月內避免懷孕 - serology, HVS, urine culture to detect and treat early infecton
b. 產前篩檢:血液、陰道拭子、尿液 - personal hygiene educaton
- improve health status and increase body defense by adequate diet
c. 產前避免侵入性檢查或程序如絨毛膜穿刺、羊膜穿刺、臍帶穿刺 and fuid intake, adequate rest and exercise.
腹外胎位倒轉術 Intrapartum –
- prophylactc antbiotc for GBS, prolong leaking or fever case
d . 給予預防性抗生素:e.g. GBS 帶菌者作產時給予預防性抗生素
- aseptc technique during PV
分娩期: - proper decision on mode of delivery (HIV, herpes)
a. 避免施行侵入性檢查或程序如人工破膜術、胎血取氧 Postpartum –
- Universal Precauton, wash hand before & afer touching baby
b. 施行侵入性檢查或程序時嚴格執行無菌技術
- Immunoglobin to newborn if mother is hepatts B carrier
產後期: - Encourage BF and early enteral feeding
a. 嚴格遵守護理前後洗手 - Immunizaton program
- Umbilical, eye, skin care
b. 給予免疫注射:如乙型肝炎預防疫苗,若母親是乙型肝炎 - Minimize invasive procedure
病毒帶菌者,給予乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白 - Keep room temperature warm & adequate air fow
c. 鼓勵母乳餵哺,儘快開始餵哺
d. 嬰兒皮膚、臍帶及眼睛護理
e. 疾病爆發期適當地實施隔離保護措施
f. 合理地使用抗生素治療
g. 篩檢血液製品,減低病毒傳播的風險
h. 以無菌技術施行侵入性治療
i. 指導家人接觸嬰兒前後洗手

4. 新生嬰兒感染的原因nn(1996.10.B9)n(5%)
1. 母親方面:
- 早期破水:破水超過 24 小時 Prolonged leaking
- 分娩期感染、發熱 Intrapartum infecton, fever
- 早產 Pre-term labour
- GBS 帶菌 GBS carrier
- 產科護理操作:陰道檢查過於頻密、無菌技術不足
- Obs interventon: too frequent PV, failed aseptc technique
- 內科疾病:妊娠期糖尿病、營養不足 GDM, malnutriton
2. 新生嬰兒方面:
- 早產兒、輕磅嬰:免疫能力不足 Pre-term, LBW
- 雙胞胎妊娠娩出的第一兒:早期分娩開始期間感染 Twins
- 異物:靜脈導管、臍靜脈導管、氣管內導管、導尿管
- IV drip, foley cather

Neonatalnjaondice Neonatal jaundice is a yellow n discoloraton nof the skin, sclera & mucous
membranes due to an serum bilirubin level in newborns.
PhysiologicalnJaondice is a transientnhyperbilirobinaemia occurs in almost all
新生嬰兒生理性黃疸 - 母乳性黃疸是一個常見的短暫性新生兒生理發展的 newborns. The progressive rise of bilirubin usually appears afer 48 hours of
經常現象,多發生於出生 48 小時後,先於面部,逐漸見到軀幹與四肢等, life, peaknatn3-5ndaysnand subsides by the end of the frst week. It can only be
diagnosed afer exclusion from other pathological causes.
持 續 數 天 , 第 4-5 天 達 高 峰 期 。 但 總 血 膽 紅 素 (SB level) 每 日 增 加
<5mg/dl(85μmol/dl) 。此類黃疸不需特別治療,到 7-10 天左右待肝臟戍熟使 The major caosesnof physiological jaundice includes shortnlifenspannofnthenred
cell n leading n to n early n breakdown, n liver n immatority n and n reabsorpton n of
bilirobin.The red cell in neonate has large hemoglobin mass & shorternlife
便可。 span. Thus the early breakdown of RBC will lead to excessive bilirubin
病因:新生嬰兒疸的原因。(1996.4.B9)(5%) producton. Besides, liver immaturity causes insofcientnsopplynofnglocoronyl
transferase which is to convert unconjugated bilirubin to a water –soluble
紅血球分解過多,積聚過多膽紅素。 form. Newborn has slow peristalsis before feeding is well-established. Gut is
肝臟未成熟,葡萄糖醛酸基轉化產生不足。 not colonized with normal forz, cause reabsorpton n of n onconjogated
bilirobin in the systemic circulaton.
酵素 β-glucuronidase 的活性偏高。 In term baby, jaundice becomes visible on 2-3 days. Serum bilirubin will never
exceedn85nomol/L/day. The serum bilirubin (SB) level is peak at 2-4 days &
disappears by the 7th day. Baby is well and healthy. In pre-term baby. The rise
早發型: is usually slower, higher & last longer. The SB level is peak at 4-7 days, may
餵母乳的嬰兒在出生後 4-7 日,間接膽紅素最高(可能比非母乳餵哺者還高 persist more than 10 days.
,尤以純母乳餵哺的嬰兒在出生頭幾日較為明顯,大部份持續 10 天左右。 i. Preventon - Early feed, screening & early diagnosis, efectve nursing
這全因其攝取之水份與熱量不足,並且增加腸肝循環所致。只要增加餵母 care, routne daily screening TCB or SB
ii. Observe degree of jaundice, reassure & support – onset
乳次數及奶量即可降低黃疸。 iii. Review maternal, labor, and neonatal records – DM, drug abuse, ABO
遲發型: & Rh incompatbility, liver or anemia disease, race, delay cord clamp,
VE, asphyxia, infecton trauma, feed problem.
約有 1/3 餵母乳的嬰兒在出生後 5-10 日左右才出現黃疸,並可能持續>1 個
iv. Investgatons – Coombs’ test, CBP see haematocrit & infecton &
月以上,這是由於母乳中某些成份(pregnanediol & free faty acid) 會抑制膽 retculocytes, SB, blood culture, urine culture & viral study.
紅素的結合作用所致。只要停餵母乳 1-2 天,即可使黃疸迅速降低,之後再 v. Identfy causes
vi. Treatment – phototherapy if SB>250umol/l, exchange transfusion
重新餵哺母乳。但如血膽紅素太高>20mg/dL,便有機會需接受光線治療。但 We can encourage early n feeding to stmulate gut mobility, glocose to
有研究指不須停餵母乳,只要等血膽紅素慢慢降下使可,原因是因餵母乳 facilitate liver enzyme producton and colonizaton of normal fora in gut. The
degree n of n jaondice n is n observed n contnooosly nuntl its much improved.
而造成之黃疸極少變成核黃疸。 Reasorrancenandnsopportnarengivenntonmother.
B10.nPhysiologicalnneonatalnjaondice xi. Identfy causes
It is also known as hyperbilirubinaemia, a yellow discoloraton of the xii. Treatment – phototherapy if SB>250umol/l, exchange transfusion
skin, sclera and mucous membranes due to an increase in serum
bilirubin level in newborn. It has high prevalence in Chinese afects
50% term infant & 80% of preterm infant. If free unconjungated
bilirubin crosses the blood-brain barrier, it will cause permanent brain
damage with chronic disability called Kernicterus.
1. Etology of NNJ include:
- Large mass of Hb
- reduce RBC life span in infant (60-70days-term, 30-40days-
- reduce albumin-binding capacity (due to drugs, reduce albumin),
- immature liver with defectve glucuronyl transferase,
- inefectve excretory mechanism for conjungated bilirubin
(enteric bacteria defciency, increase β glucuronidase actvity,
decrease bowel motlity, increase enterohepatc circulaton)
- DM, HT, LBW, male baby, delay cord clamp, BF, caloric deprivaton
2. Characteristcs of Physiological Jaundice
A transient hyperbilirubinaemia in almost all newborn, SB
progressively rise but never exceeds 250umol/L, peak at 3 rd days,
fade at 7th days. It is diagnosed afer exclusion from pathological
causes. Baby usually healthy & well. It is causes of large Hb mass,
shorter life span & breakdown, liver immaturity supply of
glucuronly transferase for conjugaton, slow peristalsis & no fora
colonizaton cause reabsorpton of bilirubin from gut.
3. Management:
vii. Preventon - Early feed, screening & early diagnosis,
efectve nursing care, routne daily screening TCB or SB
viii. Observe degree of jaundice, reassure & support – onset
ix. Review maternal, labor, and neonatal records – DM, drug
abuse, ABO & Rh incompatbility, liver or anemia disease,
race, delay cord clamp, VE, asphyxia, infecton trauma,
feed problem.
x. Investgatons – Coombs’ test, CBP see haematocrit &
infecton & retculocytes, SB, blood culture, urine culture
& viral study.
9. 新生嬰兒黃疸的處理。 血 /尿液細菌培養、viral study:有否感染
新生嬰兒黃疸又稱新生兒高膽紅素血症,由於新生兒時期膽 - 綜合臨床表徵及實驗室化驗結果,以確定致病原因,著重治療誘發原因。
紅素代謝異常,引起血中膽紅素水平升高,便皮膚黏膜及眼 - 治療:
白出現黃染的現象。常發生於黃種人,影響 50%足月兒及 80% 降低血膽紅素:
早產兒。嚴重者游離未接合型膽紅素會通過腦血屏障,造成 ˙光線療法:足月兒體重 >2500gm 及 SB>250umol/L,足月兒體重
永久性損傷,稱為核黃疸。有生理性和病理性兩種黃疸。新生 <2500gm 及 SB>204umol/L。早產兒可盡早於 SB level 低水平時進行
嬰兒黃疸的處理如下: ˙交換輸血:足月兒 SB>400umol/L。早產兒可盡早於 SB level 低水平
a. 預防:盡早餵哺及作出診斷、採取頻密餵哺。適當預防及 時進行。
治療新生兒低溫症、低血糖及缺水等現象。 治療誘因:
b. 篩檢: ˙細菌感染:給予抗生素
- 臍血篩檢 G6PD、TSH ˙半乳糖血症:以 lactose free milk 餵哺嬰兒
- 常 規皮膚測試:以 Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer (TCB) ˙先天性甲狀腺素低:給予甲狀腺素補充劑
作常規皮膚膽紅素測試, ˙膽道閉鎖:外科手術治療
需要時檢查 SB level 以助診斷。 - 護理:
c. 實制處理: 嚴密觀察及監察新生兒情況。當進行特別治療時應繼續給予正常的新生
- 翻閱母親產歷,找出致病因素。 兒護理。防止/減低治療的副作用。提供有關的資料及解答父母的疑
產前:有否先天性感染、糖尿病、ABO/Rh 不合、遺傳性 問。
貧血 / 肝病、種族等
- 檢查:
抽取臍血作 Coomb’s test,測有否 ABO/Rh 不合
HCT:有否貧血症 /紅血球增多症 (男性:40-54 女性:37-47)
血檢 SB level:direct 及 indirect SB level)
CBP, retculocyte count:有否溶血性黃疸
10. 新生嬰兒黃疸。nn(1997.10.B14)n(2001.4.B8)n(5%)n 兒在出生頭幾日較為明顯,大部份持續 10 天左右。這全因其攝取
新生嬰兒黃疸又稱高膽紅素血症,由於新生嬰兒膽紅素代謝異常 之水份與熱量不足,並且增加腸肝循環所致。只要增加餵母乳次數
引起血中膽紅素水平升高,便皮膚及眼白出現黃色現象。常發生 及奶量即可降低黃疸。
於黃種人,影響 50%足月兒及 80%早產兒。嚴重者游離未接合型 - 遲發型:約有 1/3 餵母乳的嬰兒在出生後 5-10 日左右才出現黃疸,
膽紅素會通過腦血屏障,造成永久性損傷,稱為核黃疸。有生理 並可能持續>1 個月以上,這是由於母乳中某些成份(pregnanediol
性和病理性兩種黃疸。 & free faty acid) 會抑制膽紅素的結合作用所致。只要停餵母乳 1-2
新生嬰兒黃疸的病因: 天,即可使黃疸迅速降低,之後再重新餵哺母乳。但如血膽紅素太
a. 紅血球分解過多,積聚過多膽紅素。 高>20mg/dL,便有機會需接受光線治療。但有研究指不須停餵母乳
b. 肝臟未成熟,葡萄糖醛酸基轉化產生不足,影響血紅素轉 只要等血膽紅素慢慢降下使可,原因是因餵母乳而造成之黃疸極
化作用。 少變成核黃疸。
c. 膽管系統閉塞,排走接合型膽紅素的途徑受阻。 - 病理性黃疸:
d. 腸肝循環增加,新生兒腸內益菌不足;加上因進食不足使腸 降低血膽紅素:
蠕動緩慢,使酵素 β-glucuronidase 的活性偏高。 ˙光線療法:足月兒體重 >2500gm 及 SB>250umol/L,足月兒體重
新生嬰兒黃疸的篩檢方法: <2500gm 及 SB>204umol/L。早產兒可盡早於 SB level 低水平時進行
- 臍血篩檢 G6PD 、 TSH ˙交換輸血:足月兒 SB>400umol/L。早產兒可盡早於 SB level 低水
- 常 規 皮 膚 測 試 膽 紅 素 : 以 Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer 平時進行。
(TCB) 作常規皮膚測試膽紅素測試,需要時檢查 SB level 以助 治療誘因:
診斷。 ˙溶血性黃疸:Rh/ABO 血型不合、G6PD、血管外溶血、紅血球增
新生嬰兒黃疸的處理: 多症
- 翻閱母親產歷,找出致病因素。 ˙細菌感染:給予抗生素
產前:有否先天性感染、糖尿病、ABO/Rh 不合、遺傳性貧血 ˙半乳糖血症:以 lactose free milk 餵哺嬰兒
/ 肝病、種族等 ˙先天性甲狀腺素低:給予甲狀腺素補充劑
生產記錄:有否延遲斷臍、儀器助產、加速產等 ˙膽道閉鎖:外科手術治療
產後:新生嬰兒窒息症、感染、生產時導致損傷、餵哺困難 - 護理:
等 嚴密觀察及監察新生兒情況。當進行特別治療時應繼續給予正常的新生
- 檢查: 兒護理。防止/ 減低治療的副作用。提供有關的資料及解答父母的疑
取臍血作 Coomb’s test,測有否 ABO/Rh 不合 問。
HCT:有否貧血症 /紅血球增多症 (男性:40-54 女性:37-47)
血檢 SB level:direct 及 indirect SB level)
CBP, retculocyte count:有否溶血性黃疸
血 /尿液細菌培養、viral study:有否感染
- 早發型:餵母乳的嬰兒在出生後 4-7 日,間接膽紅素最
高(可能比非母乳餵哺者還高) ,尤以純母乳餵哺的嬰
B8.nNeonatalnjaondice f. Treatment – phototherapy if SB>250umol/l, exchange transfusion
It is also known as hyperbilirubinaemia, a yellow discoloraton of the g. For pathological jaundice - Warning card, parent educaton, avoid toxic
skin, sclera and mucous membranes due to an increase in serum exposure, no herbal medicine. Correct causes like infecton, thyroxin
bilirubin level in newborn. It has high prevalence in Chinese afects replacement, lactose free milk, sustained BF 12-48 hours if too high SB, rule
50% term infant & 80% of preterm infant. If free unconjungated out obstructon & intervene.
bilirubin crosses the blood-brain barrier, it will cause permanent brain
damage with chronic disability called Kernicterus.
1. Characteristcs of NNJ:
a. Physiological Jaundice
A transient hyperbilirubinaemia in almost all newborn, SB
progressively rise but never exceeds 250umol/L, peak at 3 rd days,
fade at 7th days. It is diagnosed afer exclusion from pathological
causes. Baby usually healthy & well. It is causes of large Hb mass,
shorter life span & breakdown, liver immaturity supply of
glucuronly transferase for conjugaton, slow peristalsis & no fora
colonizaton cause reabsorpton of bilirubin from gut.
b. Pathological Jaundice
SB rapid rise >85umol/L/day. Antenatal & Neonatal screening
to diagnosis.
i. early jaundice – onset at frst 24-48 hours, due to haemolytc
diseases (Rh, ABO incompatbilites, G6PD), extravasatons of
blood (cephalhaematoma), polycythaemia
ii. prolonged jaundice – persist >10days, due to sepsis
(TORCH), inborn metabolism errors (hypothyroidism,
galactosaemia), BF / BM, obstructve.
2. Management:
a. Preventon - Early feed, screening & early diagnosis, efectve
nursing care, routne screening TCB or SB
b. Review maternal, labor, and neonatal records – DM, drug abuse,
ABO & Rh incompatbility, liver or anemia disease, race, delay
cord clamp, VE, asphyxia, infecton trauma, feed problem.
c. Investgatons – Coombs’ test, CBP see haematocrit & infecton &
retculocytes, SB, blood culture, urine culture & viral study.
d. Observe degree of jaundice, reassure & support – onset
e. Identfy causes
11. 嬰兒進行光線療法時的護理。(2004.10.B6)n(5%) nCarenofnbabynonnnphototherapy
n nn(2004Dec.nB2)
n n
a. 利用日光燈、藍光燈或高強度石英燈,放置在距離嬰兒 12-30 吋 ٠ The light should be checked with photometer before the therapy to ensure
照射 the efciency of therapy. Change the bulb if <4.
b. 脫去嬰兒所有衣服 (只遺下尿片) ,令更多皮膚接受光療。置嬰 ٠ Baby need to be naked with a diaper underneath the butock to allow
兒於溫箱護理,溫度維持 28-32oC。 maximizes exposure to the light.
c. 每 2 小時翻身 1 次 ٠ The baby needs a right size eye shield and tghtly ft to avoid retnal damage.
d. 替嬰兒戴上眼罩以保護眼睛,確定眼罩遮蓋於正確位置且應維 The shield positon should check frequently. The shield should be clean daily
and remove during feeding for rest and allow visual development and social
持眼睛緊閉。定時(餵哺時) 移取眼罩,清潔眼睛及待眼睛有休
徵狀應通知醫生,並按醫囑給予眼部抗生素。應每日更換眼罩 ٠ The baby is put to the center of the light feld, with frequency change of
保持衛生。 positon every 2 hours.
e. 觀察及記錄: ٠ Frequency observe body temperature to avoid overheat or hyperthermia
- 測量生命表徵,體溫、心跳、呼吸等 every 4 hours. RR, BW, skin color and general conditons should be monitor.
- 清醒程度:有否抽搐、嗜睡的情況 Observe for loose stool, keep butock skin dry and clean by change of napkin
- 進入及排出量:進食量、食慾,大 / 小便的量及顏色 whenever necessary to prevent skin rash or sore butock. Observe any skin
- 體重、皮膚情況:有否脫水現象、斑丘疹、損爛 rash developed upon light irradiaton.
- 治療成效:serial SB checking;及當完成治療後有否復發 ٠ Fluid intake and output should be closely monitored and keep balanced to
的情況 prevent dehydraton. Extra milk may be needed to compensate increased
f. 補充水份及營養以免因光療而喪失大量水份引致脫水 insensible water lose through evaporaton and radiaton.
٠ Serum bilirubin should be checked regularly to monitor the trend. Inform
g. 向父母解釋各項護理程序,鼓勵父母參與嬰兒護理以增強及 pediatrician if abnormal. Afer discontnuaton of PT, we need to monitor any
維持親子關係 rebound of hyperbilirubinaemia through skin color observaton and SB level.
٠ The bonding of mother and baby should be promoted by encouraging
visitng and supervising mother to take care of her baby.

14.n一名產後第三天的母親,她的嬰兒在新生嬰兒加護病房接受光  Ofer psychological support: encourage verbalizaton, listen actvely, give
explanaton, address her concern, sustain motvaton
線療法,試論協助其建立及維持授乳的方法。  Encourage adequate emptying of the breasts through direct and proper
1. 評估母親與嬰兒分離的情緒反應及對母乳餵哺的困難 baby sucking and manual expression/pumping to establish and maintain
- 提供心理支持:鼓勵其說出內心感受,積極聆聽,對其 milk producton
關注的問題給予解釋  Supervise the techniques in breasteeding to ensure baby gets enough
- 促進母乳的產生:
nutriton and hydraton without cutting the tme for phototherapy
2. 鼓勵直接給予嬰兒吸啜母乳以排空乳房,及以手或奶泵擠
 Ensure that her expresse breast milk can be ofered when she’s not available
母乳,以建立及維持母乳的 產生
 Discuss that supplementary feeds may be ofered according to the baby’s
3. 確保母親有足夠的水份攝取、均衡飲食、休息及解除壓力
hydratonal needs & measures may be taken to prevent nipple confusion if
4. 監察母乳餵哺的技巧以確保嬰兒獲得足夠的營養及水份攝取,
the baby shows the tendency
指導及監察其擠奶的技巧、頻率,最少每 3 小時一次以保
 Supervise the technique in manual expression/pumping, the frequency (at
least 3 hourly to keep the milk producton and prevent engorgement), the
5. 預防擠出的母乳汙染,指導及協助儲存、運送往新生嬰兒加
preventon of contaminaton, storage & transfer of breast milk to the NNU
 Communicate with nurses in postnatal ward &NNU for actual support of the
6. 評估有否乳房問題,如母乳產生不足、乳頭損裂,乳脹等
woman’s breasteedng needs, e.g. in P/N ward: psychological needs, manual
7. 解釋會根據嬰兒的需要,可能會給予補充餵哺,及會施行預
expression/pumping technique, arrange mother’s visits to NNU & transfer of
8. 與新生嬰兒加護病房護士溝通以支持母親授乳的需要: the expressed breast milk; in NNU: avoid formula feeding, encourage visits,
b. 產後房助產士:給予心理支持,向母親解釋母乳對嬰兒的 direct supervision on BF skill, reinforce the advantages of BF to this baby in
好處,可促進腸蠕動以排出膽紅素、減少腸胃道的過敏反 relaton to promote good bowel movements for easy excreton of bilirubin,
應。指導擠母乳的技巧,安排母親探訪嬰兒及協助運送母 antbodies to combat infecton & less allergic reacton in gastrointestnal
乳 tract
c. 新生嬰兒加護病房護士:避免以奶瓶餵哺嬰兒,鼓勵母親  Ensure that the mother gets adequate hydraton, well-balanced diet, rest
探訪,直接監察母乳餵哺的技巧, and stress relieved
9. 鼓勵家人支持,介紹相同個案以分享經驗及互相支持  Encourage family support, refer to BF mothers with similar experience for
10. 需要時可延長留院時間以便母親餵哺嬰兒 sharing and support
11. 如母親出院,指導她可以繼續擠奶儲存,在探訪嬰兒時可  Assess for and deal with any breasteeding problems, e.g. inadequate milk
直接抱嬰餵哺及帶同儲存 的母乳到新生嬰兒加護病房, produced, sore nipples, breast engorgement, etc.
以便護士可在其它時間以母乳餵哺嬰兒。以及在嬰兒出院  Explore the possibility of longer hospitalizaton so that the mother it is more
後可直接以母乳餵哺嬰兒。 convenient for the mother to breasteed.
 Reinforce that she can contnue to express milk for her baby if she is
discharged earlier than her baby and she can be successfully to breasteed
her baby directly and completely on the breasts afer the baby’s discharge.
 Assess the phychological responses of the mother concerning
the separaton & perceived difcultes in breasteeding
G6PDndeiciency 4. 父親正常、母親患有 G6PD:男嬰全部患有 G6PD。女嬰全部攜有缺
1.n新生嬰兒患有葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症。(1998.10.B11)n(5%) 憾遺傳因子。

2.n葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素(G6PD)缺乏症。(5%) 葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症之預防及處理:
4. 新生嬰兒血液篩檢 - 臍血檢驗 G6PD
5. 教育家長對此病的認識、攜帶病歷咭、避免接觸致病物質,
a. 避免服食中藥如川蓮、牛黃、臘梅花、金銀花、珍珠末等。
b. 避 免 服 食 某 類 西 藥 , 如 退 熱 藥 物 Acetanilid 、 部 份 抗 生 素
(Nitrofurantoin, Nalidixic acid, Sulfamethoxazole) 、 抗 瘧 疾 藥
Primaquine、抗菌藥 Phenazopyridine 等。生病時需告知醫生及
c. 避免進食蠶豆及其製成品。
病理性黃疸通常在出生後 24-48 小時內出現、且持續時期多超過
d. 避免接近臭丸及樟腦等。
週以上,總血膽紅素(SB level)每日增加 5mg/dl(85μmol/dl) 。足月兒
e. 如患有此症的嬰兒是進食母乳,母親亦需經醫生指導才服用
SB level>13mg/dl/day , 持 續 超 過 1 週 。 早 產 兒 SB
level>15mg/dl/day,持續超過 2 週。
f. 遇上急性溶血時,新生嬰兒的皮膚和黏膜(如眼白) 會呈現染黃
與遺傳有關,患者以男性居多。由於此缺乏症屬 X 連鎖遺傳, 之現象,變得面色蒼白,過渡渴睡和顯得沒精打采。小孩子或
上一代未必有患此症者。患者帶有有缺憾的遺傳因子,導致其 成年人則會感到疲倦,呼吸不暢順和心跳加速,排出深色小便
紅血球缺乏葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素。在香港有 4.5%男嬰及 0.5%
日後懷有葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症(G6PD)嬰兒之機會: g. 懷孕婦女應將家族性葡萄糖六磷酸酵素缺乏症之病歷告知醫

1. 父親正常、母親攜有缺憾遺傳因子:男嬰有 50%正常、50%患有 護人員。

G6PD。女嬰有 50%正常、50%攜有缺憾遺傳因子。 h. 如能避免上述事項,患者的健康及成長是完全正常的。

2. 父親患有 G6PD、母親正常:男嬰全部正常。女嬰全部攜有缺憾
3. 父親患有 G6PD、母親攜有缺憾遺傳因子:男嬰有 50%正常
50%患有 G6PD。女嬰有 50%正常、50%患有 G6PD。
n n may complaint tred, tachycardia, breathing difculty and lethargy. Consult
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase is an enzyme that catalyzes the doctor without delay.
reacton to stabilize the red blood cells. Once defciency, subject enjoy 7. Pregnant women should inform doctor any family history of G6PD
good health normally except they will develop acute haemolytc defciency.
anaemia when exposed to exogenous stresses such as fava bean, All afected subjects can enjoy normal life if precauton taken.
certain drugs or severe infecton.
During acute haemolysis, Hb denatured into bilirubin cause jaundice.
Neonatal jaundice is a potental serious problem to cause permanent
damage to the developing brain. In severe case, neurological
complicatons (mental retardaton, cerebral palsy, hearing defcit,
death) will result.
- Inherited genetc disorder, X-linked recessive
- male are more likely afected as they have one X chromosome
and one copy of defectve G6PD gene cause very low enzyme
- Their brother and sisters have 50% chance to carry the defectve
- HK incidence is 4.5% in male and 0.5% in female
- Female have 2 copies of X chromosome and loss one copy stll
have higher enzyme actvity than defectve male and cause no
problem manifested
- Patents afect lifelong
- No treatment of cure
Precautons: To prevent haemolysis –
1. Avoid Chinese herbal medicines: chuen lien, neu huang, kam
ngan fa, thorn rose, pearl powder
2. Avoid drugs: antpyretcs (Acetanilid), antbiotcs (Nitrofurantoin,
Nalidixic acid, Sulfamethoxazole), antmalarials (Promaquine),
antseptcs (Phenazopyridine)
3. Avoid fava beans, board beans and products
4. Avoid mothballs and camphor
5. BF mother be aware any Chinese or western medicine
6. During haemolysis, neonate looks pale with yellow discoloraton
on skin, mucosal membranes, tred, sleepy. Larger child or adult
3.n對患有葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症嬰兒的母親輔導。n(2000.4.B14) 2. 避免服食 某 類西 藥,如 退熱 藥物 Acetanilid 、部份抗生素
(Nitrofurantoin, Nalidixic acid, Sulfamethoxazole) 、 抗 瘧 疾 藥
(2005.10.B6)n(5%)n Primaquine、抗菌藥 Phenazopyridine 等。生病時需告知醫生及
a. 靜房間作輔導,以保障私隱 醫護人員有關自己患有此症。
d. 介紹自己,告知是次輔導目的 3. 避免進食蠶豆及其製成品。
e. 提供舒適座椅,雙方坐下,保持近距離,面對角度約 60-120
4. 避免接近臭丸及樟腦等。
f. 鼓勵母親說出自己的感受 5. 如患有此症的嬰兒是進食母乳,母親亦需經醫生指導才服用
g. 留心聆聽,用感同身受的態度聆聽 任何中藥或西藥。
h. 與母親保持眼神接觸,讓對方感受到正在聆聽
6. 遇上急性溶血時,新生嬰兒的皮膚和黏膜(如眼白) 會呈現染
i. 透過面部表情、點頭示意,來表達明白對方的情況
j. 認同母親的感受,安慰母親,表達同理心及告訴她作為母親 黃之現象,變得面色蒼白,過渡渴睡和顯得沒精打采。小孩
擔心自己的孩子健康狀況是正常表現 子或成年人則會感到疲倦,呼吸不暢順和心跳加速,排出深
k. 評估母親對葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症的認識
l. 針對母親的了解程度提供資料,例如: 色小便。急性溶血徵狀出現時,須立即求醫。
- 何謂葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症: 7. 如能避免上述事項,患者的健康及成長是完全正常的。
- 葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症之成因:與遺傳有關,患
m. 支持母親,鼓勵母親發問
者以男性居多。由於此缺乏症屬 X 連鎖遺傳,上一代未必
有患此症者。患者帶有有缺憾的遺傳因子,導致其紅血球 n. 需要時跟進及轉介
缺乏葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素。在香港有 4.5%男嬰及 0.5%
- 日後懷有葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症嬰兒之機會:
1. 父親正常、母親攜有缺憾遺傳因子:男嬰有 50%正常
50%患有 G6PD。女嬰有 50%正常、50%攜有缺憾遺傳因子
2. 父親患有 G6PD、母親正常:男嬰全部正常。女嬰全部攜
3. 父親患有 G6PD、母親攜有缺憾遺傳因子:男嬰有 50%正
常、50%患有 G6PD。女嬰有 50%正常、50%患有 G6PD。
4. 父親正常、母親患有 G6PD:男嬰全部患有 G6PD。女嬰全
- 患有萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症之處理:
1. 避免服食中藥如川蓮、牛黃、臘梅花、金銀花、珍
Hypothermia Hypothermia
1.n新生嬰兒體過低的預防。(2002.4.B2)n(5%) 1. Preventon of neonatal hypothermia. 4.2002 (B2)5%
Neonatal hypothermia is the baby body tempaurate below 35oC. Due to
2. n 如 何 預 防 及 處 理 新 生 嬰 兒 於 娩 出 後 出 現 的 低  現 象 。 immature body temperature, there are four modes of heat loss in the
(2006.10.B1)n(5%) neonate:
體過低是指體溫低至 35oC 或以下。胎兒出生後因離開母體 1. nEvaporaton:n loss of heat when a liquid is converted to a vapor. In the
transitonal period, the rapid vaporizaton of moisture from the skin leads
及體溫中樞未成熟,新生嬰兒的體溫會透過蒸發、傳導、對流 to heat loss. This process is on-going and is intensifed by actvites that
及輻射而流失,出現低溫現象。 increase skin moisture, such as sponge bathing or open wounds.
2. nRadiaton:n loss of heat from the body surface to a cooler, solid surface, not
in direct contact but in close proximity. For example, raiant heat is lost
途徑 體溫流失的過程 預防措施 when the infant’s crib is placed next to a cool outside window.
蒸發 熱量經體液轉成 嬰兒娩出後,立即抹乾其身上的羊水,用 3. nConvecton:n loss of heat from the body surface to cooler ambient air.
蒸氣而散失 暖毛巾包裹其身體,保持嬰兒皮膚乾爽。 Factors infuencing such loss include ambient temperature, airfow velocity,
應用小氈裹上嬰兒頭部或戴帽。 and relatve humidity.
替嬰兒穿衣服,以暖毛巾包,蓋好被子。 4. nCondocton:n loss of heat from the body surface to a cooler surface object
供氧時提供溫熱的濕氣。 in direct contact with the infant. The rate of heat loss is directly
鼓勵母乳餵哺。 proportonal to the size of the temperature gradient.
Because of the risk for cold stress, nursing actons focus on maintaining a
傳導 身體熱量傳送到 新生兒應睡在毛氈上。
thermally neutral environment. Specifc nursing strategies include the
較冷的物體 如嬰兒情況穩定,鼓勵母嬰肌膚接觸。
對流 熱量由身體表面 環境:保持室溫 25 度,沒有對流風,避免 n
Minimizing n evaporatve n lossn by immediately n drying the infant and
流向周圍較冷的 胎兒娩出時室溫過低,減少因溫差而使體 changing blankets and hats when damp.
空氣 溫流失。 Using a hat and blankets to wrap the infant to decreasenexposednbody
把嬰兒安置於溫箱護理。 sorface.
避免暴露嬰兒身體。 n
Avoiding n direct n contact n with n cold n sorfacesn, including scales, beds,
輻射 身體熱量轉移到 放置嬰兒的地方,可使用暖管保溫。 stethoscope, diapers, stored breastmilk or formula, and other
冷物體的表面 避免將兒床置近牆壁、窗旁。 equipment
Using radiantnwarmersnornincobatorsntonenhancenambientnwarmth nand
subsequent transfer to the infant
Edocatng n parentsn and families about mechanisms of heat loss and
strategies to maintain body temperature.

1.n新生嬰兒乙型肝炎的防疫。(1999.10.B12)n(5%)n nB12.nNeonatalnimmonizatonnagainstnHepattsnBnnnn(1999.10.B12)n(5%)n
乙型肝炎屬於濾過性病毒感染。乙型肝炎有垂直感染傳播胎兒 Hepatts B causes by hepatts B virus. It can vertcally transmit from mother to
的危險。若母親 HBsAg 及 HBeAg 呈陽性,新生嬰兒有 70-90%機 newborn during delivery. If Hepatts B surface antgen is positve in maternal
會感染乙型肝炎,而 85-90%受感染的嬰兒會成為慢性帶菌者。 blood, newborn have 70-90% chance of being infected. 85-90% newborn will be
乙型肝炎病毒不會通過胎盆傳染胎兒,但在分娩時胎兒吞入感 chronic carrier of hepatts B. The virus will not transmit via placenta, but
染的羊水或血液、胎兒結合膜或損口接觸母親的血液或陰道溢 disseminate in the liquor and swallow of blood and liquor by newborn during
液會感染胎兒。新生嬰兒乙型肝炎的防疫措施如下: delivery, mucosa contact with maternal blood and vaginal secreton can infected
1. 婦產前篩選 HbsAg the newborn. The steps for Hepatts B preventon in newborn are:
2. 替新生嬰兒作乙型肝炎的防疫注射:嬰兒出生、1 個 3. Antenatal screening of maternal HbsAg
月及 6 個月注射 HB vaccine 4. Hepatts B vaccine at birth, 1 moth and 6 month
3. 乙型肝炎帶菌之孕婦之處理:
- 提供健康教育健康教育 If mother is HbsAg positie
- 執行標準防衛措施,護理前後洗手,接觸分泌物 8. Health educaton to HbsAg positve mother
時帶手套,需要時戴眼罩、面罩或穿圍裙 9. Universal precauton, washing hand
- 避免施行侵入性措施:如胎血取樣 10. Avoid invasive procedure e.g. fetal blood sampling
- 嬰兒出生時即時處理:抽吸口、鼻之涎液,抹去 11. Immediate oropharyngeal sucton, swab liquor and blood over eye, face and
眼、面及身體上之羊水及血液,洗澡 body, early bath
- 嬰兒出生 12 小時內注射乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白 12. Hepatts B immunoglobin to baby within 12 hours afer birth
- 嬰兒出生、1 個月及 6 個月給予 HB vaccine 13. Give vaccine before start BF
- 嬰兒接受免疫注射後才開始母乳餵哺 14. Educate family wash hand before and afer care the baby
- 指導家人接觸嬰兒前後洗手

1. 早產兒的問題 (2005.4.B3) (5%)n
2.n妊娠 28n週早產的急性新生嬰兒併發症nnn(1998.4.B1)n(5%)
Preterm infants have problems related to prematurity. a. 呼吸困難綜合病徵:肺部發育未成熟,表面張劑不足
1. CNS – periventricular hemorrhage and hypothermia due to rapid b. 顱內出血:腦部微血管脆弱、未成熟,頭部於分娩過程中受壓迫
decompression of fetal head. Thermoregulatory center also c. 動脈導管未閉:肺部小動脈之肌肉層尚未發育完全
immature to reserve and produce heat to maintain body d. 壞死性小腸結腸炎:腸道血供減少導致腸道黏膜水腫、潰瘍,腸
temperature. 道黏膜無法分泌保護性醇素,非致病性細菌伺機繁殖及侵襲受損
2. CVS – hypovolemia, anemia due to immature marrow, patent 之腸壁,導致腸道壞死、穿孔
ductus arteriosis e. 感染:抵抗力低。妊娠第 3 期時方可從胎盆得到 IgG。不能產生足
3. Respiratory – respiratory distress syndrome due to insufcient 夠 IgM。皮膚薄弱,容易受損。
lung surfactant, broncho-pulmonary dysplasia due to f. 新生嬰兒死亡:發病率及死亡率增加。
barotraumas from mechanical ventlaton and oxygen toxicity. g. 慢性肺部疾病:呼吸中樞發育未成熟
4. GI – poor sucking, neonatal jaundice as immature bile h. 智力遲緩、小腦麻痺:併發於顱內出血
conjungaton mechanism of liver and excretory functon of gut, i. 視網膜病變:由於早產
hypoglycemia, necrotzing enterocolits due to bacteria invasion
to low immune intestne, problem of TPN.
5. Immunity – immature immune system
6. Metabolic - electrolytes imbalance, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia…
7. Eye – retnopathy due to high concentraton of oxygen therapy
8. Bonding – separate from parents in NICU


兒頭水腫 兒頭血腫
產生原因 受骨盆腔內未全開之宮頸 受外傷或壓迫,使頭骨內微
或較緊陰道的壓迫,以致 絲血管破裂,流血而成。
位置 位於皮下組織,縫之上, 位於骨膜內,骨面上,可一
向各方蔓延,只在一處出 側或同時兩側發生。
形狀 具活動性。 不可活動。
性質 無痛感,可壓陷。 有痛感,不可壓陷。
出現時間 出生時即有。 出生 24 小後漸增大。
治療 無需治療,會自行吸收, 可注射 Vit K1 助凝血,待自行
通常 48 小時後漸退。 吸收,通常於六星期可完全
併發症 無。 易引致黃疸。


液增加,而造成水腫。可移動及會越過頭骨縫線。2 - 3 天內會被


4.n鎖骨骨折。(2004.4.B4)n(5%) FractorenClaviclen(2004.4.B4)n5%
鎖骨骨折是新生兒於分娩過程中發生的損傷,是產傷的一種, Fracture clavicle is kind of birth trama during delivery. Causes of neonatal
fracture clavicle could be shoulder dystocia due to marcrosomia; Assisted
引致新生兒鎖骨骨折的原因是嬰兒體型過大或過重,臀產式 breech delivery with extended arm.
症狀:可能沒有任何症狀。或出現患側手臂活動受限制;手 Clinical features of fracture clavicle included feel or hear a crack during
delivery, crepitus is noted, immobility of the afected arm, asymmetrical
臂不等長,兩側肩膀不等高;局部有腫痛;移動患肢時會因 shoulder, localize pain & oedema, crying when moblising the afected arm. On
疼痛而哭泣;檢查時,可聽到骨骼互相摩擦音;X 光片可見 investgaton, crepitus sound is noted, X-ray clavicle shows fracture or
overlapping of bond.
治療:轉介兒科醫生作診斷。固定患側之手臂,以減輕疼痛。 Treatment: Referal paediatrian, bandage the upper arm to trunk with pad in
小心護理患側骨: axilla by fgure of eight patern to immoblize join to minize pain.
- 維持適當的身體姿勢:將嬰兒抱起或放下時,需注意其位
Handle with care: appropriate posture when holding baby. Afected arm frst
置是否適當 when dressing up or taking of clothing. Avoide holding baby with arm.
- 穿脫衣服之原則為:患側先穿後脫
- 抱嬰兒時,應支托嬰兒之後背及臀部,且避免將嬰兒從手
- 避免以圍巾徵象(Scarf sign) 評估妊娠週數。

1. 頭部:頭部於生產時受產道擠壓,可能有變形、胎頭水腫或胎
2. 囟門:有否異常情況,如囟門凹陷,表示有脫水現象;如囟門
3. 頭部五宮:有否異常情況,如裂唇、裂顎、耳軟扁平等。
4. 檢查及記錄生命表徵:呼吸率、心跳率。
5. 皮膚:檢查胎毛、膚色,有否瘀班、胎痣。
6. 胸部:檢查乳頭與乳暈是否清晰可見,有沒有異物分泌。
7. 背部:脊椎是否直且平,若尾椎出現一叢毛髮,可能是脊髓膨
8. 四肢:注意有有多趾病或併指畸形,四肢關節屈曲度佳及對稱,
9. 生殖器官:女性需檢查大陰唇和小陰唇有否異樣,男性則需檢
10. 測量及記錄肛溫,確定是否患有閉肛症。
11. 測量及記錄體重、頭圍和身長,新生兒平均體重 3500 克,頭圍
33-35 厘米,身長 50-52 厘米。

2.n自然陰道產初生嬰兒出生後首 12n小時內的護理
1. 暢通呼吸道,把嬰兒置頭低側向位置,抽吸口腔、咽喉和鼻腔
2. 斷臍及取臍血:兩鉗鉗住臍帶,然後在兩鉗之間剪斷臍帶,隨
3. 保暖:用乾暖症巾或毛巾抹乾新生兒身上的羊水,用暖巾包裹
4. 標明嬰兒身份及辨別性別:抱起新生兒給母親看;即時把寫有
5. 清潔身體:以橄欖油抹去過多的胎脂、清除身上的母血、羊水。
6. 檢查及記錄生命表徵:呼吸率、心跳率、體(第一次檢查時測
量肛溫,確定是否患有閉肛症。) ,隨後每 4 小時施行一次。
7. 簡略的全身外觀檢查:頭部、五宮、囟門、皮膚、胸部、背部、四
8. 測量及記錄體重、頭圍和身長。
9. 開始母乳餵哺:如母親和新生兒的情況良好,可讓母親抱嬰兒 ,
10. 防疫注射:替嬰兒肌肉注射乙型肝炎疫苗,如嬰兒母親為乙型
11. 轉產後房/育嬰房:用暖被把新生兒包裹後,放在已弄暖的嬰兒
12. 觀察及記錄:檢查臍帶膠夾有否鬆脫,臍帶有否出血。小便及
13. 餵哺:鼓勵母乳餵哺。出生後 4 小時內開始餵哺,如吸啜、吞嚥
14. 出生後首天肌肉注射 Vit K1,以預防凝血問題。
15. 安排母嬰同室,以促進親子關係。

3.n患糖尿病母親的新生嬰兒護理。n(5%) IOL need if poor control
出生時通知醫生 - To NNU care via incubator to keep warm
深切護理 - Exam for congenital abnormality e.g. spinal bifda
- 檢查有否先天性畸形 - Close observaton, early detect complicaton, eg RR, FHR, skin colour,
- 加強觀察,以及早察覺併發症而加以治療,例如:呼吸、 blood sugar leve
心跳率、面色、血糖 - Clear airway, sucton & oxygen, watch out for RDS
- 保持呼吸道暢通,例如:清除涎液,需要時可給予氧氣, - Monitor Blood glucose level
因易有呼吸困難發生 - Prevent hypoglycemia – check hemoglucostx, early feeding, maintain
保持血糖量正常 blood glucose >2.2mmol/L
- 維持不少於 2.2mmol/L - Early feeding, start within 2-4 hours afer birth. Sucton before feeding if
- 定時驗血糖,以監察血糖量。出生數小時易有過低情況, polyhydramnions
尤以巨嬰或不足月嬰或有併發症例如窒息者 - If RDS, thru gastc tube
- 提早餵哺以免血糖過低,出生後 2 - 4 小時可開始。如羊水 - Give IV fuid if in severe case
過多者,可先抽吸胃液才餵哺,以免嘔吐。如有呼吸困難 - Give glucose IV fuid as prescribed if hypoglycemia
可用鼻胃管餵哺,嚴重時則要禁食給予靜脈輸入。如血糖 - Kepp warm to prevent heart loss  glucose & oxygen consumpton
量低,按醫囑給予靜脈輸入葡萄糖水。 - Observe for complicaton occurse
保持溫暖:給予蓋護,需要時可放入溫箱,因易有體溫過低, - RDS
尤其以早產嬰。以免增加血糖及氧氣之消耗量。 - Birth trama. E.g. erb’s palsy, fracture clavicle
監察併發症之出現,及早治療 - Watch for IUGR as insufcient placenta functon
- 呼吸困難:可能由於表面劑不足或早產,故須特別留意於 - Polycethemia
出生後有呼吸困難綜合症病徵出現。 - Jaundice NNJ
- 紅血球過多症:胎兒受刺激,紅血球增多,使出生後肺血 - Hypocalcemia
流緩慢,使嬰兒出現呼吸困難症狀。必要時可作血漿更換。 - Infecton
- 黃疸症:紅血球破壞後,令膽紅素上升,引致黃疸。可由
- Hypoglycemia
- 血鈣過低:可能由早產、窒息或母體血鈣過低。有抽搐症
狀,可給予靜脈注射鈣劑如 10%calcium gluconate。
- 感染:不足月或呼吸困難,易有感染,應小心預防,護理
- 血糖過低:因嬰兒體內胰島素量高,離開母體後不能再獲

- Pediatrician standby at birth, likely preterm delivery as early
Maternal mortality (2001.4.B10)n(5%)
Mortality Maternal mortality is the death of women while pregnant or within 42 days of
1. 產 婦 死 亡 之 定 義 及 原 因 。 (1996.10.B8) n (1997.4.B10) terminaton of pregnancy, irrespectve of the duraton and the site of the
pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its
management but not from accident or incidental causes.
2. 簡述產婦死亡nn(2001.4.B10)n(5%)
產婦死亡的定義是指產婦於妊娠期或孕終止後 42 天內,因任 Causes can be classifed into direct, indirect, fortuitous and late.
何與妊娠有關或源於妊娠或其處理方法而死亡者,但不包括意 1 Direct causes – obstetric complicaton of pregnancy, labour and
外或偶發等原因。產婦死亡率是每十萬名出生總數(包括活胎與 pueperium, from interventons, omission, incorrect treatment, or from
死胎)婦死亡的數字。2004 年的產婦死亡率是 4.08/十萬名出生總 events resultng from any of the above e.g. aborton, ectopic,
數。 haemorrhage, infecton, PIH, eclampsia, APH, PPH causing ARF.
產婦死亡的原因: 2 Indirect causes – previously existng disease, or disease developed during
1. 直接原因:因為妊娠期的產科併發症、治療、疏忽、錯誤療 pregnancy and which are not due to obstetric causes, but was aggravated
法或因以上各原因而引起一連串事件所致。E.g. 流產、宮外 by the physiological efects of pregnancy e.g. cardiac disease, infectous
孕、先兆子、感染、出血、產褥感染,嚴重產前、產後出血 disease and tumor.
引致急性腎衰歇。 3 Fortuitous – unrelated causes which happen to occur in pregnancy or
2. 非直接原因:因為先前已存在的疾病或因妊娠而引發的疾 pueperium e.g. car accident, suicide, malignancies
病。但這疾病並非由產科原因直接引起,而是因為妊娠期 4 Late – death occur between 42 days to 1 year afer aborton, miscarriage
生理變化的效應使其病情惡化而致死的。E.g. 傳染病、腫瘤、 or delivery that is due to direct or indirect maternal causes
3. 巧合原因:因為其它原因巧合地於妊娠期或產褥期內發生
E.g. 交通意外、撞車、自殺。

3. 產婦死亡之常見原因nn(2000.1.B5)n(5%) B1.nDeinitonnandncommonncaosesnofnmaternalnmortality(1996.4.B8)n(5%)
4.n產婦死亡之原因nn(1996.4.B8)n(5%) Maternal mortality is the death of women while pregnant or within 42 days of
a. 直接原因:產婦死亡是因為妊娠期的產科併發症、治療、 terminaton of pregnancy, irrespectve of the duraton and the site of the
pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its
疏忽、錯誤療法或因以上各原因而引起一連串事件所致 。
E.g. 流產、宮外孕、先兆子、感染、出血、產褥感染,嚴重 management but not from accident or incidental causes.
Causes can be classifed into direct, indirect, fortuitous and late.
b. 非直接原因:產婦死亡是因為先前已存在的疾病或因妊娠 a. Direct causes – obstetric complicaton of pregnancy, labour and pueperium,
from interventons, omission, incorrect treatment, or from events resultng
from any of the above e.g. aborton, ectopic, haemorrhage, infecton, PIH,
eclampsia, APH, PPH causing ARF.
b. Indirect causes – previously existng disease, or disease developed during
c. 巧合原因:產婦死亡是因為其它原因巧合地於妊娠期或產
pregnancy and which are not due to obstetric causes, but was aggravated
褥期內發生。E.g. 交通意外、撞車、自殺。
by the physiological efects of pregnancy e.g. cardiac disease, infectous
disease and tumor.
5.n影響圍產期死亡的因素。nn(1999.4.B6)n(5%) c. Fortuitous – unrelated causes which happen to occur in pregnancy or
- 環境因素:居住環境、衛生情況 pueperium e.g. car accident, suicide, malignancies
- 產婦年齡及妊娠次數:產婦年齡 35 歲以上或少年妊娠者,圍 d. Late – death occur between 42 days to 1 year afer aborton, miscarriage or
產期死亡率越高。第一胎之圍產期死亡率較平均為高,第 delivery that is due to direct or indirect maternal causes
- 妊娠期限:嬰兒出生於妊娠 39-41 週之間者,其圍產期死亡
率最低。在妊娠 42 週出生者,其危險性增加 50%,在妊
娠 43 週出生者,其圍產期死亡率增加 1 倍。
- 社會地位與體格:社會地位低微或體格矮小的孕婦,圍產期
- 產科及兒科護理水準。

6.n圍產期死亡的定義及原因。nn(1996.10.B6)n(1998.1.B13)n(5%) B4.nDeinitonnofnmaternalnmortalitynandnthenpossiblencaosesnofnitsndecline
圍產期死亡是指死胎或嬰兒出生後一星期內死亡者。圍產期死亡 Maternal mortality is the death of women while pregnant or within 42 days of
率是每千名出生總數中死胎與早期新生兒死亡的數字。2004 年的 terminaton of pregnancy, irrespectve of the duraton and the site of the
圍產期死亡率是 4.6/千名出生總數。圍產期死亡的原因有: pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its
management but not from accident or incidental causes.
1. 分娩時缺氧:由於產程過長、異常產式、頭盆不相稱、臍帶脫
Causes can be classifed into direct, indirect, fortuitous and late.
- Direct causes – obstetric complicaton of pregnancy, labour and
2. 先天性畸形:例如水胎、無腦兒
pueperium, from interventons, omission, incorrect treatment, or from
3. 宮內缺氧:由於先兆子、子、年長產婦、產前出血及糖尿病
events resultng from any of the above e.g. aborton, ectopic,
4. 呼吸困難綜合徵:由於早產、糖尿病及剖腹產。
haemorrhage, infecton, PIH, eclampsia, APH, PPH causing ARF.
5. 產傷:誘因為產程過長、異常產式、頭盆不相稱及早產。
- Indirect causes – previously existng disease, or disease developed during
6. 肺炎。
pregnancy and which are not due to obstetric causes, but was aggravated
7. 同類免疫。
by the physiological efects of pregnancy e.g. cardiac disease, infectous
disease and tumor.
7.n新生嬰兒死亡的定義。nn(1997.1.B1.ii)n(1%) - Fortuitous – unrelated causes which happen to occur in pregnancy or
新生嬰兒死亡是指嬰兒出生後首 28 天內死亡者。新生嬰兒死亡率 pueperium e.g. car accident, suicide, malignancies
是每千名活胎出生總數中新生嬰兒死亡的數字。2004 年的新生嬰 - Late – death occur between 42 days to 1 year afer aborton, miscarriage
兒死亡率是 2.5/千名出生總數。 or delivery that is due to direct or indirect maternal causes

- Improved socio-economic environment
a. Beter social conditons
b. Improved educaton
- Advanced medical technology
a. Introducton of antbiotc drug
b. Control of infecton
c. Aborton act in 1967
d. Enhanced services of blood blanks
e. Use of oxytocic drugs & antcoagulants
- Improved A/N & labour care, obstetrics, paediatrics & anaesthesia
a. Family planning campaign
b. Evidence-based practce
- Univeral concern: recommendatons made
a. The Safe motherhood initatves (SMI): 1987
b. Confdental enquiry into maternal deaths (CEMD): 1952
c. Confdental enquiries into stllbirths ^ deaths in infancy (CESDI):
圍產期死亡是指死胎或嬰兒出生後一星期內死亡者 (早期新生兒死亡)。 B6.nFactorsnafectngnperinatalnmortality
死胎是指胎兒由母體產出,出生後全無呼吸或其它生存之象徵者。 The death of a fetus afer 24 weeks, including the stllbirth (BW>=1000g) and
一般來說胎兒體重達 500 克(或妊娠期足 22 週) 才會註冊為死胎。而圍產 those within the frst week (7 days) of life.
期死亡率之統計是以胎兒體重達 10 克或妊娠期足 28 週來計算。
圍產期死亡率是每千名出生總數中死胎與早期新生兒死亡的數字。在香 Factors of declining perinatal mortality include:
港 2004 年的圍產期死亡率是 4.6/千名出生總數。 1. Improving socio-economical environment, both social conditons and
影響圍產期死亡的因素有: educaton
1. 環境因素:居住環境、衛生情況 2. Advanced medical technology, CMS, antbiotcs, infecton control, blood
2. 產婦年齡及妊娠次數:產婦年齡 35 歲以上或少年妊娠者,圍產期 banks service, oxytocic and antcoagulants drugs, steroids, surfactant
死亡率越高。第一胎之圍產期死亡率較平均為高,第二胎最低,但 therapy
3. Improving obstetric care with evidenced-based practce, audit, research,
3. 妊娠期限:嬰兒出生於妊娠 39-41 週之間者,其圍產期死亡率最低
在妊娠 42 週出生者,其危險性增加 50%,在妊娠 43 週出生者,
quality reassurance, training & scientfc meetng, protocols, teamwork
其圍產期死亡率增加 1 倍。 4. Shared care between MCHC and hospitals, shared records and referral
4. 社會地位與體格:社會地位低微或體格矮小的孕婦,圍產期死亡 system, family planning campaign
率較高。 5. Antenatal HIV test
5. 產科及兒科護理水準。 6. Antenatal USG screening
7. Antenatal thalassemia screening
B10.nPerinatalnmortalitynrate 8. Prenatal diagnosis - Down’s syndrome screening, fetal karyotyping
Perinatal mortality is an important indicator of maternal care and of (amniocentesis, CVS)
maternal health and nutriton; it also refects the quality of obstetric 9. Improving fetal surveillance expertse and equipment
and paediatric care available. Although social factors exert the main 10. Paediatrician standby at delivery for at risk newborn
infuence on the outcome of a birth, as societes advance good 11. NICU service
medical care tends to play a greater role. 12. Legislaton – Aborton Act, Confdnetal Enquiry (maternal deaths,
The death of a fetus afer 24 weeks, including the stllbirth stllbirths & deaths in infancy), Perinatal Chapter
(BW>=1000g) and those within the frst week (7 days) of life.
Perinatal mortality rate = no. of perinatal death / 1000 total births
For internatonal statstcs, 1000g and / or 28 weeks gestaton is
It is caused by congenital abnormalites, LBW (prematurity),
intrauterine hypoxia, asphyxia, intracranial injury and infecton.

IUD care
Mrs. Chan, a 28 years old primigravida, is admited at 34 weeks into AN ward with
confrmed diagnosis of (IUD). Afer assessment and counseling, she will have IOL
a. 安排產婦到一寧靜房間休息(如婦科病房),以免觸景傷情。
next day. Discuss the possible causes of IUD and your care for her during labour.
b. 讓丈夫陪伴產婦 - Thalassaemia
c. 給予關懷及支持,鼓勵其表達哀傷 - Substance abuse or smoking mother
d. 替死胎拍照、留下足印 - Malnutriton mothers
e. 鼓勵母親接觸死胎 - Severe PET mother
f. 鼓勵其做心靈上的安排或宗教儀式,以標記胎兒的死亡(如 - GDM mother
受洗、葬禮、追悼會) - Intrauterine infecton
g. 擔當聆聽者,並提供轉介輔導服務,如院牧、心理學家、分 - Congenital abnormality
享小組 - Cord problems
h. 指導抑制乳汁分泌的方法 - abrupto placenta, severe placenta previa.
i. 避免使用安眠藥 / 鎮靜劑 - Unexplained
j. 安排與丈夫一同與醫生會談並作下列解釋: Labour Care:
- 新生嬰兒死亡原因:剖屍及其他化驗結果 - Psychological support
- 如有需要,轉介基因輔導服務 - Privacy but not isolaton
- 如再次懷孕,建議盡早登記產檢,如有需要可檢驗遺傳 - Explain, allow tme to queston and think.
 IOL by insertng vaginal PGE2 pessary or syntocinon infusion.
 Avoid ARM, minimize vaginal examinaton and invasive procedures
k. 給予有關恢復性關係及避孕方法的建議
 Pain relief
l. 安排產後檢查日期
 Hygiene and comfort
m. 評估夫婦精神狀態、哀傷和其他一般反應,如有異常,如  Monitor labor progress by tocometry.
哀傷期長、憤怒及敵視態度增加、抑鬱加深,及自我逃避等  Deliver as usual. Avoid unnecessary episiotomy.
行為,則需轉介專科人員跟進。 - Actve management of third stage to prevent PPH.
- Careful exam the placenta and baby for congenital abnormality. Take placental
swab, send for histology and other investgatons as indicated.
- Clean and wrap the baby nicely. Save mementos such as lock of hair,
footprints, photo in a natural manner for the parents. Allow choice to keep or
- Provide optons for parents to see, touch or hold the baby. Describe normal to
abnormal features before ofering. Allow tme for them to stay with the baby
and accept the death.
- Send the baby for autopsy if parent agree.
- Documentaton and keep clinical photo.
- Transfer the mother to gynecology ward and communicate with the staf.
Refer for psychological support.
- Arrange PN FU

n n
1.n如何預防產科護理上的法律訴訟。(2001.4.B13)n(2006.10.B3)n(5%) Midwife need to perform duty of care with professional standard. We cannot
助產士履行實務的職責並維持專業護理水平,可預防產科護理 breach the “Existence of duty” causing death and gross negligence which are
上的法律訴訟,包括: liable to criminal liability. We need to communicate with client, obtain
1. 取得合法同意: 得到病人知情同意才施行治療或護理。並確 informaton and sometmes confdental one to perform our care. We have
保孕產婦有知情選擇。 responsibility of care and should keep confdentality as civil duty to client.
2. 法律責任: 專業醫護人員有責任及義務提供合乎專業水平 Informed or implies consent should be needed in every care procedures.
的護理以保障市民免受損害。助產士應提供高質素及有專業 According to Bolam’s principle, one should be responsible, respectable and
水平的護理。在符合其法律及專業責任的情況下,助產士應 reasonable. We need to perform legitmate documentaton afer performing our
遵守其所屬醫院或機關制訂的政策及程序。 professional care with evidence of following the clinical guidelines and protocol,
3. 醫療記錄:助產士須清晰、扼要而有系統地記錄一切觀察所 without malpractce and ofering reasonable and ethical care.
得及對婦女所做的介入工作,以及有關工作的結果。 HA full tme employee cover by vicarious liability. We have great autonomy in
4. 資料保密:根據《個人資料﹝私隱﹞條例》確保病人的資料 care delivery, we have guided under the code of practce and accountable for our
保密。依據實務手則向出生及死亡註冊處呈報新生嬰兒出 own acts. Need to keep their knowledge update and practce with evidence
生及死亡的資料。 based. Knowledge on specifc laws of pregnancy (Aborton), viability, ant
5. 藥物管理:助產士不可未經註冊醫生處方而把藥物給服務對 discriminaton, sterilizaton, employment, and dismissal is laws relevance to our
象服用,除已列載於香港助產士管理局公布的助產士手冊 professions to practce with standards.
6. 防止賄賂:助產士亦不可向病人收受任何利益,以觸犯《防
7. 此外,助產士需持有效的助產士實務證書。

2.nnn你工作的產科部門將成立一個「由助產士主理的分娩中心」, 胎兒死亡而致紙樣胎兒的風險較高,需密切監察胎兒及孕婦的
你被委任替這中心草擬一份招收孕婦的準則。描述所包括的條 情況
件及其原因。(10.2002nA2)n15% - 子宮纖維瘤:產後出血的風險較高,使母親有腦血管意外、散播
懷孕及分娩是正常的生理過程。助產士可為健康的婦女在妊娠、 性血管內凝結、靜脈血栓形成、肝 / 腎衰歇、黃疸、腦水腫、子癎、
分娩及產後提供以個人為中心的護理。助產士獨立自主地運用 肺水腫、HELLP 綜合徵的風險較高。亦會導致胎盆功能不足引致
其專業知識以獲得更多的滿足感。婦女亦感到賦權及增加滿足 宮內發育遲緩、早產、輕磅嬰、新生嬰兒窒息、死胎。
感。當婦女在懷孕、分娩及產後有併發症時,便需作出適當的 f. 沒有以下內科病史,例如:
轉介。 - 心臟病:妊娠增加心臟負荷,有流產、血栓、早產及胎兒宮內發育
設立由助產士主理的分娩中心的目的是向孕產婦提供助產士服 遲緩的風險
務的選擇,向低危孕婦提供個別的產科護理及向孕產婦提供懷 - 糖尿病:有巨大嬰、胎兒宮內發育遲緩、胎兒異常、羊水過多、儀器
孕、分娩及產後的持續照護。 助產、肩難產、頭盆不相稱、產後出血的風險
現草擬一份招收孕婦的準則、所包括的條件及其原因是: - 血壓高:孕產婦較易患上先兆子癎,有腦血管意外、散播性血管
a. 知情選擇:在給予足夠解釋的情況下,孕婦可以自由選擇 內凝結、靜脈血栓形成、肝 / 腎衰竭、黃疸、腦水腫、子癎、肺水
參加與否 腫、HELLP 綜合徵的風險。亦會導致胎盆功能不足引致宮內發育
b. 良好健康:患上妊娠期併發症的風險較低 遲緩、早產、輕磅嬰、新生嬰兒窒息、死胎。
c. 家族史:沒有遺傳病 / 精神病病史,胎兒患有家族遺傳病 - 腎病:腎功能差易致腎衰竭
的風險,易有產前 / 後抑鬱較高,孕婦需要頻密監察 - 甲狀腺疾病:使孕產婦有充血性心力衰竭、重性先兆子癎、貧血、
d. 沒有以下不良產歷,例如: 感染、甲狀腺危象的風險。亦會導致不足月嬰、宮內發育遲緩、
- 剖腹產:妊娠及分娩期有子宮破裂的風險 胎兒 / 新生兒甲狀腺機能亢進、新生兒甲狀腺分泌過少
- 真空吸引術 / 產鉗術助產:是胎分娩需儀器助產的風險 - 特發性血小板減少症:凝血障礙,易致產前 / 後出血、貧血
較高 - Rh –ve:有死胎、新生兒嚴重貧血 / 黃疸、同類免疫的風險
- 巨大嬰:患有妊娠糖尿病的風險較高,而且胎兒多數較 g. 是胎妊娠有曾產前出血:有休克、貧血、早產的風險
前胎重 h. 年齡介乎 19 – 35 歲:< 19 歲者有妊娠血壓高、宮內發育遲緩、早產、
- 先兆子癎:是胎妊娠患上先兆子癎的風險較高 頭盆不相稱、生殖道產傷的風險。>37 歲者有血壓高、流產、宮內發育
- 產後出血:需行手術取胎盆的風險較高 遲緩、早產、頭盆不相稱、胎兒先天性異常的風險
- 手術取胎盆:是胎有胎盆滯留的風險 i. 分娩次數 >2 次:有急產、產後出血的風險
- 墮胎 >3 次:有胎盆滯留的風險 j. BMI 介乎 17 – 25M2/KG:BMI<17 M2/KG 者有貧血、輕磅嬰、宮內發育
- 嬰兒情況差:孕婦較焦慮,需密切監察胎兒康寧狀況及 遲緩的風險。BMI>17 M2/KG 者有巨大嬰、、羊水過多、儀器助產、肩難產
孕婦的情緒 頭盆不相稱、產後出血的風險
e. 前次妊娠沒有以下妊娠併發症,例如: k. 身高超過 150cm:因為身高少於 150cm 易有頭盆不相稱
- 妊娠劇吐:引致肝/腎哀竭、貧血、低鉀/高鉀症、Mallory- l. 物質濫用(吸毒)歷史:母親健康較差,易有貧血、感染,併發妊娠血
Weis 綜合症、胎兒宮內發育遲緩、胎兒異常的風險較 壓高、胎盆剝離、早產、產後發病的機會增加。亦會導致宮內發育遲緩、
高 先天性畸形、新生兒呼吸困迫
- 貧血(Hb <8d/L):影响孕產婦健康及胎兒發育 m. 沒有特殊的感染(如盆腔炎):有胎膜早破、早產、胎兒感染的風險
- 葡萄糖耐量受損需要飲食治療 /妊娠糖尿病:有巨大嬰、 n. 遲登記作產前檢查者(妊娠超過 28 週):有併發症的風險
胎兒宮內發育遲緩、胎兒異常、羊水過多、儀器助產、 o. 是胎妊娠希望可以自然分娩:助產士有能力處理
- 妊娠血壓高:是胎妊娠患上先兆子癎的風險較高,
- 多胞胎:是胎妊娠有先兆子癎、貧血、產前出血、羊水
3.n助產士護理職務守則。n4.2003n(B.6)n5%n nB6.nCodenofnmidwiferynpractcenn4.2003n(B.6)n5%
n n
Code of midwifery practce is a general guidelines relatng to the standard of
practce of the profession. It is based upon the code of conduct within the scope
of practce.
務範圍內的操守準則作為基礎。 A midwife is required to comply with policies and procedures formulated by her
在符合其法律及專業責任的情況下,助產士應遵守其所屬 hospital or insttutons insofar as they are consistent with her legal & professional
醫院或機關制訂的政策及程序。助產士護理職務守則包括: obligatons. Professional obligatons include:
獨立自主:助產士是受香港助產士管理局管制的獨立自主 1. Autonomy: midwives have right of decision making under the boundaries of
的執業人員。 Midwives Council as independent working profession
問責性:助產士向所服務的婦女及其家庭負責。每個助產士 2. Accountability: prepared to answer to others for decisions about their
均有責任維持及增進其專業知識及技能,以確保其在執行 practces. Midwives have responsibility to maintain and enhance professional
knowledge and skills to ensure her care provided in obstetric area can protect
the beneft of the clients. Midwives work within the scope of midwifery
practce. Every midwife need to ensure her service and care provided are safe
and up to standard. She needs to apply her professional knowledge to make
clinical decision in the benefts of the client. She needs o obtain consent form
the client before start her care and treatment to the client. When the issues
beyond her professional ability, proper referral and advice must be seeked.
3. Documentaton: Midwives are responsible to their responsible clients and
make clear, brief and systematc record of observaton, interventons and
家庭建立互相信任的關係。助產士亦應與該婦女及其家庭分 4. Communicaton: Midwives need therapeutc communicaton to her clients
享其專業資訊,協助他們決定所需的產科護理服務。 and families to build up trustng relatonship. They should share informaton
資料保密:處理任何個人資料,需充份考慮個人資料保密的 with clients and families and advocate them for decision making.
權利及《個人資料﹝私隱﹞條例》的規定。 5. Confdentality: According to Cap. 486, midwives handle personal data with
consider of personal right to keep confdental.

CODE OF PRACTICE (from Midwives Council) Documentaton
A midwife should document clearly, concisely and systemically all observatons,
A midwife is required to comply with policies and procedures interventons given to the woman and the outcome of care. A midwife has a duty
formulated by her hospital or insttuton insofar as they are consistent to maintain records of cases upon which she is in professional atendance.
with her legal and professional obligatons.
Autonomy A midwife should develop a trustul relatonship with the woman and her family
A midwife is an autonomous practtoner subject to regulaton by the through efectve communicaton. A midwife shares her professional opinion to
Midwives Council of Hong Kong. enable the woman and her family to determine which plan(s) to use.

Accountability Confdentality
A midwife is accountable for her midwifery practce to the woman and Any personal data of the client should be dealt with having due regard to the
her family. Each midwife is personally accountable for maintaining and client’s right to confdentality and the provisions of the Personal Data
improving her own professional knowledge and competence in order
to ensure that the actons within her sphere of responsibility
safeguard and protect the interests of clients.

A midwife may practse within the Scope of Practce stpulated in this

booklet. Each midwife must ensure a safe practce in relaton to
childbearing and childbirth. She should make clinical decisions
judiciously with reference to professional knowledge.

A midwife must obtain valid consent before giving any treatment or

care to the woman. She should consult and refer as necessary when
the woman’s needs for care exceed the professional scope of her

4.n簡述助產學護理研究。1.2000n(B.10)n5% nB6.nAdvantagesnofnan“midwife-lednUSGnservice”nnn助產士主理超聲波服務之好處
助產學護理研究是以科學方式嚴格地審核助產學臨床實務及 USG basically is a safe procedure. It helps to diagnose pregnancy, abnormal
信念。有力的研究可提供幫助識別最安全有效護理的最佳指標 pregnancy, estmate gestatonal age, detect fetal normality, assess fetal growth,
助產學護理研究的目的: evaluate fetal well-being, examine placenta, guide invasive procedures and
- 測試護理理論以促進實務的效率 determine lie and presentaton before delivery.
- 識別臨床問題及孕產婦的需要,以更明白臨床境況
- 改善及提供更優質的護理 Midwives have role in obtaining inform consent from mother about the purpose
- 減低護理的成本 of USG, answer their questons, clarify and interpret the test result afer USG. We
- 提供轉變的指引 can refer abnormal result accordingly. More quotas will be available for
- 以實證為本來改善助產學的專業 increasing demand. The routne 18-22 weeks scan can be split into 2 scan, one
有助助產學護理研究的方法: for datng one for morphology for more accurate informaton when trained
- 持續進修 personnel and resources available increase. Midwives can build up more close
- 執行更多研究來改善護理 relatonship with the client through therapeutc communicaton. Moreover, more
job satsfacton for the midwives as more skills atained in their career that
reduce resign number.

1. 在過去數年間,香港的出生率不斷下降。作為一助產士如何提
升其所工作醫院的生產數目? 1.2000 (A.2) 15%

The services ofered by MCHC includes: Child health, maternal health, family
家庭計劃、子宮頸普查和婦女健康服務。 planning, cervical cancer screening & woman health.
5 歲以下的幼兒,服務包括有親職教育、免疫接種和健康評估 Inn child n health n service, there is an integrated child health and development
及發展監察。 programme. The target group is children under 5 years of age.
- 親職教育:透過講座及派發小冊子,協助家長增加對子女 It contains parentng, immunizaton and child health & developmental
surveillance programme.
- 免疫接種:為嬰幼兒提供免疫接種服務,以預防 9 種小兒 Parentng: aims to equip and support parents to take up & fulfll their parentng
傳染病,包括結核病、小兒麻痺症、乙型肝炎、白喉、百日 role and to bring up healthy and well-adjusted children.
咳、破傷風、麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及德國麻疹。 Immonizaton: provide vaccinaton against 9ninfectonsndiseases to the children.
- 健康評估及發展監察:定期跟進兒童的成長及發展,以及 Developmental n sorveillance: Carries out newborn examinaton, growth
早發現問題及作出轉介。為新生嬰兒進行身體檢查,定期 monitoring, hearing & vision screening and developmental surveillance scheme
which aims to identfy physical or developmental problem in early childhood and
孕婦健康:產前及產後護理,提供定期的產前檢查、血液測 it is a contnuous processs to monitor childrens’ health and development.
計劃指導,並透過支緩小組的經驗分享及個別輔導,使產後 Maternalnhelathnservices including antenatalnandnpostnatalncare which provide
婦女盡快適應新生活。 edocaton n programmes on pregnancy and childcare related topics, individual
coonseling, healthntalksnandnsopportngroop to promote maternal health. Also, it
注射、子宮環、事後 /緊急避孕。並在需要時轉介結紮和終止懷 is a comprehensive sharedncarenprogrammenwithnthenobstetricndepartment of
孕,並為有不育問題的婦女提供輔導及按需要安排專科轉介。 hospitals to provide A/N n checkop, n blood n test, n P/N n checkop, n breasteeding
子宮頸普查:為廿五歲或以上並曾有性行為的婦女,提供子 coonseling,nfamilynplanning (giving contracepton advice) and management of
宮頸細胞檢查跟進服務,並在需要時安排專科轉介。 postnatalndepression as well.
There is also woman n health n service to provid health promoton and disease
preventon servies for woman below 64 years old. By means of healthnedocaton,
coonseling,nhealthntalk,nscreening/healthnassessment and give pamphlets, to
promote women’s health.

Unbookedncase 1. Unbooked case has no antenatal assessment and follows up. Her medical,
family, menstrual, social and obstetrical histories are unknown. Her physical
1.n未有接受過產前護理的孕婦之問題。n(2001.n4.nB3)nn(5%) status, antenatal blood, abdominal exam, vaginal exam and USG are not
a. 沒有評估及監察孕婦的健康狀況:沒有透過詢問個人病歷 exam at all
家族史、月經情況、以往產歷,身體檢查,血液檢查,腹部 2. The fetus gestatonal age, growth, well-being, presentaton, positon are not
檢查、陰道檢查、超聲波掃描等評估及監察健康。 being monitored and assessed at all. The size of fetus according to gestaton
b. 沒有監察及評估胎兒的生長、康寧狀況、胎式及先露:沒有 cannot be assessed as no USG follow up before.
產前檢查,無超聲波檢查,難客觀評估子宮大小與妊娠週 3. They have no chance to discuss her problem or feeling in her pregnancy. Any
數相符,懷孕週數,不知妊娠進展,胎兒康寧、胎式、先露 fear, anxiety or discomfort cannot be detect and treat promptly. They
及銜接情況。 cannot receive professional care, educaton and treatment.
c. 沒有機會向醫護人員表達其在懷孕期間的感受:例如焦慮 4. Problems and complicatons can be detected in antenatal blood, history
或不適之時,沒有能得到醫護給予解釋、指導或治療。 taking, blood pressure and urine checking. We cannot assess and detect any
d. 不能及早診斷及治療可能危及母嬰生命及健康的疾病:沒 complicatons arise during the course of pregnancy if no antenatal follow up
有透過問病歷、量血壓、小便及血液檢查或一些特別檢查而 at all.
得知。不能及早發及去除危害母胎的因素。包括:  If no antenatal blood available, we cannot know the blood group and
- 沒有產前血報告,不能評估孕婦的預知血型、血色素、RH Rhesus status of the women to prevent incompatbility problem. The
因子、風疹抗體值、梅毒反應、 愛滋病病毒抗體、乙型肝炎 rubella antbodies status, VDRL, HIV and hepatts status cannot be
抗原情況,不能確知孕婦有否貧血、感染等情況,從而未 assessed to reduce maternal-fetal transmission. The anemic and
能提供有關預防措施,如孕婦是血型肝炎帶菌者,嬰兒出 infecton status of the women cannot be revealed and more prone to
生後便不能盡早注射乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白,增加嬰兒受感 maternal and fetal complicatons.
染的風險。  Without appropriate history record, the potental congenital problems
- 沒有產科歷史、家族歷史或其他對懷孕影響的病史,不能 and obstetrical problems cannot be detected early and treat
提供適切其情況之護理,相對地增加危險因素。 accordingly. This increase risk in pregnancy and delivery.
- 沒有定期測檢血壓、小便蛋白及糖,不能及早發現妊娠期
 Without regular blood pressure and urine checking, gestatonal
糖尿病或先兆子,增加母胎的風險。 diabetes and preeclampsia cannot be detect early and increase risk to
- 沒有作結構性超聲波難發現胎兒先天性異常、缺損、是否
both mother and fetus.
 Without USG exam, congenital structural abnormality cannot be
- 無超聲波檢查,不能確定胎位及胎盆位置是否正常。
detected and Down’s syndrome cannot be ruled out. Fetal presentaton
- 無定期產前覆診,不能確定懷孕的過程中孕婦有否異常及
and positon cannot be monitored.


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